Western Australian Bills

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                        Western Australia

                  Maritime Bill 1999


                   Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.     Short title                                            2
2.     Commencement                                           2
3.     Definitions                                            2
4.     Crown is bound by this Act                             9
5.     Waters, areas and vessels to which this Act applies    9
6.     Navigable waters                                      11
7.     Vessels and owners                                    11
        Part 2 -- Ports, maritime facilities and
           structures, and mooring control
       Division 1 -- Ports, maritime facilities and their
8.     Ports                                                 13
9.     Maritime facilities                                   13
10 .   Development of ports and maritime facilities          14
11 .   Operation of ports and maritime facilities            14
           Division 2 -- Appointment of operators
12 .   Director General may invite applications              15
13 .   Application                                           15
14 .   Appointment of operator                               15
15 .   Terms and conditions of appointment                   16

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Maritime Bill 1999


   16 .      Duration of appointment                              16
   17 .      Publication of appointments                          17
   18 .      Other laws not affected                              17
   19 .      Operator may ask for regulations to be made          17
   20 .      Operational audit                                    18
   21 .      Failure to comply with appointment agreement         18
   22 .      Right of operator to make submissions                19
   23 .      Exception where public health endangered             19
   24 .      Termination of appointment                           19
   25 .      Transitional arrangements                            20
   26 .      Advice to Minister about performance of operator     21
   27 .      How planning and building requirements apply to
             operators                                            21
               Division 3 -- Licensing of maritime services
   28 .      Definition                                           23
   29 .      Regulations may provide for licensing                23
   30 .      Services that can be licensed                        23
   31 .      Licences: issue, direction, conditions etc.          24
   32 .      Licence may continue beyond operator's appointment   24
   33 .      Exclusive licences                                   24
           Division 4 -- Harbour masters and maritime facility
   34 .      "Port" includes certain other areas                  25
   35 .      Appointment of harbour masters                       25
   36 .      Principal functions of harbour masters               26
   37 .      Directions as to vessels                             26
   38 .      Directions as to dangerous things                    27
   39 .      Removal of ownerless vessels or dangerous things     28
   40 .      Failure to obey directions                           28
   41 .      Recovery of costs                                    29
   42 .      Immunity from liability                              29
   43 .      Offence of hindering                                 30
   44 .      Maritime facility managers                           30
                     Division 5 -- Maritime structures
   45 .      Interpretation                                       31
   46 .      Application                                          31

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47 .   Maritime structures to be approved or licensed                31
48 .   Annual levy for maritime structures                           32
49 .   Unauthorized or unsafe maritime structures                    32
50 .   Appeals against licensing decisions of Director
       General                                                       33
51 .   Minister and Department may provide navigational
       aids                                                          34
52 .   Interference with navigational aids                           35
53 .   Responsibility for damage to maritime structures              36
                 Division 6 -- Mooring control
54 .   Division does not apply to port authority waters              37
55 .   Mooring control areas                                         37
56 .   Mooring prohibition areas                                     38
57 .   Mooring area licences                                         39
               Division 7 -- Departmental areas
58 .   Erection of notices and signs                                 41
                 Part 3 -- Safe navigation
           Division 1 -- Navigation control notices
59 .   Publication of notices                                        42
60 .   Director General's powers                                     43
61 .   Notices must be obeyed                                        44
             Division 2 -- Registration of vessels
62 .   Director General may register vessels                         44
63 .   Offence of having or using unregistered vessels               45
64 .   Offence of using registered vessels contrary to
       conditions                                                    45
65 .   Offences relating to hiring of unregistered vessels           45
           Division 3 -- Certificates of competency
66 .   Certificates of competency                                    45
67 .   Appeals against decisions relating to certificates            46
68 .   Misrepresentations in relation to applications for
       certificates                                                  46
                Division 4 -- Pilots and pilotage
69 .   Terms used in this Division                                   47

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   70 .     Application                                              48
   71 .     Approval of pilots                                       48
   72 .     Offence of acting as pilot when not approved             49
   73 .     Provision of pilotage services                           49
   74 .     When pilotage is required                                49
   75 .     Pilot under authority of master                          50
   76 .     Liability of owner or master of a vessel                 50
   77 .     Immunity from liability for pilot's negligence           50
                 Division 5 -- Safe operation of vessels
   78 .     Crewing requirements and crew qualifications             51
   79 .     Exemptions from compliance with certain regulations      52
   80 .     Additional crewing requirements                          52
   81 .     Deck lines, load lines and overloading                   53
   82 .     Responsibility for safe operation of vessels             54
   83 .     Duties of masters in controlling certain vessels         55
   84 .     Unlawfully assuming control of a vessel                  55
   85 .     Maintenance of log books                                 55
   86 .     Dangerous, reckless or careless navigation               56
   87 .     Navigation under influence of alcohol, etc.              57
               Division 6 -- Dealing with unsafe vessels
   88 .     Meaning of "unsafe"                                      58
   89 .     Use of unsafe vessels                                    58
   90 .     Provisional detention of unsafe vessels                  59
   91 .     Release by agreement                                     60
   92 .     Order for release or permanent detention                 60
   93 .     Enforcing detention of unsafe vessels                    61
   94 .     Power to order vessel to return to shore                 61
                     Division 7 -- Navigational hazards
   95 .     Removal of things causing hazards or obstructions        63
   96 .     Disposal of dangerous things, etc. in navigable waters   64
           Division 8 -- Distress, emergencies and collisions
   97 .     Obligation to render assistance                          65
   98 .     Emergency powers of Director General                     66
   99 .     Duties of masters in case of collisions                  67
   100 .    Reporting of marine incidents                            68
   101 .    False distress signals                                   69

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                    Division 9 -- Safety plans
102 .   Marine safety plans                                        70
           Part 4 -- International conventions
103 .   Meaning of terms                                           72
104 .   Declaration of conventions                                 72
105 .   Regulations may give effect to conventions                 72
106 .   General provisions as to regulations                       73
107 .   Regulations giving effect to Container Convention          74
108 .   Regulations giving effect to Limitation Convention         74
109 .   Application to determine liability if Limitation
        Convention applies                                         75
110 .   Offences against regulations giving effect to
        Prevention of Collisions Convention                        76
        Part 5 -- Marine Inquiries and Courts of
                   Marine Inquiry
                 Division 1 -- Marine Inquiries
111 .   Marine Inquiries into marine incidents                     77
112 .   Powers of inquiring officers                               77
113 .   Inquiries into incompetence or misconduct                  78
            Division 2 -- Courts of Marine Inquiry
114 .   Establishment of Courts of Marine Inquiry                  79
115 .   Composition of Court of Marine Inquiry                     79
116 .   Investigations by Courts of Marine Inquiry                 80
117 .   Powers and duties in respect of vessels and
        authorizations                                             80
118 .   Report on investigation                                    81
119 .   Rehearing                                                  81
120 .   Officers of Courts of Marine Inquiry                       81
121 .   Rules about Courts of Marine Inquiry                       81
          Part 6 -- Maritime Appeal Tribunal
122 .   Establishment of Maritime Appeal Tribunal                  83
123 .   Composition of Tribunal                                    83
124 .   Procedure relating to appeals                              84

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   125 .    Determination of appeal                                85
   126 .    Rules about the Tribunal                               86
              Part 7 -- Maritime dues and charges
   127 .    Maritime dues                                          87
   128 .    Departmental charges for maritime services and
            infrastructure                                         88
   129 .    Charges by operators for maritime services and
            infrastructure                                         89
                        Part 8 -- Enforcement
                     Division 1 -- Authorized officers
   130 .    Appointment of authorized officers                     90
   131 .    General powers of authorized officers                  90
   132 .    Authorized officer may request names and addresses     91
           Division 2 -- Offences: procedure and evidence
   133 .    Definition                                             92
   134 .    Jurisdiction as to offences                            92
   135 .    Institution of proceedings                             92
   136 .    Speed measuring equipment                              92
   137 .    Requirement to submit sample of breath or blood for
            analysis                                               93
   138 .    Application of provisions of Road Traffic Act 1974     96
   139 .    Proof and evidence of certain matters in proceedings
            for offences                                           97
                     Division 3 -- Infringement notices
   140 .    References to "penalties officer"                       98
   141 .    Serving of notice                                       99
   142 .    Content of notice                                       99
   143 .    Extension of time                                       99
   144 .    Withdrawal of notice                                   100
   145 .    Benefit of paying modified penalty                     100
   146 .    Application of penalties collected                     100
   147 .    Owner onus in relation to vessels                      100

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                   Part 9 -- Miscellaneous
                      Division 1 -- General
148 .   Hindering the performance of functions                     103
149 .   Exemptions and equivalents                                 103
150 .   Evidence of documents and proof of signature               104
151 .   Admissibility of documents in evidence                     104
152 .   Protection from liability                                  105
               Division 2 -- Service of documents
153 .   Meaning of terms used                                      106
154 .   Service of notices                                         106
155 .   Notices may be served on board or sent to a vessel         106
156 .   Substituted service if there is no master                  107
157 .   Legal process may be served on board a vessel              107
                   Part 10 -- Regulations
158 .   General power to make regulations                          108
159 .   Offences against regulations                               108
160 .   Adoption of other laws, codes etc.                         108
161 .   References to other approvals or decisions                 109
162 .   Licensing                                                  109
                  Part 11 -- Review of Act
163 .   Minister to review and report on Act                       111
        Schedule 1 -- Names and boundaries of
1.      Port of Barrow Island                                      112
2.      Port of Carnarvon                                          112
3.      Port of Derby                                              113
4.      Port of Onslow                                             114
5.      Port of Port Walcott                                       115
6.      Port of Varanus Island                                     115
7.      Port of Wyndham                                            116
8.      Port of Yampi Sound                                        116

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             Schedule 2 -- Terms and conditions of
   1.       Terms and conditions                                     117
   2.       Definitions                                              118
             Schedule 3 -- Purposes for which, or
            matters about which, regulations may be
   1.       Vessels                                                  119
   2.       Certificates of competency and safe crewing              120
   3.       Vessel safety standards                                  120
   4.       Operational safety                                       121
   5.       Maritime structures and other infrastructure generally   122
   6.       Jetties                                                  122
   7.       Mooring control                                          124
   8.       Pilotage                                                 125
   9.       Control of departmental areas                            125
   10 .     Licences, registration and other authorizations          127
   11 .     Payment of fees and charges                              127
   12 .     Ports and maritime facilities operated by appointed
            operators                                                128
   13 .     General                                                  128
                             Defined Terms

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

                      Maritime Bill 1999

                               A Bill for

An Act to --
     •      enable the provision of the infrastructure necessary for
           the efficient and safe conduct of the maritime activities
           and industries of Western Australia;
     •      facilitate safety in relation to the design standards,
           construction, operation and navigation of vessels,
and to provide for related matters.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 1          Preliminary

     s. 1

                              Part 1 -- Preliminary
     1.         Short title
                This Act may be cited as the Maritime Act 1999.

     2.         Commencement
 5        (1)   This Act comes into operation on a day fixed by proclamation.
          (2)   Different days may be fixed under subsection (1) for different

     3.         Definitions
                In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears --
10              "appointed operator" means a person appointed under Part 2
                     Division 2 to operate a port or a maritime facility or, if
                     rights or obligations of that person under the appointment
                     agreement are assigned under the appointment agreement
                     to another person, that other person;
15              "appointment agreement" has the meaning given by
                     section 14(1);
                "approved" means approved by the Director General;
                "authorization" means a licence, permit, approval, permission,
                     certificate, registration or accreditation under this Act;
20              "authorized officer" means a person who is an authorized
                     officer under section 130(1) for the purposes of this Act or
                     for the purposes of the provision in which the term is used;
                "blood alcohol content" means the number of grams of alcohol
                     contained in 100 millilitres of a person's blood;
25              "certificated", in relation to a person, means holding a
                     certificate of competency that is relevant and valid;

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                                                  Maritime Bill 1999
                                         Preliminary          Part 1

                                                                s. 3

     "certificate of competency" means --
         (a) a certificate of competency issued under the
                regulations; or
         (b) an external qualification recognized under the
 5              regulations;
     "channel" includes a swinging basin, turning circle, area
         alongside a jetty, fairway or anchorage;
     "condition" includes restriction or limitation;
     "Court of Marine Inquiry" means a Court of Marine Inquiry
10       established under Part 5 Division 2;
     "dangerous thing" means --
         (a) a vessel or part of a vessel;
         (b) a wreck and any cargo, fuel or other thing on or in it;
15       (c) any other thing,
         that is likely to be a danger to persons, navigation or the
     "Department" has the same meaning as it has in the Transport
         Co-ordination Act 1966;
20   "departmental area" means land, water or seabed --
         (a) the care, control and management of which have been
                placed with the Minister under the Land
                Administration Act 1997 for the purposes of this Act
                or for other maritime or port purposes;
25       (b) vested in the Minister under the Transport
                Co-ordination Act 1966 for the purposes of this Act
                or for other maritime or port purposes;
         (c) which is otherwise under the care, control and
                management of the Minister for the purposes of this
30              Act or for other maritime or port purposes; or

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     Part 1          Preliminary

     s. 3

                   (d)   on which there is a jetty or other infrastructure
                         provided by, or under the control of, the Minister or
                         the Department;
              "Director General" has the same meaning as it has in the
 5                 Transport Co-ordination Act 1966;
              "exemption" means an exemption under this Act;
              "external qualification" means a certificate or other document
                   that was issued outside the State and evidences competency;
              "goods" includes --
10                 (a) merchandise, wares, chattels and other articles,
                         whether manufactured or of any other kind;
                   (b) minerals and mineral products;
                   (c) petroleum and hydrocarbon products;
                   (d) forestry and agricultural products;
15                 (e) fish products; and
                    (f) livestock, agricultural products and other products of
                         primary production;
              "harbour master" means a person appointed under section 35
                   to be the harbour master or acting harbour master of a port
20                 or authorized under that section to perform the harbour
                   master's functions;
              "hinder" includes assault, obstruct, intimidate, use abusive or
                   offensive language to, or disobey;
              "infrastructure" means facilities provided for or in relation to
25                 maritime activities or the administration of a place where
                   maritime activities are carried out and includes --
                   (a) maritime structures and other buildings, structures
                         and enclosures;
                   (b) railways; and
30                 (c) machinery, equipment, vessels, vehicles and aircraft;

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                                                    Maritime Bill 1999
                                           Preliminary          Part 1

                                                                   s. 3

     "jetty" includes --
          (a) a pier, wharf, quay, grid, slipway, landing place,
                stage, platform or similar structure, whether fixed or
                floating, erected or placed, wholly or in part, in, on,
 5              over or alongside any navigable waters; and
          (b) a ramp that is or may be used for the purpose of
                launching or landing a vessel,
          but does not include a registered vessel;
     "marine incident" means an incident involving --
10        (a) a vessel to which this Act applies; or
          (b) a vessel that is on waters to which this Act applies;
     "maritime activities" means --
          (a) the movement, mooring, hauling out, maintenance
                and launching of vessels;
15        (b) the movement of, and provision of services to,
                passengers of vessels; and
          (c) the movement, handling and storage of goods;
     "maritime facility" means a maritime facility declared under
          section 9;
20   "maritime services" means --
          (a) carrying out maritime activities;
          (b) dredging, engineering, maritime civil construction,
                pollution management, security, pilotage, towage,
                vessel movement control, emergency response, shore
25              stabilization and waste management services;
          (c) supplying provisions or equipment to vessels;
          (d) supplying water, fuel or electricity;
          (e) providing for the use or hire of maritime structures or
                other infrastructure;

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     Part 1          Preliminary

     s. 3

                    (f) providing labour for any purpose; and
                   (g)  any other services prescribed by regulation for the
                        purposes of this definition;
              "maritime structure" means --
 5                (a) a jetty;
                  (b) a breakwater, groyne or seawall;
                  (c) a dredged channel;
                  (d) a boat pen or vessel mooring;
                  (e) a navigational aid; or
10                 (f) a pipeline in, over, under or discharging into
                        navigable waters (but not a pipeline discharging
                        material from a dredging vessel);
              "master" means any person having command or charge of a
                  vessel otherwise than as a pilot;
15            "Minister" means the Minister administering the Transport
                  Co-ordination Act 1966;
              "mooring", in relation to vessels, includes anchoring and
              "mooring area licence" has the meaning given by section 57;
20            "mooring control area" means an area of navigable waters
                  declared under section 55 to be a mooring control area;
              "mooring prohibition area" means an area of navigable waters
                  declared under section 56(2) to be a mooring prohibition
25            "movement", in relation to --
                  (a) goods, includes loading and unloading;
                  (b) passengers, includes boarding and going ashore;
              "navigable waters" has the meaning given by section 6;

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                                                     Maritime Bill 1999
                                            Preliminary          Part 1

                                                                    s. 3

     "Navigation Act" means the Navigation Act 1912 of the
     "navigation control notice" has the meaning given by
          section 59;
 5   "navigational aid" means an apparatus, device, mark or
          structure that --
          (a) is or is intended to be an aid to marine navigation; or
          (b) emits or transmits a light, sound, radio, electronic or
                 other signal that is or is intended to be an aid to
10               marine navigation;
     "officer" means an officer of the Department;
     "operate", in relation to a port or maritime facility, means to --
          (a) provide, manage and operate infrastructure or arrange
                 for infrastructure to be provided, managed and
15               operated; and
          (b) provide maritime services or arrange for maritime
                 services to be provided,
          at or for the port or maritime facility;
     "operator", in relation to a port or a maritime facility,
20        means --
          (a) the appointed operator; or
          (b) if there is no appointed operator, the Minister;
     "owner", in relation to a vessel, includes --
          (a) if the vessel is owned by a body corporate or
25               unincorporate, a person nominated under section 7(3)
                 as the owner of the vessel;
          (b) a person who is purchasing the vessel under a
                 contract that is a credit sale contract for the purposes
                 of the Credit Act 1984;

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     Part 1          Preliminary

     s. 3

                   (c)  a person who is the purchaser or hirer of the vessel
                        under a contract that for the purposes of the
                        Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Code is a credit
                        contract, or is to be regarded as a credit contract, to
 5                      which that Code applies;
                  (d) a person who has the use of the vessel under a hiring,
                        hire purchase, lease, loan, charter or other agreement;
                  (e) a person in whose name the vessel is registered,
10                      whether under this Act or under any corresponding
                        law of the Commonwealth or another State or a
                  but does not include an unpaid vendor under a hire
                  purchase agreement or the lessor under a lease or a person
15                of a class excluded by the regulations from the operation of
                  this definition;
              "port" means a port named in Schedule 1;
              "port authority" means a port authority established under the
                  Port Authorities Act 1999;
20            "port authority port" means a port named in Schedule 1 to the
                  Port Authorities Act 1999;
              "public authority" means --
                  (a) a Minister;
                  (b) an agency as defined in the Public Sector
25                      Management Act 1994; or
                  (c) a body, whether corporate or unincorporate, or the
                        holder of an office, post or position, being a body or
                        office, post or position that is established or
                        continued for a public purpose under a written law,
30                      including a local government or regional local

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                                                              Maritime Bill 1999
                                                     Preliminary          Part 1

                                                                            s. 4

                "public jetty" means a jetty the property of the State or vested
                    in any person on behalf of the State;
                "registered" means registered under the regulations;
                "Tribunal" means the Maritime Appeal Tribunal established by
 5                  Part 6;
                "under compulsory pilotage", in relation to a vessel, means
                    under the control of a pilot as required under section 74;
                "use", in relation to a vessel, includes to operate, manage or be
                    in control of the vessel, and a vessel is regarded as being
10                  used even when it is under tow;
                "vessel" has the meaning given by section 7.

     4.         Crown is bound by this Act
          (1)   This Act binds the Crown not only in right of Western Australia
                but also, so far as the legislative power of Parliament permits,
15              the Crown in all its other capacities.
          (2)   This Act does not render the Crown (as distinct from any of its
                agencies, instrumentalities or employees) liable to be prosecuted
                for an offence created by this Act.

     5.         Waters, areas and vessels to which this Act applies
20        (1)   This Act applies to --
                 (a) navigable waters;
                 (b) land that may at some time be covered by tidal waters
                       even if it is not so covered for the time being;
                 (c) departmental areas;
25               (d) land in a port or maritime facility;
                 (e) a vessel that is within navigable waters;

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     Part 1          Preliminary

     s. 5

                 (f)   a vessel on an intra-State voyage whether or not the
                       vessel is within navigable waters;
                (g)    a vessel connected with the State whether or not the
                       vessel is within navigable waters; and
 5              (h)    a vessel not subject to the Navigation Act if the vessel is
                       on an inter-State voyage or an overseas voyage and the
                       voyage begins at, ends at, or involves a call at, a place in
                       the State, whether or not the vessel is within navigable
10      (2)    In subsection (1) --
               "inter-State voyage" has the same meaning as it has in the
                    Navigation Act;
               "intra-State voyage" means a voyage other than an inter-State
                    voyage or overseas voyage;
15             "overseas voyage" has the same meaning as it has in the
                    Navigation Act.
        (3)    A vessel is connected with the State for the purposes of
               subsection (1)(g) if --
                 (a) it is owned or used by a person --
20                        (i) whose place of residence or principal place of
                               residence is in the State;
                         (ii) whose place of business or principal place of
                               business is in the State; or
                        (iii) whose principal place of business for managing
25                             the operations of the vessel is in the State;
                 (b) it is, or is required to be, registered under this or another
                       Act; or
                 (c) it is a vessel declared by the regulations to be connected
                       with the State.

