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 Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999
                                 Act No.

                     TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                     Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                           1
  1.     Purpose                                              1
  2.     Commencement                                         1

PART 2--GAS INDUSTRY ACT 1994                                 3
  3.     Definition                                           3
  4.     Distribution and transmission systems                3
  5.     Interconnect transmission pipeline                   5
  6.     Amendment of section 5B                              5
  7.     Amendment of section 6B                              5
  8.     Amendment of sections 16H and 16K                    5
  9.     New Part 2A inserted                                 6
         PART 2A--INSPECTION                                  6
         Division 1--Appointment of inspectors                6
         31A.    Inspectors                                   6
         Division 2--Powers of entry--enforcement             7
         31B.    Powers of entry--enforcement                 7
         31C.    Occupier to be given copy of consent         7
         31D.    Search warrant                               7
         31E.    Announcement before entry                    9
         31F.    Copy of warrant to be given to occupier      9
         Division 3--General                                 10
         31G. Offence to obstruct inspector                  10
         31H. Police to assist inspectors                    10
         31I.   Impersonation of inspector                   10
  10.    Amendment of section 42                             10
  11.    New section 45MA inserted                           11
         45MA. Questions of law or procedure                 11

  12.    New sections 45OA, 45OB and 45OC inserted           11




Clause Page 45OA. Decision if members not unanimous 11 45OB. Disclosure of interests 11 45OC. Member of appeal tribunal becomes unavailable 12 13. Access to information 13 14. Amendment of section 50 14 15. Amendment of Gas Supply Emergency Provisions 14 16. New section 62HA inserted 15 62HA. Offence to obstruct a person carrying out a direction 15 17. New sections 62J, 62JA and 62JB substituted 15 62J. Offences 15 62JA. Offences by bodies corporate 16 62JB. Offences by participating or unincorporated associations 17 18. Immunity 18 19. New sections 62LA to 62LE inserted 18 62LA. Powers of entry--enforcement 18 62LB. Occupier to be given copy of consent 18 62LC. Search warrant 18 62LD. Announcement before entry 20 62LE. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier 20 20. New Part 6AA inserted 21 PART 6AA--INFRINGEMENT NOTICES 21 62LF. Definition 21 62LG. Power to serve a notice 22 62LH. Form of notice 22 62LI. Infringement penalties 23 62LJ. Late payment of penalty 23 62LK. Withdrawal of notice 24 62LL. Payment expiates offence 24 62LM. Payment not to have certain consequences 25 62LN. Prosecution after service of infringement notice 25 62LO. Enforcement of infringement penalty 26 21. Amendment of section 62PA 26 22. Amendment of section 79 26 23. Proceedings 27 24. Regulations 27 25. Gas Services Business Pty Ltd 27 26. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction 28 27. Amendment of section 115K 28 28. Amendment of section 115O(4) 28 29. WUGS Pty Ltd no longer public gas company 28 30. Statute law revision 29 PART 3--GAS PIPELINES ACCESS (VICTORIA) ACT 1998 30 ii 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Clause Page 31. Access arrangements 30 PART 4--GAS SAFETY ACT 1997 31 32. Inspectors 31 33. Emergency directions 32 34. Protection from liability 33 35. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction 33 PART 5--AMENDMENT OF OTHER ACTS 34 36. Correction of cross-reference 34 37. Gas Industry (Amendment) Act 1998 34 38. Gas Industry Acts (Amendment) Act 1998 34 39. Magistrates' Court Act 1989 35 NOTES 36 iii 532199B.A1-31/5/99



s. 2 PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Initiated in Assembly 5 May 1999 As amended by Assembly 28 May 1999 A BILL to make further amendments to the Gas Industry Act 1994, the Gas Pipelines Access (Victoria) Act 1998, the Gas Safety Act 1997 and certain other Acts and for other purposes. Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is to make further amendments to the Gas Industry Act 1994, the 5 Gas Pipelines Access (Victoria) Act 1998, the Gas Safety Act 1997 and certain other Acts. 2. Commencement 1 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 Act No. (1) This Act, except sections 9, 14, 21, 34 and 35, comes into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. (2) Section 14 is deemed to have come into operation 5 on 11 December 1997. (3) Section 21 is deemed to have come into operation on 2 February 1999. (4) Subject to sub-section (5), sections 9, 34 and 35 come into operation on a day or days to be 10 proclaimed. (5) If a provision referred to in sub-section (4) does not come into operation before 1 July 2000, it comes into operation on that day. _______________ 15 2 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 3 Act No. PART 2--GAS INDUSTRY ACT 1994 3. Definition In section 3 of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- 5 ' "appeal tribunal" means the appeal tribunal referred to in section 45L; "inspector", except in Part 2A, means a person appointed as an inspector under Part 5 of the Gas Safety Act 1997;'. 