New South Wales Bills

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                                 New South Wales

Inspector of Custodial Services Bill


Part 1         Preliminary
                   1   Name of Act                                                2
                   2   Commencement                                               2
                   3   Definitions                                                2

Part 2         Inspector of Custodial Services
               Division 1        Appointment and staff of Inspector of
                                 Custodial Services
                   4   Inspector of Custodial Services                            4
                   5   Staff of Inspector                                         4

               Division 2        Functions and powers of Inspector of
                                 Custodial Services
                   6   Principal functions of Inspector                           5
                   7   Powers of Inspector                                        5

Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012


                8    Incidental powers                                            6

              Division 3        Relationship of Inspector with other agencies
                9    Relationship with Corrective Services NSW, Juvenile
                     Justice and Justice and Forensic Mental Health Network       6
               10    Relationship with Ombudsman                                  6
               11    Relationship with ICAC                                       7

              Division 4        Reports by Inspector
               12    Annual reports to Parliament                                 7
               13    Other reports to be provided to Parliament                   8
               14    Furnishing of draft reports to Minister and others           8
               15    Public interest considerations                               8
               16    Provisions relating to reports to Parliament                 9

Part 3        Parliamentary Joint Committee
               17    Oversight of functions of Joint Committee                   11
               18    Power to veto proposed appointment of Inspector             11

Part 4        Miscellaneous
               19    Obstruction of Inspector                                    13
               20    Protection of complainant against retribution               13
               21    Exercise of functions in other jurisdictions                14
               22    Protection from liability                                   14
               23    Delegation                                                  14
               24    Nature of proceedings for offences                          14
               25    Disclosure of information                                   14
               26    Sharing of information with Ombudsman                       15
               27    Regulations                                                 15
               28    Review of Act                                               15

Schedule 1           Provisions relating to Inspector                            17
Schedule 2           Savings, transitional and other provisions                  20
Schedule 3           Amendment of Acts and regulations                           21

Contents page 2
                             New South Wales

Inspector of Custodial Services Bill
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to provide for an Inspector of Custodial Services; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                   1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                                   2

  1      Name of Act                                                                         3

               This Act is the Inspector of Custodial Services Act 2012.                     4

  2      Commencement                                                                        5

               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.          6

  3      Definitions                                                                         7

         (1)   In this Act:                                                                  8
               Corrective Services NSW means that part of the Department                     9
               comprising the group of staff who are principally involved in the            10
               administration of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999.         11
               custodial centre means the following:                                        12
                (a) a correctional centre (including a juvenile correctional centre, a      13
                      managed correctional centre and a periodic detention centre),         14
               (b) a residential facility,                                                  15
                (c) a transitional centre,                                                  16
               (d) a juvenile justice centre,                                               17
               but does not include any police station or court cell complex that is not    18
               managed by Corrective Services NSW or Juvenile Justice.                      19
               custodial centre staff member means any person employed or engaged           20
               to provide custodial services (whether they are employed or engaged at       21
               a custodial centre or elsewhere).                                            22
               custodial service means the following:                                       23
                (a) the management, direction, control or security of a custodial           24
                      centre,                                                               25
               (b) the security, management, control, safety, care or welfare               26
                      (including health care) of persons in custody, detained or residing   27
                      at a custodial centre,                                                28
                (c) the transport of persons in custody or otherwise detained to or         29
                      from a custodial centre by or on behalf of Corrective Services        30
                      NSW or Juvenile Justice,                                              31
               but does not include any function of, or service provided by, the NSW        32
               Police Force, the Serious Offenders Review Council, the Serious Young        33
               Offenders Review Panel or the State Parole Authority.                        34
               Department means the Department of Attorney General and Justice.             35

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012                                Clause 3

Preliminary                                                              Part 1

              function includes a power, authority or duty, and exercise a function       1
              includes perform a duty.                                                    2
              Inspector means the Inspector of Custodial Services, appointed under        3
              this Act.                                                                   4
              Joint Committee means the joint committee called the Committee on           5
              the Office of the Ombudsman and the Police Integrity Commission             6
              constituted under the Ombudsman Act 1974.                                   7
              Juvenile Justice means that part of the Department comprising the           8
              group of staff who are principally involved in the administration of the    9
              following Acts:                                                            10
               (a) the Children (Community Service Orders) Act 1987,                     11
              (b) the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987,                             12
               (c) the Children (Interstate Transfer of Offenders) Act 1988,             13
              and includes the group of staff within the Department who are known        14
              as the Juvenile Justice Branch.                                            15
              juvenile justice centre means a detention centre within the meaning of     16
              the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987.                                 17
              member of staff of the Inspector means a person employed or engaged        18
              under section 5.                                                           19
              Official Visitor means an Official Visitor within the meaning of the       20
              Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 or the Children              21
              (Detention Centres) Act 1987.                                              22