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                                                                Maritime Bill 1999
                                                       Preliminary          Part 1

                                                                               s. 6

     6.         Navigable waters
                A reference in this Act to navigable waters is a reference to the
                following --
                  (a) the territorial sea adjacent to the State;
 5                (b) the sea on the landward side of the territorial sea
                        adjacent to the State that is not within the limits of the
                  (c) waters within the limits of the State on which a vessel
                        can be navigated.

10   7.         Vessels and owners
          (1)   A reference in this Act to a vessel is a reference to any thing
                used, or capable of being used, in navigation by water, and
                includes a reference to --
                  (a) an air-cushion vehicle, seaplane or other similar craft; or
15                (b) a barge, lighter or other floating structure used for
                        commercial purposes other than a structure of a class or
                        kind prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph.
          (2)   A thing can be a vessel for the purposes of this Act --
                 (a) no matter how it is moved or propelled; and
20               (b) even if it is normally stationary.
          (3)   A body corporate or unincorporate that owns a vessel of a class
                prescribed for the purposes of this subsection must, by written
                notice served on the Director General, nominate a person as the
                owner of the vessel for the purposes of paragraph (a) of the
25              definition of "owner" in section 3.
          (4)   A nomination made under subsection (3) may be revoked and
                replaced by another nomination under that subsection.

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    Maritime Bill 1999
    Part 1          Preliminary

    s. 7

       (5)    A body corporate or unincorporate that owns a vessel to which
              subsection (3) does not apply may, by written notice served on
              the Director General --
                (a) nominate a person as the owner of the vessel for the
5                     purposes of paragraph (a) of the definition of "owner" in
                      section 3; or
                (b) revoke a nomination made under this subsection.

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                                                                    Maritime Bill 1999
      Ports, maritime facilities and structures, and mooring control            Part 2
                       Ports, maritime facilities and their operation      Division 1
                                                                                   s. 8

     Part 2 -- Ports, maritime facilities and structures, and
                       mooring control
          Division 1 -- Ports, maritime facilities and their operation
     8.         Ports
 5        (1)   Each port named in Schedule 1 is declared to be a port for the
                purposes of this Act bounded by the limits described in
                Schedule 1 in relation to that port.
          (2)   The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, amend
                Schedule 1 by --
10                (a) adding the name of a port and its description;
                 (b) deleting the name of a port and its description;
                  (c) amending the name of a port;
                 (d) altering the description of a port to include or exclude an
                       area of land, water or seabed; or
15                (e) correcting any error in the description of a port.
          (3)   A port authority port is not a port for the purposes of this Act
                and a notice under subsection (2) cannot relate to a port
                authority port or any part of a port authority port.

     9.         Maritime facilities
20        (1)   The Minister may by notice published in the Gazette, declare --
                 (a) a maritime structure or group of maritime structures; or
                 (b) an area of enclosed or protected waters used by vessels
                      together with associated facilities on land,
                to be a maritime facility for the purposes of this Act.
25        (2)   A notice under subsection (1) cannot relate to --
                 (a) a port or a port authority port; or

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     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 2          Ports, maritime facilities and structures, and mooring control
     Division 1      Ports, maritime facilities and their operation
     s. 10

                  (b)    a maritime structure, group of maritime structures, or
                         waters within a port or a port authority port.
           (3)   The Minister may by notice published in the Gazette--
                  (a) revoke a notice under subsection (1);
 5                (b) alter the description of a maritime facility to include or
                       exclude --
                          (i) a maritime structure; or
                         (ii) an area of water and associated facilities on land;
10                (c) correct any error in the description of a maritime

     10.         Development of ports and maritime facilities
                 A notice under section 8(2)(a) or 9(1) can relate to a proposed
                 port or maritime facility that has yet to be established and, in
15               that case, references in this Division and Division 2 to --
                   (a) a port or maritime facility, include references to the
                         proposed port or maritime facility;
                   (b) the operation of a port or maritime facility, include
                         references to the development of the proposed port or
20                       maritime facility.

     11.         Operation of ports and maritime facilities
           (1)   If a port or a maritime facility has an appointed operator that
                 operator is to operate the port or maritime facility under and
                 subject to the appointment agreement.
25         (2)   If a port or a maritime facility does not have an appointed
                 operator the Minister is responsible for the operation of the port
                 or maritime facility.

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                      Division 2 -- Appointment of operators
     12.         Director General may invite applications
           (1)   The Director General may by advertisement or negotiation, or
                 both, invite applications from persons for appointment to
 5               operate a port or maritime facility.
           (2)   The Director General must get the Minister's approval before
                 inviting applications under subsection (1) by negotiation.
           (3)   The Minister is not to give approval under subsection (2) unless
                 the Minister considers that proceeding by way of negotiation is
10               more in the public interest than proceeding by way of

     13.         Application
           (1)   An application for appointment to operate a port or maritime
                 facility is to be in an approved form.
15         (2)   If the Director General so requires, the applicant must also
                 provide other information to enable the application to be
                 properly assessed.
           (3)   If the Director General so requires, the applicant must pay an
                 application fee determined by the Director General to cover
20               administrative costs associated with assessing the application
                 and making an appointment.

     14.         Appointment of operator
           (1)   Subject to subsection (2), the Director General may, by
                 agreement in writing with an applicant (the "appointment
25               agreement") appoint the applicant to operate a port or maritime

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           (2)   The Director General is not to appoint the applicant to operate
                 the port or maritime facility unless satisfied that the applicant
                 has, and is likely to continue to have, the financial and technical
                 ability to operate the port or maritime facility satisfactorily.

 5   15.         Terms and conditions of appointment
           (1)   The appointment of an operator is subject to such terms and
                 conditions as are set out in the appointment agreement.
           (2)   The terms and conditions set out in the appointment agreement
                 can be amended from time to time by agreement between the
10               Director General and the operator.
           (3)   Without limiting subsection (1) or (2) the appointment
                 agreement may include provisions relating to --
                   (a) any matter provided for by Schedule 2;
                   (b) the payment of amounts by the appointed operator to the
15                     Director General, or by the Director General to the
                       operator, in respect of the appointment or of the
                       operation of the port or maritime facility; and
                   (c) in the case of a maritime facility, the times at which, or
                       circumstances in which, obligations of the appointed
20                     operator in respect of the operation of the maritime
                       facility have effect.

     16.         Duration of appointment
           (1)   The appointment of an operator has effect for the period set out
                 in the appointment agreement.
25         (2)   The period set out in the appointment agreement is not to
                 exceed 50 years unless a longer period is provided for by a State
                 agreement relating to the port or maritime facility.

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           (3)   In subsection (2) --
                 "State agreement" means an agreement --
                      (a) to which the State is a party; and
                      (b) which is ratified by an Act or the execution of which
 5                          is authorized or approved by an Act.
           (4)   The Director General may, by notice in writing to an operator,
                 extend the appointment of the operator for a period or periods
                 not exceeding (in the aggregate) 10 years.

     17.         Publication of appointments
10         (1)   The Director General must ensure that notice of the appointment
                 of an operator is published in the Gazette as soon as is
                 practicable after the appointment is made.
           (2)   The notice is to include --
                  (a) the name of the port or maritime facility;
15                (b) the name of the appointed operator; and
                  (c) the period of the appointment.
           (3)   The Director General is to keep a copy of every appointment
                 agreement, as in force from time to time.

     18.         Other laws not affected
20               The appointment of an operator does not affect the operator's
                 obligations to comply with any other written law in relation to
                 the matters covered by the appointment agreement.

     19.         Operator may ask for regulations to be made
                 An appointed operator may, by written notice to the Minister,
25               ask for regulations to be made under the Act in relation to the
                 port or maritime facility.

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     20.         Operational audit
           (1)   It is a condition of the appointment of an operator that the
                 operator is to, not less than once in every period of 24 months
                 (or such longer period as the Director General allows), provide
 5               the Director General with an operational audit conducted by an
                 independent expert acceptable to the Director General.
           (2)   An operational audit is an audit of the effectiveness of measures
                 taken by the appointed operator to comply with the terms and
                 conditions of its appointment.

10   21.         Failure to comply with appointment agreement
           (1)   If, in the opinion of the Minister, an appointed operator
                 contravenes the terms or conditions of its appointment, the
                 Minister may cause a notice to be served on the operator
                 requiring the operator to rectify the contravention within a
15               specified period.
           (2)   If, in the opinion of the Minister, an appointed operator has
                 failed to comply with a notice under subsection (1) the Minister
                 may, subject to section 22, do one or more of the following --
                    (a) serve a letter of reprimand on the operator;
20                 (b) order the operator to pay a monetary penalty fixed by
                          the Minister but not exceeding $100 000;
                    (c) cause the contravention to be rectified to the satisfaction
                          of the Minister.
           (3)   Persons authorized by the Minister may enter any premises and
25               do all things that are necessary for the purposes of
                 subsection (2)(c).
           (4)   The Minister may recover --
                  (a) a penalty imposed under subsection (2)(b); or

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                  (b)   the costs and expenses of any action taken under
                        subsection (2)(c),
                 in a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due by the
                 appointed operator to the State.

 5   22.         Right of operator to make submissions
                 The Minister is not to take any action under section 21(2)(b)
                 or (c) unless the Minister has notified the appointed operator of
                 the proposed action and given the operator a reasonable
                 opportunity of making submissions on the matter.

10   23.         Exception where public health endangered
                 If in the opinion of the Minister the health or safety of members
                 of the public is or may be at risk, the Minister may cause a
                 contravention to be rectified under section 21(2)(c) without --
                   (a) serving notice on the appointed operator under
15                        section 21(1); or
                   (b) complying with section 22.

     24.         Termination of appointment
           (1)   The Governor may terminate an operator's appointment if
                 satisfied that the operator --
20                 (a) is in default as defined in subsection (2);
                   (b) has within a period of 5 years been convicted of 3 or
                          more offences for which the prescribed punishment is a
                          fine of $20 000 or more or imprisonment for 20 months
                          or more,
25               and that termination of the appointment is appropriate in the

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           (2)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(a) an appointed operator is in
                 default if the Governor is satisfied that --
                   (a) the operator has contravened a term or condition of its
                         appointment or has otherwise committed an act of
 5                       default under its appointment;
                   (b) the contravention is material in terms of the appointment
                         as a whole;
                   (c) the Minister has served the operator with written notice
                         of the contravention and of the fact that in the Minister's
10                       opinion paragraph (b) applies to it; and
                  (d) the operator has not, within the time specified in the
                         notice, either remedied the contravention or shown
                         cause why the appointment should not be terminated.
           (3)   An appointed operator may terminate its appointment as
15               operator by written notice given to the Director General in
                 accordance with the appointment agreement.
           (4)   If an operator's appointment is terminated under this section the
                 Director General must ensure that notice of the termination is
                 published in the Gazette.

20   25.         Transitional arrangements
           (1)   Regulations may provide, in the event of an operator's
                 appointment being terminated, for --
                   (a) the vesting of assets and rights of the former operator in
                        a person (including the Minister as a body corporate
25                      under another written law) for the purpose of enabling
                        the port or maritime facility to be operated after the
                   (b) the conferral of powers and duties for that purpose;
                   (c) the discharge or assignment of liabilities;
30                 (d) the disposal of property; and

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                  (e)   all matters that are necessary or convenient for dealing
                        with the consequences of the termination and the vesting
                        referred to in paragraph (a).
           (2)   A reference in subsection (1) to the termination of an
 5               appointment includes a reference to an appointment expiring
                 and not being renewed.

     26.         Advice to Minister about performance of operator
                 The Director General is to --
                  (a) monitor and report to the Minister on the performance of
10                      an appointed operator;
                  (b) inform the Minister about any failure by an appointed
                        operator to meet requirements of this Act or its
                        appointment agreement; and
                  (c) provide advice to the Minister for the purposes of
15                      section 21.

     27.         How planning and building requirements apply to operators
           (1)   In this section --
                 "Building Code" means the latest edition of the Building Code
                      of Australia published from time to time by, or on behalf
20                    of, the Australian Building Codes Board, as amended from
                      time to time, but not including explanatory information
                      published with that Code;
                 "performance requirements" means the provisions of the
                      Building Code that set out the technical requirements in
25                    accordance with which buildings must be built;
                 "port operator" means --
                      (a) an appointed operator of a port; or
                      (b) a lessee or tenant of an appointed operator of a port;

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               "responsible Minister" means --
                   (a) in relation to a town planning matter, the Minister
                         administering the Town Planning and Development
                         Act 1928;
 5                 (b) in relation to a building matter, the Minister
                         administering the Local Government (Miscellaneous
                         Provisions) Act 1960;
               "works" means works for the purposes of a port and
                   includes --
10                 (a) designing, constructing, extending, maintaining,
                         removing or demolishing --
                            (i) maritime structures and other buildings,
                                structures and enclosures; and
                           (ii) railways, roads, bridges, dams and
15                              embankments; and
                   (b) reclaiming land from the sea or a river.
        (2)    For the purposes of works and infrastructure --
                 (a)   section 32 of the Town Planning and Development
                       Act 1928; and
20               (b)   section 373(3) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous
                       Provisions) Act 1960,
               apply to a port operator as if it were an agency of the Crown in
               right of the State.
        (3)    Works and infrastructure are to be regarded as being public
25             works for the purposes of section 32 of the Town Planning and
               Development Act 1928 as applied by subsection (2)(a).
        (4)    Subsection (2)(b) does not prevent the application of the
               performance requirements of the Building Code to a building or
               building work to which they would otherwise apply.

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           (5)   A port operator is to consult with the relevant local government
                 before and during the carrying out of building work to ensure
                 that the performance requirements of the Building Code are
                 applied in accordance with subsection (3).
 5         (6)   If there is a dispute between a port operator and a local
                 government with respect to a town planning or building matter
                 relating to works or infrastructure, the parties to the dispute are
                 to refer it to the Minister.
           (7)   The Minister may, after consulting the responsible Minister,
10               make a decision on the dispute and that decision is final and
                 binding on the parties.

                   Division 3 -- Licensing of maritime services
     28.         Definition
                 In this Division --
15               "licence" means a licence under this Division.

     29.         Regulations may provide for licensing
           (1)   Regulations made in relation to a port or maritime facility may
                 prohibit a prescribed service from being provided at or in
                 relation to the port or maritime facility except under a licence
20               issued by the operator of the port or maritime facility.
           (2)   Neither the operator, nor a person acting on the operator's
                 behalf, needs a licence to provide a prescribed service.

     30.         Services that can be licensed
                 For the purposes of section 29 the following are prescribed
25               services at or in relation to a port or a maritime facility --
                   (a) pilotage services;
                   (b) towage services;

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                  (c)   stevedoring services; and
                  (d)   maritime services of any other kind prescribed for the
                        purposes of this section in relation to the port or
                        maritime facility.

 5   31.         Licences: issue, direction, conditions etc.
           (1)   Regulations may provide for the following --
                  (a) the calling of applications or tenders for licences;
                  (b) the method of applying or tendering for licences;
                  (c) the issue, duration, renewal, suspension or cancellation
10                      of licences;
                  (d) fees for the issue or renewal of licences.
           (2)   A licence may be issued on such conditions as the operator
                 thinks fit.

     32.         Licence may continue beyond operator's appointment
15         (1)   A licence issued by an appointed operator continues to have
                 effect, under and subject to the regulations, even if the
                 operator's appointment expires or is terminated.
           (2)   An appointed operator must get the Director General's approval
                 before it issues a licence for a term that will extend beyond the
20               expiry of its appointment.

     33.         Exclusive licences
           (1)   An appointed operator must get the Minister's approval before it
                 issues a licence giving a person an exclusive right to provide
                 prescribed services of a particular kind.
25         (2)   The Minister is not to give approval under subsection (1) unless
                 the Minister considers that the public benefits of exclusivity
                 exceed the public costs.

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     Division 4 -- Harbour masters and maritime facility managers
     34.         "Port" includes certain other areas
                 A reference in this Division to a port includes a reference to --
                   (a)   any area that is outside, but contiguous with, a port and
 5                       is declared by the regulations to be an adjacent area in
                         relation to the port; and
                  (b)    any area that is declared under section 69(2) in relation
                         to the port.

     35.         Appointment of harbour masters
10         (1)   The operator of a port is to appoint a competent and suitably
                 qualified person to be the harbour master of the port.
           (2)   The operator of a port may appoint a competent and suitably
                 qualified person to act in the office of harbour master of the port
                 if the harbour master is, or is expected to be, absent from the
15               port, or on leave, or unable for any other reason to perform the
                 functions of the office.
           (3)   If --
                   (a)   the harbour master is unable to perform his or her
                         functions; and
20                (b)    there is no acting harbour master or the acting harbour
                         master is also unable to perform those functions,
                 those functions may be performed by a person determined by
                 the operator of the port.
           (4)   The harbour master may, in writing, delegate any of his or her
25               functions, other than this power of delegation, to any person.

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     36.         Principal functions of harbour masters
                 The principal functions of a harbour master are --
                  (a)    to control the movement of vessels in the port;
                  (b)    to control the mooring of vessels in the port;
 5                (c)    to ensure that the port is kept free of obstructions or
                         possible obstructions to vessels using the port;
                  (d)    to ensure that the safety of people and property in the
                         port is not put at risk by vessels or dangerous things; and
                   (e)   to ensure that the operations of the port in relation to
10                       vessels are conducted safely and efficiently.

     37.         Directions as to vessels
           (1)   For the purpose of performing his or her principal functions, a
                 harbour master may direct the owner, master or person in charge
                 of a vessel to do all or any of the following --
15                 (a) to ensure that the vessel does not enter the port;
                   (b) to navigate the vessel in a specified manner while it is in
                         the port;
                   (c) to moor the vessel in the port at a specified place and in
                         a specified manner;
20                 (d) to move the vessel out of the port or to another place in
                   (e) to do anything to or in relation to the means by which
                         the vessel is moored in the port.
           (2)   Subsection (1) does not authorize a harbour master to prevent a
25               vessel from entering the port, or direct that a vessel be moved
                 out of the port, unless the harbour master is satisfied that there is
                 no place in the port where the vessel can lie without --
                   (a) obstructing other vessels;

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                  (b)   hindering the efficiency of the operations of the port;
                  (c)   endangering the safety of people or property; or
                  (d)   polluting the waters of the port.
           (3)   Subsection (2) does not affect the powers of a harbour master to
 5               withhold services under regulations authorized by Schedule 3
                 item 11.1.
           (4)   When the safety of people or valuable property is in danger
                 from a vessel in a port and no other direction is reasonable in
                 the circumstances, the harbour master may direct the owner,
10               master or person in charge of the vessel to sink it immediately.

     38.         Directions as to dangerous things
           (1)   In this section --
                 "owner" means --
                      (a) in relation to a vessel or part of a vessel -- the owner
15                           immediately before the time of the abandonment or
                             loss of the vessel or part of a vessel;
                      (b) in relation to anything in the water which was in or
                             on a vessel -- the owner of the vessel.
           (2)   For the purpose of performing his or her principal functions, a
20               harbour master may direct the owner of a dangerous thing in the
                 port --
                   (a) to move the thing out of the port or to another place in
                   (b) to destroy the thing; or
25                 (c) to sink the thing.
           (3)   Subsection (2) does not authorize a harbour master to direct that
                 a dangerous thing be moved out of the port unless the harbour

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                 master is satisfied that there is no place in the port where the
                 thing can lie without --
                   (a) obstructing vessels;
                   (b) hindering the efficiency of the operations of the port;
 5                 (c) endangering the safety of people or property; or
                   (d) polluting the waters of the port.

     39.         Removal of ownerless vessels or dangerous things
                 For the purpose of performing his or her principal functions, a
                 harbour master may remove from the waters of the port, destroy
10               or sink any vessel or dangerous thing if the identity or
                 whereabouts, or both, of the owner cannot, after reasonable
                 enquiries, be ascertained.