10 4. Distribution and transmission systems (1) In section 3 of the Gas Industry Act 1994, in the definition of "gas distribution system" after paragraph (b) insert-- " and 15 (c) any distribution pipeline or system of distribution pipelines that, under section 5(2A), is an approved adjunct;". (2) In section 3 of the Gas Industry Act 1994, in the definition of "gas transmission system", after 20 paragraph (b) insert-- " and (c) any transmission pipeline or system of transmission pipelines that, under section 5(3A), is an approved adjunct;". 25 (3) In section 3 of the Gas Industry Act 1994, in the definition of "market participant" for paragraph (b) substitute-- "(b) a person nominated under section 5B;". (4) In section 3 of the Gas Industry Act 1994, in the 30 definition of "MSO Rules", after "made" insert "on 2 February 1999". 3 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 4 Act No. (5) In section 5 of the Gas Industry Act 1994-- (a) in sub-section (2), for "is, or will be," substitute "is, or is not, or will be, or will not be,"; 5 (b) in sub-section (3), for "is, or will be," substitute "is, or is not, or will be, or will not be,". (6) After section 5(2) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- 10 '(2A) VENCorp and a gas distribution company may agree in writing that a distribution pipeline or system of distribution pipelines or any apparatus or works associated with such a pipeline or system owned or operated, 15 or to be owned or operated, by that company and used, or to be used, as an adjunct or enhancement of the system referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of "gas distribution system" in section 3 is, or is not, 20 or will be, or will not be, an approved adjunct for the purposes of that definition.'. (7) After section 5(3) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- '(3A) VENCorp and another gas transmission 25 company may agree in writing that a transmission pipeline or system of transmission pipelines or any apparatus or works associated with such a pipeline or system owned or operated, or to be owned or 30 operated, by that company and used, or to be used, as an adjunct or enhancement of the system referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of "gas transmission system" in section 3 is, or is not, or will be, or will not 35 be, an approved adjunct for the purposes of that definition.'. 4 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 5 Act No. 5. Interconnect transmission pipeline After section 5(4) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- "(5) The pipeline referred to in the Order in 5 Council made under sub-section (1)(a) on 10 March 1999 and published in the Government Gazette on 11 March 1999, pages 632 and 633, is deemed to have been declared under sub-section (1) on 10 16 December 1998 to be a transmission pipeline.". 6. Amendment of section 5B In section 5B of the Gas Industry Act 1994, for "this Act" substitute "the whole or any part of 15 this Act". 7. Amendment of section 6B After section 6B(1)(c) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- "(ca) if the gas is supplied from a supply point 20 from which gas was supplied to Generation Victoria on 1 January 1999;". 8. Amendment of sections 16H and 16K (1) In the Gas Industry Act 1994-- (a) in section 16H(9), for "100 penalty units" 25 substitute "10 000 penalty units"; (b) in section 16K(2), for "10 penalty units" substitute "100 penalty units". (2) After section 16H(9) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- 5 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 9 Act No. "(9A) An offence under sub-section (9) is an indictable offence.". 9. New Part 2A inserted After Part 2 of the Gas Industry Act 1994 5 insert-- "PART 2A--INSPECTION Division 1--Appointment of inspectors 31A. Inspectors (1) The chief executive officer of VENCorp may 10 appoint an officer or employee of VENCorp or an agent or contractor of VENCorp to be an inspector for the purpose of this Part. (2) The chief executive officer must give an identity card to each person who is appointed 15 an inspector. (3) The identity card-- (a) must be signed by the chief executive officer; and (b) bear a photograph and the signature of 20 the inspector. (4) An inspector must, in the course of performing his or her functions under this Part, produce his or her identity card to any person who requests its production. 25 Penalty: 5 penalty units. (5) The chief executive officer of VENCorp must not appoint an agent or contractor of VENCorp to be an inspector unless satisfied that the agent or contractor-- 30 (a) is competent to exercise the functions of an inspector; and 6 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 9 Act No. (b) is of good repute, having regard to character, honesty and integrity; and (c) agrees in writing to carry out the functions of an inspector in accordance 5 with such criteria as are established from time to time by VENCorp. Division 2--Powers of entry--enforcement 31B. Powers of entry--enforcement (1) If an inspector has reasonable grounds for 10 suspecting that there is on any land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of the commission of a contravention of a direction under section 16H, the inspector may-- 15 (a) enter the land or premises; and (b) search for the thing. (2) An inspector must not enter land or premises except-- (a) with the written consent of the occupier 20 of the land or premises; or (b) under the authority of a search warrant. 