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Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

         Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                              No.            of 2023

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                      Page

Part 1--Preliminary                                                            1
 1       Purposes                                                             1
 2       Commencement                                                         3
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to
appointment of State Building Surveyor                                        4
 3       Definitions and interpretation                                       4
 4       Application of new building regulations or binding
         determinations to building work                                      6
 5       Various offences relating to carrying out building work              7
 6       Refusal of building permit                                           7
 7       Application and effect of building regulations                       7
 8       Modification of building regulations                                 8
 9       Application for determination in respect of building design          8
 10      Application for modification of building regulations relating to
         access for persons with disabilities                                 8
 11      Grounds for disciplinary action                                      9
 12      Grounds for disciplinary action                                      9
 13      Chief executive officer                                              9
 14      New Division 3 inserted in Part 12                                   9
 15      Authority may resolve disputes concerning interpretation of
         plumbing regulations                                                 16
 16      Modification of plumbing regulations                                 16
 17      Grounds on which disciplinary action may be taken                    16
Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to
appointment of Building Monitor                                               17
Division 1--Amendment of the Building Act 1993                                 17
 18 Definitions                                                               17
 19 Objectives of Act                                                         18
 20 New section 127AA inserted                                                18
 21 Offence for owner-builder to sell building without report or
    insurance                                                                 19
 22 Modification of building regulations                                      19
 23 Functions of the Authority                                                19
 24 Appointment of State Building Surveyor                                    19

Clause                                                               Page

 25      New Division 3A inserted in Part 12                           20
 26      Information sharing arrangements                              37
 27      Membership and procedure                                      37
 28      Membership and procedure                                      37
Division 2--Consequential amendments to other Acts                      38
 29 Amendment of the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995              38
 30 Amendment of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
    Act 1998                                                           38
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other
Acts                                                                   40
Division 1--Amendment of the Building Act 1993                          40
 31      Definitions                                                   40
 32      New section 17A inserted                                      41
 33      Notice to Secretary to Department                             42
 34      Requirement for occupancy permit                              42
 35      Refusal of building permit                                    43
 36      New sections 41A and 41B inserted                             43
 37      Refusal of occupancy permit                                   44
 38      New sections 44A to 44D inserted                              45
 39      Functions of private building surveyor                        46
 40      New section 128A inserted                                     47
 41      New section 169D substituted for sections 169D and 169E       47
 42      Offence to carry out domestic building work under a major
         domestic building contract                                    49
 43      Delegation of Minister's functions                            50
 44      Functions of the Authority                                    50
 45      Section 199 substituted                                       50
 46      Payments out of the Cladding Safety Victoria account          51
 47      Section 259AB substituted                                     52
 48      General regulation-making powers                              58
 49      New sections 285 and 286 inserted                             59
 50      Schedule 2--Procedures for building permits and occupancy
         permits                                                       63
 51      Statute law revision amendment                                64
Division 2--Consequential amendments to other Acts                      64
 52 Amendment of the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995              64
 53 Amendment of the Building and Construction Industry Security
    of Payment Act 2002                                                64
 54 Amendment of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
    Act 1998                                                           64
 55 Amendment of the Owners Corporations Act 2006                      65
 56 Amendment of the Sale of Land Act 1962                             65
 57 Amendment of the Cladding Safety Victoria Act 2020                 66

Clause                                         Page

Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991      67
 58      Appointment of panel                    67
 59      Section 22 substituted                  67
 60      Section 47 substituted                  67
 61      Section 48 repealed                     68
 62      Terms of appointment                    68
 63      Remuneration                            68
 64      Vacancies                               69
 65      Chairperson                             69
 66      Deputy Chairperson                      69
 67      Procedure of Board                      70
 68      New section 57B inserted                70
 69      New Division 4 inserted in Part 10      72
Part 6--Repeal of this Act                        75
 70 Repeal of this Act                           75
Endnotes                                         76
 1       General information                     76

     Building Legislation Amendment
                Act 2023 
                    No.           of 2023

                           [Assented to                       ]

The Parliament of Victoria enacts:

                Part 1--Preliminary
     1 Purposes
             The purposes of this Act are--
              (a) to amend the Building Act 1993--
                   (i) to provide for the appointment of a
                       State Building Surveyor; and
                   (ii) to provide for the appointment of a
                        Building Monitor; and

Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
            No.       of 2023
          Part 1--Preliminary

     (iii) to provide further in relation to the
           sharing of information and data; and
      (iv) to provide for changes to categories of
           building practitioner; and
      (v) to insert an offence relating to building
          practitioners; and
      (vi) to require that relevant building
           surveyors give certain information to
           persons to whom building permits are
           issued; and
     (vii) to provide for building manuals to be
           prepared and updated by owners and
           updated by owners corporations in
           respect of certain buildings; and
    (viii) to provide for additional purposes for
           which money may be paid out of the
           Cladding Safety Victoria account; and
      (ix) to make changes to the delegation
           powers of the Victorian Building
           Authority; and
      (x) to make other consequential and
          miscellaneous amendments; and
 (b) to amend the Architects Act 1991 to make
     changes to the governance and procedures of
     the Architects Registration Board of
     Victoria; and
 (c) to amend the Domestic Building Contracts
     Act 1995 in relation to the disclosure and
     sharing of information and data by
     conciliation officers under that Act; and

      Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                  No.       of 2023
                Part 1--Preliminary

       (d) to amend the Building and Construction
           Industry Security of Payment Act 2002 in
           relation to the disclosure of information
           under that Act; and
       (e) to amend the Victorian Civil and
           Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 in
           relation to the disclosure and sharing of
           information and data under that Act; and
       (f) to amend the Sale of Land Act 1962 to
           insert an offence relating to the provision of
           an approved building manual to a purchaser
           of land; and
       (g) to amend the Owners Corporations
           Act 2006 in relation to the provision of an
           approved building manual at the first
           meeting of an owners corporation; and
       (h) to amend the Cladding Safety Victoria
           Act 2020 to make consequential
2 Commencement
  (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into
      operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
  (2) If a provision of this Act does not come into
      operation before 1 February 2024, it comes into
      operation on that day.

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

   Part 2--Amendment of the Building
Act 1993 in relation to appointment of State
             Building Surveyor
     3 Definitions and interpretation
          (1) In the heading to section 3 of the Building
              Act 1993, after "Definitions" insert
              "and interpretation".
          (2) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993 insert
              the following definitions--
              "Architects Registration Board of Victoria has
                  the same meaning as in the Architects
                  Act 1991;
              binding determination means a determination
                   issued under section 206E by the State
                   Building Surveyor;
              building system includes the building and
                   plumbing industries and the building system
              building system regulators includes all of the
                      (a) the Authority;
                      (b) relevant building surveyors;
                      (c) municipal building surveyors;
                      (d) plumbing inspectors appointed under
                          section 221ZZY;
                      (e) councils;
                      (f) the Building Appeals Board;
                      (g) the Architects Registration Board of

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

                      (h) the Building Regulations Advisory
                      (i) the Plumbing Advisory Council;
                      (j) the Business Licensing Authority;
                      (k) the Director of Consumer Affairs
                      (l) Cladding Safety Victoria;
                     (m) Energy Safe Victoria;
              Business Licensing Authority has the same
                  meaning as in the Business Licensing
                  Authority Act 1998;
              chief dispute resolution officer has the same
                   meaning as in the Domestic Building
                   Contracts Act 1995;
              Cladding Safety Victoria has the same meaning as
                  in the Cladding Safety Victoria Act 2020;
              Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria means the
                   person who, for the time being, is employed
                   as Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria
                   under the Public Administration Act 2004;
              plumbing laws has the same meaning as in
                  section 221B;
              State Building Surveyor means the person
                   appointed under section 206(1) as the State
                   Building Surveyor;".
          (3) After section 3(3) of the Building Act 1993
               '(4) Any reference in this Act to building work or
                    plumbing work having to be carried out or
                    completed in accordance with, or having to
                    comply with, or not being in breach of, the

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

                    following laws relating to building work and
                    plumbing work is taken to include a
                    reference to that building work or plumbing
                    work having to be carried out or completed
                    in accordance with, or to comply with, or to
                    not be in breach of, a provision of those laws
                    as interpreted by any binding determination
                    that applies to that provision--
                      (a) "this Act";
                      (b) "the building regulations";
                      (c) "the plumbing laws";
                      (d) "the regulations made under Part 12A
                          of this Act".'.
     4 Application of new building regulations or binding
       determinations to building work
          (1) Insert the following heading to section 10 of the
              Building Act 1993--
              "Application of new building regulations or
              binding determinations to building work".
          (2) In section 10(1) of the Building Act 1993--
                (a) after "to a building regulation" insert "or a
                    binding determination that applies to a
                    building regulation";
                (b) after "commences" insert "or the binding
                    determination comes into effect".
          (3) In section 10(2) of the Building Act 1993--
                (a) after "to a building regulation" insert "or a
                    binding determination that applies to a
                    building regulation";
                (b) after "commenced" insert "or the binding
                    determination came into effect".

