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Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Clause Page 1 Purpose 1 2 Commencement 1 3 Issue of moneys 2 4 Appropriation 3 5 Application of amounts appropriated 3 6 Application of amounts for future payments 3 7 Public Account advance 3 8 Advance to Treasurer 4 9 Reference provision 4 10 Repeal of Act 4 Schedule 1 5 Schedule 2 14 Schedule 3 15 ═══════════════ Endnotes 21 1 General information 21 i
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 [Assented to ] Her Majesty and the Legislative Assembly in accordance with section 65(5) of the Constitution Act 1975 enact as follows: 1 Purpose The purpose of this Act is to make provision for the appropriation of certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund for the ordinary annual services of the Government for the financial year 2017/2018. 2 Commencement This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. 1
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 3 Issue of moneys (1) The Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the financial year 2017/2018 the sum of $54 799 671 000 as set out in Schedule 1. (2) If-- (a) in respect of the financial year 2017/2018 the amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs is increased as the result of any legislation or determination; and (b) the amounts specified in the relevant items in Schedule 1 are insufficient to provide for the payment of the increased amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs-- the Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Fund an amount not exceeding the increased amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs in addition to the amount issued under subsection (1). (3) In this section-- determination includes any regulation or any award, order or determination of a person or body authorised to determine minimum salaries or wages under any law of the Commonwealth or of the State, or any agreement approved in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 or Workplace Relations Act 1996 of the Commonwealth, or any agreement entered into by or on behalf of the State; salaries and related costs includes wages or other amounts in the nature of salary, payments by way of overtime or penalty rates or in lieu of long service leave or for retiring gratuities, superannuation contributions, annual leave 2
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 loadings, payroll tax payments and WorkCover insurance policy premiums. 4 Appropriation The Consolidated Fund is appropriated to the extent necessary for the purposes of section 3. 5 Application of amounts appropriated (1) The amounts to be applied to an item specified in Schedule 1 shall not, except as provided in this section or section 30 or 31A of the Financial Management Act 1994, exceed the amount specified for that item. (2) If an amount in respect of depreciation of an asset is applied to an item in Schedule 1 for the provision of outputs of a Department, the amount shown for the item in Schedule 1 relating to that Department in respect of additions to the net asset base is increased, if the Treasurer so determines, by an amount not exceeding the amount in respect of depreciation. 6 Application of amounts for future payments If, during the financial year 2017/2018, an arrangement is made, or an expense or obligation is incurred, for the payment of an amount in a future financial year, a corresponding amount is applied, in respect of the financial year 2017/2018, to the appropriate item in Schedule 1 for the relevant Department. 7 Public Account advance The sums specified in Schedule 2 which by the authority of section 35 of the Financial Management Act 1994 have been expended from the Public Account to meet urgent claims are deemed to have been appropriated from the Consolidated Fund for the provision of outputs, additions to the net asset base and payments made 3
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 on behalf of the State specified in Schedule 2 and those sums shall be repaid to the Public Account. 8 Advance to Treasurer The sums specified in Schedule 3 have been expended to meet urgent claims out of the Advance appropriated in the Appropriation (2015-2016) Act 2015 under the Department of Treasury and Finance and the payments so made are deemed to have been appropriated for the purposes and services specified in Schedule 3. 9 Reference provision In this Act, Court Services Victoria established under the Court Services Victoria Act 2014 is referred to as the Department of Courts for appropriation purposes only. 10 Repeal of Act This Act is repealed on the fourth anniversary of the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. Note The repeal of this Act does not affect any matter or thing or the previous operation of the Act (see section 14(2) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 4
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENTAL VOTES ESTIMATES SUMMARY 2016/2017 2017/2018 Department Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 Courts 303 005 358 029 Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources 9 145 457 10 094 630 Education and Training 11 665 985 12 347 404 Environment, Land, Water and Planning 1 872 901 2 018 599 Health and Human Services 12 972 442 14 598 436 Justice and Regulation 6 104 360 7 136 707 Premier and Cabinet 446 323 505 104 Treasury and Finance 7 066 578 7 740 762 49 577 051 54 799 671 5
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF COURTS 2016/2017 2017/2018 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 259 719 296 440 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 43 286 61 589 Total Appropriation 303 005 358 029 6
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, JOBS, TRANSPORT AND RESOURCES 2016/2017 2017/2018 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 7 033 975 7 455 459 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 1 916 258 2 443 569 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 70 224 70 602 4. Payment to Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund pursuant to section 16(a) of the Regional Development Victoria Act 2002 125 000 125 000 Total Appropriation 9 145 457 10 094 630 7
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2016/2017 2017/2018 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 11 456 637 12 021 093 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 209 348 326 311 Total Appropriation 11 665 985 12 347 404 8
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, LAND, WATER AND PLANNING 2016/2017 2017/2018 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 1 155 850 1 257 099 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 87 751 119 546 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 607 500 620 154 4. Contributions by the State under agreements pursuant to section 25 of the Murray- Darling Basin Act 1993 21 800 21 800 Total Appropriation 1 872 901 2 018 599 9
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 2016/2017 2017/2018 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 12 725 946 14 086 504 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 245 646 450 894 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 850 61 038 Total Appropriation 12 972 442 14 598 436 10