31C. Occupier to be given copy of consent (1) An occupier who consents in writing to entry of his or her land or premises under section 25 31B must be given a copy of the signed consent immediately. (2) If, in any proceeding, a written consent is not produced to the court, it must be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that the occupier 30 did not consent to the entry and search. 31D. Search warrant 7 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 Act No. (1) An inspector may apply to a magistrate for the issue of a search warrant in relation to particular land or premises if the inspector believes on reasonable grounds that there is, 5 or may be within the next 72 hours, on the land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of a contravention of a direction under section 16H. (2) A magistrate may issue a search warrant 10 under this section if the magistrate is satisfied by evidence on oath, whether oral or by affidavit, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is, or may be within the next 72 hours, on land or 15 premises a particular thing that may be evidence of a contravention of a direction under section 16H. (3) The search warrant may authorise an inspector named in the warrant and any 20 assistants the inspector considers necessary-- (a) to enter the land or premises, or part of the land or premises, named or described in the warrant; and 25 (b) to search for the thing named or described in the warrant. (4) In addition to any other requirement, a search warrant issued under this section must state-- 30 (a) the contravention suspected; and (b) the land or premises to be searched; and (c) a description of the thing for which the search is to be made; and (d) any conditions to which the warrant is 35 subject; and 8 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 9 Act No. (e) whether entry is authorised to be made at any time or during stated hours; and (f) a day, not later than 7 days after the issue of the warrant, on which the 5 warrant ceases to have effect. (5) A search warrant must be issued in accordance with the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 and in the form prescribed under that Act. 10 (6) The rules to be observed with respect to search warrants mentioned in the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 extend and apply to warrants under this section. 31E. Announcement before entry 15 (1) Before executing a search warrant, the inspector named in the warrant or a person assisting the inspector named in the warrant must-- (a) announce that he or she is authorised by 20 the warrant to enter the land or premises; and (b) give any person at the land or premises an opportunity to allow entry to the land or premises. 25 (2) The inspector or a person assisting the inspector need not comply with sub-section (1) if he or she believes on reasonable grounds that immediate entry to the land or premises is required to ensure-- 30 (a) the safety of any person; or (b) that the effective execution of the warrant is not frustrated. 31F. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier 9 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 9 10 Act No. If the occupier or another person who apparently represents the occupier is present at the land or premises when a search warrant is being executed, the inspector 5 must-- (a) identify himself or herself to that person by producing his or her identity card for inspection by that person; and (b) give to that person a copy of the 10 execution copy of the warrant. Division 3--General 31G. Offence to obstruct inspector A person must not without reasonable excuse obstruct or hinder an inspector exercising 15 functions under this Part. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 300 penalty units or 3 years imprisonment or both. In the case of a body corporate, 20 1500 penalty units. 31H. Police to assist inspectors An inspector may request the assistance of a member of the police force and a member of the police force may assist an inspector to 25 take any action authorised by this Part. 31I. Impersonation of inspector A person must not impersonate an inspector. Penalty: 100 penalty units.". 10. Amendment of section 42 10 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 12 Act No. After section 42(5) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- "(6) Despite anything to the contrary in section 45W, regulations for the purposes of this 5 section may prescribe restrictions on the disclosure of confidential information that are in addition to the provisions of section 45W.". 11. New section 45MA inserted 10 After section 45M of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- "45MA. Questions of law or procedure A question of law or procedure relating to or arising out of a matter before the appeal 15 tribunal may be decided by the presiding member.". 12. New sections 45OA, 45OB and 45OC inserted After section 45O of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- 20 "45OA. Decision if members not unanimous If the members of the appeal tribunal are divided in opinion as to the decision to be made on any question-- (a) if there is a majority of the one opinion, 25 the question shall be decided according to the opinion of the majority; or (b) in any other case, the question shall be decided according to the opinion of the presiding member. 