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Queensland CORRECTIVE SERVICES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 1997 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section Page PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 PART 2--AMENDMENT OF THE CORRECTIVE SERVICES (ADMINISTRATION) ACT 1988 2 Act amended in pt 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Insertion of new s 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 References to various officers and the commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Amendment of s 19 (Powers of Commission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 Amendment of s 20 (Rules) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Amendment of s 21 (Delegations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Insertion of new pt 2 div 2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Division 2A--Further provisions about persons or bodies engaged under section 19(2)(f) 23A Definitions for div 2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 23B Engaging persons or bodies to conduct commission's operations . . 7 23C Structure of authorisation and delegation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 23D Directions for detention centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 23E Commission retains custody and responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 23F Evidentiary provision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 8 Amendment of s 63 (Commission deemed to be owner of property) . . . . . 11 9 Amendment of s 71 (Regulations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 10 Replacement of pt 5A and heading (Transitional on Act No. 22 of 1996) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 11 Amendment of ss 72A and 72B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13



2 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment 12 Insertion of new pt 6 div heading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Division 1--Transitional provisions for Act No. 87 of 1988 13 Insertion of new pt 6, div 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Division 3--Transitional and declaratory provisions for Corrective Services Legislation Amendment Act 1997 77 Declaratory provision about previous acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 14 Amendment of sch (Dictionary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 PART 3--AMENDMENT OF THE CORRECTIVE SERVICES ACT 1988 15 Act amended in pt 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 Amendment of s 10 (Definitions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 17 Amendment of s 14 (General manager responsible for prison) . . . . . . . . . . 16 18 Amendment of s 18 (Certain persons to have powers of general manager) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 19 Amendment of s 29 (Powers of inspector) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 20 Amendment of s 45 (Certain persons to have powers of custodial correctional officer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 21 Amendment of s 109 (Searching of officers and employees of commission etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 22 Amendment of s 136 (Meetings of board) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 23 Amendment of s 207 (Evidentiary provision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 PART 4--AMENDMENT OF THE PENALTIES AND SENTENCES ACT 1992 24 Act amended in pt 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 25 Amendment of s 4 (Definitions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 26 Insertion of new s 4A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4A Meaning of "authorised commission officer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18



1997 A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Corrective Services (Administration) Act 1988 and the Corrective Services Act 1988 and for other purposes



s1 4 s3 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 PART 1--PRELIMINARY 2 title 3 Short Clause 1. This Act may be cited as the Corrective Services Legislation 4 Amendment Act 1997. 5 ART 2--AMENDMENT OF THE CORRECTIVE 6 P SERVICES (ADMINISTRATION) ACT 1988 7 amended in pt 2 8 Act Clause 2. This part amends the Corrective Services (Administration) Act 1988. 9 of new s 7 10 Insertion Clause 3. After section 6-- 11 insert-- 12 to various officers and the commission 13 `References `7.(1) In any Act, a reference to a community correctional officer is a 14 reference to-- 15 (a) a person employed by the commission as a community 16 correctional officer under section 34;1 or 17 (b) a person taken to be a community correctional officer under 18 section 23C(8);2 or 19 1 Section 34 (Other officers of commission) 2 Section 23C (Structure of authorisation and delegation)



s3 5 s3 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment (c) a person appointed under the Corrective Services Act 1988, 1 section 2003 as a voluntary community correctional officer. 2 `(2) In any Act, a reference to a custodial correctional officer is a 3 reference to-- 4 (a) a person employed by the commission as a custodial correctional 5 officer under section 34; or 6 (b) a person taken to be a custodial correctional officer under 7 section 23C(8). 8 `(3) In any Act, a reference to a general manager of a prison is a 9 reference to-- 10 (a) a person employed by the commission as the general manager of 11 the prison under section 34 or, if there is no person employed as 12 the general manager, the person employed by the commission as 13 the manager of the prison; or 14 (b) a person taken to be a general manager of a prison under 15 section 23C(8); or 16 (c) a person for the time being performing the duties of the office of 17 general manager. 18 `(4) In any Act, a reference to an officer or employee of the commission 19 is a reference to-- 20 (a) an officer or employee of the commission appointed or employed 21 under section 34; or 22 (b) a person taken to be an officer or employee of the commission 23 under section 23C(8). 24 `(5) In any Act, a reference to the Queensland Corrective Services 25 Commission is a reference to-- 26 (a) the Queensland Corrective Services Commission established 27 under section 9;4 or 28 3 Corrective Services Act 1988, section 200 (Appointment of voluntary community correctional officers) 4 Section 9 (Constitution of Commission)