     40.         Failure to obey directions
           (1)   A person who without reasonable excuse (proof of which lies on
15               that person) does not comply with a direction given under
                 section 37 or 38 commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $25 000.
           (2)   If a person does not comply with a direction given under
                 section 37(1)(c), (d) or (e) or section 38(2) within a reasonable
20               time after being given it, the harbour master may cause the
                 direction to be complied with by using such means as the
                 harbour master thinks fit.
           (3)   When causing a vessel to be moved under subsection (2), a
                 harbour master may cause the vessel to be made fast to another
25               vessel that is moored in the port.
           (4)   Subsection (3) does not prevent the owner or master of a vessel
                 to which another vessel is made fast under that subsection from
                 recovering from the owner or master of the other vessel
                 damages for loss or damage occasioned by that making fast.

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     41.         Recovery of costs
           (1)   The operator of a port may recover --
                   (a)   the costs of exercising the powers in section 39 from the
                         owner of the vessel or dangerous thing; or
 5                (b)    the costs of exercising the powers in section 40(2) or (3)
                         from the owner, master, or person in charge, of the
                         vessel or the owner of the dangerous thing,
                 in a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the operator.
           (2)   The operator of a port may recover the costs of exercising the
10               powers conferred by section 39 by selling the vessel or
                 dangerous thing.
           (3)   The proceeds of a sale are to be applied --
                  (a) first, to the expenses of the sale;
                  (b) second, to the costs of exercising the powers in
15                      section 39,
                 and the balance, if any, is to be paid to the owner of the vessel
                 or dangerous thing but, if the identity or whereabouts, or both,
                 of the owner cannot be ascertained, that balance is to be paid to
                 the Treasurer.
20         (4)   The powers in subsections (1) and (2) may be exercised

     42.         Immunity from liability
           (1)   Neither the State, the operator of a port, the harbour master nor
                 any person acting under the direction of the harbour master is
25               liable for any loss or damage occasioned by --
                    (a) complying with a direction given, or purportedly given,
                          in good faith under section 37 or 38; or

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                  (b)   the exercise, or purported exercise, in good faith of the
                        powers conferred by section 39, 40(2) or (3) or 41(2).
           (2)   Subsection (1)(a) applies whether the loss or damage is suffered
                 by the person complying with the direction or by another person
 5               affected by that compliance.
     43.         Offence of hindering
                 A person who hinders a harbour master, or a person acting
                 under the direction of a harbour master, in the exercise of the
                 powers in section 39, 40(2) or (3) or 41(2) commits an offence.
10               Penalty: $10 000.
     44.         Maritime facility managers
           (1)   The operator of a maritime facility is to appoint a manager for
                 the maritime facility.
           (2)   The harbour master provisions apply in relation to maritime
15               facility managers as if references in those provisions to a
                 harbour master were references to a maritime facility manager
                 and references in those provisions to a port were references to a
                 maritime facility.
           (3)   In subsection (2) --
20               "the harbour master provisions" means --
                      (a) section 35(3) and (4);
                      (b) provisions of sections 36 to 43 specified --
                              (i) in the appointment agreement, if the maritime
                                   facility has an appointed operator; or
25                           (ii) by the Director General, if the Minister is the
           (4)   If under an appointment agreement relevant obligations of the
                 appointed operator only have effect at certain times or in certain

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                                                  Maritime structures      Division 5
                                                                                  s. 45

                 circumstances, provisions of sections 36 to 43 only apply under
                 subsection (2) at those times or in those circumstances.

                         Division 5 -- Maritime structures
     45.         Interpretation
 5         (1)   In this Division --
                 "department" means a department as defined in the Public
                      Sector Management Act 1994;
                 "licence" means a licence issued by the Director General under
                      the regulations.
10         (2)   For the purposes of this Division anything that a department has
                 done or failed to do is to be regarded as an act or omission of
                 the chief executive officer of the department.

     46.         Application
                 This Division does not apply to or in relation to the erection,
15               placement or maintenance of maritime structures by a port
                 authority in its port.

     47.         Maritime structures to be approved or licensed
           (1)   A public authority other than the Minister or the Department
                 must not erect, place or maintain a maritime structure, or cause
20               a maritime structure to be erected, placed or maintained, except
                 in accordance with written approval given by the Director
           (2)   A person other than a public authority must not erect, place or
                 maintain a maritime structure, or cause a maritime structure to
25               be erected, placed or maintained, except in accordance with a
                 Penalty: $5 000.

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           (3)   Subsection (2) does not apply if --
                  (a) the erection, placing or maintaining of the maritime
                        structure is the subject of an approval under
                        subsection (1) or is carried out on behalf of the Minister
 5                      or the Department; or
                  (b) the maritime structure is of a class exempted by the
                        regulations from the operation of subsection (2).

     48.         Annual levy for maritime structures
           (1)   The Director General may determine an annual levy to be
10               payable for the right to maintain a licensed maritime structure.
           (2)   The levy is additional to any fee for the issue or renewal of a

     49.         Unauthorized or unsafe maritime structures
           (1)   In this section --
15               "owner", in relation to a maritime structure, means --
                      (a) if the maritime structure is the subject of a licence,
                             the licensee;
                      (b) if the maritime structure has ceased to be the subject
                             of a licence, the former licensee; or
20                    (c) in any other case, a person who --
                                (i) erected or placed the maritime structure;
                               (ii) owns or has owned the maritime structure; or
                              (iii) has or has had control over the maritime
25                           and who is declared by the Minister, by notice
                             published in the Gazette, to be the owner of the
                             maritime structure.

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           (2)   If a maritime structure --
                   (a) is erected, placed or maintained in contravention of
                         section 47; or
                   (b) becomes unsafe or presents a danger to navigation,
 5               the Director General may by written notice served on the owner
                 of the maritime structure direct the owner to make the maritime
                 structure safe or remove the maritime structure.
           (3)   If an owner does not make safe or remove a maritime structure
                 in accordance with a notice under subsection (2), the Director
10               General may cause the maritime structure to be made safe or
                 removed in accordance with the notice and recover the cost of
                 that removal in a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due
                 by the owner to the State.
           (4)   If an owner of a maritime structure that is or is required to be
15               the subject of a licence contravenes a notice under
                 subsection (2), the owner commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $5 000.
           (5)   The court convicting an owner of an offence under
                 subsection (4) may, if the Director General --
20                 (a) has caused the relevant maritime structure to be made
                        safe or removed under subsection (3); but
                   (b) has not recovered the cost of that making safe or
                 order the owner to pay to the Director General the cost of
25               making safe or removing the maritime structure.

     50.         Appeals against licensing decisions of Director General
           (1)   If the Director General --
                   (a) refuses to issue a licence or subjects a licence to a

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     Division 5      Maritime structures
     s. 51

                  (b)    serves an owner with a notice under section 49; or
                  (c)    amends or revokes a licence,
                 the Director General must serve on the applicant for the licence,
                 the licensee or the owner, as the case requires, a written
 5               statement of the reasons for so doing.
           (2)   If an applicant for a licence, a licensee or an owner, as the case
                 requires, is aggrieved by a decision of the Director General
                 referred to in subsection (1), the applicant, licensee or owner
                 may lodge an appeal under Part 6.

10   51.         Minister and Department may provide navigational aids
           (1)   The Minister or the Department may --
                  (a) provide navigational aids;
                  (b) agree to take over the control of a navigational aid;
                  (c) maintain, move, remove, discontinue or replace any
15                     navigational aid provided by or under the control of the
                       Minister or the Department, as the case may be; or
                  (d) vary the character of, or the mode of display or
                       operation of, any navigational aid provided by or under
                       the control of the Minister or the Department, as the
20                     case may be.
           (2)   If the Minister or the Department enters into an agreement
                 under subsection (1)(b), provision may be made in the
                 agreement for the payment from time to time of the expense
                 incurred in the exercise of the powers conferred by
25               subsection (1)(c) or (d).
           (3)   A person to whom this subsection applies is not liable for any
                 loss or damage resulting from --
                   (a) anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in
                         relation to a navigational aid for a port; or

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                                                  Maritime structures      Division 5
                                                                                  s. 52

                  (b)   any defect in, or in the placing or operation of, a
                        navigational aid for a port.
           (4)   Subsection (3) applies to --
                  (a) the State;
 5                (b) the Minister;
                  (c) the Director General and other officers; and
                  (d) if the control of the navigational aid has been taken over
                        by the Minister or the Department under an agreement
                        under subsection (1)(b), a person who is or was the
10                      owner, lessee or bailee of the navigational aid.

     52.         Interference with navigational aids
           (1)   A person must not, without lawful excuse (proof of which lies
                 on the person) do any of the following things in relation to a
                 navigational aid --
15                 (a) damage it;
                   (b) endanger it by making a vessel fast to it or otherwise
                         using a vessel in its vicinity;
                   (c) obstruct or interfere with its display or operation;
                   (d) obstruct or interfere with any emission or transmission
20                       from it.
                 Penalty: $25 000.
           (2)   If a public authority owns or has control over a navigational aid,
                 a person who is convicted of an offence under subsection (1)(a)
                 is liable, in addition to suffering any penalty imposed in respect
25               of that offence, to pay to the public authority all expenses
                 reasonably incurred by the public authority in making good the
                 damage and the public authority may recover those expenses in
                 a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due by that person to
                 the public authority.

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     Division 5      Maritime structures
     s. 53

           (3)   Subsection (2) does not affect the operation of section 53 in
                 relation to damage to which that section applies.

     53.         Responsibility for damage to maritime structures
           (1)   This section applies if a maritime structure owned by, or under
 5               the control of, a public authority is damaged by --
                   (a) a vessel or its equipment or cargo;
                   (b) any floating object;
                   (c) any material; or
                   (d) any person employed in, on or in relation to, anything
10                       referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).
           (2)   If this section applies, the owner of the vessel, floating object or
                 material is answerable in damages to the public authority for the
                 whole of the damage whether or not the damage is caused
                 through a person's wilful or negligent act or omission.
15         (3)   If the damage is caused through the wilful or negligent act or
                 omission of the master of the vessel or of the person having
                 charge of the floating object or the material, that master or
                 person (as well as the owner) is answerable in damages to the
                 public authority for the whole of the damage.
20         (4)   Neither the public authority nor any other person is entitled
                 under this section to recover more than once for the same cause
                 of action.
           (5)   In an action under this section the damages recoverable are to be
                 determined on the basis of --
25                 (a) the actual cost incurred in repairing or replacing the
                         damaged maritime structure without taking into account
                         any betterment or depreciation; and
                   (b) any economic loss suffered by the public authority as a
                         result of the damage.

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      Ports, maritime facilities and structures, and mooring control          Part 2
                                                     Mooring control     Division 6
                                                                                s. 54

                           Division 6 -- Mooring control
     54.         Division does not apply to port authority waters
                 This Division does not apply to waters in a port authority port.
     55.         Mooring control areas
 5         (1)   The Minister may, by notice (a "mooring control notice") --
                  (a) declare an area of navigable waters to be a mooring
                       control area; or
                  (b) amend or revoke another mooring control notice.
           (2)   A mooring control notice is to be published in the Gazette and
10               may also be published in a newspaper or newspapers.
           (3)   In exercising the powers conferred by subsection (1) the
                 Minister is to have regard to the need to --
                   (a) ensure the safe mooring and navigation of vessels and
                         other things in areas of navigable waters;
15                 (b) allocate mooring sites equitably in areas of navigable
                   (c) restrict the mooring of vessels and other things in areas
                         of navigable waters of high conservation value; and
                   (d) enable the costs of providing and maintaining maritime
20                       structures and other infrastructure to be recouped.
           (4)   A person must not establish or maintain a mooring within a
                 mooring control area unless the mooring is --
                   (a) on a registered mooring site; and
                  (b) installed in accordance with the regulations.
25               Penalty: $5 000.
           (5)   A person must not moor a vessel or other thing within a
                 mooring control area contrary to the regulations.
                 Penalty: $5 000.

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     Division 6      Mooring control
     s. 56

           (6)   The Minister may by notice published in the Gazette --
                  (a) determine or provide for the fees payable for --
                          (i) applications for registration of mooring sites;
                         (ii) granting, amendment, renewal or transfer of
 5                             registration of mooring sites;
                        (iii) inspections of moorings on registered mooring
                        (iv) searches of the register of mooring sites; and
                         (v) such other services in connection with moorings
10                             and mooring sites as are prescribed;
                  (b) amend or revoke a determination made under this
           (7)   In exercising the powers conferred by subsection (6) the
15               Minister may take into account the costs of providing and
                 maintaining maritime structures and other infrastructure as well
                 as administrative costs.
           (8)   If a person is aggrieved by a decision under the regulations
                 about the granting, amendment, renewal, transfer, suspension or
20               cancellation of registration of a mooring site, or about the
                 variation or removal of a mooring, the person may lodge an
                 appeal under Part 6.
     56.         Mooring prohibition areas
           (1)   In this section --
25               "moor" does not include anchor or berth.
           (2)   The Minister may by notice (a "mooring prohibition notice") --
                  (a) declare an area of navigable waters to be a mooring
                       prohibition area; or
                  (b) amend or revoke another mooring prohibition notice.

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                                                                                s. 57

           (3)   A mooring prohibition notice is to be published in the Gazette
                 and may also be published in a newspaper or newspapers.
           (4)   In exercising the powers conferred by subsection (2) the
                 Minister is to have regard to the need to --
 5                 (a) protect areas of environmentally fragile navigable
                         waters; and
                   (b) ensure the good order and safety of navigation in areas
                         of navigable waters.
           (5)   A person must not --
10                 (a)  moor a vessel within a mooring prohibition area except
                        in accordance with the written permission of the
                        Director General under the regulations; or
                  (b) anchor a vessel or other thing in a mooring prohibition
                        area contrary to the regulations.
15               Penalty: $5 000.

     57.         Mooring area licences
           (1)   A person may apply to the Director General for a licence (a
                 "mooring area licence") under the regulations conferring on
                 that person the right to control the mooring of vessels or other
20               things in an area of navigable waters.
           (2)   In making a decision about the issue, amendment, renewal or
                 transfer of a mooring area licence the Director General is to
                 have regard to the need to --
                   (a) ensure the safe mooring and navigation of vessels and
25                       other things in areas of navigable waters;
                   (b) enable the use of navigable waters for mooring to be
                         managed in an efficient, effective and equitable manner;

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     s. 57

                 (c)   restrict the mooring of vessels and other things in areas
                       of navigable waters of high conservation value.
        (3)    A mooring area licence cannot be issued in respect of navigable
               waters in a mooring control area or a mooring prohibition area.
 5      (4)    If a mooring area licence is in force in respect of an area of
               navigable waters, no person other than the holder of the licence
               is to moor a vessel or other thing in that area.
               Penalty: $5 000.
        (5)    It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under
10             subsection (4) to show that the vessel or other thing was
               moored --
                  (a) with the permission of the holder of the mooring area
                        licence; and
                 (b) in accordance with any terms and conditions on which
15                      that permission was given.
        (6)    The Minister may by notice published in the Gazette --
                (a) determine or provide for the fees payable for --
                        (i) applications for mooring area licences; and
                       (ii) issue, amendment, renewal or transfer of
20                           mooring area licences;
                (b) amend or revoke a determination made under this
        (7)    If a person is aggrieved by a decision under the regulations
25             about the issue, amendment, renewal, transfer, suspension or
               cancellation of a mooring area licence, the person may lodge an
               appeal under Part 6.

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      Ports, maritime facilities and structures, and mooring control          Part 2
                                                 Departmental areas      Division 7
                                                                                s. 58

                         Division 7 -- Departmental areas
     58.         Erection of notices and signs
           (1)   The Director General may cause public notices to be erected,
                 placed or marked, at places within or on the boundaries of a
 5               departmental area.
           (2)   A "public notice" is a notice or sign that the Director General
                 considers necessary or desirable for the purpose of indicating
                 publicly --
                   (a) that the area concerned is a departmental area;
10                 (b) the general extent of the departmental area;
                   (c) any prohibition or restriction that applies to conduct in
                         the departmental area or in a portion of it;
                   (d) the liability of any person who fails to comply with a
                         prohibition or restriction referred to in paragraph (c); or
15                 (e) any other matters relating to the departmental area or a
                         portion of it.
           (3)   It is not a defence in proceedings for an offence under this Act
                 to prove that a public notice is not erected, placed or marked
                 under this section at any place unless an element of the offence
20               is dependent on the existence of the public notice.
           (4)   A person who destroys, damages, defaces, obliterates, moves or
                 otherwise interferes with a public notice or sign erected, placed
                 or marked under this section commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $5 000.

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     Division 1      Navigation control notices
     s. 59

                            Part 3 -- Safe navigation
                      Division 1 -- Navigation control notices
     59.         Publication of notices
           (1)   In order to ensure the safety of vessels and people and the
 5               protection of the environment the Director General may, by
                 notice (a "navigation control notice") --
                   (a) exercise one or more of the powers conferred by
                         section 60(1) in relation to all navigable waters or in
                         relation to an area of navigable waters designated in the
10                       notice; or
                   (b) amend another navigation control notice.
           (2)   A navigation control notice relating to all navigable waters is to
                 be published in the Gazette and may also be published in a
                 newspaper or newspapers.
15         (3)   A navigation control notice relating to an area of navigable
                 waters is to be published --
                  (a) in the Gazette; or
                  (b) in a newspaper or newspapers circulating in the region
                         that includes or is adjacent to those waters,
20               or in both of those ways.
           (4)   Despite subsections (2) and (3), in the case of an emergency
                 situation giving rise to a real and present danger, the Director
                 General may publish a navigation control notice by television
                 broadcast, radio broadcast or transmission or such other means
25               as the Director General considers appropriate to bring it to the
                 attention of the public.

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                                           Navigation control notices      Division 1
                                                                                  s. 60

           (5)   A navigation control notice published under subsection (4)
                 expires --
                   (a) at the end of such period (not exceeding 72 hours) as is
                         specified in the notice; or
 5                 (b) when replaced by a navigation control notice published
                         under subsection (2) or (3),
                 whichever occurs first.

     60.         Director General's powers
           (1)   The Director General may do any of the following by
10               navigation control notice --
                   (a) regulate or prohibit the mooring of vessels;
                   (b) regulate or prohibit parasailing, water skiing or any
                         activity prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph;
                   (c) regulate aquatic events and enable the coordination of
15                       aquatic events by specified persons;
                   (d) close any navigable waters --
                            (i) in an emergency;
                           (ii) for safety reasons; or
                          (iii) to prevent damage to the environment as a result
20                               of the continued presence of vessels in, or
                                 passage of vessels through, those navigable
                   (e) set speed limits for vessels;
                    (f) prohibit the use of vessels of any class if that use is
25                       likely --
                            (i) to be dangerous to people; or
                           (ii) to cause unnecessary distress to residents in the

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     Part 3          Safe navigation
     Division 2      Registration of vessels
     s. 61

                  (g)    establish areas within which, in the interests of safe
                         navigation or the protection of the environment, the use
                         of pilotage services is necessary except as otherwise
                         provided by the regulations;
 5                (h)    establish buffer zones around specified vessels or
                         structures and prohibit vessels from entering those
                   (i)   designate areas for the purposes of the application of
                         regulations under section 66;
10                 (j)   exercise such other powers as may be necessary from
                         time to time to ensure navigational safety.
           (2)   The Director General's powers under subsection (1)(g) do not
                 extend to waters in a port authority port.
           (3)   In subsection (1) --
15               "specified" means specified in a navigation control notice.

     61.         Notices must be obeyed
                 A person who contravenes a navigation control notice commits
                 an offence.
                 Penalty: $10 000.

20                       Division 2 -- Registration of vessels
     62.         Director General may register vessels
                 The Director General may --
                  (a) register vessels; and
                  (b) revoke the registration of vessels,
25               in accordance with the regulations.

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                                                      Safe navigation           Part 3
                                          Certificates of competency       Division 3
                                                                                  s. 63

     63.         Offence of having or using unregistered vessels
           (1)   A person who --
                  (a)    has an unregistered vessel in navigable waters; or
                  (b)    uses an unregistered vessel,
 5               commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
           (2)   In this section --
                 "unregistered vessel" means a vessel that is required under the
                      regulations to be registered but is not so registered.

10   64.         Offence of using registered vessels contrary to conditions
                 A person who uses a registered vessel in contravention of the
                 conditions of its registration commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $10 000.

     65.         Offences relating to hiring of unregistered vessels
15               A person must not --
                  (a)    offer for hire; or
                  (b)    hire out,
                 a vessel unless the vessel is registered for the purpose of being
20               Penalty: $10 000.

                     Division 3 -- Certificates of competency
     66.         Certificates of competency
                 The regulations may require a master, pilot or other person
                 engaged in a prescribed class of maritime employment, or a

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     Part 3          Safe navigation
     Division 3      Certificates of competency
     s. 67

                 prescribed class of conduct in relation to the navigation of a
                 vessel, to have --
                   (a) an appropriate certificate of competency under the
                          regulations; or
 5                 (b) an appropriate external qualification recognized under
                          the regulations.