       (2)    The following terms used in this Act have the same meanings as in the      23
              Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999, except in so far as they    24
              are defined differently in this Act or the context or subject-matter       25
              otherwise indicates or requires:                                           26
              (a) correctional centre,                                                   27
              (b) juvenile correctional centre,                                          28
              (c) managed correctional centre,                                           29
              (d) periodic detention centre,                                             30
              (e) residential facility,                                                  31
               (f) Serious Offenders Review Council,                                     32
              (g) State Parole Authority,                                                33
              (h) transitional centre.                                                   34

       (3)    Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.                   35

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Clause 4          Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Part 2            Inspector of Custodial Services

Part 2         Inspector of Custodial Services                                              1

Division 1           Appointment and staff of Inspector of Custodial                        2
                     Services                                                               3

  4      Inspector of Custodial Services                                                    4

         (1)   The Governor may appoint an Inspector of Custodial Services.                 5

         (2)   A person is not to be appointed as Inspector until:                          6
               (a) a proposal that the person be so appointed has been referred to the      7
                     Joint Committee under section 18, and                                  8
               (b) the period that the Committee has under that section to veto the         9
                     proposed appointment has ended without the Committee having           10
                     vetoed the proposed appointment or the Committee notifies the         11
                     Minister that it has decided not to veto the proposed appointment.    12

         (3)   A person may be proposed for appointment on more than one occasion.         13

         (4)   In this section, appointment includes re-appointment.                       14

         (5)   Schedule 1 contains provisions relating to the Inspector.                   15

  5      Staff of Inspector                                                                16

         (1)   Staff may be employed under Chapter 1A of the Public Sector                 17
               Employment and Management Act 2002 to assist the Inspector.                 18

         (2)   The Inspector may engage persons as consultants to the Inspector or to      19
               perform services for the Inspector.                                         20

         (3)   The Inspector may arrange for the use of the services of:                   21
               (a) any staff or facilities of a Division of the Government Service or      22
                     a local or public authority, or                                       23
               (b) any staff who are employed by or for or assigned to the person          24
                     who is the Inspector, in his or her capacity as the holder of some    25
                     other position (for example, as a Judge).                             26

         (4)   The Division Head of a Division in which staff of the Inspector are         27
               employed may delegate to the Inspector or a member of staff of the          28
               Inspector any of the Division Head's functions under the Public Sector      29
               Employment and Management Act 2002 with respect to those staff              30
               (other than this power of delegation).                                      31

         (5)   Such provisions of this Act as are prescribed by the regulations apply to   32
               persons referred to in subsections (1)-(4) in the same way as they apply    33
               to staff of the Inspector, with any necessary adaptations and with such     34
               modifications as are prescribed.                                            35

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012                                   Clause 6

Inspector of Custodial Services                                             Part 2

Division 2           Functions and powers of Inspector of Custodial                           1
                     Services                                                                 2

  6    Principal functions of Inspector                                                       3

       (1)    The principal functions of the Inspector are as follows:                        4
              (a) to inspect each custodial centre (other than juvenile justice               5
                    centres and juvenile correctional centres) at least once every            6
                    5 years,                                                                  7
              (b) to inspect each juvenile justice centre and juvenile correctional           8
                    centre at least once every 3 years,                                       9
              (c) to examine and review any custodial service at any time,                   10
              (d) to report to Parliament on each such inspection, examination or            11
                    review,                                                                  12
              (e) to report to Parliament on any particular issue or general matter          13
                    relating to the functions of the Inspector if, in the Inspector's        14
                    opinion, it is in the interest of any person or in the public interest   15
                    to do so,                                                                16
              (f) to report to Parliament on any particular issue or general matter          17
                    relating to the functions of the Inspector if requested to do so by      18
                    the Minister,                                                            19
              (g) to include in any report such advice or recommendations as the             20
                    Inspector      thinks     appropriate     (including    advice      or   21
                    recommendations relating to the efficiency, economy and proper           22
                    administration of custodial centres and custodial services),             23
              (h) to oversee Official Visitor programs conducted under the Crimes            24
                    (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 and the Children                  25
                    (Detention Centres) Act 1987,                                            26
               (i) to advise, train and assist Official Visitors in the exercise of the      27
                    functions conferred or imposed on them under those Acts,                 28
               (j) such other functions as may be conferred or imposed on the                29
                    Inspector under this or any other Act.                                   30

