New South Wales Bills

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                       New South Wales

Food Amendment Bill 2010


           1   Name of Act                                        2
           2   Commencement                                       2
  Schedule 1   Amendment of Food Act 2003 No 43                   3
  Schedule 2   Amendment of Food Regulation 2010                  8
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has
finally passed the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New
South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                     , 2010

                             New South Wales

Food Amendment Bill 2010
Act No      , 2010

An Act to amend the Food Act 2003 with respect to the display of nutritional
information by certain food businesses; and for other purposes.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                                   Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Food Amendment Bill 2010

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
               This Act is the Food Amendment Act 2010.
 2    Commencement
         (1)   This Act commences on the date of assent, except as provided by
               subsections (2) and (3).
         (2)   Schedule 2 (other than Schedule 2 [2]) commences on 1 February 2011.
         (3)   Schedule 2 [2] commences on 1 February 2012.

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Food Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Food Act 2003 No 43                                          Schedule 1

Schedule 1              Amendment of Food Act 2003 No 43
[1]    Section 43A
       Insert after section 43:
      43A    Powers of authorised officers and food safety auditors may be
             exercised concurrently
                    A person who is a food safety auditor and an authorised officer
                    and who is exercising the functions of a food safety auditor in
                    relation to any premises or food transport vehicle may also
                    exercise the functions of an authorised officer but only if the
                    person has first produced his or her certificate of authority issued
                    under section 115:
                     (a) to the proprietor of the food business that uses those
                           premises or food transport vehicle or to a person who is
                           apparently in charge of those premises or that vehicle, and
                    (b) to any person whom the authorised officer requires to
                           produce anything or to answer any question.
[2]    Section 99 Obstructing or impersonating food safety auditors
       Insert after section 99 (2):
              (3)   A person must not threaten, intimidate or assault a food safety
                    auditor in the exercise of the auditor's functions under this Act.
                    Maximum penalty: 500 penalty units.
[3]    Part 8 Regulation of food businesses
       Insert after Division 3:

       Division 4          Requirements relating to display of
                           nutritional information for food
      106K   Definitions
                    In this Division:
                    menu means a menu, in printed or electronic form, that lists or
                    otherwise shows one or more items of food and that:
                     (a) is on a board, poster, leaflet or the like at the premises from
                           which the item or items of food in the menu are sold, or
                    (b) is distributed or available outside of the premises from
                           which the item or items of food in the menu are sold by
                           means of the internet or a printed leaflet.

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               Food Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1         Amendment of Food Act 2003 No 43

                      ready-to-eat food means food that is in a state in which it is
                      ordinarily consumed, but does not include nuts in the shell or raw
                      fruit or vegetables that are intended to be hulled, peeled or
                      washed by the consumer.
                      sell means sell as defined in section 4 (1), but by retail only.
                      standard food item--see section 106L.
                      standard food outlet--see section 106M.
    106L     Meaning of "standard food item"
             (1)      In this Division, standard food item means an item of
                      ready-to-eat food for sale that is sold in servings that are
                      standardised for portion and content and that:
                       (a) is listed or otherwise shown on a menu, or
                      (b) is displayed for sale with a price tag or label or an
                             identifying tag or label,
                      and includes any item of ready-to-eat food for sale that is of a
                      kind, class or description prescribed by the regulations.
             (2)      If a number of standard food items are shown or displayed for
                      sale as referred to in subsection (1) as a combination, the
                      combination is to be treated for the purposes of this Division as a
                      single standard food item.
             (3)      If an item of food referred to in subsection (1) is shown or
                      displayed for sale in different standard sizes or portions (for
                      example, small, medium or large), each standard size or portion
                      of the item of food is to be treated as a separate standard food
             (4)      Despite subsection (1), standard food item does not include an
                      item of food that is packaged in a way that is prescribed by the
                      regulations as prepackaged.
   106M      Meaning of "standard food outlet"
             (1)      In this Division, a standard food outlet means premises at which
                      standard food items are sold by a food business if:
                       (a) the food business sells standard food items at other
                             premises or while operating in a chain of food businesses
                             that sell standard food items, and
                      (b) at least one of the standard food items that are sold at the
                             premises has been standardised for portion and content so
                             as to be substantially the same as standard food items of
                             that type sold at those other premises or by the other food
                             businesses in the chain.

