Tasmanian Numbered Regulations
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- (S.R. 2022, NO. 67)
Long Title
PART 1 - Preliminary
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Interpretation
4. Meaning of transiting directly commercial fishing
5. Meaning of travelling directly non-commercial fishing
6. Application of rules
7. Duration of rules
8. Consultation arrangements
9. Classes of fishing licence
PART 2 - General Management of Fishery
Division 1 - Closed and open seasons
10. Closed and open seasons for fishery
11. Closed and open seasons general restrictions
Division 2 - Authority to take or possess rock lobster
12. Total allowable catch for fishery
13. Persons authorised to take or possess rock lobster in State waters
14. Overall possession limit
Division 3 - Size limits
15. Size limits general
16. Size limits commercial fishing
17. Size limits non-commercial fishing
Division 4 - Miscellaneous
18. Protection of female breeding stock
19. Dismembering rock lobster &c.
20. Rock lobster not to be used as bait in fishing apparatus
21. Rock lobster not to be taken in Taroona waters
22. Persons authorised to possess untagged or unmarked rock lobster
PART 3 - Non-commercial Rock Lobster Fishery
Division 1 - General requirements
23. Restrictions on non-commercial taking of rock lobster
24. Diving restrictions
25. Restrictions on non-commercial setting and use, &c., of rock lobster pots
26. Restrictions on non-commercial setting and use, &c., of rock lobster rings
Division 2 - Non-commercial fishing licences
27. Authority of recreational fishing licences
28. Limit on number of recreational fishing licences that may be held
29. Children not eligible to hold recreational fishing licences
Division 3 - Bag, possession and boat limits
30. Possession limit non-commercial fisher
31. Daily bag and possession limits non-commercial fisher
32. Boat limits in non-commercial fishery
33. Sharing of rock lobster when fishing in group
Division 4 - Marking rock lobster
34. Marking of rock lobster non-commercial
35. Possession or handling of marked rock lobster generally
36. Possession of marked rock lobster in certain zones of non-commercial rock lobster fishery
Division 5 - Identification &c.
37. Identification of non-commercial fishers
38. Identification of rock lobster pots, rock lobster rings and fish caufs
39. Alternative identification of rock lobster pots and rock lobster rings used in Aboriginal activities
40. Fishing apparatus tags for non-commercial fishers
41. Use of fishing apparatus tags
Division 6 - Miscellaneous
42. Non-commercial use of fish caufs
43. Unattended rock lobster on vessels
44. Taking and possessing giant crab
PART 4 - Commercial Rock Lobster Fishery
Division 1 - Taking, catch controls and catch management
45. Taking rock lobster
46. Restrictions on possession of female rock lobster during closed season for female rock lobster
47. Restrictions on possession of rock lobster on fishing vessel during closed season for male rock lobster
48. Persons authorised to possess rock lobster outside of State waters
49. Fishing quota unit balance not to be exceeded
50. Over-catch provisions
51. Deduction of excess catch from quota
52. Commercial rock lobster catch record and quota docket book
53. Deduction from quota at end of quota year
54. Research quota units
Division 2 - Commercial fishing licences
55. Authority of fishing licence (rock lobster)
56. Certain fishing licence (rock lobster) applications to be granted
57. Cap on number of fishing licences (rock lobster)
58. Maximum licence holdings
59. Current copy of licence to be kept on fishing vessel during fishing trip
Division 3 - Quota units
60. Allocation of rock lobster quota units
61. Minimum and maximum quota unit holdings
62. Requirements relating to licences with fewer than 15 quota units
63. Transfer of rock lobster quota units &c.
64. Carry-over of quota unit in exceptional circumstances
65. Carry-over of undercatch in commercial rock lobster fishery
66. Carry-over of partially caught quota unit on same entitlement
Division 4 - Unloading, sale, transfer and transportation controls
67. All rock lobster to be unloaded
68. Rock lobster to be unloaded at port of landing
69. Approved ports of landing for catch-cap and other areas
70. Sale or transfer of rock lobster to fish processor or handler
71. Transportation of rock lobster to fish processor or handler
72. Sale or transfer of rock lobster to person other than fish processor or handler
73. Return of rock lobster not sold or transferred
74. Export of rock lobster by aircraft or vessel
75. Sale or transfer of rock lobster from holding tank
76. Rock lobster to be kept separate during transportation
Division 5 - Miscellaneous controls
77. Possession of abalone on certain fishing vessels
78. Recording, &c., of dead rock lobster
79. Transfer of rock lobster between vessels
80. Fishing in two jurisdictions
81. Prohibition on possession of rock lobster taken from other States
82. Places where rock lobster may be held or stored
83. Retention of rock lobster for personal use
PART 5 - Fishing Apparatus
Division 1 - Rock lobster pots
84. Restrictions on setting, using and possessing rock lobster pots
85. Tampering with rock lobster pots
86. Restriction on number of rock lobster pots that may be possessed, set or used
87. Restrictions on setting, use and possession of rock lobster pots for commercial purposes
88. Restrictions on length of time rock lobster pots may be continuously set in commercial fishery
89. Setting pots at night
90. Restrictions on number of rock lobster pots that may be set or used
91. Restrictions on where rock lobster pots may be set or used
92. Prescribed specifications for rock lobster pots
93. Marker buoy requirements for rock lobster pots
Division 2 - Rock lobster rings
94. Restrictions on setting, use and possession of rock lobster rings
Division 3 - Fish caufs and holding tanks
95. Restrictions on attaching marker buoys to fish caufs
96. Requirements for commercial use of fish caufs
97. Restrictions and requirements relating to holding tanks
PART 6 - Reporting and Tracking
Division 1 - Reports generally
98. Reporting service
99. When a report is to be made
100. Alternative reporting arrangements
101. False, misleading or incomplete information
102. Measurement of weights
103. Provision of receipt numbers
104. Cancellation report
Division 2 - Reports for non-commercial rock lobster fishery
105. Report for lost or irretrievable rock lobster pot
106. Non-commercial zone transit report
107. Non-commercial closed area transit report
108. Non-commercial fishing report
Division 3 - Reports and dockets for commercial rock lobster fishery
109. Pre-fishing report
110. Changing part of fishery report
111. Commercial transit report
112. Unloading report
113. Conflicts of interest
114. Unauthorised possession of unused dockets
Division 4 - Records
115. Records of general information
116. Records of commercial rock lobster catch
PART 7 - Miscellaneous
117. Tagging requirements
118. Tagging exemptions
119. Published notices
120. Presumption as to possession of rock lobster held by children
121. Presumption as to taking or possession of certain rock lobster
122. Transitional provision
123. Infringement notice offences and penalties
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