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Appropriation (2022-2023) Bill 2022

             Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                               No.         of 2022

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                Page
 1       Purpose                                        1
 2       Commencement                                   1
 3       Issue of moneys                                2
 4       Appropriation                                  3
 5       Application of amounts appropriated            3
 6       Application of amounts for future payments     3
 7       Advance to Treasurer                           3
 8       Reference provision                            4
 9       Repeal of Act                                  4
Schedule 1                                              5
Schedule 2                                              16
Endnotes                                                29
 1       General information                            29

  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022 
                    No.            of 2022

                            [Assented to                        ]

The Parliament of Victoria enacts:
     1 Purpose
             The purpose of this Act is to make provision
             for the appropriation of certain sums out of the
             Consolidated Fund for the ordinary annual
             services of the Government for the financial
             year 2022/2023.
     2 Commencement
             This Act comes into operation on the day on
             which it receives the Royal Assent.

         Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                  No.      of 2022

3 Issue of moneys
   (1) The Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated
       Fund in respect of the financial year 2022/2023
       the sum of $85 115 660 000 as set out in
       Schedule 1.
   (2) If--
        (a) in respect of the financial year 2022/2023 the
            amount payable in respect of salaries and
            related costs is increased as the result of any
            legislation or determination; and
        (b) the amounts specified in the relevant items in
            Schedule 1 are insufficient to provide for the
            payment of the increased amount payable in
            respect of salaries and related costs--
       the Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated
       Fund an amount not exceeding the increased
       amount payable in respect of salaries and related
       costs in addition to the amount issued under
       subsection (1).
   (3) In this section--
       determination includes any regulation or any
            award, order or determination of a person
            or body authorised to determine minimum
            salaries or wages under any law of the
            Commonwealth or of the State, or any
            agreement approved in accordance with the
            Fair Work Act 2009 or Workplace Relations
            Act 1996 of the Commonwealth, or any
            agreement entered into by or on behalf of
            the State;
       salaries and related costs includes wages or other
            amounts in the nature of salary, payments by
            way of overtime or penalty rates or in lieu of
            long service leave or for retiring gratuities,
            superannuation contributions, annual leave

         Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                  No.      of 2022

            loadings, payroll tax payments and
            WorkCover insurance policy premiums.
4 Appropriation
       The Consolidated Fund is appropriated to the
       extent necessary for the purposes of section 3.
5 Application of amounts appropriated
   (1) The amounts to be applied to an item specified
       in Schedule 1 shall not, except as provided in
       this section or section 30 or 31A of the Financial
       Management Act 1994, exceed the amount
       specified for that item.
   (2) If an amount in respect of depreciation of an
       asset is applied to an item in Schedule 1 for the
       provision of outputs of a Department, the amount
       shown for the item in Schedule 1 relating to that
       Department in respect of additions to the net asset
       base is increased, if the Treasurer so determines,
       by an amount not exceeding the amount in respect
       of depreciation.
6 Application of amounts for future payments
       If, during the financial year 2022/2023, an
       arrangement is made, or an expense or obligation
       is incurred, for the payment of an amount in a
       future financial year, a corresponding amount
       is applied, in respect of the financial year
       2022/2023, to the appropriate item in Schedule 1
       for the relevant Department.
7 Advance to Treasurer
       The sums specified in Schedule 2 have been
       expended to meet urgent claims out of the
       Advance appropriated in the Appropriation
       (2020-2021) Act 2020 under the Department of
       Treasury and Finance and the payments so made
       are deemed to have been appropriated for the
       purposes and services specified in Schedule 2.

            Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                     No.      of 2022

8 Reference provision
         In this Act, Court Services Victoria established
         under the Court Services Victoria Act 2014 is
         referred to as the Department of Courts for
         appropriation purposes only.
9 Repeal of Act
         This Act is repealed on the fourth anniversary of
         the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
  The repeal of this Act does not affect any matter or thing or the
  previous operation of the Act (see section 14(2) of the
  Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                                 Schedule 1

                              Schedule 1
                      DEPARTMENTAL VOTES


                                              2021/2022    2022/2023
Department                                       Budget      Estimate
                                                   $'000        $'000
Courts                                          667 070      641 479
Education and Training                        15 883 876   17 128 623
Environment, Land, Water and
Planning                                       2 802 060    3 062 800
Families, Fairness and Housing                 6 222 587    7 773 386
Health                                        11 826 015   12 306 987
Jobs, Precincts and Regions                    2 696 709    3 059 988
Justice and Community Safety                   9 490 162    9 541 474
Premier and Cabinet                             469 297      502 678
Transport                                     11 600 260   12 688 236
Treasury and Finance                          20 752 234   18 410 009
                                              82 410 270   85 115 660