s4 6 s6 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment (b) a person or body taken to be the commission under 1 section 23C(5).'. 2 of s 19 (Powers of Commission) 3 Amendment Clause 4.(1) Section 19(2)(f), before `engage'-- 4 insert-- 5 `subject to section 23B(2),'. 6 (2) Section 19(2)(f), from `1992' to `1988'-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 `1992, the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992, the Corrective Services Act 9 1988 or another Act'. 10 (3) Section 19(3) and (4)-- 11 omit. 12 of s 20 (Rules) 13 Amendment Clause 5. Section 20(7) and (8), `the commission's officers'-- 14 omit, insert-- 15 `detention centre officers'. 16 of s 21 (Delegations) 17 Amendment Clause 6.(1) Section 21, heading-- 18 omit, insert-- 19 `Delegation by commission'. 20 (2) Section 21(c)-- 21 omit. 22 (3) Section 21-- 23 insert-- 24 `(2) In this section-- 25



s7 7 s7 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment "commission" does not include a person or body taken to be the 1 commission under section 23C(5).5'. 2 of new pt 2 div 2A 3 Insertion Clause 7. Part 2-- 4 insert-- 5 `Division 2A--Further provisions about persons or bodies engaged 6 under section 19(2)(f) 7 for div 2A 8 `Definitions `23A. In this division-- 9 "juvenile justice operations" of the commission, means the involvement 10 of the commission under any provision of the Juvenile Justice Act 11 1992. 12 "offenders" means-- 13 (a) detainees; or 14 (b) prisoners; or 15 (c) persons who are subject to probation orders, community service 16 orders, fine option orders or intensive correction orders under the 17 Penalties and Sentences Act 1992. 18 persons or bodies to conduct commission's operations 19 `Engaging `23B.(1) The commission may exercise the power under 20 section 19(2)(f)6 to engage a person or body to perform all or any corrective 21 services for all or any offenders. 22 `(2) However, the commission may exercise the power under 23 section 19(2)(f) for the commission's juvenile justice operations only by 24 engaging a GOC. 25 5 Section 23C (Structure of authorisation and delegation) 6 Section 19 (Powers of Commission)



s7 8 s7 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment `(3) Other than as provided by subsection (2), this section does not limit 1 section 19(2)(f). 2 of authorisation and delegation 3 `Structure `23C.(1) The commission may authorise a person or body engaged 4 under section 19(2)(f) to exercise powers and perform functions given 5 under any Act to a commission entity. 6 `(2) However, the commission may not authorise the person or body to 7 exercise the commission's power of authorisation or delegation conferred 8 by this section or section 21.7 9 `(3) An authorisation under subsection (1) may be given on any 10 condition stated in the authorisation. 11 `(4) Without limiting subsection (3), a condition may state-- 12 (a) that a particular power mentioned in subsection (6) may be 13 delegated to only particular employees of the person or body; or 14 (b) particular obligations to be observed by employees of the person 15 or body; or 16 (c) that the exercise of a particular power is subject to a decision of 17 the commission. 18 `(5) If, under the authorisation, the person or body exercises a power 19 under an Act, or performs a function under an Act, of the commission, the 20 person or body, in exercising the power or performing the function, is taken 21 to be the commission for the Act or for an Act that refers to the 22 commission acting in that capacity. 23 `(6) An authorisation under subsection (1) may authorise a person or 24 body engaged under section 19(2)(f) to delegate powers it has under the 25 authorisation to an appropriately qualified employee of the person or body, 26 including the power to do an act or make a decision for the performance of 27 a function it has under the authorisation. 28 7 Section 21 (Delegation by commission)



