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Vegetation Management
Amendment Bill 2008




Queensland Vegetation Management Amendment Bill 2008 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Part 2 Amendment of Vegetation Management Act 1999 2 Act amended in pt 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Insertion of new pt 2, div 7A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Division 7A Classes of regional ecosystems 22LA Endangered regional ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 22LB Of concern regional ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 22LC Not of concern regional ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 Amendment of pt 6, hdg (Transitional provisions) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 Insertion of new pt 6, div 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Division 5 Declaratory and transitional provisions for Vegetation Management Amendment Act 2008 85 Declaration about types of regional ecosystems . . . . 6 86 Amendment of regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Amendment of schedule (Dictionary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Part 3 Amendment of Vegetation Management Regulation 2000 7 Regulation amended in pt 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 Amendment of s 2 (Regional ecosystems). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8




2008 A Bill for An Act to amend the Vegetation Management Act 1999 and the Vegetation Management Regulation 2000



Vegetation Management Amendment Bill 2008 Part 1 Preliminary [s 1] The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 Part 1 Preliminary 2 Clause 1 Short title 3 This Act may be cited as the Vegetation Management 4 Amendment Act 2008. 5 Part 2 Amendment of Vegetation 6 Management Act 1999 7 Clause 2 Act amended in pt 2 8 This part amends the Vegetation Management Act 1999. 9 Clause 3 Insertion of new pt 2, div 7A 10 Part 2-- 11 insert-- 12 `Division 7A Classes of regional ecosystems 13 `22LA Endangered regional ecosystems 14 `(1) A regulation may declare a stated regional ecosystem to be an 15 endangered regional ecosystem. 16 `(2) The Minister must not recommend to the Governor in Council 17 the making of a regulation under subsection (1) unless the 18 Minister is satisfied-- 19 Page 4



Vegetation Management Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Vegetation Management Act 1999 [s 3] (a) the area of remnant vegetation for the regional 1 ecosystem is less than 10% of the pre-clearing extent of 2 the regional ecosystem; or 3 (b) the area of remnant vegetation for the regional 4 ecosystem is-- 5 (i) 10% to 30% of the pre-clearing extent of the 6 regional ecosystem; and 7 (ii) less than 10000ha. 8 `(3) However, failure to comply with subsection (2) in relation to a 9 regulation does not affect the regulation's validity. 10 `22LB Of concern regional ecosystems 11 `(1) A regulation may declare a stated regional ecosystem to be an 12 of concern regional ecosystem. 13 `(2) The Minister must not recommend to the Governor in Council 14 the making of a regulation under subsection (1) unless the 15 Minister is satisfied-- 16 (a) the area of remnant vegetation for the regional 17 ecosystem is 10% to 30% of the pre-clearing extent of 18 the regional ecosystem; or 19 (b) the area of remnant vegetation for the regional 20 ecosystem is-- 21 (i) more than 30% of the pre-clearing extent of the 22 regional ecosystem; and 23 (ii) less than 10000ha. 24 `(3) However, failure to comply with subsection (2) in relation to a 25 regulation does not affect the regulation's validity. 26 `22LC Not of concern regional ecosystems 27 `(1) A regulation may declare a stated regional ecosystem to be a 28 not of concern regional ecosystem. 29 Page 5



Vegetation Management Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Vegetation Management Act 1999 [s 4] `(2) The Minister must not recommend to the Governor in Council 1 the making of a regulation under subsection (1) unless the 2 Minister is satisfied the area of remnant vegetation for the 3 regional ecosystem is-- 4 (a) more than 30% of the pre-clearing extent of the regional 5 ecosystem; and 6 (b) more than 10000ha. 7 `(3) However, failure to comply with subsection (2) in relation to a 8 regulation does not affect the regulation's validity.'. 9 Clause 4 Amendment of pt 6, hdg (Transitional provisions) 10 Part 6, heading, after `Transitional'-- 11 insert-- 12 `and declaratory'. 13 Clause 5 Insertion of new pt 6, div 5 14 Part 6-- 15 insert-- 16 `Division 5 Declaratory and transitional 17 provisions for Vegetation 18 Management Amendment Act 2008 19 `85 Declaration about types of regional ecosystems 20 `(1) It is declared that-- 21 (a) if, for any period before the commencement day, the 22 regulation stated that a regional ecosystem was an 23 endangered regional ecosystem for the definition 24 endangered regional ecosystem in this Act, the regional 25 ecosystem was an endangered regional ecosystem for 26 the period; and 27 (b) if, for any period before the commencement day, the 28 regulation stated that a regional ecosystem was a not of 29 Page 6



Vegetation Management Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Vegetation Management Act 1999 [s 6] concern regional ecosystem for the definition not of 1 concern regional ecosystem in this Act, the regional 2 ecosystem was a not of concern regional ecosystem for 3 the period; and 4 (c) if, for any period before the commencement day, the 5 regulation stated that a regional ecosystem was an of 6 concern regional ecosystem for the definition of concern 7 regional ecosystem in this Act, the regional ecosystem 8 was an of concern regional ecosystem for the period. 9 `(2) Subsection (1) applies despite any provision of the Act in 10 force before the commencement day including the definitions 11 endangered regional ecosystem, not of concern regional 12 ecosystem and of concern regional ecosystem. 13 `(3) Subsection (1) applies for all purposes, including a civil or 14 criminal proceeding decided before, or started before or after, 15 the commencement day. 16 `(4) In this section-- 17 commencement day means the day this section commences. 18 regulation means the Vegetation Management Regulation 19 2000. 20 `86 Amendment of regulation 21 `The amendment of the Vegetation Management Regulation 22 2000 by the Vegetation Management Amendment Act 2008 23 does not affect the power of the Governor in Council to 24 further amend the regulation or to repeal it.'. 25 Clause 6 Amendment of schedule (Dictionary) 26 (1) Schedule, definitions endangered regional ecosystem, not of 27 concern regional ecosystem and of concern regional 28 ecosystem-- 29 omit. 30 (2) Schedule-- 31 Page 7



Vegetation Management Amendment Bill 2008 Part 3 Amendment of Vegetation Management Regulation 2000 [s 7] insert-- 1 `endangered regional ecosystem means a regional ecosystem 2 declared to be an endangered regional ecosystem under 3 section 22LA. 4 not of concern regional ecosystem means a regional 5 ecosystem declared to be a not of concern regional ecosystem 6 under section 22LC. 7 of concern regional ecosystem means a regional ecosystem 8 declared to be an of concern regional ecosystem under section 9 22LB.'. 10 (3) Schedule, definition pre-clearing extent, `for'-- 11 omit, insert-- 12 `of'. 13 Part 3 Amendment of Vegetation 14 Management Regulation 2000 15 Clause 7 Regulation amended in pt 3 16 This part amends the Vegetation Management Regulation 17 2000. 18 Clause 8 Amendment of s 2 (Regional ecosystems) 19 Section 2(1) to (3)-- 20 omit, insert-- 21 `(1) Each regional ecosystem in schedule 1 is declared to be an 22 endangered regional ecosystem. 23 `(2) Each regional ecosystem in schedule 2 is declared to be an of 24 concern regional ecosystem. 25 `(3) Each regional ecosystem in schedule 3 is declared to be a not 26 of concern regional ecosystem.'. 27 Page 8



© State of Queensland 2008


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