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                       Gas Industry Act 2001
                                   Act No.

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                     Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                              1
  1.     Purpose                                                                 1
  2.     Commencement                                                            1
  3.     Definitions                                                             2
  4.     Crown to be bound                                                       9
  5.     Extra-territorial operation                                             9
  6.     Construction of Act                                                     9

PART 2--APPLICATION OF ACT                                                      11
Division 1--Provisions relating to Gas Companies                                11
  7.     Application of Act and other Acts to certain gas companies             11
Division 2--Application Provisions relating to Gas and Pipelines                11
  8.     Declaration of gaseous fuel                                            11
  9.     Declaration of pipeline not to be pipeline                             11
  10.    Declaration of pipeline to be, or not to be, a transmission pipeline   12
  11.    Gas distribution system                                                12
  12.    Gas transmission system                                                12
  13.    Connections to and adjuncts of gas distribution system                 12
  14.    Connections to and adjuncts of gas transmission system                 13
Division 3--Gas Market Provisions                                               14
  15.    Substantial degree of power                                            14
  16.    Sale of gas under MSO Rules                                            15
Division 4--Role of ORG and the ACCC under this Act                             15
  17.    Application of Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994                15
  18.    Objectives of ORG                                                      15
  19.    Conferral of functions on ACCC                                         16

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Clause Page PART 3--REGULATION OF GAS INDUSTRY 17 Division 1--Regulation of Tariffs and Charges 17 20. Tariff Order 17 21. Regulation of tariffs for prescribed customers 18 Division 2--Licences 20 22. Offence to distribute or retail gas without licence 20 23. Offence to operate underground storage facility without licence 21 24. Exemptions 21 25. Application for licence 22 26. Determination of application 22 27. Grant of licence for exclusive franchise 23 28. Provisions relating to licences 25 29. Specific licence conditions 25 30. Minister to determine fees 27 31. Condition specifying industry codes, standards, rules or guidelines 28 32. Condition relating to customer-related standards, procedures, policies and practices 28 33. Reliability of retail supply 29 34. Supplier of last resort 30 35. Condition restricting sale to certain customers 33 36. Customer dispute resolution 34 37. Restriction on retail sale of gas by significant producers 35 38. Variation or revocation of licence 36 39. Gazettal requirement 37 40. Transfer of licence 37 Division 3--Appointment of Administrator 39 41. Appointment of administrator 39 Division 4--Terms and Conditions of Sale and Supply of Gas 39 42. Offer to domestic or small business customers 39 43. Terms and conditions of contracts for sale of gas to certain customers 41 44. Deemed contracts with former franchise customers 43 45. Variation of contracts with former franchise customers 44 46. Deemed contracts for supply and sale for certain domestic or small business customers 44 47. Deemed contracts for supply and sale for certain relevant customers 45 48. Deemed distribution contracts 46 Division 5--Community Service Agreements 48 ii 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Clause Page 49. Community services 48 50. Transitional provision relating to community services 48 51. ORG may determine certain matters 49 PART 4--GAS MARKET PROVISIONS 51 Division 1--Market and System Operation Rules 51 52. MSO Rules 51 53. Competition policy authorisation 52 54. Proceedings 53 55. Criminal proceedings do not lie 53 56. Civil penalty 54 57. Injunctions 55 58. Actions for damages for contravention of conduct provision 57 59. Declaratory relief 58 Division 2--Facilitation of Retail Competition 58 60. What are retail gas market rules? 59 61. Principles for retail gas market rules 60 62. Retail gas market rules--VENCorp 60 63. Retail gas market rules--gas distribution company 61 64. Conditions of licence relating to retail gas market 61 65. Approval of rules by ORG 61 66. Operation of approved rules 62 67. Amendments to approved rules 62 68. Cost recovery 62 Division 3--Costs of VENCorp for Retail Competition 63 69. Costs of VENCorp 63 PART 5--SIGNIFICANT PRODUCERS 64 Division 1--Preliminary 64 70. Conduct 64 71. References to purpose 65 72. Subsidiaries 65 73. Holding companies 67 74. Related bodies corporate 67 75. Joint ventures 68 76. Provisions of this Part are in addition to other anti-competitive laws 68 77. Persons involved in contravention of competition rule 69 Division 2--Anti-competitive Conduct 69 iii 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Clause Page 78. Anti-competitive conduct 69 79. Prohibition of anti-competitive conduct 69 Division 3--Authorisation 70 80. ORG may grant authorisation 70 81. Variation or revocation of authorisation 71 82. Application for review 71 Division 4--Competition Notices 73 83. Competition notices 73 84. Legal proceedings excluded 73 85. Competition notice to be given to significant producer 74 86. Evidentiary effect of competition notice 74 87. Notice of orders 74 88. Making of orders 75 89. Extension of time limits 75 90. Mandatory orders 76 91. Penalty orders 76 92. Reasons for orders 76 93. Enforcement of orders of ORG 76 Division 5--Appeal Tribunal 77 94. Application for review of order 77 95. Appeal tribunal 77 96. Procedure 78 97. Questions of law or procedure 78 98. Material which appeal tribunal may consider 78 99. Decision of appeal tribunal 79 100. Decision if members not unanimous 79 101. Disclosure of interests 80 102. Member of appeal tribunal becomes unavailable 80 103. ORG may make consequential orders 81 104. Appeal to Supreme Court 82 105. Operation of order that is subject to review 83 Division 6--Injunctions etc. 84 106. Injunctions 84 107. Actions for damages for contravention of competition rule 85 108. Declaratory relief 86 Division 7--Access to Information 86 iv 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Clause Page 109. Power to obtain information and documents 86 110. Restriction on disclosure of confidential information 88 111. Application against disclosure notice 90 Division 8--Review of Provisions Relating to Significant Producers 91 112. Review of operation of this Part and section 37 91 Division 9--Legal Proceedings Excluded 92 113. No proceedings 92 PART 6--PROHIBITED INTERESTS 93 Division 1--Interpretation 93 114. Definitions 93 115. Relevant interest in a share 96 116. Voting power 96 117. References to Corporations Law 96 118. Unit trusts 97 119. Stock 97 120. Controlling interest in a corporation 98 121. Substantial interest in a corporation 99 122. Regulations relating to relevant interests 99 123. Certain shareholders agreements to be disregarded 99 124. Certain "see-through" interests to be disregarded 100 125. Effect of certificate under section 123 or 124 102 Division 2--Application of Part 103 126. Application of Part 103 127. Application of Part to partnerships 103 Division 3--Prohibited Interests 105 128. Prohibited interests 105 129. Other provisions relating to prohibited interests 111 130. Temporary exemption from prohibition 112 131. Power to require information relating to interests 112 132. Disposal of interest 114 133. Voting rights in respect of certain shares 117 134. Revocation of licence 117 135. Annulment of certain resolutions of relevant corporation 118 136. Making, review and revocation of determination by ORG 118 137. Appeal against determination of ORG 119 138. Sale of forfeited shares 120 139. Service 120 PART 7--GAS COMPANY PROPERTY AND WORKS 122 v 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Clause Page Division 1--Pipelines Generally 122 140. Certain pipelines are not part of land 122 141. Agreement for operation of pipelines 122 Division 2--Compulsory Acquisition of Land and Easements 123 142. Power of gas transmission company or gas distribution company to acquire land 123 143. Power to acquire easements 124 144. Application of other laws in relation to land vested in a gas company 124 145. Rateability of property 126 Division 3--Easements 126 146. Making of easements in sub-divisions 126 147. Easements over lands held by Crown licensees or lessees 127 Division 4--Powers as to Works 127 148. Powers as to works etc. 127 149. Power to open and break up roads etc. 130 Division 5--Offences 131 150. Obstructing construction or operation of pipelines 131 151. Offences relating to transmission pipelines 132 152. Offences relating to gas supply 132 Division 6--General 134 153. Definition 134 154. Identity cards 134 155. Power of entry 135 156. Emergency powers 135 157. Offence to obstruct officer or employee of gas company 135 PART 8--VICTORIAN ENERGY NETWORKS CORPORATION 136 Division 1--VENCorp 136 158. Establishment 136 159. VENCorp not to represent the Crown 136 160. Functions and powers relating to gas industry 136 161. Functions and powers relating to electricity 138 162. General powers 138 163. Non-commercial functions 139 164. Delegation powers 140 Division 2--Board of Directors 140 165. Board of Directors 140 vi 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Clause Page 166. Directors 141 167. Appointment of directors 141 168. Terms and conditions of appointment 141 169. Duties of directors 142 170. VENCorp or Minister may bring proceedings 142 171. Directions 143 172. Vacancies, resignations, removal from office 143 173. Proceedings of board 144 174. Resolutions without meetings 144 175. Disclosure of interests 145 176. Validity of decisions 146 177. VENCorp not to make loans to directors 147 178. Indemnity 147 179. Chief executive officer 148 Division 3--Planning, Finance and Reporting Provisions 148 180. Corporate plan 148 181. Statement of corporate intent--contents 150 182. Borrowing and investment by VENCorp 150 183. Dividends 151 184. Reports to Treasurer 151 185. Annual report 151 Division 4--Directions by VENCorp 151 186. VENCorp may give directions 151 187. Power of Minister 154 188. Protection from liability 155 189. Protection of persons executing directions 155 190. Continuing offences 155 Division 5--Appointment and Powers of VENCorp Inspectors 156 191. Inspectors 156 192. Powers of entry--enforcement 157 193. Occupier to be given copy of consent 157 194. Search warrant 158 195. Announcement before entry 159 196. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier 160 197. Offence to obstruct inspector 160 198. Police to assist inspectors 160 199. Impersonation of inspector 160 Division 6--General 160 200. Information to be provided to VENCorp 160 201. Restriction on disclosure of confidential information 161 vii 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Clause Page 202. Rateability of land vested in VENCorp 162 203. Service of documents on VENCorp 162 204. Evidence of documents issued by VENCorp 163 205. Review of this Part 163 PART 9--GAS SUPPLY EMERGENCY PROVISIONS 164 Division 1--Emergency Provisions 164 206. Proclamation that this Part applies 164 207. Powers of Minister 164 208. Offence not to comply with direction etc. 168 209. Offence to obstruct a person carrying out a direction etc. 170 210. Offences by bodies corporate 170 211. Offences by partnerships or unincorporated associations 171 212. Judicial notice 172 213. Immunity from suit 172 Division 2--Enforcement 172 214. Powers of entry--enforcement 172 215. Occupier to be given copy of consent 173 216. Search warrant 173 217. Announcement before entry 174 218. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier 175 Division 3--Infringement Notices 175 219. Definition 175 220. Power to serve a notice 176 221. Form of notice 176 222. Infringement penalties 177 223. Late payment of penalty 177 224. Withdrawal of notice 177 225. Payment expiates offence 178 226. Payment not to have certain consequences 178 227. Prosecution after service of infringement notice 179 228. Enforcement of infringement penalty 179 PART 10--GENERAL 180 229. Delegation by Minister 180 230. Offences by bodies corporate 180 231. Proceedings for offences 180 232. Gas retailer not liable for failure to supply 181 233. Exemption from liability to transmit or convey gas 181 234. Evidence of ownership 182 235. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction 183 236. Regulations 183 viii 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Clause Page __________________ SCHEDULE--Easements for use of gas company 186 ENDNOTES 187 INDEX 188 ix 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Initiated in Assembly 2 May 2001 As amended by Assembly 31 May 2001 A BILL to regulate the gas industry and for other purposes. Gas Industry Act 2001 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Purpose The main purpose of this Act is to regulate the gas industry. 5 2. Commencement (1) Section 1 and this section come into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 3 Act No. (2) The remaining provisions of this Act (except section 69) come into operation on 1 September 2001. (3) Section 69 comes into operation on a day to be 5 proclaimed. (4) If section 69 does not come into operation before 1 July 2002, it comes into operation on that day. 3. Definitions In this Act-- 10 "ACCC" means the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission established by section 6A of the Trade Practices Act and includes a member of the Commission or a Division of the Commission performing 15 functions of the Commission; "Access Code" means the Code within the meaning of the Gas Pipelines Access (Victoria) Law; "apparatus and works" means, in relation to a 20 pipeline-- (a) apparatus for inducing or facilitating the flow or movement of anything through the pipeline; (b) apparatus or structure for giving 25 protection or support to the pipeline; (c) apparatus for transmitting information or instruction with regard to the operation of the pipeline; (d) valves, valve chambers, manholes, 30 inspection pits and other similar works annexed to or incorporated in the course of the pipeline; 2 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 3 Act No. (e) storage, loading and all ancillary facilities and installations required for the pipeline or used in connection with, or incidental to, the pipeline; 5 (f) prime movers for the operation of any apparatus or works mentioned in paragraph (a), (d) or (e); "appeal tribunal" means the appeal tribunal referred to in section 95; 10 "civil penalty provision" means a provision of the MSO Rules that is prescribed as a civil penalty provision for the purposes of Division 1 of Part 4; "conduct provision" means a provision of the 15 MSO Rules that, under the MSO Rules, is a conduct provision for the purposes of Division 1 of Part 4; "construction" includes, in relation to a pipeline, the placing or testing of the pipeline; 20 "customer" means a person to whom a gas company transmits, distributes or supplies gas or provides goods or services; "distribute", in relation to gas, means convey gas through distribution pipelines; 25 "distribution pipeline" means a pipeline for the conveyance of gas but does not include-- (a) a transmission pipeline; (b) a gathering line within the meaning of the Petroleum Act 1998; 30 "gas" means any gaseous fuel but does not include any gaseous fuel that is declared 3 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 3 Act No. under section 8 not to be gas for the purposes of this Act or any provision of this Act; "gaseous fuel" includes petrochemical feed stock; 5 "GASCOR" has the same meaning as it has in the Gas Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1994; "gas company" means a gas distribution company, a gas retailer or a gas transmission 10 company; "gas distribution company" means a person who holds a licence to provide services by means of a distribution pipeline; "gas distribution system" means-- 15 (a) the primary distribution system; and (b) any distribution pipeline or system of distribution pipelines that, under section 13(1), is an approved distribution connection; and 20 (c) any distribution pipeline or system of distribution pipelines that, under section 13(2), is an approved distribution adjunct; "gas fitting" includes meter, pipeline, burner, 25 fitting, appliance and apparatus used in connection with the consumption of gas; "gas producer" means a person who carries on a business of producing natural gas; "gas retailer" means a person who holds a 30 licence to sell gas; "gas transmission company" means-- 4 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 3 Act No. (a) VENCorp; or (b) any other person who owns, operates or provides a service by means of a transmission pipeline; 5 "gas transmission system" means-- (a) the primary transmission system; and (b) any transmission pipeline or system of transmission pipelines that, under section 14(1) is an approved 10 transmission connection; and (c) any transmission pipeline or system of transmission pipelines that, under section 14(2), is an approved transmission adjunct; 15 "GFCV" has the same meaning as it has in the Gas Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1994; "GTC" has the same meaning as it has in the Gas Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1994; 20 "inspector", except in Part 8, means a person appointed as an inspector under Part 5 of the Gas Safety Act 1997; "licence" means a licence issued under Part 3; "licensee" means the holder of a licence issued 25 under Part 3; "market participant" means a person who is registered by VENCorp under the MSO Rules as a participant; "meter" means an instrument that measures the 30 quantity of gas passing through it; "MSO Rules" means the rules made on 2 February 1999 under section 48N of the 5 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 3 Act No. Gas Industry Act 1994 as those rules are amended and in force for the time being; "natural gas" means a substance-- (a) which is in a gaseous state at standard 5 temperature and pressure; and (b) which consists of naturally occurring hydrocarbons, or a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbons and non- hydrocarbons; and 10 (c) the principal constituent of which is methane; "operation", in relation to a pipeline, includes the maintenance, removal and alteration of the pipeline; 15 "ORG" means the Office of the Regulator- General established under Part 2 of the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994; "pipeline" means a pipe or system of pipes for or incidental to the conveyance of gas and 20 includes all apparatus and works associated with the pipe or system of pipes, and includes a part of such a pipe or system but does not include a pipeline or a pipeline in a class of pipelines declared under section 9 25 not to be a pipeline for the purposes of this Act; "Port Campbell facility" means the underground storage facility or facilities adapted under petroleum leases PPL No. 1 and PPL No. 2 30 issued under the Petroleum Act 1958; "primary distribution system" means the system of distribution pipelines operated by 6 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 3 Act No. GASCOR immediately before 9 December 1997, other than any part of that system to which an Order under section 11 applies; "primary transmission system" means the 5 system of transmission pipelines operated by GTC immediately before 9 December 1997, other than any part of that system to which an Order under section 12 applies; "regulatory provision" means a provision of the 10 MSO Rules that, under the MSO Rules, is a regulatory provision for the purposes of Division 1 of Part 4; "significant producer" means a body corporate that-- 15 (a) is the holder of, or of an interest in, a production licence for petroleum in the adjacent area in respect of Victoria within the meaning of the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 or of 20 the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 of the Commonwealth; and (b) has a substantial degree of power in one or more Victorian gas markets-- and, in Parts 3, 4 and 5, includes a body 25 corporate that is related within the meaning of section 74 to such a holder; "Tariff Order" means-- (a) the Victorian Gas Industry Tariff Order 1998 published in the Government 30 Gazette on 17 December 1998 as that Order is amended and in force from time to time; (b) the Wimmera and Colac Gas Supply Tariff Order 1998 published in the 35 Government Gazette on 17 December 7 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 3 Act No. 1998 as that Order is amended and in force from time to time; "Trade Practices Act" means the Trade Practices Act 1974 of the Commonwealth; 5 "transmission pipeline" means-- (a) a pipeline for the conveyance of gas-- (i) in respect of which a person is, or is deemed to be, the licensee under the Pipelines Act 1967; and 10 (ii) that has a maximum design pressure exceeding 1050kPa-- other than a gathering line within the meaning of the Petroleum Act 1998; or (b) a pipeline that is declared under 15 section 10 to be a transmission pipeline-- but does not include a pipeline declared under section 10 not to be a transmission pipeline; 20 "transmit" means convey gas through a transmission pipeline; "underground storage facility" means a naturally occurring underground reservoir adapted to enable it to be used for the 25 purpose of storing natural gas; "VENCorp" means the Victorian Energy Networks Corporation continued under Part 8; "Victorian gas market" means a market in 30 which gas-- 8 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 4 6 Act No. (a) is supplied in Victoria to a gas retailer; or (b) is supplied to customers in Victoria-- whether or not the market extends beyond 5 Victoria. 4. Crown to be bound This Act binds the Crown, not only in right of Victoria but also, so far as the legislative power of the Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other 10 capacities. 5. Extra-territorial operation It is the intention of the Parliament that the operation of this Act should, so far as possible, include operation in relation to the following-- 15 (a) land situated outside Victoria, whether in or outside Australia; (b) things situated outside Victoria, whether in or outside Australia; (c) acts, transactions and matters done, entered 20 into or occurring outside Victoria, whether in or outside Australia; (d) things, acts, transactions and matters, (wherever situated, done, entered into or occurring) that would, apart from this Act, 25 be governed or otherwise affected by the law of the Commonwealth, another State, a Territory or a foreign country. 6. Construction of Act 9 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. This Act must be read and construed as one with the Gas Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1994. _______________ 5 10 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 7 Act No. PART 2--APPLICATION OF ACT Division 1--Provisions relating to Gas Companies 7. Application of Act and other Acts to certain gas companies 5 (1) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a reference in specified provisions in Part 7 of this Act or specified provisions in another Act to a gas company does not include a reference to a 10 specified gas distribution company, gas retailer or gas transmission company. (2) A copy of an Order under sub-section (1) must be laid before each House of Parliament on or before the sixth sitting day after it is made. 15 (3) An Order under sub-section (1) is subject to disallowance by a House of Parliament, and section 23 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 applies as if the Order were a statutory rule. Division 2--Application Provisions relating to Gas and 20 Pipelines 8. Declaration of gaseous fuel The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare any gaseous fuel not to be gas for the purposes of this Act or 25 any provision of this Act. 9. Declaration of pipeline not to be pipeline The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare a pipeline or a pipeline in a class of pipelines not to be a 30 pipeline for the purposes of this Act. 11 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 10 Act No. 10. Declaration of pipeline to be, or not to be, a transmission pipeline The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette-- 5 (a) may declare a pipeline or class of pipelines to be a transmission pipeline for the purposes of this Act; (b) may declare a pipeline or class of pipelines not to be a transmission pipeline for the 10 purposes of this Act. 11. Gas distribution system The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a part of the primary distribution system is deemed not 15 to be part of that system for the purposes of this Act. 12. Gas transmission system The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a part 20 of the primary transmission system is deemed not to be part of that system for the purposes of this Act. 13. Connections to and adjuncts of gas distribution system 25 (1) VENCorp and a gas distribution company may agree in writing that a distribution pipeline or system of distribution pipelines owned or operated, or to be owned or operated, by the gas distribution company and connected, or to be 30 connected, to the gas distribution system is, or is not, or will be, or will not be, an approved distribution connection for the purposes of this Act. 12 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 14 Act No. (2) VENCorp and a gas distribution company may agree in writing that a distribution pipeline or system of distribution pipelines or any apparatus or works associated with such a pipeline or system 5 owned or operated, or to be owned or operated, by the gas distribution company and used, or to be used, as an adjunct or enhancement of the gas distribution system is, or is not, or will be, or will not be, an approved distribution adjunct for the 10 purposes of this Act. 14. Connections to and adjuncts of gas transmission system (1) VENCorp and another gas transmission company may agree in writing that a transmission pipeline 15 or system of transmission pipelines owned or operated, or to be owned or operated, by the gas transmission company and connected, or to be connected, to the gas transmission system is, or is not, or will be, or will not be, an approved 20 transmission connection for the purposes of this Act. (2) VENCorp and another gas transmission company may agree in writing that a transmission pipeline or system of transmission pipelines or any 25 apparatus or works associated with such a pipeline or system owned or operated, or to be owned or operated, by the gas transmission company and used, or to be used, as an adjunct or enhancement of the gas transmission system is, or is not, or will 30 be, or will not be, an approved transmission adjunct for the purposes of this Act. 13 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 15 Act No. Division 3--Gas Market Provisions 15. Substantial degree of power (1) If-- (a) a body corporate that is related within the 5 meaning of section 74 to another body corporate ("the primary body corporate") has, or 2 or more bodies corporate each of which is related to the same body corporate ("the primary body corporate") together 10 have, a substantial degree of power in a Victorian gas market; or (b) a body corporate ("the primary body corporate") and another body corporate that is, or a body corporate ("the primary body 15 corporate") and 2 or more bodies corporate each of which is, related within the meaning of section 74 to the primary body corporate, together have a substantial degree of power in a Victorian gas market; or 20 (c) a body corporate ("the primary body corporate") has more than a 20% interest in a joint venture within the meaning of section 75 the parties to which together in that capacity have a substantial degree of 25 market power in a Victorian gas market-- the primary body corporate shall be taken for the purposes of this Act to have a substantial degree of power in that market. (2) In determining for the purposes of this section the 30 degree of power that a body corporate or bodies corporate has or have in a Victorian gas market, regard shall be had to the extent to which the conduct of the body corporate or of any of those bodies corporate in that market is constrained by 35 the conduct of-- 14 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 16 Act No. (a) competitors, or potential competitors, of the body corporate or of any of those bodies corporate in that market; or (b) persons to whom or from whom the body 5 corporate or any of those bodies corporate supplies or acquires gas in that market. (3) In this section and in the definition of "significant producer" in section 3, a reference to power in relation to, or to conduct in, a Victorian gas 10 market is a reference to power, or to conduct, in that market either as a supplier or as an acquirer of gas in that market. 16. Sale of gas under MSO Rules In this Act, a reference to a sale of gas by retail 15 does not include a reference to a sale of gas in the market operated by VENCorp under the MSO Rules. Division 4--Role of ORG and the ACCC under this Act 17. Application of Office of the Regulator-General Act 20 1994 For the purposes of the Office of the Regulator- General Act 1994-- (a) this Act is relevant legislation; and (b) the gas industry is a regulated industry. 25 18. Objectives of ORG The objectives of ORG under this Act are-- (a) to facilitate and promote open, efficient and competitive markets for and in relation to gas and to safeguard against misuse of 30 monopoly power; 15 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 19 Act No. (b) to protect the interests of consumers with respect to gas prices and the reliability and quality of gas supply; (c) to facilitate the maintenance of a financially 5 viable gas supply industry. 19. Conferral of functions on ACCC (1) The ACCC has the functions and powers conferred or expressed to be conferred on it under this Act, a Tariff Order or the MSO Rules. 