     67.         Appeals against decisions relating to certificates
                 A person may lodge an appeal under Part 6 if any of the
                 following things happens under the regulations --
10                 (a) the person's application for the issue, renewal or
                        re-validation of a certificate of competency is refused;
                   (b) a condition to which the person objects is imposed on
                        his or her certificate of competency;
                   (c) the person's certificate of competency is suspended or
15                      cancelled; or
                   (d) recognition of the person's external qualification is --
                           (i) refused;
                          (ii) given subject to a condition to which the person
                                objects; or
20                       (iii) suspended or withdrawn.

     68.         Misrepresentations in relation to applications for certificates
           (1)   A person must not, in or for the purposes of an application
                 under the regulations for --
                   (a) the issue, renewal or re-validation of a certificate of
25                       competency; or

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                                                   Safe navigation            Part 3
                                                Pilots and pilotage      Division 4
                                                                                s. 69

                  (b)   the recognition of an external qualification,
                 make any representation that the person knows to be false or
                 misleading in any material particular.
                 Penalty: $25 000.
 5         (2)   A certificate of competency issued, renewed or re-validated as a
                 result of a false or misleading representation is void.
           (3)   Recognition of an external qualification given as a result of a
                 false or misleading representation is void.

                          Division 4 -- Pilots and pilotage
10   69.         Terms used in this Division
           (1)   In this Division --
                 "approved", in relation to a pilot, means approved under
                      section 71;
                 "certificated" means holding a valid certificate of competency
15                    as a pilot for the relevant pilotage area;
                 "controlled area" means an area established by a navigation
                      control notice under section 60(1)(g);
                 "pilotage area" means a port or a controlled area.
           (2)   A reference in this Division to a port --
20                (a) includes a reference to any area that is outside the port
                         and is declared by the regulations to be associated with
                         the port and to be an area in which pilotage services are
                         to be used; but
                  (b) does not include a port that is declared by the
25                       regulations to be a port in which pilotage services do not
                         have to be used.

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     Division 4      Pilots and pilotage
     s. 70

     70.         Application
                 This Division applies to vessels --
                   (a)   moving in a pilotage area in the course of entering or
                         leaving the pilotage area; or
 5                 (b)   moving between places in a pilotage area.

     71.         Approval of pilots
           (1)   The operator of a port may approve a certificated person as a
                 pilot for the port and is to ensure that there is at all times at least
                 one approved pilot for the port.
10         (2)   If a controlled area is or includes a maritime facility for which
                 there is an appointed operator, that operator may approve a
                 certificated person as a pilot for the controlled area and is to
                 ensure that there is at all times at least one approved pilot for the
                 controlled area.
15         (3)   The Minister may approve a certificated person as a pilot for a
                 controlled area and is to ensure that there is at all times at least
                 one approved pilot for the controlled area.
           (4)   An approval under subsection (1), (2) or (3) has effect for the
                 period set out in the approval unless it is revoked by the
20               operator or Minister, as the case may be, or ceases to have effect
                 under subsection (6), before that period ends.
           (5)   An approval under subsection (1), (2) or (3), or any revocation
                 of such an approval, is to be in writing.
           (6)   The approval of a person under subsection (1), (2) or (3) ceases
25               to have effect if the person ceases to be certificated.

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                                                Pilots and pilotage      Division 4
                                                                                s. 72

     72.         Offence of acting as pilot when not approved
                 A person who acts as a pilot in a pilotage area commits an offence
                 unless the person is approved as a pilot for the pilotage area.
                 Penalty: $25 000.

 5   73.         Provision of pilotage services
           (1)   The operator of a port is responsible for ensuring that pilotage
                 services are available to the extent required in the port.
           (2)   In the case of a controlled area referred to in section 71(2), the
                 operator of the maritime facility is responsible for ensuring that
10               pilotage services are available to the extent required in the
                 controlled area.
           (3)   The Minister is responsible for ensuring that pilotage services
                 are available to the extent required in a controlled area other
                 than one referred to in section 71(2).

15   74.         When pilotage is required
           (1)   Except as otherwise provided by the regulations, a vessel
                 moving in a pilotage area must use pilotage services.
           (2)   A person who moves a vessel in a pilotage area without it being
                 under the control of a person approved as a pilot for the pilotage
20               area commits an offence unless under the regulations --
                   (a) the vessel does not have to have an approved pilot; or
                   (b) that person is permitted to do so.
                 Penalty: $25 000.
           (3)   If a vessel is being moved in a pilotage area without it being
25               under the control of a person approved as a pilot for the pilotage
                 area, the State is not liable for --
                   (a) any loss or damage caused by the vessel; or

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     Division 4      Pilots and pilotage
     s. 75

                  (b)    the loss of, or damage to, the vessel or anything in or on
                         the vessel,
                 while the vessel is being so moved, whether or not it is being so
                 moved by reason of an exemption under the regulations.
 5         (4)   If the pilotage area is a port, the protection from liability given
                 by subsection (3) extends to the operator of the port.
           (5)   If the pilotage area is a controlled area referred to in
                 section 71(2), the protection from liability given by
                 subsection (3) extends to the operator of the maritime facility.

10   75.         Pilot under authority of master
                 An approved pilot who as pilot has the conduct and navigation
                 of a vessel in a pilotage area is subject to the authority of the
                 master of the vessel, and the master is not relieved from
                 responsibility for the conduct and navigation of the vessel by
15               reason only of those circumstances.

     76.         Liability of owner or master of a vessel
                 The owner or master of a vessel moving under compulsory
                 pilotage in a pilotage area is liable for any loss or damage
                 caused by the vessel, or by a fault of the navigation of the
20               vessel, in the same manner as the owner or master would be
                 liable if pilotage were not compulsory.

     77.         Immunity from liability for pilot's negligence
           (1)   The State is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from an
                 act or omission by a person approved as a pilot in the conduct or
25               navigation of a vessel of which the person is the pilot.
           (2)   If the pilot was approved by the operator of a port or maritime
                 facility, the protection given by subsection (1) extends to the

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                                                   Safe navigation           Part 3
                                          Safe operation of vessels     Division 5
                                                                               s. 78

           (3)   An approved pilot is not personally liable for any loss or
                 damage resulting from an act or omission by him or her in the
                 conduct or navigation of a vessel of which he or she is the pilot.
           (4)   The employer of a person who is an approved pilot is not liable
 5               for any loss or damage resulting from an act or omission by the
                 person in the conduct or navigation of a vessel of which the
                 person is the pilot.

                       Division 5 -- Safe operation of vessels
     78.         Crewing requirements and crew qualifications
10         (1)   If a person acts as the master of a vessel in contravention of the
                 regulations under section 66, any person who is --
                   (a) the owner of the vessel; or
                   (b) the employer of the master,
                 commits an offence.
15               Penalty: $10 000.
           (2)   If a crew member of a vessel engages in employment or conduct
                 in contravention of the regulations under section 66, any person
                 who is --
                   (a) the owner, or master of the vessel; or
20                 (b) the employer of the crew member,
                 commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
           (3)   If during the voyage of a vessel the prescribed crewing
                 requirements applying to the vessel are contravened, each of the
25               owner and the master of the vessel commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $10 000.

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     Division 5      Safe operation of vessels
     s. 79

     79.         Exemptions from compliance with certain regulations
           (1)   Subject to this section, the Director General may, if special and
                 unusual circumstances require, exempt a person permanently or
                 temporarily from compliance with regulations relating to --
 5                 (a) the prerequisites for the issue, renewal or re-validation
                        of certificates of competency of specified classes;
                   (b) the examination requirements for the issue, renewal or
                        re-validation of a certificate of competency;
                   (c) prescribed crewing requirements; or
10                 (d) vessel safety standards.
           (2)   The Director General must, before issuing an exemption under
                 subsection (1), be satisfied that the issue of the exemption will
                 not adversely affect the safety of a vessel, its crew or any
                 member of the public.

15   80.         Additional crewing requirements
           (1)   The Director General may, by written notice served on the
                 owner of a vessel, direct the owner to provide more crew than
                 are necessary under the prescribed crewing requirements if the
                 Director General considers that --
20                 (a) the safety of a vessel, its crew, its passengers or any
                         member of the public; and
                   (b) the construction of the vessel, its intended purpose or its
                         area of operation,
                 so require.
25         (2)   A notice under subsection (1) must give reasons for the
                 direction it contains.

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           (3)   An owner on whom notice is served under subsection (1) must
                 comply with the direction it contains within such period as is
                 specified in the notice.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
 5         (4)   The period specified in the notice cannot be less than 14 days
                 unless the Director General considers that earlier compliance
                 with the direction is necessary to avoid endangering the vessel's
                 crew or passengers or any member of the public.
           (5)   An owner on whom notice is served under subsection (1) may
10               lodge an appeal under Part 6.

     81.         Deck lines, load lines and overloading
           (1)   Both the owner and the master of a vessel that is required by the
                 regulations to be marked with deck lines or load lines or both
                 must ensure that the vessel is so marked in a manner that is
15               clearly visible.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
           (2)   A person must not without reasonable excuse --
                   (a) alter, conceal, deface or obliterate a deck line or load
                        line; or
20                (b) cause or allow another person to alter, conceal, deface or
                        obliterate a deck line or load line.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
           (3)   A person must not --
                  (a) alter, conceal, deface or obliterate a deck line or load
25                      line; or

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     Division 5      Safe operation of vessels
     s. 82

                  (b)    cause or allow to be altered, concealed, defaced or
                         obliterated a deck line or load line,
                 with intent to create a false impression or belief as to the load
                 that the vessel concerned is capable of carrying.
 5               Penalty: $25 000.
           (4)   The owner and the master of a vessel must ensure that the vessel
                 is loaded in accordance with --
                   (a) the regulations; and
                   (b) its certificate of registration or load line certificate.
10               Penalty: $10 000.

     82.         Responsibility for safe operation of vessels
           (1)   The owner and the master of a vessel are responsible for the
                 safe operation of the vessel and, in particular, are to ensure
                 that --
15                 (a)   the vessel is crewed by appropriately qualified and
                         trained personnel;
                  (b)    the vessel is navigated safely, in compliance with the
                         regulations and in accordance with good seamanship
                         practices; and
20                 (c)   good seamanship practices are observed in relation to
                         the carrying out of maritime activities on the vessel and
                         the operation of machinery on the vessel.
           (2)   If a person (the "responsible person") breaches subsection (1),
                 a person who sustains loss or damage as a result of the breach
25               may sue the responsible person in a court of competent
                 jurisdiction to recover damages in respect of the loss or damage.

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                                                                               s. 83

     83.         Duties of masters in controlling certain vessels
           (1)   This section applies to a vessel if it is a condition of its
                 registration that it cannot be used unless its master holds a
                 certificate of competency.
 5         (2)   While a vessel to which this section applies is under way, the
                 master of the vessel must deploy the crew members in a way
                 that ensures the safe navigation of the vessel.
                 Penalty: $5 000.
           (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), while a vessel to which this
10               section applies is approaching, berthing at or leaving a jetty, the
                 master of the vessel must --
                   (a) assume personal command of the bridge or wheelhouse
                         and responsibility for the navigation of the vessel; and
                   (b) ensure that, unless the engine of the vessel is being
15                       operated from the bridge or wheelhouse, a certificated
                         marine engineer or certificated marine engine driver
                         assumes personal charge of the engine room controls of
                         the vessel.
                 Penalty: $5 000.

20   84.         Unlawfully assuming control of a vessel
                 Subject to this Act, a person must not, without the consent of
                 the owner or master of a vessel, navigate or otherwise assume
                 control of the vessel or of its equipment or moorings.
                 Penalty: $25 000.

25   85.         Maintenance of log books
           (1)   In this section --
                 "log book" means a log book that is required by the regulations
                      to be maintained.

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           (2)   The owner and master of a vessel in respect of which a log book
                 is required must --
                    (a) retain the log book for a period of not less than
                         12 months from the date of the last entry in the log
 5                       book; and
                   (b) produce the log book to an authorized officer at the
                         request of that authorized officer.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
           (3)   An authorized officer may take a copy of a log book or a part of
10               a log book.
           (4)   A person must not --
                   (a) make an entry in a log book knowing that entry to be
                  (b) sign an entry in a log book knowing that entry to be
15                      false; or
                   (c) deliberately destroy or render illegible a log book or any
                        entry in a log book.
                 Penalty: $10 000.

     86.         Dangerous, reckless or careless navigation
20         (1)   A person who navigates a vessel in a dangerous or reckless
                 manner commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
           (2)   A person who navigates a vessel without due care and attention
                 commits an offence.
25               Penalty: $5 000.

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                                          Safe operation of vessels     Division 5
                                                                               s. 87

     87.         Navigation under influence of alcohol, etc.
           (1)   A person who navigates or attempts to navigate a vessel while
                 under the influence of --
                   (a) alcohol or drugs; or
 5                 (b) alcohol and drugs,
                 to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of
                 the vessel commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $5 000.
           (2)   In any proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) --
10                (a)   a person who had a blood alcohol content of or
                        exceeding 0.15 at the time of the alleged offence is to be
                        regarded as having been under the influence of alcohol
                        to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper
                        control of a vessel at that time;
15                (b)   if it is alleged or appears on the evidence that the
                        defendant was under the influence of drugs alone, it is a
                        defence for the defendant to prove --
                           (i) that those drugs were either taken by the
                                  defendant under a prescription of a medical
20                                practitioner or registered dentist, or administered
                                  to him or her by a medical practitioner or
                                  registered dentist, for therapeutic purposes; and
                          (ii) that the defendant was not aware, and could not
                                  reasonably have been expected to be aware, that
25                                those drugs were likely to render him or her
                                  incapable of having proper control of a vessel.
           (3)   A person who navigates or attempts to navigate a vessel of a
                 prescribed class while having a blood alcohol content of or
                 exceeding 0.05 commits an offence.
30               Penalty: $2 500.

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     s. 88

           (4)   A person who navigates or attempts to navigate a vessel while
                 having a blood alcohol content of or exceeding 0.08 commits an
                 Penalty: $1 500 (unless subsection (3) applies).

 5                   Division 6 -- Dealing with unsafe vessels
     88.         Meaning of "unsafe"
                 A vessel is an unsafe vessel for the purposes of this Division
                 if --
                    (a) the defective condition of any part of the vessel creates a
10                      risk of injury or loss of life;
                    (b) the vessel is not equipped or marked in accordance with
                        the regulations or its equipment is not in good working
                    (c) the hatches or the bow or side doors of the vessel are not
15                      properly secured;
                   (d) the vessel is not crewed in accordance with the
                        regulations; or
                    (e) the vessel is unsafe for any prescribed or other reason.

     89.         Use of unsafe vessels
20         (1)   The owner and the master of a vessel must ensure that the vessel
                 is not used if the vessel is an unsafe vessel.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
           (2)   It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under
                 subsection (1) to show --
25                  (a) that the person charged used all reasonable means to
                          ensure that the vessel was not an unsafe vessel; or

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                                       Dealing with unsafe vessels      Division 6
                                                                               s. 90

                  (b)   that the sending or taking of the vessel to sea was, in the
                        circumstances, reasonably justified for the purposes of
                        protecting the vessel from imminent danger.
           (3)   The fact that an unsafe vessel has been detained under
 5               section 90, 93 or 131(1)(c), is not a bar to proceedings for an
                 offence under subsection (1).

     90.         Provisional detention of unsafe vessels
           (1)   When an authorized officer has reasonable grounds to believe
                 that a vessel is an unsafe vessel, he or she may provisionally
10               detain the vessel so that --
                  (a)   it can be surveyed or inspected; or
                  (b)   an assessment can be made of whether or not it is
                        crewed in compliance with the regulations.
           (2)   When a vessel has been provisionally detained under
15               subsection (1) --
                   (a) an authorized officer --
                           (i) must, without delay, serve on the master of the
                                vessel a written statement of the grounds for its
                                detention; and
20                        (ii) may appoint an officer or, with the consent of the
                                Director General, any other competent person to
                                survey the vessel and report on it to the
                                authorized officer;
                   (b) the owner, or master of the vessel may, at any time
25                       before the person appointed under paragraph (a)(ii) to
                         survey the vessel makes that survey, require that the
                         person so appointed be accompanied by such qualified
                         person as that owner or master may select;
                   (c) an authorized officer may at any time refer that
30                       detention for investigation by a Court of Marine Inquiry.

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     s. 91

     91.         Release by agreement
                 If a requirement is made under section 90(2)(b), the authorized
                 officer --
                   (a) must, if the person making the survey and the
 5                       accompanying person agree, cause the vessel to be
                         detained or released in accordance with that agreement;
                   (b) may, if those persons differ, act as if that requirement
                         had not been made.

10   92.         Order for release or permanent detention
           (1)   Subject to subsection (3), an authorized officer may, on
                 receiving a report made under section 90(2)(a)(ii) --
                   (a) order the vessel to be released; or
                   (b) if the authorized officer considers the vessel to be an
15                       unsafe vessel, order the vessel to be finally detained --
                           (i) absolutely; or
                          (ii) until such conditions as the authorized officer
                                thinks necessary to make the vessel safe have
                                been complied with.
20         (2)   An authorized officer may from time to time vary or add to an
                 order made under subsection (1).
           (3)   An authorized officer must, on making an order under
                 subsection (1)(b), serve a copy of the report and the text of the
                 order on the master of the vessel.
25         (4)   The owner or master of the vessel may, within 7 days after
                 service takes place under subsection (3), lodge an appeal under
                 Part 6.

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           (5)   An authorized officer may at any time, if he or she is satisfied
                 that a vessel detained under section 90 or this section is not an
                 unsafe vessel, order the vessel to be released conditionally or

 5   93.         Enforcing detention of unsafe vessels
           (1)   When a vessel is authorized or ordered to be detained under this
                 Act, an officer may detain the vessel.
           (2)   If a vessel which has been detained, or in respect of which a
                 notice of or order for detention has been served, begins a
10               voyage before that vessel has been released under this Act --
                   (a) the master of that vessel; and
                   (b) the owner of the vessel, and any person who causes or
                         orders that vessel to begin a voyage, if that owner is
                         aware of the beginning of the voyage,
15               each commits an offence.
                 Penalty: $25 000.

     94.         Power to order vessel to return to shore
           (1)   If an authorized officer is satisfied in respect of a vessel that --
                  (a)    the vessel is unseaworthy because it is an unsafe vessel;
20                (b)    a requirement under this Act for there to be a valid
                         certificate or other authorization in force in relation to
                         the vessel is not being complied with;
                   (c)   the prescribed crewing requirements are not being
                         complied with; or
25                (d)    the vessel is in an unsafe position or locality,
                 the authorized officer may order the person in charge of, or
                 apparently in charge of, the vessel to take the vessel to the

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     s. 94

               nearest port or port authority port or to such other place as the
               authorized officer may direct.
        (2)    A person to whom an order is given under subsection (1) must
               comply with that order without delay.
 5             Penalty: $10 000.
        (3)    If a person does not comply with an order given to the person
               under subsection (1), the authorized officer who gave the order
               may take such action as he or she considers necessary to remove
               the vessel to the port, port authority port or other place directed
10             by that authorized officer.
        (4)    The Director General may recover the costs and expenses of any
               removal under subsection (3) in a court of competent
               jurisdiction as a debt due by the owner of the vessel to the State.
        (5)    An authorized officer who gives an order under subsection (1)
15             in respect of a vessel may also order that the vessel not be used
               again until --
                 (a) such measures as are specified in the latter order have
                       been taken to render the vessel seaworthy;
                 (b) a certificate or other authorization required in relation to
20                     the vessel under this Act has been obtained; or
                 (c) the prescribed crewing requirements have been
                       complied with,
               as the case requires.
        (6)    A master or other person must not use or attempt to use a vessel
25             in contravention of an order given under subsection (5).
               Penalty: $10 000.
        (7)    Nothing in subsection (5) or (6) prevents a vessel from being
               used for the purpose of taking it to a port, port authority port or
               other place in compliance with an order given under
30             subsection (1).

