Western Australian Bills

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                       Western Australia

 Western Australian Future Fund Amendment
(Future Health Research and Innovation Fund)
                  Bill 2019


  1.    Short title                                                   2
  2.    Commencement                                                  2
  3.    Act amended                                                   2
  4.    Long title replaced                                           2
  5.    Part 1 heading inserted                                       2
        Part 1 -- Preliminary provisions
  6.    Short title amended                                           3
  7.    Section 3 amended                                             3
  8.    Section 4 replaced                                            5
        4.        Object of Act                                 5
  9.    Part 2 inserted                                               6
        Part 2 -- Western Australian Future Health Research
               and Innovation Account
        4A.       Establishment of Western Australian
                  Future Health Research and Innovation
                  Account                                       6
        4B.       Amounts to be credited to FHRI Account        7
        4C.       Application of FHRI Account                   7
        4D.       Other provisions relating to FHRI Account     9
        4E.       Delegation by Minister for Health and
                  CEO                                           10
        4F.       Advisory group to be established and
                  maintained                                    10
        4G.       Other provisions relating to advisory group   12
  10.   Part 3 heading inserted                                      14
        Part 3 -- Western Australian Future Health Research
               and Innovation Fund
  11.   Section 5 amended                                            14
  12.   Section 6 deleted                                            15

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Western Australian Future Fund Amendment (Future Health Research and
Innovation Fund) Bill 2019


      13.    Section 7 amended                                       16
      14.    Sections 8 and 9 replaced                               16
             8.       Additional money to be credited to FHRI
                      Fund                                      16
             9.       Application of FHRI Fund                  17
             9A.      Annual reporting on FHRI Fund             17
      15.    Part 4 heading inserted                                 18
             Part 4 -- Final provisions
      16.    Section 10 amended                                      18
      17.    Section 11 deleted                                      18

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

  Western Australian Future Fund Amendment
 (Future Health Research and Innovation Fund)
                   Bill 2019

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Western Australian Future Fund Act 2012.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Western Australian Future Fund Amendment (Future Health Research and
     Innovation Fund) Bill 2019

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1    1.       Short title
2             This is the Western Australian Future Fund Amendment (Future
3             Health Research and Innovation Fund) Act 2019.

4    2.       Commencement
5             This Act comes into operation as follows --
6              (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
7                    receives the Royal Assent;
8              (b) the rest of the Act -- on the 28th day after the day on
9                    which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

10   3.       Act amended
11            This Act amends the Western Australian Future Fund Act 2012.

12   4.       Long title replaced
13            Delete the long title and insert:
15          An Act to establish the Western Australian Future Health
16          Research and Innovation Account and the Western
17          Australian Future Health Research and Innovation Fund
18          and for related purposes.

20   5.       Part 1 heading inserted
21            Before section 1 insert:

23                   Part 1 -- Preliminary provisions

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1    6.         Short title amended
2               In section 1 after "Future" insert:

4               Health Research and Innovation

6    7.         Section 3 amended
7         (1)   In section 3 delete the definitions of:
8               Future Fund
9               Regional Development Minister
10              Royalties for Regions Fund
11        (2)   In section 3 insert in alphabetical order:

13                    advisory group means the advisory group established
14                    and maintained under section 4F(1);
15                    amendment day means the day on which the Western
16                    Australian Future Fund Amendment (Future Health
17                    Research and Innovation Fund) Act 2019 section 3
18                    comes into operation;
19                    arrangement means --
20                      (a) a contract, programme or scheme; or
21                      (b) any other type of arrangement;
22                    CEO means the chief executive officer of the FHRI
23                    Account Department;
24                    department means a department of the Public Service;
25                    FHRI Account means the account called the Western
26                    Australian Future Health Research and Innovation
27                    Account established under section 4A;
28                    FHRI Account Department means the department
29                    principally assisting the Minister for Health in the
30                    administration of the FHRI Account;

