Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Regulations 2000
1 Before clause 25.1 of Schedule 10
Division 25.1 -- Product charge
2 Clause 25.3 of Schedule 10
Repeal the clause, substitute:
25.3 Rate of charge--marketing component
For the purposes of subclause 3(3) of Schedule 10 to the Customs Charges Act, the rate of charge for rubus, on or after 1 October 2023, is nil.
3 Clause 25.4 of Schedule 10
Omit "rubus is 10 cents", substitute "rubus, on or after 1 October 2023, is 2 cents".
4 At the end of Part 25 of Schedule 10
Division 25.2 -- Special purpose charges
(1) For the purposes of clause 2 of Schedule 14 to the Customs Charges Act, PHA charge is imposed on rubus on which charge is imposed by Schedule 10 to that Act.
(2) For the purposes of clause 5 of Schedule 14 to the Customs Charges Act, the rate of PHA charge on rubus is 2 cents per kilogram of fruit.
(3) For the purposes of clause 10 of Schedule 14 to the Customs Charges Act, PHA charge on rubus is payable by the producer of the rubus.
Note: The Plant Health Australia (Plant Industries) Funding Act 2002 deals with some of the effects of payment and collection of PHA charge.