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

          (4) In section 10(3) of the Building Act 1993, after
              "amendment" insert "or binding determination".
          (5) In section 10(4) of the Building Act 1993, after
              "to a building regulation," insert "or a binding
     5 Various offences relating to carrying out building
          (1) In section 16(2) of the Building Act 1993, after
              "that work" insert "and any binding determination
              that applies to the carrying out of that work".
          (2) In section 16(4A) of the Building Act 1993, for
              "and the building permit" substitute ", the
              building permit and any binding determination
              that applies to the carrying out of that work".
          (3) In section 16B(3) of the Building Act 1993--
                (a) in paragraph (c), for "that work." substitute
                    "that work; or";
                (b) after paragraph (c) insert--
                     "(d) any binding determination that applies
                          to the carrying out of that work.".
     6 Refusal of building permit
              In section 24(1)(a) of the Building Act 1993, for
              "Act and the building regulations" substitute
              "Act, the building regulations and any binding
              determination that applies to the carrying out of
              that building work".
     7 Application and effect of building regulations
              In section 157(b) of the Building Act 1993, after
              "building regulations" (where secondly occurring)
              insert ", including any binding determination that
              applies to that provision,".

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

     8 Modification of building regulations
              After section 160(4) of the Building Act 1993
              "(5) A determination made by the Building
                   Appeals Board under subsection (2)(b) in
                   relation to a provision of the building
                   regulations must not be inconsistent with any
                   binding determination that applies to that
     9 Application for determination in respect of building
          (1) In section 160A(1) of the Building Act 1993--
                (a) after "complies with" insert "a provision of";
                (b) for "in" substitute "by a provision of".
          (2) After section 160A(2) of the Building Act 1993
              "(3) A determination made by the Building
                   Appeals Board under subsection (1) in
                   relation to a provision of this Act, the
                   building regulations or any document
                   applied, adopted or incorporated by a
                   provision of the building regulations must
                   not be inconsistent with any binding
                   determination that applies to that provision.".
    10 Application for modification of building regulations
       relating to access for persons with disabilities
              After section 160B(6) of the Building Act 1993
            "(6A) A determination of the Building Appeals
                  Board made under subsection (1)(b) in
                  relation to an access provision of the
                  building regulations must not be inconsistent

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

                    with any binding determination that applies
                    to that provision.".
    11 Grounds for disciplinary action
              For section 179(1)(a)(i) of the Building Act 1993
               "(i) a provision of this Act or the regulations
                    including any binding determination that
                    applies to that provision; or".
    12 Grounds for disciplinary action
              For section 187R(1)(a)(i) of the Building
              Act 1993 substitute--
               "(i) a provision of this Act or the regulations
                    including any binding determination that
                    applies to that provision; or".
    13 Chief executive officer
              In section 203(6) of the Building Act 1993, for
              "or the Plumbing Advisory Council" substitute
              ", the Plumbing Advisory Council or the State
              Building Surveyor".
    14 New Division 3 inserted in Part 12
              After Division 2 of Part 12 of the Building
              Act 1993 insert--

                 "Division 3--State Building Surveyor
              206 Appointment of State Building Surveyor
               (1) The Authority may, after obtaining the
                   written approval of the Minister, appoint a
                   natural person who is an employee of the
                   Authority as the State Building Surveyor.

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

               (2) The State Building Surveyor holds office on
                   the terms and conditions determined by the
               (3) The State Building Surveyor is eligible for
               (4) The State Building Surveyor must not
                   engage in paid employment outside the
                   office of the State Building Surveyor without
                   the permission of the Authority.
               (5) The Authority must not appoint as the State
                   Building Surveyor a person who is--
                      (a) a Commissioner; or
                      (b) the chief executive officer; or
                      (c) a member of the Building Appeals
                          Board, the Building Regulations
                          Advisory Committee or the
                          Plumbing Advisory Council.
               (6) The Authority may appoint, with the
                   approval of the Minister, a natural person
                   who is an employee of the Authority to act as
                   the State Building Surveyor for a period of
                   no more than 6 months during which--
                      (a) there is a vacancy in the office of the
                          State Building Surveyor; or
                      (b) the State Building Surveyor is on leave
                          or for any reason unable to perform
                          their functions.
               (7) A person appointed to act as the State
                   Building Surveyor under subsection (6) may
                   perform all the functions of the State
                   Building Surveyor.

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

               (8) The Authority may, with the Minister's
                   approval, remove the person appointed as the
                   State Building Surveyor or the acting State
                   Building Surveyor from office if--
                      (a) the person refuses, neglects or fails to
                          perform the functions or carry out the
                          duties of the State Building Surveyor;
                      (b) the person demonstrates inefficiency or
                          misconduct in carrying out the
                          functions of the State Building
                          Surveyor; or
                      (c) the person is convicted of an indictable
                          offence, or an offence which, if
                          committed in Victoria, would be an
                          indictable offence; or
                      (d) a ground for removal of the person
                          under their contract of employment
                          with the Authority is established.
               (9) An act or decision of the State Building
                   Surveyor is not invalid merely because of a
                   defect or irregularity in, or in connection
                   with, the appointment of the State Building
              (10) Subsections (2), (3), (4), (5) and (9) apply to
                   a person appointed as the acting State
                   Building Surveyor as if that person were the
                   State Building Surveyor.

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

            206A Objectives of the State Building Surveyor
                    The State Building Surveyor has the
                    following objectives--
                      (a) to be a primary source of technical
                          expertise on the standards and
                          requirements for building and plumbing
                          work to the building and plumbing
                          industries and the building system
                          regulators to facilitate compliant
                          building and plumbing work and sound
                          building and plumbing practices;
                      (b) to encourage improvements to
                          regulatory oversight and practices
                          within the building system to facilitate
                          high quality outcomes in Victoria's
                          built environment;
                      (c) to support improvements to practices
                          within the building surveying
            206B Functions of the State Building Surveyor
               (1) The State Building Surveyor has the
                   following functions--
                      (a) to prepare and issue binding
                          determinations on interpreting the
                          standards and requirements for building
                          work and plumbing work that are
                          prescribed by this Act, the building
                          regulations and the plumbing laws;
                      (b) to provide expert technical advice and
                          guidance in relation to building work
                          and plumbing work to building
                          surveyors and persons involved in the
                          building and plumbing industries

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

                          including by way of publishing
                          guidance materials which may include
                          technical and educative advice;
                      (c) to advise the Minister in relation to
                          significant strategic and regulatory
                          issues within the building and plumbing
                      (d) to represent the State on bodies
                          developing national building and
                          plumbing standards and requirements;
                      (e) to monitor councils' delivery of their
                          building control functions and to
                          provide councils with advice and
                          support on the performance of those
                      (f) to support the delivery of the
                          Authority's functions by providing
                          technical advice relating to building
                          work and plumbing work to the
                      (g) to engage with building system
                          regulators to enhance the standards and
                          practices within the building and
                          plumbing industries;
                      (h) to monitor developments and trends
                          relevant to building and plumbing
                          standards and building work and
                          plumbing work in the State to support
                          the delivery of the other functions of
                          the State Building Surveyor;
                      (i) to provide training and education on
                          technical matters relating to building
                          work, plumbing work and building
                          surveying work to building surveyors

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

                          and persons and bodies involved in the
                          building and plumbing industries and
                          on the functions performed by building
                      (j) to monitor and report on the
                          performance of the building surveying
                          industry generally including on the
                          carrying out of the State Building
                          Surveyor's regulatory functions under
                          this Act and the regulations;
                      (k) to carry out any other function
                          conferred on the State Building
                          Surveyor by or under this Act or any
                          other Act.
               (2) When performing the functions under this
                   section, the State Building Surveyor must
                   engage closely with building system
                   regulators and other stakeholders in the
                   building and plumbing industries in order to
                   meet the State Building Surveyor's
            206C Powers of the State Building Surveyor
                    Subject to this Act, the State Building
                    Surveyor has the power to do all things
                    necessary or convenient to be done for or in
                    connection with the performance of the State
                    Builder Surveyor's functions to enable the
                    achievement of the State Building Surveyor's
                    objectives under this Act.
            206D Delegation powers of the State Building
                    The State Building Surveyor may, by
                    instrument, delegate to any person appointed
                    or engaged by the Authority under

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

                    section 204 (other than as a consultant) any
                    function of the State Building Surveyor.
            206E State Building Surveyor may issue
                 binding determinations
               (1) The State Building Surveyor may issue a
                   binding determination on the interpretation
                   of a technical standard or requirement for
                   building work or plumbing work that is
                   prescribed by this Act, the building
                   regulations or the plumbing laws.
               (2) A binding determination issued under this
                   section must not be inconsistent with this
                   Act or the regulations.
               (3) The State Building Surveyor must--
                      (a) cause a binding determination issued
                          under this section to be published in the
                          Government Gazette and on the
                          Authority's website; and
                      (b) ensure that the binding determination
                          remains so published during the period
                          that it is in effect.
               (4) A binding determination issued under this
                   section comes into effect on the later of the
                   following days--
                      (a) the day on which the determination is
                          published in the Government Gazette;
                      (b) any commencement day specified in
                          the determination.
               (5) A binding determination issued under this
                   section expires 10 years after the day on
                   which it was issued.".