30 45OB. Disclosure of interests (1) If a person is, or is to be, a member of the appeal tribunal and the person has or acquires any interests, pecuniary or 11 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 12 Act No. otherwise, that could conflict with the proper performance of the functions of that person in relation to an appeal-- (a) the person must disclose the interest to 5 the Minister; and (b) the person must not take part, or continue to take part, in the hearing of the appeal if-- (i) the Minister gives a direction 10 under sub-section (2)(a); or (ii) if the Minister has caused the interest of the person to be disclosed to the parties to the hearing, all the parties do not 15 consent to the person being a member of the appeal tribunal. (2) If the Minister receives a disclosure of an interest under sub-section (1) or becomes aware that a person is, or is to be, a member 20 of the appeal tribunal in relation to a hearing and that the person has in relation to the hearing such an interest-- (a) if the Minister considers that the person should not take part, or should not 25 continue to take part, in the hearing, the Minister must give a direction to the person accordingly; or (b) in any other case, the Minister must cause the interest of the person to be 30 disclosed to the parties to the hearing. 45OC. Member of appeal tribunal becomes unavailable (1) This section applies where a hearing before the appeal tribunal has been commenced or 35 completed by the appeal tribunal but, before 12 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 13 Act No. the matter has been determined, one of the members constituting the tribunal has ceased to be a member of the tribunal or has ceased to be available for the purposes of the 5 hearing. (2) If the Minister is satisfied that sub-section (1) applies in relation to a hearing, the Minister may appoint a person from the pool of persons referred to in section 45L(1) to 10 take the place of the person referred to in sub-section (1) of this section for the purposes of the hearing. (3) If sub-section (1) applies in relation to a hearing that has been dealt with by the 15 appeal tribunal, the Minister may, instead of appointing a member under sub-section (2), direct that the determination of the hearing be completed by the appeal tribunal constituted by the remaining members. 20 (4) The appeal tribunal as constituted in accordance with any of the provisions of this section for the purposes of a hearing may have regard to any record of proceedings for the appeal tribunal as previously 25 constituted.". 13. Access to information (1) In section 45W(1) of the Gas Industry Act 1994, after "section 45V" insert "or otherwise in connection with its prescribed duties". 30 (2) In section 45X of the Gas Industry Act 1994-- (a) in sub-section (1) for "appeal against the decision in accordance with this section" substitute "apply to the appeal tribunal for a 13 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 14 Act No. review of the decision in accordance with this section and the Regulations"; (b) in sub-section (2) for "appeal" substitute "application"; 5 (c) in sub-section (3) for "appeal" substitute "application"; (d) in sub-section (4) for "hearing of an appeal against a decision" substitute "hearing before the appeal tribunal"; 10 (e) in sub-section (5)-- (i) for "appeal under" substitute "application under"; (ii) in paragraph (a), for "appeal" substitute "application"; 15 (iii) in paragraph (b), for "appeal panel" substitute "appeal tribunal". (3) In section 45X of the Gas Industry Act 1994, for sub-section (6) substitute-- "(6) Except as otherwise provided in this section, 20 Division 5 and the Regulations apply to an application under this section.". 14. Amendment of section 50 After section 50(2) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- 25 "(2A) Nothing in sub-section (2) affects the rights of the parties to an agreement under sub- section (1).". 15. Amendment of Gas Supply Emergency Provisions 14 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 17 Act No. (1) In section 62G(1) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 after "gas" insert "or to regulate the use of the available supply of gas, having regard to the needs of the community". 5 (2) In section 62G(2)(a) of the Gas Industry Act 1994, after "direct," insert "authorise conduct in relation to,". 16. New section 62HA inserted After section 62H of the Gas Industry Act 1994 10 insert-- "62HA. Offence to obstruct a person carrying out a direction A person must not obstruct another person-- (a) exercising a power given to; or 15 (b) complying with an obligation imposed on-- the other person under a direction, prohibition or requisition under section 62G if the person has been shown a copy of the 20 direction, prohibition or requisition. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 100 penalty units. In the case of a body corporate, 1000 penalty units.". 25 17. New sections 62J, 62JA and 62JB substituted For section 62J of the Gas Industry Act 1994 substitute-- '62J. Offences (1) A person must not contravene a direction, 30 prohibition or requisition made under section 62G. 15 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 Act No. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 100 penalty units. In the case of a body corporate, 10 000 penalty units. 