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Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Clause Page 1 Purpose 1 2 Commencement 1 3 Issue of moneys 2 4 Appropriation 3 5 Application of amounts appropriated 3 6 Application of amounts for future payments 3 7 Advance to Treasurer 3 8 Reference provision 4 9 Repeal of Act 4 Schedule 1 5 Schedule 2 17 ═════════════ Endnotes 34 1 General information 34 i Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 [Assented to ] The Parliament of Victoria enacts: 1 Purpose The purpose of this Act is to make provision for the appropriation of certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund for the ordinary annual services of the Government for the financial year 2023/2024. 2 Commencement This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. 1 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 3 Issue of moneys (1) The Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Fund in respect of the financial year 2023/2024 the sum of $93 180 389 000 as set out in Schedule 1. (2) If-- (a) in respect of the financial year 2023/2024 the amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs is increased as the result of any legislation or determination; and (b) the amounts specified in the relevant items in Schedule 1 are insufficient to provide for the payment of the increased amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs-- the Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Fund an amount not exceeding the increased amount payable in respect of salaries and related costs in addition to the amount issued under subsection (1). (3) In this section-- determination includes any regulation or any award, order or determination of a person or body authorised to determine minimum salaries or wages under any law of the Commonwealth or of the State, or any agreement approved in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 or Workplace Relations Act 1996 of the Commonwealth, or any agreement entered into by or on behalf of the State; salaries and related costs includes wages or other amounts in the nature of salary, payments by way of overtime or penalty rates or in lieu of long service leave or for retiring gratuities, superannuation contributions, annual leave 2 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 loadings, payroll tax payments and WorkCover insurance policy premiums. 4 Appropriation The Consolidated Fund is appropriated to the extent necessary for the purposes of section 3. 5 Application of amounts appropriated (1) The amounts to be applied to an item specified in Schedule 1 shall not, except as provided in this section or section 30 or 31A of the Financial Management Act 1994, exceed the amount specified for that item. (2) If an amount in respect of depreciation of an asset is applied to an item in Schedule 1 for the provision of outputs of a Department, the amount shown for the item in Schedule 1 relating to that Department in respect of additions to the net asset base is increased, if the Treasurer so determines, by an amount not exceeding the amount in respect of depreciation. 6 Application of amounts for future payments If, during the financial year 2023/2024, an arrangement is made, or an expense or obligation is incurred, for the payment of an amount in a future financial year, a corresponding amount is applied, in respect of the financial year 2023/2024, to the appropriate item in Schedule 1 for the relevant Department. 7 Advance to Treasurer The sums specified in Schedule 2 have been expended to meet urgent claims out of the Advance appropriated in the Appropriation (2021-2022) Act 2021 under the Department of Treasury and Finance and the payments so made are deemed to have been appropriated for the purposes and services specified in Schedule 2. 3 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 8 Reference provision In this Act, Court Services Victoria established under the Court Services Victoria Act 2014 is referred to as the Department of Courts for appropriation purposes only. 9 Repeal of Act This Act is repealed on the fourth anniversary of the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. Note The repeal of this Act does not affect any matter or thing or the previous operation of the Act (see section 14(2) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 4 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENTAL VOTES ESTIMATES SUMMARY 2022/2023 2023/2024 Department Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 Courts 641 479 761 372 Education 15 820 624 17 166 913 Energy, Environment and Climate Action 3 167 222 2 760 730 Families, Fairness and Housing 7 773 386 7 818 054 Government Services 494 546 460 273 Health 12 368 669 12 989 224 Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions 3 752 037 2 811 324 