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 2--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                      State Building Surveyor

    15 Authority may resolve disputes concerning
       interpretation of plumbing regulations
          (1) In section 221ZZN(1) of the Building Act 1993,
              after "plumbing regulations" (where secondly
              occurring) insert "including any binding
              determination that applies to that provision".
          (2) In section 221ZZN(2) of the Building Act 1993,
              after "plumbing regulations" (where secondly
              occurring) insert "including any binding
              determination that applies to that provision".
          (3) After section 221ZZN(3) of the Building
              Act 1993 insert--
            "(3A) An application for a declaration must be
                  accompanied by the fee set out in the
    16 Modification of plumbing regulations
              After section 221ZZO(1) of the Building
              Act 1993 insert--
            "(1A) A declaration of the Authority under this
                  section that a provision of the plumbing
                  regulations applies with specified variations
                  to specified plumbing work must not be
                  inconsistent with any binding determination
                  that applies to that provision.".
    17 Grounds on which disciplinary action may be taken
              For section 221ZZZG(1)(d) of the Building
              Act 1993 substitute--
              "(d) he or she has breached any requirement of a
                   provision of this Act or the regulations made
                   under this Part including any binding
                   determination that applies to that provision;".

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

     Part 3--Amendment of the Building
    Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
              Building Monitor
Division 1--Amendment of the Building Act 1993
    18 Definitions
          (1) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993 insert
              the following definitions--
              "Building Monitor means the person appointed
                   under section 208 as the Building Monitor;
              domestic building affected party means any of the
                      (a) a person who engages, or proposes to
                          engage, another person to carry out the
                          following work on land owned by the
                            (i) any work on a home constructed
                                on that land in which the person
                            (ii) any work in relation to the
                                 construction of a home on that
                                 land in which the person intends
                                 to reside;
                      (b) a person who enters into a contract to
                          purchase land from a person who under
                          the contract must engage a person to
                          carry out work in relation to the
                          construction of a home on that land in
                          which the first mentioned person
                          intends to reside;
                      (c) an owner of a home;

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

                      (d) an owner of a home who is affected by
                          any building work being carried out on
                          an adjoining property;
              home has the same meaning that it has in the
                  Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995;".
          (2) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993, in the
              definition of building system regulators, after
              paragraph (i) insert--
             "(ia) the Building Monitor;".
    19 Objectives of Act
              In section 4(1) of the Building Act 1993--
                (a) in paragraph (g), for "industry." substitute
                (b) after paragraph (g) insert--
                     "(h) to address issues in the building system
                          experienced by domestic building
                          affected parties.".
    20 New section 127AA inserted
              After section 127 of the Building Act 1993
         "127AA Immunity for Building Monitor and
                acting Building Monitor
               (1) The Building Monitor or an acting Building
                   Monitor is not liable for anything done or
                   omitted to be done in good faith--
                      (a) in carrying out a function under this
                          Act or the regulations; or
                      (b) in the reasonable belief that the act or
                          omission was in the exercise of
                          carrying out a function under this Act
                          or the regulations.

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

               (2) Any liability resulting from an act or
                   omission that would, but for subsection (1),
                   attach to the Building Monitor or an acting
                   Building Monitor attaches instead to the
    21 Offence for owner-builder to sell building without
       report or insurance
              In section 137B(7) of the Building Act 1993, the
              definition of home is repealed.
    22 Modification of building regulations
              In section 160(3)(d) of the Building Act 1993,
              after "authority" insert "other than the Building
    23 Functions of the Authority
              After section 197(ia)(ii) of the Building Act 1993
             "(iii) to support the Building Monitor in
                    performing the functions of the Building
    24 Appointment of State Building Surveyor
              After section 206(5)(a) of the Building Act 1993
             "(ab) the Building Monitor; or".

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

    25 New Division 3A inserted in Part 12
              After Division 3 of Part 12 of the Building
              Act 1993 insert--

                    "Division 3A--Building Monitor

                    Subdivision 1--Definition in this
              207 Definition
                    In this Division--
                    information includes a document or copy of
                         a document.

                     Subdivision 2--Appointment of
                           Building Monitor
              208 Appointment of Building Monitor
               (1) The Governor in Council may, by
                   instrument, on the recommendation of the
                   Minister, appoint a natural person to the
                   office of the Building Monitor.
               (2) Subject to this section, the Building Monitor
                   holds office for the term specified in the
                   instrument of appointment, which must not
                   exceed 5 years.
               (3) The Building Monitor holds office on the
                   terms and conditions determined by the
                   Governor in Council and specified in the
                   instrument of appointment, which must not
                   be inconsistent with this Act.
               (4) The Building Monitor is eligible for
                   re-appointment on one occasion.

               Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                           No.       of 2023
Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

               (5) The Building Monitor is entitled to be paid
                   the remuneration and allowances determined
                   by the Governor in Council.
               (6) The Public Administration Act 2004
                   (other than Part 3, except as provided by
                   section 16, of that Act) applies to the
                   Building Monitor in respect of the office of
                   the Building Monitor.
               (7) The Building Monitor is a public entity for
                   the purposes of the Public Administration
                   Act 2004.
               (8) Despite anything to the contrary in the
                   Financial Management Act 1994, the
                   Building Monitor is not a public body within
                   the meaning of that Act.
               (9) The Building Monitor must not--
                      (a) directly or indirectly engage in any paid
                          or unpaid employment in the building
                          industry or the plumbing industry
                          outside the functions of the Building
                          Monitor without the prior approval of
                          the Minister; or
                      (b) be appointed to an office, or as a
                          member of any body established, under
                          this Act (other than the Building
                          Regulations Advisory Committee and
                          the Plumbing Advisory Council) or the
                          Domestic Building Contracts
                          Act 1995, the Architects Act 1991 or
                          the Cladding Safety Victoria
                          Act 2020.

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Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

            208A Vacancy in office of Building Monitor
                    The office of the Building Monitor becomes
                    vacant if the Building Monitor--
                      (a) resigns by notice in writing given to the
                          Minister; or
                      (b) becomes insolvent under
                          administration; or
                      (c) is found guilty or convicted of--
                            (i) an indictable offence; or
                            (ii) an offence that, if committed in
                                 Victoria, would be an indictable
                                 offence; or
                      (d) is removed from the office.
            208B Removal from office of Building Monitor
               (1) The Governor in Council, on the
                   recommendation of the Minister, may
                   remove the Building Monitor from office at
                   any time if, in the reasonable opinion of the
                      (a) the Building Monitor for any reason
                          refuses, neglects, fails or is unable to
                          carry out the functions of the office; or
                      (b) the Building Monitor engages in
                          misconduct including when carrying
                          out the functions of the office; or
                      (c) a ground for removal of the Building
                          Monitor specified in the instrument of
                          appointment has been established.
               (2) If the Building Monitor is removed from the
                   office under this section, the Minister must
                   cause to be laid before each House of

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                         Building Monitor

                    Parliament a full statement of the grounds of
                    the removal within 10 sitting days of that
                    House after the removal.
            208C Acting Building Monitor
               (1) The Governor in Council may, by
                   instrument, appoint a person to act in the
                   office of the Building Monitor for a period
                   not exceeding 6 months--
                      (a) during a vacancy in the office; or
                      (b) during any period when the Building
                          Monitor is absent or is, for any other
                          reason, unable to perform the functions
                          of the office.
               (2) Subject to subsection (3), the Minister may,
                   by instrument, appoint a person to act in the
                   office of Building Monitor for a period not
                   exceeding one month--
                      (a) during a vacancy in that office; or
                      (b) during any period when the Building
                          Monitor is absent or is, for any other
                          reason, unable to perform the functions
                          of the office.
               (3) The Minister may not appoint a person to act
                   in the office of the Building Monitor under
                   subsection (2) for consecutive periods of
               (4) A period of appointment under this section
                   must be specified in the instrument of

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               (5) A person appointed to act in the office of the
                   Building Monitor under this section may
                   perform all the functions of the Building
               (6) Sections 208(3) and (5) to (9) and 208D
                   apply to a person appointed to act as the
                   Building Monitor as if that person were the
                   Building Monitor.
            208D Validity of decisions of Building Monitor
                    An act or decision of the Building Monitor is
                    not invalid merely because of a defect or
                    irregularity in, or in connection with, the
                    appointment of the Building Monitor.

                Subdivision 3--Objectives, functions
               and general powers of Building Monitor
            208E Objectives of the Building Monitor
                    The objectives of the Building Monitor are--
                      (a) to improve domestic building affected
                          parties' experiences of the building
                          system by advocating for their interests
                          at a systemic level and providing
                          independent expert advice to the
                          Minister and to persons and bodies
                          involved in the building system; and
                      (b) to create a central point for the
                          identification of critical and systemic
                          issues that affect domestic building
                          affected parties; and
                      (c) to empower domestic building affected
                          parties by promoting awareness of
                          systemic issues that relate to the
                          building industry, the plumbing

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                         Building Monitor

                          industry and building system regulators
                          and options to address any such issues.
            208F Functions of the Building Monitor
                    The functions of the Building Monitor are--
                      (a) to advise and make recommendations
                          to the Minister on systemic issues and
                          risks that affect domestic building
                          affected parties; and
                      (b) to report on research conducted on the
                          nature of specific systemic issues that
                          affect domestic building affected
                          parties; and
                      (c) to advocate on behalf of domestic
                          building affected parties as a cohort at a
                          system-wide level on issues or matters
                          affecting domestic building affected
                          parties that require reform; and
                      (d) to collect and analyse information and
                          data on the systemic issues that affect
                          domestic building affected parties; and
                      (e) to monitor improvements to domestic
                          building affected parties' experiences as
                          a result of legislative reform; and
                      (f) to develop and promote educational
                          materials and strategies in order to
                          reduce consequences for domestic
                          building affected parties; and
                      (g) to engage with all relevant persons and
                          bodies involved in or performing
                          functions in the building system; and

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                         Building Monitor

                      (h) to support any work that assists in the
                          achievement of the Building Monitor's
                          objectives; and
                      (i) to carry out any other function
                          conferred on the Building Monitor
                          under this Act.
            208G General powers of the Building Monitor
               (1) Subject to this Act, the Building Monitor has
                   power to do all things necessary or
                   convenient to be done for or in connection
                   with the performance of the Building
                   Monitor's functions and to enable the
                   Building Monitor to achieve the objectives
                   of the Building Monitor under this Act.
               (2) In exercising the Building Monitor's powers,
                   the Building Monitor must comply with any
                   relevant requirements specified by or under
                   any other Act.
            208H Staff
                    The Building Monitor may enter into
                    agreements or arrangements for the use of
                    the services of any staff or contractors of the
                    Department for the purposes of carrying out
                    the Building Monitor's functions under this
             208I Delegation
                    The Building Monitor may, by instrument,
                    delegate any function, power or duty of the
                    Building Monitor to a person employed by
                    the Secretary to the Department under Part 3
                    of the Public Administration Act 2004.