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                               Schedule 1

                   DEPARTMENT OF COURTS
                                            2021/2022   2022/2023
Item                                           Budget    Estimate
                                                $'000       $'000
1.     Provision of outputs (section 29
       of the Financial Management
       Act 1994 applies)                      455 782     500 940
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994 applies)           211 288     140 539
                  Total Appropriation         667 070     641 479

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                               Schedule 1

                                            2021/2022    2022/2023
Item                                           Budget      Estimate
                                                 $'000        $'000
1.     Provision of outputs (section 29
       of the Financial Management
       Act 1994 applies)                    14 473 942   15 199 343
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994 applies)          1 409 934    1 929 280
                  Total Appropriation       15 883 876   17 128 623

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                                Schedule 1

                                             2021/2022   2022/2023
Item                                            Budget    Estimate
                                                 $'000       $'000
1.     Provision of outputs
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                              1 879 359   2 054 587
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                                238 475     292 461
3.     Payments made on behalf of
       the State                               662 426     683 483
4.     Contributions by the State
       under agreements pursuant to
       section 25 of the Murray-
       Darling Basin Act 1993                   21 800      32 269
            Total Appropriation              2 802 060   3 062 800

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                                Schedule 1

                                             2021/2022   2022/2023
Item                                            Budget    Estimate
                                                 $'000       $'000
1.     Provision of outputs
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                              6 012 626   4 247 602
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                                140 854     784 818
3.     Payments made on behalf of
       the State                                69 107   2 740 966
            Total Appropriation              6 222 587   7 773 386

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                                Schedule 1

                   DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
                                             2021/2022    2022/2023
Item                                            Budget      Estimate
                                                  $'000        $'000
1.     Provision of outputs
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                              11 670 875   12 175 433
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                                155 140      131 554
            Total Appropriation              11 826 015   12 306 987

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                                Schedule 1

                                             2021/2022   2022/2023
Item                                            Budget    Estimate
                                                 $'000       $'000
1.     Provision of outputs
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                              2 433 481   2 752 483
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                                186 516     212 942
3.     Payments made on behalf of
       the State                                76 712      94 563
            Total Appropriation              2 696 709   3 059 988

                   Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                            No.      of 2022
                                    Schedule 1

                                                 2021/2022   2022/2023
Item                                                Budget    Estimate
                                                     $'000       $'000
1.     Provision of outputs
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                                  8 107 456   8 612 661
2.     Additions to the net asset
       base (section 29 of the
       Financial Management
       Act 1994 applies)                         1 328 476     874 988
3.     Payments made on behalf of
       the State                                    53 000      53 001
4.     Victorian Law Reform
       Commission - pursuant to
       section 17(b) of the
       Victorian Law Reform
       Commission Act 2000                           1 230        824
            Total Appropriation                  9 490 162   9 541 474

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                                Schedule 1

                                             2021/2022   2022/2023
Item                                            Budget    Estimate
                                                 $'000       $'000
1.     Provision of outputs
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                                456 481     489 424
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                                 12 816      13 254
            Total Appropriation                469 297     502 678

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                                Schedule 1

                                             2021/2022    2022/2023
Item                                            Budget      Estimate
                                                  $'000        $'000
1.     Provision of outputs
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                               4 592 951    4 557 392
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994
       applies)                               7 007 309    8 130 844
            Total Appropriation              11 600 260   12 688 236

                   Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                            No.      of 2022
                                Schedule 1

                                             2021/2022    2022/2023
Item                                            Budget      Estimate
                                                  $'000        $'000
1.     Provision of outputs (section 29
       of the Financial Management
       Act 1994 applies)                       579 292      555 941
2.     Additions to the net asset base
       (section 29 of the Financial
       Management Act 1994 applies)            147 120      172 403
3.     Payments made on behalf of the
       State                                  4 004 495    3 655 059
4.     Advance to Treasurer to enable
       Treasurer to meet urgent claims
       that may arise before
       Parliamentary sanction is
       obtained, which will afterwards
       be submitted for Parliamentary
       authority                             16 021 327   14 026 606
            Total Appropriation              20 752 234   18 410 009

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                               Schedule 2

                            Schedule 2
         Payments from Advance to Treasurer, 2020/2021
Department          Purpose                                   Amount
Courts              Attributable to COVID-19
                    Physical Distancing                  12 235 000
                    Justice Recovery Plan                 7 114 026
                    Subtotal                             19 349 026