s7 9 s7 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment `(7) The Acts Interpretation Act 1954, section 27A8 applies to a 1 delegation under subsection (6). 2 `(8) If, under an authorisation, a person or body-- 3 (a) is authorised to exercise the powers under an Act or perform the 4 functions under an Act, of a defined office holder or an officer or 5 employee of the commission; and 6 (b) is authorised to delegate powers of the office holder or officer or 7 employee; and 8 (c) delegates to an employee a power that may be exercised under the 9 Act by the defined office holder or officer or employee of the 10 commission; 11 the employee, in exercising the power, is taken to be the defined office 12 holder or officer or employee of the commission for the Act or for an Act 13 that refers to the office holder or officer or employee acting in that capacity. 14 `(9) Subsection (8) does not have the effect of making an employee of a 15 person or body acting under an authorisation an officer or employee of the 16 commission for the purpose of the nature or conditions of their 17 employment. 18 `(10) Also, subsection (8) is not affected by the Acts Interpretation Act 19 1954, section 27A(7). 20 `(11) A person or body engaged under section 19(2)(f), or an employee 21 of the person or body, may be taken to be a commission entity for an Act, 22 even though the Act provides for the commission entity to delegate, or be 23 delegated, a function or power of a commission entity. 24 25 Example-- 26 The Corrective Services Act 1988, section 15 9 allows the general manager of a 27 prison to delegate particular powers to an officer of the commission subject to the 28 directions of the commission. The structure of authorisation and delegation under 29 section 19(2)(f) may result in a person or body acting under the authorisation, or an 30 employee of the person or body acting under a delegation under the authorisation, 31 being taken to be the commission, a general manager of a prison or an officer of the 8 Section 27A (Delegation of powers). The full text of section 27A is set out in the explanatory notes to the Bill. 9 Corrective Services Act 1988, section 15 (Delegation by general manager)



s7 10 s7 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment 1 commission. `(12) Subsection (11) is subject to subsection (2). 2 `(13) In this section-- 3 "Act" includes a provision of an Act. 4 "appropriately qualified" includes having the qualifications, experience or 5 standing appropriate to exercise the power. 6 7 Example of standing-- 8 A person's classification level in the entity in which the person is employed. "commission entity" means the commission, a defined office holder, or an 9 officer or employee of the commission. 10 "defined office holder" means an officer of the commission who holds a 11 following office10-- 12 (a) community correctional officer; 13 (b) custodial correctional officer; 14 (c) general manager of a prison. 15 for detention centres 16 `Directions `23D.(1) This section applies whether or not a condition is imposed 17 under section 23C(3) on a GOC conducting juvenile justice operations 18 under this division. 19 `(2) The commission may, at any time, give the GOC the directions the 20 commission considers appropriate for the security and management of a 21 detention centre conducted by the GOC and the safety and wellbeing of 22 children detained in the detention centre. 23 `(3) The GOC must comply with the direction. 24 `(4) Without limiting subsection (2), a direction may be for anything 25 mentioned in the Juvenile Justice Act 1992, section 203(2)(a) to (e) or for 26 any purpose mentioned in section 203(3)(a) to (d) of that Act. 27 10 See section 7(1)(a), (2)(a) and (3)(a).



s8 11 s8 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment `(5) A direction may be binding on an employee of, or person engaged 1 by, the GOC, or any person detained in or visiting the detention centre. 2 retains custody and responsibilities 3 `Commission `23E.(1) An offender in the custody of any person or body under an 4 engagement with the commission under section 19(2)(f) is taken also to be 5 in the custody of the commission. 6 `(2) Even though the commission engages a person or body under 7 section 19(2)(f) to discharge a responsibility for the security and 8 management of any prison, community correction centre or detention centre 9 and the safe custody and wellbeing of any offender, the commission also 10 has that responsibility. 11 `(3) However, the commission may discharge its responsibility through 12 the exercise of its power under section 19(2)(f) and the engagement made 13 under that section and the exercise of its power under section 23D. 14 provision 15 `Evidentiary `23F. For any proceeding-- 16 (a) evidence that any person purports to do or to have done an act 17 under an engagement under section 19(2)(f), or an authorisation 18 or delegation under this division, is evidence that the act is or was 19 lawfully done under a lawful engagement, authorisation or 20 delegation; and 21 (b) a document purporting to be a copy of an engagement under 22 section 19(2)(f) or an authorisation or delegation under this 23 division is evidence of the engagement, authorisation or 24 delegation.'. 25 of s 63 (Commission deemed to be owner of property) 26 Amendment Clause 8.(1) Section 63(1)(a)-- 27 omit, insert-- 28 `(a) each prison and detention centre; and 29



