Western Australian Bills

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                  Western Australia

Heritage (Consequential Provisions)
             Bill 1999


               Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.      Short title                                 2
2.      Commencement                                2

Part 2 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899
3.      Schedule V amended                          3

         Part 3 -- Government Employees
            Superannuation Act 1987
4.      Schedule 1 amended                          4

     Part 4 -- Local Government (Miscellaneous
               Provisions) Act 1960
5.      The Act amended                             5
6.      Section 374 amended                         5
7.      Section 374A amended                        5

                                                page i

Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999


           Part 5 -- Metropolitan Region Town Planning
                        Scheme Act 1959
      8.        The Act amended                         6
      9.        Section 6 amended                       6
      10 .      Section 32A amended                     6
      11 .      Section 35B amended                     6
      12 .      Section 35C amended                     6

                  Part 6 -- Strata Titles Act 1985
      13 .      Section 25 amended                       7

             Part 7 -- Swan Valley Planning Act 1995
      14 .      Section 3 amended                       8

             Part 8 -- Town Planning and Development
                            Act 1928
      15 .      The Act amended                          9
      16 .      Section 2 amended                        9
      17 .      Section 7 amended                        9
      18 .      Section 7B amended                       9
      19 .      Section 12 amended                      10
      20 .      Section 18C repealed                    10
      21 .      Section 20 amended                      10

              Part 9 -- Western Australian Planning
                      Commission Act 1985
      22 .      The Act amended                         11
      23 .      Section 3 amended                       11
      24 .      Section 18 amended                      11
      25 .      Section 24 amended                      11

page ii
                 Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999


26 .   Section 25 amended                                   11
27 .   Section 37A amended                                  12
28 .   Section 37B amended                                  12

                                                        page iii
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

      Heritage (Consequential Provisions)
                   Bill 1999
                               A Bill for

An Act to amend various Acts as a consequence of the enactment of
the Heritage Act 1999.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                             page 1
     Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
     Part 1         Preliminary

     s. 1

                              Part 1 -- Preliminary
     1.         Short title
                This Act may be cited as the Heritage (Consequential
                Provisions) Act 1999.

 5   2.         Commencement
          (1)   This Act, other than sections 23, 25, 26, 27 and 28, comes into
                operation on the day on which the Heritage Act 1999 comes into
          (2)   Sections 23, 25, 26, 27 and 28 come into operation --
10               (a) on the day on which Part 3 of the Planning Legislation
                       Amendment Act 1999 comes into operation; or
                 (b) if on that day the other provisions of this Act have not
                       yet come into operation, on the day when they come into

     page 2
                               Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
                       Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899           Part 2

                                                                        s. 3

          Part 2 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899
     3.     Schedule V amended
            Schedule V to the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899* is
            amended in Part 3 in the item that begins "The Heritage Council
 5          of Western Australia" by deleting " under the Heritage of
            Western Australia Act 1990" and inserting instead --
            "   by the Heritage Act 1999   ".
            [* Reprinted as at 22 January 1997.
               For subsequent amendments see 1998 Index to Legislation of
10             Western Australia, Table 1, p. 53.]

                                                                      page 3
    Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
    Part 3         Government Employees Superannuation Act 1987

    s. 4

           Part 3 -- Government Employees Superannuation
                            Act 1987
    4.        Schedule 1 amended
              Schedule 1 to the Government Employees Superannuation
5             Act 1987* is amended in Part B by inserting in the appropriate
              alphabetical position --
              "   Heritage Council of Western Australia   ".
              [* Reprinted as at 22 January 1999.]

    page 4
                                  Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
            Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960         Part 4

                                                                            s. 5

     Part 4 -- Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)
                          Act 1960
     5.         The Act amended
                The amendments in this Part are to the Local Government
 5              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960*.
                [* Reprinted as at 18 September 1996.
                   For subsequent amendments see 1998 Index to Legislation of
                   Western Australia, Table 1, pp. 151-2.]

     6.         Section 374 amended
10              Section 374(6) is repealed.

     7.         Section 374A amended
          (1)   Section 374A(2A) is repealed.
          (2)   Section 374A(3) is amended by deleting "Except where the
                condition was by reason of the operation of section 78(4) of the
15              Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 imposed so as to be
                consistent with conditions imposed under that Act in relation to
                a related or similar matter that affects all or part of the same
                land, any" and inserting instead --
                "   Any   ".

                                                                          page 5
     Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
     Part 5         Metropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme Act 1959

     s. 8

      Part 5 -- Metropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme
                           Act 1959
     8.       The Act amended
              The amendments in this Part are to the Metropolitan Region
 5            Town Planning Scheme Act 1959*.
              [* Reprinted as at 17 March 1996.
                 For subsequent amendments see 1998 Index to Legislation of
                 Western Australia, Table 1, p. 161.]

