Tasmanian Bills Fact Sheets

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                                 FACT SHEET
                  BILL 2013
The Legislation Publication Act 1996 requires that, following the Royal Assent
of an Act, the original signed copy of an Act is deposited in the records of
the Supreme Court. This practice has become unsustainable due to a range
of issues such as storage capacity and storage conditions impacting on the
preservation of original Acts, as well as accessibility to the original copies and
resource limitations in managing these important documents.

Similar storage, accessibility and resource constraints have arisen in relation
­         original statutory rules for which the Chief Parliamentary Counsel is
          responsible for under the Rules Publication Regulations 2008; and
­         the rules made by judges of the Supreme Court for which the Registrar
          of the Supreme Court has responsibility for storing.

The Legislation Publication Amendment Bill 2013 makes various amendments
to facilitate the transmission to and storing of original Acts, statutory rules and
rules made by Judges of the Supreme Court with the Archives Office (as
defined in section 3 of the Archives Act 1983).

The Legislation Publication Amendment Bill provides for the following:
1         Amendments to the Legislation Publication Act to provide:
          ­   a definition of `original Act' and `original statutory rule';
          ­   the meaning of authorised version of an Act and authorised
              version of a statutory rule based on the definitions of original Act
              and original statutory rule;
          ­   that all original versions of Acts currently stored at the Supreme
              Court be transmitted to the Archives Office;
          ­   that the original version of any new legislation passed after the
              commencement of this Amendment Bill be transmitted to the
              Archives Office;
          ­   that all original versions of statutory rules and other rules made by
              the judges of the Supreme Court currently stored at the Supreme
              Court, the Office of Parliamentary Counsel or the Department of
              Justice be transferred to the Archives Office; and
          ­   that the original version of any new statutory rule and rules made
              by the judges of the Supreme Court made after the




2 commencement of this Amendment Bill be transmitted to the Archives Office. 2 Amendments to the Rules Publication Act 1953 and the Rules Publication Regulations to remove `filing and recording of statutory rules' as one of the matters identified explicitly for which Regulations under the Rules Publication Act may be made and to remove the current provisions about the filing and recording of statutory rules in the Rules Publication Regulations.




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