Western Australian Bills

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                     Western Australia

      Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015


         Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.       Short title                                         2
2.       Commencement                                        2
         Part 2 -- Amendments about first
              home owners
         Division 1 -- First Home Owner Grant Act 2000
3.       Act amended                                         3
4.       Section 3 amended                                   3
5.       Section 14 amended                                  3
6.       Section 14AA amended                                3
7.       Section 19 amended                                  4
         Division 2 -- Duties Act 2008 amended
8.       Act amended                                         5
9.       Section 141 amended                                 5
10.      Section 142A inserted                               6
         142A.   Concessional first home owners         6
11.      Section 142 amended                                 7
12.      Section 143 amended                                 8
13.      Section 144 amended                                 8
14.      Section 145 amended                                 9
15.      Schedule 3 amended                                 10
         Part 3 -- Rates and Charges (Rebates
              and Deferments) Act 1992
16.      Act amended                                        11
17.      Section 40 amended                                 11

                           146--1                            page i
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

        Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend --
•  the Duties Act 2008; and
•  the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000; and
•  the Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments) Act 1992.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                             page 1
    Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
    Part 1        Preliminary

    s. 1

1                          Part 1 -- Preliminary
2   1.       Short title
3            This is the Revenue Laws Amendment Act 2015.

4   2.       Commencement
5            This Act comes into operation as follows --
6             (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
7                   Royal Assent (assent day);
8             (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after assent day.

    page 2
                                          Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
                             Amendments about first home owners     Part 2
                      First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 amended   Division 1
                                                                       s. 3

1         Part 2 -- Amendments about first home owners
2         Division 1 -- First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 amended
3    3.       Act amended
4             This Division amends the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000.

5    4.       Section 3 amended
6             In section 3(1) in the definition of eligible transaction delete
7             "section 14(1);" and insert:

9             section 14;

11   5.       Section 14 amended
12            After section 14(4) insert:

14          (5A)    A contract is not an eligible transaction if --
15                   (a) it is for the purchase of an established home;
16                         and
17                   (b) it has a commencement date on or after the day
18                         on which the Revenue Laws Amendment
19                         Act 2015 Part 2 Division 1 comes into
20                         operation.

22   6.       Section 14AA amended
23            In section 14AA(2)(a)(ii) delete "if the" and insert:

25            unless the interest in the land on which the home is built is a
26            relevant interest mentioned in section 6(1)(e), if the

                                                                          page 3
     Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
     Part 2        Amendments about first home owners
     Division 1    First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 amended
     s. 7

1    7.           Section 19 amended
2         (1)     In section 19(1) insert in alphabetical order:

4                       second amendment day means the day on which the
5                       Revenue Laws Amendment Act 2015 Part 2 Division 1
6                       comes into operation.

8         (2)     In section 19(1) in the definition of amendment day delete
9                 "operation." and insert:

11                operation;

13        (3)     In section 19(2B) delete "day," and insert:

15                day but before second amendment day,

17        (4)     After section 19(2B) insert:

19              (2CA) If the commencement date of an eligible transaction is
20                    on or after second amendment day, the amount of a
21                    first home owner grant is the lesser of the following --
22                      (a) $10 000;
23                      (b) the consideration for the transaction.

25        (5)     In section 19(2C) delete "subsection (2B)," and insert:

27                subsections (2B) and (2CA),

     page 4
                                           Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
                              Amendments about first home owners     Part 2
                                       Duties Act 2008 amended   Division 2
                                                                        s. 8

1         (6)   In section 19(2) delete "subsections (2A), (2B) and (2C)," and
2               insert:

4               anything else in this section,

6                    Division 2 -- Duties Act 2008 amended
7    8.         Act amended
8               This Division amends the Duties Act 2008.

9    9.         Section 141 amended
10        (1)   In section 141(1) delete the definition of FHOG concessional
11              transaction.
12        (2)   In section 141(1) insert in alphabetical order:

14                    concessional first home owner has the meaning given
15                    in section 142A;
16                    deposit, in relation to a terms contract, includes any
17                    part of the purchase price which the contract specifies
18                    as being a deposit and provides is to be paid, whether
19                    in one or more payments, within 28 days of the
20                    execution of the contract;
21                    first home owner concessional rate of duty means the
22                    concessional rate of duty applicable under section 143;
23                    first home owner concessional transaction has the
24                    meaning given in section 142(1);
25                    terms contract means a contract for the sale and
26                    purchase of land under which the purchaser is obliged
27                    to make 2 or more payments to the vendor (over and
28                    above any deposit) before the purchaser is entitled to a
29                    conveyance or transfer of the land;

                                                                           page 5
     Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
     Part 2        Amendments about first home owners
     Division 2    Duties Act 2008 amended
     s. 10

1          (3)   In section 141(1) in the definitions of first FHOG concessional
2                transaction and further FHOG concessional transaction delete
3                "FHOG".