       (2)    The functions of the Inspector may be exercised on the Inspector's own         31
              initiative, at the request of the Minister or in response to a reference by    32
              the Joint Committee or any public authority or public official.                33

  7    Powers of Inspector                                                                   34

              The Inspector in the exercise of the Inspector's functions:                    35
              (a) is entitled to full access to the records of any custodial centre          36
                    (including health records) and may make copies of, or take               37

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Clause 8          Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Part 2               Inspector of Custodial Services

                        extracts from, those records and may remove and retain those         1
                        copies or extracts, and                                              2
               (b)      may visit and examine any custodial centre at any time the           3
                        Inspector thinks fit, and                                            4
               (c)      may require custodial centre staff members to supply information     5
                        or produce documents or other things relating to any matter, or      6
                        any class or kind of matters, concerning a custodial centre's        7
                        operations, and                                                      8
               (d)      may require custodial centre staff members to attend before the      9
                        Inspector to answer questions or produce documents or other         10
                        things relating to a custodial centre's operations, and             11
               (e)      may refer matters relating to a custodial centre to other           12
                        appropriate agencies for consideration or action, and               13
               (f)      is entitled to be given access to persons in custody, detained or   14
                        residing at any custodial centre for the purpose of communicating   15
                        with them.                                                          16

  8      Incidental powers                                                                  17

               The Inspector has power to do all things necessary to be done for or in      18
               connection with, or reasonably incidental to, the exercise of the            19
               Inspector's functions. Any specific powers conferred on the Inspector        20
               by this Act are not taken to limit by implication the generality of this     21
               section.                                                                     22

Division 3              Relationship of Inspector with other agencies                       23

  9      Relationship with Corrective Services NSW, Juvenile Justice and Justice            24
         and Forensic Mental Health Network                                                 25

         (1)   The Inspector and the Director-General of the Department may enter           26
               into arrangements regarding the exercise of the Inspector's functions in     27
               relation to Corrective Services NSW and Juvenile Justice.                    28

         (2)   The Inspector and the Chief Executive of the Justice and Forensic            29
               Mental Health Network may enter into arrangements regarding the              30
               exercise of the Inspector's functions in relation to that Network.           31

10       Relationship with Ombudsman                                                        32

         (1)   The Inspector and the Ombudsman may enter into arrangements                  33
               regarding:                                                                   34
                (a) matters the subject of a complaint, inquiry, investigation or other     35
                     action under the Ombudsman Act 1974 about which the                    36
                     Ombudsman will notify the Inspector, and                               37

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012                                 Clause 11

Inspector of Custodial Services                                           Part 2

              (b)    matters about which the Inspector will notify the Ombudsman            1
                     that could be made the subject of such a complaint, inquiry,           2
                     investigation or other action, and                                     3
              (c)    the handling of reviews, inspections, investigations or other          4
                     matters by the Inspector that could be dealt with by the               5
                     Ombudsman under that Act.                                              6

       (2)    The Inspector and the Ombudsman are empowered and required to                 7
              exercise their functions in conformity with any relevant arrangements         8
              entered into under this section.                                              9

11     Relationship with ICAC                                                              10

       (1)    The Inspector has the same duty to report to the Independent                 11
              Commission Against Corruption (the ICAC) any matter that the                 12
              Inspector suspects on reasonable grounds concerns or may concern             13
              corrupt conduct as the principal officer of a public authority has under     14
              section 11 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act              15
              1988.                                                                        16

       (2)    The Inspector must not exercise functions in relation to any such matter     17
              unless authorised to do so by arrangements entered into under this           18
              section.                                                                     19

       (3)    The Inspector and the ICAC may enter into arrangements regarding:            20
              (a) matters about which the ICAC will notify the Inspector where the         21
                    ICAC suspects misconduct of a custodial centre staff member            22
                    exists, and                                                            23
              (b) the handling of matters by the Inspector that may involve                24
                    misconduct of a custodial centre staff member and that could be        25
                    dealt with by the ICAC under that Act.                                 26