s9 12 s9 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment (aa) each community corrections centre; and'. 1 (2) Section 63(1)(b), after `fine option orders'-- 2 insert-- 3 `administered by the commission'. 4 (3) Section 63(1), from `shall' to `deemed'-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 `is taken'. 7 (4) After section 63(1)-- 8 insert-- 9 `(1A) Subsection (1)(aa) does not apply to a community corrections 10 centre that, if the paragraph did not apply, would belong to an entity other 11 than the State. 12 `(1B) Subsection (1)(b) does not apply to anything assigned by law to a 13 person or body engaged by the commission under section 19(2)(f).11'. 14 (5) Section 63-- 15 insert-- 16 `(3) In this section-- 17 "commission" does not include a person or body taken to be the 18 commission under section 23C(5).12'. 19 of s 71 (Regulations) 20 Amendment Clause 9.(1) Section 71, heading-- 21 omit, insert-- 22 `Regulation-making power'. 23 (2) Section 71(2)(b), from `and in respect' to `so authorised'-- 24 omit. 25 11 Section 19 (Powers of Commission) 12 Section 23C (Structure of authorisation and delegation)



s 10 13 s 12 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment (3) Section 71(2)(d)-- 1 renumber as section 71(2)(e). 2 (4) After section 71(2)(c)-- 3 insert-- 4 `(d) penalties not more than 50 penalty units for a contravention of a 5 specified direction under section 23D;'. 6 of pt 5A and heading (Transitional on Act No. 22 of 7 Replacement 1996) 8 Clause 10.(1) Part 5A, heading-- 9 omit, insert-- 10 `Division 2--Transitional provision for Act No. 22 of 1996'. 11 (2) Part 5A, as amended by subsection (1)-- 12 relocate as division 2 of part 6. 13 of ss 72A and 72B 14 Amendment Clause 11.(1) Section 72A, `In this part'-- 15 omit, insert-- 16 `In this division'. 17 (2) Sections 72A and 72B-- 18 renumber as sections 75 and 76. 19 of new pt 6 div heading 20 Insertion Clause 12. In part 6, before section 73-- 21 insert-- 22 1--Transitional provisions for Act No. 87 of 1988'. 23 `Division



s 13 14 s 13 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment of new pt 6, div 3 1 Insertion Clause 13. Part 6-- 2 insert-- 3 `Division 3--Transitional and declaratory provisions for Corrective 4 Services Legislation Amendment Act 1997 5 provision about previous acts 6 `Declaratory `77.(1) All authorisations or delegations purportedly given, before the 7 commencement, under section 19(3) or 2113 to an employee of an engaged 8 entity by the commission for the purposes of any Act, in relation to an 9 engagement under section 19(2)(f), are taken to have been validly given. 10 `(2) Subsection (3) applies if an act done before the commencement by 11 an engaged entity, or an employee of the entity in the course of the 12 employee's employment with the entity, for the purpose of providing a 13 corrective service under the engagement, could lawfully have been done by 14 the commission or an officer or employee of the commission in providing 15 the corrective service. 16 `(3) The act is taken to have been done lawfully, despite any absence of, 17 or defect in, an authorisation or delegation under section 19(3) or 21. 18 `(4) In this section-- 19 "commencement" means the commencement of the Corrective Services 20 Legislation Amendment Act 1997, section 6. 21 "engaged entity" means any of the following entities engaged under 22 section 19(2)(f)-- 23 (a) Australasian Correctional Management Pty Ltd ACN 051 130 24 600; 25 (b) Corrections Corporation of Australia ACN 010 921 641; 26 (c) Shaftesbury Citizenship Centre and Campus, 25 Quarry Street, 27 Spring Hill; 28 13 Section 19 (Powers of Commission) or 21 (Delegation by commission)



s 14 15 s 16 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment (d) Society of St Vincent de Paul State Council of Queensland 1 ACN 072 422 925.'. 2 of sch (Dictionary) 3 Amendment Clause 14. Schedule-- 4 insert-- 5 ` "commission entity" see section 23C. 6 "community correctional officer" see section 7. 7 "custodial correctional officer" see section 7. 8 "detention centre officer" means any member of the staff of any detention 9 centre. 10 "function" of a commission entity, includes responsibility and anything the 11 commission entity may or must do under an Act, including receive a 12 delegation. 13 "general manager" see section 7.'. 14 ART 3--AMENDMENT OF THE CORRECTIVE 15 P SERVICES ACT 1988 16 amended in pt 3 17 Act Clause 15. This part amends the Corrective Services Act 1988. 18 of s 10 (Definitions) 19 Amendment Clause 16.(1) Section 10, definitions "community correctional officer", 20 "custodial correctional officer", "director of community corrections", 21 "director of custodial corrections" and "general manager"-- 22 omit. 23 (2) Section 10-- 24