10 (2) In addition to the powers mentioned in sub- section (1), the ACCC has power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done in connection with the performance of the functions and powers referred to in that sub-section. 15 _______________ 16 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 20 Act No. PART 3--REGULATION OF GAS INDUSTRY Division 1--Regulation of Tariffs and Charges 20. Tariff Order (1) A Tariff Order cannot be amended except as 5 provided by this section. (2) The Governor in Council may, by Order, revoke a Tariff Order. (3) The Governor in Council may, by Order, amend a Tariff Order to insert specified metering and data 10 collection and processing services as excluded services for the purposes of the Order. (4) The Governor in Council may, by Order, amend a Tariff Order from time to time so as to extend the application of the Order to additional retailers and 15 additional gas distribution companies. (5) A Tariff Order may confer functions and powers on the ACCC or ORG relating to the regulation of tariffs and charges under the Order. (6) If the provisions of a Tariff Order relating to 20 charges for connection to, and the use of, any distribution pipeline or transmission pipeline are inconsistent with charges specified in access arrangements approved under the Access Code, the provisions do not apply to the extent of the 25 inconsistency. (7) An Order under sub-section (2), (3) or (4) must be published in the Government Gazette. (8) A Tariff Order has effect as from the date specified in the Order as if the tariffs, charges and 30 other matters to which the Order applies had been determined by ORG. 17 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 21 Act No. (9) If a provision of a Tariff Order ceases to have effect, the remaining provisions of that Order continue to have effect, subject to that Order and this Act, according to their tenor and so to have 5 effect, subject to that Order and this Act, as if-- (a) references in those provisions to a provision that has ceased to have effect were a reference to that provision as in force immediately before it ceased to have effect; 10 and (b) words and expressions used in those provisions that were defined by the provision that has ceased to have effect continue to have the same respective meanings as before 15 the provision ceased to have effect. 21. Regulation of tariffs for prescribed customers (1) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, regulate, in such manner and in relation to such period as the 20 Governor in Council thinks fit, tariffs for the sale of gas to prescribed customers or a class of prescribed customers. (2) Without limiting the generality of sub-section (1), the manner may include-- 25 (a) fixing the tariff or the rate of increase or decrease in the tariff; (b) fixing a maximum tariff or maximum rate of increase or minimum rate of decrease in the maximum tariff; 30 (c) fixing an average tariff or an average rate of increase or decrease in the average tariff; (d) specifying policies and principles for fixing tariffs; 18 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 21 Act No. (e) specifying a tariff determined by reference to a general price index, the cost of production, a rate of return on assets employed or any other specified factor; 5 (f) specifying a tariff determined by reference to any one or more of the following-- (i) a prescribed customer or class of prescribed customers; (ii) a person or a class of persons 10 authorised to sell gas; (iii) the purpose for which the gas is used; (iv) the quantity of gas used; (v) the period of use; (vi) the place of supply; 15 (vii) any other specified factor relevant to the sale of gas. (3) An Order under sub-section (1) may direct ORG to make a determination under the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994 in respect of such 20 factors and matters or in accordance with such procedures, matters or bases as are specified in the Order, or both. (4) An Order under sub-section (1) has effect as from the date specified in the Order as if the tariffs to 25 which the Order applies were prices determined by ORG. (5) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, declare that a person or class of persons specified in the Order is, for 30 the purposes of this section, a prescribed customer or class of prescribed customers. (6) In this section-- 19 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 22 Act No. "prescribed customer" means a person, or a member of a class of persons, to whom an Order under sub-section (5) applies. (7) This section, and any Order made under this 5 section and in force immediately before 31 August 2004, expire on 31 August 2004. Division 2--Licences 22. Offence to distribute or retail gas without licence (1) A person must not provide services (other than the 10 sale of gas by retail) by means of a distribution pipeline, either as principal or agent, unless the person-- (a) is the holder of a licence authorising that person to provide those services; or 15 (b) is exempt from the requirement to obtain a licence in respect of those services because of an Order under section 24. Penalty: 1200 penalty units and 120 penalty units for each day after the day on 20 which a notice of contravention of this sub-section is served on the person by ORG. (2) A person must not engage in the sale of gas by retail, either as principal or agent, unless the 25 person-- (a) is the holder of a licence authorising the sale of gas by retail; or 20 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 23 Act No. (b) is exempt from the requirement to obtain a licence in respect of the sale of gas by retail because of an Order under section 24. Penalty: 1200 penalty units and 120 penalty 5 units for each day after the day on which a notice of contravention of this sub-section is served on the person by ORG. 23. Offence to operate underground storage facility 10 without licence A person must not engage in providing services as a market participant by means of the Port Campbell facility, either as principal or agent, unless the person-- 15 (a) is the holder of a licence under this Part authorising that person to provide those services; or (b) is exempt from the requirement to obtain a licence in respect of those services because 20 of an Order under section 24. Penalty: 1200 penalty units and 120 penalty units for each day after the day on which a notice of contravention of this section is served on the person by 25 ORG. 24. Exemptions (1) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, exempt a person from the requirement to obtain a licence in respect of 30 the activity specified in the Order. (2) An exemption may be of general or specific application. (3) An exemption is subject to such terms and conditions as are specified in the Order. 21 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 25 Act No. (4) An Order under sub-section (1) may confer powers and functions on, and leave any matter to be determined by, ORG. 25. Application for licence 5 (1) A person may apply to ORG for the issue of a licence-- (a) authorising the person to provide services by means of a distribution pipeline; or (b) authorising the person to sell gas by retail; or 10 (c) authorising the person to engage in providing services as a market participant by means of an underground storage facility. (2) An application must be in a form approved by ORG and accompanied by such documents as may 15 be determined by ORG. (3) An application must be accompanied by the application fee (if any) fixed by ORG. 26. Determination of application (1) ORG may grant or refuse an application for the 20 issue of a licence for any reason it considers appropriate, having regard to the objectives specified in section 18. (2) ORG must publish a notice in a daily newspaper generally circulating in Victoria-- 25 (a) specifying that an application for a licence in respect of the relevant activity has been lodged with ORG by the person specified in the notice; and (b) inviting interested persons to make 30 submissions to ORG in respect of the application within the period and in the manner specified in the notice. 22 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 27 Act No. (3) Subject to this section and any requirements specified in regulations made for the purposes of this section under section 236, ORG may determine the procedures that are to apply in 5 respect of the issue of licences. (4) ORG must notify an applicant in writing of its decision to grant or refuse to grant the application and, in the case of a decision to refuse to grant the application, of the reasons for its decision. 10 27. Grant of licence for exclusive franchise (1) ORG, under section 26, may grant an application for a licence-- (a) to provide services by means of a distribution pipeline in a particular area on 15 an exclusive basis; or (b) to sell gas by retail in a particular area on an exclusive basis. (2) ORG, under section 38, may vary a licence to permit the licensee-- 20 (a) to provide services by means of a distribution pipeline in a particular area on an exclusive basis; or (b) to sell gas by retail in a particular area on an exclusive basis. 25 (3) ORG may only grant an application for a licence of a kind referred to in sub-section (1) in accordance with the criteria determined by Order under this section for the grant of a licence. (4) ORG may only vary a licence for a purpose 30 referred to in sub-section (2) in accordance with the criteria determined by Order under this section for the variation of a licence. 23 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 27 Act No. (5) If-- (a) an application for a licence to provide services by means of a distribution pipeline is granted, in accordance with this section, in 5 relation to a particular area; or (b) a licence is varied to permit the provision of services by means of a distribution pipeline in a particular area on an exclusive basis-- then for the period specified in the licence, no 10 other licensee is authorised to provide those services in that area. (6) If-- (a) an application for a licence to sell gas by retail is granted in accordance with this 15 section in relation to a particular area; or (b) a licence is varied to permit the sale of gas by retail in a particular area on an exclusive basis-- then for the period specified in the licence no 20 other licensee is authorised under this Act to sell gas by retail in that area. (7) Sub-sections (5) and (6) apply despite anything to the contrary in any licence granted before, on or after the commencement of this section and any 25 such licence is deemed to be modified accordingly. (8) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may determine the criteria for-- 30 (a) the grant of an application for a licence of a kind referred to in sub-section (1)(a) or (b); or (b) the variation of a licence of a kind referred to in sub-section (2)(a) or (b). 24 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 28 Act No. (9) The criteria specified in an Order under sub- section (8) must not be inconsistent with any relevant criteria contained in the Natural Gas Pipelines Access Agreement dated 7 November 5 1997 and made between the Commonwealth, the States of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory as that agreement is amended 10 and in effect from time to time. 28. Provisions relating to licences (1) A licence is to be issued for such term (if any) as is determined by ORG and is specified in the licence. 15 (2) A licence is subject to such conditions as are determined by ORG. (3) If a licence is issued to 2 or more persons for the purpose of the carrying on by those persons of activities authorised by the licence in partnership 20 or as an unincorporated joint venture, the licence may include conditions relating to the carrying on of those activities in that manner. 29. Specific licence conditions Without limiting the generality of section 28, the 25 conditions on a licence may include provisions-- (a) requiring the licensee to pay specified fees and charges in respect of the licence to ORG; (b) requiring the licensee to enter into agreements on specified terms or on terms of 30 a specified type; (c) requiring the licensee to observe specified Orders in Council, industry codes, standards, rules and guidelines with such modifications or exemptions as may be determined by 35 ORG; 25 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 29 Act No. (d) in the case of a licence issued to a gas retailer, requiring the licensee to inform customers from time to time of the arrangements in place or proposed to be in 5 place to allow them to elect to become a customer of another gas retailer; (e) in the case of a licence issued to a gas retailer, requiring the licensee to give notice to customers of the existence of deemed 10 contracts under sections 46 and 47 and the methods by which those contracts may be terminated and requiring the gas retailer to provide cooling-off periods approved by ORG for the termination of those contracts; 15 (f) requiring the licensee to maintain specified accounting records and to prepare accounts according to specified principles; (g) specifying requirements about the ownership of real or personal property used in or in 20 connection with the carrying on of activities under the licence; (h) in the case of a licence issued to a gas retailer, requiring the licensee to comply, in relation to the supply of gas to specified 25 classes of customers, with the standards of reliability of supply determined under section 33; (i) preventing the licensee from engaging in or undertaking specified business activities; 30 (j) requiring the licensee to establish and maintain separate accounts for specified business activities and to keep those activities separate from its other activities in any manner specified in the licence; 26 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 29 30 Act No. (k) prohibiting the licensee from engaging in conduct of a particular kind, or for a particular purpose, or that has, or is likely to have, a particular effect; 5 (l) restricting the classes of customers to whom the licensee may sell gas or provide services under the licence, as the case requires; (m) specifying methods or principles to be applied by the licensee in determining prices 10 or charges; (n) specifying methods or principles to be applied in the conduct of gas retailing or the provision of services under the licence, as the case requires; 15 (o) specifying procedures for variation or revocation of the licence; (p) specifying the procedures to apply if an administrator is appointed under section 41; (q) requiring the licensee to provide, in the 20 manner and form determined by ORG, such information as ORG may from time to time require; (r) subject to section 49, in the case of a licence issued to a gas retailer, requiring the licensee 25 to enter into an agreement with the State for the provision of community services; (s) requiring the licensee to develop, issue and comply with customer-related standards, procedures, policies and practices (including 30 with respect to the payment of compensation to customers). 30. Minister to determine fees 27 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 32 Act No. For the purposes of section 29(a), the fees and charges to be specified in respect of a licence are to be determined by the Minister having regard to the proportion of the total costs of ORG that are 5 incurred or expected to be incurred in carrying out its functions under this Act and the Gas Pipelines Access (Victoria) Law. 31. Condition specifying industry codes, standards, rules or guidelines 10 (1) If a licence is subject to a condition of a kind referred to in section 29(c), ORG-- (a) may, in accordance with procedures specified by ORG, amend the specified industry codes, standards, rules or 15 guidelines, or a document referred to in any of them, for the purposes of their application under the licence; (b) may resolve, or seek to resolve, disputes between the licensee and any other person 20 relating to the specified industry codes, standards, rules or guidelines, or a document referred to in any of them, as they apply under the licence. (2) If ORG amends an industry code, standard, rule or 25 guideline or a document under sub-section (1), ORG may at the same time, in accordance with procedures specified by ORG, amend that code, standard, rule, guideline or document for the purposes of their application otherwise than under 30 the licence. 32. Condition relating to customer-related standards, procedures, policies and practices 28 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 33 Act No. (1) If a licence is subject to a condition of a kind referred to in section 29(s)-- (a) ORG must monitor the licensee's compliance with the customer-related standards, 5 procedures, policies and practices developed by the licensee in accordance with the condition; and (b) if ORG considers that any of the customer- related standards, procedures, policies and 10 practices, or compliance by the licensee with any of them, disadvantages, or may disadvantage, any class of its customers, or all of its customers, ORG may make a determination requiring the licensee to 15 modify or revoke any part of the standards, procedures, policies or practices that causes the disadvantage or possible disadvantage. (2) ORG, in making a determination under sub- section (1)(b), must have regard to the prices, 20 risks and costs associated with or resulting from the modification or revocation which is the subject of the determination. (3) ORG must not make a determination under sub- section (1)(b) unless ORG has given the licensee 25 an opportunity to make representations on the matter. (4) Section 27 of the Office of the Regulator- General Act 1994 applies to the making of a determination under sub-section (1). 30 33. Reliability of retail supply 29 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. ORG must determine standards in relation to reliability of the supply of gas to classes of customers in accordance with recommendations made to ORG by VENCorp. 5 34. Supplier of last resort (1) Without limiting the generality of section 28, the conditions to which a licence to provide services by means of a distribution pipeline or to sell gas by retail is subject may include a requirement that, 10 in certain circumstances, the licensee, on tariffs, terms and conditions approved by ORG, having regard to the matters referred to in sub-section (2), supply or sell gas to customers to whom gas is supplied or sold under another licence (whether 15 held by that licensee or another licensee). (2) In approving the tariffs and terms and conditions of a requirement referred to in sub-section (1), ORG must have regard to-- (a) the risks and costs associated with the 20 requirement; and (b) the extent to which the licensee or another licensee has developed systems to comply with such a requirement; and (c) any tariffs and terms and conditions 25 proposed by the licensee whether or not at the request of ORG. (3) A requirement referred to in sub-section (1) does not apply so as to require the licensee to supply or sell gas-- 30 (a) if the licensee's licence provides for a distribution area, outside that area; or (b) to a customer to whom gas is supplied or sold under another licence if the customer 30 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 34 Act No. elects, in writing given to the holder of that other licence, not to be a customer of that other licensee for the purposes of sub-section (1); or 5 (c) if to do so would be inconsistent with the licensee's obligations under the Access Code. (4) If the conditions to which a licence of a licensee is subject include a requirement referred to in sub- 10 section (1), the licensee is deemed to be authorised to supply or sell gas to the extent necessary to comply with the requirement. (5) The obligation of a licensee ("the second licensee") to supply or sell gas to a customer to 15 whom gas is supplied or sold under another licence ("the first licensee") in accordance with the requirement referred to in sub-section (1) commences when-- (a) the first licensee's licence is suspended or 20 revoked; or (b) the right of the first licensee to acquire gas under the MSO Rules is suspended or terminated-- whichever first occurs. 25 (6) The obligation of the second licensee referred to in sub-section (5) ends-- (a) 3 months after its commencement; or (b) when the customer advises the second licensee that the supply or sale is no longer 30 required; or (c) when the customer transfers to become the customer of another licensee; or 31 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 34 Act No. (d) when the customer enters into a new contract with the second licensee for the supply or sale of gas-- whichever first occurs. 5 (7) ORG must notify the second licensee under sub- section (5), as soon as practicable, of the commencement of the second licensee's obligation under that sub-section. (8) The tariffs and terms and conditions upon which, 10 in the circumstances referred to in sub-section (6), a licensee will supply or sell gas to customers of another licensee are-- (a) the tariffs and terms and conditions approved by ORG after proposed tariffs, terms and 15 conditions have been submitted by the licensee for approval; or (b) if-- (i) the licensee has submitted tariffs, terms and conditions for approval and any 20 changes proposed by ORG are not adopted by the licensee within one month after being proposed; or (ii) if the licensee, after being given a least one month's notice to submit proposed 25 tariffs, terms and conditions to ORG, fails to comply with the request-- the tariffs, terms and conditions determined by ORG as the approved tariffs, terms and conditions. 30 (9) The licensee, or if ORG determines the tariffs, terms and conditions, ORG, must cause notice of the approved tariffs, terms and conditions to be published in the Government Gazette. 32 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 35 Act No. (10) The tariffs, terms and conditions of which notice has been published in accordance with sub-section (9) are binding on the licensee and the customers to which they apply and, when the licensee is 5 acting in accordance with those tariffs, terms and conditions, they have effect despite any agreement or instrument to the contrary relating to the distribution or supply, or sale of gas to those customers. 10 (11) A licensee and a customer to whom the licensee has an obligation under sub-section (5) to supply or sell gas are deemed to have entered into a contract on the relevant tariffs, terms and conditions published under sub-section (9). 15 (12) Terms and conditions approved or determined by ORG under this section may be varied from time to time. (13) This section applies to a variation under sub- section (12) in the same manner as it applies to the 20 approval or determination of a term or condition. (14) If a variation is approved or determined under this section, sub-sections (9) and (10) apply to the terms and conditions as so varied. 35. Condition restricting sale to certain customers 25 (1) A licence to sell gas by retail is deemed to include a condition prohibiting the licensee from selling gas by retail to persons or classes of persons specified by Order under this section for the period or periods specified in the Order in respect 30 of those persons. (2) The Governor in Council may by Order published in the Government Gazette specify persons or classes of persons and periods for the purposes of this section. 33 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 36 Act No. (3) An Order under sub-section (2) may specify a class of persons by reference to all or any of the following-- (a) the person authorised to sell the gas; 5 (b) the purpose for which the gas is used; (c) the quantity of gas used; (d) the period of use; (e) the place of supply; (f) any other specified factor relevant to the sale 10 of gas. (4) This section expires on 31 August 2004. 36. Customer dispute resolution (1) A licence to-- (a) provide services by means of a distribution 15 pipeline; or (b) sell gas by retail-- must be issued subject to a condition requiring the licensee to enter into a customer dispute resolution scheme approved by ORG. 20 (2) In approving a customer dispute resolution scheme, ORG must have regard to-- (a) the objectives of ORG under section 18 of this Act and under the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994; and 25 (b) the need to ensure that the scheme is accessible to the licensee's customers and that there are no cost barriers to those customers using the scheme; and (c) the need to ensure that the scheme is 30 independent of the members of the scheme; and 34 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 37 Act No. (d) the need for the scheme to be fair and be seen to be fair; and (e) the need to ensure that the scheme will publish decisions and information about 5 complaints received by the scheme so as to be accountable to the members of the scheme and the customers of the scheme members; and (f) the need for the scheme to undertake regular 10 reviews of its performance to ensure that its operation is efficient and effective. (3) ORG may, in accordance with this Part, vary any existing licence to-- (a) provide services by means of a distribution 15 pipeline; or (b) sell gas by retail-- to include a condition of a kind referred to in sub- section (1). (4) ORG may in its discretion exempt a licence to sell 20 gas by retail held by a significant producer from the requirements of sub-section (1). 37. Restriction on retail sale of gas by significant producers (1) Despite anything to the contrary in any licence to 25 sell gas by retail held by a significant producer, that licence does not authorise the sale of gas from a supply point to a person unless-- (a) the person has purchased not less than 500 000 GJ of gas from that supply point, or 30 an ancillary supply point, during the 12 months immediately preceding 1 September 1998 or the commencement of the supply, whichever is the later; or 35 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 38 Act No. (b) the supply point is new and ORG is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the person will purchase not less than 500 000GJ of gas from that supply point within a period of 5 12 months during the period of 3 years next following the commencement of supply; or (c) the person is a person to whom a determination of ORG under sub-section (2) applies. 10 (2) ORG may determine that a licence referred to in sub-section (1) may authorise the sale of gas by retail to a person who satisfies such requirements as to the quantity of gas purchased, or likely to be purchased, as ORG determines, having regard to 15 the objectives specified in section 18. (3) Nothing in this section applies to or affects the carrying on by a person of an activity in accordance with an exemption under section 24. (4) In this section, "supply point" and "ancillary 20 supply point" have the same meanings as they have in the Gas Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1994. 38. Variation or revocation of licence (1) A licence or the licence conditions may be 25 varied-- (a) in accordance with the procedures specified in the licence conditions; or (b) by agreement between ORG and the licensee; or 30 (c) by a notice in accordance with sub-section (2) served on the licensee. 36 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 39 Act No. (2) ORG must not vary a licence or the licence conditions by a notice unless-- (a) ORG is satisfied that the variation is necessary-- 5 (i) having regard to the objectives specified in section 18; or (ii) to give effect to Division 5; and (b) ORG has given the licensee an opportunity to make representations on the matter. 10 (3) ORG may revoke a licence in accordance with the procedures specified in the licence conditions. 39. Gazettal requirement ORG must ensure that-- (a) notice of the grant of a licence including-- 15 (i) the name of the licensee; (ii) the term of the licence; (iii) the place where a copy of the licence may be inspected; (b) notice of a variation or revocation under 20 section 38-- is published in the Government Gazette as soon as possible after the grant of a licence or the variation or revocation, as the case requires. 40. Transfer of licence 25 (1) The holder of a licence may apply to ORG for approval to transfer the licence. (2) An application must be in a form approved by ORG and accompanied by such documents as may be determined by ORG. 30 (3) An application must be accompanied by the application fee (if any) fixed by ORG. 37 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 40 Act No. (4) ORG must publish in a daily newspaper generally circulating in Victoria a notice-- (a) specifying that an application for the transfer of the licence has been lodged with ORG for 5 the transfer by the holder to a proposed transferee specified in the notice; and (b) inviting interested persons to make submissions to ORG in respect of the application within the period and in the 10 manner specified in the notice. (5) Subject to this section, ORG may approve, or refuse to approve, the application for any reason it considers appropriate, having regard to the objectives specified in section 18. 15 (6) ORG may determine that, upon the transfer of the licence under this section, the conditions to which the licence is subject are varied as determined by ORG. (7) Subject to this section and any requirements 20 specified in regulations made for the purposes of this section under section 236, ORG may determine the procedures that are to apply in respect of the transfer of a licence. (8) ORG must notify an applicant in writing of its 25 decision to approve or refuse to approve the application and, in the case of a decision to refuse to approve the application, of the reasons for its decision. (9) ORG must ensure that notice of the approval for 30 the transfer of a licence is published in the Government Gazette as soon as possible after the decision to approve the transfer is made. 38 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 41 Act No. Division 3--Appointment of Administrator 41. Appointment of administrator (1) This section applies if ORG considers that-- (a) a contravention by a licensee of the licence 5 conditions threatens the security of the gas supply; and (b) any other remedies to enforce compliance are not adequate. (2) ORG may appoint an administrator to the business 10 in respect of which the licence is issued. (3) The administrator has such functions and powers in relation to the business in respect of which the licence is issued as are specified in the appointment of the administrator. 