       (4)    The Inspector and the ICAC are empowered and required to exercise            27
              their functions in conformity with any relevant arrangements entered         28
              into under this section.                                                     29

Division 4           Reports by Inspector                                                  30

12     Annual reports to Parliament                                                        31

       (1)    The Inspector is required to make, within the period of 4 months after       32
              30 June in each year, a report to Parliament of the Inspector's operations   33
              during the year ended on that 30 June.                                       34

       (2)    A report by the Inspector under this section must include the following:     35
              (a) a description of the Inspector's activities during that year in          36
                    relation to each of the Inspector's principal functions,               37

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Clause 13         Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Part 2            Inspector of Custodial Services

               (b)   an evaluation of the response of relevant authorities to the           1
                     recommendations of the Inspector,                                      2
               (c)   any recommendations for changes in the laws of the State, or for       3
                     administrative action, that the Inspector considers should be          4
                     made as a result of the exercise of the Inspector's functions.         5

13       Other reports to be provided to Parliament                                         6

               Any report to Parliament made by the Inspector under this Act is to be       7
               made by furnishing the report to the Presiding Officer of each House of      8
               Parliament.                                                                  9

14       Furnishing of draft reports to Minister and others                                10

         (1)   The Inspector is to provide the Minister with a draft of each report to     11
               Parliament to be made by the Inspector under this Act and give the          12
               Minister a reasonable opportunity to make submissions, either orally or     13
               in writing, in relation to the draft report.                                14

         (2)   The Inspector must not make a report to Parliament under this Act that      15
               sets out an opinion that is, either expressly or impliedly, critical of a   16
               Division of the Government Service (other than an opinion critical of       17
               Corrective Services NSW or Juvenile Justice) or any person unless the       18
               Inspector has afforded the following persons the opportunity to make        19
               submissions, either orally or in writing, in relation to the matter:        20
                (a) if the opinion relates to a Division of the Government Service--       21
                     the Division Head,                                                    22
               (b) if the opinion relates to another person--the person.                   23

         (3)   The Inspector is not bound to amend a report in light of any submissions    24
               made by the Minister, a Division Head or other person, but must:            25
               (a) before finalising a report, consider any such submissions before        26
                     the report is furnished to the Presiding Officers, and                27
               (b) include in the report a statement that the Minister, the Division       28
                     Head or other person concerned has made submissions in relation       29
                     to the Inspector's draft report.                                      30

15       Public interest considerations                                                    31

         (1)   The Inspector must not disclose information in a report to Parliament if    32
               there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the            33
               information.                                                                34

         (2)   There is an overriding public interest against disclosure of information    35
               for the purposes of this Act if (and only if) there are public interest     36
               considerations against disclosure and, on balance, those considerations     37
               outweigh the public interest considerations in favour of disclosure.        38

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012                                   Clause 16

Inspector of Custodial Services                                             Part 2

       (3)    There are public interest considerations against disclosure of                  1
              information for the purposes of this Act if disclosure of the information       2
              could reasonably be expected to have one or more of the following               3
              effects (whether in a particular case or generally):                            4
               (a) prejudice the supervision of, or facilitate the escape of, any             5
                     person in lawful custody or detention,                                   6
              (b) prejudice the security, discipline or good order of any custodial           7
                     centre,                                                                  8
               (c) prejudice national security (within the meaning of the National            9
                     Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Act 2004          10
                     of the Commonwealth),                                                   11
              (d) reveal or tend to reveal the identity of an informant or prejudice         12
                     the future supply of information from an informant,                     13
               (e) identify or allow the identification of a person who is or was            14
                     detained at a juvenile justice centre or in custody in a juvenile       15
                     correctional centre,                                                    16
               (f) endanger, or prejudice any system or procedure for protecting,            17
                     the life, health or safety of any person who is in custody, detained    18
                     or residing at a custodial centre (including but not limited to         19
                     systems or procedures to protect witnesses and other persons who        20
                     may be separated from other persons at the centre for their             21
                     safety),                                                                22
              (g) identify or allow the identification of a custodial centre staff           23
                     member or endanger, or prejudice any system or procedure for            24
                     protecting, the life, health or safety of such a staff member.          25