                    Not Attributable to COVID-19
                    Additional depreciation               8 000 000
                    equivalent funding following an
                    asset revaluation
                    Transport of deceased persons         1 100 000
                    Judicial Commission of Victoria        971 000
                    Specialist Children's Court Clinic     800 000
                    Royal Commission into the              700 000
                    Management of Police
                    Subtotal                             11 571 000

                    Total                                30 920 026

Environment,        Attributable to COVID-19
Land, Water and
                    Financial support for portfolio      31 277 963
                    entities impacted by COVID-19
                    DELWP COVID-19 support                7 960 454
                    Public safety on public land and      1 400 514
                    waterways COVIDSafe Summer

             Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
                          Schedule 2

Department     Purpose                                Amount
               Rent relief supplementation           405 138
               Subtotal                            41 044 069

               Not Attributable to COVID-19
               Bushfire preparedness 2020-21       18 200 000
               Prolonged Power Outage              14 982 000
               Aviation resources                  14 535 000
               Bushfire biodiversity recovery:      7 000 000
               Supporting economic growth and
               Big Housing Build: Improving         6 516 250
               the planning system for urban
               and regional development and
               state infrastructure
               Victorian Renewable Energy           3 530 000
               Auction Scheme - Support
               Royal Commission into National       3 222 000
               Natural Disaster Arrangements
               2020-21 Flood and Storm Events       2 620 000
               Community Power Hubs                 2 556 000
               Bushfire response                    1 906 412
               Energy Innovation Fund               1 700 000
               Victorian Renewable Hydrogen          854 833
               Industry Development Plan
               Subtotal                            77 622 495

               Total                              118 666 564

                     Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                              No.      of 2022
                                  Schedule 2

Department             Purpose                                 Amount
Families, Fairness     Attributable to COVID-19
and Housing
                       Enhanced engagement approach         19 892 295
                       with culturally and linguistically
                       diverse (CALD) communities
                       and complex families
                       Human Services Readiness and         19 510 000
                       Response Centre
                       Critical additional responses for    19 467 000
                       people experiencing
                       homelessness placed in hotels
                       during the COVID-19 pandemic
                       Service delivery fund for            10 000 000
                       Aboriginal Community
                       Controlled Organisations and
                       Aboriginal Community
                       Controlled Health Organisations
                       Further Family Violence               8 480 000
                       measures to respond to
                       Continue and boost key                3 000 000
                       pandemic-related supports for
                       Victorian communities
                       LGBTIQ+ sector economic               2 014 000
                       recovery grants
                       Improved communications and           1 500 000
                       engagement of multicultural
                       communities during COVID-19
                       Building a Sense of Belonging in       102 000
                       Subtotal                             83 965 295

                       Not Attributable to COVID-19
                       Supported Independent Living         64 570 000
                       and Short-Term Accommodation
                       and Assistance services to the
                       non-government sector
                       Utility Relief Grant Scheme          14 000 000

             Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
                          Schedule 2

Department     Purpose                                   Amount
               Ashburton and Ascot Vale Fast           2 000 000
               Start projects
               Victorian Pride Centre                    900 000
               Victorian Interpreting and                800 000
               Translating Service
               Veteran community support                  70 000
               mobile app project
               Subtotal                               82 340 000

               Total                                 166 305 295

Health         Attributable to COVID-19
               COVID-19 Response - Support           938 910 807
               for the health system
               COVID-19 vaccination program          133 142 725
               COVID-19 Mandatory                     64 704 000
               Enhanced engagement approach            1 600 000
               with culturally and linguistically
               diverse communities and
               complex families
               Subtotal                             1 138 357 532

               Not Attributable to COVID-19
               Additional resources for health       182 810 000
               Scheduled asset replacement in         47 340 279
               the health sector
               Additional funding for elective        41 250 000
               surgery blitz
               Allied Health                           3 515 000
               Mental Health - New legal               1 202 000
               foundations and supporting
               consumers to exercise their rights

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                                 Schedule 2

Department            Purpose                                    Amount
                      Mental Health - Safe and                1 186 000
                      compassionate models of care for
                      bed-based services
                      Healthshare                               719 000
                      Subtotal                              278 022 279

                      Total                                1 416 379 811

Jobs, Precincts and   Attributable to COVID-19
                      Circuit Breaker Business Support      342 209 131
                      Package - May 2021
                      Financial Assistance for sport due    125 730 079
                      to the impact of COVID-19
                      Test Isolation Payments and           109 157 327
                      reimbursement to the
                      Commonwealth Government for
                      the Pandemic Leave Disaster
                      DJPR portfolio entity COVID            84 345 000
                      Jobs for Victoria: Our plan to         68 440 000
                      maximise jobs and help
                      Victorians into work
                      Circuit Breaker Support Package        39 214 783
                      - February 2021
                      Business Support Fund                  37 250 000
                      Working for Victoria                   17 300 000
                      Business Victoria Hotline              13 295 854
                      Regional Tourism Support               11 842 000
                      Package - Business Costs
                      Assistance Program Round Two
                      Tourism Supplement
                      Support for seasonal agriculture        9 191 360

             Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
                          Schedule 2

Department     Purpose                                Amount
               Supporting industries - COVID        7 485 000
               Coordination and Recovery
               High-Risk Industries:                7 365 455
               Engagement and Enforcement
               Supporting National Performing       5 400 000
               Arts Partnership Companies
               Supporting medical research to       5 000 000
               protect Victorians and grow jobs
               for the future
               Visitor Economy: Victorian           4 542 000
               Regional Travel Voucher Scheme
               Visitor Economy - Recovery and       3 506 000
               Reform package
               Seasonal Workforce                   2 776 531
               Accommodation Program
               Cultural Agencies: Solvency,         1 625 739
               Recovery and Adaptation
               Supporting Creative Industries        617 445
               Non-government organisations
               Abbotsford Convent Support            300 000
               Subtotal                           896 593 704

               Not Attributable to COVID-19
               Victoria's Digital Future Now       70 000 000
               Implementation of the Victorian     12 000 000
               Forestry Plan
               Bendigo GovHub fit-out costs         9 500 000
               Suburban revitalisation and          7 100 000
               Screen Industry Crisis Recovery      4 000 000
               National Biosecurity Control         3 970 211
               Agreements and biosecurity

                   Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                            No.      of 2022
                                Schedule 2

Department           Purpose                                  Amount
                     Alice Anderson Angel Sidecar          2 000 000
                     Organisational Investment             1 891 000
                     Melbourne Convention Centre           1 520 961
                     Development operations
                     Rural Financial Counselling           1 501 110
                     Emergency management sector           1 468 935
                     Community Sports Infrastructure         331 774
                     Loans Scheme
                     Subtotal                            115 283 991

                     Total                              1 011 877 695

Justice and          Attributable to COVID-19
Community Safety
                     COVID-19 Mandatory                  635 821 531
                     Victoria Police's COVID-19          111 192 350
                     High-Risk Industries:                28 364 335
                     Engagement and Enforcement
                     Corrections and youth justice        19 724 924
                     COVID-19 response
                     Justice recovery                      8 398 000
                     Residential Tenancies Dispute         4 691 000
                     Resolution Scheme
                     Youth Justice COVID-19                1 399 000
                     Subtotal                            809 591 140

             Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
                         Schedule 2

Department     Purpose                                 Amount
               Not Attributable to COVID-19
               WorkCover Scheme Premium            550 000 000
               Support to Victoria Police's        174 677 840
               operations and resources
               Victoria State Emergency Service     66 613 000
               Natural Disaster Financial Relief    50 600 000
               Local Economic recovery              34 300 000
               Technology and resources to          30 361 235
               support Victoria's fines system
               Recapitalisation and                 15 117 317
               reinstatement of the Hopkins
               Correctional Centre funding
               Additional funding for Victorian      7 941 999
               Commission for Gambling and
               Liquor Regulation
               Emergency management sector           8 464 000
               Restorative Engagement and            7 155 000
               Redress Scheme for Victoria
               Police employees
               Fiskville remediation                 6 750 000
               Royal Commission into the             6 421 011
               Management of Police
               Working with Children Check           4 000 000
               and National Disability Insurance
               Scheme worker screening
               Making our buildings safer            3 433 000
               Royal Commission into the             2 672 000
               Casino Operator and Licence
               Supporting the State's forensic       2 640 000

              Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                       No.      of 2022
                           Schedule 2

Department      Purpose                                 Amount
                Water safety and flood awareness      2 000 000
                Rental reforms funding                1 858 000
                Emergency response funding            1 620 053
                Ensure a secure youth justice         1 399 000
                Maintaining justice system              377 000
                continuity - Specialist Family
                Violence Court
                Decriminalising public                  316 000
                Supporting vulnerable Victorians         87 000
                Community based diversionary             38 909
                services and opening Cherry
                Subtotal                            978 842 364

                Total                              1 788 433 504

Premier and     Attributable to COVID-19
                Insights Victoria platform            5 210 000
                Alternative Quarantine                3 009 355
                Accommodation Hub
                Donation to the Good Friday           2 500 000
                Appeal 2021
                Establishment of the Recovery         2 000 000
                Tracking and Analytics Branch
                VPS Workforce Hubs                    1 857 166
                Breakthrough Victoria Fund            1 356 145

             Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
                          Schedule 2

Department     Purpose                                 Amount
               Commercial Passenger Vehicles          882 000
               QR Code Scanning
               Subtotal                             16 814 666

               Not Attributable to COVID-19
               Digital Victoria - Common             5 052 402
               Corporate Platforms
               Strengthening the Centre              3 636 000
               Costs associated with                 2 012 000
               administration changes
               Hybrid cloud and Data centre           723 737
               Support to Past Premiers and the       617 000
               Support to parties in a legal          569 220
               Public Records Office of Victoria      503 245
               asset maintenance and renewal
               Delivering a Victorian Truth and       489 486
               Justice process
               Subtotal                             13 603 089

               Total                                30 417 755

Transport      Attributable to COVID-19
               Support for the transport network   374 277 237
               and public transport services due
               to the impacts of COVID-19
               Rent relief supplementation           1 869 839
               Subtotal                            376 147 076

             Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
                         Schedule 2

Department     Purpose                                  Amount
               Not Attributable to COVID-19
               Level Crossing Removal program      1 144 665 024
               Metro Tunnel                         546 058 988
               Suburban Rail Loop Initial and       146 634 624
               Early Works
               Outer Metropolitan Ring Road /       130 377 299
               E6 corridor preservation
               Ballarat Line Upgrade - Stage 1       43 987 550
               Western Roads Upgrade                 40 000 000
               West Gate Tunnel                      30 439 275
               Waurn Ponds Duplication -             22 269 081
               Stage 2
               North East Link                       20 000 000
               Road Safety Action Plan               16 357 211
               City Loop fire and safety upgrade     11 494 491
               - Stage 2
               Drysdale Bypass                        5 330 000
               Yan Yean Road Duplication -            5 000 000
               Stage 1
               O'Herns Road upgrade                   4 500 000
               Great Ocean Road Renewal               4 194 066
               Emergency management sector            3 905 117
               Thompsons Road Duplication -           3 100 000
               Grade Separation
               Additional Train Services              2 560 353
               Shepparton Corridor Upgrade -          2 312 000
               Stage 2
               Warrnambool Line Upgrade -             2 072 661
               Stage 2
               Princes Highway East                   2 007 068
               Duplication - Stage 3

               Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                        No.      of 2022
                            Schedule 2

Department       Purpose                                    Amount
                 Rolling stock maintenance and            1 675 795
                 disposal programs
                 Transport and Amenity Program            1 549 304
                 Shepparton Corridor Upgrade -              872 922
                 Stage 3
                 Metropolitan Road and                      808 530
                 Intersection Upgrades
                 Traffic Camera Trials                      414 082
                 Hurstbridge Line Upgrade -                 387 289
                 Stage 2
                 St Kilda Road works                        362 951
                 Caulfield rationalisation works            269 000
                 VicRoads Modernisation                     177 646
                 Subtotal                              2 193 782 326

                 Total                                 2 569 929 402

Treasury and     Attributable to COVID-19
                 Hotel quarantine costs - interstate     53 167 648
                 Additional facilities management         6 000 000
                 and accommodation costs due to
                 Subtotal                                59 167 648

                 Not Attributable to COVID-19
                 Big Housing Build: Expanded            845 949 000
                 Social Housing Growth Fund
                 Business unit reform advisory            6 504 395
                 services and scoping study
                 Demolition works at the former           3 896 753
                 Energy Brix Australia
                 Corporation site, Morwell

                  Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                           No.      of 2022
                               Schedule 2

Department          Purpose                                  Amount
                    Implementation of the Big              2 335 007
                    Housing Build: Victorian
                    Homebuyer Fund
                    Operational funding for the            2 000 000
                    independent review of social
                    housing regulation
                    Demolition works at                      971 048
                    80-90 Champion Road, Newport
                    Recovery Tracking and Analytics          761 000
                    - Establishment
                    Suburban Rail Loop                       650 000
                    Support for the expansion of the         237 099
                    Victorian Energy Upgrades
                    Centralised Accommodation                163 655
                    Implementation costs for the zero        125 000
                    emission vehicle initiative
                    Subtotal                             863 592 958

                    Total                                922 760 606

Total Payments
from Advance to
the Treasurer                                           8 055 690 658


                        Appropriation (2022-2023) Act 2022
                                 No.      of 2022

1 General information
  See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
  authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
      Minister's second reading speech--
      Legislative Assembly:
      Legislative Council:
      The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act for the
      appropriation of certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund for the
      ordinary annual services of the Government for the financial year
      2022/2023 and for other purposes."

                  By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria.



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