15 (4) Unless sooner revoked by ORG, the appointment of an administrator has effect for a period of 28 days but the appointment may be renewed for a further period or periods, each period not exceeding 28 days. 20 (5) The terms and conditions (including remuneration) of appointment of the administrator are to be determined by ORG. Division 4--Terms and Conditions of Sale and Supply of Gas 25 42. Offer to domestic or small business customers (1) Without limiting the generality of section 28, the conditions to which a licence to sell gas by retail, being a licence under which gas may be sold to domestic or small business customers, is subject, 30 include a condition requiring the licensee to offer to supply and sell gas to domestic or small business customers, subject to this section and to 39 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 42 Act No. any Order in force under section 21 and to the conditions of its licence-- (a) at tariffs determined by the licensee and published by the licensee in the Government 5 Gazette at least 2 months before they take effect; and (b) on terms and conditions determined by the licensee and approved by ORG and published by the licensee in the Government 10 Gazette at least 2 months before they take effect. (2) The terms and conditions determined by the licensee for the purposes of sub-section (1) must not be inconsistent with the terms and conditions 15 determined by ORG under section 43(1). (3) The tariffs determined by a licensee and published in the Government Gazette under sub-section (1) may be varied by notice published by the licensee in the Government Gazette not less than 2 months 20 before the variation is to take effect. (4) The terms and conditions determined by a licensee and published in the Government Gazette under sub-section (1) may, with the approval of ORG, be varied by notice published by the licensee in 25 the Government Gazette not less than 2 months before the variation is to take effect. (5) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, declare that a person or class of persons specified in the Order is, for 30 the purposes of this section, a domestic or small business customer or class of domestic or small business customers. 40 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 43 Act No. (6) An Order under sub-section (5) may specify a class of persons by reference to all or any of the following-- (a) the person authorised to sell the gas; 5 (b) the purpose for which the gas is used; (c) the quantity of gas used; (d) the period of use; (e) the place of supply; (f) any other specified factor relevant to the sale 10 of gas. (7) An Order under sub-section (5) may confer powers and functions on, and leave any matter to be determined by, ORG. (8) In this section-- 15 "domestic or small business customer" means a person, or a member of a class of persons, to whom an Order under sub-section (5) applies. (9) This section expires on 31 August 2004. 20 43. Terms and conditions of contracts for sale of gas to certain customers (1) A term or condition in a contract for the supply or sale of gas by a licensee to a relevant customer (whether entered into before, on or after 25 1 September 2001) is void to the extent that it is inconsistent with-- (a) terms and conditions determined by ORG that-- (i) specify the circumstances in which the 30 supply of gas to premises may be disconnected; and 41 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 43 Act No. (ii) require the licensee to provide information specified by ORG about the rights and entitlements of customers; and 5 (iii) specify the circumstances in which the licensee requires access to premises of customers for the purpose of reading meters or otherwise; and (iv) make provision for confidentiality of 10 customer information; and (b) any other terms and conditions determined by ORG and provided for in the licence of the licensee. (2) If a term or condition of a contract is void 15 pursuant to sub-section (1) because of an inconsistency with a term or condition referred to in sub-section (1)(a) or (b), that term or condition referred to in sub-section (1)(a) or (b) is deemed to form part of that contract in place of the void 20 term or condition. (3) The Governor in Council may, by Order published in the Government Gazette, declare that a person or class of persons specified in the Order is, for the purposes of this section, a relevant customer 25 or class of relevant customers. (4) An Order under sub-section (3) may specify a class of persons by reference to all or any of the following-- (a) the person authorised to sell the gas; 30 (b) the purpose for which the gas is used; (c) the quantity of gas used; (d) the period of use; 42 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 44 Act No. (e) the place of supply; (f) any other specified factor relevant to the sale of gas. (5) An Order under sub-section (3) may confer 5 powers and functions on, and leave any matter to be determined by, ORG. (6) In this section-- "relevant customer" means a person, or a member of a class of persons, to whom an 10 Order under sub-section (3) applies. (7) This section expires on 31 August 2004. 44. Deemed contracts with former franchise customers (1) If a person-- (a) was a franchise customer within the meaning 15 of the Gas Industry Act 1994 immediately before 1 September 2001; and (b) has not entered into a new contract with a licensee which takes effect on or after that date-- 20 there is deemed to be a contract between that person and the licensee of which the person was a customer immediately before that date for the sale of gas at the tariff determined by the licensee in accordance with any Order in force under 25 section 21 or, if there is no such Order, at tariffs determined by the licensee and published by the licensee in the Government Gazette at least 2 months before they take effect and otherwise on the terms and conditions applying to that licensee 30 under section 42. (2) The deemed contract continues until-- 43 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 45 Act No. (a) the contract is terminated; or (b) if the customer enters into a new contract for the purchase of gas from the licensee in respect of the same premises, the date of 5 taking effect of that new contract-- whichever first occurs. (3) This section expires on 31 August 2004. 45. Variation of contracts with former franchise customers 10 A licensee may, subject to any Order in force under section 21, vary any tariffs determined by the licensee under section 44 and the terms and conditions of its contracts under section 44 by notice published-- 15 (a) in the Government Gazette; and (b) in a newspaper circulating generally in Victoria-- not less than 2 months before the variations take effect but not so that the terms and conditions, as 20 varied, are inconsistent with the terms and conditions determined by ORG under section 43(1). 46. Deemed contracts for supply and sale for certain domestic or small business customers 25 (1) If-- (a) a person commences to take a supply of gas at premises from a licensee without notice being first given to the licensee last responsible for the supply and sale of gas to 30 those premises; and (b) that person is a domestic or small business customer within the meaning of section 42-- 44 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 47 Act No. there is deemed on the commencement of that supply to be a contract between the licensee and that person for the supply and sale of gas at the tariffs and on the terms and conditions offered by 5 the licensee in accordance with section 42 for the supply and sale of gas by the licensee to domestic or small business customers at those premises. (2) The deemed contract continues until-- (a) the contract is terminated; or 10 (b) if the domestic or small business customer enters into a new contract for the purchase of gas from the licensee in respect of the same premises, the date of taking effect of that new contract-- 15 whichever first occurs. (3) Sub-section (1) does not apply where the person referred to in that sub-section commences to take the supply of gas by fraudulent or illegal means. 47. Deemed contracts for supply and sale for certain 20 relevant customers (1) If-- (a) a person commences to take a supply of gas at premises from a licensee without notice being first given to the licensee last 25 responsible for the supply and sale of gas to those premises; and (b) that person is a relevant customer within the meaning of section 43-- there is deemed on the commencement of that 30 supply to be a contract between the licensee and that person for the supply and sale of gas at the tariffs and on the terms and conditions offered by the licensee in accordance with section 42 for the 45 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 48 Act No. supply and sale of gas by the licensee at those premises. (2) The deemed contract continues until-- (a) the contract is terminated; or 5 (b) if the relevant customer enters into a new contract for the purchase of gas from the licensee in respect of the same premises, the date of taking effect of that new contract-- whichever first occurs. 10 (3) Sub-section (1) does not apply where the person referred to in that sub-section commences to take the supply of gas by fraudulent or illegal means. 48. Deemed distribution contracts (1) A gas distribution company may from time to 15 time, subject to the conditions of its licence, give notice of terms and conditions applying in respect of the distribution or supply of gas by the gas distribution company to retail customers or a class of retail customers. 20 (2) The terms and conditions must be approved by ORG before a notice is given under sub-section (1). (3) Unless ORG approves otherwise in a particular case, the terms and conditions must not be 25 inconsistent with the Gas Distribution System Code published by ORG on 24 February 2000 as amended or remade from time to time. (4) The terms and conditions must not be inconsistent with any access arrangement applicable to the gas 30 distribution company and approved under the Access Code. (5) The approved terms and conditions of which notice is given under this section-- 46 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 48 Act No. (a) take effect on the day on which they are published in the Government Gazette; and (b) are binding on the gas distribution company and the retail customers to which they are 5 expressed to apply. (6) A gas distribution company and a retail customer are deemed to have entered into a contract on the terms and conditions published under sub-section (5) on a date determined in accordance with those 10 terms and conditions. (7) A gas distribution company may from time to time vary any terms and conditions of which notice is given under this section. (8) This section applies to a variation under sub- 15 section (6) in the same manner as it applies to the making, approval and notification of the terms and conditions. (9) A gas distribution company, subject to the conditions of its licence, and a retail customer 20 may by agreement in writing vary any of the terms and conditions of a deemed contract under sub- section (6). (10) A deemed contract under sub-section (6) may be terminated in accordance with its terms and 25 conditions. (11) Nothing in this section affects any contract existing immediately before the commencement of this section between a gas distribution company and a retail customer. 30 (12) In this section "retail customer" in relation to a gas distribution company means a customer of a 47 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 49 Act No. gas retailer to which the gas distribution company distributes or supplies gas. Division 5--Community Service Agreements 49. Community services 5 (1) An agreement by a gas retailer with the State for the provision of community services is an agreement for a term of not less than 5 years for the provision by the gas retailer of gas to a class of domestic customers specified by the Secretary 10 to the Department of Human Services-- (a) at such concessional rates and in such manner and at such times as are determined by the Secretary; and (b) on such other terms and conditions as are 15 agreed between the retailer and the State or, in default of agreement, as are determined by the Secretary. (2) In determining terms and conditions under sub- section (1)(b), the Secretary must have regard to 20 the risks and costs associated with the obligations imposed on the gas retailer under the agreement. 50. Transitional provision relating to community services (1) An agreement to which this section applies that, but for section 48TAB of the Gas Industry Act 25 1994, would have ceased to have effect on 31 August 2001 continues in force until the expiration of the prescribed period or terminated upon the making of a new agreement by the gas retailer with the State for the provision of 30 community services by way of the provision of gas to certain customers, whichever first occurs. (2) The prescribed period is the period ending on 31 December 2001 or such other date, not later than 31 March 2002, as is agreed between the gas 48 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 51 Act No. retailer and the Secretary to the Department of Human Services. (3) If a new agreement is not made between the gas retailer and the State before the expiration of the 5 prescribed period, an agreement is deemed to have been entered into on terms and conditions determined by the Secretary in accordance with section 49. (4) This section applies to an agreement in force 10 before 1 September 2001 under which a gas retailer agrees with the State to provide certain community services by way of the provision of gas to customers. 51. ORG may determine certain matters 15 (1) ORG, at the request of the Secretary to the Department of Human Services or a gas retailer, may-- (a) determine matters referred by the Secretary or gas retailer for determination for the 20 purposes of making an agreement referred to in section 49 or 50; or (b) if an agreement referred to in section 49 or 50 has been entered into or deemed to be entered into on terms and conditions 25 determined by the Secretary under section 49, determine matters relating to those terms and conditions (including the variation of any of those terms and conditions) referred by the Secretary or gas 30 retailer for determination. (2) A request relating to a term or condition determined by the Secretary under section 49 must be made within one month after notice of the determination is given. 49 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 51 Act No. (3) A determination by ORG on matters referred under sub-section (1) is binding on the parties to the agreement. (4) If a determination of ORG on matters referred 5 under sub-section (1) varies a term or condition of an agreement, that agreement is deemed to be so varied on that determination being made. (5) The matters which may be referred to ORG under this section do not include-- 10 (a) any matters relating to the class of domestic customers specified by the Secretary under section 49; or (b) any matters determined by the Secretary under section 49(1)(a). 15 _______________ 50 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 52 Act No. PART 4--GAS MARKET PROVISIONS Division 1--Market and System Operation Rules 52. MSO Rules (1) The MSO Rules cannot be amended except as 5 provided by this section. (2) The purpose of the MSO Rules is the regulation of-- (a) the operation of a market for gas; (b) the activities of market participants in a 10 market for gas; (c) the operation of the gas transmission system for the purposes of-- (i) the security of the system; (ii) the achievement of the market 15 objectives referred to in sub-section (3). (3) The market objectives are to establish a competitive, reliable and efficient market for gas-- (a) in which market participants can choose with 20 whom they trade; (b) in which third parties are granted access to the gas transmission system; (c) in which, to the extent practicable, the trading of gas from different sources is not 25 differentiated; (d) in which prices are governed as far as practicable by commercial and market forces rather than regulation; (e) in which efficiency is encouraged. 51 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 53 Act No. (4) The MSO Rules may confer functions and powers on the ACCC. (5) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may amend the MSO 5 Rules. (6) VENCorp, after consultation in accordance with the MSO Rules, may amend the MSO Rules, by notice published in the Government Gazette. 53. Competition policy authorisation 10 (1) For the purposes of Part IV of the Trade Practices Act and of the Competition Code, the following are specifically authorised-- (a) the making of the MSO Rules on 2 February 1999; 15 (b) the amendment of the MSO Rules, whether under those Rules, section 48N of the Gas Industry Act 1994 or section 52 of this Act or otherwise; (c) any thing done, or conduct engaged in, by 20 VENCorp under or pursuant to, or by way of enforcement of, the MSO Rules; (d) any thing done, or conduct engaged in by a participant or market participant required by the MSO Rules; 25 (e) the making of, or giving effect to, an agreement, arrangement or understanding made under or pursuant to the MSO Rules and made between VENCorp and a participant or market participant, between 30 participants, between market participants or between participants and market participants. (2) This section does not apply to anything done, or conduct engaged in, on or after 1 January 2003. (3) In this section-- 52 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 54 Act No. (a) "market participant" and "participant" have the same meanings as they have in the MSO Rules; (b) a reference to engaging in conduct has the 5 same meaning as in section 4(2)(a) of the Trade Practices Act. 54. Proceedings (1) A person may not bring civil proceedings in respect of a matter arising under this Division, 10 except in accordance with this Division. (2) The ACCC may, in accordance with this Division, bring civil proceedings in respect of a civil penalty provision or a regulatory provision. (3) The ACCC or any other person may, in 15 accordance with this Division, bring civil proceedings in respect of a conduct provision. (4) Nothing in this section affects the right of a person to bring civil proceedings in respect of any matter or thing, or seek any relief or remedy, if the 20 cause of action arises, or the relief or remedy is sought, on grounds that do not rely on this Division. 55. Criminal proceedings do not lie (1) Criminal proceedings do not lie against a person 25 by reason only that the person-- (a) has contravened a provision of this Division; (b) has attempted to contravene such a provision; (c) has aided, abetted, counselled or procured a 30 person to contravene such a provision; (d) has induced, or attempted to induce, a person, whether by threats or promises or otherwise, to contravene such a provision; 53 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 56 Act No. (e) has been in any way, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to, the contravention by a person of such a provision; or 5 (f) has conspired with others to contravene such a provision. (2) Sub-section (1) does not apply in respect of a provision of this Division for an offence against which a penalty is prescribed by this Division. 10 56. Civil penalty (1) The ACCC may apply to a court for an order under this Division in respect of a contravention by a person of a civil penalty provision or the doing by a person of any other thing mentioned in 15 sub-section (2). (2) If the court is satisfied that a person-- (a) has contravened a civil penalty provision; or (b) has attempted to contravene such provision; or 20 (c) has aided, abetted, counselled or procured a person to contravene such a provision; or (d) has induced, or attempted to induce, a person whether by threats or promises or otherwise, to contravene such a provision; or 25 (e) has been in any way, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to, the contravention by a person of such a provision; or (f) has conspired with others to contravene such 30 a provision-- the court may order the person to pay to the Minister for payment into the Consolidated Fund 54 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 57 Act No. such pecuniary penalty, in respect of each act or omission by the person to which this section applies, as the court determines to be appropriate having regard to all relevant matters including-- 5 (g) the nature and extent of the act or omission and of any loss or damage suffered as a result of the act or omission; and (h) the circumstances in which the act or omission took place; and 10 (i) whether the person has previously been found by a court in proceedings under this Division to have contravened a civil penalty provision. (3) The pecuniary penalty payable under sub-section 15 (2) must not exceed the penalty prescribed by the regulations for the act or omission to which this section applies. 57. Injunctions (1) If, on an application in accordance with sub- 20 section (2), the Supreme Court is satisfied that a person has engaged, or is proposing to engage, in conduct that constitutes or would constitute-- (a) a contravention of a provision that, under the MSO Rules, is a regulatory provision or 25 conduct provision of the MSO Rules; or (b) attempting to contravene such a regulatory provision or conduct provision-- the Court may grant an injunction in such terms as the Court determines to be appropriate. 30 (2) An application under sub-section (1) may be made-- (a) in the case of a regulatory provision, by the ACCC; 55 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 57 Act No. (b) in the case of a conduct provision, by the ACCC or a market participant. (3) If an application for an injunction under sub- section (1) has been made the Court may, if the 5 Court determines it to be appropriate, grant an injunction by consent of all the parties to the proceedings, whether or not the Court is satisfied that a person has engaged, or is proposing to engage, in conduct of a kind mentioned in sub- 10 section (1). (4) If in the opinion of the Court it is desirable to do so, the Court may grant an interim injunction pending determination of an application under sub-section (1). 15 (5) The Court may rescind or vary an injunction granted under sub-section (1) or (3). (6) The power of the Court to grant an injunction restraining a person from engaging in conduct may be exercised-- 20 (a) whether or not it appears to the Court that the person intends to engage again, or to continue to engage, in conduct of that kind; and (b) whether or not the person has previously 25 engaged in conduct of that kind; and (c) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial damage to any other person or to property if the person engages in conduct of that kind. 30 (7) The power of the Court to grant an injunction requiring a person to do an act or thing may be exercised-- (a) whether or not it appears to the Court that the person intends to refuse or fail again, or 56 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 58 Act No. to continue to refuse or fail, to do that act or thing; and (b) whether or not the person has previously refused or failed to do that act or thing; and 5 (c) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial damage to any other person or to property if the person refuses or fails to do that act or thing. (8) If the ACCC makes an application to the Court for 10 the grant of an injunction under this section, the Court shall not require the applicant or any other person, as a condition of granting an interim injunction, to give any undertakings as to damages. 15 58. Actions for damages for contravention of conduct provision (1) A market participant who suffers loss or damage by conduct of another that was done in contravention of a conduct provision may, subject 20 to and in accordance with the MSO Rules, recover the amount of the loss or damage by action against that other person or against any person involved in the contravention. (2) An action under sub-section (1) may be 25 commenced at any time within 3 years after the date on which the cause of action accrued. (3) A reference in sub-section (1) to a person involved in a contravention of a conduct provision is a reference to a person who-- 30 (a) has aided, abetted, counselled or procured the contravention; or (b) has induced, whether by threats or promises or otherwise, the contravention; or 57 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 59 Act No. (c) has been in any way, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to, the contravention; or (d) has conspired with others to effect the 5 contravention. 59. Declaratory relief (1) The Supreme Court, on an application by a person may, by order, declare whether or not the person to which the application relates has contravened a 10 regulatory provision or conduct provision. (2) An application under sub-section (1) may be made, subject to and in accordance with the MSO Rules-- (a) in the case of a regulatory provision, by the 15 ACCC; (b) in the case of a conduct provision, by the ACCC or any other person. (3) If the order declares the person to have contravened a regulatory provision or conduct 20 provision, the order may include one or more of the following-- (a) a requirement that the person cease, within a specified period, the act, activity or practice constituting the contravention; 25 (b) a requirement that the person take such action, or adopt such practice, as the Court requires for remedying the contravention or preventing a recurrence of the contravention; (c) a requirement that the person implement a 30 specified program for compliance with the MSO Rules. Division 2--Facilitation of Retail Competition 58 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 60 Act No. 60. What are retail gas market rules? (1) For the purposes of this Division retail gas market rules are rules relating to the operation of the retail gas market. 5 (2) Retail gas market rules may include rules relating to-- (a) the allocation of unique identifiers for gas metering installations; (b) the registration of unique identifiers and gas 10 metering installations; (c) the provision of unique identifiers and other information contained in a register required by rules made under paragraph (b) in relation to unique identifiers and gas metering 15 installations; (d) the arrangements for the transfer of customers from one gas retailer to another gas retailer; (e) the provision, installation and maintenance 20 of metering installations for the purposes of-- (i) the retail gas market; or (ii) the settlement of any relevant wholesale market for gas; or 25 (iii) any other financial settlement that is regularly required in respect of the wholesale sale of gas through a distribution pipeline; (f) the collection, creation, processing, storage 30 and provision of access to data for the purposes of-- (i) the retail gas market; or 59 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 61 Act No. (ii) the settlement of any relevant wholesale market for gas; or (iii) any other financial settlement that is regularly required in respect of the 5 wholesale sale of gas through a distribution pipeline. (3) Retail gas market rules may apply, adopt or incorporate wholly or partially or as amended by the rules, the provisions of any document, 10 standard, rule, specification or method formulated, issued, prescribed or published by any authority or body whether-- (a) as formulated, issued, prescribed or published at the time the rules are made or at 15 any time before the rules are made; or (b) as amended from time to time. 61. Principles for retail gas market rules (1) The Governor in Council may by Order published in the Government Gazette determine principles to 20 be taken into account by ORG for the approval under this Division of retail gas market rules. (2) An Order under this section has effect from the day specified in the Order. 62. Retail gas market rules--VENCorp 25 (1) VENCorp must develop retail gas market rules in accordance with this Division for the gas transmission system and the gas distribution system. (2) VENCorp must comply with a scheme approved 30 by ORG for the development and implementation of the retail gas market rules. (3) VENCorp must submit the completed retail gas market rules to ORG for approval. 60 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 63 65 Act No. 63. Retail gas market rules--gas distribution company (1) A gas distribution company must develop retail gas market rules in accordance with this Division for any part of a distribution pipeline in respect of 5 which it is a licensee except any part of a pipeline to which the rules developed by VENCorp under section 62 apply. (2) A gas distribution company must comply with a scheme approved by ORG for the development 10 and implementation of the retail gas market rules. (3) The gas distribution company must submit the completed retail gas market rules to ORG for approval. 64. Conditions of licence relating to retail gas market 15 A licence is deemed to include the following conditions-- (a) requiring the licensee to observe guidelines issued by, or other requirements of, ORG in connection with the transition of customers 20 to competition in the retail gas market; and (b) requiring the licensee to participate in any scheme or schemes approved by ORG under sections 62 and 63; and (c) in the case of a gas distribution company, 25 requiring the licensee to comply with section 63 and any scheme approved by ORG under that section. 65. Approval of rules by ORG (1) ORG may determine to approve or not to approve 30 any retail gas market rules submitted to it under this Division. 61 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (2) ORG must have regard to the principles determined under section 61 and the objectives specified in section 18 in determining whether or not to approve retail gas market rules under this 5 Division. 66. Operation of approved rules (1) Approved retail gas market rules come into effect on the date that they are approved by ORG or a later date specified in the approval. 10 (2) Sections 35 and 36 of the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994 apply to approved retail gas market rules as if the approved rules were a determination made by ORG under that Act. 15 67. Amendments to approved rules (1) Approved retail gas market rules may be amended in accordance with the procedures set out in the rules. (2) An amendment to an approved retail gas market 20 rule does not take effect until it has been approved by ORG. (3) Section 65 applies to the approval of an amendment to an approved retail gas market rule. 68. Cost recovery 25 (1) The Governor in Council may by Order published in the Government Gazette-- (a) provide for the setting and regulation of the prices, fees and charges that a gas distribution company may charge for or in 30 connection with the implementation and operation of approved retail gas market rules; (b) empower the recovery of those prices, fees and charges from all gas retailers or a class 62 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 69 Act No. or classes of gas retailers supplied by the distribution company or all customers of a gas retailer or a class or classes of customers of a gas retailer so supplied. 