       (4)    A determination as to whether there is an overriding public interest           26
              against disclosure of information is to be made in accordance with the         27
              following principles:                                                          28
               (a) The fact that disclosure of information might cause                       29
                    embarrassment to, or a loss of confidence in, the Government is          30
                    irrelevant and must not be taken into account.                           31
              (b) The fact that disclosure of information might be misinterpreted or         32
                    misunderstood by any person is irrelevant and must not be taken          33
                    into account.                                                            34

16     Provisions relating to reports to Parliament                                          35

       (1)    A copy of a report furnished to the Presiding Officer of a House of            36
              Parliament under this Part is to be laid before that House within              37
              15 sitting days of that House after it is received by the Presiding Officer.   38

       (2)    The Inspector may include in a report a recommendation that the report         39
              be made public immediately.                                                    40

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Clause 16         Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Part 2            Inspector of Custodial Services

         (3)   If a report includes a recommendation by the Inspector that the report    1
               be made public immediately, a Presiding Officer of a House of             2
               Parliament may make it public whether or not that House is in session     3
               and whether or not the report has been laid before that House.            4

         (4)   If such a report is made public by a Presiding Officer of a House of      5
               Parliament before it is laid before that House, it attracts the same      6
               privileges and immunities as if it had been laid before that House.       7

         (5)   A Presiding Officer need not inquire whether all or any conditions        8
               precedent have been satisfied as regards a report purporting to have      9
               been made and furnished in accordance with this Act.                     10

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012                                   Clause 17

Parliamentary Joint Committee                                               Part 3

Part 3        Parliamentary Joint Committee                                                    1

17     Oversight of functions of Joint Committee                                               2

       (1)    The Joint Committee has the following functions under this Act:                  3
              (a) to monitor and to review the exercise by the Inspector of the                4
                    Inspector's functions,                                                     5
              (b) to report to both Houses of Parliament, with such comments as it             6
                    thinks fit, on any matter appertaining to the Inspector or                 7
                    connected with the exercise of the Inspector's functions to which,         8
                    in the opinion of the Joint Committee, the attention of Parliament         9
                    should be directed,                                                       10
              (c) to examine each annual and other report to Parliament of the                11
                    Inspector and report to both Houses of Parliament on any matter           12
                    appearing in, or arising out of, any such report,                         13
              (d) to report to both Houses of Parliament any change which the Joint           14
                    Committee thinks desirable to the functions, structures and               15
                    procedures of the Inspector,                                              16
              (e) to inquire into any question in connection with the Inspector's             17
                    functions which is referred to it by both Houses of Parliament,           18
                    and report to both Houses on that question.                               19

       (2)    Nothing in this Part authorises the Joint Committee:                            20
              (a) to investigate a matter relating to particular conduct, or                  21
              (b) to reconsider a decision to investigate, not to investigate or to           22
                    discontinue investigation of a particular complaint, or                   23
              (c) to reconsider the findings, recommendations, determinations or              24
                    other decisions of the Inspector in relation to a particular              25
                    investigation or complaint in relation to any particular conduct          26
                    the subject of a report.                                                  27

       (3)    The functions of the Joint Committee may be exercised in respect of             28
              matters occurring before or after the commencement of this section.             29

18     Power to veto proposed appointment of Inspector                                        30

       (1)    The Minister is to refer a proposal to appoint a person as Inspector to the     31
              Joint Committee and the Committee is empowered to veto the proposed             32
              appointment as provided by this section. The Minister may withdraw a            33
              referral at any time.                                                           34

       (2)    The Joint Committee has 14 days after the proposed appointment is               35
              referred to it to veto the proposal and has a further 30 days (after the        36
              initial 14 days) to veto the proposal if it notifies the Minister within that   37
              14 days that it requires more time to consider the matter.                      38

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Clause 18         Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Part 3            Parliamentary Joint Committee

         (3)   The Joint Committee is to notify the Minister, within the time that it has   1
               to veto a proposed appointment, whether or not it vetoes it.                 2

         (4)   A referral or notification under this section is to be in writing.           3

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012                                  Clause 19

Miscellaneous                                                              Part 4

Part 4        Miscellaneous                                                                  1