Justice and Community Safety 9 482 705 9 254 414 Premier and Cabinet 343 425 345 537 Transport and Planning 13 225 716 14 511 827 Treasury and Finance 18 045 851 24 300 721 85 115 660 93 180 389 5 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF COURTS 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 500 940 493 642 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 140 539 267 730 Total Appropriation 641 479 761 372 6 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 13 891 344 15 194 766 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 1 929 280 1 972 147 Total Appropriation 15 820 624 17 166 913 7 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE ACTION 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 2 178 603 1 790 430 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 276 690 234 976 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 679 660 703 939 4. Contributions by the State under agreements pursuant to section 25 of the Murray- Darling Basin Act 1993 32 269 31 385 Total Appropriation 3 167 222 2 760 730 8 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILIES, FAIRNESS AND HOUSING 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 4 247 602 4 355 241 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 784 818 606 017 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 2 740 966 2 856 796 Total Appropriation 7 773 386 7 818 054 9 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 481 292 460 273 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 13 254 0 Total Appropriation 494 546 460 273 10 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 12 237 115 12 570 085 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 131 554 419 139 Total Appropriation 12 368 669 12 989 224 11 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF JOBS, SKILLS, INDUSTRY AND REGIONS 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 3 528 239 2 769 493 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 223 798 41 831 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 0 0 Total Appropriation 3 752 037 2 811 324 12 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND COMMUNITY SAFETY 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 8 553 892 8 734 498 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 874 988 466 076 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 53 001 53 001 4. Victorian Law Reform Commission - pursuant to section 17(b) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 824 839 Total Appropriation 9 482 705 9 254 414 13 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF PREMIER AND CABINET 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 343 425 344 537 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 0 1 000 Total Appropriation 343 425 345 537 14 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND PLANNING 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 4 832 771 4 987 130 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 8 294 559 9 418 485 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 98 386 106 212 Total Appropriation 13 225 716 14 511 827 15 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 1 DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY AND FINANCE 2022/2023 2023/2024 Item Budget Estimate $'000 $'000 1. Provision of outputs (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 350 583 403 019 2. Additions to the net asset base (section 29 of the Financial Management Act 1994 applies) 13 603 10 286 3. Payments made on behalf of the State 3 655 059 10 151 154 4. Advance to Treasurer to enable Treasurer to meet urgent claims that may arise before Parliamentary sanction is obtained, which will afterwards be submitted for Parliamentary authority 14 026 606 13 736 262 Total Appropriation 18 045 851 24 300 721 16 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Payments from Advance to Treasurer, 2021/2022 Body Purpose Amount $ Courts Not Attributable to COVID-19 County Court facility project 228 588 250 (Melbourne) Replacement accommodation for 58 698 100 Court Services Victoria Dandenong Specialist Children's 2 573 000 Court Subtotal 289 859 350 Total 289 859 350 Environment, Not Attributable to COVID-19 Land, Water and 2021-22 flood and storm events 69 615 972 Planning Aviation resources 14 911 000 Workforce Transition 9 451 577 Bushfire preparedness 2021-22 4 500 000 Guaranteed service level payment 3 100 000 Subtotal 101 578 549 Total 101 578 549 17 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Families, Fairness Attributable to COVID-19 and Housing COVID-19 Emergency Response 35 024 000 for Children and Young People (CERCY), High Risk Accommodation Response (HRAR) and alternative outbreak accommodation Continue and boost key 17 309 791 pandemic-related supports for Victorian communities Subtotal 52 