Western Australian Bills

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                               Western Australia

                          LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

         Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation
              Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1999

                                   A Bill for

    An Act to amend the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation
    Amendment Act 1999.

    The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

    1.      Short title
            This Act may be cited as the Workers' Compensation and
5           Rehabilitation Amendment Act (No. 3) 1999.

                                                                     page 1
     Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1999

     s. 2

     2.       Commencement
              This Act is deemed to have come into operation immediately
              after the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation
              Amendment Act 1999 came into operation.

 5   3.       Section 32 amended
              Section 32(8) of the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation
              Amendment Act 1999* is amended by deleting "amended
              provisions would be within 3 months after the assent day, the
              termination day is postponed by this subsection so that it is the
10            day that is 3 months after the assent day." and inserting
              instead --
                   amended provisions --
                    (c) was before the assent day;
15                  (d) is the assent day; or
                    (e) would not be more than 3 months after the
                         assent day,
                   the termination day is to be regarded as being the day
                   that is 3 months after the assent day.
20                                                                           ".
              [*Act No. 34 of 1999.]


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