19     Obstruction of Inspector                                                              2

              A person must not:                                                             3
              (a) without reasonable excuse, wilfully obstruct, hinder, resist or            4
                    threaten the Inspector or a member of staff of the Inspector in the      5
                    exercise of functions under this Act, or                                 6
              (b) without reasonable excuse, refuse or wilfully fail to comply with          7
                    any lawful requirement of the Inspector or a member of staff of          8
                    the Inspector, or                                                        9
              (c) wilfully make any false statement to or mislead, or attempt to            10
                    mislead, the Inspector or a member of staff of the Inspector in the     11
                    exercise of functions under this Act.                                   12
              Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months, or           13
              both.                                                                         14

20     Protection of complainant against retribution                                        15

       (1)    A person must not take or threaten to take detrimental action against         16
              another person because that other person or any other person provides,        17
              or proposes to provide, information, documents or evidence to the             18
              Inspector or a member of staff of the Inspector in the exercise of            19
              functions under this Act.                                                     20
              Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months, or           21
              both.                                                                         22

       (2)    It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under this section if it is   23
              proved:                                                                       24
               (a) that the provision, or proposed provision, of information,               25
                      documents or evidence referred to in subsection (1) on which the      26
                      prosecution was based was made or proposed in bad faith, or           27
              (b) that any material allegation concerned was known by the person            28
                      making it to be false.                                                29

       (3)    In this section, detrimental action means action causing, comprising or       30
              involving any of the following:                                               31
               (a) injury, damage or loss,                                                  32
              (b) intimidation or harassment,                                               33
               (c) discrimination, disadvantage or adverse treatment in relation to         34
                     employment,                                                            35
              (d) dismissal from, or prejudice in, employment,                              36
               (e) disciplinary proceedings.                                                37

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Clause 21         Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Part 4            Miscellaneous

21       Exercise of functions in other jurisdictions                                      1
         (1)   The Minister may enter into an arrangement with a Minister of another       2
               State or Territory providing for the exercise, in the other State or        3
               Territory, of functions conferred on or delegated to the Inspector or a     4
               member of staff of the Inspector under the law of the other State or        5
               Territory.                                                                  6

         (2)   The Inspector or member of staff, in the other State or Territory, may,     7
               in accordance with any such arrangement, exercise functions under the       8
               law of the other State or Territory.                                        9

22       Protection from liability                                                        10

               A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by the Inspector, a member    11
               of staff of the Inspector or a person acting under the direction of the    12
               Inspector does not, if the matter or thing was done or omitted in good     13
               faith for the purpose of executing this or any other Act, subject the      14
               Inspector, staff member or person so acting personally to any action,      15
               liability, claim or demand.                                                16

23       Delegation                                                                       17

               The Inspector may delegate the exercise of any function of the Inspector   18
               under this Act (other than this power of delegation) to:                   19
               (a) any member of staff of the Inspector, or                               20
               (b) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the purposes       21
                     of this section by the regulations.                                  22

24       Nature of proceedings for offences                                               23

               Proceedings for an offence under this Act or the regulations may be        24
               dealt with summarily before the Local Court.                               25

25       Disclosure of information                                                        26

               A person must not disclose any information obtained in connection with     27
               the administration or execution of this Act (or any other Act conferring   28
               or imposing functions on the Inspector) unless that disclosure is made:    29
                (a) with the consent of the person from whom the information was          30
                     obtained, or                                                         31
               (b) in connection with the administration or execution of this Act (or     32
                     any such other Act), or                                              33
                (c) for the purposes of any legal proceedings arising out of this Act     34
                     (or any such other Act) or of any report of any such proceedings,    35
                     or                                                                   36

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012                                 Clause 26

Miscellaneous                                                             Part 4

                (d)in accordance with a requirement imposed under the Ombudsman             1
                   Act 1974, or                                                             2
              (e) with other lawful excuse.                                                 3
              Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.                                            4

26     Sharing of information with Ombudsman                                                5

       (1)    The Inspector may, at any time, furnish to the Ombudsman information          6
              obtained by the Inspector in discharging functions under this or any          7
              other Act if the Inspector is of the opinion that the information relates     8
              to conduct that could be the subject of a complaint under the                 9
              Ombudsman Act 1974.                                                          10

       (2)    The Ombudsman may at any time furnish to the Inspector information           11
              obtained by the Ombudsman in discharging functions under the                 12
              Ombudsman Act 1974 or any other Act if the Ombudsman is of the               13
              opinion that the information relates to a custodial centre or a custodial    14
              service that could be the subject of the exercise of the functions of the    15
              Inspector.                                                                   16