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Food Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Food Act 2003 No 43                                       Schedule 1

            (2)   For the purposes of this section, a food business is operating in a
                  chain of food businesses that sell standard food items if:
                  (a) it is operating as one of a group of food businesses that sell
                        standard food items under franchise arrangements with a
                        parent business or under common ownership or control, or
                  (b) it sells standard food items under the same trading name as
                        a group of other food businesses that sell standard food
    106N    Requirement for certain standard food outlets to display
            nutritional information
            (1)   This section applies to a standard food outlet that is of a kind,
                  class or description prescribed by the regulations.
            (2)   The proprietor of a standard food outlet to which this section
                  applies must ensure that:
                  (a) nutritional information of a kind prescribed by the
                        regulations is displayed in relation to standard food items
                        that are sold at the outlet, and
                  (b) the nutritional information is determined in accordance
                        with any requirements of the regulations for nutritional
                        information of that kind, and
                  (c) the nutritional information is displayed in the manner and
                        locations prescribed by the regulations for nutritional
                        information of that kind.
            (3)   A person must not intentionally contravene subsection (2).
                  Maximum penalty: 500 penalty units in the case of an individual
                  and 2,500 penalty units in the case of a corporation.
            (4)   A person must not contravene subsection (2).
                  Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units in the case of an individual
                  and 500 penalty units in the case of a corporation.
            (5)   If, on the trial of a person charged with an offence against
                  subsection (3) the court is not satisfied that the person committed
                  the offence but is satisfied that the person committed an offence
                  against subsection (4), the court may find the person not guilty of
                  the offence charged but guilty of an offence against
                  subsection (4), and the person is liable to punishment

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                Food Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1         Amendment of Food Act 2003 No 43

    106O     Voluntary display of nutritional information to meet certain
             (1)      This section applies to a standard food outlet other than a
                      standard food outlet to which section 106N applies.
             (2)      The proprietor of a standard food outlet to which this section
                      applies must not display nutritional information of a kind
                      prescribed by the regulations in relation to standard food items
                      that are sold at the outlet unless the nutritional information:
                       (a) is determined in accordance with any requirements of the
                             regulations for nutritional information of that kind, and
                      (b) is displayed in the manner and locations prescribed by the
                             regulations for nutritional information of that kind.
                      Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units in the case of an individual
                      and 500 penalty units in the case of a corporation.
    106P     Regulations relating to explanatory material about nutritional
                      The regulations may make provision for or with respect to
                      regulating or prohibiting the display or distribution by a standard
                      food outlet of explanatory material or any other material about
                      nutritional information for food or for any type or class of food.
    106Q     Exemptions from operation of Division
             (1)      The regulations may exempt, with or without conditions, any
                      class of persons, food businesses, premises, food or activities
                      from the operation of all or any of the provisions of this Division.
             (2)      Any such exemption has no effect during any period in which a
                      condition to which it is subject is not complied with.
    106R     Review of Division and regulations under the Division
             (1)      The Minister is to review this Division and any regulations made
                      under this Division to determine whether:
                      (a) the policy objectives of this Division and those regulations
                            remain valid, and
                      (b) the terms of this Division and those regulations remain
                            appropriate for securing those objectives, and
                      (c) the terms of this Division or those regulations, or both,
                            should be amended so that the nutritional information to be
                            displayed includes information relating to fat and salt.

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Food Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Food Act 2003 No 43                                          Schedule 1

             (2)    The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after 1
                    February 2012.
             (3)    A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each
                    House of Parliament within 12 months after that date.
[4]   Section 119 Time for instituting proceedings
      Omit section 119 (1). Insert instead:
             (1)    Proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations
                    may be instituted not later than 2 years after the date on which the
                    offence is alleged to have been committed.
[5]   Section 128 Certificate evidence and evidence of analysts
      Omit section 128 (3).
[6]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions
      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                    Food Amendment Act 2010
[7]   Schedule 2, Part 8
      Insert after Part 7:

      Part 8        Provisions consequent on enactment of
                    Food Amendment Act 2010
      25     Application of new offences relating to display of nutritional
             information by standard food outlets
                    A person does not commit an offence against section 106N or
                    106O until on or after 1 February 2012.

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                Food Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 2      Amendment of Food Regulation 2010

Schedule 2             Amendment of Food Regulation 2010
[1]   Part 2B
      Insert after Part 2A:

      Part 2B Requirements for display of nutritional
      16P    Definitions
                   In this Part, expressions defined for the purposes of Division 4 of
                   Part 8 of the Act have the same meanings as in that Division.
      16Q    Definition of "prepackaged food"
                   For the purposes of section 106L (4) of the Act, food is
                   prepackaged if the food:
                   (a) arrives at the premises from which it is sold in a container
                         or wrapper in or by which the food is wholly encased,
                         enclosed, contained or packaged (whether or not the food
                         is also in an outer container or wrapper that encases,
                         encloses, contains or packages multiple units of the food),
                   (b) is not removed from its container or wrapper (other than
                         any such outer container or wrapper) before its sale at
                         those premises.
      16R    Standard food outlets required to display nutritional information
                   The following standard food outlets are prescribed as standard
                   food outlets to which section 106N of the Act applies:
                    (a) a standard food outlet of a food business that sells standard
                         food items at 20 or more locations in New South Wales or
                         at 50 or more locations in Australia,
                   (b) a standard food outlet of a food business that is operating
                         in a chain of food businesses that sell standard food items
                         if together those businesses sell standard food items at 20
                         or more locations in New South Wales or at 50 or more
                         locations in Australia.