5 (2) An offence by a body corporate under sub- section (1) is an indictable offence. (3) If an offence is committed by a person by reason of a failure to comply, within the period specified in a direction, prohibition or 10 requisition made under section 62G, with the requirements specified in the direction, prohibition or requisition, the offence, for the purposes of sub-section (4) is deemed to continue so long as any requirement 15 specified in the direction, prohibition or requisition, remains undone, whether or not the period has elapsed. (4) If, under sub-section (3), an offence is deemed to continue, the person who 20 committed the offence commits an additional offence on each day during which the offence is deemed to continue and is liable, upon conviction for such an additional offence, to a penalty not exceeding one tenth 25 of the penalty for the first-mentioned offence. 62JA. Offences by bodies corporate (1) If a body corporate commits an offence against this Part, any officer of the body 30 corporate who was in any way, by act or omission, directly or indirectly knowingly concerned in or party to the commission of 16 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 17 Act No. the offence is also guilty of that offence and liable to the penalty for it. (2) An offence under sub-section (1) is an indictable offence. 5 (3) A person may be proceeded against and convicted under a provision in accordance with sub-section (1) whether or not the body corporate has been proceeded against or convicted under that provision. 10 (4) If in a proceeding for an offence against this Part it is necessary to establish the intention of a body corporate, it is sufficient to show that a servant or agent of the body corporate had that intention. 15 (5) In sub-section (1), "officer", in relation to a body corporate, means-- (a) a director, secretary or executive officer of the body corporate; or (b) any person in accordance with whose 20 directions or instructions the directors of the body corporate are accustomed to act; or (c) a person concerned in the management of the body corporate. 25 62JB. Offences by participating or unincorporated associations If this Part provides that a person is guilty of an offence, that reference to a person must-- (a) in the case of a partnership, be read as a 30 reference to each member of the partnership; and (b) in the case of an unincorporated body or association, be read as a reference to each member of the committee of 17 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 18 19 Act No. management of the body or association.'. 18. Immunity In section 62L of the Gas Industry Act 1994, 5 after "person acting" insert "in good faith". 19. New sections 62LA to 62LE inserted After section 62L of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- "62LA. Powers of entry--enforcement 10 (1) If an inspector has reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is on any land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of the commission of an offence against this Part, the inspector may-- 15 (a) enter the land or premises; and (b) search for the thing. (2) An inspector must not enter land or premises under this section except-- (a) with the written consent of the occupier 20 of the land or premises; or (b) under the authority of a search warrant. 62LB. Occupier to be given copy of consent (1) An occupier who consents in writing to entry of his or her land or premises under section 25 62LA must be given a copy of the signed consent immediately. (2) If, in any proceeding, a written consent is not produced to the court, it must be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that the occupier 30 did not consent to the entry and search. 62LC. Search warrant 18 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 Act No. (1) An inspector may apply to a magistrate for the issue of a search warrant in relation to particular land or premises if the inspector believes on reasonable grounds that there is, 5 or may be within the next 72 hours, on the land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of the commission of an offence against this Part. (2) A magistrate may issue a search warrant 10 under this section if the magistrate is satisfied by evidence on oath, whether oral or by affidavit, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is, or may be within the next 72 hours, on land or 15 premises a particular thing that may be evidence of the commission of an offence against this Part. (3) The search warrant may authorise an inspector named in the warrant and any 20 assistants the inspector considers necessary-- (a) to enter the land or premises, or part of the land or premises, named or described in the warrant; and 25 (b) to search for the thing named or described in the warrant. (4) In addition to any other requirement, a search warrant issued under this section must state-- 30 (a) the offence suspected; and (b) the land or premises to be searched; and (c) a description of the thing for which the search is to be made; and (d) any conditions to which the warrant is 35 subject; and 19 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 19 Act No. (e) whether entry is authorised to be made at any time or during stated hours; and (f) a day, not later than 7 days after the issue of the warrant, on which the 5 warrant ceases to have effect. (5) A search warrant must be issued in accordance with the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 and in the form prescribed under that Act. 10 (6) The rules to be observed with respect to search warrants mentioned in the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 extend and apply to warrants under this section. 