Tasmanian Bills

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          1.    Short title
          2.    Commencement
          3.    Principal Act
          4.    Section 62 amended (Establishment of Parole Board)
          5.    Schedule 2 amended (Membership and Meetings of Board)
          6.    Repeal of Act

[Bill 33]-IX






CORRECTIONS AMENDMENT BILL 2018 This Public Bill originated in the House of Assembly, and, having this day passed, is now ready for presentation to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. SHANE DONNELLY, Clerk of the House 27 September 2018 (Brought in by the Minister for Corrections, the Honourable Elise Nicole Archer) A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Corrections Act 1997 Be it enacted by Her Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows: 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Corrections Amendment Act 2018. 2. Commencement This Act commences on a day to be proclaimed. 3. Principal Act In this Act, the Corrections Act 1997* is referred to as the Principal Act. _______________________________________________________________ *No. 51 of 1997 [Bill 33] 3



Corrections Amendment Act 2018 Act No. of 2018 s. 4 4. Section 62 amended (Establishment of Parole Board) Section 62(2) of the Principal Act is amended as follows: (a) by omitting "3 persons" and substituting "4 persons"; (b) by omitting from paragraph (c)(ii) "medicine." and substituting "medicine; and"; (c) by inserting the following paragraph after paragraph (c): (d) one is to be a person who has experience serving as a police officer in Tasmania, or in another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth, and is not currently so serving. 5. Schedule 2 amended (Membership and Meetings of Board) Clause 11 of Schedule 2 to the Principal Act is amended by omitting subclause (3) and substituting the following subclause: (3) At a meeting of the Board - (a) a question is decided by a majority of votes of the members present and voting; and 4



Corrections Amendment Act 2018 Act No. of 2018 s. 6 (b) the member presiding has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, also a casting vote. 6. Repeal of Act This Act is repealed on the three hundred and sixty fifth day from the day on which this Act commences. Government Printer, Tasmania 5


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