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Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

                      Subdivision 4--Strategic plan
             208J Building Monitor must implement a
                  strategic plan
               (1) The Building Monitor must--
                      (a) within 4 months after being appointed
                          for the first time, prepare a strategic
                          plan for the term for which the Building
                          Monitor has been appointed and submit
                          the plan to the Minister for approval;
                      (b) if appointed for a second time, within
                          6 months after the appointment, prepare
                          a strategic plan for the term for which
                          the Building Monitor has been
                          appointed and submit the plan to the
                          Minister for approval.
               (2) A strategic plan prepared under
                   subsection (1) must contain the following--
                      (a) a vision statement;
                      (b) a mission statement;
                      (c) the values of the Building Monitor;
                      (d) a description of strategic initiatives to
                          be taken by the Building Monitor to
                          enable the Building Monitor to meet the
                          Building Monitor's objectives;
                      (e) information on how the Building
                          Monitor intends to evaluate whether the
                          objectives of the Building Monitor are

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                         Building Monitor

                      (f) any other goals to be met, or strategies
                          to be taken, by the Building Monitor as
                          required by the Minister from time to
               (3) The Minister may--
                      (a) approve a strategic plan submitted
                          under subsection (1); or
                      (b) ask the Building Monitor to re-submit
                          an amended strategic plan.
               (4) On approval of a strategic plan by the
                   Minister, the Building Monitor must publish
                   the strategic plan on the Building Monitor's
               (5) Despite subsection (1), a strategic plan
                   approved by the Minister remains in force
                   until the Minister approves a later strategic

                Subdivision 5--Information gathering
                    powers of Building Monitor
            208K Building Monitor may request
                 information or data from certain persons
                 or bodies
               (1) If the Building Monitor believes on
                   reasonable grounds that a person or body
                   specified in subsection (3) has information
                   (including personal information) or data that
                   is relevant to the performance of the
                   functions of the Building Monitor under this
                   Division, the Building Monitor may, after
                   consulting with the person or body, give a
                   written notice to the person or body requiring
                   the person or body to provide the

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                         Building Monitor

                    information or data specified in the notice to
                    the Building Monitor.
               (2) A person or body referred to in
                   subsection (3) that receives a notice to
                   provide information or data under
                   subsection (1)--
                      (a) is authorised to provide the information
                          or data to the Building Monitor; and
                      (b) must provide the information or data to
                          the Building Monitor--
                            (i) within any time agreed with the
                                Building Monitor; and
                            (ii) in the format specified in the
                                 notice or as agreed with the
                                 Building Monitor; and
                      (c) must ensure that the information or data
                          provided is comprehensive and relevant
                          to the Building Monitor's request.
               (3) For the purposes of subsection (1), the
                   persons or bodies are the following--
                      (a) the Authority;
                      (b) the Architects Registration Board of
                      (c) Cladding Safety Victoria;
                      (d) the chief dispute resolution officer;
                      (e) the Director of Consumer Affairs
                      (f) a council;
                      (g) the Secretary to the Department;

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                         Building Monitor

                      (h) the Secretary to the Department of
                          Government Services;
                      (i) VCAT;
                      (j) any other prescribed person or body.
               (4) In this section, information or data that
                   VCAT may be requested to provide to the
                   Building Monitor under subsection (1) is
                   limited to information or data of a class of
                   information or data that is prescribed for the
                   purposes of section 38AA of the Victorian
                   Civil and Administrative Tribunal
                   Act 1998.
            208L Building Monitor must not publish certain
                 information or data
                    The Building Monitor must not publish or
                    authorise the publication of any personal
                    information or data, or commercially
                    sensitive information or data, that has not
                    first been de-identified or aggregated with
                    similar information or data (as the case
                    requires) before it is published.
           208M Improper disclosure or use of information
                or data
                    The Building Monitor or any person
                    assisting or acting on behalf of the Building
                    Monitor must not use or disclose information
                    (including personal information) or data
                    obtained in the course of performing the
                    functions of the Building Monitor under this
                    Division unless--

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                         Building Monitor

                      (a) the use or disclosure of the information
                          or data is for the purposes of
                          performing the Building Monitor's
                          functions under this Act; or
                      (b) the information or data is shared under
                          an information sharing arrangement
                          under section 259AB; or
                      (c) the disclosure of the information or data
                          is required or permitted under another
                    Penalty: 60 penalty units.

                   Subdivision 6--Establishment of
                  Building Monitor Reference Group
            208N Minister may establish a Building
                 Monitor Reference Group
               (1) The Minister may establish a Building
                   Monitor Reference Group (the Group) which
                   must be comprised of not less than
                   5 members including the Building Monitor.
               (2) The purposes of the Group are to provide
                   information and advice to the Building
                   Monitor concerning systemic issues and
                   other matters facing, or experienced by,
                   domestic building affected parties.
               (3) The chair of the Group is the Building
               (4) Subject to subsection (5), the remaining
                   members of the Group are to be appointed by
                   instrument by the Minister and must be any
                   one of the following persons--
                      (a) a domestic building affected party;

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                         Building Monitor

                      (b) a representative of a person or body
                          that represents the interests of domestic
                          building affected parties;
                      (c) an expert in domestic building affected
                          parties' matters.
               (5) The Minister must not appoint a person to be
                   a member of the Group who--
                      (a) is a registered building practitioner, an
                          architect who is registered under the
                          Architects Act 1991 or an endorsed
                          building engineer; or
                      (b) in the opinion of the Minister, has a
                          conflict of interest in being appointed
                          as a member of the Group.
               (6) A member of the Group may be appointed
                   for a period not exceeding 2 years and that
                   period must be specified in the instrument of
               (7) A member of the Group may be reappointed.
               (8) The Minister may determine the terms and
                   conditions of appointment of the members of
                   the Group, which must be specified in the
                   instrument of appointment.
               (9) The members of the Group are entitled to the
                   remuneration, allowances and any expenses
                   incidental to their appointment that are
                   specified in the instrument of appointment.
              (10) The chair of the Group may determine the
                   terms of reference and the procedures of the
                   Group including how often the Group meets.
              (11) A member of the Group may resign by
                   giving a written notice to the Minister.

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Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

              (12) The Minister may remove a member of the
                   Group for any reason that the Minister
                   considers to be appropriate in the
            208O Review of Building Monitor Reference
               (1) The Minister must ensure that a review is
                   undertaken of any Building Monitor
                   Reference Group established under
                   section 208N to determine whether the
                   purposes of the Group and the criteria for
                   membership of the Group support the
                   Building Monitor in meeting the objectives
                   of the Building Monitor.
               (2) The Minister must ensure that the review is
                   undertaken within 3 years after the Building
                   Monitor Reference Group is established and
                   that a report of the review is prepared.

               Subdivision 7--Building Monitor Issues
            208P Building Monitor Issues Report
               (1) The Building Monitor must prepare an
                   annual Building Monitor Issues Report
                   (the Report) within the first year of the
                   Building Monitor's appointment and for
                   every subsequent year of appointment in
                   accordance with this section.
               (2) During the preparation of the Report, the
                   Building Monitor must--
                      (a) consult with the Minister about any
                          proposed recommendations to be made
                          to the Minister in the Report; and

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                         Building Monitor

                      (b) consult with any person or body
                          involved or performing functions in the
                          building system or in respect of which
                          the Building Monitor proposes to make
                          recommendations in relation to the
                          person's or body's area of responsibility
                          in the Report; and
                      (c) consult with domestic building affected
                          parties, including by way of chairing
                          the Building Monitor Reference Group.
               (3) In the Report the Building Monitor--
                      (a) must specify the systemic issues that
                          affect domestic building affected
                          parties that have been identified by the
                          Building Monitor; and
                      (b) may advise and make recommendations
                          to the Minister on ways to address the
                          issues that affect domestic building
                          affected parties identified in the Report;
                      (c) must specify--
                            (i) the methods and frequency of
                                consultation with domestic
                                building affected parties by the
                                Building Monitor including by
                                way of chairing the Building
                                Monitor Reference Group; and
                            (ii) subject to sections 208L
                                 and 208M, the information or data
                                 relied on by the Building Monitor
                                 to inform the findings and any
                                 recommendations contained in the
                                 Report; and

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Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