62LD. Announcement before entry 15 (1) Before executing a search warrant, the inspector named in the warrant or a person assisting the inspector named in the warrant must-- (a) announce that he or she is authorised by 20 the warrant to enter the land or premises; and (b) give any person at the land or premises an opportunity to allow entry to the land or premises. 25 (2) The inspector or a person assisting the inspector need not comply with sub-section (1) if he or she believes on reasonable grounds that immediate entry to the land or premises is required to ensure-- 30 (a) the safety of any person; or (b) that the effective execution of the warrant is not frustrated. 62LE. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier 20 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 20 Act No. If the occupier or another person who apparently represents the occupier is present at the land or premises when a search warrant is being executed, the inspector 5 must-- (a) identify himself or herself to that person by producing his or her identity card for inspection by that person; and (b) give to that person a copy of the 10 execution copy of the warrant.". 20. New Part 6AA inserted After Part 6A of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- 'PART 6AA--INFRINGEMENT NOTICES 15 62LF. Definition (1) In this Part-- "prescribed offence" means an offence against section 62J constituted by the use of gas by a person in contravention 20 of a direction, prohibition or requisition under section 62G of which the person is aware and which applies to the person. (2) A person is deemed to be aware of a 25 direction, prohibition or requisition if the Minister has caused-- (a) the direction, prohibition or requisition to be published in a newspaper circulating in the area in which the 30 direction, prohibition or requisition applies; or (b) details of the direction, prohibition or requisition to be broadcast by means of 21 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 20 Act No. radio or television transmission in the area in which the direction, prohibition or requisition applies. (3) In any proceedings for a prescribed offence, 5 a certificate purporting to be signed by the Minister to the effect that details of a direction, prohibition or requisition were broadcast by means of radio or television transmission in a particular area on a 10 specified day is prima facie evidence of the facts set out in the certificate. (4) In any proceedings for a prescribed offence, it is sufficient defence for the defendant to prove that at the time of the commission of 15 the offence, the defendant-- (a) did not know; and (b) could not reasonably have known-- of the direction, prohibition or requisition. 62LG. Power to serve a notice 20 (1) An inspector may serve an infringement notice on any person that he or she has reason to believe has committed a prescribed offence. (2) An infringement notice may be served on a 25 person-- (a) by delivering it personally to the person; or (b) by sending it by post addressed to the person's last known place of residence 30 or business. 62LH. Form of notice An infringement notice must state-- (a) the date of the notice; 22 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 20 Act No. (b) that section 62LF creates the offence; (c) the nature, and a brief description, of the alleged offence; (d) the date, time and place of the alleged 5 offence; (e) the infringement penalty for the alleged offence; (f) the manner in which the infringement penalty may be paid; 10 (g) the time (being not less than 28 days after the date on which the notice is served) within which the infringement penalty must be paid; (h) that, if the amount of the infringement 15 penalty is paid before the end of the time specified in the notice, the matter will not be brought before the Magistrates' Court unless the notice is withdrawn within 28 days after the date 20 on which it was served; (i) that the person is entitled to disregard the notice and defend any proceedings in respect of the offences in the Magistrates' Court; 25 (j) any other prescribed particulars. 62LI. Infringement penalties The infringement penalty for an offence against a prescribed offence is $500 in the case of a natural person and $1000 in the 30 case of a body corporate. 62LJ. Late payment of penalty 23 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 20 Act No. An inspector may accept payment of the infringement penalty even after the expiration of the time for payment stated in the infringement notice if-- 5 (a) neither a charge has been filed nor a courtesy letter served under Part 2 of Schedule 7 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 in respect of the offence to which the infringement penalty relates; 10 and (b) the infringement notice has not been withdrawn. 62LK. Withdrawal of notice (1) An inspector may withdraw an infringement 15 notice at any time within 28 days after the date on which the notice was served by serving a withdrawal notice on the person served with the infringement notice. (2) A withdrawal notice may be served on a 20 person-- (a) by delivering it personally to the person; or (b) by sending it by post addressed to the person's last known place of residence 25 or business. (3) An infringement notice may be withdrawn even if the infringement penalty has been paid. (4) If an infringement notice is withdrawn, the 30 amount of any infringement penalty paid must be refunded and the Consolidated Fund is, to the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly. 62LL. Payment expiates offence 24 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 Act No. If an infringement notice is not withdrawn and the infringement penalty is paid within the time for payment stated in the notice or is accepted in accordance with section 62LJ, 5 then-- (a) the person on whom the notice was served has expiated the offence by that payment; and (b) no proceedings may be taken against 10 that person in respect of that offence; and (c) no conviction is to be taken to have been recorded against that person for that offence. 