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1                  FHRI Fund means the account called the Western
2                  Australian Future Health Research and Innovation
3                  Fund established under section 5;
4                  FHRI Fund Department means the department
5                  principally assisting the Treasurer in the administration
6                  of the FHRI Fund;
7                  forecast investment income, for a financial year,
8                  means the estimate that --
9                    (a) is of the income that will be derived during the
10                         financial year from the investment of money
11                         standing to the credit of the FHRI Fund; and
12                   (b) is set out in --
13                            (i) the part of the budget papers for the
14                                 financial year, tabled in the Legislative
15                                 Assembly, that is titled "Economic and
16                                 Fiscal Outlook"; or
17                           (ii) if the regulations prescribe another part
18                                 of those budget papers -- that other
19                                 part;
20                 Minister for Health --
21                   (a) means the Minister of the Crown to whom the
22                         administration of section 4A is for the time
23                         being committed by the Governor; and
24                   (b) includes a Minister of the Crown for the time
25                         being acting for or on behalf of the Minister
26                         referred to in paragraph (a);
27                 Public Bank Account has the meaning given in the
28                 Financial Management Act 2006 section 3;
29                 qualifying activities means --
30                   (a) any type of --
31                            (i) medical research; or
32                           (ii) other research in the field of human
33                                 health; or

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     Western Australian Future Fund Amendment (Future Health Research and
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1                              (iii)   medical innovation; or
2                              (iv)    other innovation in the field of human
3                                      health;
4                             or
5                       (b)   the commercialisation, or other utilisation or
6                             development, of any products or other
7                             outcomes of any research or innovation falling
8                             within paragraph (a).
9         (3)    In section 3 in the definition of forecast royalty income
10               paragraph (a) delete ""General Government Operating
11               Statement"; or" and insert:

13               "Economic and Fiscal Outlook"; or

15   8.          Section 4 replaced
16               Delete section 4 and insert:

18          4.         Object of Act
19                     The object of this Act is to provide a secure source of
20                     funding to support qualifying activities that contribute
21                     (directly or indirectly) to 1 or more of the following --
22                       (a) improving the financial sustainability of
23                             Western Australia's health system;
24                       (b) improving the health and wellbeing of Western
25                             Australians;
26                       (c) improving Western Australia's economic
27                             prosperity;

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1                     (d)   advancing Western Australia to being, or
2                           maintaining Western Australia's position as, a
3                           national or international leader in any
4                           qualifying activities.

6    9.       Part 2 inserted
7             After section 4 insert:

9             Part 2 -- Western Australian Future Health
10                 Research and Innovation Account
11          4A.     Establishment of Western Australian Future Health
12                  Research and Innovation Account
13            (1)   The Western Australian Future Health Research and
14                  Innovation Account is established for the purpose of
15                  supporting qualifying activities that contribute (directly
16                  or indirectly) to 1 or more of the things listed in
17                  section 4(a) to (d).
18            (2)   The FHRI Account is an agency special purpose
19                  account under the Financial Management Act 2006
20                  section 16.
21            (3)   The FHRI Account is to be administered by the
22                  Minister for Health.
23            (4)   Money standing to the credit of the FHRI Account is to
24                  be held in the Public Bank Account, subject to any
25                  investment of that money under the Financial
26                  Management Act 2006 section 37(1).

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1        4B.      Amounts to be credited to FHRI Account
2           (1)   The FHRI Account is to be credited under section 9(1).
3           (2)   The FHRI Account is also to be credited with the
4                 following --
5                   (a) any income derived from the investment of
6                        money standing to the credit of the FHRI
7                        Account;
8                   (b) any other money lawfully made available to the
9                        FHRI Account.

10       4C.      Application of FHRI Account
11          (1)   The Minister for Health may do the following --
12                 (a) make arrangements that the Minister for Health
13                      considers will further, or facilitate the
14                      furthering of, the purpose referred to in
15                      section 4A(1);
16                 (b) approve arrangements --
17                         (i) that have already been made (whether
18                               by the Minister for Health or otherwise);
19                               and
20                        (ii) that the Minister for Health considers
21                               will further, or facilitate the furthering
22                               of, the purpose referred to in
23                               section 4A(1).
24          (2)   The Minister for Health may apply money standing to
25                the credit of the FHRI Account for the purposes of, or
26                in relation to, an arrangement made or approved under
27                subsection (1).
28          (3)   The regulations may prescribe other cases in which the
29                Minister for Health may apply money standing to the
30                credit of the FHRI Account if the Minister for Health
31                considers that the application of the money will further,