5 (2) An Order under sub-section (1) may direct ORG to make a determination under the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994 in respect of such factors and matters or in accordance with such procedures, matters or bases as are specified in the 10 Order, or both. Division 3--Costs of VENCorp for Retail Competition 69. Costs of VENCorp (1) A gas retailer must pay to VENCorp at such time or times as VENCorp determines, such amount or 15 amounts (if any) as VENCorp determines to be payable by that gas retailer in respect of the costs incurred by VENCorp in relation to the implementation and operation of, and the provision of services in connection with, 20 arrangements for competition in the retail gas market in Victoria. (2) A determination may be made under sub-section (1) in respect of costs incurred by VENCorp before, on or after the date of the determination. 25 (3) VENCorp must not make a determination under sub-section (1) unless it has first been approved by ORG. _______________ 63 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 70 Act No. PART 5--SIGNIFICANT PRODUCERS Division 1--Preliminary 70. Conduct 5 In this Part-- (a) a reference to engaging in conduct includes a reference to doing or refusing to do any act, including the making of, or the giving effect to a provision of, a contract or arrangement, 10 the arriving at, or the giving effect to a provision of, an understanding or the requiring of the giving of, or the giving of, a covenant; (b) a reference to conduct, when that expression 15 is used as a noun otherwise than as mentioned in paragraph (a), includes a reference to the doing of or the refusing to do any act, including the making of, or the giving effect to a provision of, a contract or 20 arrangement, the arriving at, or the giving effect to a provision of, an understanding or the requiring of the giving of, or the giving of, a covenant; (c) a reference to refusing to do an act includes a 25 reference to-- (i) refraining (otherwise than inadvertently) from doing that act; or (ii) making it known that that act will not be done; and 30 (d) a reference to a person offering to do an act, or to do an act on a particular condition, includes a reference to the person making it known that the person will accept applications, offers or proposals for the 64 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 71 Act No. person to do that act or to do that act on that condition, as the case may be. 71. References to purpose For the purposes of this Part, a person is deemed 5 to have engaged or to engage in conduct for a particular purpose if-- (a) the person engaged or engages in the conduct for purposes that included that purpose; and 10 (b) that purpose was or is a substantial purpose. 72. Subsidiaries (1) For the purpose of this Part, a body corporate, subject to sub-section (3), is deemed to be a subsidiary of another body corporate if-- 15 (a) that other body corporate-- (i) controls the composition of the board of directors of the first-mentioned body corporate; or (ii) is in a position to cast, or control the 20 casting of, more than 50% of the maximum number of votes that might be cast at a general meeting of the first- mentioned body corporate; or (iii) holds more than 50% of the allotted 25 share capital of the first-mentioned body corporate (excluding any part of that allotted share capital that carries no right to participate beyond a specified amount in a distribution of either 30 profits or capital); or 65 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 72 Act No. (b) the first-mentioned body corporate is a subsidiary of any body corporate that is that other body corporate's subsidiary (including any body corporate that is that other body 5 corporate's subsidiary by another application or other applications of this paragraph). (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the composition of a body corporate's board of directors shall be deemed to be controlled by 10 another body corporate if that other body corporate, by the exercise of some power exercisable by it without the consent or concurrence of any other person, can appoint or remove all or a majority of the directors, and for 15 the purposes of this provision that other body corporate shall be deemed to have power to make such an appointment if-- (a) a person cannot be appointed as a director without the exercise in his or her favour by 20 that other body corporate of such a power; or (b) a person's appointment as a director follows necessarily from his or her being a director or other officer of that other body corporate. (3) In determining whether a body corporate is a 25 subsidiary of another body corporate-- (a) any shares held or power exercisable by that other body corporate in a fiduciary capacity shall be treated as not held or exercisable by it; 30 (b) subject to paragraphs (c) and (d), any shares held or power exercisable-- (i) by any person as a nominee for that other body corporate (except where that other body corporate is concerned only 35 in a fiduciary capacity); or 66 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 73 Act No. (ii) by, or by a nominee for, a subsidiary of that other body corporate, not being a subsidiary that is concerned only in a fiduciary capacity-- 5 shall be treated as held or exercisable by that other body corporate; (c) any shares held or power exercisable by any person by virtue of the provisions of any debentures of the first-mentioned body 10 corporate, or of a trust deed for securing any allotment of such debentures, shall be disregarded; and (d) any shares held or power exercisable by, or by a nominee for, that other body corporate 15 or its subsidiary (not being held or exercisable as mentioned in paragraph (c)) shall be treated as not held or exercisable by that other body corporate if the ordinary business of that other body corporate or its 20 subsidiary, as the case may be, includes the lending of money and the shares are held or the power is exercisable by way of security only for the purposes of a transaction entered into in the ordinary course of that business. 25 73. Holding companies A reference in this Part to the holding company of a body corporate shall be read as a reference to a body corporate of which that other body corporate is a subsidiary. 30 74. Related bodies corporate (1) If a body corporate-- (a) is the holding company of another body corporate; or (b) is a subsidiary of another body corporate; or 67 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 75 Act No. (c) is a subsidiary of the holding company of another body corporate-- that first-mentioned body corporate and that other body corporate are, for the purposes of this Part, 5 deemed to be related to each other. (2) In proceedings under this Part it is to be presumed, unless the contrary is established, that bodies corporate are not, or were not at a particular time, related to each other. 10 75. Joint ventures (1) In this Part a reference to a joint venture is a reference to an activity in trade or commerce-- (a) carried on jointly by 2 or more persons, whether or not in partnership; or 15 (b) carried on by a body corporate formed by two or more persons for the purpose of enabling those persons to carry on that activity jointly by means of their joint control, or by means of their ownership of 20 shares in the capital, of that body corporate. (2) In this Part a reference to a contract or arrangement made or understanding arrived at, or to a proposed contract or arrangement to be made or proposed understanding to be arrived at, for the 25 purposes of a joint venture, in relation to a joint venture by way of an activity carried on by a body corporate referred to in sub-section (1)(b) includes a reference to the constitution, rules or other document that constitutes or constitute, or are or is 30 to constitute, that body corporate. 76. Provisions of this Part are in addition to other anti- competitive laws The provisions of this Part are in addition to any other law regulating anti-competitive conduct. 68 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 77 Act No. 77. Persons involved in contravention of competition rule For the purposes of Divisions 2 and 4, a reference to a significant producer includes a reference to a person who-- 5 (a) has aided, abetted, counselled or procured a contravention or proposed contravention of the competition rule; or (b) has induced such a contravention or proposed contravention; or 10 (c) has been in any way directly or indirectly knowingly concerned in, or party to, such a contravention or proposed contravention; or (d) has conspired with others to effect such a contravention or proposed contravention. 15 Division 2--Anti-competitive Conduct 78. Anti-competitive conduct A significant producer engages in anti- competitive conduct if the significant producer discriminates among or against gas retailers in a 20 manner that has the purpose, or has or is likely to have the effect, of substantially lessening competition in a Victorian gas market. 79. Prohibition of anti-competitive conduct (1) A significant producer must not engage in anti- 25 competitive conduct within the meaning of section 78. (2) For the purposes of this Part, the rule set out in sub-section (1) is to be known as the competition rule. 30 (3) Sub-section (1) does not prevent a significant producer from engaging in conduct (within the meaning of section 4(2) of the Trade Practices 69 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 80 Act No. Act) that does not constitute a contravention of section 45, 45B or 47 of that Act by reason that an authorisation under that Act or under section 62O of the Gas Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 5 1994 is in force. Division 3--Authorisation 80. ORG may grant authorisation (1) Subject to this section and the regulations, ORG may, on the application of a significant 10 producer-- (a) grant an authorisation to the significant producer and to any other person or class of persons specified in the authorisation to engage in conduct that, but for the 15 authorisation, might contravene the competition rule; or (b) refuse to grant such an authorisation. (2) ORG must not grant an authorisation in relation to conduct unless-- 20 (a) in the opinion of ORG, the conduct would not contravene the competition rule; and (b) the significant producer has not commenced to engage in the conduct. (3) An authorisation under sub-section (1)-- 25 (a) may be granted subject to such terms and conditions as ORG determines; and (b) may be granted in respect of a specified period only. (4) ORG must give written reasons to the significant 30 producer for its decision under this section not later than 14 days after making the decision. 70 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 81 Act No. (5) While an authorisation under sub-section (1) remains in force, section 78 does not apply to conduct to which the authorisation applies that is engaged in by the significant producer or by any 5 other person or class of persons specified in the authorisation. (6) Despite anything to the contrary in section 110, regulations for the purposes of this section may prescribe restrictions on the disclosure of 10 confidential information that are in addition to the provisions of section 110. 81. Variation or revocation of authorisation (1) If ORG is satisfied that-- (a) an application for an authorisation under this 15 Division contained material that was false or misleading in a material particular; or (b) since an authorisation was granted, there has been a material change of circumstances relating to the person to whom it was granted 20 or the conduct to which it applies; or (c) there has been a breach of a term or condition of an authorisation-- ORG may, subject to the regulations, vary or revoke the authorisation. 25 (2) If ORG varies or revokes an authorisation, ORG must give to the significant producer written reasons for the decision not later than 14 days after the variation or revocation. 82. Application for review 30 (1) If ORG-- (a) grants an authorisation subject to terms and conditions or for a specified period or refuses to grant an authorisation; or 71 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 82 Act No. (b) varies or revokes an authorisation-- the significant producer may apply to the appeal tribunal under Division 5 for a review of the decision on the grounds of an error of fact or law. 5 (2) An application under sub-section (1) must be lodged with ORG within 7 working days after the reasons for the decision are given. (3) The appeal tribunal may not have regard to material other than-- 10 (a) submissions and information made or provided by the applicant to ORG before the decision was made; (b) information or material to which ORG had regard before the decision was made; 15 (c) the reasons given by ORG for the making of the decision; (d) if the appeal tribunal gives leave-- (i) such other material relating to the submissions; or 20 (ii) such other information-- as could not by the exercise of reasonable skill and diligence have been or become available to the applicant or ORG before the making of the decision. 25 (4) The appeal tribunal must make a decision in writing-- (a) affirming, modifying or setting aside the decision of ORG and, for that purpose, may exercise any of the powers and discretions 30 that ORG has and could exercise in relation to the matter; or 72 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 83 Act No. (b) remitting the matter for reconsideration by ORG in accordance with any directions or recommendations of the appeal tribunal. (5) The appeal tribunal must give a copy of its written 5 decision, together with a copy of its reasons for the decision, to the applicant and to ORG. Division 4--Competition Notices 83. Competition notices (1) If ORG believes on reasonable grounds that-- 10 (a) a person is a significant producer; and (b) that person has contravened or is contravening, or proposing to contravene-- the competition rule, ORG may issue a written notice-- 15 (c) stating that a specified person has contravened, or is contravening or proposing to contravene, the competition rule; and (d) setting out particulars of that contravention or proposed contravention. 20 (2) A notice under sub-section (1) is to be known as a competition notice. 84. Legal proceedings excluded Proceedings-- (a) seeking the grant of any relief or remedy in 25 the nature of certiorari, prohibition, mandamus or quo warranto, or the grant of a declaration or an injunction; or (b) seeking any order under the Administrative Law Act 1978-- 30 (whether on the ground of absence of jurisdiction or on any other ground) may not be brought 73 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 85 Act No. against any person in respect of a decision to issue a competition notice or any act, matter or thing incidental to or leading to the making of such a decision. 5 85. Competition notice to be given to significant producer As soon as practicable after issuing a competition notice, ORG must give a copy of the competition notice to the person specified in the notice. 86. Evidentiary effect of competition notice 10 (1) In any proceedings under, or arising out of, this Part, a competition notice is evidence of the matters in the notice. (2) A document purporting to be a competition notice must, unless the contrary is established, be taken 15 to be a competition notice and to have been properly issued. (3) ORG may certify that a document is a copy of a competition notice. (4) This section applies to the certified copy as if it 20 were the original. 87. Notice of orders (1) ORG must, within 14 days after issuing a competition notice, give written notice to the person specified in the notice of the orders ORG 25 is proposing to make under this Part. (2) Sub-section (1) does not apply to a proposed order under section 90 unless ORG otherwise determines. (3) ORG must cause a copy of the notice under sub- 30 section (1) to be publicly available. 74 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 88 Act No. (4) The person to whom the notice is given and any person who has an interest in the matter may-- (a) make any submissions to ORG on the competition notice and on the proposed 5 orders that the person thinks fit; and (b) provide ORG with any information in relation to the competition notice or proposed orders that the person thinks fit. (5) A submission must be made and information 10 provided under sub-section (4) within 14 days after the notice is published under sub-section (3). 88. Making of orders (1) ORG, after considering any submissions under section 87, may by written notice-- 15 (a) make all or any of the orders referred to in the notice under section 87; or (b) make all or any of those orders with any variations that ORG, after considering the submissions, thinks fit. 20 (2) An order under sub-section (1) must be made not earlier than 14 days and not later than 28 days after the notice is published under section 87(3). (3) As soon as practicable after making an order under this section, ORG must give a copy of the 25 order to the person specified in the order. (4) ORG must cause a copy of an order under this section to be published in a daily newspaper circulating generally in Victoria. 89. Extension of time limits 30 ORG may, of its own motion or on the application of a person to whom a competition notice is given, extend a period referred to in section 87 or 88 by not more than 14 days. 75 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 90 Act No. 90. Mandatory orders (1) If ORG has issued, or is entitled to issue, a competition notice relating to a particular person, ORG may at any time, in accordance with the 5 regulations (if any), make an order directing the person-- (a) to cease certain conduct; or (b) to modify certain conduct; or (c) to engage, or refrain from engaging, in 10 certain conduct. (2) In an order under sub-section (1), ORG may specify terms and conditions applicable to the subject matter of the order. 91. Penalty orders 15 (1) If ORG has issued a competition notice relating to a particular person, ORG may make an order requiring the payment by the person to the Consolidated Fund of a fine not exceeding $10 000 000. 20 (2) In making an order under sub-section (1) in relation to a person, ORG must have regard to any pecuniary penalties imposed on the person under section 76 of the Trade Practices Act. 92. Reasons for orders 25 ORG must give written reasons for making an order under this Part either when it makes the order or within 14 days after making it. 93. Enforcement of orders of ORG An order made by ORG under this Part may be 30 enforced as if it were a judgment or order of the Supreme Court. 76 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 94 Act No. Division 5--Appeal Tribunal 94. Application for review of order (1) A person who is the subject of an order made by ORG under this Part may apply to the appeal 5 tribunal referred to in section 95 for a review of any order made by ORG under this Part in relation to the person, including, in the case of an order under section 91, the amount of a fine. (2) An application under sub-section (1) must be 10 lodged with ORG within 14 working days after the reasons for making the order are given. (3) The grounds for an application are-- (a) that ORG made an error of fact or law in a material respect in issuing the competition 15 notice or in making an order; or (b) that the amount of a fine under an order under section 91 is excessive. 95. Appeal tribunal (1) The appeal tribunal consists of 3 persons 20 appointed by the Minister administering the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994, on such terms and conditions as the Minister determines, from the pool of persons appointed by the Governor in Council under section 38(2) of 25 that Act or from among such other persons eligible to be members of that pool as that Minister determines being persons of whom-- (a) one must be a person experienced in law; and 30 (b) another must be a person experienced in economics. (2) The person appointed under sub-section (1)(a) shall be the presiding member. 77 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 96 Act No. 96. Procedure (1) The regulations may regulate the procedure of the appeal tribunal. (2) The appeal tribunal is not bound by the rules of 5 evidence but, subject to section 97, may inform itself in any manner it thinks fit. (3) Subject to this Part and the regulations, the procedure of the appeal tribunal is in its discretion. 10 97. Questions of law or procedure A question of law or procedure relating to or arising out of a matter before the appeal tribunal may be decided by the presiding member. 98. Material which appeal tribunal may consider 15 The appeal tribunal may not have regard to material other than-- (a) submissions and information made or provided by the applicant to ORG before the order was made; 20 (b) information or material to which ORG had regard before the order was made; (c) the reasons given by ORG for the making of the order; (d) if the appeal tribunal gives leave-- 25 (i) such other material relating to the submissions; or (ii) such other information-- as could not by the exercise of reasonable skill and diligence have been or become 30 available to the applicant or ORG before the making of the order. 78 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 99 Act No. 99. Decision of appeal tribunal (1) The appeal tribunal must make a decision in writing-- (a) affirming the order under review; or 5 (b) setting aside the order under review and remitting the matter for reconsideration by ORG in accordance with any directions or recommendations of the appeal tribunal; or (c) in the case of a review of the amount of a 10 fine under an order under section 91, substituting a fine of an amount determined by the appeal tribunal or remitting the matter for reconsideration by ORG in accordance with any directions or recommendations of 15 the appeal tribunal. (2) The appeal tribunal must make its decision within 3 months after the application for review was made or within such longer period as the appeal tribunal determines. 20 (3) The appeal tribunal must give a copy of its written decision, together with a copy of its reasons for the decision, to the applicant and to ORG. 100. Decision if members not unanimous If the members of the appeal tribunal are divided 25 in opinion as to the decision to be made on any question-- (a) if there is a majority of the one opinion, the question shall be decided according to the opinion of the majority; or 30 (b) in any other case, the question shall be decided according to the opinion of the presiding member. 79 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 101 Act No. 101. Disclosure of interests (1) If a person is, or is to be, a member of the appeal tribunal and the person has or acquires any interest, pecuniary or otherwise, that could 5 conflict with the proper performance of the functions of that person in relation to an appeal-- (a) the person must disclose the interest to the Minister; and (b) the person must not take part, or continue to 10 take part, in the hearing of the appeal if-- (i) the Minister gives a direction under sub-section (2)(a); or (ii) if the Minister has caused the interest of the person to be disclosed to the parties 15 to the hearing, all the parties do not consent to the person being a member of the appeal tribunal. (2) If the Minister receives a disclosure of an interest under sub-section (1) or becomes aware that a 20 person is, or is to be, a member of the appeal tribunal in relation to a hearing and that the person has in relation to the hearing such an interest-- (a) if the Minister considers that the person should not take part, or should not continue 25 to take part, in the hearing, the Minister must give a direction to the person accordingly; or (b) in any other case, the Minister must cause the interest of the person to be disclosed to the parties to the hearing. 30 102. Member of appeal tribunal becomes unavailable (1) This section applies if a hearing before the appeal tribunal has been commenced or completed by the appeal tribunal and, before the matter has been determined, one of the members constituting the 80 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 103 Act No. tribunal has ceased to be a member of the tribunal or has ceased to be available for the purposes of the hearing. (2) If the Minister is satisfied that sub-section (1) 5 applies in relation to a hearing, the Minister may appoint a person from the pool of persons referred to in section 95(1) to take the place of the person referred to in sub-section (1) of this section for the purposes of the hearing. 10 (3) If sub-section (1) applies in relation to a hearing that has been dealt with by the appeal tribunal, the Minister may, instead of appointing a member under sub-section (2), direct that the determination of the hearing be completed by the 15 appeal tribunal constituted by the remaining members. (4) The appeal tribunal as constituted in accordance with any of the provisions of this section for the purposes of a hearing may have regard to any 20 record of proceedings for the appeal tribunal as previously constituted. 103. ORG may make consequential orders (1) If the appeal tribunal remits a matter to ORG, ORG may make such orders as ORG thinks fit 25 having regard to-- (a) the error or errors of fact or law referred to in the decision of the appeal tribunal; or (b) in the case of a review of the amount of a fine, the decision of the appeal tribunal. 30 (2) ORG, within 14 days after receiving a copy of the appeal tribunal's decision-- (a) must make an order or orders under sub- section (1); and 81 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 104 Act No. (b) must give a copy of the order or orders, together with its reasons for making them, to the person who applied for the review. (3) ORG may extend the period referred to in sub- 5 section (2) by not more than 14 days or, if sub- section (4) applies, 28 days. (4) If the appeal tribunal so determines, section 87 applies to an order made under this section as if the receipt by ORG of a copy of the appeal 10 tribunal's decision were the issuing of a competition notice. 104. Appeal to Supreme Court (1) A party to a review by the appeal tribunal may appeal to the Supreme Court-- 15 (a) on a question of law, from a decision of the appeal tribunal on that review; and (b) in the case of a review of an order under section 91, against that order. (2) An appeal must be instituted-- 20 (a) not later than the 14th day after the day on which a decision was made under section 99 or within such longer period as the Supreme Court (whether before or after that day) allows; and 25 (b) subject to and in accordance with the rules of the Supreme Court. (3) The Supreme Court must hear and determine the appeal and may make such order as it thinks fit including-- 30 (a) an order affirming, varying or setting aside the order of ORG; or 82 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 105 Act No. (b) an order affirming, varying or setting aside the order under section 91; or (c) an order remitting the matter to ORG for re- consideration in accordance with any 5 directions or recommendations of the Court. 105. Operation of order that is subject to review (1) The making of an application to the appeal tribunal or the institution of an appeal to the Supreme Court from a decision of the appeal 10 tribunal does not affect the operation of the order, or decision of the appeal tribunal, that is the subject of the application. (2) The appeal tribunal, on a request being made by a party to a review before the appeal tribunal, may, 15 if the appeal tribunal is of the opinion that it is desirable to do so, and good cause to do so has been shown, make an order staying the operation of the order. (3) If an appeal is instituted to the Supreme Court 20 against a decision of the appeal tribunal, the Supreme Court may, if satisfied that it is desirable to do so, and good cause to do so has been shown, make an order staying the operation of any or all of-- 25 (a) the decision of the appeal tribunal; (b) the order to which the review before the appeal tribunal related; (c) a consequential order made by ORG under section 103. 30 (4) The appeal tribunal or the Supreme Court, in considering whether good cause has been shown for a stay of the operation of an order or decision under this section must have regard to the harm to customers or any other persons that may occur 35 because of the continuation of the discrimination 83 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 106 Act No. pending the outcome of the review or determination of the appeal and any undertakings or indemnities tendered by the person making the application to cease the discrimination. 5 Division 6--Injunctions etc. 106. Injunctions (1) If, on an application by a person, the Supreme Court is satisfied that a person-- (a) has contravened, or is proposing to 10 contravene, the competition rule; or (b) has been in any way, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to, a contravention or proposed contravention of the competition rule; or 15 (c) has aided, abetted, counselled or procured such a contravention; or (d) has induced, whether by threats or promises or otherwise, such a contravention; or (e) has been in any way, directly or indirectly, 20 knowingly concerned in, or party to such a contravention; or (f) has conspired with others to effect such a contravention-- the Court may grant an injunction in such terms as 25 the Court determines to be appropriate. (2) If an application for an injunction under sub- section (1) has been made the Court may, if the Court determines it to be appropriate, grant an injunction by consent of all the parties to the 30 proceedings, whether or not the Court is satisfied that a person has contravened, or is proposing to contravene the competition rule. 84 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 107 Act No. (3) If in the opinion of the Court it is desirable to do so, the Court may grant an interim injunction pending determination of an application under sub-section (1). 