15 62LM. Payment not to have certain consequences (1) The payment of an infringement penalty under this Part is not and must not be taken to be-- (a) an admission of guilt in relation to the 20 offence; or (b) an admission of liability for the purpose of any civil claim or proceeding arising out of the same occurrence and the payment does not in any way affect or 25 prejudice any such claim or proceeding. (2) The payment of an infringement penalty under this Part must not be referred to in any report provided to a court for the purpose of determining sentence for an offence. 30 62LN. Prosecution after service of infringement notice A charge may be filed in respect of an offence to which an infringement notice relates if-- 25 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 21 22 Act No. (a) the infringement penalty has not been paid within the time for payment stated in the notice or in accordance with section 62LJ; or 5 (b) the notice is withdrawn. 62LO. Enforcement of infringement penalty Payment of the infringement penalty may be enforced in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 7 of the Magistrates' Court Act 10 1989 if-- (a) the infringement notice is an infringement notice within the meaning of Schedule 7 to that Act; and (b) the infringement penalty has not been 15 paid within the time stated in the notice or in accordance with section 62LJ; and (c) the notice has not been withdrawn; and (d) a charge has not been filed in accordance with section 62LN.". 20 21. Amendment of section 62PA In section 62PA(1) of the Gas Industry Act 1994-- (a) in paragraph (a), after "section 48N" insert "on 2 February 1999"; 25 (b) in paragraph (d), for "under or pursuant to" substitute "required by". 22. Amendment of section 79 At the end of section 79 of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- 30 "(2) Despite sub-section (1), it is not necessary to produce a certificate of title in the case of a request for amendment to the Register in 26 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 Act No. relation to transferred property that is an easement registered under the Transfer of Land Act 1958.". 23. Proceedings 5 In section 96A of the Gas Industry Act 1994, after "Gas Safety" (wherever occurring) insert "or VENCorp". 24. Regulations After section 102(1)(x) of the Gas Industry Act 10 1994 insert-- "(xa) the appointment of a registrar of the appeal tribunal;" 25. Gas Services Business Pty Ltd (1) In section 88A of the Gas Industry Act 1994, for 15 sub-section (3) substitute-- '(3) In this section, "public gas company" includes Gas Services Business Pty Ltd A.C.N. 079 089 277.'. (2) In section 101A of the Gas Industry Act 1994, 20 for sub-section (2) substitute-- '(2) In this section, "public gas company" includes Gas Services Business Pty Ltd A.C.N. 079 089 277.'. (3) In section 115A(1) of the Gas Industry Act 1994, 25 for the definition of "public gas company" substitute-- ' "public gas company" includes Gas Services Business Pty Ltd A.C.N. 079 089 277;'. (4) In section 115R of the Gas Industry Act 1994, 30 for sub-section (2) substitute-- 27 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 26 28 Act No. '(2) In this section, "public gas company" includes Gas Services Business Pty Ltd A.C.N. 079 089 277.'. (5) In section 115S of the Gas Industry Act 1994, 5 for sub-section (2) substitute-- '(2) In this section, "public gas company" includes Gas Services Business Pty Ltd A.C.N. 079 089 277.'. 26. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction 10 After section 101B(2) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- "(3) It is the intention of section 62L, as amended by the Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999, to alter or vary 15 section 85 of the Constitution Act 1975.". 27. Amendment of section 115K At the end of section 115K of the Gas Industry Act 1994 insert-- "(2) Despite sub-section (1), it is not necessary to 20 produce a certificate of title in the case of a request for amendment to the Register in relation to transferred property that is an easement registered under the Transfer of Land Act 1958.". 25 28. Amendment of section 115O(4) In section 115O(4) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 for "Administrator" substitute "chief executive officer". 29. WUGS Pty Ltd no longer public gas company 30 In the Gas Industry Act 1994-- (a) section 100(4) is repealed; 28 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 Act No. (b) in section 104B(6), in the definition of "transferee", omit "or Western Underground Gas Storage Pty Ltd A.C.N. 079 089 311". 