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                                                   Safe navigation           Part 3
                                              Navigational hazards      Division 7
                                                                               s. 95

                         Division 7 -- Navigational hazards
     95.         Removal of things causing hazards or obstructions
           (1)   Whenever a dangerous thing is in navigable waters and, in the
                 opinion of an authorized officer, constitutes or is likely to
 5               constitute a hazard or obstruction to vessels using those
                 navigable waters or a threat to the environment, the authorized
                 officer may by written notice --
                   (a) served on the owner of the dangerous thing; or
                   (b) if the identity or whereabouts or both of that owner
10                       cannot be ascertained after the making of reasonable
                         inquiries, published once in a newspaper circulating
                         throughout the State,
                 declare the dangerous thing to be a navigational hazard and
                 require the dangerous thing to be removed within such period as
15               is specified in that notice from all navigable waters or to a place
                 specified in that notice.
           (2)   If a requirement made under subsection (1) is not complied
                 with, the authorized officer may remove the dangerous thing --
                   (a) from all navigable waters; or
20                 (b) to the place specified in the relevant notice.
           (3)   The cost of a removal under subsection (2) is a debt due by the
                 owner of the dangerous thing to the State and the Director
                 General may recover that cost --
                  (a) in a court of competent jurisdiction; or
25                (b) by selling the dangerous thing.
           (4)   The proceeds of a sale referred to in subsection (3)(b) are to be
                 applied --
                   (a) first, to the expenses of the sale; and

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                  (b)   second, to the costs of removing the dangerous thing,
                 and the balance, if any, is to be paid to the owner of the
                 dangerous thing but, if the identity or whereabouts, or both, of
                 the owner cannot be ascertained after making reasonable
 5               inquiries, that balance is to be paid to the Treasurer.

     96.         Disposal of dangerous things, etc. in navigable waters
           (1)   A person must not sink, set adrift, abandon or deposit any
                 dangerous thing in navigable waters.
                 Penalty: $25 000.
10         (2)   The Director General may by written notice served on the
                 owner, insurer or salvor of a dangerous thing in navigable
                 waters require that owner, insurer or salvor to remove the
                 dangerous thing from navigable waters within such period as is
                 specified in the notice or any period of extension referred to in
15               subsection (3).
           (3)   If an owner, insurer or salvor satisfies the Director General
                 that --
                   (a) it is impracticable to comply with a requirement made
                         under subsection (2) within the period specified in the
20                       relevant notice; and
                   (b) the dangerous thing concerned does not pose an
                         immediate danger to navigation or the environment,
                 the Director General may extend that period by such additional
                 period as the Director General specifies.
25         (4)   An owner, insurer or salvor must comply with a requirement
                 made under subsection (2) within the period specified in the
                 relevant notice or any period of extension referred to in
                 subsection (3).
                 Penalty: $25 000.

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                               Distress, emergencies and collisions      Division 8
                                                                                s. 97

           (5)   The court convicting a person of an offence under
                 subsection (4) must, in addition to imposing a penalty under that
                 subsection, impose on the person a penalty equal to 1% of the
                 cost of removing the dangerous thing from navigable waters for
 5               each day during the period --
                   (a) beginning on the expiry of --
                            (i) the period specified in the relevant notice; or
                           (ii) any relevant period of extension referred to in
                                subsection (3);
10                       and
                   (b) ending when that notice is complied with.
           (6)   Despite anything in this section, the Director General may
                 remove a dangerous thing from navigable waters and recover
                 the cost of that removal in a court of competent jurisdiction as a
15               debt due by the owner, insurer or salvor of the dangerous thing
                 to the State.

                 Division 8 -- Distress, emergencies and collisions
     97.         Obligation to render assistance
           (1)   The master of a vessel on a voyage who receives information
20               from any source that an aircraft or vessel is in distress must,
                 unless that master is unable to do so or considers, in the special
                 circumstances of the case, that it is unreasonable or unnecessary
                 to do so --
                   (a) cause his or her vessel to proceed with all practicable
25                       speed to the assistance of the persons in distress; and
                   (b) if possible, inform those persons that he or she is doing
                 Penalty: $25 000 or imprisonment for 10 months.

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           (2)   The master of a vessel who receives information from any
                 source that an aircraft or vessel is in distress at sea must make or
                 cause to be made in the vessel log book --
                   (a) a record of that information; and
 5                 (b) if the master does not proceed to the assistance of the
                         persons in distress, a record of the reasons for not so
                 Penalty: $5 000.
           (3)   The master of a vessel in distress may, after consulting as far as
10               possible the masters of the vessels which answer his or her call
                 for assistance, request the aid of such one or more of those
                 vessels as he or she considers best able to render assistance.
           (4)   Subject to subsection (5), the master of a vessel the aid of which
                 is requested under subsection (3) must comply with that request
15               by proceeding with all practicable speed to the assistance of the
                 persons in distress.
                 Penalty: $25 000 or imprisonment for 10 months.
           (5)   If the master is informed --
                   (a) that aid is no longer necessary; or
20                 (b) that a vessel (other than his or her vessel) is providing
                 the master so informed is released from any duty imposed by
                 subsection (1) or (4) in respect of the persons in distress.
           (6)   Compliance by the master of a vessel with this section does not
25               affect the right of the master, or any other person, to salvage.

     98.         Emergency powers of Director General
           (1)   The Director General may, if there is an emergency that --
                  (a) involves a vessel; and

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                               Distress, emergencies and collisions      Division 8
                                                                                s. 99

                  (b)    is likely to have a severe impact on public safety or on
                         the environment or may result in serious damage to
                 take such action, and issue such instructions to the owner or the
 5               master of the vessel, as the Director General considers
                 necessary for the purpose of avoiding or minimizing loss of life,
                 injury, environmental harm or serious damage to property.
           (2)   A person to whom instructions are issued under subsection (1)
                 must, in the absence of lawful excuse, comply with those
10               instructions.
                 Penalty: $100 000 or imprisonment for 20 months.

     99.         Duties of masters in case of collisions
           (1)   If a vessel ("the vessel") is involved in a collision with another
                 vessel ("the other vessel") the master of the vessel must
15               comply with the required collision procedures so far as that
                 master can do so without danger to the vessel and its crew and
                 passengers, if any, and has no other reasonable excuse for
                 failing to do so.
                 Penalty: $10 000.
20         (2)   For the purposes of subsection (1) the "required collision
                 procedures" for the master of the vessel are --
                   (a) to stay by the other vessel until he or she has ascertained
                         that the other vessel has no need of further assistance
                         and render to the other vessel, its master, crew and
25                       passengers, if any, such assistance as may be practicable
                         and necessary in order to save them from any danger
                         caused by the collision; and
                  (b) to give the following details about the vessel to the
                         master of the other vessel --
30                         (i) its name;

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                        (ii)   its registration number;
                       (iii)   particulars of its ownership.

     100.      Reporting of marine incidents
        (1)    If a vessel is involved in a marine incident of a prescribed kind
 5             the master of the vessel must --
                 (a) immediately give his or her name and address and the
                       registration number of the vessel --
                          (i) to any person injured as a result of that marine
                                incident; and
10                       (ii) to the owner or master of any other vessel
                                involved in that marine incident;
                 (b) if he or she has access to a radio transmitter, telephone
                       or other means of prompt communication, report details
                       of the marine incident without delay, including any
15                     injuries or deaths resulting from it, and the position of
                       the vessel or vessels, to the Director General; and
                 (c) in any event, give the Director General, within 72 hours
                       of the occurrence of that marine incident, a report in an
                       approved form setting out full particulars of --
20                        (i) any other vessel involved;
                         (ii) the name of the master of any other vessel
                        (iii) the name and qualification of each crew member
25                      (iv) the name of any passenger involved;
                         (v) the circumstances surrounding that marine
                                incident; and
                        (vi) the extent of any damage to each vessel
30             Penalty: $5 000.

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                           Distress, emergencies and collisions      Division 8
                                                                          s. 101

       (2)   If a marine incident of a prescribed kind occurs in a supervised
             area, the appointed operator or port authority must, within
             72 hours of the occurrence of that marine incident, give the
             Director General a report in an approved form setting out all
 5           information it may have as to the details and particulars required
             by subsection (1).
             Penalty: $5 000.
       (3)   In subsection (2) --
             "supervised area" means --
10                (a) a port, together with any area that is included when
                        that port is referred to in Division 4;
                  (b) a maritime facility; or
                  (c) a port authority port, together with any area that is
                        included when that port is referred to in Part 7
15                      Division 2 of the Port Authorities Act 1999.
       (4)   On receiving a report made under subsection (1)(c) or (2), the
             Director General may suspend the registration of any vessel
             involved in the marine incident until satisfied of the
             seaworthiness of that vessel.
20     (5)   In the case of a marine incident that involves a collision
             between vessels, the requirements of this section are additional
             to those of section 99(1).

     101.    False distress signals
       (1)   A person must not --
25            (a)   use, send or display; or
              (b)   cause or allow another person to use, send or display,
             any of the signals of distress, except --
               (c) when a vessel is in distress; or

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     Part 3          Safe navigation
     Division 9      Safety plans
     s. 102

                (d)   for testing or training purposes authorized in writing by
                      the Director General.
               Penalty: $25 000.
        (2)    If a person (the "offender") commits an offence under
 5             subsection (1), a person (including the State) who sustains loss
               or damage as a result of the false signal of distress having been
               treated as a genuine signal of distress may sue the offender in a
               court of competent jurisdiction to recover damages in respect of
               the loss or damage.

10                          Division 9 -- Safety plans
     102.      Marine safety plans
        (1)    In this section --
               "marine safety plan" means a plan prepared by an appointed
                    operator and approved by the Director General setting out
15                  the arrangements for marine safety at the operator's port or
                    maritime facility.
        (2)    An appointed operator is to have, maintain and implement a
               marine safety plan for its port or maritime facility.
        (3)    The Director General is to monitor the maintenance of an
20             appointed operator's marine safety plan and may --
                 (a) give directions to the operator as to the maintenance of
                      the plan; and
                 (b) direct the operator to review the plan from time to time
                      and submit modifications of it to the Director General
25                    for approval.
        (4)    The operator is to give effect to any direction under
               subsection (3).

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                                            Safety plans      Division 9
                                                                   s. 102

(5)   If the Minister is the operator of a port or maritime facility, the
      Director General is to have, maintain and implement a marine
      safety plan for the port or maritime facility.

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     Part 4          International conventions

     s. 103

                   Part 4 -- International conventions
     103.      Meaning of terms
        (1)    In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears --
               "convention" means --
 5                  (a) an existing convention; or
                    (b) a convention that is the subject of a declaration under
                           section 104;
               "convention regulations" has the meaning given by
                    section 105(2);
10             "existing convention" means the Container Convention, the
                    Limitation Convention, the Prevention of Collisions
                    Convention or the Safety Convention.
        (2)    A reference in this Part to the Container Convention, the
               Limitation Convention, the Prevention of Collisions Convention
15             or the Safety Convention is a reference to the convention that
               was defined under that name in the Western Australian Marine
               Act 1982.

     104.      Declaration of conventions
               The Governor may, by order published in the Gazette, declare
20             an international convention which relates to the sea or to
               maritime matters and to which Australia is a party to be a
               convention to which this Part applies.

     105.      Regulations may give effect to conventions
        (1)    Regulations may be made for and about giving effect to a
25             convention in relation to the State and waters to which this Act

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                                      International conventions           Part 4

                                                                         s. 106

       (2)   Regulations under subsection (1) are referred to in this Part as
             "convention regulations".

     106.    General provisions as to regulations
       (1)   Convention regulations may --
 5            (a) specify the extent to which or the circumstances in
                   which a convention has effect;
              (b) provide that specified provisions of a convention have
                   the force of law as part of the law of the State to a
                   specified extent or in specified circumstances;
10            (c) provide for a convention to have effect, either generally
                   or in specified circumstances, as if it were modified in a
                   specified way;
              (d) limit the effect that a law of the State has in relation to
                   matters to which a convention applies;
15            (e) provide for provisions of a convention to be read subject
                   to a law of the State to a specified extent.
       (2)   In subsection (1) --
             "specified" means specified in convention regulations.
       (3)   Convention regulations may make provision for or with respect
20           to any matter by applying, adopting or incorporating, with or
             without modification --
               (a) any enactment, as in force at a particular time or as in
                    force from time to time; or
               (b) any matter contained in any other instrument or writing
25                  as in force or existing at the time when the convention
                    regulations take effect.
       (4)   If the terms of a convention are such as to vest in the several
             Governments who are parties to the convention a discretion as
             to whether any, and if so what, action should be taken under the

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     Part 4          International conventions

     s. 107

               convention, the power to make convention regulations is to be
               construed as an authority to the Governor to make by regulation
               such provision (if any) with respect to the matter in question as
               the Governor in the exercise of that discretion thinks proper.

 5   107.      Regulations giving effect to Container Convention
               Convention regulations made for and about giving effect to the
               Container Convention may authorize the Minister to make
               orders with respect to matters that could be dealt with by the
               convention regulations.

10   108.      Regulations giving effect to Limitation Convention
        (1)    Convention regulations made for or about giving effect to the
               Limitation Convention may --
                 (a) make provision for and about the ascertainment of the
                      tonnage of vessels to which the Limitation Convention
15                    applies including the estimation of such tonnage in
                       circumstances where it is not possible or reasonably
                       practicable to measure their tonnage;
                (b) exempting the owner of a vessel to which the Limitation
                       Convention applies from liability for loss or damage to
20                     things on board the vessel that occurs in prescribed
                       circumstances and without the actual fault or privity of
                       the owner; and
                 (c) preventing the owner of a vessel from limiting the
                       owner's liability in respect of a claim of a prescribed
25                     kind that arises from an occurrence of a kind specified in
                       subparagraph (1)(a) or (b) of Article 1 of the Limitation
        (2)    Subsection (1)(a) shall not be taken as limiting the power of the
               Judges of the Supreme Court to make rules with respect to a

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                                      International conventions           Part 4

                                                                         s. 109

             matter that is not provided for in regulations made under
             subsection (1)(a).

     109.    Application to determine liability if Limitation Convention
 5     (1)   In this section --
             "applied provisions of the Limitation Convention" means the
                  provisions of the Limitation Convention that, as provided
                  by convention regulations, have the force of law as part of
                  the law of the State.
10     (2)   Where a claim is, or claims are, made against or apprehended by
             a person in respect of any liability of that person that the person
             may limit in accordance with the applied provisions of the
             Limitation Convention, the person may apply to the Supreme
             Court (whether or not in the course of other proceedings) to
15           determine the limit of that liability in accordance with those
             provisions, and the Court may so determine the limit of that
             liability and may make such order or orders as it thinks fit with
             respect to the constitution, administration and distribution in
             accordance with those provisions, of a limitation fund for the
20           payment of claims in respect of which the person is so entitled
             to limit liability.
       (3)   The Supreme Court to which an application has been made
             under subsection (2) may, if the court thinks fit, at any stage in
             the proceedings, upon application or of its own motion, by
25           order, transfer the proceedings to the Supreme Court of another
             State or a Territory of the Commonwealth.
       (4)   Where proceedings are transferred from the Supreme Court
             under subsection (3), all documents filed as part of the Supreme
             Court record, and moneys lodged in the Supreme Court, are to
30           be transmitted by the Master to the Registrar or other proper
             officer of the Court to which the proceedings are transferred.

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     Part 4          International conventions

     s. 110

        (5)    Where proceedings are transferred to the Supreme Court by a
               Court of another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth
               under a law of that State or Territory analogous to this section,
               the Supreme Court is to proceed as if the proceedings had been
 5             originally instituted in the Supreme Court and as if the same
               proceedings had been taken in that Court as had been taken in
               the Court from which the proceedings are transferred.
        (6)    For the purposes of this Part, amounts of money expressed in
               the franc mentioned in Article 3 of the Limitation Convention
10             are to be converted into Australian currency in the manner
               provided by the Navigation (Limitation of Shipowners'
               Liability) Regulations of the Commonwealth or by regulations
               substituted for or amending those regulations.

     110.      Offences against regulations giving effect to Prevention of
15             Collisions Convention
               A person who commits an offence against convention
               regulations made for or about giving effect to the Prevention of
               Collisions Convention is liable to a fine not exceeding $10 000
               or to imprisonment for not more than 10 months.

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                                                               Maritime Bill 1999
                   Marine Inquiries and Courts of Marine Inquiry           Part 5
                                                Marine Inquiries      Division 1
                                                                           s. 111

             Part 5 -- Marine Inquiries and Courts of
                        Marine Inquiry
                       Division 1 -- Marine Inquiries
     111.    Marine Inquiries into marine incidents
 5     (1)   If a vessel is involved in a marine incident that results in injury
             to a person or damage to a vessel or maritime structure, the
             Director General may cause an officer to conduct a preliminary
             inquiry into the incident and report to the Minister on that
10     (2)   In the case of a marine incident that results in --
               (a) the death of, or serious injury to, a person;
               (b) the sinking of, or serious damage to, a vessel; or
               (c) the destruction of, or serious damage to, a maritime
15           the Minister may refer a report received under subsection (1) for
             investigation by a Court of Marine Inquiry.
       (3)   When a report is referred to a Court of Marine Inquiry under
             subsection (2), the Court of Marine Inquiry is to investigate the
             marine incident and report to the Minister on that investigation.

20   112.    Powers of inquiring officers
       (1)   For the purposes of conducting an inquiry and making a report
             under section 111(1) an officer may --
               (a) exercise the powers of an authorized officer under
                     section 131;
25             (b) enter and inspect (with such assistance as he or she may
                     require) any premises the entry or inspection of which
                     appears necessary to the officer;

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     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 5          Marine Inquiries and Courts of Marine Inquiry
     Division 1      Marine Inquiries
     s. 113

                (c)    issue a summons requiring a person to attend before the
                       officer for examination;
                (d)    require a person to answer questions;
                (e)    require and enforce the production of all log books,
 5                     papers, accounts, agreements and other documents
                       relating to the inquiry or report;
                 (f)   take copies of documents or parts of them; and
                (g)    administer oaths or, instead of requiring or
                       administering an oath, require a person examined by the
10                     officer to make and subscribe a declaration of the truth
                       of the statements made by the person in the examination.
        (2)    An officer cannot enter premises under subsection (1)(b) unless
               authorized to do so --
                 (a) by the owner or occupier of the premises; or
15               (b) under a warrant issued by a justice.

     113.      Inquiries into incompetence or misconduct
        (1)    If the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe that a marine
               incident shows a member of the crew of a vessel to have been
               guilty of negligence, incompetence or misconduct, the Minister
20             may refer that incident for investigation by a Court of Marine
        (2)    When a marine incident is referred to a Court of Marine Inquiry
               under subsection (1), the Court of Marine Inquiry is to
               investigate the incident and report to the Minister on that
25             investigation.

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                   Marine Inquiries and Courts of Marine Inquiry          Part 5
                                        Courts of Marine Inquiry     Division 2
                                                                          s. 114

                  Division 2 -- Courts of Marine Inquiry
     114.    Establishment of Courts of Marine Inquiry
       (1)   A tribunal to be known as a Court of Marine Inquiry is to be
             established under this Division whenever it is necessary to do so
 5           for the purposes of section 90(2)(c) or Division 1.
       (2)   A Court of Marine Inquiry is to have an official seal of which
             judicial notice is to be taken.

     115.    Composition of Court of Marine Inquiry
       (1)   A Court of Marine Inquiry is to consist of --
10            (a) a presiding magistrate nominated under
                   subsection (2)(a); and
              (b) 2 assessors selected under subsection (2)(b).
       (2)   When a matter is referred to a Court of Marine Inquiry under
             section 90(2)(c) or Division 1 --
15             (a) the Director General is to notify the Chief Stipendiary
                     Magistrate who is to nominate a magistrate to preside
                     over the Court; and
               (b) 2 assessors are to be selected by the Director General.
       (3)   The 2 assessors are to be selected as having expertise relevant to
20           the matter that the Court of Marine Inquiry is to investigate, and
             their function is to assist and advise the presiding magistrate,
             but not to take part in making findings or preparing a report.
       (4)   Nothing in subsection (2) prevents the referral of 2 or more
             matters to the same Court of Marine Inquiry if the matters are
25           related.

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     Part 5          Marine Inquiries and Courts of Marine Inquiry
     Division 2      Courts of Marine Inquiry
     s. 116

     116.      Investigations by Courts of Marine Inquiry
        (1)    It is the function of a Court of Marine Inquiry to investigate any
               detention referred to it under section 90(2)(c) or any report or
               marine incident referred to it under Division 1.
 5      (2)    For the purposes of an investigation, the Court has, so far as
               relates to compelling the attendance of witnesses and contempt
               of court, all the powers of the Supreme Court.
        (3)    An investigation is to be conducted in open court and the
               presiding magistrate is to deliver the findings and any order of
10             the Court in open court.

     117.      Powers and duties in respect of vessels and authorizations
        (1)    If a detention of a vessel is referred to a Court of Marine Inquiry
               under section 90(2)(c) --
                 (a) the Court may appoint a competent person or persons to
15                      survey the vessel and report to the Court;
                 (b) the presiding magistrate, an assessor and a person or
                        persons appointed under paragraph (a) may survey the
                        ship and, for the purposes of this section, have all the
                        powers of an officer under section 112;
20               (c) the Court has the same power as an authorized officer
                        has to order the vessel to be released or finally detained;
                 (d) the owner and master of the vessel, any person
                        appointed by the owner or master and any person
25                      appointed by the Director General may attend at any
                        survey or inspection made under this section.
        (2)    If a report or marine incident is referred to a Court of Marine
               Inquiry under Division 1 the Court may, after investigating the
               matter, suspend, cancel or revoke an authorization in
30             accordance with the regulations.