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND REGULATION 2016/2017 2017/2018 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 5 721 543 6 384 511 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 327 661 715 504 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 54 462 36 001 4. Victorian Law Reform Commission - pursuant to section 17(b) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 694 691 Total Appropriation 6 104 360 7 136 707 11
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF PREMIER AND CABINET 2016/2017 2017/2018 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 441 563 498 004 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 4 760 7 100 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 0 0 Total Appropriation 446 323 505 104 12
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY AND FINANCE 2016/2017 2017/2018 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 250 649 286 857 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 2 590 52 590 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 4 593 950 5 434 337 4. Advance to Treasurer to enable Treasurer to meet urgent claims that may arise before Parliamentary sanction is obtained, which will afterwards be submitted for Parliamentary authority 2 219 389 1 966 978 Total Appropriation 7 066 578 7 740 762 13
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Payments from advances pursuant to section 35 of the Financial Management Act 1994, 2015/2016 Department Purpose Amount $ Economic Level crossing removals 91 090 000 Development, Investment in roads 52 250 000 Jobs, Transport and Resources Investment in the regional train network 34 341 000 Investment in the metropolitan train network 5 803 000 Investment in the tram network 1 051 000 Total 184 535 000 14
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 3 Schedule 3 Payments from Advance to Treasurer, 2015/2016 Department Purpose Amount $ Courts Heidelberg Court Remediation 1 600 000 Ending violence against women and children (Safe waiting areas) 1 500 000 County Court Land Tax 690 638 3 790 638 Economic Level crossing removals 258 200 000 Development, Investment in the regional train Jobs, Transport network and operation 60 167 518 and Resources Delivering the Government's commitments to recreational fishers 15 296 704 Gippsland Lakes Ocean Access 4 092 981 Investment in roads 3 907 000 Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) 2 577 000 National Biosecurity Cost Sharing commitment 2 380 000 Drought response funding 2 030 000 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Expansion 1 987 999 Station upgrades 1 857 360 Creative Victoria--Australian Centre for the Moving Image and National Gallery of Victoria 1 378 378 Bushfire response funding 1 143 781 15
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 3 Department Purpose Amount $ Investment in the metropolitan train network 1 000 000 Bus network improvements 944 000 National Heavy Vehicle Regulator--System analysis 554 000 Geelong Performing Arts Centre Redevelopment Project 351 000 Digital Government--Staff transfer from Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) 245 000 Western Intermodal Freight Terminal 166 293 358 279 014 Education and Education State in Schools Training initiatives 97 018 000 School enrolment based funding 56 602 000 Kindergarten enrolment based funding 10 869 000 Improved educator to child ratio in kindergartens 9 636 000 Kindergarten Fee Subsidy and Early Start Kindergarten 2 037 000 National Occasional Care 1 410 000 177 572 000 16
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 3 Department Purpose Amount $ Environment, Additional resources for 2015-16 Land, Water and bushfire season 66 292 949 Planning Additional aviation resources for firefighting 10 411 259 Small Alpine Resorts--Mt Baw Baw and Lake Mountain 5 500 000 Land Victoria--Land compensation and litigation costs 5 100 000 Junction Oval Redevelopment 2 000 000 Environment Protection Authority Victoria--Litigation costs 1 000 000 Drought Support Fund 672 000 Supporting Colac and the Otways 400 000 Regional Planners 338 580 Blue-Green Algae outbreak 270 000 Transfer of staff from Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources 227 250 Smoke detection infrastructure 211 000 Planning for Melbourne and Regional Victoria 200 000 Integrated Predictive Model 105 000 92 728 038 17
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 3 Department Purpose Amount $ Health and Human Improving access to elective Services surgery and meeting hospital services demand 50 000 000 Improving emergency ambulance response 4 729 000 Very Special Kids 2 750 000 Release of funding for family violence 4 383 000 Vision Australia Mobility and Training Centre 500 000 Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry-- Healthy and Strong Latrobe 260 000 Redesign and renovation of Out of Home Care properties 171 000 Foodbank 80 000 62 873 000 Justice and Victoria Police additional Regulation resources 62 769 465 Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority Sustainability 25 000 000 Night Network--Transport security 23 095 000 Bushfire Season 2015-16 15 566 894 Strengthening Victoria Police's Counter-Terrorism Capacity and Capability 9 634 434 Country Fire Authority Recruitment Course--Additional funding 5 000 000 18
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 3 Department Purpose Amount $ Country Fire Authority capital projects (station modification, vehicles and equipment) 3 612 000 Summer Fire Information Campaign 3 000 000 Family Violence Fund 1 128 700 Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry 1 122 400 Emergency Medical Response Project 969 000 Intralot litigation legal costs 713 839 151 611 732 Premier and Family violence--Reaching all Cabinet Victorians where they live, work and play 5 091 622 Victorian Ombudsman accommodation 5 000 000 Social cohesion and community resilience 2 800 000 Transfer of various government functions to DPC 2 361 599 Back to work scheme 920 000 Getting ready for the National Disability Insurance Scheme 240 000 Implementation of re-opened Hazelwood Inquiry reports 140 000 16 553 221 19
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Schedule 3 Department Purpose Amount $ Treasury and Western Distributor project Finance development 11 553 364 Back to Work Scheme 10 812 448 Completion of the Port of Melbourne lease transaction 2 406 102 New activity for the Essential Services Commission 1 331 514 State Revenue Office Land Tax Compliance Program 428 624 26 532 052 Parliament Supplementation of Parliament's annual appropriation 1 926 000 Auditor General's Investigations 500 000 Parliamentary Advisors 451 000 2 877 000 Total Payments from Advance to the Treasurer 892 816 695 ═══════════════ 20
Appropriation (2017-2018) Act 2017 No. of 2017 Endnotes Endnotes 1 General information See www.legislation.vic.gov.au for Victorian Bills, Acts and current authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information. Minister's second reading speech-- Legislative Assembly: Legislative Council: The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act for the appropriation of certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund for the ordinary annual services of the Government for the financial year 2017/2018 and for other purposes." By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 21
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