     9.       Section 6 amended
10            Section 6 is amended by deleting the definition of "Heritage

     10.      Section 32A amended
              Section 32A(2) is repealed.

     11.      Section 35B amended
15            Section 35B(4) is repealed.

     12.      Section 35C amended
              Section 35C(4) is repealed.

     page 6
                                   Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
                                            Strata Titles Act 1985        Part 6

                                                                           s. 13

                       Part 6 -- Strata Titles Act 1985
    13.         Section 25 amended
          (1)   The amendments in this Part are to the Strata Titles Act 1985*.
          (2)   Section 25(7) is repealed.
5         (3)   Section 25(8) is repealed.
                [* Reprinted as at 20 January 1997.
                   For subsequent amendments see 1998 Index to Legislation of
                   Western Australia, Table 1, p. 242.]

                                                                          page 7
     Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
     Part 7         Swan Valley Planning Act 1995

     s. 14

              Part 7 -- Swan Valley Planning Act 1995
     14.      Section 3 amended
              Section 3 of the Swan Valley Planning Act 1995* is amended by
              deleting the definition of "development" and inserting instead
 5            the following definition --
                    "development" means the development or use of any
                        land, including any demolition, erection,
                        construction, alteration of or addition to any
10                      building or structure on the land and the carrying
                        out on the land of any excavation or other works;
              [* Act No. 31 of 1995 .
                 For subsequent amendments see Act No. 14 of 1996.]

     page 8
                                   Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
                         Town Planning and Development Act 1928           Part 8

                                                                            s. 15

       Part 8 -- Town Planning and Development Act 1928
     15.         The Act amended
                 The amendments in this Part are to the Town Planning and
                 Development Act 1928*.
 5               [* Reprinted as at 19 March 1999.]

     16.         Section 2 amended
           (1)   Section 2(1) is amended in the definition of "development" by
                 deleting all the words after "works".
           (2)   Section 2(1) is amended by deleting the definition of "Heritage
10               Council".

     17.         Section 7 amended
                 Section 7(6) is amended by deleting "or on any list maintained
                 under section 46 or section 45 of the Heritage of Western
                 Australia Act 1990" and inserting instead --
15               "   as defined in the Heritage Act 1999        ".

     18.         Section 7B amended
           (1)   After section 7B(5)(a)(ii) the following is inserted --
                 " or    ".
           (2)   After section 7B(5)(a)(iii) "or" is deleted.
20         (3)   Section 7B(5)(a)(iv) is deleted.
           (4)   Section 7B(6)(c) is amended by deleting "or of any Order made
                 under Part 6, or Order in Council made under section 80, of the
                 Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990".

                                                                           page 9
     Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
     Part 8         Town Planning and Development Act 1928

     s. 19

           (5)   Section 7B(6)(d) is amended by deleting ", or, in the case of
                 land in relation to which the local government has referred the
                 application to the Heritage Council and has so notified the
                 applicant, where a period of 60 days has elapsed since that
 5               notification and the local government has failed to make its
                 decision known,".

     19.         Section 12 amended
                 Section 12(2) is amended by deleting "land to which the
                 Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 applies " and inserting
10               instead --
                 " registered place or State heritage area as defined in the
                 Heritage Act 1999 ".

     20.         Section 18C repealed
                 Section 18C is repealed.

15   21.         Section 20 amended
                 Section 20(4) is repealed.

     page 10
                                        Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
                     Western Australian Planning Commission Act 1985           Part 9

                                                                                  s. 22

       Part 9 -- Western Australian Planning Commission
                          Act 1985
     22.             The Act amended
                     The amendments in this Part are to the Western Australian
 5                   Planning Commission Act 1985*.
                     [* Act No. 91 of 1985.
                        For subsequent amendments see 1998 Index to Legislation of
                        Western Australia, Table 1, p. 272.]

     23.             Section 3 amended
10                   Section 3 is amended by deleting the definition of "Heritage

     24.             Section 18 amended
                     Section 18(1b)(a) is deleted.

     25.             Section 24 amended
15                   Section 24(1)(d) is deleted.

     26.             Section 25 amended
           (1)       Section 25(2) is repealed and the following subsection is
                     inserted instead --
20                   (2)   Subject to subsection (3), if the Commission does not
                           grant or refuse permission within a period of 60 days
                           after the receipt by the Commission of an application to
                           carry out any development referred to in this Part the
                           Commission shall on the expiry of that period be
25                         deemed to have refused that application and the
                           applicant may within 60 days after that expiry appeal

                                                                                 page 11
     Heritage (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1999
     Part 9         Western Australian Planning Commission Act 1985

     s. 27

                       against that deemed refusal under Part V of the Town
                       Planning and Development Act 1928.
           (2)   After section 25(3)(a) "or" is inserted.
 5         (3)   After section 25(3)(b) "; or" is deleted and a full stop is inserted
           (4)   Section 25(3)(c) is deleted.

     27.         Section 37A amended
                 Section 37A(3) is repealed.

10   28.         Section 37B amended
                 Section 37B(4) is repealed.


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