                      (d) must include the following--
                            (i) a summary of the Building
                                Monitor's findings stemming from
                                research conducted by the
                                Building Monitor;
                            (ii) when and to whom a notice under
                                 section 208K(1) was given and the
                                 type of information or data
                                 required under the notice;
                           (iii) whether the Building Monitor is a
                                 party to--
                                 (A) any information sharing
                                     arrangement under
                                     section 259AB; or
                                 (B) any other information or data
                                     collection or sharing
                                     arrangements or agreements;
                           (iv) details of progress made against
                                the strategic plan referred to in
                                Subdivision 4;
                            (v) a summary of all activities
                                conducted by the Building
                                Monitor for the purposes of
                                performing the Building Monitor's
                                functions under this Division,
                                whether those activities have been
                                completed or not.
               (4) After preparing the Report the Building
                   Monitor must--
                      (a) promptly publish the Report on the
                          Building Monitor's website; and

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                         Building Monitor

                      (b) give a written notice to each person or
                          body that is subject to a
                          recommendation in the Report, to
                          advise the person or body of that
                          recommendation and the requirement
                          under subsection (5) to respond to the
                          Building Monitor within the required
               (5) A person or body who receives a notice
                   about a recommendation in the Report under
                   subsection (4)(b) must provide a written
                   response to the Building Monitor within
                   6 months after the publication of the Report
                      (a) whether or not the person or body
                          agrees with the recommendation; and
                      (b) if the person or body agrees with the
                          recommendation, how and when the
                          person or body intends to implement or
                          support that recommendation.

                   Subdivision 8--Review of office of
                           Building Monitor
            208Q Review of office of Building Monitor
               (1) The Minister must ensure that a review is
                   undertaken within 3 years after the first
                   Building Monitor is appointed to determine
                   whether there is an ongoing need for the
                   office of the Building Monitor.
               (2) Further reviews must be undertaken by the
                   Minister within 6 years after the anniversary
                   of the completion of the first review under
                   subsection (1).

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                         Building Monitor

               (3) The Minister must ensure that a copy of a
                   review required under this section is laid
                   before each House of Parliament within
                   7 sitting days of that House after the review
                   is completed.".
    26 Information sharing arrangements
              In section 259AB(7) of the Building Act 1993, in
              the definition of relevant agency, after
              paragraph (c) insert--
             "(ca) the Building Monitor;".
    27 Membership and procedure
              For section 210(2)(n) of the Building Act 1993
              "(n) one is to be the Building Monitor or a person
                   nominated by the Building Monitor to
                   represent the Building Monitor and who
                   must be employed by the Secretary to the
    28 Membership and procedure
              For section 211B(2)(k) of the Building Act 1993
              "(k) one is to be the Building Monitor or a person
                   nominated by the Building Monitor to
                   represent the Building Monitor and who
                   must be employed by the Secretary to the

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Part 3--Amendment of the Building Act 1993 in relation to appointment of
                         Building Monitor

 Division 2--Consequential amendments to other
    29 Amendment of the Domestic Building Contracts
       Act 1995
              After section 52I(2)(d) of the Domestic Building
              Contracts Act 1995 insert--
             "(da) to the Building Monitor in response to a
                   requirement to provide information or data
                   under a notice given to the chief dispute
                   resolution officer under section 208K of the
                   Building Act 1993 by the Building Monitor;
    30 Amendment of the Victorian Civil and
       Administrative Tribunal Act 1998
              For section 38AA of the Victorian Civil and
              Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 substitute--
          "38AA Disclosure of information or data by
                    It is a function of the Tribunal--
                      (a) to disclose information or data of a
                          prescribed class of information or data
                          to the Victorian Building Authority or a
                          relevant agency in accordance with an
                          information sharing arrangement under
                          section 259AB of the Building
                          Act 1993 entered into by the Tribunal;

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                         Building Monitor

                      (b) to provide information or data of a
                          prescribed class of information or data
                          to the Building Monitor, which is
                          required by the Building Monitor under
                          a notice given to the Tribunal under
                          section 208K(1) of the Building
                          Act 1993.".

             Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                         No.       of 2023
 Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

Part 4--Further amendments to the Building
        Act 1993 and other Acts
Division 1--Amendment of the Building Act 1993
  31 Definitions
        (1) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993 insert
            the following definitions--
             "approved building manual means a building
                  manual for a building, which has been
                  approved by the relevant building surveyor
                  under section 41B(1);
             Department means the Department of Transport
                 and Planning;
             land affected by an owners corporation has the
                  same meaning as in section 3 of the Owners
                  Corporations Act 2006;
             personal information has the same meaning as in
                  the Privacy and Data Protection
                  Act 2014;".
        (2) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993, in the
            definition of building practitioner, after
            paragraph (c) insert--
            "(d) a building consultant; or".
        (3) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993, in the
            definition of building practitioner, for
            paragraph (e) substitute--
            "(e) a building designer; or
                  The category of building practitioner previously
                  described as draftsperson who carries on a business of
                  preparing plans for building work or preparing
                  documentation relating to permits or permit

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Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                    applications has been renamed as building designer.
                    See the relevant transitional and savings provisions in
                    section 285.".
       (4) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993, in the
           definition of building practitioner, after
           paragraph (g) insert--
          "(ga) a site supervisor; or".
       (5) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993, in the
           definition of building practitioner, for
           paragraph (h) substitute--
           "(h) a project manager--".
       (6) In section 3(1) of the Building Act 1993, at the
           foot of the definition of building practitioner
            The category of building practitioner previously described in
            paragraph (h) as a person responsible for a building project
            or any stage of a building project and who belongs to a class
            or category of people prescribed to be building practitioners
            has been renamed as project manager. See the relevant
            transitional and savings provisions in section 285.".
 32 New section 17A inserted
            After section 17 of Building Act 1993 insert--
          "17A Relevant building surveyor must give
               owner of land or building an information
            (1) This section applies if a person has applied
                to a building surveyor for the issue of a
                building permit for building work in relation
                to a building of a prescribed class of

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Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

            (2) The relevant building surveyor must, within
                10 working days after issuing the building
                permit, give the owner of the building or the
                land to which the building work under the
                permit relates an information statement in
                the prescribed form and manner that contains
                the prescribed information.
                 Penalty: 60 penalty units.
                 See the relevant transitional and savings provision
                 that relates to this subsection in section 285.
            (3) The failure of a relevant building surveyor to
                comply with subsection (2) after issuing a
                building permit does not affect the validity of
                that building permit.".
 33 Notice to Secretary to Department
       (1) In the heading to section 18D of the Building
           Act 1993 omit "of Environment, Land, Water
           and Planning".
       (2) In section 18D(2) of the Building Act 1993 omit
           "of Environment, Land, Water and Planning".
 34 Requirement for occupancy permit
       (1) In section 21(1)(b) of the Building Act 1993, for
           "out." substitute "out; and".
       (2) After section 21(1)(b) of the Building Act 1993
           "(c) whether a draft building manual must be
                given to the relevant building surveyor with
                the application for any required occupancy

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Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

 35 Refusal of building permit
            In section 24(4A) of the Building Act 1993 omit
            "of Environment, Land, Water and Planning".
 36 New sections 41A and 41B inserted
            After section 41 of the Building Act 1993
          "41A Requirement to provide a draft building
               manual with an application for an
               occupancy permit
            (1) A person referred to in section 41(a), who
                intends to apply for an occupancy permit in
                respect of the construction of a new building
                of a prescribed class of building, must
                prepare a draft building manual for the
                building in accordance with the regulations
                and ensure that the draft building manual
                accompanies the application made to the
                relevant building surveyor.
                 See the relevant transitional and savings provision
                 that relates to this subsection in section 285.
            (2) If the construction of a building referred to in
                subsection (1) has been carried out under
                more than one staged permit, the requirement
                under subsection (1) applies only in respect
                of the application for the final occupancy
           41B Approval of building manual
            (1) The relevant building surveyor may approve
                a draft building manual accompanying an
                application for an occupancy permit if the
                relevant building surveyor is satisfied that
                the draft building manual meets all the

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Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                 requirements prescribed in the regulations
                 for preparation of the draft building manual.
            (2) On approving a draft building manual under
                subsection (1), the relevant building surveyor
                must record the approval in the approved
                building manual.
            (3) The relevant building surveyor must give a
                copy of an approved building manual to the
                applicant for the occupancy permit at the
                same time at which the relevant building
                surveyor issues the occupancy permit to the
            (4) If the applicant for the occupancy permit is
                not the owner of the building to which the
                approved building manual relates, the
                applicant must give the copy of the approved
                building manual to that owner.".
 37 Refusal of occupancy permit
       (1) In section 44(b) of the Building Act 1993, for
           "the compliance certificate." substitute
           "the compliance certificate; and".
       (2) After section 44(b) of the Building Act 1993
           "(c) in the case of an application described in
                section 41A(1), if the relevant building
                surveyor has not approved the draft building
                manual required to accompany the

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

 38 New sections 44A to 44D inserted
            After section 44 of the Building Act 1993
          "44A Applicant for occupancy permit must give
               approved building manual to owners
                 An applicant for an occupancy permit who is
                 given a copy of an approved building manual
                 for a building on land affected by an owners
                 corporation by the relevant building surveyor
                 under section 41B(3), must give the copy of
                 the approved building manual to the owners
                 corporation for the building at the first
                 meeting of the owners corporation
                 (within the meaning of section 66 of the
                 Owners Corporations Act 2006).
                 Penalty: 60 penalty units, in the case of a
                          natural person;
                             300 penalty units, in the case of a
                             body corporate.
           44B Owners corporation must update an
               approved building manual
                 An owners corporation that is given a copy
                 of an approved building manual under
                 section 44A by an applicant for an
                 occupancy permit must keep and update the
                 approved building manual in accordance
                 with the regulations.
                 Penalty: 300 penalty units.