5 (4) The Court may rescind or vary an injunction or interim injunction granted under this section. (5) The power of the Court to grant an injunction restraining a person from engaging in conduct contravening the competition rule may be 10 exercised-- (a) whether or not it appears to the Court that the person intends to contravene again, or to continue to contravene that rule; and (b) whether or not the person has previously 15 contravened that rule; and (c) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial damage to any other person or to property if the person contravenes that rule; and 20 (d) whether or not ORG has taken action under this Part. (6) If ORG makes an application to the Supreme Court for the grant of an injunction under this section, the Supreme Court shall not require the 25 applicant or any other person, as a condition of granting an interim injunction, to give any undertakings as to damages. 107. Actions for damages for contravention of competition rule 30 (1) A person who suffers loss or damage by conduct of another that was done in contravention of the competition rule may recover the amount of the loss or damage by action against that other person or against any person involved in the 35 contravention. 85 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 108 109 Act No. (2) An action under sub-section (1) may be commenced at any time within 3 years after the date on which the cause of action accrued. (3) A reference in sub-section (1) to a person 5 involved in a contravention of the competition rule is a reference to a person who-- (a) has aided, abetted, counselled or procured the contravention; or (b) has induced, whether by threats or promises 10 or otherwise, the contravention; or (c) has been in any way, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to the contravention; or (d) has conspired with others to effect the 15 contravention. 108. Declaratory relief (1) The Supreme Court, on an application by a person may, by order, declare whether or not the person to which the application relates has contravened 20 the competition rule. (2) If the order declares the person to have contravened the competition rule, the order may include one or more of the following-- (a) a requirement that the person cease, within a 25 specified period, the act, activity or practice constituting the contravention; (b) a requirement that the person take such action, or adopt such practice, as the Court requires for remedying the contravention or 30 preventing a recurrence of the contravention. Division 7--Access to Information 109. Power to obtain information and documents 86 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (1) If ORG has reason to believe that a person has information or a document that may assist ORG in the performance of any of ORG's prescribed duties, ORG may require the person-- 5 (a) to give ORG the information or document; or (b) to appear before ORG to give any such information or produce any such document. (2) A requirement must be made in a written notice that identifies the information or document and 10 that specifies-- (a) by when the requirement must be complied with; and (b) in what form the information or copy of the document is to be given to ORG. 15 (3) The notice must also state that the requirement is made under this section and must include a copy of this section. (4) A person must not, without lawful excuse, fail to comply with any requirement made under this 20 section in a notice given to the person. Penalty: 120 penalty units. (5) If the person is a natural person, it is a lawful excuse for the purpose of sub-section (4) that compliance may tend to incriminate the person or 25 make the person liable to a penalty for an offence under any other law. (6) A person must not, in purported compliance with a requirement made under this section, knowingly give ORG information that is false or misleading. 87 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 110 Act No. Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 6 months. (7) A person must not-- (a) threaten, intimidate or coerce another person; 5 or (b) take, threaten to take, incite or be involved in any action that causes another person to suffer any loss, injury or disadvantage-- because that other person complied, or intends to 10 comply, with a requirement made under this section. Penalty: 120 penalty units. (8) A person is not liable in any way for any loss, damage or injury suffered by another person 15 because of the giving in good faith of a document or information to ORG under this section. (9) In this section-- "prescribed duty" means a function or power of ORG under this Part or Part 3. 20 110. Restriction on disclosure of confidential information (1) This section applies if information or a document is given to ORG under section 109 or otherwise in connection with its prescribed duties and, at the time it is given, the person giving it states that it is 25 of a confidential or commercially-sensitive nature. (2) ORG must not, without the consent of the person who gave it, disclose the information or the contents of the document to any person unless-- (a) ORG is of the opinion-- 30 (i) that the disclosure of the information or document would not cause detriment to the person supplying it or to the person from whom that person received it; or 88 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 110 Act No. (ii) that, although the disclosure of the information or document would cause detriment to such a person, the public benefit in disclosing it outweighs that 5 detriment; and (b) ORG gives the person who supplied the information or document a written notice-- (i) stating that ORG wishes to disclose the information or contents of the 10 document, specifying the nature of the intended disclosure and setting out detailed reasons why ORG wishes to make the disclosure; and (ii) stating that ORG is of the opinion 15 required by paragraph (a) and setting out detailed reasons why it is of that opinion; and (iii) setting out a copy of this section and section 111; and 20 (c) if ORG is aware that the person who supplied the information or document in turn received the information or document from another person and is aware of that other person's identity and address, ORG gives 25 that other person a written notice-- (i) containing the details required by paragraph (b); and (ii) stating that ORG is of the opinion required by paragraph (a) in relation to 30 that other person and setting out detailed reasons why it is of that opinion; and (iii) setting out a copy of this section and section 111; and 89 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 111 Act No. (d) an application for review is not lodged in respect of any notice given under paragraph (b) or (c) within the time permitted by section 111(3). 5 (3) Sub-section (2) does not prevent ORG-- (a) from disclosing information or the contents of a document to a member of the staff of ORG or to a person engaged by ORG in connection with the carrying out of its 10 functions; or (b) from using information or a document for the purposes of civil or criminal proceedings; or (c) from supplying the information or document to an appeal tribunal hearing an application 15 in relation to the information or document; or (d) from supplying the information or document to the ACCC in relation to a possible contravention of Part IV of the Trade 20 Practices Act or the Competition Code. (4) For the purposes of this section, the disclosure of anything that is already in the public domain at the time ORG wishes to disclose it cannot cause detriment to any person referred to in sub-section 25 (2)(b) or (c). 111. Application against disclosure notice (1) A person who is given a notice under section 110(2)(b) or (c) and who is aggrieved by a decision of ORG to disclose information or the 30 contents of a document may apply to the appeal tribunal for a review of the decision in accordance with this section and the regulations. (2) An application may only be made on the ground that-- 90 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 111 112 Act No. (a) the decision was not made in accordance with law; or (b) the decision is unreasonable having regard to all relevant circumstances. 5 (3) The person must lodge notice of the application with ORG within 7 working days after the person is given the notice. (4) On the hearing before the appeal tribunal, ORG bears the onus of establishing that-- 10 (a) the decision was made in accordance with law; and (b) the decision is reasonable having regard to all relevant circumstances. (5) In granting an application under this section the 15 appeal tribunal may-- (a) forbid disclosure by ORG of the information or document that is the subject of the application; or (b) restrict the intended disclosure by ORG of 20 the information or document within limits specified by the appeal tribunal. (6) Except as otherwise provided in this section, Division 5 and the regulations apply to an application under this section. 25 Division 8--Review of Provisions Relating to Significant Producers 112. Review of operation of this Part and section 37 91 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (1) The Minister must cause a review of the operation of this Part and section 37 to be undertaken before 30 June 2003 by a person nominated by the Minister. 5 (2) In undertaking the review, consideration must be given to the question whether any or all of the provisions of this Part or section 37 should be repealed or amended. (3) The person undertaking the review must report in 10 writing to the Minister on the outcome of the review on or before 30 June 2003. (4) The Minister must cause copies of the report under sub-section (3) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of the 15 House after the Minister receives the report. Division 9--Legal Proceedings Excluded 113. No proceedings Proceedings may not be brought in respect of a decision or determination of ORG or of an appeal 20 tribunal or in respect of any process leading to such a decision or determination, except as provided by this Part. _______________ 92 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 114 Act No. PART 6--PROHIBITED INTERESTS Division 1--Interpretation 114. Definitions In this Part-- 5 "associate" has the meaning, in relation to a person, it would have under the Corporations Law if, in Division 2 of Part 1.2 of the Corporations Law-- (a) for paragraphs (b) and (c) of 10 section 12(1) of that Law, there were substituted-- "or (b) the primary person's voting power in a body corporate or whether the 15 primary person is in a position to exercise certain powers in relation to a body corporate;"; and (b) sections 13, 14, 16(2) and 17 of that Law were repealed; 20 "initial distributor" means-- (a) a gas distribution company that, under a licence, provides services by means of a distribution pipeline-- (i) to gas retailers who sell gas to 25 persons; or (ii) to persons-- who were not non-franchise customers (within the meaning of the Gas Industry Act 1994) immediately 30 before 1 September 2000; or 93 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 114 Act No. (b) a gas distribution company that, under a licence, provides services by means of a distribution pipeline-- (i) to gas retailers who sell gas to 5 persons; or (ii) to persons-- who-- (iii) were customers of a person referred to in paragraph (a) of the 10 definition of "new retailer" immediately before the licence was issued or transferred to the gas distribution company; and (iv) were not non-franchise customers 15 (within the meaning of the Gas Industry Act 1994) immediately before that licence was issued or transferred or, if the licence was issued or transferred on or after 20 1 September 2001, immediately before that date; "new retailer" means-- (a) a gas retailer that, under a licence, was entitled immediately before 1 25 September 2000 to sell gas by retail to persons who were not non-franchise customers (within the meaning of the Gas Industry Act 1994); or (b) a gas retailer that, under a licence, sells 30 gas by retail to persons who-- (i) were customers of a person referred to in paragraph (a) immediately before the licence was issued or transferred to the 35 gas retailer; and 94 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 114 Act No. (ii) were not non-franchise customers (within the meaning of the Gas Industry Act 1994) immediately before that licence was issued or 5 transferred or, if the licence was issued or transferred on or after 1 September 2001, immediately before that date; "officer", in relation to a corporation, has the 10 same meaning as in section 9 of the Corporations Law; "related body corporate" has the same meaning as in the Corporations Law; "relevant agreement" means an agreement, 15 arrangement or understanding-- (a) whether formal or informal or partly formal and partly informal; and (b) whether written or oral or partly written and partly oral; and 20 (c) whether or not having legal or equitable force and whether or not based on legal or equitable rights; "relevant corporation" means gas distribution company, gas retailer, initial distributor, new 25 retailer, owner or operator of the Port Campbell facility, owner or operator of a transmission pipeline, significant producer or TSO; "share" has the same meaning as in the 30 Corporations Law; "TSO" means-- 95 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 115 117 Act No. (a) a body corporate that owns or operates the whole, or the majority of, the gas transmission system; (b) a related body corporate of a body 5 corporate referred to in paragraph (a); "voting share", in relation to a corporation, has the same meaning as in section 9 of the Corporations Law. 115. Relevant interest in a share 10 For the purposes of this Part, a person has a relevant interest in a share if, and only if, the person would be taken to have a relevant interest in the share because of sections 608 and 609 of the Corporations Law but a person does not have 15 a relevant interest in a share in a corporation only because the person has a right of pre-emption in relation to that share if the corporation-- (a) was formed by two or more persons for the purpose of enabling those persons to carry 20 on an activity jointly by means of their joint control of, or by means of their ownership of shares in, that corporation; and (b) those persons, or persons who have acquired some or all of the shares in that corporation, 25 continue to carry on that activity jointly by either of those means. 116. Voting power For the purposes of this Part, the voting power a person has in a corporation is the person's voting 30 power determined in accordance with section 610 of the Corporations Law as if a reference in that section of that Law to a relevant interest were a reference to a relevant interest to which section 115 applies. 35 117. References to Corporations Law 96 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 119 Act No. A reference in this Part to the Corporations Law is a reference to that Law as it would apply if references in that Law to a body corporate, corporation or company included references to-- 5 (a) a body corporate of any kind wherever formed or incorporated and whether formed or incorporated under that Law or any other law; and (b) any unincorporated body, being a society, 10 association, company of proprietors or other body, wherever formed, that, under the law of its place of formation, may sue or be sued, or may hold property in the name of the secretary or some other officer of the society, 15 association or body, or in the name of any trustee or trustees; and (c) any unincorporated body, being a society, association, company of proprietors or other body or undertaking to which is applied, 20 under the laws of the place of its formation, with or without exceptions, a law in force in that place relating to companies or corporations as if it were a company or corporation within the meaning of that law. 25 118. Unit trusts If assets used in, or liabilities of, the business carried on by a relevant corporation form part of the trust estate of a unit trust, then, for the purposes of this Part, units in the unit trust are 30 deemed to be shares in a relevant corporation the business of which is the business of the trust estate of the unit trust. 119. Stock If the whole or a portion of the share capital of a 35 corporation consists of stock, a reference in this 97 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Part to a number of shares in the corporation as a percentage is, in relation to an amount of stock, a reference to the amount of stock that represents that number of shares. 5 120. Controlling interest in a corporation For the purposes of this Part but subject to sections 123 and 124, a person has a controlling interest in a corporation if-- (a) the person's voting power in the corporation 10 is more than 20%; or (b) the person and the person's associates have relevant interests in shares in the corporation that confer or, if a dividend were declared or a distribution of profits were made by the 15 corporation would confer, a right to receive the benefit of more than 20% of the dividend or distribution; or (c) the person and the person's associates have relevant interests in shares in the corporation 20 that confer or, in the event of any other distribution of property or rights by the corporation (whether on dissolution or otherwise) would confer, a right to receive the benefit of more than 20% of the property 25 and rights; or (d) the person is able, whether alone or in concert with another, and whether by any act or omission or otherwise, to dominate or control-- 30 (i) the corporation; or (ii) the financial and operating policies or management of the corporation; or 98 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 121 123 Act No. (iii) the activities of the corporation in the gas industry. 121. Substantial interest in a corporation For the purpose of this Part but subject to sections 5 123 and 124, a person has a substantial interest in a corporation if-- (a) the person's voting power in the corporation is more than 5%; or (b) the person and the person's associates have 10 relevant interests in shares in the corporation that confer or, if a dividend were declared or a distribution of profits were made by the corporation would confer, a right to receive the benefit of more than 5% of the dividend 15 or distribution; or (c) the person and the person's associates have relevant interests in shares in the corporation that confer or, in the event of any other distribution of property or rights by the 20 corporation (whether on dissolution or otherwise) would confer, a right to receive the benefit of more than 5% of the property and rights. 122. Regulations relating to relevant interests 25 Without derogating from sections 123 and 124, the regulations may provide that relevant interests, or particular classes of relevant interests, in shares, or in particular classes of shares, are, in such circumstances and subject to such conditions 30 (if any) as are specified in the regulations, to be disregarded for such purposes as are specified in the regulations. 123. Certain shareholders agreements to be disregarded For the purposes of determining under this Part 35 whether a person has a controlling interest or a 99 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 124 Act No. substantial interest in a relevant corporation, a relevant interest of an associate of the person must be disregarded if ORG certifies in writing that ORG is satisfied-- 5 (a) that the association arises solely under section 12(1)(e) or section 15(1) of the Corporations Law by virtue of provisions of the constitution or other constituent documents of a corporation or other entity, a 10 shareholders' agreement or other consortium arrangements and that the provisions are not unusual having regard to conventional or usual investment considerations; and (b) that the person or any related corporation 15 does not have the power-- (i) to control or influence the composition of the board of directors of the relevant corporation otherwise than by control of the exercise at a general meeting of 20 the relevant corporation of voting rights in respect of particular shares or a particular proportion of shares in the relevant corporation or the exercise of powers of appointment of a specified 25 number of directors of the relevant corporation; or (ii) to control or influence the conduct of affairs of the relevant corporation otherwise than by control of the 30 exercise at a general meeting of the relevant corporation of voting rights in respect of particular shares or a particular proportion of shares in the relevant corporation or by the actions 35 of directors appointed by the person. 124. Certain "see-through" interests to be disregarded 100 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. For the purpose of determining under this Part whether a person has a controlling interest or a substantial interest in a relevant corporation, a relevant interest that the person has solely by 5 virtue of section 608(3) of the Corporations Law must be disregarded if ORG certifies in writing-- (a) that ORG is satisfied that the person or any related corporation of the person does not have the power-- 10 (i) to control or influence the composition of the board of directors of the relevant corporation otherwise than by having voting power in the relevant corporation of not more than 20% or 15 exercising powers of appointment of not more than one-fifth of the directors of the relevant corporation; or (ii) to control or influence the conduct of affairs of the relevant corporation 20 otherwise than by having voting power in the relevant corporation of not more than 20% or by the actions of directors appointed by it being not more than one-fifth of the directors of the relevant 25 corporation; and (b) in the case of determining whether the person has a controlling interest, that ORG is satisfied that the person does not have-- (i) voting power of more than 20% in the 30 relevant corporation or the power to control the disposal of more than 20% of the voting shares in the relevant corporation, not including a right of pre-emption whether direct or indirect 35 in relation to those shares; or 101 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 124 125 Act No. (ii) the right to receive directly or indirectly the benefit of more than 20% of the dividends declared or distribution of profits made by the relevant 5 corporation in respect of a financial year of the relevant corporation; or (iii) the right to receive directly or indirectly the benefit of more than 20% of the property and rights of the relevant 10 corporation on a dissolution or otherwise; or (c) in the case of determining whether the person has a substantial interest, that ORG is satisfied that the person does not have-- 15 (i) voting power of more than 20% in the relevant corporation or the power to control the disposal of more than 5% of the voting shares in the relevant corporation, not including a right of 20 pre-emption whether direct or indirect in relation to those shares; or (ii) the right to receive directly or indirectly the benefit of more than 5% of the dividends declared or distribution of 25 profits made by the relevant corporation in respect of a financial year of the relevant corporation; or (iii) the right to receive directly or indirectly the benefit of more than 5% of the 30 property and rights of the relevant corporation on a dissolution or otherwise. 125. Effect of certificate under section 123 or 124 102 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. A certificate of ORG under section 123 or 124 continues to have effect unless ORG determines that-- (a) a change has occurred in respect of the 5 matters to which the certificate relates; and (b) the certificate ceases to have effect. Division 2--Application of Part 126. Application of Part This Part (including any provision of the 10 Corporations Law referred to or applied for the purposes of this Part) applies in relation to any transaction, agreement, arrangement, understanding or undertaking-- (a) whether the transaction, agreement, 15 arrangement, understanding or undertaking is entered into, or made, in this State or elsewhere; and (b) whether the shares (if any) to which the transaction, agreement, arrangement, 20 understanding or undertaking relates are registered in this State or elsewhere; and (c) whether the proper law of the transaction, agreement, arrangement, understanding or undertaking in the law of this State or not. 25 127. Application of Part to partnerships (1) In this section-- "partner" includes member of an unincorporated joint venture; "partnership" includes unincorporated joint 30 venture. 103 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 127 Act No. (2) This Part applies to partnerships, and partners, as if a partnership were a corporation and a partner were a member of a corporation. (3) For the purposes of this Part-- 5 (a) a partnership is deemed to be a corporation and a person; (b) a partner is deemed-- (i) to be a member of the corporation; and (ii) to hold shares bearing the same 10 proportion to all the shares in the corporation as the partner's right to receive a distribution of profits of the partnership bears to the sum of the rights of partners to receive such 15 distributions; (c) rights and powers of a partner in respect of the partnership, including voting rights and rights to dispose of interests in the partnership or the partnership property are 20 deemed to be rights and powers of a member of a corporation attached to and conferred by that member's shares in the corporation; (d) the committee of management (by whatever named called) of a partnership is deemed to 25 be the board of directors of the partnership; (e) a meeting of the partners of a partnership is deemed to be a general meeting of a corporation. (4) For the purposes of this Part and its application to 30 a partnership, "relevant corporation" includes a partnership the members of which are persons who are gas distribution companies, gas retailers, initial distributors, new retailers, owners or operators of the Port Campbell facility, owners or 104 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 128 Act No. operators of transmission pipelines, significant producers or TSO. Division 3--Prohibited Interests 128. Prohibited interests 5 (1) It is unlawful for a person to hold a prohibited interest. (2) A significant producer holds a prohibited interest-- (a) if-- 10 (i) the significant producer has a controlling interest or a substantial interest in a gas retailer; and (ii) the gas retailer is permitted by its licence or an Order under section 24 to 15 sell gas to customers other than customers to whom the significant producer could sell gas by retail in accordance with section 37; (b) if the significant producer has a controlling 20 interest or a substantial interest in an initial distributor that is a related body corporate of a new retailer and was such a related body corporate when it became a gas distribution company; 25 (c) if the significant producer has a controlling interest in a gas distribution company; (d) if the significant producer has a substantial interest in more than one gas distribution company; 105 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 128 Act No. (e) if the significant producer-- (i) owns or operates, or controls the operation of, the Port Campbell facility; or 5 (ii) owns or operates, or controls the operation of, a transmission pipeline, other than a pipeline constructed by or on behalf of a person or persons that is or includes the significant producer or a 10 body corporate that was a related body corporate when the pipeline was constructed; or (iii) has a controlling interest or a substantial interest in a corporation that 15 owns or operates, or controls the operation of, the Port Campbell facility or a transmission pipeline of the kind referred to in sub-paragraph (ii). (3) A person who has a controlling interest in a 20 significant producer holds a prohibited interest-- (a) if the person-- (i) owns or operates, or controls the operation of, the Port Campbell facility; or 25 (ii) owns or operates, or controls the operation of, a transmission pipeline, other than a pipeline constructed by or on behalf of a person or persons that is or includes the significant producer or a 30 body corporate that was a related body corporate when the pipeline was constructed; or (iii) has a controlling interest or a substantial interest in a corporation that 106 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 128 Act No. owns or operates, or controls the operation of, the Port Campbell facility or a transmission pipeline of the kind referred to in sub-paragraph (ii); 5 (b) if-- (i) the person has a controlling interest or a substantial interest in a gas retailer; and (ii) the gas retailer is permitted by its licence or an Order under section 24 to 10 sell gas to customers other than customers to whom the significant producer could sell gas by retail in accordance with section 37; (c) if the person has a controlling interest or a 15 substantial interest in an initial distributor that is a related body corporate of a new retailer and was such a related body corporate when it became a gas distribution company; 20 (d) if the person has a controlling interest in a gas distribution company; (e) if the person has a substantial interest in more than one gas distribution company. (4) Subject to sub-section (14), a gas transmission 25 company holds a prohibited interest if the gas transmission company has a controlling interest or a substantial interest in a significant producer. (5) Subject to sub-section (14), a person who has a controlling interest in a gas transmission company 30 holds a prohibited interest if the person has a controlling interest or a substantial interest in a significant producer. (6) TSO holds a prohibited interest if-- 107 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 128 Act No. (a) TSO has a controlling interest in a new retailer or an initial distributor; or (b) TSO has a substantial interest in more than one new retailer; or 5 (c) TSO has a substantial interest in more than one initial distributor. (7) A person who has a controlling interest in TSO holds a prohibited interest if-- (a) the person has a controlling interest in a new 10 retailer or an initial distributor; or (b) the person has a substantial interest in more than one new retailer; or (c) the person has a substantial interest in more than one initial distributor. 