333 791 Not Attributable to COVID-19 Workforce Transition 42 034 406 Supported independent living and 41 304 720 short-term accommodation and assistance services to the non-government sector 'Jobs that Matter' workforce 990 000 recruitment campaign LGBTIQ+ strategy 800 000 VITS LanguageLoop review 320 000 Subtotal 85 449 126 Total 137 782 917 Health Attributable to COVID-19 COVID-19 health response 883 547 448 Supporting the community and 739 001 029 health system through the COVID-19 pandemic Public health and local 571 540 936 place-based delivery 18 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Rapid antigen tests 394 969 322 Securing and maintaining a 257 400 468 personal protective equipment (PPE) stockpile Enabling care and meeting 176 500 000 demand for hospital services Improving outbreak responses to 172 928 302 the COVID-19 Delta variant Immunising Victorians against 141 100 582 COVID-19 - booster doses and 5 to 11 year-olds COVID-19 mental health and 4 630 000 wellbeing response COVID-19 Capability and 1 000 000 Response Subtotal 3 342 618 087 Not Attributable to COVID-19 Addressing demand for hospital 323 260 000 services Additional resources for health 109 965 324 services Supplementation for the Hospital 108 898 709 and Charities Fund Elective surgery catch-up plan 20 000 000 Decriminalising public 15 754 431 drunkenness Free dental care for government 11 822 726 school students Aikenhead Centre for Medical 11 000 000 Discovery Frankston Hospital 10 000 000 Redevelopment 19 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Modernising Victoria's health 7 876 883 system through governance reform Enabling a high-quality, efficient 5 275 274 public pathology system Service delivery fund for 4 200 000 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations Responding to drug-related 3 573 000 harms New local services for adults and 1 885 631 older adults in their communities Decriminalisation of sex work in 1 756 110 Victoria Responding to community-based 1 668 000 healthcare demand Supporting the mental health and 1 000 000 wellbeing of rural and regional Victorians Sunbury and Cobaw Community 500 000 Health Hub expansion Subtotal 638 436 088 Total 3 981 054 175 Jobs, Precincts and Attributable to COVID-19 Regions COVID-19 pandemic industry 4 264 019 791 and economic support Test isolation payments and 482 291 910 reimbursement to the Commonwealth Government for the Pandemic leave disaster payments 20 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Creative industries support 65 263 807 Supporting Victoria's creative, 51 518 887 live music and events sectors International education resilience 49 747 200 fund COVIDSafe Outdoor Activation 44 498 398 Program Supporting industries: 34 064 049 COVID-19 coordination and recovery Melbourne CBD economic 19 309 998 revitalisation package Support for seasonal agricultural 12 444 974 workforce Sporting Trusts solvency support 8 286 000 Seasonal workforce 3 216 508 accommodation program Subtotal 5 034 661 523 Not Attributable to COVID-19 Victoria's Digital Future Now 56 734 870 Events Restart Fund 54 000 000 La Trobe University Sports Park 50 215 501 Melbourne Arts Precinct 35 845 999 transformation 2026 Victorian Commonwealth 35 759 656 Games Visitor economy - recovery and 32 282 000 reform package Infrastructure upgrade to support 25 150 000 major event delivery Victorian start-up capital fund 20 000 000 Industry support and investment 17 358 654 21 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Workforce Transition 17 047 502 Securing and scaling mRNA 13 194 757 vaccine manufacturing capability in Victoria Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee 13 140 997 Repowering and cash advance 11 593 214 facility Cultural Agencies: Solvency, 7 774 261 Recovery and Adaptation Melbourne Exhibition and 8 694 677 Convention Centre Suburban revitalisation and 8 449 292 growth Whitten Oval master plan stage 8 200 000 two Royal Melbourne Showgrounds 7 650 999 redevelopment project Medical Research: Generation 7 000 000 Victoria and Living Evidence Australian MedTech 5 918 721 manufacturing centre Australian Institute of Infectious 5 601 072 Disease Research development of 4 577 000 treatments and responses National agreement red imported 4 512 383 fire ant eradication program Alice Anderson Fund (previously 4 000 000 known as the Women's founders Angel Sidecar Fund) Implementation of the Victorian 3 399 745 Forestry Plan Victorian Government Trade and 3 099 570 Investment Network 22 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ State Basketball Centre 2 282 000 Biosecurity responses 2 277 623 Supporting Victoria's public 1 100 000 libraries Municipal emergency resourcing 999 845 program Supporting our Olympians in 775 000 Tokyo Community sports infrastructure 623 131 loans