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                   Marine Inquiries and Courts of Marine Inquiry          Part 5
                                        Courts of Marine Inquiry     Division 2
                                                                          s. 118

     118.    Report on investigation
             On the completion of an investigation by a Court of Marine
             Inquiry the presiding magistrate is to send to the Minister --
               (a) a report of the findings of the Court and any order made
 5                   by it or action taken by it; and
               (b) notes of any evidence given to the Court.

     119.    Rehearing
             Where an investigation has been conducted by a Court of
             Marine Inquiry, the Governor may order the matter to be
10           reheard, either generally or as to a part of the matter, and the
             Governor is to so order if, in the opinion of the Governor, there
             is any reasonable ground for suspecting that a miscarriage of
             justice has occurred.

     120.    Officers of Courts of Marine Inquiry
15           The officers of the Local Court at a place at which a Court of
             Marine Inquiry is sitting are to act as officers of the Court of
             Marine Inquiry.

     121.    Rules about Courts of Marine Inquiry
       (1)   The Governor may make rules --
20            (a) about the appointment, selection and remuneration of
              (b) regulating the practice, procedure, sittings, reports and
                   records of Courts of Marine Inquiry; and
              (c) prescribing or providing for fees, and providing for the
25                 application of fees, in respect of matters referred to a
                   Court of Marine Inquiry.

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Part 5          Marine Inquiries and Courts of Marine Inquiry
Division 2      Courts of Marine Inquiry
s. 121

   (2)    To the extent that this Act or the rules of practice and procedure
          do not apply to a particular matter or circumstance arising
          before a Court of Marine Inquiry, the presiding magistrate may
          issue such directions as he or she considers appropriate.

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                                                            Maritime Bill 1999
                                      Maritime Appeal Tribunal          Part 6

                                                                         s. 122

                Part 6 -- Maritime Appeal Tribunal
     122.    Establishment of Maritime Appeal Tribunal
       (1)   A tribunal to be known as the Maritime Appeal Tribunal is
 5     (2)   If this Act provides that an appeal may be lodged under this Part
             the Tribunal has jurisdiction to hear and determine that appeal.
       (3)   The Tribunal is to have an official seal of which judicial notice
             is to be taken.

     123.    Composition of Tribunal
10     (1)   The Tribunal is to consist of --
               (a)   a presiding magistrate nominated under subsection (2);
              (b)    2 ordinary members selected for a particular appeal
                     under subsection (3).
15     (2)   The Chief Stipendiary Magistrate is to nominate a magistrate to
             preside over the Tribunal.
       (3)   When an appeal to the Tribunal is lodged the presiding
             magistrate is to notify the Minister and, on receiving that
             notification, the Minister is to appoint a panel consisting of not
20           less than 4 qualified people who have expertise relevant to the
       (4)   For the purposes of subsection (3) a person is "qualified" if he
             or she --
               (a) is a naval architect and member of the Royal Institute of
25                   Naval Architects;
               (b) holds a certificate of competency as a master;
               (c) holds a certificate of competency as a marine engineer;

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     Part 6          Maritime Appeal Tribunal

     s. 124

                (d)   is a chartered professional engineer; or
                (e)   is a member of the Royal Australian Institute of
        (5)    An officer is not eligible to be appointed to the panel under
 5             subsection (3).
        (6)    On being notified by the Minister of the composition of the
               panel, the presiding magistrate is to select from the panel the
               2 ordinary members of the Tribunal for the appeal.

     124.      Procedure relating to appeals
10      (1)    A person who wishes to lodge an appeal under this Part may
               serve on the Director General written notice of the appeal
               setting out the grounds of the appeal.
        (2)    An appeal under this Part must be lodged with the Director
               General within 30 days after the appellant has been served with
15             a written statement of the reasons for the decision against which
               the appeal is made, or such longer period as the Tribunal in
               special circumstances allows.
        (3)    On receiving notice of an appeal within the relevant period
               referred to in subsection (2), the Director General is to --
20               (a) arrange with the presiding magistrate of the Tribunal for
                       the hearing of the appeal;
                 (b) notify the appellant and the person who made the
                       decision appealed against of the time, date and place of
                       that hearing; and
25               (c) provide such other assistance to the Tribunal as is
                       necessary for the just and efficient performance of the
                       functions of the Tribunal.

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                                                                         s. 125

       (4)   On the hearing of an appeal, the Tribunal --
              (a) may, subject to this subsection, determine the procedure
                    applicable to that hearing;
              (b) is to act according to equity and good conscience and
 5                  the substantial merits of the case without regard to
              (c) subject to the requirements of justice, is not bound by
                    rules of evidence;
              (d) may inform itself of any matter in such manner as it
10                  thinks fit; and
              (e) cannot make an award of either compensation or costs.
       (5)   A party to an appeal may, with the leave of the Tribunal, be
             represented at the hearing of the appeal by a practitioner as
             defined in the Legal Practitioners Act 1893.

15   125.    Determination of appeal
       (1)   The Tribunal may determine an appeal by allowing it or
             dismissing it, wholly or in part, or substituting its own decision
             for the decision appealed against, and every person affected by
             that determination must give effect to it.
20     (2)   Subject to subsection (3) a decision of the Tribunal may be
             made by any 2 of its members.
       (3)   Decisions on matters of law are to be made by the presiding
       (4)   On the determination of an appeal by the Tribunal, the Director
25           General is to notify the parties to the appeal of that
             determination without delay.
       (5)   The determination of an appeal by the Tribunal --
              (a) is final and without appeal; and

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    s. 126

               (b)   binds the parties to the appeal.

    126.      Rules about the Tribunal
              The Governor may make rules --
               (a) about the appointment, selection and remuneration of
5                   ordinary members of the Tribunal; and
               (b) prescribing or providing for fees, and providing for the
                    application of fees, in respect of appeals to the Tribunal.

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                                                            Maritime Bill 1999
                                    Maritime dues and charges           Part 7

                                                                         s. 127

                Part 7 -- Maritime dues and charges
     127.    Maritime dues
       (1)   Dues, referred to as "maritime dues", are payable to the
             Department in respect of prescribed registered vessels at rates
 5           provided for by regulations.
       (2)   Maritime dues are payable on the registration, or renewal of
             registration, of a vessel to which they apply, and are additional
             to registration fees and to any charges under section 128.
       (3)   The net proceeds of maritime dues are to be applied towards the
10           administration, coordination and funding of activities of the
             Department in relation to matters to which this Act applies
             including --
               (a) monitoring, protecting and restoring the marine
15             (b) responding to and investigating marine incidents;
               (c) dealing with wrecks and salvage;
               (d) dealing with marine safety matters; and
               (e) providing navigational aids and marine information
20     (4)   Regulations under subsection (1) may provide for and confer
             powers as to --
               (a) the classes of registered vessels in respect of which
                    maritime dues are payable;
              (b) exemption from liability for maritime dues;
25             (c) the ascertainment and calculation of maritime dues;
              (d) the payment, collection and recovery of maritime dues;
               (e) other matters relating to maritime dues.

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     Part 7          Maritime dues and charges

     s. 128

     128.      Departmental charges for maritime services and
        (1)    There are payable to the Department such operating charges as
               are provided for by regulations being --
 5               (a) wharfage, berthage, tonnage or access charges;
                (b)   charges for maritime services provided by the Minister
                      or the Department;
                (c)   charges for the use of infrastructure provided by, or
                      under the control of, the Minister or the Department; or
10              (d)   charges for the use of land and buildings in departmental
        (2)    Regulations under subsection (1) may provide for and confer
               powers as to --
                (a)   exemption from liability for charges;
15              (b)   the ascertainment and calculation of charges and the
                      entering of a vessel in order to ascertain or calculate the
                      charges payable in respect of the vessel or goods on the
                (c)   the payment, collection and recovery of charges; and
20              (d)   other matters relating to charges.
        (3)    In providing for charges, regulations under subsection (1) may
               allow for --
                (a)   the making of a profit; and
                (b)   depreciation of assets.

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                                 Maritime dues and charges           Part 7

                                                                     s. 129

    129.   Charges by operators for maritime services and
           Subject to its appointment agreement, the appointed operator of
           a port or maritime facility may levy and collect such operating
5          charges as the operator determines being --
             (a) wharfage, berthage, tonnage or access charges;
             (b) charges for maritime services it provides; or
             (c) charges for the use of infrastructure provided by or
                   under its control.

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     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 8          Enforcement
     Division 1      Authorized officers
     s. 130

                            Part 8 -- Enforcement
                        Division 1 -- Authorized officers
     130.      Appointment of authorized officers
        (1)    The Director General may appoint officers or other persons to
 5             be authorized officers --
                 (a) generally for the purposes of this Act; or
                 (b) for the purposes of provisions of this Act specified in the
        (2)    The Director General must cause to be issued to each authorized
10             officer appointed under subsection (1) an identity card in a form
               approved by the Minister.
        (3)    An authorized officer to whom an identity card has been issued
               must produce the identity card to a person --
                (a) in respect of whom that authorized officer has exercised,
15                    is exercising or is about to exercise his or her powers
                      under this Act; and
                (b) who requests that production.
        (4)    In any proceedings, whether civil or criminal, the production by
               an authorized officer of his or her current identity card is
20             conclusive evidence of his or her appointment under
               subsection (1).

     131.      General powers of authorized officers
        (1)    For the purposes of this Act, an authorized officer may --
                (a) order a vessel to be stopped;
25              (b) go on board a vessel (with such assistance as he or she
                       may require) for the purpose of inspecting it; and

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                                                  Enforcement             Part 8
                                             Authorized officers     Division 1
                                                                          s. 132

               (c)   detain a vessel for so long as is necessary for the
                     purpose of inspecting it.
       (2)   For the purposes of this Act, an authorized officer may --
              (a) inspect a vessel, or any part of it, and any boats,
 5                   equipment, boilers, machinery, articles or materials on
                     board or belonging to the vessel;
              (b) require the unloading or removal of any cargo, ballast or
                     tackle on board or belonging to a vessel;
              (c) require the production of and inspect any log book,
10                   licence, permit, certificate or other document issued or
                     required to be kept or issued in connection with the
                     ownership, use or navigation of a vessel; and
              (d) take a copy of a document or a part of a document.
       (3)   The powers conferred by this section are additional to the other
15           powers conferred on authorized officers under this Act.
       (4)   In the case of an authorized officer appointed under
             section 130(1)(b) a power conferred by this section can only be
             exercised if, and to the extent that, it is relevant to the
             provisions of this Act specified in the appointment.

20   132.    Authorized officer may request names and addresses
       (1)   An authorized officer may request any person whom the
             authorized officer believes on reasonable grounds to have
             committed an offence under this Act --
               (a) to give the person's name, age and address; and
25             (b) to produce for inspection any evidence of identity, age
                     or address that is in the person's possession at the time.
       (2)   A person to whom a request is made under subsection (1) --
              (a) must comply with the request; and

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     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 8          Enforcement
     Division 2      Offences: procedure and evidence
     s. 133

                (b) must not give a false name, address or date of birth.
               Penalty: $2 000.

               Division 2 -- Offences: procedure and evidence
     133.      Definition
 5             In this Division --
               "enforcement officer" means an authorized officer or a
                    member of the Police Force.

     134.      Jurisdiction as to offences
               For the purpose of giving jurisdiction under this Act, an offence
10             is to be regarded as having been committed, and a cause of
               complaint is to be regarded as having arisen, either --
                  (a) in the place in which it actually was committed or arose;
                 (b) in any place in which the offender or person complained
15                      against is.

     135.      Institution of proceedings
        (1)    Proceedings for an offence under this Act are to be commenced
               by an authorized officer.
        (2)    Despite any other written law proceedings for an offence under
20             this Act may be commenced at any time within 3 years from the
               time when the offence is alleged to have been committed.

     136.      Speed measuring equipment
        (1)    The Minister may by notice published in the Gazette --
                (a) approve of types of apparatus for ascertaining the speed
25                   at which a vessel is moving; and
                (b) amend or revoke any such approval.

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                                                            Maritime Bill 1999
                                                 Enforcement            Part 8
                             Offences: procedure and evidence      Division 2
                                                                        s. 137

       (2)   In any proceedings for an offence under this Act or any other
             written law, evidence may be given of --
               (a) the use of certain speed measuring equipment by an
                     enforcement officer in relation to a vessel; and
 5             (b) the speed at which the vessel was moving as ascertained
                     by the use of that speed measuring equipment,
             and that evidence is prima facie evidence of the speed at which
             the vessel was moving at the time of the use of that speed
             measuring equipment in relation to the vessel.
10     (3)   In any proceedings of the kind referred to in subsection (2)
             evidence by an enforcement officer that apparatus used by him
             or her was speed measuring equipment is prima facie evidence
             of that fact.
       (4)   This section does not preclude or restrict the introduction of any
15           competent evidence, whether in addition to, or independent of,
             evidence under this section bearing on the question of whether a
             person was or was not guilty of an offence under this Act or any
             other written law.
       (5)   In this section --
20           "speed measuring equipment" means apparatus of a type
                  approved by the Minister under subsection (1)(a).

     137.    Requirement to submit sample of breath or blood for
       (1)   An enforcement officer may require a person --
25            (a)    who is navigating, or in control of a vessel; or
              (b)    who the enforcement officer has reasonable grounds to
                     believe was navigating, or in control of a vessel,
             to provide a sample of his or her breath for a preliminary test in
             accordance with the directions of the enforcement officer, and for

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     Part 8          Enforcement
     Division 2      Offences: procedure and evidence
     s. 137

               the purposes of this subsection may require that person to wait at
               the place at which the first-mentioned requirement was made.
        (2)    An enforcement officer may --
                (a) call upon a person who is navigating, or in control of, a
 5                    vessel to stop the vessel;
                (b) direct a person who is navigating, or in control of, a
                      vessel to wait at a place indicated by the enforcement
               in order that a requirement may be made under subsection (1).
10      (3)    If an enforcement officer --
                 (a) has reasonable grounds to believe that the presence of a
                       vessel has occasioned, or its use has been an immediate
                       or proximate cause of, personal injury or damage to
                       property; and
15               (b) does not know, or has doubt about, who was the person
                       navigating, or in control of, a vessel at the time of that
                       presence or use,
               the enforcement officer may require any person who he or she
               has reasonable grounds to believe may have been the person
20             navigating, or in control of, the vessel at that time to provide a
               sample of his or her breath for a preliminary test in accordance
               with the directions of the enforcement officer, and for the
               purposes of this subsection may require that person to wait at
               the place at which the first-mentioned requirement was made.
25      (4)    If --
                 (a)   a person having provided a sample of his or her breath
                       for a preliminary test, it appears to an enforcement
                       officer that the preliminary test indicates that the blood
                       alcohol content of the person equals or exceeds 0.08 or,

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                                                    Maritime Bill 1999
                                         Enforcement            Part 8
                     Offences: procedure and evidence      Division 2
                                                                s. 137

             if the vessel concerned is of a class prescribed under
             section 87(3), 0.05;
      (b)    a person having been so required under
             subsection (3) --
 5              (i) refuses or fails to provide, or appears to an
                     enforcement officer to be incapable of providing,
                     a sample of his or her breath for a preliminary
                     test; or
               (ii) refuses or fails to provide, or appears to an
10                   enforcement officer to be incapable of providing, a
                     sample of his or her breath in sufficient quantity to
                     enable a preliminary test to be carried out;
       (c)   an enforcement officer has reasonable grounds to
             believe that a person has committed an offence under
15           section 87(1); or
      (d)    an enforcement officer --
                (i) has reasonable grounds to believe that the
                     presence of a vessel has occasioned, or its use
                     has been an immediate or proximate cause of,
20                   personal injury or damage to property; and
               (ii) does not know, or has doubt about, who was the
                     person navigating, or in control of, the vessel at
                     the time of that presence or use,
             but has reasonable grounds to believe that a person may
25           have been the person navigating, or in control of, the
             vessel at that time and that, if the person was so
             navigating or in control, he or she has committed an
             offence under section 87(1),
     a member of the Police Force may require that person to provide a
30   sample of his or her breath for analysis or to allow a medical
     practitioner to take a sample of his or her blood for analysis or to
     allow a sample of blood to be so taken and to provide a sample of

                                                                  page 95
     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 8          Enforcement
     Division 2      Offences: procedure and evidence
     s. 138

               his or her urine for analysis, under section 66(4), (5), (6a), (7) and
               (8a) of the Road Traffic Act 1974, and for the purposes of this
               subsection may require that person to accompany a member of the
               Police Force to a police station or some other place, and may
 5             require that person to wait at the police station or that place.
        (5)    A person who is required to supply a sample of his or her breath
               for a preliminary test or for analysis must comply with that
               requirement by providing the sample of his or her breath into
               approved apparatus in accordance with the directions of an
10             enforcement officer or the person operating the apparatus.
     138.      Application of provisions of Road Traffic Act 1974
        (1)    Sections 65, 66(4) to (17), 67, 67A, 68, 69, 69A, 70, 71 and 72
               of the Road Traffic Act 1974 and any regulations made under
               section 72 of that Act apply, with all necessary modifications, to
15             and in relation to an alleged offence under section 87(1) of this
        (2)    Without limiting subsection (1), the sections of, and regulations
               made under, the Road Traffic Act 1974 referred to in that
               subsection apply to and in relation to an alleged offence under
20             section 87(1) as if, in those sections or regulations, --
                 (a) a reference to section 63 of that Act were a reference to
                       section 87;
                 (b) a reference to section 66(2) of that Act were a reference
                       to section 137(4);
25               (c) a reference to driving or attempted driving of a motor
                       vehicle or vehicle were a reference to navigation or
                       attempted navigation of a vessel;
                 (d) a reference to a member of the Police Force included a
                       reference, when appropriate, to an officer;
30               (e) a reference to section 66(1) or (1a) of that Act were a
                       reference to section 137(1) or (3);

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                                                            Maritime Bill 1999
                                                 Enforcement            Part 8
                             Offences: procedure and evidence      Division 2
                                                                        s. 139

               (f)   a reference to section 66(2)(c) or (d) of that Act were a
                     reference to section 137(4)(c) or (d);
              (g)    the reference in section 66(7) of that Act to the
                     preceding provisions of that section included a reference
 5                   to section 137(5);
              (h)    references to a court ordering that a person be disqualified
                     from holding or obtaining a driver's licence were omitted;
               (i)   a reference to a requirement of a member of the Police
                     Force made pursuant to section 66 of that Act included a
10                   reference to a requirement made, whether by an officer
                     or a member of the Police Force, under this section;
               (j)   a reference to a requirement mentioned in
                     section 66(1aa) of that Act were a reference to a
                     requirement mentioned in section 137(2); and
15            (k)    a reference to section 66 of that Act included a reference
                     to section 137.
     139.    Proof and evidence of certain matters in proceedings for
       (1)   In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, an averment in
20           the complaint that --
               (a) a person was or was not at a specified time or during a
                     specified period the owner of a specified vessel;
               (b) a person was or was not at a specified time or during a
                     specified period the master of a specified vessel; or
25             (c) a vessel was or was not at a specified time or during a
                     specified period the subject of an exemption, permit or
             is proof that the person was or was not the owner or master or that
             the vessel was or was not the subject of the exemption, permit or
30           registration, as the case requires, unless the contrary is proved.

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     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 8          Enforcement
     Division 3      Infringement notices
     s. 140

        (2)    In any proceedings for an offence under this Act in respect of
               the prescribed crewing requirements applying to a vessel, an
               averment in the complaint that a person is or was, or is not or
               was not, the holder of a certificate of competency of a particular
 5             class is proof that the person is or was, or is not or was not, the
               holder of that certificate of competency, unless the contrary is
        (3)    In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, a certificate in
               the prescribed form --
10               (a) issued by the Director General; and
                 (b) giving details of the registration of a specified vessel,
               is evidence of those details.
        (4)    In this section --
               "specified" means specified in the relevant averment or
15                 certificate.

                       Division 3 -- Infringement notices
     140.      References to "penalties officer"
        (1)    A reference in section 142, 143 or 144 to a "penalties officer"
               is a reference to an officer appointed under subsection (2) to be
20             a penalties officer for the purposes of the section in which the
               reference occurs.
        (2)    The Director General may in writing appoint persons, or classes
               of persons, to be penalties officers for the purposes of
               section 142, 143 or 144 or for the purposes of 2 or all of those
25             sections, but an authorized officer is not eligible to be a
               penalties officer.