15 (8) A new retailer holds a prohibited interest if-- (a) the new retailer has a controlling interest in TSO; or (b) the new retailer has-- (i) a controlling interest in more than one 20 initial distributor; or (ii) a controlling interest in one initial distributor and a substantial interest in more than one other initial distributor; or 25 (iii) a substantial interest in more than 2 initial distributors; or (c) the new retailer has a controlling interest in another new retailer; or (d) the new retailer has a substantial interest in 30 more than one other new retailer. (9) An initial distributor holds a prohibited interest if-- 108 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 128 Act No. (a) the initial distributor has a controlling interest in TSO; or (b) the initial distributor has-- (i) a controlling interest in more than one 5 new retailer; or (ii) a substantial interest in one new retailer and a substantial interest in more than one other new retailer; or (iii) a substantial interest in more than 2 10 new retailers; or (c) the initial distributor has a controlling interest in another initial distributor; or (d) the initial distributor has a substantial interest in more than one other initial 15 distributor. (10) A person who has a controlling interest in a new retailer holds a prohibited interest if the person has-- (a) a controlling interest in TSO; or 20 (b) a controlling interest in more than one initial distributor; or (c) a controlling interest in one initial distributor and a substantial interest in more than one other initial distributor; or 25 (d) a substantial interest in more than 2 initial distributors. (11) A person who has a controlling interest in an initial distributor holds a prohibited interest if the person has-- 30 (a) a controlling interest in TSO; or (b) a controlling interest in more than one new retailer; or 109 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 128 Act No. (c) a controlling interest in one new retailer and a substantial interest in more than one other new retailer; or (d) a substantial interest in more than 2 new 5 retailers. (12) A person holds a prohibited interest if the person has-- (a) a controlling interest in more than one new retailer; or 10 (b) a substantial interest in more than 2 new retailers; or (c) a controlling interest in one new retailer and a substantial interest in more than one other new retailer; or 15 (d) a controlling interest in more than one initial distributor; or (e) a substantial interest in more than 2 initial distributors; or (f) a controlling interest in one initial distributor 20 and a substantial interest in more than one other initial distributor. (13) A person who owns or operates, or controls the operation of, the Port Campbell facility holds a prohibited interest if the person has a controlling 25 interest or a substantial interest in a significant producer. (14) Sub-sections (4) and (5) do not apply, in relation to a significant producer, to a gas transmission company or person who has a controlling interest 30 in a gas transmission company if the gas transmission company's pipeline was constructed by or on behalf of a person or persons that is, or includes, the significant producer or a body 110 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 129 Act No. corporate that was a related body corporate when the pipeline was constructed. 129. Other provisions relating to prohibited interests (1) A person, not being a relevant corporation, does 5 not hold a prohibited interest within the meaning of section 128 because the person has a controlling interest or a substantial interest in a relevant corporation if-- (a) ORG is satisfied that each such interest is 10 held only as a passive institutional investment; and (b) ORG determines in writing that the person does not hold a prohibited interest. (2) At any time after a determination is made under 15 sub-section (1) in relation to a person, ORG may, by notice in writing served on that person, determine that circumstances have changed so that it is no longer satisfied as to the matters set out in sub-section (1)(a) in relation to the person and that 20 the person has a prohibited interest within the meaning of section 128. (3) On and after 1 July 2002, a person does not hold a prohibited interest within the meaning of section 128 if-- 25 (a) the prohibited interest arises as a result of an acquisition referred to in section 88(9)(a) or (b) of the Trade Practices Act; and (b) either-- (i) the acquisition was authorised under 30 the Trade Practices Act; or (ii) ORG has determined that it is satisfied that the ACCC has considered the acquisition and that the ACCC has 111 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 130 131 Act No. notified the person that it does not intend to take action in relation to the acquisition under section 50 of that Act. (4) For the purposes of this Part-- 5 (a) a relevant corporation is not capable of having a prohibited interest in itself; and (b) if 2 or more relevant corporations are carrying on activities in the same business undertaking, one of those relevant 10 corporations is not capable of having a prohibited interest in another of those relevant corporations. 130. Temporary exemption from prohibition (1) ORG may, by notice published in the Government 15 Gazette, declare that a specified person does not, by reason only of having a specified controlling interest or specified substantial interest, have a prohibited interest during a specified period ending not more than 6 months after the day on 20 which the declaration is made. (2) A declaration under sub-section (1) may be made subject to such conditions as are specified in it. (3) A declaration under this section has effect according to its terms and ceases to have effect-- 25 (a) at the end of the specified period; or (b) upon a breach of a condition to which it is expressed to be subject. (4) Only one declaration may be made under this section in respect of a specified controlling 30 interest or a specified substantial interest. 131. Power to require information relating to interests 112 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (1) ORG may, by notice in writing served on a person who is, or is suspected by ORG of-- (a) having a relevant interest in shares in a relevant corporation; or 5 (b) being the holder of a controlling interest or substantial interest in a relevant corporation; or (c) being an owner or operator of, or a controller of the operation of, the Port Campbell 10 facility or a transmission pipeline-- require the person to furnish information specified in the notice for the purpose of determining whether that person or any other person has, or is taking action to acquire, a prohibited interest. 15 (2) A notice under sub-section (1) may require the person on whom the notice is served or, if that person is a corporation, 2 directors of the corporation, to verify by statutory declaration any information furnished in compliance with the 20 notice. (3) If-- (a) a person on whom a notice under sub-section (1) has been served fails to furnish, within the time allowed in the notice, the 25 information required by the notice, verified as required by the notice; or (b) information furnished by the person in response to the notice is, in the opinion of ORG, by reason of anything included in it or 30 omitted from it, false or misleading in a material particular-- 113 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 132 Act No. ORG may, by reason only of that fact, by notice in writing served on a person, do one or more of the following-- (c) determine that the person is an associate of 5 another, or that another is an associate of that person; (d) determine that the person, or another to whom a determination under paragraph (c) relates, has a relevant interest in specified 10 shares in a relevant corporation; (e) determine that the voting rights attaching to all or any of the shares to which a determination under paragraph (d) relates are suspended; 15 (f) determine that a person is an owner or operator of, or a controller of the operation of, the Port Campbell facility or a transmission pipeline; (g) determine that the person, or another person 20 to whom a determination under paragraph (c) relates, has a prohibited interest. 132. Disposal of interest (1) If ORG-- (a) makes a determination under 131; or 25 (b) forms the opinion-- that a person (in this section referred to as "the offender") has a prohibited interest, ORG may, by notice in writing served-- (c) if the offender holds shares that cause the 30 offender to have a prohibited interest (whether alone or together with shares held by any other person)--on the offender; or 114 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 132 Act No. (d) on any other person who holds shares that cause the offender to have a prohibited interest (whether alone or together with shares held by any other person)-- 5 determine that the offender or that other person must dispose of the relevant shares otherwise than to an associate of the offender, within a period specified in the notice, being not less than 3 months after service of the notice, and that, until 10 those shares are disposed of, the voting rights attaching to all or to specified shares in a relevant corporation to which the offender is entitled are suspended. (2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the relevant 15 shares that a person may be required by a notice under that sub-section to dispose of otherwise than to an associate of the offender are-- (a) subject to paragraph (b), any shares held by the person that would need to be disposed of 20 in order to cause the offender to cease to have a prohibited interest; or (b) if, after all the shares held by the person to which the offender is entitled were so disposed of, the offender would continue to 25 have a prohibited interest, the total number of those shares. (3) For the purposes of this section a person is not to be taken to have disposed of shares in which the offender has a relevant interest unless and until 30 the person ceases to hold the shares and the offender and the offender's associates cease to have a relevant interest in the shares. (4) If a person served with a notice of determination under sub-section (1) requiring the person to 35 dispose of shares fails to comply with the notice within the period specified in the notice, the 115 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 132 Act No. shares last registered in the name of that person that caused the person to have a prohibited interest and specified by ORG by notice in writing served on the person are, by force of this sub-section, 5 forfeited to the State. (5) If-- (a) a person served with a notice of a determination under sub-section (1) requiring the person to dispose of shares fails 10 to comply with the notice within the period specified in the notice; and (b) the person is a member of a partnership and the shares are an interest in the partnership; and 15 (c) the person is one of 2 or more persons constituting a relevant corporation-- ORG may, by notice in writing given to the person, determine to revoke the licence (if any) held by the person under this Act. 20 (6) ORG must cause written notice of-- (a) a determination under sub-section (1) requiring a person to dispose of shares in a relevant corporation; or (b) a determination under section 131(3)(e) that 25 a person's voting rights are suspended-- to be served on the relevant person. (7) If ORG-- (a) makes a determination under section 131(3); or 30 (b) forms the opinion-- 116 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 133 134 Act No. that a person (in this section referred to as "the offender") has a prohibited interest because of the circumstances referred to in section 120(d), ORG may, by notice in writing served on the offender, 5 determine that the offender-- (c) must desist from dominating or controlling the relevant corporation, the financial and operating policies or management of the corporation or the activities of the 10 corporation as a relevant corporation; and (d) must terminate a relevant agreement-- to the extent necessary to prevent it having a prohibited interest, within a period specified in the notice, not being less than 3 months after service 15 of the notice. 133. Voting rights in respect of certain shares If written notice is served on a relevant corporation of a determination of ORG under this Part-- 20 (a) that a person is an associate of another; or (b) that a person has a prohibited interest in a relevant corporation; or (c) that voting rights are suspended-- the determination is binding and has effect for the 25 purposes of the application of this Part in relation to any general meeting of the relevant corporation held after receipt by the relevant corporation of the notice. 134. Revocation of licence 30 (1) If ORG makes a determination under section 131(3), or forms the opinion under section 132(1), that a person has a prohibited interest because of its ownership, operation or control of the Port Campbell facility or a transmission pipeline, ORG 117 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 136 Act No. may, by notice in writing served on the person, determine that the person dispose of an interest in land or other property or rights, or terminate a relevant agreement, to the extent necessary to 5 prevent it having a prohibited interest within a period specified in the notice, not being less than 3 months after the service of the notice. (2) If a person does not comply with a determination under sub-section (1), ORG may by notice in 10 writing given to the person, determine to revoke the licence (if any) held by the person under this Act. 135. Annulment of certain resolutions of relevant corporation 15 (1) If ORG is of the opinion that a resolution of a general meeting of the relevant corporation has been passed as a result of the admission of votes that should not, by virtue of a determination of ORG under section 131(3) or 132(1) have been 20 admitted, ORG may, by notice in writing served on the relevant corporation, declare the resolution to have been (at all times) null and void. (2) If notice of a declaration under sub-section (1) is served on a relevant corporation, ORG must, at 25 the same time or as soon as practicable thereafter, cause written notice of the declaration to be served on each person whose votes should not, in the opinion of ORG, have been admitted. (3) A notice under sub-section (1) does not have any 30 effect unless it is served on the relevant corporation within one month after the date of the resolution to which it relates. 136. Making, review and revocation of determination by ORG 118 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (1) A determination may be made by ORG under this Part on the basis of such information as ORG considers sufficient in the circumstances. (2) A determination of ORG under this Part is 5 effective when written notice is served on the relevant person. (3) Despite an application being made under section 37 of the Office of the Regulator- General Act 1994 for review of a determination 10 of ORG under this Part, the determination continues to have effect pending determination of the application except as otherwise determined by ORG. (4) ORG may, by notice in writing served on the 15 person on whom notice of the determination was served, revoke or vary a determination of ORG under this Part with effect from the date of the determination or some other date determined by ORG. 20 137. Appeal against determination of ORG (1) Despite anything to the contrary in the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994, a person on whom notice of a determination of ORG is served under this Part may appeal to the Supreme Court 25 against the determination. (2) An appeal under this section must be instituted within 21 days after notice of the determination under appeal is served on the appellant and that period of limitation may not be extended. 30 (3) The Supreme Court may, on an appeal under this section, if satisfied that proper grounds for making the determination did not exist, quash or vary the determination, either conditionally or unconditionally and with effect from the date of 35 the determination or some other date, as the Court 119 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 138 139 Act No. thinks fit, and make any consequential or ancillary orders that may be just. (4) Despite any appeal under this section, a determination other than-- 5 (a) a determination under section 132(1) requiring a person to dispose of shares in the relevant corporation; or (b) a determination under section 132(4) that shares in the relevant corporation are 10 forfeited to the State; or (c) a determination under section 132(5) or 134(2) to revoke a licence-- continues to have effect pending determination of the appeal. 15 (5) Except as provided in this Part, a determination of ORG under this Part may not be challenged or called into question. 138. Sale of forfeited shares (1) ORG is to sell any shares forfeited to the State 20 under this Part. (2) For the purposes of a sale of shares under sub- section (1), ORG is not bound by any restriction on the sale of shares whether contained in the constitution of the relevant corporation or in any 25 other document. (3) Any money realised from the sale of forfeited shares under this section must, after deduction of the reasonable costs of the forfeiture and sale be paid to the person from whom the shares were 30 forfeited. 139. Service 120 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. A notice required or authorised by this Part to be served on a person may-- (a) in the case of a natural person-- (i) be served personally on the person; or 5 (ii) be sent by post to the person at his or her last known place of residence, business or employment; or (b) in the case of a company or other body--be left at, or sent by post to, its registered office 10 or a place of business of the company or body whether within the State or elsewhere. _______________ 121 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 140 Act No. PART 7--GAS COMPANY PROPERTY AND WORKS Division 1--Pipelines Generally 140. Certain pipelines are not part of land A transmission pipeline or distribution pipeline-- 5 (a) is not part of the land through which it runs; and (b) is personal property. 141. Agreement for operation of pipelines (1) A gas company may enter into an agreement with 10 one or more other gas companies in relation to a pipeline owned by any one of those gas companies, being an agreement that relates to-- (a) the operation, use and construction of the pipeline; and 15 (b) the exercise of such rights, and compliance with such obligations, in respect of that operation, use or construction as the owner of the pipeline is entitled to exercise or required to comply with. 20 (2) If an agreement under sub-section (1) is in force in respect of a pipeline owned by a gas company-- (a) any permits or licences held by the gas company under the Pipelines Act 1967 for 25 the pipeline are deemed to confer the same rights and obligations on the other gas company as on the gas company that is the owner of the pipeline; and (b) subject to paragraph (a), nothing in this 30 section affects the operation of the Pipelines Act 1967 in relation to the pipeline. 122 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 142 Act No. (3) Nothing in sub-section (2) affects the rights of the parties to an agreement under sub-section (1). (4) If an agreement is entered into under sub-section (1), the parties to the agreement must ensure that a 5 copy of the agreement is given to the Minister administering the Pipelines Act 1967. (5) For the purposes of the Pipelines Act 1967, a gas company on which rights and obligations are conferred under this section is deemed to be the 10 holder of a permit or licence, as the case requires. Division 2--Compulsory Acquisition of Land and Easements 142. Power of gas transmission company or gas distribution company to acquire land (1) A gas transmission company or gas distribution 15 company may recommend to the Minister for compulsory acquisition any land required by the gas transmission company or gas distribution company for or in connection with the construction or operation of a transmission 20 pipeline or distribution pipeline. (2) The Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 applies to this Act and for that purpose-- (a) the Gas Industry Act 2001 is the special Act; and 25 (b) the Minister is the Authority. (3) Land acquired by the Minister on a recommendation of a gas transmission company or gas distribution company under sub-section (1) vests in that gas transmission company or gas 30 distribution company under section 24 of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 despite anything to the contrary in that Act. 123 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 143 Act No. (4) Despite anything to the contrary in the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986, section 109(2) of that Act does not apply to land acquired in accordance with this section. 5 143. Power to acquire easements (1) A corporation to which this section applies may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, acquire compulsorily an easement for or in connection with the construction or operation of a 10 transmission pipeline or a distribution pipeline. (2) The Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 applies to this section and for that purpose-- (a) the Gas Industry Act 2001 is the special Act; and 15 (b) the corporation to which this section applies is the Authority. (3) In this section-- "corporation to which this section applies" means a gas distribution company or a gas 20 transmission company; "easement" includes right, charge, power or privilege in, under, over, affecting or in connection with, land. 144. Application of other laws in relation to land vested in 25 a gas company (1) Sections 26 and 28 of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 apply in relation to land that is vested in a gas transmission company or gas distribution company under section 142 as 30 if-- (a) any reference to land vested in the Authority were a reference to the land vested in the gas transmission company or gas distribution company (as the case requires); and 124 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 144 Act No. (b) any reference to the Authority entering into possession of the land were a reference to the Authority entering into possession of the land on behalf of the gas transmission 5 company or gas distribution company in which the land is vested. (2) Section 53 of the Transfer of Land Act 1958 applies in relation to land that is vested in a gas transmission company or gas distribution 10 company under section 142 as if a reference in that section to an acquiring authority or authority were a reference to the gas transmission company or gas distribution company (as the case requires). (3) Section 54 of the Transfer of Land Act 1958 15 applies in relation to land that is vested in a gas transmission company or gas distribution company under section 142 as if a reference in that section to an acquiring authority (except where secondly occurring) were a reference to the 20 gas transmission company or gas distribution company (as the case requires). (4) The Minister may lodge a notification under section 88(2) of the Transfer of Land Act 1958 in respect of an easement acquired under 25 section 142 even though the easement is vested in a gas transmission company or gas distribution company. (5) Section 35(3) of the Subdivision Act 1988 applies in relation to land that is vested in a gas 30 transmission company or gas distribution company under section 142 as if after paragraph (d) there were inserted-- "(e) if any land on the plan is vested in a gas transmission company or gas distribution 35 company under section 142 of the Gas 125 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 145 Act No. Industry Act 2001, must include the name of the company in whom the land is vested.". (6) Section 35(6) of the Subdivision Act 1988 applies in relation to land that is vested in a gas 5 transmission company or gas distribution company under section 142 as if paragraphs (k) and (l) provide for the creation of a folio in the name of the gas transmission company or gas distribution company in which the land is vested 10 instead of in the name of the authority. 145. Rateability of property Despite anything to the contrary in the Local Government Act 1989, land is not occupied land for the purposes of that Act merely because there 15 is on or under that land any pipe or system of pipes for, or incidental to the conveyance of gas for sale by retail. Division 3--Easements 146. Making of easements in sub-divisions 20 (1) If a proposal for sub-division or consolidation of land is referred to a gas company under the Planning and Environment Act 1987, the gas company may require easements for the use of the company for any one or more of the purposes set 25 out in the Schedule. (2) The creation of an easement for a purpose set out in the Schedule gives to the gas company the rights specified in relation to an easement created for that purpose, subject to any land access code 30 applying in relation to the exercise of those rights issued by ORG under the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994. 126 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 147 Act No. 147. Easements over lands held by Crown licensees or lessees (1) If an easement acquired by a gas company for any of the purposes of this Act is an easement over 5 land held or occupied by any licensee or lessee of the Crown, a description of the easement and a notification that it has been so acquired must be forwarded without delay by the gas company to the Secretary to the Department of Natural 10 Resources and Environment. (2) If an easement referred to in sub-section (1) is over land held or occupied under licence, the description and notification must be endorsed on the licence by the Secretary to the Department of 15 Natural Resources and Environment and be registered in that Department. (3) If a Crown grant is issued to a person of the land over which any such easement has been taken, the grant is subject to the easement. 20 Division 4--Powers as to Works 148. Powers as to works etc. (1) Subject to and for the purposes of this Act, a gas distribution company or gas transmission company may-- 25 (a) after giving 7 days' notice in writing to the occupier, enter upon any lands and make surveys and do any other acts or things necessary for making surveys; and (b) with any pipes, equipment or other devices, 30 receive, store or convey gas over, or under, any land; and 127 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 148 Act No. (c) after giving 7 days' notice in writing to the occupier, enter on any land on either side of any pipes, equipment or other devices referred to in paragraph (b), and fell or 5 remove any tree or part of a tree or any obstruction which in the opinion of the gas distribution company or gas transmission company it is necessary to fell or remove; and 10 (d) after giving 7 days' notice in writing to the occupier, enter upon any public or private land or roads and construct any works or place on under or over any land any pipeline, work, structure or equipment and may repair, 15 alter or remove any such pipeline, work, structure or equipment or any works under its control; and (e) do all other things necessary or convenient for constructing, maintaining, altering, or 20 using any pipelines, works or undertakings of the gas distribution company or gas transmission company. (2) A notice need not be given under sub-section (1)(a), (c) or (d)-- 25 (a) if the occupier consents to the entry and the doing of the things for which the entry is made; or (b) in an emergency. (3) Despite sub-section (1), a gas distribution 30 company or gas transmission company must not enter land that is used primarily for residential purposes between 6.00 pm and 7.30 am unless the occupier consents. 128 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 148 Act No. (4) In the exercise of the powers under sub-section (1), a gas distribution company or gas transmission company-- (a) must not stay on the land any longer than is 5 reasonably necessary; and (b) if the powers relate to the carrying out of works, must, on completing the works, remove from the land all materials brought on to the land for the purposes of those 10 works other than anything that the owner or occupier of the land agrees may be left on the land; and (c) must leave the land as nearly as possible in the same condition as it was in before the 15 exercise of the powers; and (d) must co-operate as much as possible with the owner and occupier of the land. (5) In the exercise of the powers under sub-section (1), a gas distribution company or gas 20 transmission company must do as little damage as possible and must, if required within 2 years from the exercise of the powers, make full compensation to the owner of and all parties interested in any land for any damage sustained by 25 them in consequence of the exercise of the powers. (6) Compensation under sub-section (5) shall be either a gross sum or a yearly rent as may be agreed and, in default of agreement, shall be 30 determined in the manner provided in the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986. (7) A gas distribution company or gas transmission company may exercise its powers under this section by its officers or employees or by any 129 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 149 Act No. other person authorised in writing by it or by the officers or employees of any such person. (8) This section applies subject to any land access code applying in relation to the exercise of powers 5 under this section issued by ORG under the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994. 149. Power to open and break up roads etc. (1) Subject to and for the purposes of this Act, a gas distribution company or gas transmission 10 company may-- (a) open and break up the soil and pavement of any public or private road or bridge; and (b) temporarily stop the traffic on a road or bridge referred to in paragraph (a). 15 (2) A gas distribution company or gas transmission company must not (except in cases of emergency) open or break up any road or bridge, or stop any traffic, without giving at least 3 days' notice in writing to the relevant road authority. 