Western Australian Bills

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                  Western Australia

 Industry and Technology Development
         Amendment Bill 2021


      Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.    Short title                          2
2.    Commencement                         2
      Part 2 -- Industry and Technology
           Development Act 1998 amended
3.    Act amended                          3
4.    Long title amended                   3
5.    Section 4 amended                    3
6.    Section 6 amended                    4
7.    Section 15 amended                   4
8.    Part 6 deleted                       4
9.    Section 32 amended                   5
10.   Schedule 1 deleted                   5
      Part 3 -- Constitution Acts
           Amendment Act 1899 amended
11.   Act amended                          6
12.   Schedule V Part 3 amended            6

                           24--1           page i
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

       Industry and Technology Development
               Amendment Bill 2021

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Industry and Technology Development Act 1998
and for related purposes.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                           page 1
    Industry and Technology Development Amendment Bill 2021
    Part 1          Preliminary

    s. 1

1                          Part 1 -- Preliminary
2   1.       Short title
3            This is the Industry and Technology Development Amendment
4            Act 2021.

5   2.       Commencement
6            This Act comes into operation as follows --
7             (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
8                   Royal Assent;
9             (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after that day.

    page 2
                    Industry and Technology Development Amendment Bill 2021
          Industry and Technology Development Act 1998 amended       Part 2

                                                                               s. 3

1           Part 2 -- Industry and Technology Development
2                        Act 1998 amended
3    3.         Act amended
4               This Part amends the Industry and Technology Development
5               Act 1998.

6    4.         Long title amended
7               In the long title delete "to continue the Western Australian
8               Technology and Industry Advisory Council,".

9    5.         Section 4 amended
10        (1)   In section 4 delete the definitions of:
11              appointed member
12              chairperson
13              committee
14              Council
15              member
16        (2)   In section 4 insert in alphabetical order:

18                    government trading enterprise means any of the
19                    following --
20                      (a) a body established by the Electricity
21                           Corporations Act 2005 section 4(1);
22                      (b) a port authority established by the Port
23                           Authorities Act 1999 section 4(1);
24                      (c) a body established by or under the Water
25                           Corporations Act 1995 section 4;
26                      (d) the body established by the Western Australian
27                           Land Authority Act 1992 section 5(1);

                                                                        page 3
     Industry and Technology Development Amendment Bill 2021
     Part 2          Industry and Technology Development Act 1998 amended

     s. 6

1                       (e)   a body prescribed for the purposes of this
2                             definition;
3                       (f)   a subsidiary of a body referred to in any of
4                             paragraphs (a) to (e);

6         (3)   In section 4 in the definition of industry delete "entity)" and
7               insert:

9               entity or a government trading enterprise)

11   6.         Section 6 amended
12              Delete section 6(d).

13   7.         Section 15 amended
14        (1)   In section 15(2)(a) delete "Act, including appropriations made
15              for the purposes of enabling the Council to carry out its
16              functions;" and insert:

18              Act; and

20        (2)   In section 15(3)(a) delete "Act, including the expenses of the
21              Council in carrying out its functions under this Act;" and insert:

23              Act; and

25   8.         Part 6 deleted
26              Delete Part 6.

     page 4
                     Industry and Technology Development Amendment Bill 2021
           Industry and Technology Development Act 1998 amended       Part 2

                                                                              s. 9

1    9.        Section 32 amended
2              In section 32(2):
3                (a) in paragraph (a) delete "Act;" and insert:

5                      Act; and

7                (b)   in paragraph (b) delete "department and the Council;
8                      and" and insert:

10                     department; and

12   10.       Schedule 1 deleted
13             Delete Schedule 1.

                                                                        page 5
    Industry and Technology Development Amendment Bill 2021
    Part 3          Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended

    s. 11

1           Part 3 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899
2                              amended
3   11.       Act amended
4             This Part amends the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899.

5   12.       Schedule V Part 3 amended
6             In Schedule V Part 3 delete the item relating to the Western
7             Australian Technology and Industry Advisory Council.


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