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                    AMENDMENT BILL 2005

          1.   Short title
          2.   Commencement
          3.   Principal Act
          4.   Section 27 amended (Rights of action by and against personal

[Bill 91]-I






ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE AMENDMENT BILL 2005 (Brought in by the Minister for Justice and Industrial Relations, the Honourable Judith Louise Jackson) A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Administration and Probate Act 1935 Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows: 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Administration and Probate Amendment Act 2005. 2. Commencement This Act commences on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. 3. Principal Act In this Act, the Administration and Probate Act 1935* is referred to as the Principal Act. *No. 38 of 1935 [Bill 91] 3



s. 4 No. Administration and Probate Amendment 2005 4. Section 27 amended (Rights of action by and against personal representatives) Section 27 of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after subsection (3) the following subsections: (3A) Notwithstanding subsection (3)(c), damages for pain and suffering, for any bodily or mental harm or for curtailment of expectation of life, may be recovered if - (a) the cause of action related to a dust-related condition; and (b) the deceased person commenced a proceeding in relation to the cause of action before the deceased person died; and (c) the deceased person died as a result of the dust-related condition or the dust-related condition was a contributing factor to the deceased person's death. (3B) For the purposes of subsection (3A) - "dust-related condition" means - (a) any of the following diseases: (i) aluminosis; (ii) asbestosis; (iii) asbestos-induced carcinoma; 4



2005 Administration and Probate Amendment No. s. 4 (iv) asbestos-related pleural diseases; (v) bagassosis; (vi) berylliosis; (vii) byssinosis; (viii) coal dust pneumoconiosis; (ix) farmers' lung; (x) hard metal pneumoconiosis; (xi) mesothelioma; (xii) silicosis; (xiii) silico-tuberculosis; (xiv) talcosis; or (b) any other pathological condition of the lung, pleura or peritoneum that is attributable to dust. (3C) Subsection (3A) applies in relation to a proceeding, in respect of an action that survives for the benefit of the estate of a deceased person, whether the proceeding commenced before or after the commencement of that subsection unless - (a) judgment has been given in relation to the proceeding; or (b) the proceeding has been settled or withdrawn. Government Printer, Tasmania 5


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