       (3)    However:                                                                     17
              (a) the Inspector must not disclose information that could not               18
                  otherwise be disclosed under this Act or could not be obtained by        19
                  the Ombudsman under the Ombudsman Act 1974 or any other                  20
                  Act, and                                                                 21
              (b) the Ombudsman must not disclose information that could not               22
                  otherwise be disclosed under the Ombudsman Act 1974 or could             23
                  not be obtained by the Inspector under this or any other Act.            24

27     Regulations                                                                         25

       (1)    The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for       26
              or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to   27
              be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for        28
              carrying out or giving effect to this Act.                                   29

       (2)    A regulation may create an offence punishable by a penalty not               30
              exceeding 100 penalty units.                                                 31

28     Review of Act                                                                       32

       (1)    The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy           33
              objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act          34
              remain appropriate for securing those objectives.                            35

       (2)    The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of       36
              5 years from the date of commencement of this Act.                           37

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Clause 28         Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Part 4            Miscellaneous

         (3)   A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of   1
               Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.      2

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Provisions relating to Inspector                                         Schedule 1

Schedule 1               Provisions relating to Inspector                                  1

  1    Eligibility for appointment                                                         2

              The following persons are not eligible to be appointed as Inspector or to    3
              act in that office:                                                          4
              (a) a person who is a member of the Legislative Council or of the            5
                     Legislative Assembly or is a member of a House of Parliament or       6
                     legislature of another State or Territory or of the Commonwealth,     7
              (b) a person who is, or has been within the previous 3 years,                8
                     employed as a custodial centre staff member,                          9
              (c) a person who is to any extent responsible for the management of,        10
                     or who is employed at or in connection with, a custodial centre,     11
              (d) a person who has, or who has had, any interest in an agreement          12
                     under Part 12 (Engagement of contractors) of the Crimes              13
                     (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999.                              14

  2    Acting Inspector                                                                   15

       (1)    The Governor may, from time to time, appoint a person to act in the         16
              office of Inspector during the illness or absence of the Inspector. The     17
              person, while so acting, has all the functions of the Inspector and is      18
              taken to be the Inspector.                                                  19

       (2)    The Governor may, at any time, remove a person from the office to           20
              which the person was appointed under this clause.                           21

       (3)    A person while acting under this clause is entitled to be paid such         22
              remuneration (including travelling and subsistence allowances) as the       23
              Governor may from time to time determine.                                   24

       (4)    For the purposes of this clause, a vacancy in the office of Inspector is    25
              taken to be an absence from the office of Inspector.                        26

  3    Basis of office                                                                    27

       (1)    The office of Inspector may be a full-time or part-time office, according   28
              to the terms of appointment.                                                29

       (2)    The holder of a full-time office referred to in subclause (1) is required   30
              to hold it on that basis, except to the extent permitted by the Governor.   31

  4    Terms of office                                                                    32

       (1)    Subject to this Schedule, the Inspector holds office for such term not      33
              exceeding 5 years as may be specified in the instrument of appointment,     34
              but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.                35

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                Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Schedule 1      Provisions relating to Inspector

      (2)    A person may not hold the office of Inspector for terms totalling more       1
             than 10 years.                                                               2

 5    Remuneration                                                                        3

             The Inspector is entitled to be paid:                                        4
             (a) remuneration in accordance with the Statutory and Other Offices          5
                   Remuneration Act 1975, and                                             6
             (b) such travelling and subsistence allowances as the Minister may           7
                   from time to time determine.                                           8

 6    Vacancy in office                                                                   9

      (1)    The office of Inspector becomes vacant if the holder:                       10
             (a) dies, or                                                                11
             (b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or                  12
             (c) holds office for longer than the relevant term mentioned in             13
                   clause 4, or                                                          14
             (d) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the            15
                   Governor, or                                                          16
             (e) is nominated for election as a member of the Legislative Council        17
                   or of the Legislative Assembly or as a member of a House of           18
                   Parliament or a legislature of another State or Territory or of the   19
                   Commonwealth, or                                                      20
             (f) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the        21
                   relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her    22
                   creditors or makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for       23
                   their benefit, or                                                     24
             (g) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or                             25
             (h) is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is punishable        26
                   by imprisonment for 12 months or more or is convicted                 27
                   elsewhere than in New South Wales of an offence that, if              28
                   committed in New South Wales, would be an offence so                  29
                   punishable, or                                                        30
              (i) ceases to be eligible for appointment as Inspector under clause 1,     31
                   or                                                                    32
              (j) is removed from office under subclause (2).                            33