30. Statute law revision 5 In the Gas Industry Act 1994-- (a) in section 63(1), in the definition of "relevant date", after "date" insert "means"; (b) in section 91(3), for "officer of" substitute "officer or"; 10 (c) in section 162(7), for "has controlling" substitute "has a controlling". _______________ 29 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 31 Act No. PART 3--GAS PIPELINES ACCESS (VICTORIA) ACT 1998 31. Access arrangements In section 24A(7) of the Gas Pipelines Access (Victoria) Act 1998 insert-- 5 ' "first review", in relation to an access arrangement, means the date approved by the relevant regulator within the meaning of the new Access Code as the revisions commencement date for the purposes of the 10 access arrangement;'. _______________ 30 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 32 Act No. PART 4--GAS SAFETY ACT 1997 32. Inspectors (1) In section 86 of the Gas Safety Act 1997, for sub- section (1) substitute-- 5 "(1) The Director may appoint an officer or employee of the Office or an agent or contractor of the Office to be an inspector for the purposes of this Act and the Gas Industry Act 1994.". 10 (2) In section 86 of the Gas Safety Act 1997-- (a) in sub-section (2), for "officer and employee" substitute "person"; (b) in sub-section (3)(b), for "officer or employee" substitute "inspector"; 15 (c) in sub-section (4), after "this Act" insert "or the Gas Industry Act 1994". (3) In section 86 of the Gas Safety Act 1997, for sub- section (5) substitute-- "(5) The Director must not appoint an agent or 20 contractor of the Office to be an inspector unless satisfied that the agent or contractor-- (a) is competent to exercise the functions of an inspector; and (b) is of good repute, having regard to 25 character, honesty and integrity; and (c) agrees in writing to carry out the functions of an inspector in accordance with such criteria as are established from time to time by the Office.". 31 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 33 Act No. (4) In section 103 of the Gas Safety Act 1997 after "this Act" insert "or the Gas Industry Act 1994". (5) In section 104 of the Gas Safety Act 1997 after "this Part" insert "or the Gas Industry Act 5 1994". 33. Emergency directions (1) After section 107(1) of the Gas Safety Act 1997 insert-- "(1A) In addition to the powers under section 106 10 and sub-section (1), the Director may in a gas emergency situation give any directions the Director considers necessary-- (a) to regulate the use of the available supply of gas having regard to the 15 needs of the community; or (b) to facilitate the reliability of the supply of gas; or (c) to facilitate the security of the systems for the transmission or distribution of 20 gas.". (2) In the penalty at the foot of section 107(2) of the Gas Safety Act 1997, for "2500" substitute "10 000". (3) After section 107(2) of the Gas Safety Act 1997 25 insert-- "(3) An offence under sub-section (2) is an indictable offence. (4) The Office must include in its annual report for a financial year under Part 7 of the 30 Financial Management Act 1994, a statement setting out details of each direction given by the Director under this section during that financial year.". 32 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 34 Act No. 34. Protection from liability (1) In section 109 of the Gas Safety Act 1997-- (a) for "The Director" substitute "A person to whom this section applies"; 5 (b) omit "106 or". (2) At the end of section 109 of the Gas Safety Act 1997 insert-- "(2) This section applies to the Director, the Office and the servants of the Office.". 10 (3) In section 109A of the Gas Safety Act 1997, in paragraph (a) omit "106 or". 35. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction At the end of section 117A of the Gas Safety Act 1997 insert-- 15 "(2) It is the intention of section 109, as amended by the Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999, to alter or vary section 85 of the Constitution Act 1975.". _______________ 20 33 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 36 Act No. PART 5--AMENDMENT OF OTHER ACTS 36. Correction of cross-reference In section 3(6) of the Office of the Regulator- General Act 1994, for "Sub-section (3)" 5 substitute "Sub-section (5)". 37. Gas Industry (Amendment) Act 1998 (1) After section 2(3) of the Gas Industry (Amendment) Act 1998 insert-- "(3A) Sections 7, 9 and 13 come into operation on 10 a day or days to be proclaimed.". (2) In section 2(4) of the Gas Industry (Amendment) Act 1998, omit "7, 9, 13,". (3) In section 13 of the Gas Industry (Amendment) Act 1998, in section 47 as proposed to be inserted 15 in the Gas Industry Act 1994-- (a) sub-sections (1) and (2) are repealed; (b) for "(3) The functions are--" substitute "Without limiting any other functions of VENCorp, the functions of VENCorp in 20 relation to the gas industry are--". 38. Gas Industry Acts (Amendment) Act 1998 (1) After section 2(6) of the Gas Industry Acts (Amendment) Act 1998 insert-- "(6A) Sections 31 and 32 come into operation on a 25 day to be proclaimed.". (2) Section 12 of the Gas Industry Acts (Amendment) Act 1998 is repealed. 34 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 s. 39 Act No. 39. Magistrates' Court Act 1989 In Schedule 4 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, before item 57 insert-- "56. Gas Industry Act 1994 5 Offences under section 16H(9) or 62JA(1) of the Gas Industry Act 1994 and offences by a body corporate under section 62J(1) of that Act. 56F. Gas Safety Act 1997 10 Offences under section 107 of the Gas Safety Act 1997.". 35 532199B.A1-31/5/99



Gas Industry Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1999 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 36 532199B.A1-31/5/99



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