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1                   or facilitate the furthering of, the purpose referred to in
2                   section 4A(1).
3             (4)   An arrangement made or approved under
4                   subsection (1) may involve the following --
5                     (a) a person considered by the Minister for Health
6                          to be a person who --
7                             (i) carries out or supports, or is to carry out
8                                  or support, qualifying activities; or
9                            (ii) facilitates, or is to facilitate, the carrying
10                                 out of, or support for, qualifying
11                                 activities; or
12                          (iii) without limiting subparagraphs (i) and
13                                 (ii), administers, or is to administer, a
14                                 programme or scheme for supporting
15                                 qualifying activities;
16                    (b) without limiting paragraph (a), a person who
17                         provides, or is to provide, services in relation
18                         to --
19                            (i) the making or approving of other
20                                 arrangements under subsection (1); or
21                           (ii) the administration of other arrangements
22                                 made or approved under subsection (1).
23            (5)   An arrangement made or approved under
24                  subsection (1) may involve payments to, or for the
25                  benefit of, a person falling within subsection (4)(a) or
26                  (b), including (without limitation) payments (in
27                  advance or otherwise) --
28                    (a) to fund a programme or scheme that the person
29                           is administering or is to administer; or
30                    (b) for the person's services.
31            (6)   An arrangement made or approved under
32                  subsection (1) may involve financial or other benefits
33                  being given to the State.

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1           (7)   Subsections (4) to (6) do not limit the Minister for
2                 Health's discretion under subsection (1).
3           (8)   An arrangement may be approved under
4                 subsection (1)(b) whether it was made before, on or
5                 after amendment day.

6        4D.      Other provisions relating to FHRI Account
7           (1)   The Treasurer and the Minister for Health may, in
8                 writing, jointly direct that money standing to the credit
9                 of the FHRI Account be transferred to the credit of the
10                FHRI Fund.
11          (2)   The Treasurer cannot give a direction in relation to the
12                FHRI Account under the Financial Management
13                Act 2006 section 20(1).
14          (3)   The provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006
15                and the Auditor General Act 2006 regulating the
16                financial administration, audit and reporting
17                requirements of departments apply to, and in relation
18                to, the FHRI Account.
19          (4)   The administration of the FHRI Account is for the
20                purposes of the Financial Management Act 2006
21                section 52 to be regarded as a service of the FHRI
22                Account Department.
23          (5)   Without limiting the Financial Management Act 2006
24                section 61, the annual report for a financial year
25                prepared under that section by the accountable
26                authority of the FHRI Account Department is to
27                contain information about the operation of the FHRI
28                Account during the financial year.
29          (6)   The annual report is to include details of how money
30                standing to the credit of the FHRI Account was applied
31                during the financial year (if at all).

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1           4E.      Delegation by Minister for Health and CEO
2              (1)   The Minister for Health may delegate to the CEO any
3                    function of the Minister for Health under section 4A or
4                    under section 4C (including any regulations made for
5                    the purposes of section 4C(3)).
6              (2)   The CEO may delegate to a public service officer in
7                    the FHRI Account Department any function that is
8                    delegated to the CEO under subsection (1).
9              (3)   A public service officer to whom a function is
10                   delegated under subsection (2) cannot delegate that
11                   function.
12             (4)   A delegation under this section must be in writing
13                   signed by the Minister for Health or the CEO (as the
14                   case requires).
15             (5)   A person exercising or performing a function that has
16                   been delegated to the person under this section is taken
17                   to do so in accordance with the terms of the delegation
18                   unless the contrary is shown.
19             (6)   The Health Legislation Administration Act 1984
20                   section 9 does not apply to, or in relation to, any
21                   function under this Part (if it would otherwise do so).
22             (7)   This section does not limit the ability of the Minister
23                   for Health to exercise or perform a function through an
24                   officer or agent.