      (2)    The Governor may remove an Inspector from office for incapacity,            34
             incompetence, misbehaviour or unsatisfactory performance.                   35

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Provisions relating to Inspector                                            Schedule 1

  7    Filling of vacancy                                                                     1
              If the office of Inspector becomes vacant, a person is, subject to this Act,    2
              to be appointed to fill the vacancy.                                            3

  8    Effect of certain other Acts                                                           4

       (1)    The Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 does not                   5
              apply to the Inspector and, in particular, Chapter 5 of that Act does not       6
              apply to the person appointed to the office of Inspector.                       7

       (2)    If by or under any other Act provision is made:                                 8
               (a) requiring a person who is the holder of a specified office to              9
                     devote the whole of his or her time to the duties of that office, or    10
              (b) prohibiting the person from engaging in employment outside the             11
                     duties of that office,                                                  12
              the provision does not operate to disqualify the person from holding that      13
              office and also the office of Inspector or from accepting and retaining        14
              any remuneration payable to the person under this Act as Inspector.            15

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                Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Schedule 2      Savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 2             Savings, transitional and other                                      1
                       provisions                                                           2

Part 1       General                                                                        3

 1    Regulations                                                                           4

      (1)    The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional            5
             nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any Act that amends          6
             this Act.                                                                      7

      (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from        8
             the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.                       9

      (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that       10
             is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website,   11
             the provision does not operate so as:                                         12
              (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the         13
                     State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person        14
                     existing before the date of its publication, or                       15
             (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an           16
                     authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to     17
                     be done before the date of its publication.                           18

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Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Amendment of Acts and regulations                                     Schedule 3

Schedule 3               Amendment of Acts and regulations                             1

3.1 Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987 No 57                                        2

       Section 8A Official Visitors                                                    3

       Insert "and the Inspector of Custodial Services" after "the Minister" in        4
       section 8A (4) (c).                                                             5

3.2 Children (Detention Centres) Regulation 2010                                       6

       Clause 3 Definitions                                                            7

       Insert at the end of the definition of exempt body:                             8
                      (n) the Inspector of Custodial Services.                         9

3.3 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93                               10

[1]    Section 228 Official Visitors                                                  11

       Insert "and the Inspector of Custodial Services" after "the Minister" in       12
       section 228 (5) (d).                                                           13

[2]    Section 230 Special inquiries                                                  14

       Insert after section 230 (5):                                                  15

              (6)    The Minister must refer any report received by the Minister      16
                     arising from an inquiry under this section to the Inspector of   17
                     Custodial Services for comment.                                  18

3.4 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Regulation 2008                              19

       Dictionary                                                                     20

       Insert "the Inspector of Custodial Services," after "the Independent           21
       Commission Against Corruption," in paragraph (a) of the definition of exempt   22
       body.                                                                          23

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                 Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012

Schedule 3       Amendment of Acts and regulations

3.5 Defamation Act 2005 No 77                                                             1

      Schedule 1 Additional publications to which absolute privilege applies              2

      Omit clause 8 of the Schedule. Insert instead:                                      3

          8   Matters relating to Inspector of Custodial Services                         4

                    Without limiting section 27 (2) (a)-(c), matter that is published:    5
                    (a) to or by the Inspector of Custodial Services in his or her        6
                         capacity as the Inspector of Custodial Services, or              7
                    (b) to or by a member of staff of the Inspector in his or her         8
                         capacity as such a member.                                       9

3.6 Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52                                10

      Schedule 2 Excluded information of particular agencies                             11

      Insert at the end of item 2 of the Schedule:                                       12

                    The office of the Inspector of Custodial Services--operational       13
                    auditing, review, inspection, investigative and reporting            14
                    functions.                                                           15

3.7 Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68                                                             16

      Section 31A Constitution of Joint Committee                                        17

      Insert "the Inspector of Custodial Services Act 2012" after "the Privacy and       18
      Personal Information Protection Act 1998," in section 31A (2).                     19

3.8 Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975 (1976                              20
    No 4)                                                                                21

      Schedule 2 Public offices                                                          22

      Omit "Full-time Inspector-General of Corrective Services" from Part 1 of the       23
      Schedule.                                                                          24

      Insert instead "Inspector of Custodial Services".                                  25

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