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

           44C Owner of building must update an
               approved building manual
                 An owner of a building that is on land not
                 affected by an owners corporation who has
                 been given a copy of an approved building
                 manual by a relevant building surveyor
                 under section 41B(3) or (4) or by a person
                 from whom the owner purchased the land,
                 must keep and update the approved building
                 manual in accordance with the regulations.
                 Penalty: 60 penalty units, in the case of a
                          natural person;
                             300 penalty units, in the case of a
                             body corporate.
           44D Offence to include false or misleading
               information in a building manual
                 A person who prepares a draft building
                 manual or any updates to an approved
                 building manual must not knowingly or
                 recklessly include false or misleading
                 information in the draft building manual or
                 the updates to the approved building manual.
                 Penalty: 60 penalty units, in the case of a
                          natural person;
                             300 penalty units, in the case of a
                             body corporate.".
 39 Functions of private building surveyor
            In section 76 of the Building Act 1993--
             (a) in paragraph (c), for "Part 5." substitute
                 "Part 5;";

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

             (b) after paragraph (c) insert--
                  "(d) the approving of draft building manuals
                       under section 41B(1).".
 40 New section 128A inserted
            After section 128 of the Building Act 1993
        "128A Immunity for building surveyor in
              relation to approving a draft building
                 A relevant building surveyor is not liable for
                 anything done or omitted to be done in good
                 faith in approving a draft building manual
                 under section 41B(1).".
 41 New section 169D substituted for sections 169D
    and 169E
            For sections 169D and 169E of the Building
            Act 1993 substitute--
        "169D Offence to carry out work as a building
              practitioner unless registered
            (1) A person must not carry out work that is of a
                kind prescribed to be carried out by a
                category or class of building practitioner
                (other than a builder) unless the person is
                registered under this Part in that category or
                class of building practitioner and the
                registration authorises the carrying out of
                that kind of work.
                 Penalty: 500 penalty units, in the case of a
                          natural person;
                             2500 penalty units, in the case of a
                             body corporate.

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

            (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
                following persons who carry out a kind of
                work prescribed for the purposes of
                subsection (1)--
                   (a) a person who is authorised under this
                       Act or the building regulations to carry
                       out that kind of work on behalf of a
                       building surveyor;
                   (b) a natural person who is registered as an
                       architect under Part 3 of the Architects
                       Act 1991, if the carrying out of that
                       kind of work is an architectural service;
                   (c) a member of an approved partnership
                       (within the meaning of the Architects
                       Act 1991), if the carrying out of that
                       kind of work is an architectural service;
                   (d) an approved company (within the
                       meaning of the Architects Act 1991) or
                       a director of such an approved
                       company, if the carrying out of that
                       kind of work is an architectural service;
                   (e) a person who is working under the
                       supervision of a person who is
                       registered as an architect under Part 3
                       of the Architects Act 1991 to obtain
                       experience on practical architectural
                       work in order to meet the requirement
                       in section 10(b) of that Act, if the
                       carrying out of that kind of work is an
                       architectural service;
                   (f) an endorsed building engineer, if the
                       carrying out of that kind of work is a
                       professional engineering service.".

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

 42 Offence to carry out domestic building work under
    a major domestic building contract
       (1) For the heading to section 169F of the Building
           Act 1993 substitute--
            "Offence to carry out domestic building work
            under a major domestic building contract".
       (2) In section 169F(2) of the Building Act 1993--
             (a) after "an unregistered person" insert "or an
                 unlicensed person";
             (b) for paragraph (b) substitute--
                  "(b) the person carries out that work as an
                       employee of a builder registered under
                       section 171(1)(a), whose registration
                       authorises the carrying out of that work,
                       in the course of the person's
                       employment with that builder; or".
             (c) in paragraphs (a), (c) and (d), for
                 "the unregistered person" substitute
                 "the person".
       (3) In section 169F(3) of the Building Act 1993, for
           "the unregistered person" substitute "the person".
       (4) In section 169F(4) of the Building Act 1993--
             (a) for "An unregistered person" substitute
                 "A person";
             (b) for "the unregistered person" substitute
                 "the person".
       (5) In section 169F(5) of the Building Act 1993--
             (a) in the definition of licensed building
                 employee, for "out building work" substitute
                 "out domestic building work";

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

             (b) in the definition of registered builder, for
                 "out building work" substitute
                 "out domestic building work".
 43 Delegation of Minister's functions
            In section 189(2) of the Building Act 1993 omit
            "of Environment, Land, Water and Planning".
 44 Functions of the Authority
            In section 197 of the Building Act 1993--
             (a) in paragraph (h), for "builders" substitute
                 "building practitioners";
             (b) after paragraph (i) insert--
                 "(ia) to provide, gather or obtain information
                       (including advice) or data for analysis
                       for any of the following purposes--
                         (i) to assist the Minister in
                             administering this Act;
                         (ii) to assist the Authority in
                              performing any of its other
                              functions under this Act;".
 45 Section 199 substituted
            For section 199 of the Building Act 1993
          "199 Delegation by the Authority
            (1) The Authority may, by instrument, delegate
                to any person any of its functions except a
                function under section 80D, 205M or 206(1).
            (2) Despite subsection (1), the Authority may,
                by instrument, delegate a function under
                section 80D or 205M to the chief executive
                officer or the State Building Surveyor.

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                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

            (3) A person to whom a function has been
                delegated under subsection (1) or (2)
                (other than the State Building Surveyor) may
                subdelegate the function to another person if
                the instrument of delegation authorises the
                subdelegation of that function.
            (4) The State Building Surveyor may
                subdelegate any function delegated to the
                State Building Surveyor under subsection (1)
                to another person if the instrument of
                delegation authorises the subdelegation of
                that function.
            (5) An authorisation under subsection (3) or (4)
                may be made subject to any conditions or
                limitations that are specified in the
                instrument of delegation that authorises the
 46 Payments out of the Cladding Safety Victoria
            After section 205DB(1)(c) of the Building
            Act 1993 insert--
          "(ca) the amounts authorised by the Minister for
                any one or more of the following purposes--
                   (i) determining whether cladding
                       rectification work is required to be
                       carried out to improve the safety of a
                       building and the nature and scope of
                       such cladding rectification work;
                   (ii) the carrying out, or to facilitate the
                        carrying out, of cladding rectification
                  (iii) overseeing the activities described in
                        subparagraphs (i) and (ii); and".

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

 47 Section 259AB substituted
            For section 259AB of the Building Act 1993
      "259AB Information sharing arrangements
            (1) The Authority may enter into, or approve of,
                an arrangement (an information sharing
                arrangement) with one or more relevant
                agencies for the purpose of--
                   (a) the sharing or exchanging of
                       information, between the Authority and
                       a relevant agency that is a party to the
                       arrangement, which--
                         (i) has been acquired by the
                             Authority in performing its
                             functions or acquired by the
                             relevant agency in performing its
                             functions; or
                         (ii) has been disclosed to the
                              Authority or the relevant agency
                              under that arrangement or another
                              information sharing arrangement
                              to assist in the performance of the
                              Authority's functions or the
                              relevant agency's functions; or
                   (b) the sharing or exchanging of
                       information, between any 2 or more
                       relevant agencies that are parties to the
                       arrangement, which--
                         (i) has been acquired by any one of
                             those relevant agencies in
                             performing its functions; or

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                         (ii) has been disclosed to any one of
                              those relevant agencies under that
                              arrangement or another
                              information sharing arrangement
                              to assist in the performance of its
            (2) Subject to subsection (3), under an
                information sharing arrangement, the
                Authority and a relevant agency are
                authorised by virtue of this section--
                   (a) to request and receive information
                       (including personal information) held
                       by another party to the arrangement;
                   (b) to disclose information
                       (including personal information) to
                       another party to the arrangement.
            (3) The information that may be exchanged or
                shared under subsection (2)--
                   (a) between the Authority and a relevant
                       agency must be reasonably necessary to
                       assist in the performance of the
                       Authority's functions under this Act or
                       the functions of the relevant agency;
                   (b) between a relevant agency and another
                       relevant agency must be information
                         (i) the receiving relevant agency
                             could have requested from the
                             Authority under paragraph (a); or

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                         (ii) is reasonably necessary to assist in
                              the performance of the relevant
                              agency's functions under this Act.
            (4) Without limiting subsections (2) and (3), the
                Authority may also (whether as part of an
                information sharing arrangement or
                   (a) refer any matter (including any
                       complaint) with respect to work carried
                       out by a building practitioner or
                       building employee, plumbing work or
                       the provision of architectural services
                       or engineering services to a building
                       regulator or law enforcement agency;
                   (b) receive any matter of a type described
                       in paragraph (a) from a building
                       regulator or law enforcement agency;
                   (c) conduct a joint investigation into any
                       matter of a type described in
                       paragraph (a) with a building regulator
                       or law enforcement agency.
            (5) Any building regulator or law enforcement
                agency referred to in subsection (4) is,
                despite any other Act or law of the State,
                authorised to refer a matter referred to in
                subsection (4) to the Authority or to conduct
                an investigation into the matter jointly with
                the Authority.
            (6) This section does not limit--
                   (a) the powers of the Authority under this
                       Act; or