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                                                              Maritime Bill 1999
                                                   Enforcement            Part 8
                                           Infringement notices      Division 3
                                                                          s. 141

     141.    Serving of notice
             An authorized officer who has reason to believe that a person
             has committed a prescribed offence under this Act may serve an
             infringement notice on the alleged offender.

 5   142.    Content of notice
       (1)   An infringement notice is to be in the prescribed form and is
             to --
               (a) contain a description of the alleged offence;
               (b) advise that if the alleged offender does not wish to have
10                   a complaint of the alleged offence heard and determined
                     by a court, the amount of money specified in the notice
                     as being the modified penalty for the offence may be
                     paid to a penalties officer within a period of 28 days
                     after the service of the notice; and
15             (c) inform the alleged offender as to who are penalties
                     officers for the purposes of receiving payment of
                     modified penalties.
       (2)   In an infringement notice the amount specified as being the
             modified penalty for the offence referred to in the notice is to be
20           the amount that was the prescribed modified penalty at the time
             the alleged offence is believed to have been committed.
       (3)   The modified penalty that may be prescribed for an offence is
             not to exceed 20% of the maximum penalty that could be
             imposed for that offence by a court.

25   143.    Extension of time
             A penalties officer may, in a particular case, extend the period
             of 28 days within which the modified penalty may be paid and
             the extension may be allowed whether or not the period of
             28 days has elapsed.

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     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 8          Enforcement
     Division 3      Infringement notices
     s. 144

     144.       Withdrawal of notice
        (1)     Within 28 days after the service of an infringement notice, a
                penalties officer may, whether or not the modified penalty has
                been paid, withdraw the infringement notice by sending to the
 5              alleged offender a notice in the prescribed form stating that the
                infringement notice has been withdrawn.
        (2)     Where an infringement notice is withdrawn after the modified
                penalty has been paid, the amount is to be refunded.

     145.       Benefit of paying modified penalty
10      (1)     Subsection (2) applies if the modified penalty specified in an
                infringement notice has been paid within 28 days or such further
                time as is allowed and the notice has not been withdrawn.
        (2)     If this subsection applies it prevents the bringing of proceedings
                and the imposition of penalties to the same extent that they
15              would be prevented if the alleged offender had been convicted
                by a court of, and punished for, the alleged offence.
        (3)     Payment of a modified penalty is not to be regarded as an
                admission for the purposes of any proceedings, whether civil or

20   146.       Application of penalties collected
                An amount paid as a modified penalty for an offence is, subject
                to section 144(2), to be dealt with as if it were a fine imposed by
                a court as a penalty for that offence.

     147.       Owner onus in relation to vessels
25      (1)     In this section --
                "penalties officer" means a penalties officer appointed for the
                     purposes of section 142;

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                                                             Maritime Bill 1999
                                                  Enforcement            Part 8
                                          Infringement notices      Division 3
                                                                         s. 147

           "vessel offence" means an offence to which section 141 applies
               of which the use, navigation or mooring of a vessel is an
     (2)   If a vessel offence is alleged to have been committed and the
 5         identity of the master or person in charge of the vessel at the
           time of the commission of the alleged offence cannot be readily
           established, an infringement notice in respect of the alleged
           offence may be served under section 141 on the owner of the
10   (3)   For the purposes of subsection (2), the infringement notice may
           be addressed to the owner of the vessel without naming, or
           stating the address of, the owner and may be served by --
             (a)   attaching it to the vessel or leaving it in or on the vessel
                   at or about the time that the alleged offence is believed
15                 to have been committed; or
            (b)    serving it on the owner within 56 days after the alleged
                   offence is believed to have been committed.
     (4)   The notice is to include a short statement of the effect of
           subsection (5).
20   (5)   Unless within the period stated in the infringement notice or that
           period as extended --
             (a)   the modified penalty is paid; or
            (b)    the owner of the vessel --
                     (i) identifies to a penalties officer the person who
25                       was the master or person in charge of the vessel
                         at the relevant time; or

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    Maritime Bill 1999
    Part 8          Enforcement
    Division 3      Infringement notices
    s. 147

                        (ii)   satisfies a penalties officer that, at the relevant
                               time, the vessel had been stolen or unlawfully
                               taken or was being unlawfully used,
               the owner is, in the absence of proof to the contrary, deemed to
5              be the master or person in charge of the vessel at the time of the
               commission of the alleged offence.

    page 102
                                                              Maritime Bill 1999
                                                  Miscellaneous           Part 9
                                                        General      Division 1
                                                                          s. 148

                         Part 9 -- Miscellaneous
                             Division 1 -- General
     148.    Hindering the performance of functions
             A person who hinders a person performing or endeavouring to
 5           perform a function conferred under this Act, whether on board a
             vessel or elsewhere, commits an offence.
             Penalty: $2 000.

     149.    Exemptions and equivalents
       (1)   The Director General may exempt a vessel, or class of vessels,
10           from the application of any of the provisions of this Act to the
             extent that the Director General is satisfied that compliance with
             that provision is unreasonable or impractical in relation to that
             vessel or vessels of that class.
       (2)   In exercising the power conferred by subsection (1), the
15           Director General is to have regard to the principles embodied in
             this Act.
       (3)   If this Act requires a fitting, material, appliance or apparatus of
             a particular description or type to be fitted or carried in a vessel,
             or any particular provision to be made, the Director General
20           may allow a fitting, material, appliance or apparatus of another
             description or type to be fitted or carried, or any other provision
             to be made, if the Director General is satisfied, by trial or
             otherwise, that a fitting, material, appliance or apparatus of that
             other description or type, or that other provision, is at least as
25           effective as that required under this Act.
       (4)   The Director General may grant an exemption or make an
             allowance under this section subject to such conditions as the
             Director General thinks fit.

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     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 9          Miscellaneous
     Division 1      General
     s. 150

        (5)     The powers conferred by this section may also be exercised in
                relation to a convention as defined in section 103.

     150.       Evidence of documents and proof of signature
        (1)     All documents purporting to be issued or written under this Act
 5              by or under the direction of or with the authority of the Minister
                or the Director General and purporting to be signed by a person
                acting with the authority of the Minister or the Director General,
                are admissible as evidence and are to be regarded, on production
                by any person, as having been so written and so signed until
10              evidence to the contrary is shown.
        (2)     A document required by or under this Act to be executed in the
                presence of or attested by a witness may be proved by the
                evidence of any person who is able to bear witness to the facts
                of execution or attestation without calling any attesting witness.
15      (3)     In this section --
                "document" includes an authorization, exemption, dispensation
                     or register.

     151.       Admissibility of documents in evidence
        (1)     Where a document is by this Act declared to be admissible in
20              evidence, it is, on production from the proper custody,
                admissible in evidence in any court, or before any person having
                by law or consent of parties authority to receive evidence.
        (2)     Subject to all just exceptions, a document referred to in
                subsection (1) is evidence of the matters stated in it.
25      (3)     A copy of, or extract from, a document referred to in
                subsection (1) is also admissible in evidence if --
                  (a) it is proved to be an examined copy or extract; or

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                                                             Maritime Bill 1999
                                                 Miscellaneous           Part 9
                                                       General      Division 1
                                                                         s. 152

              (b)    it purports to be signed and certified as a true copy or
                     extract by the officer to whose custody the original
                     document was entrusted,
             and, on payment of the prescribed fee, that officer is to furnish a
 5           copy or extract so certified to any person applying for it.
       (4)   This section does not affect the operation of the Evidence
             Act 1906.

     152.    Protection from liability
       (1)   An action in tort does not lie against a person for a thing that the
10           person has done, in good faith, in the performance or purported
             performance of a function under this Act.
       (2)   The State is also relieved of any liability that it might otherwise
             have had for another person having done a thing as described in
             subsection (1).
15     (3)   The protection given by subsections (1) and (2) --
               (a)   applies even though the thing done as described in
                     subsection (1) may have been capable of being done
                     whether or not this Act had been enacted; but
              (b)    only applies to the State, a public authority or an officer
20                   or employee of a public authority.
       (4)   An action in tort does not lie against the State for a thing done
             by an appointed operator.
       (5)   In this section, a reference to the doing of a thing includes a
             reference to an omission to do a thing.
25     (6)   This section does not affect the operation of section 42, 53
             or 77.

                                                                        page 105
     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 9          Miscellaneous
     Division 2      Service of documents
     s. 153

                       Division 2 -- Service of documents
     153.       Meaning of terms used
                In this Division --
                "legal process" means any summons or other process in any
 5                  legal proceeding under this Act;
                "notice" includes an order, statement or other document but
                    does not include legal process.

     154.       Service of notices
        (1)     A notice required or permitted by this Act to be served on a
10              person may be so served --
                  (a) personally; or
                  (b) if the person cannot be found after diligent and
                       reasonable inquiry, by --
                          (i) sending the notice by prepaid mail to the last
15                             known address of the person; and
                         (ii) causing a copy of the notice to be published once
                               in a newspaper circulating throughout the State.
        (2)     Service of a notice is taken to be effected under
                subsection (1)(b) on the expiry of the period of 30 days from the
20              publication of the notice under subsection (1)(b)(ii).

     155.       Notices may be served on board or sent to a vessel
                Where this Act requires a notice to be served personally on a
                person ("the recipient") it may also be served --
                  (a) on board a vessel on which the recipient is employed by
25                     giving it to the person being or appearing to be in
                       command or in charge of the vessel; or

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                                                            Maritime Bill 1999
                                                Miscellaneous           Part 9
                                         Service of documents      Division 2
                                                                        s. 156

              (b)   by sending it by facsimile or radio transmission or
                    electronic mail to a vessel on which the recipient is

     156.    Substituted service if there is no master
 5           Where a notice or legal process is to be served under this Act on
             the master of a vessel and the vessel is within the limits of
             Australia but has no master, good service can be effected --
               (a) on the managing owner of the vessel;
               (b) if there is no managing owner: on some agent of the
10                   owner residing in Australia; or
               (c) if there is no managing owner and no such agent of the
                     owner is known or can be found: by affixing a copy of
                     the notice or process to the vessel in a conspicuous

15   157.    Legal process may be served on board a vessel
       (1)   Where any legal process is to be served on a person, good
             service can be effected on board a vessel on which the person is
             employed, by giving the process to the person being or
             appearing to be in command or in charge of the vessel.
20     (2)   Service can only be effected under subsection (1) if the legal
             process is accompanied by a statement of what it is about.
       (3)   Subsection (1) does not prevent the use of any other method by
             which good service of legal process can be effected under any

                                                                      page 107
     Maritime Bill 1999
     Part 10         Regulations

     s. 158

                             Part 10 -- Regulations
     158.       General power to make regulations
        (1)     The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that
                are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or are
 5              necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to the
                purposes of this Act.
        (2)     Without limiting subsection (1) regulations may be made for all
                or any of the purposes, or about all or any of the matters, set out
                in Schedule 3.

10   159.       Offences against regulations
        (1)     Regulations may create offences and provide, in respect of an
                offence so created, for the imposition of a penalty not exceeding
                a fine of $10 000.
        (2)     In the case of offences relating to the overloading of vessels, the
15              regulations under Schedule 3 item 4.5 may provide for the
                imposition of an additional penalty calculated by reference to
                the amount by which the vessel is overloaded and the tonnage of
                the vessel.

     160.       Adoption of other laws, codes etc.
20      (1)     Regulations may adopt, either wholly or in part or with
                modifications --
                 (a) any rules, regulations, codes, instructions or other
                       subsidiary legislation made, determined or issued under
                       any other Act or under any Imperial Act or
25                     Commonwealth Act; or
                 (b) any of the standards, rules, codes or specifications of the
                       bodies known as the International Maritime
                       Organization, the Standards Association of Australia,

     page 108
                                                             Maritime Bill 1999
                                                   Regulations         Part 10

                                                                         s. 161

                     the British Standards Institution or The Association of
                     Australian Port and Marine Authorities or of any other
                     like body that is specified in those regulations.
       (2)   If regulations adopt any subsidiary legislation, standard, rule,
 5           code or specification under subsection (1), it is adopted as in
             force from time to time unless those regulations specify that a
             particular text is adopted.

     161.    References to other approvals or decisions
             Regulations may be made so as to apply according to an
10           approval or other administrative decision of a person or body
             specified in those regulations even if that approval or other
             decision may not have been, or may not have been primarily,
             given or made for the purposes of this Act.

     162.    Licensing
15     (1)   Regulations may control an activity or thing in a departmental
             area, or a portion of a departmental area, by prohibiting it from
             being carried out or done except under a licence issued under
             the regulations.
       (2)   Regulations may provide for the following --
20            (a)    the calling of applications or tenders for licences;
              (b)    the method of applying or tendering for licences;
              (c)    fees for applications or tenders;
              (d)    how applications or tenders can be dealt with;
              (e)    the issue, amendment, renewal or transfer of licences;
25             (f)   fees for the issue, amendment, renewal or transfer of
              (g)    the imposition of conditions on licences;

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    Maritime Bill 1999
    Part 10         Regulations

    s. 162

                (h)    the duration of licences;
                 (i)   the suspension or cancellation of licences.
       (3)     This section does not limit the methods by which the regulations
               may control an activity or thing or affect the operation of Part 2
5              Division 3.

    page 110
                                                            Maritime Bill 1999
                                                 Review of Act        Part 11

                                                                            s. 163

                       Part 11 -- Review of Act
    163.    Minister to review and report on Act
      (1)   The Minister is to carry out a review of the operation and
            effectiveness of this Act as soon as is practicable after the
5           expiry of 5 years from its commencement.
      (2)   The Minister is to prepare a report based on the review and, as
            soon as is practicable after the report is prepared, is to cause the
            report to be laid before each House of Parliament.

                                                                       page 111
     Maritime Bill 1999

     Schedule 1     Names and boundaries of ports

              Schedule 1 -- Names and boundaries of ports
                                                                                [s. 8]

     1.         Port of Barrow Island

     All that portion of water and sea bed situate east of the high water mark of the
 5   Indian Ocean on the eastern shore of Barrow Island and contained within the arc
     of a circle having a radius of 7 nautical miles from the intersection of
     latitude 20° 46 50 S with longitude 115° 27 54 E.

     Lands and Surveys Public Plan: Dampier and Barrow Island 1:250 000.

     2.         Port of Carnarvon

10   Part A

     All that portion of water bounded by a line due west for 4 nautical miles from a
     starting point on the mainland in latitude 24° 10 S and longitude 113° 26 45 E
     and then in a south-southwest direction to Cape Ronsard at the north end of
     Bernier Island; then by the western shores of Bernier and Dorre Islands to Cape
15   St Cricq; then by a straight line to Cape Inscription at the north end of Dirk
     Hartog Island and by its western shore to Surf Point, then by a straight line to
     Steep Point on the mainland, and then by the coastline to the starting point.

     Part B

     All that portion of sea bed bounded by lines starting from the high water mark
20   of the Indian Ocean at the western extremity of Point Quobba and extending
     south-westerly to the high water mark at the northern extremity of Cape
     Ronsard on Bernier Island; then generally southerly along the high water mark
     of the eastern shore of that island to the southern extremity of Cape Couture;
     then southerly to the high water mark at the northern extremity of Cape
25   Boullanger on Dorre Island; then southerly along the high water mark of the
     eastern shore of that island to the southern extremity of Cape St Cricq; then
     south-westerly to the high water mark at the northern extremity of Cape
     Inscription on Dirk Hartog Island; then generally south-easterly, generally
     south-westerly and generally north-westerly along the high water mark of the

     page 112
                                                                 Maritime Bill 1999

                                   Names and boundaries of ports         Schedule 1

     north-eastern, south-eastern and south-western shores of that island to the
     southern extremity of Surf Point; then south-westerly to the high water mark at
     the northern extremity of Steep Point and then generally south-easterly,
     generally north-easterly, again generally south-easterly and again generally
 5   north-easterly along the high water mark of Shark Bay and generally
     north-westerly along the high water mark of the Indian Ocean to the starting

     Lands and Surveys Public Plans: Carnarvon 2000 7.06, 7.07, 8.04, 8.05:
     Carnarvon Regional 2.1; Edel 1:250 000; Yaringa 1:250 000; Wooramel
10   1:250 000; Shark Bay 1:250 000; Quobba 1:250 000.

     3.        Port of Derby

     Part A

     All that portion of water and sea bed bounded by lines starting at the
     intersection of the prolongation south-westerly of a line joining the summit of
15   Saddle Hill and the high water mark at the eastern extremity of Valentine Island
     with the high water mark of the western shore of King Sound and extending
     generally south-easterly, generally northerly, again generally south-easterly,
     again generally northerly and generally north-westerly along that mark to a line
     joining the summit of Saddle Hill and the high water mark at the eastern
20   extremity of Valentine Island and then south-westerly along that line and
     onwards to the starting point.

     Part B

     All that portion of land, water and sea bed delineated and coloured red on
     Transport drawing number DOT 972-02-01.

25   Lands and Surveys Public Plans 1:2 000 PT 02.07 and PT 02.08; Derby N.E.
     1:25 000; Derby 1:250 000; Yambi 1:250 000.

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     Maritime Bill 1999

     Schedule 1       Names and boundaries of ports

     4.          Port of Onslow

     Part A

     All that portion of water and sea bed bounded by lines starting from the high
     water mark of the Indian Ocean at the southern extremity of Ashburton Island;
 5   then northerly to a position in latitude 21° 21 S Longitude 114° 56 E; then
     north-easterly to a position in latitude 21° 10 S, longitude 115° 06 E, then
     easterly to a position in latitude 21° 10 S, longitude 115° 09 E; then
     south-easterly to a position in longitude 21° 13 S latitude 115° 12 E; then
     southerly to a position in latitude 21° 21 S, longitude 115° 12 E; then south,
10   south-easterly to the high water mark of the Indian Ocean at the eastern
     extremity of Coolgra Point; then north-westerly to the high water mark of the
     Indian Ocean at the southern extremity of Direction Island; and then
     south-westerly to the starting point.

     Part B

15   (i)      All that portion of land comprised within Onslow Lot 460, as surveyed
              and shown on Lands and Surveys Original Plan 10532.
     (ii)     All that portion of land comprised within Onslow Lot 561, as surveyed
              and shown bordered in red on Lands and Surveys Diagram 74170.
     (iii)    All that portion of land bounded by lines starting from the north-eastern
20            corner of Onslow Lot 561 and extending northerly along the prolongation
              northerly of the eastern boundary of that lot to the low water mark of the
              Indian Ocean; then generally westerly along that mark crossing the mouth
              of Beadon Creek to the prolongation northerly of the northern most
              western boundary of Lot 561; then southerly to a north-western corner of
25            that lot and then generally easterly along northern boundaries of the
              last-mentioned lot to the starting point.

     Lands and Surveys Public Plans: Onslow 1:2 000 38.07, 39.05, 39.06, 40.05,
     40.06; Onslow Regional 1:10 000 8.2; Onslow 1:250 000.

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                                    Names and boundaries of ports         Schedule 1

     5.        Port of Port Walcott

     All that portion of water and sea bed bounded by lines starting from the high
     water mark on the Indian Ocean at the northernmost northern extremity of
     Dolphin Island and extending easterly to the high water mark at the
 5   southernmost southern extremity of Legendre Island; then easterly to the high
     water mark at the northernmost northern extremity of Delambre Island; then
     south-easterly to a position 20° 28 S latitude, 117° 10 E longitude; then
     easterly to a position 20° 28 S latitude, 117° 17 E longitude; then south to a
     position 20° 30 9 S latitude, 117° 17 E longitude; then south-easterly to a
10   position 20° 36 9 S latitude, 117° 31 6 E longitude then south to the
     intersection of the high water mark of the Indian Ocean and the 117° 31 6 E
     meridian of longitude; then generally south-westerly, generally north-westerly,
     generally north-easterly and again generally south-westerly, again generally
     northeasterly and generally westerly along that mark to the northernmost
15   north-western extremity of Burrup Peninsula; then north-easterly crossing the
     western entrance to Searipple Passage to the high water mark at the
     westernmost south-western extremity of Dolphin Island and then generally
     easterly, generally north-easterly, generally south-westerly and again generally
     north-easterly along that mark to the starting point (including the beds of all
20   those navigable portions of rivers and creeks abutting the area) and excluding
     De Witt Locations 66 (Special Lease 3116/4624), 67 (Special Lease
     3116/4625), 69 (Special Lease 3116/4628), and that part of Locations 63
     (Special Lease 3116/4622), 65 (Special Lease 3116/4623), 68 (Special
     Lease 3116/4629), 106 (Special Lease 3116/4622) and 119 (Special
25   Lease 3116/7394) below the high water mark.

     Lands and Surveys Public Plans: Karratha Regional 1:10 000 6.6, 7.6; Point
     Samson 1:25 000 N.E.; Nickol Bay 1:25 000 S.E., S.W.; Dampier and Barron
     Island 1:250 000; Roebourne 1: 250 000.