scheme Animal welfare support 540 500 Defence capture plan 449 932 June 2021 flood and storm event 360 000 - recovery package Aboriginal economic 350 000 development: Building opportunity and economic prosperity Leadership for women in local 250 000 government Rural Women's Network 160 000 Rural roads support package 149 910 Subtotal 471 518 811 Total 5 506 180 334 Justice and Attributable to COVID-19 Community Safety COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria 387 963 448 Victoria Police's COVID-19 118 988 600 response Responding to COVID-19 in 62 267 793 corrections and youth justice 23 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Industry engagement and 11 191 758 enforcement operation Subtotal 580 411 599 Not Attributable to COVID-19 WorkSafe sustainability measures 450 291 000 Supporting Victoria Police's 215 021 706 operations and resources Storm and flood clean-up 149 184 430 program and recovery initiatives Stolen Generations Reparations 123 700 000 Package Emergency Services 72 054 815 Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) operations Workforce Transition 50 529 191 Initiatives to fast-track Victoria's 36 677 000 recovery from the 2019-20 bushfires Additional depreciation 27 866 145 equivalent funding following an asset revaluation Hopkins Correctional Centre 26 737 934 funding supplementation Mental Health and Wellbeing 17 554 433 Levy Victoria Police Restorative 17 150 000 Engagement and Redress Scheme funding Royal Commission into the 7 754 745 Management of Police Informants Victoria Police system 4 516 462 enhancements and resources 24 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Emergency service organisations 4 435 000 infrastructure Decriminalising public 4 051 701 drunkenness Crime prevention initiatives 3 823 274 Service delivery transformation 3 790 000 program Improving capacity for 2 575 000 Traditional Owner Corporations to negotiate Recognition and Settlement Agreements with the State Gambling and Liquor Regulatory 2 428 540 Reform Digital future of the Registry of 2 288 000 Births, Deaths and Marriages Government response to 1 955 483 Inspector-General for Emergency Management Victoria (IGEM) inquiries into the bushfires and emergency management sector Decriminalisation of sex work in 1 774 314 Victoria Responding to historical forced 1 167 728 adoptions in Victoria Technology and resources to 1 000 000 support Victoria's fines system Royal Commission into 980 000 Aboriginal Deaths Implementing the Legislated 868 400 Spent Convictions Scheme Mental Health led emergency 745 000 responses for Victorians in crisis Property market review 446 641 Supporting victims of crime 370 389 25 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Sick Pay Guarantee 37 646 Subtotal 1 231 774 977 Total 1 812 186 576 Premier and Attributable to COVID-19 Cabinet Breakthrough Victoria Fund 108 644 001 Alternative quarantine 11 986 283 accommodation hub Service Victoria digital 9 281 513 vaccination certification Service Victoria enhanced fast 7 677 390 response team capability to support COVID-19 COVID-19 communications 7 405 983 campaign VPS workforce hubs 6 342 830 Donation to the Good Friday 2 000 000 Appeal 2022 Service Victoria streamlining and 1 444 649 digitising businesses Insights Victoria platform 750 000 Establishment of the Recovery 487 000 Tracking and Analytics branch Subtotal 156 019 649 Not Attributable to COVID-19 Digital Victoria transition plan 10 000 000 Cenitex resiliency activities 3 365 000 Hybrid cloud and data centre 2 279 263 discovery 26 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Donation for flood affected 2 000 000 communities Women in construction 1 797 959 Workforce transition fund 1 705 000 Development of the Digital 1 202 147 Victoria marketplace Digital Victoria - common 1 126 073 corporate platforms Increased funding for the Office 693 000 of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel Delivering a Victorian truth and 529 240 justice process Base review initiative 500 000 implementation Progressing social services 430 922 reforms Legal action support 391 295 Public Records Office Victoria 246 755 asset maintenance and renewal program Additional security for members 180 000 of Parliament Extension to the Administrator of 140 224 Framlingham Aboriginal Trust Service Victoria digital driver 128 281 licences Subtotal 26 715 159 Total 182 734 808 27 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Transport Attributable to COVID-19 COVID-19 Impacts on the 468 649 157 Transport Network Metro Tunnel - COVID-19 106 238 000 impacts Subtotal 574 887 157 Not Attributable to COVID-19 West Gate Tunnel Project 574 419 023 North East Link Primary Package 214 011 347 Suburban Rail Loop 154 989 928 Next Generation Trams 142 394 000 Switching on the Big Build 127 347 