25          4F.      Advisory group to be established and maintained
26             (1)   The Minister for Health must establish and maintain an
27                   advisory group (to be given a name determined by the
28                   Minister for Health).
29             (2)   The function of the advisory group is to provide any
30                   advice or other assistance that the advisory group is
31                   requested to provide by the Minister for Health, or by

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1                 the FHRI Account Department, from time to time in
2                 relation to 1 or both of the following --
3                   (a) furthering, or facilitating the furthering of, the
4                         purpose referred to in section 4A(1);
5                   (b) other matters relating to any function of the
6                         Minister for Health under section 4A or under
7                         section 4C (including any regulations made for
8                         the purposes of section 4C(3)).
9           (3)   The advisory group's members are to be as follows --
10                 (a) the CEO, or a nominee of the CEO;
11                 (b) the chief executive officer of the department
12                       that the Minister for Health considers is, apart
13                       from the FHRI Account Department, the
14                       department most closely involved with
15                       qualifying activities, or a nominee of that chief
16                       executive officer;
17                 (c) 1 individual to be appointed by the Minister for
18                       Health as a community representative;
19                 (d) 1 individual to be appointed by the Minister for
20                       Health whom the Minister for Health considers
21                       is an expert in qualifying activities that are
22                       research;
23                 (e) 1 individual to be appointed by the Minister for
24                       Health whom the Minister for Health considers
25                       is an expert in qualifying activities that are
26                       innovation;
27                  (f) at least 3 other individuals --
28                          (i) each of whom is to be appointed by the
29                               Minister for Health; and
30                         (ii) whom, taken together, the Minister for
31                               Health considers have a suitable variety
32                               and level of relevant expertise and
33                               experience.

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1              (4)   At least 1 of the members must be considered by the
2                    Minister for Health to have experience in dealing with
3                    issues relating to the health of Aboriginal people living
4                    in Western Australia.
5              (5)   At least 1 of the members must be considered by the
6                    Minister for Health to have experience in dealing with
7                    issues relating to the health of people living in regional
8                    Western Australia.
9              (6)   A nominee under subsection (3)(a) or (b), or a member
10                   under subsection (3)(c) to (f), may be a public service
11                   officer or any other individual.

12          4G.      Other provisions relating to advisory group
13             (1)   A member of the advisory group under section 4F(3)(c)
14                   to (f) --
15                     (a) holds office for the period, not exceeding
16                           5 years, specified in their instrument of
17                           appointment (subject to any condition specified
18                           in that instrument under which the appointment
19                           may be ended before that period expires or
20                           under which the member may be suspended);
21                           and
22                     (b) is eligible for reappointment; and
23                     (c) unless, or except to the extent that, their
24                           instrument of appointment specifies otherwise,
25                           is entitled to remuneration and allowances, and
26                           may be reimbursed expenses, as determined by
27                           the Minister for Health on the recommendation
28                           of the Public Sector Commissioner; and
29                     (d) otherwise holds office on the conditions
30                           specified in their instrument of appointment.

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1           (2)   The conditions referred to in subsection (1)(d) must
2                 include the steps to be taken by the member if the
3                 member has any actual, or potential, material conflict
4                 of interest arising out of the advisory group's function.
5           (3)   The Minister for Health may do the following --
6                  (a) determine, as the Minister for Health considers
7                       appropriate, any matters relating to the
8                       operation or procedure of the advisory group
9                       (including (without limitation) its quorum and
10                      matters relating to voting);
11                 (b) without limiting paragraph (a), designate a
12                      member of the advisory group as its
13                      chairperson.
14          (4)   Subject to subsection (3), the advisory group --
15                 (a) may determine its own procedure; and
16                 (b) without limiting paragraph (a), may perform its
17                       function through sub-groups of its members;
18                       and
19                 (c) may perform its function despite any vacancy
20                       in its membership.
21          (5)   Despite subsections (3) and (4), a member of the
22                advisory group under section 4F(3)(a) or (b) is a
23                non-voting member and cannot be the chairperson.
24          (6)   If a member of the advisory group under
25                section 4F(3)(c) to (f) is unable or unavailable to act
26                because of suspension, illness, absence or other cause,
27                the Minister for Health may appoint another individual
28                (subject to the requirements of the relevant provision of
29                section 4F(3)(c) to (f)) as an alternate member to act
30                temporarily in the member's place.

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1                 (7)   While acting in accordance with the appointment, the
2                       alternate member is, and has any entitlement of, a
3                       member of the advisory group under section 4F(3)(c)
4                       to (f).
5                 (8)   An act or omission of an alternate member cannot be
6                       questioned on the ground that the occasion for the
7                       appointment or acting had not arisen or had ceased.
8                 (9)   Subsection (10) applies to an individual who is, or has
9                       been, a member of the advisory group.
10               (10)   No civil liability attaches to the individual for anything
11                      that the individual has done, or omitted to do, in good
12                      faith --
13                        (a) in the performance, or purported performance,
14                              of the advisory group's function; or
15                        (b) otherwise as a member of the advisory group.