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                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                   (b) the operation of any other Act under
                       which a relevant agency is authorised
                       or required to disclose information to
                       another person or body; or
                   (c) the giving of information--
                         (i) to a court or tribunal in the course
                             of legal proceedings; or
                         (ii) pursuant to an order of a court or
                              tribunal; or
                        (iii) to the extent reasonably required
                              to enable the investigation or the
                              enforcement of a law of the State
                              or of any other State or a Territory
                              or of the Commonwealth; or
                        (iv) with the written authority of the
                             Minister; or
                         (v) with the written authority of the
                             person to whom the information
            (7) In this section--
                 building regulator means a municipal
                      council or an agency of the
                      Commonwealth, Victoria or another
                      State or a Territory or of another
                      jurisdiction that carries out functions
                      under an enactment in relation to
                      building, plumbing, architectural
                      services or engineering services that
                      relate to any work that relates to
                      building work;
                 information includes a document or a copy
                      of a document and data;

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                 law enforcement agency means--
                         (a) Victoria Police within the
                             meaning of the Victoria Police
                             Act 2013 or the police force of
                             another State or a Territory or of
                             an overseas jurisdiction; or
                         (b) the Australian Federal Police
                             within the meaning of the
                             Australian Federal Police
                             Act 1979 of the Commonwealth;
                         (c) the Australian Crime Commission
                             established under section 7 of the
                             Australian Crime Commission
                             Act 2002 of the Commonwealth;
                         (d) any other authority or person
                             responsible for the investigation or
                             prosecution of offences against the
                             laws of the State or of the
                             Commonwealth or of another
                             State or a Territory or an overseas
                 plumbing work has the same meaning as in
                     section 221C;
                 relevant agency means any of the
                         (a) a building regulator;
                         (b) a law enforcement agency;
                         (c) the Director of Consumer Affairs

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                         (d) the chief dispute resolution
                         (e) the Architects Registration
                             Board of Victoria;
                         (f) the Victorian Managed Insurance
                         (g) VCAT;
                         (h) Cladding Safety Victoria;
                         (i) the Victorian WorkCover
                             Authority within the meaning of
                             the Workplace Injury
                             Rehabilitation and
                             Compensation Act 2013;
                         (j) the Business Licensing Authority;
                         (k) the Commissioner of State
                             Revenue referred to in section 62
                             of the Taxation Administration
                             Act 1997;
                         (l) a council;
                        (m) a Department Head within the
                            meaning of the Public
                            Administration Act 2004;
                         (n) any other agency of the State or of
                             the Commonwealth or another
                             State or a Territory or of an
                             overseas jurisdiction;
                         (o) any other person or body that
                             exercises functions in the public
                             interest that involve protecting the
                             interests of users of services of
                             building practitioners, building

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                             employees, plumbers, architects or
                             endorsed building engineers;
                         (p) any other prescribed person or
 48 General regulation-making powers
       (1) After section 261(1)(bb) of the Building Act 1993
          "(bc) building manuals including, but not limited
                to, the following--
                   (i) the information that must be contained
                       in, or accompany, a draft building
                   (ii) the format of a draft building manual;
                  (iii) the requirements for keeping, updating
                        and providing access to an approved
                        building manual;".
       (2) For section 261(1)(ha) of the Building Act 1993
          "(ha) specifying the kind of work that a category
                or class of registered building practitioner
                (other than a builder) is authorised to carry
                out by that registration;".

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

 49 New sections 285 and 286 inserted
            After section 284 of the Building Act 1993
          "285 Transitional and saving provisions
               relating to the Building Legislation
               Amendment Act 2023
            (1) Despite the substitution of section 210(2)(n)
                by section 27 of the amending Act--
                   (a) the Building Regulations Advisory
                       Committee remains the same body and
                       continues in operation; and
                   (b) the member of the Building
                       Regulations Advisory Committee
                       appointed under section 210(2)(n)
                       immediately before the commencement
                       of section 27 of the amending Act
                       remains in office for the remainder of
                       that member's term of office.
            (2) Despite the substitution of section
                211B(2)(k) by section 28 of the amending
                   (a) the Plumbing Advisory Council
                       remains the same body and continues in
                       operation; and
                   (b) the member of the Plumbing Advisory
                       Council appointed under section
                       211B(2)(k) immediately before the
                       commencement of section 28 of the
                       amending Act remains in office for the
                       remainder of that member's term of

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

            (3) A person registered in the category of
                draftsperson in a prescribed class of
                draftsperson before the commencement of
                section 31(3) of the amending Act
                (the former registration) is taken to be
                registered in the category of building
                designer in the prescribed class of building
                designer equivalent to that prescribed class
                of draftsperson on and from the
                commencement of section 31(3) (the new
                registration) and any condition imposed on
                the former registration is taken to be imposed
                on the new registration.
            (4) An application made under section 170(1)
                for the registration of a person in the
                category of a draftsperson in a prescribed
                class of draftsperson received but not
                determined by the Authority before the
                commencement of section 31(3) of the
                amending Act is taken to be an application
                for registration of that person in the category
                of building designer in the prescribed class
                of building designer equivalent to that
                prescribed class of draftsperson.
            (5) A person registered in the category of a
                person responsible for a building project or
                any stage of a building project in a
                prescribed class of person responsible for a
                building project or any stage of a building
                project before the commencement of
                section 31(5) of the amending Act
                (the former registration) is taken to be
                registered in the category of project manager
                in the prescribed class of project manager
                equivalent to that prescribed class of person
                responsible for a building project or any

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                 stage of a building project on and from the
                 commencement of section 31(5) (the new
                 registration) and any condition imposed on
                 the former registration is taken to be imposed
                 on the new registration.
            (6) An application made under section 170(1)
                for the registration of a person in the
                category of a person responsible for a
                building project or any stage of a building
                project in a prescribed class of person
                responsible for a building project or any
                stage of a building project received but not
                determined by the Authority before the
                commencement of section 31(5) of the
                amending Act is taken to be an application
                for registration of that person in the category
                of project manager in the prescribed class of
                project manager equivalent to that prescribed
                class of a person responsible for a building
                project or any stage of a building project.
            (7) Section 17A(2), as inserted by section 32 of
                the amending Act, does not apply in respect
                of a building permit issued for building work
                in respect of a class of building, if the
                application for the permit was received by
                the relevant building surveyor but the permit
                was not issued before that class of building
                was prescribed for the purposes of
                section 17A(2) as inserted by section 32 of
                the amending Act.
            (8) Section 41A(1), as inserted by section 36 of
                the amending Act, does not apply in respect
                of an application for an occupancy permit in
                relation to the construction of a new building
                of a prescribed class of building, if that class

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                 of building was prescribed before the
                 application for the occupancy permit was
                 received by the relevant building surveyor.
            (9) In this section--
                 amending Act means the Building
                     Legislation Amendment Act 2023.
           286 Transitional regulations
            (1) The Governor in Council may make
                regulations containing provisions of a
                transitional nature, including matters of an
                application or savings nature, arising as a
                result of the enactment of the Building
                Legislation Amendment Act 2023,
                including any repeals and amendments made
                as a result of the enactment of that Act.
            (2) Regulations under this section may--
                   (a) have a retrospective effect to a day
                       that is not before the day on which
                       the Building Legislation Amendment
                       Act 2023 receives the Royal Assent;
                   (b) be of limited or general application; and
                   (c) differ according to time, place or
                       circumstance; and
                   (d) leave any matter or thing to be decided
                       by a specified person or class of person.
            (3) To the extent to which any provision of the
                regulations under this section takes effect
                from a date that is earlier than the date of its
                making, the provision does not operate so

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                   (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any
                       person (other than the State or an
                       authority of the State), the rights of that
                       person existing before the date of its
                       making; or
                   (b) to impose liabilities on any person
                       (other than the State or an authority of
                       the State) in respect of anything done or
                       omitted to be done before the date of its
            (4) Regulations under this section have effect
                despite anything to the contrary in any Act
                (other than the Building Legislation
                Amendment Act 2023 or the Charter of
                Human Rights and Responsibilities
                Act 2006) or in any subordinate instrument.
            (5) The following are not required for any
                proposed statutory rule that is to be made
                under this section--
                   (a) consultation under section 6 of the
                       Subordinate Legislation Act 1994;
                   (b) the preparation of a regulatory impact
                       statement under section 7 of the
                       Subordinate Legislation Act 1994.
            (6) This section is repealed on 1 December
 50 Schedule 2--Procedures for building permits and
    occupancy permits
            In clause 1(b) of Schedule 2 to the Building
            Act 1993, after "this clause" insert "or under this

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

 51 Statute law revision amendment
            The heading to Part 4 of Schedule 10 to the
            Building Act 1993 is repealed.