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Food Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Food Regulation 2010                                     Schedule 2

     16S    Kinds of nutritional information required to be displayed
            (1)   For the purposes of section 106N of the Act, the following kinds
                  of nutritional information are prescribed:
                  (a) the average energy content of each standard food item for
                         sale by the standard food outlet concerned expressed in
                  (b) the following statement:
                         The average adult daily energy intake is 8,700 kJ.
            (2)   The method of determining the nutritional information referred to
                  in subclause (1) (a) is to calculate the average energy content of
                  each standard food item in accordance with Standard 1.2.8 of the
                  Food Standards Code, making necessary adjustments to ensure
                  that the calculation is done in relation to the whole of the food
                  item rather than per 100g.
            (3)   The number of kilojoules calculated as referred to in
                  subclause (2) may be rounded to the nearest 10 kJ.
     16T    Kind of nutritional information voluntarily displayed that must
            comply with requirements
                  For the purposes of section 106O of the Act:
                  (a) the kind of nutritional information that is prescribed is the
                        energy content of any standard food item for sale at the
                        standard food outlet concerned, and
                  (b) that nutritional information is to be determined in
                        kilojoules and in accordance with the method referred to in
                        clause 16S (2) and (3).
     16U    Locations for display of nutritional information
            (1)   For the purposes of sections 106N and 106O of the Act, the
                  locations where nutritional information referred to in
                  clauses 16S (1) (a) and 16T (a) must be displayed in relation to a
                  standard food item are:
                   (a) on each menu on which the name or price of the standard
                         food item is displayed and on each price tag or label or
                         identifying tag or label for the item, and
                  (b) if there are drive-through facilities, on the drive-through
                         menu board that displays the name or price of the standard
                         food item or on a separate adjacent board visible at or
                         before the point of ordering, and

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               Food Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 2         Amendment of Food Regulation 2010

                      (c)   adjacent to or in close proximity to the name or price of the
                            standard food item so as to be clearly associated with the
             (2)      The locations where nutritional information referred to in
                      subclause (1) is displayed in relation to a standard food item are
                      to be consistent with the locations where such nutritional
                      information is displayed for all of the other standard food items
                      that are displayed with that standard food item.
             (3)      For the purposes of section 106N of the Act, the locations where
                      the statement referred to in clause 16S (1) (b) must be displayed
                       (a) in one location on each menu on which the name or price
                             of one or more standard food items is displayed and
                             adjacent to or in close proximity to the standard food item
                             or items so as to be clearly associated with the item or
                             items, and
                      (b) if there are drive-through facilities, in one location on the
                             drive-through menu board adjacent to or in close proximity
                             to the standard food item or items so as to be clearly
                             associated with the item or items, and
                       (c) in each area or display cabinet, or on each stand, where
                             standard food items with price tags or labels or identifying
                             tags or labels are displayed and adjacent to or in close
                             proximity to the item or items so as to be clearly associated
                             with the item or items and conspicuous to a person looking
                             at the item or items.
     16V     Manner of displaying nutritional information
             (1)      For the purposes of sections 106N and 106O of the Act, the
                      nutritional information referred to in clauses 16S (1) (a) and
                      16T (a) must:
                      (a) be clearly legible, and
                      (b) display the number of kilojoules in numerals and use the
                             abbreviation "kJ", and
                      (c) be in the same font, and at least the same font size, as the
                             price displayed for the standard food item concerned or, if
                             no price is displayed, as the name displayed for the item.
             (2)      For the purposes of section 106N of the Act, the statement
                      referred to in clause 16S (1) (b) must:
                       (a) be clearly legible, and

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Food Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Food Regulation 2010                                          Schedule 2

                   (b)     in a case where only one standard food item is displayed
                           on a menu, be in the same font, and at least the same font
                           size, as the name of the item displayed or, if no name is
                           displayed, as the price displayed for the item, and
                   (c)     in a case where a number of standard food items are listed
                           or displayed on a menu, be in the same font, and at least the
                           same font size, as the name of the standard food item with
                           the largest font size listed or displayed or, if no names are
                           listed or displayed, as the price of the standard food item
                           with the largest font size listed or displayed, and
                   (d)     in the case of a standard food item or items displayed with
                           a price tag or label or identifying tag or label in any area,
                           display cabinet or stand, be in at least the same font size as
                           the largest font size on the tags or labels for the standard
                           food item or items in the area, display cabinet or stand.
    16W     Exemptions
            (1)   The following food businesses are exempt from the operation of
                  section 106N of the Act:
                  (a) convenience stores,
                  (b) service stations selling petrol or other fuel for motor
                  (c) food businesses that primarily provide food catering
                  (d) food businesses that only sell food that is intended to be
                        consumed on the premises at which it is sold.
            (2)   Food sold by retail at a health care facility is exempt from the
                  operation of section 106N of the Act.

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               Food Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 2     Amendment of Food Regulation 2010

[2]   Schedule 2 Penalty notices
      Insert in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 in appropriate order of
      section number:

      Section 106N (3)                      $880               $1760
      Section 106N (4)                      $330               $660
      Section 106O (2)                      $330               $660

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