17   10.          Part 3 heading inserted
18                Before section 5 insert:

20               Part 3 -- Western Australian Future Health
21                      Research and Innovation Fund

23   11.          Section 5 amended
24         (1)    Delete section 5(1) and insert:

26                (1)   The Western Australian Future Fund that was
27                      established under this section on 30 November 2012 is
28                      discontinued.

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1                (1A)    The Western Australian Future Health Research and
2                        Innovation Fund is established for the purpose of
3                        funding the FHRI Account under section 9(1).

5          (2)    In section 5(2) and (3) delete "Future" and insert:

7                 FHRI

9          (3)    Delete section 5(4) and insert:

11               (3A)    Money standing to the credit of the Western Australian
12                       Future Fund immediately before amendment day
13                       stands to the credit of the FHRI Fund.
14                (4)    Money standing to the credit of the FHRI Fund is to be
15                       held in the Public Bank Account, subject to any
16                       investment of that money under the Financial
17                       Management Act 2006 section 37(1).

19         (4)    In section 5(5) delete "Future Fund referred to in
20                subsection (4)" and insert:

22                FHRI Fund

24                Note: The heading to amended section 5 is to read:
25                      Establishment of Western Australian Future Health Research and
26                      Innovation Fund

27   12.          Section 6 deleted
28                Delete section 6.

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1    13.          Section 7 amended
2          (1)    In section 7 delete "In the financial year commencing
3                 1 July 2016, and in each subsequent financial year --" and
4                 insert:

6                 In each financial year that starts on or after amendment day --

8          (2)    In section 7(a) delete "Future" and insert:

10                FHRI

12                Note: The heading to amended section 7 is to read:
13                      Credits to FHRI Fund from forecast royalty income

14   14.          Sections 8 and 9 replaced
15                Delete sections 8 and 9 and insert:

17           8.          Additional money to be credited to FHRI Fund
18                       In addition to the amounts credited to the FHRI Fund
19                       under section 7, the following amounts are to be
20                       credited to the FHRI Fund --
21                         (a) any income derived from the investment of
22                               money standing to the credit of the FHRI Fund;
23                         (b) any amount that is the subject of a joint
24                               direction of the Treasurer and the Minister for
25                               Health under section 4D(1);
26                         (c) any other money lawfully made available to the
27                               FHRI Fund.

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1        9.         Application of FHRI Fund
2             (1)   In each financial year that starts on or after amendment
3                   day, an amount equal to the forecast investment income
4                   for the financial year is to be charged to the FHRI Fund
5                   and credited to the FHRI Account.
6             (2)   Otherwise, money standing to the credit of the FHRI
7                   Fund --
8                    (a) is to be held in perpetuity to the credit of the
9                         FHRI Fund; and
10                   (b) cannot be applied for any purpose.
11            (3)   The Treasurer cannot give a direction in relation to the
12                  FHRI Fund under the Financial Management Act 2006
13                  section 20(1).
14            (4)   The Financial Management Act 2006 section 12 does
15                  not apply to money standing to the credit of the FHRI
16                  Fund.

17       9A.        Annual reporting on FHRI Fund
18            (1)   Without limiting the Financial Management Act 2006
19                  section 61, the annual report for a financial year
20                  prepared under that section by the accountable
21                  authority of the FHRI Fund Department is to contain
22                  information about the operation of the FHRI Fund
23                  during the financial year.
24            (2)   The annual report is to include details of the amount
25                  charged to the FHRI Fund during the financial year
26                  under section 9(1).

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1    15.         Part 4 heading inserted
2                Before section 10 insert:

4                              Part 4 -- Final provisions

6    16.         Section 10 amended
7          (1)   Delete section 10(1) and insert:

9                (1)     In this section --
10                       establishment period means the period starting on
11                       amendment day and ending on 30 June 2032.

13         (2)   In section 10(2):
14                 (a) delete "section 6, 7, 8 or 9" and insert:

16                         section 7, 8 or 9

18                 (b)     delete "accumulation" and insert:

20                         establishment

22               Note: The heading to amended section 10 is to read:
23                       Manner and form of amendment or repeal during establishment
24                       period

25   17.         Section 11 deleted
26               Delete section 11.



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