Division 2--Consequential amendments to other
 52 Amendment of the Domestic Building Contracts
    Act 1995
            After section 52I(2)(c) of the Domestic Building
            Contracts Act 1995 insert--
          "(ca) for the purpose of an information sharing
                arrangement entered into by the chief dispute
                resolution officer under section 259AB of
                the Building Act 1993; or".
 53 Amendment of the Building and Construction
    Industry Security of Payment Act 2002
            In section 49 of the Building and Construction
            Industry Security of Payment Act 2002, after
            "under this Act" (where secondly occurring)
            insert "or under Subdivision 2 of Division 1A of
            Part 11 or Division 3 of Part 11 of the Building
            Act 1993".
 54 Amendment of the Victorian Civil and
    Administrative Tribunal Act 1998
       (1) At the foot of section 34(3)(b) of the Victorian
           Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998
            There are information sharing functions of the Tribunal
            under sections 38AA and 147A.".

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

       (2) After section 38 in Division 4 of Part 2 of the
           Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
           Act 1998 insert--
        "38AA Disclosure of information or data by
                 It is a function of the Tribunal to disclose
                 information or data of a prescribed class of
                 information or data to the Victorian Building
                 Authority or a relevant agency in accordance
                 with an information sharing arrangement
                 under section 259AB of the Building
                 Act 1993 entered into by the Tribunal.".
 55 Amendment of the Owners Corporations Act 2006
            After section 67(1)(d) of the Owners
            Corporations Act 2006 insert--
          "(da) a building manual approved by a relevant
                building surveyor under section 41B(1) of
                the Building Act 1993;".
 56 Amendment of the Sale of Land Act 1962
            After section 15 of the Sale of Land Act 1962
          "15A Approved building manual must be given
               to purchaser of land
            (1) On the settlement of a contract for the sale of
                land, on which there is a building in respect
                of which a building manual has been
                approved by a relevant building surveyor
                under section 41B(1) of the Building
                Act 1993, the vendor of the land must give
                an up-to-date copy of the approved building
                manual to the purchaser of the land.

            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
Part 4--Further amendments to the Building Act 1993 and other Acts

                 Penalty: 60 penalty units, in the case of a
                          natural person;
                             300 penalty units, in the case of a
                             body corporate.
            (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the land is
                affected by an owners corporation.".
 57 Amendment of the Cladding Safety Victoria
    Act 2020
            In section 42(1) of the Cladding Safety Victoria
            Act 2020, for "205DB(1)(b), (c) and (2)"
            substitute "205DB(1)(b), (c), (ca) and (2)".

        Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
       Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991

Part 5--Amendment of the Architects
           Act 1991
58 Appointment of panel
        After section 21A(1) of the Architects Act 1991
      "(1A) A person may be appointed to a panel for a
            period of up to 5 years specified in the
            instrument of appointment.".
59 Section 22 substituted
        For section 22 of the Architects Act 1991
        "22 Remuneration
              A person appointed under section 21A is
              entitled to receive any fees or allowances
              determined by the Minister.".
60 Section 47 substituted
        For section 47 of the Architects Act 1991
        "47 Membership
         (1) The Board is to consist of at least 3 and no
             more than 9 members appointed by the
             Governor in Council on the recommendation
             of the Minister.
         (2) In recommending members of the Board, the
             Minister must ensure that--
               (a) at least 3 of the members--
                      (i) are architects; and
                     (ii) each have demonstrated
                          experience in a leadership role
                          within the building industry; and

        Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
      Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991

              (b) each member has the skills, knowledge
                  or experience in relation to at least one
                  of the following--
                     (i) administration of regulatory
                         arrangements for the building
                    (ii) public engagement and
                   (iii) risk management;
                   (iv) public administration or
                    (v) financial, accounting or program
                   (vi) strategic planning;
                   (vii) architecture; and
              (c) collectively, the members of the Board
                  have the skills, knowledge or
                  experience in relation to the matters set
                  out in paragraph (b).".
61 Section 48 repealed
        Section 48 of the Architects Act 1991 is
62 Terms of appointment
        In section 49(1) of the Architects Act 1991, for
        "3 years" substitute "5 years".
63 Remuneration
    (1) In section 50 of the Architects Act 1991 omit
    (2) In section 50 of the Architects Act 1991, for
        "Governor in Council" substitute "Minister".

        Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
      Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991

64 Vacancies
        In section 51(2) of the Architects Act 1991, after
        "Council" insert ", on the recommendation of the
65 Chairperson
    (1) For section 52(1) of the Architects Act 1991
       "(1) The Minister must appoint one of the
            members of the Board to be Chairperson of
            the Board.".
    (2) In section 52(3) of the Architects Act 1991, for
        "for re-election as Chairperson" substitute "to be
        re-appointed as Chairperson by the Minister".
    (3) Section 52(4) of the Architects Act 1991 is
66 Deputy Chairperson
    (1) For section 53(1) of the Architects Act 1991
       "(1) The Minister must appoint one of the
            members of the Board to be Deputy
            Chairperson of the Board.".
    (2) In section 53(3) of the Architects Act 1991, for
        "for re-election as Deputy Chairperson"
        substitute "to be re-appointed as Deputy
        Chairperson by the Minister".
    (3) Section 53(4) of the Architects Act 1991 is

        Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
      Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991

67 Procedure of Board
        For section 54(4) of the Architects Act 1991
        "(4) A majority of the members of the Board
             constitute a quorum, which must include the
             Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson.".
68 New section 57B inserted
        After section 57A of the Architects Act 1991
      "57B Strategic plan
        (1) Within 3 months of the commencement of
            this section, the Board must prepare a 4-year
            strategic plan and submit a draft of the plan
            to the Minister for approval.
        (2) The Board must prepare and submit a draft
            of a 4-year strategic plan to the Minister for
            approval within 6 months before the expiry
            of each previous approved plan.
        (3) A strategic plan prepared under
            subsection (1) or (2) must contain the
              (a) a vision statement;
              (b) a mission statement;
              (c) a statement of values;
              (d) objectives to be met during the course
                  of the plan;
              (e) details of the strategic initiatives which
                  will enable the Board to meet those

 Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
             No.       of 2023
Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991

  (4) The Minister on receiving a draft of a
      strategic plan submitted under subsection (1)
      or (2) may--
        (a) approve the plan; or
        (b) reject the plan and ask the Board to
            submit an amended draft of the plan for
            approval by the Minister, which
            contains or addresses the changes
            requested by the Minister.
  (5) If a strategic plan prepared under
      subsection (1) or (2) has been approved by
      the Minister, the Board must--
        (a) adopt and implement the plan; and
        (b) publish the plan, and keep it published,
            on its website.
  (6) A strategic plan that has been approved by
      the Minister expires 4 years after the
  (7) The Board must in its annual report of
      operations prepared for the purposes of
      section 45 of the Financial Management
      Act 1994 report on its progress in
      implementing its strategic plan.".

        Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
       Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991

69 New Division 4 inserted in Part 10
        After Division 3 of Part 10 of the Architects
        Act 1991 insert--

             "Division 4--Building Legislation
                   Amendment Act 2023
         80 Transitional and savings provisions--
            Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
         (1) In this Division--
              amending Act means the Building
                  Legislation Amendment Act 2023;
              commencement day means the
                  commencement of Part 5 of the
                  amending Act.
         (2) Despite the amendments made to
             section 21A by section 58 of the amending
               (a) if a person is appointed to a panel
                   immediately before the commencement
                   day and the instrument of appointment
                   provides for a fixed term of
                   appointment, the person continues to be
                   appointed until the end of that term; or
               (b) if a person is appointed to a panel
                   immediately before the commencement
                   day and the instrument of appointment
                   does not provide for a fixed term of
                   appointment, the person continues to be
                   appointed as follows--
                      (i) if the person was appointed within
                          3 years before the commencement
                          day, the person continues to be
                          appointed until the end of 5 years

 Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
             No.       of 2023
Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991

                  after the date of the person's
              (ii) if the person was appointed during
                   the period commencing 5 years
                   and ending 3 years before the
                   commencement day, the person
                   continues to be appointed until the
                   end of 3 years after the
                   commencement day;
             (iii) if the person was appointed before
                   5 years before the commencement
                   day, the person continues to be
                   appointed until the end of one year
                   after the commencement day.
  (3) Despite the amendments made to Part 6 by
      Part 5 of the amending Act--
        (a) the Board is taken to be the same body
            and continues in operation; and
        (b) a member of the Board appointed
            immediately before the commencement
            day continues to be appointed in
            accordance with the instrument of
            appointment until the end of the term of
            the appointment; and
        (c) a person appointed as Chairperson or
            Deputy Chairperson of the Board
            immediately before the commencement
            day continues to be so appointed until
            the end of the term of the appointment;

 Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
             No.       of 2023
Part 5--Amendment of the Architects Act 1991

        (d) the requirement in section 47(2)(d), as
            inserted by section 60 of the amending
            Act, that the Minister must ensure that
            the members of the Board collectively
            have certain skills, knowledge or
            experience does not apply until on or
            after 1 July 2024.".

          Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                      No.       of 2023
                  Part 6--Repeal of this Act

          Part 6--Repeal of this Act
70 Repeal of this Act
          This Act is repealed on 1 February 2025.
   The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of
   the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the
   Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

                    Building Legislation Amendment Act 2023
                                No.       of 2023

1 General information
  See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
  authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
      Minister's second reading speech--
      Legislative Assembly:
      Legislative Council:
      The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to amend the
      Building Act 1993, the Architects Act 1991, the Domestic Building
      Contracts Act 1995, the Building and Construction Industry Security
      of Payment Act 2002, the Victorian Civil and Administrative
      Tribunal Act 1998, the Sale of Land Act 1962, the Owners
      Corporations Act 2006, the Cladding Safety Victoria Act 2020 and for
      other purposes."

                 By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria.



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