     6.        Port of Varanus Island

30   All that portion of water and sea bed within a radius of 3.3 nautical miles of the
     Harriet loading terminal in position latitude 20° 37 47.38 S longitude 115° 36
     25.87 E and to the extent of the high water mark on the islands contained

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     Schedule 1     Names and boundaries of ports

     7.         Port of Wyndham

     Part A

     All the water and sea bed of Cambridge Gulf seaward of high water mark
     situate southerly from a line starting from the high water mark at the southern
 5   extremity of Cape Dussejour and extending easterly to Trigonometrical Station
     SO34 on Lacrosse Island and then south-easterly to the high water mark at the
     northern extremity of Cape Domett.

     Part B

     All those portions of land comprised within Reserve 24041 (Wyndham Lots
10   378, 406, 600, 654, 719, 896, 1232, 1233, 1235, 1272, 1302, 1315, 1730, and
     1737) on Lands and Surveys Plan No. 16431, Original Roll Plan Wyndham
     41/2, Original Plan 7828, Diagram 72093, Original Plan 8779, Diagrams 71241,
     70411, 72093 and 73335.

     Lands and Surveys Public Plans: Wyndham 1:2 000 20.11, 20.12, 21.11, 21.12;
15   Wyndham S.W. 1:25 000; Mt Erskine N.W. 1:25 000; Cambridge Gulf
     1:250 000; Medusa Banks 1:250 000.

     8.         Port of Yampi Sound

     All that portion of water and sea bed bounded by lines starting at the
     intersection of latitude 16° 13 13 S; with longitude 123° 32 32 E and
20   extending north 10 nautical miles; then east 15 nautical miles; then south to the
     high water mark of the Indian Ocean; then generally north-westerly, generally
     westerly and generally southerly along that mark to latitude 16° 13 13 S and
     then west to the starting point including the beds and all the navigable waters of
     abutting bays and creeks flowing into the area.

25   Lands and Surveys Public Plan: Yampi 1:250 000.

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                              Terms and conditions of appointment         Schedule 2

          Schedule 2 -- Terms and conditions of appointment
                                                                                 [s. 15]

     1.      Terms and conditions
             An appointment agreement may include provisions --
 5             (a)   about the operation of the port generally;
               (b)   as to the maintenance and preservation of property --
                       (i)     the management of which is vested in; or
                      (ii)     which is leased to,
                     the operator for the purposes of this Act;
10             (c)   requiring the operator to observe specified industry and other
                     codes and standards with such modifications or exemptions
                     as may be determined;
               (d)   requiring the operator to observe specified procedures with
                     regard to planning for and facilitating future growth and
15                   development of the port or maritime facility;
               (e)   requiring the operator to observe specified procedures with
                     regard to the licensing of services and activities in the port or
                     maritime facility including such matters as --
                       (i)     the calling of applications or tenders for licences;
20                    (ii)     the method of applying or tendering for licences;
                      (iii)    the issue, duration, renewal, suspension or
                               cancellation of licences; and
                      (iv) the imposition of conditions on licences;
               (f)   requiring the operator to adhere to pricing arrangements for
25                   specified services and facilities as may be determined;
               (g)   requiring the operator to maintain specified accounting
                     records and to prepare accounts according to specified
               (h)   requiring the operator to adhere to access arrangements for
30                   channels as may be determined;

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     Maritime Bill 1999

     Schedule 2     Terms and conditions of appointment

                  (i)   requiring the operator to adhere to access arrangements for
                        maritime services as may be determined;
                  (j)   requiring the operator to provide specified information in
                        such manner and form as may be determined;
 5                (k)   specifying procedures for performance auditing and reporting
                        in relation to those matters included within the appointment
                  (l)   specifying the responsibilities of the operator in relation to its
                        marine safety plan under section 102 and, in particular, in
10                      relation to the provision and maintenance of navigational aids
                        in accordance with that plan;
                 (m)    specifying the responsibilities of the operator as part of the
                        State's oil spill management plan;
                  (n)   specifying quality and performance standards to be met by
15                      the operator;
                  (o)   specifying obligations of the operator with respect to public
                  (p)   specifying standards to be met in relation to the appointment
                        of harbour masters and managers and the approval of pilots;
20                (q)   requiring the operator to get the consent of the Director
                        General before changes are made in its corporate structure or
                  (r)   enabling the operator, with the consent of the Director
                        General, to assign any of its rights or obligations under the
25                      appointment agreement to another person.

     2.         Definitions
                In this Schedule --
                "determined" means determined by the Director General;
                "specified" means specified in the appointment agreement.

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      Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may              Schedule 3
                                                         be made

     Schedule 3 -- Purposes for which, or matters about which,
                    regulations may be made
                                                                                     [s. 158]

     1.         Vessels
 5        1.1   The classification of vessels.
          1.2   Specifying vessels or classes of vessels that are --
                  (a) required to be registered; or
                  (b)     exempt from registration.
          1.3   Certificates of registration.
10        1.4   The conditions to which the operation of any prescribed class of
                vessels may be made subject.
          1.5   The circumstances in which provision of --
                  (a) proof of ownership; or
                  (b)     load line certificates, safety certificates or survey certificates,
15              or of other documents relating to vessels is required.
          1.6   Requiring vessels to meet specified safety standards.
          1.7   Providing for permits, including dealer permits, in respect of
                unregistered vessels.
          1.8   The hiring and hiring out of vessels.
20        1.9   Misconduct and unauthorized conduct on or in the vicinity of vessels
                and the powers of masters, ships' officers and authorized officers to
                deal with misconduct and unauthorized conduct.

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     Schedule 3     Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may be

     2.         Certificates of competency and safe crewing
          2.1   The classification of certificates of competency.
          2.2   Specifying the classes of persons by whom certificates of competency
                are required and the classes of certificates of competency required by
 5              those persons.
          2.3   The prerequisites (including qualifications, experience and fitness) for
                obtaining certificates of competency of specified classes.
          2.4   The syllabuses for, and the manner of conduct of, examinations to be
                passed as a prerequisite for obtaining certificates of competency.
10        2.5   Approval of courses, and recognition of examinations, conducted by
                any person, including the State, inside or outside Western Australia.
          2.6   The conditions to which certificates of competency may be made
          2.7   The recognition, conditional recognition and suspension or
15              withdrawal of recognition, of external qualifications.
          2.8   The minimum crewing requirements for any vessels or class of

     3.         Vessel safety standards
          3.1   The minimum standards for the design, construction and equipment of
20              vessels or classes of vessels, and the maintenance and periodic survey
                of vessels and their equipment, and, in particular, for --
                  (a)   structural strength, watertight subdivision, structural fire
                        protection and design loading;
                  (b)   the carriage of passengers, passenger accommodation, guard
25                      rails and bulwarks;
                  (c)   the use of specific construction material;
                  (d)   the location, means of access, structure, arrangement,
                        ventilation, heating, cooling, lighting, sanitation, free
                        movement areas, sleeping rooms, mess facilities and galleys
30                      of crew accommodation;

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      Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may          Schedule 3
                                                         be made

                  (e)   the calculation and assignment of freeboards, the position and
                        marking of load lines, deck lines and draught marks and the
                        issue of load line certificates;
                  (f)   the stability criteria for vessels;
 5                (g)   the boilers, machinery and electrical equipment to be
                        provided in vessels;
                  (h)   liquefied petroleum gas, refrigeration and other dangerous
                        installations in vessels;
                  (i)   the life saving appliances required to be carried on vessels or
10                      classes of vessels and the location of those appliances;
                  (j)   the fire fighting equipment, including alarm and
                        communication systems, required to be fitted to vessels or
                        classes of vessels and the location of that equipment;
                  (k)   the type, number of items and standard of, and spares for,
15                      radio equipment on vessels or classes of vessels; and
                  (l)   equipment required for the safety of navigation or for the
                        safety of crew or passengers, including compasses,
                        emergency beacons and radar to be carried on vessels or
                        classes of vessels.
20        3.2   The methods for determining compliance with standards referred to in
                item 3.1, including inclining experiments and the non-destructive
                testing of hulls.
          3.3   The accreditation of persons for the purpose of certifying compliance
                with standards referred to in item 3.1.
25        3.4   The detention and survey of vessels under Part 3 Division 6 and
                liability for and recovery of amounts arising out of the detention and

     4.         Operational safety
          4.1   The maintenance in respect of vessels, or particular classes of vessel,
30              of vessel log books and radio log books and the form of those log

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     Schedule 3      Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may be

          4.2   The development, implementation and practice of emergency
                procedures on vessels.
          4.3   Requiring the masters of vessels to comply with specified
                international conventions.
 5        4.4   The movement, mooring, loading and unloading of vessels and the
                taking on and landing of passengers.
          4.5   The prevention of overloading and overcrowding of vessels.
          4.6   The powers, duties and obligations of a harbour master in respect of
                the matters referred to in item 4.5 and the rights and liabilities of
10              persons affected by the exercise of such a power or connected with a
                vessel in respect of which such a power is exercised.
          4.7   The taking in, management and discharge or delivery of ballast.
          4.8   The speed of vessels.
          4.9   Tide signals and other signals to be used in ports and other areas.

15   5.         Maritime structures and other infrastructure generally
          5.1   Standards of construction for maritime structures.
          5.2   The protection of infrastructure and the reporting of damage to
          5.3   The control of access to infrastructure.
20        5.4   The prevention of obstruction of or interference with infrastructure.
          5.5   The prevention of obstruction of or interference with the operation of
          5.6   Liability for loss or damage occurring because of obstruction of or
                interference with the operation of a navigational aid.

25   6.         Jetties
          6.1   The landing, shipping, trans-shipping, unshipping, warehousing,
                stowing, depositing, removal or keeping at, on or from jetties of

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     Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may          Schedule 3
                                                        be made

             explosives and dangerous goods as respectively defined by the
             Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act 1961 and of such other
             substances as the Minister may specify as being dangerous goods for
             the purposes of the regulations.
 5     6.2   The appointment of persons to preserve order on jetties.
       6.3   Traffic on jetties and the means of transport to be used on them.
       6.4   The powers of an officer to --
               (a) move; or
               (b)   remove from a jetty,
10           vehicles or other things that are obstructing, or may obstruct, traffic
             on the jetty.
       6.5   The use, cleaning, repair, maintenance and effective preservation of
       6.6   The control of the operation of machinery on jetties.
15     6.7   The conduct of persons operating machinery on jetties.
       6.8   The landing, shipping, trans-shipping, unshipping, warehousing,
             stowing, depositing, removal or keeping at, on or from public jetties
             of goods other than those substances referred to in item 6.1.
       6.9   To require the master of a vessel to give notice of arrival at a public
20           jetty within a specified time before arrival.
      6.10   To require the master of a vessel moored at a public jetty to produce
             the certificate of registry or other national papers of that vessel to an
             officer on demand.
      6.11   To require the master of a vessel moored at a public jetty to give
25           documentation or information in such form as may be required by an
             officer of all goods to be loaded or unloaded on to or from the vessel
             at the jetty.
      6.12   To require the master of a vessel to obtain permission to load or
             unload goods at a public jetty before doing so.

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     Schedule 3       Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may be

          6.13   To require the shippers of goods to furnish information as to the
                 goods intended to be shipped from a public jetty.
          6.14   To give binding effect to --
                   (a)   descriptions of and statements about goods (including as to
 5                       value) in bills of lading, manifests or receipts; and
                   (b)   the terms and conditions of bills of lading, manifests or
                 in respect of goods shipped from, or landed at, a public jetty.
          6.15   The powers of an officer to deal with or sell or otherwise dispose of
10               goods that have remained on a public jetty for longer than a
                 prescribed period or are affecting or may affect any property of the
                 State or any other goods on the jetty, and --
                   (a)   the liability of persons for any charges imposed or expenses
                         incurred by an officer in the exercise of powers under
15                       regulations made under this item; and
                   (b)   the manner in which the proceeds of goods sold by an officer
                         under powers under regulations made under this item may be
          6.16   Limitation of the liability of the State for damage to or loss of goods
20               on public jetties either generally or in circumstances specified in the
          6.17   Exemption of the State from liability for damage to or loss of goods
                 on public jetties in circumstances specified in the regulations.
          6.18   Limitation of the time for making a claim against the State for damage
25               to or loss of goods on public jetties.

     7.          Mooring control
           7.1   The registration of mooring sites in mooring control areas.
           7.2   The construction, installation, maintenance, inspection and removal
                 of, and other matters relating to, moorings in mooring control areas.

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      Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may           Schedule 3
                                                         be made

          7.3   The mooring and navigation of vessels and other things in mooring
                control areas.
          7.4   The anchoring of vessels in mooring prohibition areas.
          7.5   The terms and conditions (including payment of fees) on which the
 5              holder of a mooring area licence may permit other persons to moor
                vessels and other things in the area.

     8.         Pilotage
          8.1   Pilotage matters generally and, in particular --
                  (a)   procedures for and matters relating to the approval of persons
10                      as pilots;
                  (b)   vessels that do not have to have an approved pilot; and
                  (c)   procedures for and matters relating to pilotage exemption

     9.         Control of departmental areas
15        9.1   Regulating or prohibiting --
                  (a)   the entry or remaining within the boundaries of departmental
                        areas or any specified part of departmental areas by any
                        person or class of persons or thing or class of things;
                  (b)   the doing or omitting to do any thing or class of things within
20                      the boundaries of departmental areas or any specified part of
                        such areas,
                either at all times and on all occasions or at any specified time or
                times or on any specified occasion or occasions.
          9.2   Traffic on departmental areas.
25        9.3   The powers of an officer to --
                  (a) move; or
                  (b)   remove from a departmental area,
                vehicles or other things that are obstructing, or may obstruct, traffic
                on the departmental area.

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     Schedule 3      Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may be

        9.4     Parking of vehicles on departmental areas.
        9.5     The control of the operation of machinery on departmental areas.
        9.6     The conduct of persons operating machinery on departmental areas.
        9.7     The preservation of order on or in relation to departmental areas and
 5              infrastructure on them including provision for or in respect of
                preventing the entry of persons to a departmental area and provision
                for the removal of persons loitering, squatting or otherwise
                conducting themselves in a manner likely to prejudice the efficient
                and convenient use of an area or infrastructure.
10      9.8     All matters relating to the protection of life, property and the
                environment within departmental areas.
        9.9     Regulating the use of departmental areas and in particular --
                  (a)   prohibiting the removal of soil, sand, gravel, stone, rock or
                        other material from or otherwise interfering with such areas
15                      without the written permission of the Director General;
                  (b)   prohibiting the deposit of any matter, rubbish or litter on
                        departmental areas;
                  (c)   prohibiting conduct that may endanger departmental areas or
                        infrastructure on them; or
20                (d)   prohibiting the erection of any structure, post, pile, stake,
                        fence, mooring or any other thing placed on or fixed to land
                        or seabed within departmental areas without the written
                        permission of the Director General.
       9.10     The abandonment or neglect of vessels or other material --
25                (a) on a departmental area; or
                  (b) outside a departmental area so as to affect or potentially
                       affect, a departmental area.
       9.11     Authorizing and regulating the removal by or on behalf of the
                Minister of any structure or other thing erected contrary to a
30              regulation made under this Act and providing for the recovery of the
                cost and expenses of removal.

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      Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may         Schedule 3
                                                         be made

       9.12   The powers of an officer to deal with or sell or otherwise dispose of
              goods that have remained on a departmental area for longer than a
              prescribed period or are affecting or may affect any property of the
              State or any other goods on the departmental area, and --
 5              (a)   the liability of persons for any charges imposed or expenses
                      incurred by an officer in the exercise of powers under
                      regulations made under this item; and
                (b)   the manner in which the proceeds of goods sold by an officer
                      under powers under regulations made under this item may be
10                    applied.
       9.13   The convenience of shipping or of the public within departmental

     10.      Licences, registration and other authorizations
       10.1   Issue, granting, amendment, renewal, re-validation or transfer of
15            authorizations.
       10.2   Applications for things referred to in item 10.1 and how they can be
              dealt with.
       10.3   Fees for things referred to in item 10.1, or applications for them or
              matters related to them.
20     10.4   Imposition of conditions on authorizations.
       10.5   Duration of authorizations.
       10.6   Suspension, cancellation or revocation of authorizations.
       10.7   The display or affixation of identification numbers assigned in respect
              of authorizations.

25   11.      Payment of fees and charges
       11.1   Measures to encourage prompt payment of fees, charges, dues and
              levies (including the imposition of penalties or interest, the refusal,
              suspension, cancellation or revocation of authorizations, the
              withholding of services, the requirement of payment in advance, and
30            the granting of concessions, reductions or discounts).

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     Maritime Bill 1999

     Schedule 3     Purposes for which, or matters about which, regulations may be

     12.        Ports and maritime facilities operated by appointed operators
       12.1     Matters relating to a port or maritime facility operated by an
                appointed operator that are of a kind in respect of which regulations
                can be made relating to a departmental area.

 5   13.        General
       13.1     Forms for use under this Act.
       13.2     The recovery of expenses incurred by an officer in exercising powers
                under the regulations.
       13.3     Generally for the effective administration and performance of
10              functions conferred by this Act.
       13.4     The control of navigation and maritime activities generally.

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                                                                                        Maritime Bill 1999

                                                                                                Defined Terms

                                      Defined Terms
      [This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined.
                             The list is not part of the law.]
Defined Term                                                                                       Provision(s)
applied provisions of the Limitation Convention .......................................109(1)
appointed operator............................................................................................ 3
appointment agreement..................................................................................... 3
approved ................................................................................................3, 69(1)
authorization .................................................................................................... 3
authorized officer ............................................................................................. 3
blood alcohol content ....................................................................................... 3
Building Code ............................................................................................27(1)
certificated .............................................................................................3, 69(1)
certificate of competency.................................................................................. 3
channel ............................................................................................................ 3
condition .......................................................................................................... 3
controlled area............................................................................................69(1)
convention ...............................................................................................103(1)
convention regulations..............................................................................103(1)
Court of Marine Inquiry.................................................................................... 3
dangerous thing................................................................................................ 3
Department ...................................................................................................... 3
department .................................................................................................45(1)
departmental area ............................................................................................. 3
determined ........................................................................................ Schedule 2
Director General............................................................................................... 3
document .................................................................................................150(3)
enforcement officer ...................................................................................... 133
exemption ........................................................................................................ 3
existing convention ..................................................................................103(1)
external qualification ........................................................................................ 3
goods ............................................................................................................... 3
harbour master ................................................................................................. 3
hinder............................................................................................................... 3
infrastructure.................................................................................................... 3
inter-State voyage........................................................................................ 5(2)
intra-State voyage........................................................................................ 5(2)
jetty.................................................................................................................. 3
legal process................................................................................................. 153
licence..................................................................................................28, 45(1)

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Maritime Bill 1999

Defined Terms

      log book .....................................................................................................85(1)
      marine incident................................................................................................. 3
      marine safety plan ....................................................................................102(1)
      maritime activities ............................................................................................ 3
      maritime facility............................................................................................... 3
      maritime services.............................................................................................. 3
      maritime structure ............................................................................................ 3
      master .............................................................................................................. 3
      Minister ........................................................................................................... 3
      moor ..........................................................................................................56(1)
      mooring ........................................................................................................... 3
      mooring area licence......................................................................................... 3
      mooring control area ........................................................................................ 3
      mooring prohibition area .................................................................................. 3
      movement ........................................................................................................ 3
      navigable waters............................................................................................... 3
      Navigation Act ................................................................................................. 3
      navigation control notice .................................................................................. 3
      navigational aid................................................................................................ 3
      notice ........................................................................................................... 153
      officer .............................................................................................................. 3
      operate ............................................................................................................. 3
      operator............................................................................................................ 3
      overseas voyage .......................................................................................... 5(2)
      owner...........................................................................................3, 38(1), 49(1)
      penalties officer........................................................................................147(1)
      performance requirements ..........................................................................27(1)
      pilotage area...............................................................................................69(1)
      port .................................................................................................................. 3
      port authority.................................................................................................... 3
      port authority port ............................................................................................ 3
      port operator...............................................................................................27(1)
      public authority ................................................................................................ 3
      public jetty ....................................................................................................... 3
      registered ......................................................................................................... 3
      responsible Minister ...................................................................................27(1)
      specified.......................................................... 60(3), 106(2), 139(4), Schedule 2
      speed measuring equipment ......................................................................136(5)
      State agreement ..........................................................................................16(3)
      supervised area.........................................................................................100(3)
      the harbour master provisions .....................................................................44(3)

page 130
                                                                                        Maritime Bill 1999

                                                                                                Defined Terms

Tribunal ........................................................................................................... 3
under compulsory pilotage................................................................................ 3
unregistered vessel .....................................................................................63(2)
use ................................................................................................................... 3
vessel ............................................................................................................... 3
vessel offence...........................................................................................147(1)
works .........................................................................................................27(1)


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