South Australian Proclamations and Notices

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South Australia

Administrative Arrangements (Constitution of Ministers as Bodies Corporate) Proclamation 2018

under section 7 of the Administrative Arrangements Act 1994

1—Short title

This proclamation may be cited as the Administrative Arrangements (Constitution of Ministers as Bodies Corporate) Proclamation 2018.


This proclamation comes into operation on the day on which it is made.

3—Dissolution of certain bodies corporate

The bodies corporate referred to in Schedule 1

are dissolved.

4—Constitution of certain Ministers as bodies corporate

The Ministers referred to in Schedule 2

are constituted as bodies corporate.

5—Vesting of certain assets, rights and liabilities

(1) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation are vested in and attached to the Premier.

(2) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Ageing are vested in and attached to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing.

(3) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries are vested in and attached to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development.

(4) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for the Arts are vested in and attached to the Premier.

(5) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Automotive Transformation are vested in and attached to the Minister for Industry and Skills.

(6) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for the City of Adelaide are vested in and attached to the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government.

(7) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Climate Change are vested in and attached to the Minister for Environment and Water.

(8) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion are vested in and attached to the Minister for Human Services.

(9) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Consumer and Business Services are vested in and attached to the Attorney-General.

(10) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Correctional Services are vested in and attached to the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services.

(11) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Defence and Space Industries are vested in and attached to the Premier.

(12) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Disabilities are vested in and attached to the Minister for Human Services.

(13) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Education and Child Development are vested in and attached to the Minister for Education and the Minister for Child Protection according to the distribution of Ministerial responsibilities and functions between the relevant Ministers so that assets, rights and liabilities appropriate to particular responsibilities or functions vest in, or attach to, the appropriate body corporate.

(14) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Emergency Services are vested in and attached to the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services.

(15) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Employment are vested in and attached to the Minister for Industry and Skills.

(16) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Finance are vested in and attached to the Treasurer.

(17) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Forests are vested in and attached to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development.

(18) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Health are vested in and attached to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing.

(19) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Health Industries are vested in and attached to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment.

(20) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Higher Education and Skills are vested in and attached to the Minister for Education and the Minister for Industry and Skills according to the distribution of Ministerial responsibilities and functions between the relevant Ministers so that assets, rights and liabilities appropriate to particular responsibilities or functions vest in, or attach to, the appropriate body corporate.

(21) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Housing and Urban Development are vested in and attached to the Minister for Human Services and the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government according to the distribution of Ministerial responsibilities and functions between the relevant Ministers so that assets, rights and liabilities appropriate to particular responsibilities or functions vest in, or attach to, the appropriate body corporate.

(22) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Industrial Relations are vested in and attached to the Treasurer.

(23) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Investment and Trade are vested in and attached to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment.

(24) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Justice Reform are vested in and attached to the Attorney-General.

(25) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Local Government are vested in and attached to the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government.

(26) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation are vested in and attached to the Minister for Industry and Skills.

(27) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse are vested in and attached to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing.

(28) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Multicultural Affairs are vested in and attached to the Premier.

(29) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Police are vested in and attached to the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services.

(30) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for the Public Sector are vested in and attached to the Treasurer.

(31) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Racing are vested in and attached to the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing.

(32) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Recreation and Sport are vested in and attached to the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing.

(33) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Regional Development are vested in and attached to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development.

(34) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Road Safety are vested in and attached to the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services.

(35) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Science and Information Economy are vested in and attached to the Minister for Industry and Skills.

(36) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Small Business are vested in and attached to the Minister for Industry and Skills.

(37) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Social Housing are vested in and attached to the Minister for Human Services.

(38) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for State Development are vested in and attached to the Minister for Industry and Skills.

(39) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for the Status of Women are vested in and attached to the Minister for Human Services.

(40) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation are vested in and attached to the Minister for Environment and Water.

(41) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Tourism are vested in and attached to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment.

(42) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure are vested in and attached to the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government.

(43) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Veterans' Affairs are vested in and attached to the Premier.

(44) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Volunteers are vested in and attached to the Minister for Human Services.

(45) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Water and the River Murray are vested in and attached to the Minister for Environment and Water.

(46) The assets, rights and liabilities of the former body corporate known as the Minister for Youth are vested in and attached to the Minister for Human Services.

6—Alteration of title of bodies corporate

(1) The title of the body corporate constituted under section 7(1) of the Administrative Arrangements Act 1994

as the Minister for Child Protection Reform is altered to the Minister for Child Protection.

(2) The title of the body corporate constituted under section 7(1) of the Administrative Arrangements Act 1994

as the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy is altered to the Minister for Energy and Mining.

Schedule 1—Bodies corporate dissolved

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation

Minister for Ageing

Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries

Minister for the Arts

Minister for Automotive Transformation

Minister for the City of Adelaide

Minister for Climate Change

Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion

Minister for Consumer and Business Services

Minister for Correctional Services

Minister for Defence and Space Industries

Minister for Disabilities

Minister for Education and Child Development

Minister for Emergency Services

Minister for Employment

Minister for Finance

Minister for Forests

Minister for Health

Minister for Health Industries

Minister for Higher Education and Skills

Minister for Housing and Urban Development

Minister for Industrial Relations

Minister for Investment and Trade

Minister for Justice Reform

Minister for Local Government

Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation

Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Minister for Multicultural Affairs

Minister for Police

Minister for the Public Sector

Minister for Racing

Minister for Recreation and Sport

Minister for Regional Development

Minister for Road Safety

Minister for Science and Information Economy

Minister for Small Business

Minister for Social Housing

Minister for State Development

Minister for the Status of Women

Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation

Minister for Tourism

Minister for Transport and Infrastructure

Minister for Veterans' Affairs

Minister for Volunteers

Minister for Water and the River Murray

Minister for Youth

Schedule 2—Ministers incorporated

Minister for Education

Minister for Environment and Water

Minister for Health and Wellbeing

Minister for Human Services

Minister for Industry and Skills

Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development

Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing

Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment

Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government

Made by the Governor

with the advice and consent of the Executive Council
on 22 March 2018


[Published in the Gazette on 22 March 2018 at page 1266]

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