s 17 16 s 18 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment insert-- 1 ` "community correctional officer" see Corrective Services 2 (Administration) Act 1988, section 7(1).14 3 "custodial correctional officer" see Corrective Services (Administration) 4 Act 1988, section 7(2). 5 "employee" of the commission, see Corrective Services (Administration) 6 Act 1988, section 7(4). 7 "general manager" of a prison, see Corrective Services (Administration) 8 Act 1988, section 7(3). 9 "officer" of the commission, see Corrective Services (Administration) Act 10 1988, section 7(4).'. 11 (3) Section 10, definition "commission", from `Services 12 Commission'-- 13 omit, insert-- 14 `Services Commission. 15'. 15 of s 14 (General manager responsible for prison) 16 Amendment Clause 17. Section 14, `and the director of custodial corrections'-- 17 omit. 18 of s 18 (Certain persons to have powers of general 19 Amendment manager) 20 Clause 18. Section 18(1), from `, the director-general,' to `corrections'-- 21 omit. 22 14 Corrective Services (Administration) Act 1988, section 7 (References to various officers and the commission) 15 See Corrective Services (Administration) Act 1988, section 7 for meaning of reference to Queensland Corrective Services Commission.



s 19 17 s 22 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment of s 29 (Powers of inspector) 1 Amendment Clause 19. Section 29(1)(d), from `the director' (first mention) to `corrections' 2 (second mention)-- 3 omit, insert-- 4 `an officer or employee of the commission, including a community 5 correctional officer, custodial correctional officer and general manager of a 6 prison'. 7 of s 45 (Certain persons to have powers of custodial 8 Amendment correctional officer) 9 Clause 20. Section 45(1), `director-general, the director of custodial 10 corrections'-- 11 omit, insert-- 12 `director-general'. 13 of s 109 (Searching of officers and employees of 14 Amendment commission etc.) 15 Clause 21.(1) Section 109(1), `and is'-- 16 omit, insert-- 17 `and is, or purportedly is'. 18 (2) Section 109(1)(b)-- 19 omit, insert-- 20 `(b) a person authorised under section 45(2)16 to perform any function 21 or exercise any power of an officer of the commission;'. 22 of s 136 (Meetings of board) 23 Amendment Clause 22. Section 136(2), from `the director' (first mention) to `corrections' 24 (second mention)-- 25 16 Section 45 (Certain persons to have powers of custodial correctional officer)



s 26 18 s 26 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment omit, insert-- 1 `an officer of the commission'. 2 of s 207 (Evidentiary provision) 3 Amendment Clause 23. Section 207(a), from `or of the director' to `community 4 corrections'-- 5 omit. 6 PART 4--AMENDMENT OF THE PENALTIES AND 7 SENTENCES ACT 1992 8 amended in pt 4 9 Act Clause 24. This part amends the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992. 10 of s 4 (Definitions) 11 Amendment Clause 25. Section 4, definition "authorised commission officer"-- 12 omit, insert-- 13 ` "authorised commission officer" see section 4A.'. 14 of new s 4A 15 Insertion Clause 26. After section 4-- 16 insert-- 17 of "authorised commission officer" 18 `Meaning `4A.(1) An "authorised commission officer" means a person who-- 19 (a) is-- 20 (i) an officer or employee of the commission appointed or 21 employed under the Corrective Services (Administration) 22



s 26 19 s 26 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment Act 1988, section 34;17 or 1 (ii) an employee of a person or body engaged under that Act, 2 section 19(2)(f);18 and 3 (b) is authorised by the commission for the relevant purpose. 4 `(2) In this section-- 5 "commission" does not include a person or body taken to be the 6 commission under the Corrective Services (Administration) Act 1988, 7 section 23C(5).'. 8 9 © State of Queensland 1997 17 Corrective Services (Administration) Act 1998, section 34 (Other officers of commission) 18 Corrective Services (Administration) Act 1998, section 19 (Powers of Commission)


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