310 Car Parks for Commuters 43 654 027 Registration and Licensing 41 354 862 Modernisation Program Great Ocean Road Infrastructure 38 522 523 and Resilience City Loop Fire and Safety 33 706 503 Upgrade (Stage 2) and Intruder Alarm Workforce Transition 27 206 185 Metro Tunnel 23 559 079 High Capacity Metro Trains 15 828 743 Murray Basin Rail Project 13 000 000 Dandenong Rationalisation 12 694 908 Level Crossing Removal 12 168 550 Program Better Boating Fund 11 791 510 Shepparton Corridor Upgrade - 11 075 059 Stage 3 28 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ North East Link 10 454 000 Western Roads Upgrade 10 000 000 Registration and Licensing 7 006 449 Service Recovery Metropolitan Road and 6 241 237 Intersection Upgrades Caulfield Rationalisation Works 6 151 613 St Kilda Pier Redevelopment 5 900 000 Metropolitan Bus Franchise 5 500 000 Contract Outer Metropolitan Ring Road 5 040 718 (OMR) Public Acquisition Overlay Kananook Stabling Yard 4 834 110 Ballarat Line Upgrade - Stage 1 4 077 521 Additional Train Services 3 956 923 V/Line Temporary Facilities 2 879 000 (Including Rostering/Payroll System Upgrade) Warrnambool Line Upgrade - 1 664 380 Stage 2 Waurn Ponds Duplication - 1 630 919 Stage 2 Target One Million 1 493 511 Commercial Passenger Vehicles 1 235 931 Victoria (CPVV) - Central Accommodation Management (CAM) Traffic Infringement Camera 1 097 000 Trials Regional Grass Slashing 488 377 Local Port Projects 487 000 29 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Accommodation and Workplace 474 000 Modernisation Strategy New Bike Lanes to make St 439 509 Kilda Road safer for everyone CityLink Tullamarine Freeway 399 848 Widening - final completion costs Metropolitan Intermodal System 359 723 Walking and Cycling - Stage 2 356 000 Putting Passengers First: Night 348 514 Network City Road and Power Street 158 000 Intersection Safety Improvements Metropolitan Bus service 151 282 Improvements CityLink Tullamarine Freeway 61 038 Widening - Section 2 Western Interstate Freight 58 861 Terminal Metropolitan Level Crossings - 6 205 Development and Early Works Western Highway - Ararat 1 364 Bypass Subtotal 1 580 676 589 Total 2 155 563 746 Treasury and Attributable to COVID-19 Finance COVID-19 Disaster Payments 233 418 935 Rapid antigen test freight costs 13 124 465 Hotel quarantine costs - interstate 11 830 082 reimbursement 30 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Supporting Victoria's creative, 10 000 000 live music and events sectors Subtotal 268 373 482 Not Attributable to COVID-19 Social Housing Growth Fund 523 827 000 Victorian Homebuyer Fund - 158 900 000 shared equity Victorian Homebuyer Fund - 12 752 264 operating cost Workforce Transition 4 966 423 Venture Growth Fund Financial 2 460 640 Governance and Implementation Update Partnerships Addressing 1 643 646 Disadvantage (PAD) Energy Brix site rehabilitation 1 279 036 Mental Health and Wellbeing 865 186 Levy Expansion of regulatory activities 591 248 of the Essential Services Commission Windfall Gains Tax 550 000 implementation Subtotal 707 835 443 Total 976 208 925 31 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Parliament Attributable to COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic related 337 561 costs Subtotal 337 561 Not Attributable to COVID-19 Electorate Office safety and 1 544 155 security upgrades Additional funding for 609 660 Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Ombudsman's Parliamentary 546 412 Referral Investigation Ombudsman's legislative 500 000 mandate Electorate office maintenance 387 138 cost Parliamentary Budget Office: 350 000 Funding for 2022 general election costs Chamber technology upgrade 209 000 Parliament House historic 203 000 restoration works Performance audit of Victorian 21 600 Inspectorate by Integrity and Oversight Committee Subtotal 4 370 965 Total 4 708 526 32 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Schedule 2 Body Purpose Amount $ Subtotal Payments Attributable to COVID-19 10 009 642 849 Subtotal Payments Not Attributable to COVID-19 5 138 215 057 Total Payments from Advance to the Treasurer 15 147 857 906 ═════════════ 33 Appropriation (2023-2024) Act 2023 No. of 2023 Endnotes Endnotes 1 General information See www.legislation.vic.gov.au for Victorian Bills, Acts and current authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information. Minister's second reading speech-- Legislative Assembly: Legislative Council: The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act for the appropriation of certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund for the ordinary annual services of the Government for the financial year 2023/2024 and for other purposes." By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 34
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