4    10.         Section 142A inserted
5                After section 141 insert:

7            142A.     Concessional first home owners
8                (1)   A reference in this Division to a concessional first
9                      home owner, in relation to the transfer of, or an
10                     agreement for the transfer of, dutiable property
11                     means --
12                       (a) a transferee who is paid a first home owner
13                             grant in relation to the property or to whom a
14                             first home owner grant is or will be payable in
15                             relation to the property; or
16                       (b) a transferee to whom a first home owner grant
17                             would be, or would have been, payable in
18                             relation to the property had the requirements of
19                             either, or both, of the paragraphs of
20                             subsection (2) applied.
21               (2)   The requirements are --
22                      (a) consideration had been given for the transfer of
23                            the property;
24                      (b) if the transaction is a contract for the purchase
25                            of an established home, the transaction would
26                            be, or would have been, an eligible transaction
27                            but for the FHOG Act section 14(5A).
28               (3)   If a transaction described in subsection (2)(b) is a terms
29                     contract then, for the purposes of this section --
30                       (a) the interest in the property of the transferee as
31                              purchaser under the contract is to be taken to be

     page 6
                                            Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
                               Amendments about first home owners     Part 2
                                        Duties Act 2008 amended   Division 2
                                                                        s. 11

1                              a relevant interest, unless the interest does not
2                              conform with the FHOG Act section 6(2); and
3                       (b)    the transaction is to be taken to be completed
4                              for the purposes of the FHOG Act, despite
5                              section 14AA(2)(a)(ii) of that Act, when the
6                              purchaser becomes entitled to possession of the
7                              home under the contract.

9    11.         Section 142 amended
10         (1)   In section 142(1) delete "FHOG" and insert:

12               first home owner

14         (2)   Delete section 142(1)(a) and insert:

16                       (a)   the transferee, or if there are more than one,
17                             each transferee is a concessional first home
18                             owner; and

20         (3)   In section 142(1)(b) delete "eligible transaction to which the
21               first home owner grant relates," and insert:

23               transaction

25         (4)   In section 142(2)
26                 (a) delete "further FHOG concessional" (each occurrence)
27                       and insert:

29                      further concessional

                                                                                page 7
     Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
     Part 2        Amendments about first home owners
     Division 2    Duties Act 2008 amended
     s. 12

1                  (b)     delete "a FHOG concessional" and insert:

3                          a first home owner concessional

5                  (c)     delete "first FHOG concessional" and insert:

7                          first concessional

9                  (d)     delete "first FHOG concessional" (each occurrence) and
10                         insert:

12                         first concessional

14               Note: The heading to amended section 142 is to read:

15                       First home owner concessional transactions

16   12.         Section 143 amended
17         (1)   In section 143(1) delete "FHOG" and insert:

19               first home owner

21         (2)   In section 143(2), (3) and (4) delete "FHOG" (each occurrence).
22               Note: The heading to amended section 143 is to read:

23                       First home owner concessional rate of duty

24   13.         Section 144 amended
25         (1)   In section 144(2)(a) delete "FHOG" (each occurrence) and
26               insert:

28               first home owner

     page 8
                                               Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
                                  Amendments about first home owners     Part 2
                                           Duties Act 2008 amended   Division 2
                                                                           s. 14

1          (2)    In section 144(2)(b) delete "further FHOG" and insert:

3                 further

5          (3)    In section 144(2)(b)(ii) delete "of a FHOG" and insert:

7                 of a first home owner

9                 Note: The heading to amended section 144 is to read:

10                      Application for first home owner concessional rate of duty

11   14.          Section 145 amended
12                Delete section 145(1) and insert:

14                (1)    Despite section 143, duty is not chargeable on a
15                       transaction referred to in section 142 at the first home
16                       owner concessional rate if --
17                         (a) a transferee described in section 142A(1)(a) is
18                               required to repay an amount under the FHOG
19                               Act section 21(2) or 51; or
20                         (b) a transferee described in section 142A(1)(b)
21                               would be required to repay an amount under the
22                               FHOG Act --
23                                 (i) section 21(2) had a first home owner
24                                       grant been authorised to be paid to that
25                                       person under the FHOG Act
26                                       section 21(1); or
27                                (ii) section 51 had a first home owner grant
28                                       been authorised to be paid to that person
29                                       under the FHOG Act.
30               (2A)    For the purposes of subsection (1)(b)(i), a first home
31                       owner grant would be, or would have been, authorised

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     Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
     Part 2        Amendments about first home owners
     Division 2    Duties Act 2008 amended
     s. 15

1                     to be paid under the FHOG Act section 21(1) if the
2                     transaction was assessed in anticipation of compliance
3                     by the transferee --
4                       (a) with the residence requirements; or
5                       (b) if the requirement under the FHOG Act
6                             section 13(4) had already been complied with
7                             by the transferee, with the requirement under
8                             section 13(1) of that Act.
9              (2B)   Written notice referred to in the FHOG Act
10                    section 21(2)(d) must be given to the Commissioner --
11                      (a) by a transferee referred to in
12                            subsection (1)(b)(i) who would be required to
13                            repay an amount under the FHOG Act
14                            section 21(2), had a first home owner grant
15                            been authorised to be paid to that person under
16                            the FHOG Act section 21(1);
17                      (b) as if the conditions set out in the FHOG Act
18                            section 21(2)(a), (b) or (c) applied in respect of
19                            that person.

21   15.        Schedule 3 amended
22              In Schedule 3 clause 10(1) and (2) delete "FHOG" (each
23              occurrence).

     page 10
                                          Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2015
           Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments) Act 1992      Part 3

                                                                      s. 16

1     Part 3 -- Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments)
2                      Act 1992 amended
3    16.     Act amended
4            This Part amends the Rates and Charges (Rebates and
5            Deferments) Act 1992.

6    17.     Section 40 amended
7            In section 40(9)(b) delete "concerned;" and insert:

9            concerned, up to such limit as is prescribed;



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