20 (3) If a gas distribution company or gas transmission company has opened or broken up a road or bridge, the gas distribution company or gas transmission company must-- (a) with all convenient speed, and to the 25 satisfaction of the relevant road authority, restore that part of the road or bridge opened or broken up to as good condition as before it was opened or broken up and remove all surplus material; and 30 (b) cause the place where the road or bridge is opened or broken up to be protected during the night so as to prevent accidents; and 130 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 150 Act No. (c) bear or pay all reasonable expenses of the repair of the road or bridge for 6 months after it is restored, so far as those expenses have been incurred by opening or breaking 5 up the road or bridge. (4) Nothing in this section affects the operation of the Pipelines Act 1967. (5) If this section is inconsistent with a provision of the Pipelines Act 1967, the provision of that Act 10 prevails. (6) A gas distribution company or gas transmission company may exercise its powers under this section by its officers or employees or by any other person authorised in writing by it or by the 15 officers or employees of any such person. (7) This section applies subject to any land access code applying in relation to the exercise of powers under this section issued by ORG under the Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994. 20 (8) In this section-- "relevant road authority", in relation to a road or bridge, means the municipal council or other person legally responsible for the care and management of the road or bridge. 25 Division 5--Offences 150. Obstructing construction or operation of pipelines A person must not-- (a) wilfully obstruct a person acting under the authority of a gas company in the lawful 131 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 151 Act No. exercise of its powers in relation to the construction or operation of a pipeline; or (b) without the authority of a gas company, interfere with any works relating to the 5 construction or operation of a pipeline owned or operated by the gas company. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 151. Offences relating to transmission pipelines (1) A person must not-- 10 (a) lay or cause to be laid a pipe that connects with a pipe belonging to a gas transmission company without its consent; or (b) wilfully or by culpable negligence injure or allow to be injured any gas fitting belonging 15 to a gas transmission company; or (c) interfere in any way with a meter or prevent a meter from properly registering the quantity of gas conveyed; or (d) fraudulently take gas from a transmission 20 pipeline; or (e) retain or use any property of a gas transmission company except in accordance with an authority of the gas transmission company. 25 Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) In addition to any penalty under sub-section (1), a gas transmission company may recover the amount of any damages sustained by the gas transmission company as a result of the wrongful 30 act. 152. Offences relating to gas supply (1) A person must not-- 132 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 152 Act No. (a) lay or cause to be laid a pipe that connects with a pipe belonging to a gas distribution company without its consent; or (b) wilfully or by culpable negligence injure or 5 allow to be injured any gas fitting belonging to a gas distribution company; or (c) interfere in any way with a meter or prevent a meter from properly registering the quantity of gas supplied; or 10 (d) fraudulently take gas of a gas company; or (e) if the gas supplied by a gas retailer is not ascertained by a meter-- (i) use a burner other than a burner provided or approved by a gas retailer; 15 or (ii) keep the gas burning for a longer time than that for which the person contracts; or (f) otherwise fraudulently burn or use gas 20 supplied to the person by a gas company. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) In addition to any penalty under sub-section (1), a gas company may recover the amount of any damages sustained by the gas company as a result 25 of the wrongful act. (3) Despite any contract previously existing, the gas company may also discontinue the supply of gas to any person who has committed an offence under sub-section (1). 30 (4) When a meter is under the custody or control of a customer, the existence of artificial means for-- (a) interfering with the meter; or 133 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 153 Act No. (b) preventing a meter from properly registering the quantity of gas supplied; or (c) taking gas of a gas company-- is evidence and, in the absence of evidence to the 5 contrary, proof, that the interference, prevention or taking has been fraudulently and wilfully caused by the customer using the meter. Division 6--General 153. Definition 10 In this Division-- "officer or employee" includes an agent or contractor of a gas company authorised by the gas company to carry out certain duties. 154. Identity cards 15 (1) A gas company must give an identity card to any of its officers or employees who, in the course of the officer's or employee's duties, may need to enter the premises of a customer. (2) The identity card must bear-- 20 (a) the signature of the chief executive officer or a prescribed officer of the gas company; and (b) the photograph and signature of the officer or employee. (3) The officer or employee must produce his or her 25 identity card for inspection-- (a) before entering the premises of a customer or other person in the course of his or her duties; and (b) at any time while on those premises, if asked 30 to do so. 134 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 155 Act No. Penalty: 10 penalty units. 155. Power of entry At any reasonable time, an officer or employee of a gas company may enter any premises to which 5 the gas company supplies or transmits gas to inspect any gas fitting or to determine the quantity of gas consumed, supplied or transmitted. 156. Emergency powers (1) If an emergency occurs near any pipeline used by 10 a gas company for the conveyance of gas which, in the opinion of an officer or employee of the gas company, might endanger life or property, the officer or employee may enter any land or premises for the purpose of ensuring the security 15 or the safety of the pipeline. (2) If an officer or employee of the gas company considers that the security or safety of any pipeline used by the gas company can only be ensured by stopping the conveyance of gas 20 through or to the pipeline, the officer or employee may take such steps as are necessary to stop the conveyance of gas. 157. Offence to obstruct officer or employee of gas company 25 A person must not obstruct, hinder or interfere with an officer or employee of a gas company in carrying out any function or duty under section 156. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 30 _______________ 135 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 158 Act No. PART 8--VICTORIAN ENERGY NETWORKS CORPORATION Division 1--VENCorp 158. Establishment 5 (1) There continues to be established a body by the name Victorian Energy Networks Corporation. (2) VENCorp-- (a) is a body corporate with perpetual succession; 10 (b) has an official seal; (c) may sue and be sued; (d) may acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property; (e) may do and suffer all acts and things that a 15 body corporate may by law do and suffer. (3) All courts must take judicial notice of the seal of VENCorp affixed to a document and, until the contrary is proved, must presume that it was duly affixed. 20 (4) The official seal of VENCorp must be kept in such custody as VENCorp directs and must not be used except as authorised by VENCorp. 159. VENCorp not to represent the Crown VENCorp is a public authority but does not 25 represent the Crown. 160. Functions and powers relating to gas industry (1) The functions of VENCorp in relation to the gas industry are-- (a) to specify security standards for the gas 30 transmission system; 136 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 160 Act No. (b) to control the security of the gas transmission system; (c) to control the operation of the gas transmission system; 5 (d) to collect information about the gas transmission system; (e) to monitor and review the capacity of the gas transmission system and the trends for demand for the injection of gas into, and the 10 withdrawal of gas from, that system; (f) to provide information and other services to facilitate decisions for economically efficient investment and use of resources in the gas industry; 15 (g) to co-ordinate the interaction of gas production, gas storage, transmission pipelines and gas distribution and supply facilities for the purpose of ensuring a secure and efficient gas transmission system; 20 (h) to operate and administer a market and facilitate trading arrangements for the operation of the gas transmission system; (i) to collect information about delivery of gas by gas retailers and to recommend to ORG 25 standards in relation to the reliability of the supply of gas to classes of customers; (j) to facilitate the implementation and operation of, and to provide services in connection with, arrangements for 30 competition in the retail gas market in Victoria; (k) to carry out directions given to VENCorp under section 171, whether or not for 137 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 161 Act No. purposes connected with functions under this section; and (l) to carry out any functions conferred on VENCorp in relation to the gas industry 5 under this Act or any other Act. (2) VENCorp may trade in gas-- (a) for the purpose of discharging its functions relating to the security or administration of the gas transmission system, to the extent it 10 is permitted to do so under the MSO Rules; or (b) in an emergency. (3) VENCorp may in accordance with the MSO Rules suspend any market operated or administered by it 15 under sub-section (1)(h). 161. Functions and powers relating to electricity VENCorp has the functions and powers conferred on it under the Electricity Industry Act 2000. 162. General powers 20 (1) Without limiting the generality of the powers conferred on it under this Act or any other Act, VENCorp-- (a) may form, or participate in the formation of, or be a member of, companies; 25 (b) may form, or participate in the formation of, and may participate in partnerships, trusts, unincorporated joint ventures and other arrangements for the sharing of profits; (c) may act as trustee; 30 (d) may engage in any business, undertaking or activity incidental to the performance of its functions; 138 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 163 Act No. (e) may do all things necessary or convenient to be done for, or in connection with, carrying out its functions under this Act or any other Act. 5 (2) VENCorp may carry out its functions and exercise its powers within or outside Victoria and outside Australia. (3) For the purposes of this Act, the question whether a body corporate is a subsidiary of VENCorp is to 10 be determined in the same manner as the question would be determined under the Corporations Law of Victoria if VENCorp and the body corporate were corporations within the meaning of that Law. 163. Non-commercial functions 15 (1) The Minister, with the approval of the Treasurer, may, in writing, direct the board of VENCorp-- (a) to perform certain functions that the Minister considers to be in the public interest but that may cause VENCorp to suffer financial 20 detriment; or (b) to cease to perform functions of a kind referred to in paragraph (a); or (c) to cease to perform certain functions that the Minister considers not to be in the public 25 interest. (2) The board of VENCorp must comply with a direction given under sub-section (1). (3) If VENCorp satisfies the Treasurer that it has suffered financial detriment as a result of 30 complying with a direction under sub-section (1), VENCorp may be reimbursed by the State an amount determined by the Treasurer and the 139 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 164 Act No. Consolidated Fund is thereby appropriated to the necessary extent accordingly. (4) The reference in this section to suffering financial detriment includes a reference to incurring net 5 costs that are greater than would have been incurred if the direction were not complied with. 164. Delegation powers VENCorp may, by instrument under its official seal, delegate to-- 10 (a) a director; or (b) an officer of VENCorp by name or the holder of an office with VENCorp; or (c) the members of a committee established by VENCorp; or 15 (d) with the consent of the Minister, any other person-- any power of VENCorp, other than-- (e) this power of delegation; and (f) any other power that is prescribed for the 20 purposes of this section. Division 2--Board of Directors 165. Board of Directors (1) There shall be a board of directors of VENCorp consisting of a chairperson and not more than 25 9 other directors appointed in accordance with this Act. (2) The board of directors of VENCorp-- (a) is responsible for the management of the affairs of VENCorp; and 30 (b) may exercise the powers of VENCorp. 140 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 166 168 Act No. 166. Directors (1) The directors shall be persons with expertise relevant to the functions of VENCorp nominated by the Minister. 5 (2) At least 3 of the directors shall be persons-- (a) who are not officers or employees of VENCorp, a gas producer, a gas storage provider or a gas company; and (b) none of whom has a material personal 10 interest (within the meaning of section 195(1) of the Corporations Law) in VENCorp, a gas producer, a gas storage provider or a gas company; and (c) who are not officers or employees of the 15 holder of a licence under Part 2 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000; and (d) none of whom has a material personal interest (within the meaning of section 195(1) of the Corporations Law) in a person 20 that holds a licence issued under Part 2 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000. 167. Appointment of directors (1) The chairperson and other directors of VENCorp shall be appointed by the Governor in Council. 25 (2) The Public Sector Management Act 1992 does not apply to a director of VENCorp in respect of the office of director. 168. Terms and conditions of appointment (1) A director of VENCorp is to be appointed for the 30 term, not exceeding 3 years, specified in the instrument of appointment, but is eligible for re- appointment. 141 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (2) A director of VENCorp holds office, subject to this Act, on terms and conditions determined by the Minister. 169. Duties of directors 5 (1) A director of VENCorp must at all times act honestly in the performance of the functions of his or her office. (2) A director of VENCorp must at all times exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence in the 10 performance of his or her functions. (3) A director, or former director, of VENCorp must not make improper use of information acquired by virtue of his or her position as a director to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for himself or 15 herself or for any other person or to cause detriment to VENCorp. (4) A director of VENCorp must not make improper use of his or her position as a director to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for himself or 20 herself or for any other person or to cause detriment to VENCorp. 170. VENCorp or Minister may bring proceedings If a person contravenes section 169 in relation to VENCorp, VENCorp or the Minister, in the name 25 of VENCorp, may recover from the person as a debt due to VENCorp by action in a court of competent jurisdiction either or both of the following-- (a) if that person, or any other person, made a 30 profit as a result of the contravention, an amount equal to that profit; (b) if VENCorp has suffered loss or damage as a result of the contravention, an amount equal to that loss or damage. 142 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 171 Act No. 171. Directions (1) The Minister, after consultation with the Treasurer, may, from time to time, by written notice to the board of VENCorp, give such 5 directions to the board as the Minister thinks fit. (2) The board of VENCorp must comply with a direction given under this section but an act or decision of the board is not invalid merely because of a failure to comply with such a 10 direction. 172. Vacancies, resignations, removal from office (1) The office of a director of VENCorp becomes vacant if the director-- (a) without the board's approval, fails to attend 15 3 consecutive meetings of the board of VENCorp; or (b) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her 20 creditors or makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit; or (c) is convicted of an indictable offence or an offence which, if committed in Victoria, would be an indictable offence. 25 (2) A director of VENCorp may resign by writing delivered to the Minister. (3) The Governor in Council may remove a director, or all directors, of VENCorp from office. (4) The Governor in Council must remove a director 30 of VENCorp from office if he or she-- (a) is convicted of an offence relating to his or her duties as a director; or 143 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 173 Act No. (b) fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with section 175. 173. Proceedings of board (1) Subject to sub-section (2), meetings of the board 5 of VENCorp shall be held at such times and places as the board determines. (2) The chairperson of VENCorp may at any time convene a meeting but must do so when requested by a director of VENCorp. 10 (3) A majority of the directors for the time being of VENCorp constitute a quorum of the board of VENCorp. (4) A question arising at a meeting of the board of VENCorp shall be determined by a majority of 15 votes of directors of VENCorp present and voting on that question and, if voting is equal, the person presiding has a casting, as well as a deliberative, vote. (5) The board of VENCorp must ensure that minutes 20 are kept of each of its meetings. (6) Subject to this Act, the board of VENCorp may regulate its own proceedings. 174. Resolutions without meetings (1) If the directors for the time being of VENCorp 25 (other than a director who is absent from Australia when the other directors sign) sign a document containing a statement that those directors are in favour of a resolution in terms set out in the document, a resolution in those terms shall be 30 taken to have been passed at a meeting of the board held on the day on which the document is signed or, if the directors do not sign it on the same day, on the day on which the last director to sign signs the document. 144 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 175 Act No. (2) If a resolution is, under sub-section (1), taken to have been passed at a meeting of the board, each director must be advised as soon as practicable and given a copy of the terms of the resolution. 5 (3) For the purposes of sub-section (1), two or more separate documents containing a statement in identical terms, each of which is signed by one or more directors, shall be taken to constitute one document. 10 (4) In this section, "director" in relation to a resolution, does not include a director who, by reason of section 175, is not permitted to take part in the making of the resolution. 175. Disclosure of interests 15 (1) If-- (a) a director of VENCorp has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being considered, or about to be considered, by the board of VENCorp; and 20 (b) the interest could conflict with the proper performance of the director's duties in relation to the consideration of the matter-- the director, as soon as practicable after the relevant facts come to the director's knowledge, 25 must disclose the nature of the interest at a meeting of the board. (2) A disclosure under sub-section (1) must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and, unless the Minister or the board otherwise determines, 30 the director-- (a) must not be present during any deliberation of the board in relation to the matter; and 145 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 175 176 Act No. (b) must not take part in any decision of the board in relation to the matter. (3) For the purpose of the making of a determination by the board of VENCorp under sub-section (2) in 5 relation to a director who has made a disclosure under sub-section (1), a director who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the matter to which the disclosure relates-- (a) must not be present during any deliberation 10 of the board for the purpose of making the determination; and (b) must not take part in the making by the board of the determination. (4) Sub-sections (1) and (2) do not apply in relation to 15 a matter relating to the supply of goods or services to the director if the goods or services are, or are to be, available to members of the public on the same terms and conditions. (5) Sub-sections (1) and (2) do not apply in respect of 20 a matter relating to the business of another gas company or of a gas producer or a gas storage provider or of the holder of a licence under Part 2 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000 by reason only that the director is an officer or employee of, 25 or holds shares in, that other gas company or the gas producer or gas storage provider or the holder of that licence. 176. Validity of decisions (1) An act or decision of the board of VENCorp is not 30 invalid merely because of-- (a) a defect or irregularity in, or in connection with, the appointment of a director of VENCorp; or 146 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 178 Act No. (b) a vacancy in the membership of the board, including a vacancy arising from the failure to appoint an original director. (2) Anything done by or in relation to a person 5 purporting to act as chairperson or as a director is not invalid merely because-- (a) the occasion for the appointment has not arisen; or (b) there was a defect or irregularity in relation 10 to the appointment; or (c) the appointment had ceased to have effect; or (d) the occasion for the person to act had not arisen or had ceased. 177. VENCorp not to make loans to directors 15 (1) The powers of VENCorp do not include a power, whether directly or indirectly-- (a) to make a loan to a director of VENCorp, a spouse of such a director, or a relative (as defined in the Corporations Law) of such a 20 director or spouse; or (b) to give a guarantee or provide security in connection with a loan made or to be made by another person to a director, spouse or relative referred to in paragraph (a). 25 (2) Nothing in sub-section (1) prohibits VENCorp from entering into an agreement or arrangement with a person referred to in sub-section (1) if similar agreements or arrangements are entered into by VENCorp with members of the public on 30 the same terms and conditions. 178. Indemnity The powers of VENCorp do not include a power to exempt, whether directly or indirectly, a 147 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. director of VENCorp from, or to indemnify (whether by paying a premium in respect of a contract of insurance or otherwise) a director of VENCorp against, any liability that by law would 5 otherwise attach to the director in respect of a wilful breach of duty or breach of trust of which the director may be guilty in relation to VENCorp. 179. Chief executive officer (1) The board of VENCorp may appoint a person 10 approved by the Minister as the chief executive officer of VENCorp. (2) The chief executive officer of VENCorp holds office, subject to this Act, on a full-time basis and on the terms and conditions determined by the 15 board of VENCorp and specified in the instrument of appointment. (3) The board of VENCorp may remove the chief executive officer of VENCorp from office. Division 3--Planning, Finance and Reporting Provisions 20 180. Corporate plan (1) The board of VENCorp must prepare a corporate plan each year. (2) The board must give a copy of the proposed plan to the Minister and the Treasurer on or before 25 31 May in each year or such later date as is determined by the Treasurer. (3) The proposed corporate plan must be in or to the effect of a form approved by the Minister and the Treasurer and must include-- 30 (a) a statement of corporate intent in accordance with section 181; (b) a business plan containing such information as the Treasurer or the Minister requires; 148 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 180 Act No. (c) financial statements containing such information as the Treasurer requires. (4) The board must consider any comments on the proposed plan that are made to it by the Treasurer 5 or the Minister within 2 months after the plan was submitted to the Treasurer and Minister. (5) The board must consult in good faith with the Treasurer and the Minister following communication to it of the comments, must make 10 such changes to the plan as are agreed between the Treasurer, the Minister and the board and must deliver the completed plan to the Treasurer and Minister within 2 months after the commencement of the financial year. 15 (6) The plan, or any part of the plan, must not be published or made available except for the purposes of this Part without the prior approval of the board, the Treasurer and the Minister. (7) The plan may be modified at any time by the 20 board with the agreement of the Treasurer and the Minister. (8) If the board, by written notice to the Treasurer and Minister, proposes a modification of the plan, the board may, within 14 days, make the modification 25 unless the Treasurer or Minister, by written notice to the board, directs the board not to make it. (9) The Treasurer or Minister may, from time to time, by written notice to the board, direct the board to include in, or omit from, a statement of corporate 30 intent, a business plan or a financial statement of a specified kind, any specified matters. (10) Before giving a direction under this section, the Treasurer and Minister must consult with the board as to the matters to be referred to in the 35 notice. 149 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 181 182 Act No. (11) The board must comply with a direction under this section. (12) At any particular time, the statement of corporate intent, the business plan or the financial 5 statements for VENCorp are the statements and plan last completed, with any modifications or deletions made in accordance with this Part. 181. Statement of corporate intent--contents Each statement of corporate intent must specify 10 for VENCorp and its subsidiaries (if any), in respect of the financial year to which it relates and each of the 2 following financial years, the following information-- (a) the objectives of VENCorp and of its 15 subsidiaries; (b) the main undertakings of VENCorp and of its subsidiaries; (c) the nature and scope of the activities to be undertaken by VENCorp; 20 (d) the accounting policies to be applied in the accounts; (e) the performance targets and other measures by which the performance of VENCorp and of its subsidiaries may be judged in relation 25 to their stated objectives; (f) the kind of information to be provided to the Treasurer and the Minister by VENCorp during the course of those financial years, including the information to be included in 30 each half-yearly report; (g) such other matters as may be agreed on by the Treasurer, the Minister and the board of VENCorp from time to time. 182. Borrowing and investment by VENCorp 150 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 186 Act No. VENCorp has the powers conferred on it by the Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987. 183. Dividends VENCorp must pay to the State such amounts, at 5 such times and in such manner, as are determined by the Treasurer after consultation with the board of VENCorp and the Minister. 184. Reports to Treasurer The Treasurer may, in writing, require the board 10 of VENCorp to give the Treasurer such information as the Treasurer requires in relation to its duties and functions under this Division. 185. Annual report VENCorp, in its annual report for a financial year 15 under Part 7 of the Financial Management Act 1994, must include-- (a) a copy of each direction given to it during that year under section 163 or 171 together with a statement of its response to the 20 direction; and (b) a copy of the statement of corporate intent last completed. Division 4--Directions by VENCorp 186. VENCorp may give directions 25 (1) VENCorp may give directions in writing as to a matter referred to in sub-section (2) to a market participant for the purposes of any one or more of the following-- (a) facilitating the reliability of the supply of 30 gas; 151 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (b) facilitating the security of the gas transmission system or gas distribution system; (c) subject to consistency with the Gas Safety 5 Act 1997, the interests of public safety. (2) The matters as to which a direction may be given under sub-section (1) are-- (a) the operation or use of any equipment or installation; 10 (b) the control of the flow of gas; (c) any other matter necessary to be done, or not to be done, for the security of the gas transmission system or the gas distribution system. 15 (3) A direction under this section that is inconsistent with-- (a) the Gas Safety Act 1997 or regulations under that Act; or (b) the Pipelines Act 1967, or with the 20 conditions of a licence under that Act held by the person to whom the direction is given-- is void to the extent of the inconsistency. (4) A direction given under this section to a market 25 participant applies to the market participant and may also be expressed to apply to a specified class of persons, being a class constituted by or included in one or both of the following classes of persons-- 30 (a) servants or agents of or persons acting on behalf of, the market participant; 152 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 186 Act No. (b) persons performing work or services, whether directly or indirectly, for the market participant-- and, if a direction so expressed is given, the 5 direction is deemed to apply to each person included in that specified class. (5) If a direction under this section applies to a market participant and to a person referred to in sub-section (4) the market participant must cause 10 a copy of the direction to be given to that other person. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (6) A direction under this section may make provision in relation to a matter by applying, adopting or 15 incorporating, with or without modifications, a code of practice or standard contained in an instrument (including an instrument issued or made outside Australia), as in force or existing at the time when the direction takes effect or as in 20 force or existing from time to time, being a code of practice or standard that is relevant to that matter. (7) A direction under this section may prohibit the doing of an act or thing either unconditionally or 25 subject to conditions. (8) A direction under this section has effect and must be complied with despite any previous direction under this section. (9) A person must comply with a direction in force 30 under sub-section (1) that applies to the person. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 240 penalty units. In the case of a body corporate, 10,000 penalty units. 153 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 187 Act No. (10) An offence by a body corporate under sub-section (9) is an indictable offence. (11) If-- (a) a direction given under this section applies to 5 a market participant and another person and that other person is prosecuted for an offence against sub-section (9) in relation to the direction; and (b) the person adduces evidence that the person 10 did not know, and could not reasonably be expected to have known, of the existence of the direction-- the person shall not be convicted of the offence unless the prosecutor proves that the person knew, 15 or could reasonably be expected to have known, of the existence of the direction. 187. Power of Minister (1) The Minister, at the request of VENCorp, may, at any time, make a direction in writing amending a 20 direction made, or purportedly made, by VENCorp under this Division (in this section called "the VENCorp direction") for the purpose of correcting a defect, mistake or omission in the VENCorp direction. 25 (2) If a direction of the Minister under sub-section (1) amending a VENCorp direction-- (a) includes a statement that the VENCorp direction is deemed to have been made as so amended; and 154 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 188 190 Act No. (b) is made not later than 3 months after the VENCorp direction was made-- the VENCorp direction is deemed to have been made as so amended. 5 188. Protection from liability (1) A person to whom this section applies is not liable to any action, claim or demand on account of any damage, loss or injury sustained or alleged to be sustained because of anything done or omitted to 10 be done in good faith-- (a) in or in connection with or incidental to the exercise of a power to give or make a direction, prohibition or requisition under, or purportedly under, this Act; or 15 (b) in the reasonable belief that the act or omission was in or in connection with or incidental to the exercise of such a power. (2) This section applies to VENCorp and the directors and servants of VENCorp. 20 189. Protection of persons executing directions A person is not liable to any action, claim or demand on account of any damage, loss or injury sustained or alleged to be sustained because of anything done, or omitted to be done in good 25 faith-- (a) in the execution of any direction under, or purportedly under, this Division; or (b) in the reasonable belief that the act or omission was in the execution of such a 30 direction. 190. Continuing offences (1) If an offence is committed by a person by reason of a failure to comply, within the period specified 155 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. in a direction given in a direction under section 186, with the requirements specified in the direction, the offence, for the purposes of sub- section (2) is deemed to continue so long as any 5 requirement specified in the direction remains undone, whether or not the period has elapsed. (2) If, under sub-section (1), an offence is deemed to continue, the person who committed the offence commits an additional offence on each day during 10 which the offence is deemed to continue and is liable, upon conviction for such an additional offence, to a fine not exceeding 100 penalty units. Division 5--Appointment and Powers of VENCorp Inspectors 15 191. Inspectors (1) The chief executive officer of VENCorp may appoint an officer or employee of VENCorp or an agent or contractor of VENCorp to be an inspector for the purpose of this Part. 20 (2) The chief executive officer must give an identity card to each person who is appointed an inspector. (3) The identity card-- (a) must be signed by the chief executive officer; and 25 (b) bear a photograph and the signature of the inspector. (4) An inspector must produce his or her identity card for inspection-- (a) before performing a function under this Part; 30 and (b) at any time during the performance of a function under this Part, if asked to do so. 156 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 192 193 Act No. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (5) The chief executive officer of VENCorp must not appoint an agent or contractor of VENCorp to be an inspector unless satisfied that the agent or 5 contractor-- (a) is competent to exercise the functions of an inspector; and (b) is of good repute, having regard to character, honesty and integrity; and 10 (c) agrees in writing to carry out the functions of an inspector in accordance with such criteria as are established from time to time by VENCorp. 192. Powers of entry--enforcement 15 (1) If an inspector has reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is on any land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of the commission of a contravention of a direction under section 186, the inspector may-- 20 (a) enter the land or premises; and (b) search for the thing. (2) An inspector must not enter land or premises except-- (a) with the written consent of the occupier of 25 the land or premises; or (b) under the authority of a search warrant. 193. Occupier to be given copy of consent (1) An occupier who consents in writing to entry of his or her land or premises under section 192 must 30 be given a copy of the signed consent immediately. 157 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (2) If, in any proceeding, a written consent is not produced to the court, it must be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that the occupier did not consent to the entry and search. 5 194. Search warrant (1) An inspector may apply to a magistrate for the issue of a search warrant in relation to particular land or premises if the inspector believes on reasonable grounds that there is, or may be within 10 the next 72 hours, on the land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of a contravention of a direction under section 186. (2) A magistrate may issue a search warrant under this section if the magistrate is satisfied by 15 evidence on oath, whether oral or by affidavit, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is, or may be within the next 72 hours, on land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of a contravention of a direction under 20 section 186. (3) The search warrant may authorise an inspector named in the warrant and any assistants the inspector considers necessary-- (a) to enter the land or premises, or part of the 25 land or premises, named or described in the warrant; and (b) to search for the thing named or described in the warrant. (4) In addition to any other requirement, a search 30 warrant issued under this section must state-- (a) the contravention suspected; and (b) the land or premises to be searched; and 158 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 195 Act No. (c) a description of the thing for which the search is to be made; and (d) any conditions to which the warrant is subject; and 5 (e) whether entry is authorised to be made at any time or during stated hours; and (f) a day, not later than 7 days after the issue of the warrant, on which the warrant ceases to have effect. 10 (5) A search warrant must be issued in accordance with the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 and in the form prescribed under that Act. (6) The rules to be observed with respect to search warrants mentioned in the Magistrates' Court 15 Act 1989 extend and apply to warrants under this section. 195. Announcement before entry (1) Before executing a search warrant, the inspector named in the warrant or a person assisting the 20 inspector named in the warrant must-- (a) announce that he or she is authorised by the warrant to enter the land or premises; and (b) give any person at the land or premises an opportunity to allow entry to the land or 25 premises. (2) The inspector or a person assisting the inspector need not comply with sub-section (1) if he or she believes on reasonable grounds that immediate entry to the land or premises is required to 30 ensure-- (a) the safety of any person; or 159 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 196 199 Act No. (b) that the effective execution of the warrant is not frustrated. 196. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier If the occupier or another person who apparently 5 represents the occupier is present at the land or premises when a search warrant is being executed, the inspector must-- (a) identify himself or herself to that person by producing his or her identity card for 10 inspection by that person; and (b) give to that person a copy of the execution copy of the warrant. 197. Offence to obstruct inspector A person must not without reasonable excuse 15 obstruct or hinder an inspector exercising functions under this Part. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 120 penalty units. In the case of a body corporate, 20 600 penalty units. 198. Police to assist inspectors An inspector may request the assistance of a member of the police force and a member of the police force may assist an inspector to take any 25 action authorised by this Part. 199. Impersonation of inspector A person must not impersonate an inspector. Penalty: 60 penalty units. Division 6--General 30 200. Information to be provided to VENCorp 160 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 201 Act No. (1) The Governor in Council, by Order published in the Government Gazette, may declare that a person who-- (a) operates a pipeline that is connected to a gas 5 transmission system; or (b) operates an underground storage facility; or (c) is a gas producer-- must give VENCorp such information, or information of such class of information, as is 10 specified in the Order. (2) Sub-section (1) does not apply to a person to the extent that the person and VENCorp otherwise agree in writing. (3) A copy of an Order made under sub-section (1) 15 must be laid before each House of the Parliament as soon as practicable after it is made. (4) An Order made under sub-section (3) is subject to disallowance by a House of the Parliament and sections 23, 24 and 25 of the Subordinate 20 Legislation Act 1994 apply to such an Order as if the Order were a statutory rule within the meaning of that Act, notice of the making of which had been published in the Government Gazette on the day on which the Order was so published. 25 (5) If an Order made under sub-section (1) is disallowed by a House of the Parliament, the Minister must do all such things as are necessary to give effect to the disallowance. 201. Restriction on disclosure of confidential information 30 (1) This section applies if information or a document is given to VENCorp under section 200 and, at the 161 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 203 Act No. time it is given, the person giving it states that it is of a confidential or commercially-sensitive nature. (2) VENCorp must not, without the consent of the person who gave it, disclose the information or 5 the contents of the document to any person. (3) Sub-section (2) does not prevent VENCorp from disclosing information or the contents of a document to a member of the staff of VENCorp or to a person engaged by VENCorp in connection 10 with the carrying out of its functions. (4) A member of the staff of VENCorp or a person engaged by VENCorp in connection with the carrying out of its functions must not disclose information or the contents of a document 15 disclosed to the member or person by VENCorp to any person (not being another such member or person) without the consent of the person who gave the information or document to VENCorp. 202. Rateability of land vested in VENCorp 20 Land of the Crown and land vested in fee in VENCorp which is unoccupied or used for the purposes of this Act is not, and is deemed never to have been, rateable land within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1989. 25 203. Service of documents on VENCorp A document required or authorised to be served on VENCorp may be served-- (a) personally on-- (i) the chief executive officer of 30 VENCorp; or 162 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (ii) a person apparently authorised to accept service of documents on behalf of VENCorp; or (b) by post to VENCorp at its principal office. 5 204. Evidence of documents issued by VENCorp A document issued or purporting to have been issued by VENCorp and purporting to have been signed by the chief executive officer of VENCorp is evidence that the document was issued by 10 VENCorp. 205. Review of this Part (1) The Minister must cause a review of this Part to be undertaken in 2007 by the ACCC or another person nominated by the Minister. 15 (2) The person undertaking the review must report in writing to the Minister on the outcome of the review on or before 31 December 2007. (3) The matters to be addressed in the review are whether or not there is a continuing need for 20 VENCorp, or a similar statutory authority, with particular regard to-- (a) the competitiveness of markets for and in relation to gas; and (b) such other matters as the Minister 25 determines. _______________ 163 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 206 Act No. PART 9--GAS SUPPLY EMERGENCY PROVISIONS Division 1--Emergency Provisions 206. Proclamation that this Part applies (1) If it appears to the Governor in Council that the 5 available supply of gas is or is likely to become less than is sufficient for the reasonable requirements of the community, the Governor in Council may, by proclamation, declare that this Part is to apply. 10 (2) The proclamation must be published in the Government Gazette. (3) The proclamation takes effect on the date of its publication. (4) The Governor in Council may at any time revoke 15 a proclamation. 207. Powers of Minister (1) While a proclamation is in force, the Minister may, having regard to the needs of the community, give any directions that the Minister 20 thinks necessary to-- (a) ensure the safe and sure supply of gas; or (b) to regulate the use of the available supply of gas. (2) Without limiting sub-section (1), the Minister may 25 by notice in writing do all or any of the following-- (a) give any directions that are necessary to control, direct, authorise conduct in relation to, restrict or prohibit the extraction, 30 production, supply, distribution, sale, use or consumption of gas; 164 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 207 Act No. (b) direct a person or body who extracts, produces, transmits or distributes gas to extract it for, or produce it, transmit it or distribute it to a person specified in the 5 direction; (c) direct a person or body to comply with any terms and conditions relating to the extraction, production, supply, distribution, sale, use or consumption of gas the Minister 10 determines; (d) direct a person or body to whom gas is provided, or transmitted, to accept the gas so provided or transmitted; (e) direct a person or body to carry out any work 15 required to ensure the extraction, production, supply, distribution or flow of gas; (f) direct what services must be maintained and upon what terms and conditions they must operate; 20 (g) direct persons and bodies to operate and maintain services to the extent and upon the terms specified in the direction; (h) direct at what times and places and upon what terms and conditions and in what 25 manner services may be used; (i) prohibit the operation or use of services except, if so specified in the prohibition, with the consent of the Minister; (j) requisition the use of property of any kind 30 which is used or may be used, for or in connection with the operation or maintenance of any service; 165 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 207 Act No. (k) provide for or control, by direction, prohibition or requisition, the operation, use, disposal, distribution, storage, repair, upkeep and maintenance of any property or 5 commodity used or which may be used for, or in connection with, any service; (l) authorise a person specified in the notice to enter any land, building or structure used for or in connection with the provision of 10 services; (m) provide, by direction, prohibition or requisition, for any matter or thing incidental to the carrying into effect of the powers referred to in this section. 15 (3) A direction, prohibition or requisition-- (a) may be made so as to apply to or have operation throughout the whole or any part of Victoria; and (b) may operate generally, or may be limited in 20 its operation according to specified times, places, circumstances, conditions or restrictions; and (c) may, if so specified in the direction, prohibition or requisition, allow the Minister 25 to exempt a person or body from having to comply with the direction, prohibition or requisition; and (d) may be addressed or directed to people and bodies generally or particularly; and 30 (e) subject to sub-section (7), takes effect when made or, if a later time is specified in the direction, prohibition or requisition, at that later time; and (f) has effect as if enacted in this Act. 166 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 207 Act No. (4) A direction (including a direction under sub- section (6)), prohibition or requisition must be published in the Government Gazette as soon as possible after it is made. 5 (5) Notice of a requisition relating to a class of property must be published in the Government Gazette as soon as possible after it is made. (6) The Minister may at any time by direction under this section amend or revoke a direction, 10 prohibition or requisition made, or purportedly made, under this section or may return requisitioned property. (7) If a direction of the Minister under sub-section (6) amending an earlier direction for the purpose of 15 correcting a defect, mistake or omission-- (a) includes a statement that the earlier direction is deemed to have been made as so amended; and (b) is made not later than 3 months after the 20 earlier direction was made-- the earlier direction is deemed to have been made as so amended. (8) If the Minister requisitions the use of property under sub-section (2)(j), the reasonable costs of 25 compensating the owner of that property for the requisition and making good any damage resulting from the requisition must be determined by the Minister. (9) If there is a dispute as to the Minister's 30 determination, the Minister must refer the matter for arbitration by a single arbitrator under the Commercial Arbitration Act 1984. 167 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 208 Act No. (10) Requisitioned property that has not been disposed of must be returned as soon as it is safe to do so after the Governor in Council revokes a proclamation. 5 (11) The amendment, expiry or revocation of a direction, prohibition or requisition does not affect-- (a) the previous operation of the direction, prohibition or requisition; or 10 (b) the validity of any action taken under the direction, prohibition or requisition; or (c) any penalty or punishment incurred in respect of-- (i) any contravention of, or failure to 15 comply with, the direction, prohibition or requisition before the amendment, expiry or revocation; or (ii) any proceeding or remedy in respect of such a penalty or punishment. 20 208. Offence not to comply with direction etc. (1) A person or body who is aware of a direction, prohibition or requisition made under section 207 must comply with the direction, prohibition or requisition. 25 (2) A person is deemed to be aware of a direction, prohibition or requisition if the Minister has caused-- (a) the direction, prohibition or requisition to be published in a newspaper circulating in the 30 area in which the direction, prohibition or requisition applies; or 168 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 208 Act No. (b) details of the direction, prohibition or requisition to be broadcast by means of radio or television transmission in the area in which the direction, prohibition or 5 requisition applies. (3) In any proceedings for an offence against this section, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Minister to the effect that details of a direction, prohibition or requisition were 10 broadcast by means of radio or television transmission in a particular area on a specified day is evidence of the facts set out in the certificate. (4) In any proceedings for an offence against this section, it is sufficient defence for the defendant 15 to prove that at the time of the commission of the offence, the defendant-- (a) did not know; and (b) could not reasonably have known-- of the direction, prohibition or requisition. 20 (5) A person must not contravene sub-section (1). Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 240 penalty units. In the case of a body corporate, 10 000 penalty units. 25 (6) An offence by a body corporate under sub-section (5) is an indictable offence. (7) If an offence is committed by a person by reason of a failure to comply, within the period specified in a direction, prohibition or requisition made 30 under section 207, with the requirements specified in the direction, prohibition or requisition, the offence, for the purposes of sub-section (8) is deemed to continue so long as any requirement specified in the direction, prohibition or 169 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 209 Act No. requisition, remains undone, whether or not the period has elapsed. (8) If, under sub-section (7), an offence is deemed to continue, the person who committed the offence 5 commits an additional offence on each day during which the offence is deemed to continue and is liable, upon conviction for such an additional offence, to a penalty not exceeding one tenth of the penalty for the first-mentioned offence. 10 209. Offence to obstruct a person carrying out a direction etc. A person must not obstruct another person-- (a) exercising a power given to; or (b) complying with an obligation imposed on-- 15 the other person under a direction, prohibition or requisition under section 207 if the person has been shown a copy of the direction, prohibition or requisition. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 20 240 penalty units. In the case of a body corporate, 10 000 penalty units. 210. Offences by bodies corporate (1) If a body corporate commits an offence against 25 section 208 or 209, any officer of the body corporate who was in any way, by act or omission, directly or indirectly knowingly concerned in or party to the commission of the offence is also guilty of that offence and liable to the penalty for 30 it. (2) An offence under sub-section (1) is an indictable offence. 170 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 211 Act No. (3) A person may be proceeded against and convicted under a provision in accordance with sub-section (1) whether or not the body corporate has been proceeded against or convicted under that 5 provision. (4) If in a proceeding for an offence against this section it is necessary to establish the intention of a body corporate, it is sufficient to show that a servant or agent of the body corporate had that 10 intention. (5) In sub-section (1), "officer", in relation to a body corporate, means-- (a) a director, secretary or executive officer of the body corporate; or 15 (b) any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of the body corporate are accustomed to act; or (c) a person concerned in the management of the body corporate. 20 211. Offences by partnerships or unincorporated associations If this Part provides that a person is guilty of an offence, that reference to a person must-- (a) in the case of a partnership, be read as a 25 reference to each member of the partnership; and (b) in the case of an unincorporated body or association, be read as a reference to each member of the committee of management of 30 the body or association. 171 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 212 Act No. 212. Judicial notice All courts and tribunals must take judicial notice of any proclamation, direction, prohibition or requisition made, given or imposed under this 5 Part. 213. Immunity from suit A person acting in good faith in the execution of this Part or any proclamation, direction, prohibition or requisition under this Part is not 10 liable to any action, claim or demand on account of any damage, loss or injury sustained or alleged to be sustained because of the operation of this Part or of anything done or purporting to be done under this Part or any proclamation, direction, 15 prohibition or requisition under this Part. Division 2--Enforcement 214. Powers of entry--enforcement (1) If an inspector has reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is on any land or premises a 20 particular thing that may be evidence of the commission of an offence against this Part, the inspector may-- (a) enter the land or premises; and (b) search for the thing. 25 (2) An inspector must not enter land or premises under this section except-- (a) with the written consent of the occupier of the land or premises; or (b) under the authority of a search warrant. 172 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 215 Act No. 215. Occupier to be given copy of consent (1) An occupier who consents in writing to entry of his or her land or premises under section 214 must be given a copy of the signed consent 5 immediately. (2) If, in any proceeding, a written consent is not produced to the court, it must be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that the occupier did not consent to the entry and search. 10 216. Search warrant (1) An inspector may apply to a magistrate for the issue of a search warrant in relation to particular land or premises if the inspector believes on reasonable grounds that there is, or may be within 15 the next 72 hours, on the land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of the commission of an offence against this Part. (2) A magistrate may issue a search warrant under this section if the magistrate is satisfied by 20 evidence on oath, whether oral or by affidavit, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is, or may be within the next 72 hours, on land or premises a particular thing that may be evidence of the commission of an offence against 25 this Part. (3) The search warrant may authorise an inspector named in the warrant and any assistants the inspector considers necessary-- (a) to enter the land or premises, or part of the 30 land or premises, named or described in the warrant; and (b) to search for the thing named or described in the warrant. 173 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 217 Act No. (4) In addition to any other requirement, a search warrant issued under this section must state-- (a) the offence suspected; and (b) the land or premises to be searched; and 5 (c) a description of the thing for which the search is to be made; and (d) any conditions to which the warrant is subject; and (e) whether entry is authorised to be made at any 10 time or during stated hours; and (f) a day, not later than 7 days after the issue of the warrant, on which the warrant ceases to have effect. (5) A search warrant must be issued in accordance 15 with the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 and in the form prescribed under that Act. (6) The rules to be observed with respect to search warrants mentioned in the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 extend and apply to warrants under this 20 section. 217. Announcement before entry (1) Before executing a search warrant, the inspector named in the warrant or a person assisting the inspector named in the warrant must-- 25 (a) announce that he or she is authorised by the warrant to enter the land or premises; and (b) give any person at the land or premises an opportunity to allow entry to the land or premises. 174 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 218 Act No. (2) The inspector or a person assisting the inspector need not comply with sub-section (1) if he or she believes on reasonable grounds that immediate entry to the land or premises is required to 5 ensure-- (a) the safety of any person; or (b) that the effective execution of the warrant is not frustrated. 218. Copy of warrant to be given to occupier 10 If the occupier or another person who apparently represents the occupier is present at the land or premises when a search warrant is being executed, the inspector must-- (a) identify himself or herself to that person by 15 producing his or her identity card for inspection by that person; and (b) give to that person a copy of the execution copy of the warrant. Penalty: 10 penalty units. 20 Division 3--Infringement Notices 219. Definition In this Division-- "prescribed offence" means an offence against section 208(5) constituted by the use of gas 25 by a person in contravention of a direction, prohibition or requisition under section 207-- (a) of which the person is aware or is deemed to be under 208 to be aware; 30 and (b) which applies to the person-- 175 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 220 Act No. but does not include an offence by a body corporate. 220. Power to serve a notice (1) An inspector may serve an infringement notice on 5 any person that he or she has reason to believe has committed a prescribed offence. (2) An infringement notice may be served on a person-- (a) by delivering it personally to the person; or 10 (b) by sending it by post addressed to the person's last known place of residence or business. 221. Form of notice An infringement notice must state-- 15 (a) the date of the notice; (b) that the alleged offence is a prescribed offence within the meaning of section 219; (c) the nature, and a brief description, of the alleged offence; 20 (d) the date, time and place of the alleged offence; (e) the infringement penalty for the alleged offence; (f) the manner in which the infringement 25 penalty may be paid; (g) the time (being not less than 28 days after the date on which the notice is served) within which the infringement penalty must be paid; 176 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 222 Act No. (h) that, if the amount of the infringement penalty is paid before the end of the time specified in the notice, the matter will not be brought before the Magistrates' Court unless 5 the notice is withdrawn within 28 days after the date on which it was served; (i) that the person is entitled to disregard the notice and defend any proceedings in respect of the offence in the Magistrates' Court; 10 (j) any other prescribed particulars. 222. Infringement penalties The infringement penalty for an offence against a prescribed offence is $500. 223. Late payment of penalty 15 An inspector may accept payment of the infringement penalty even after the expiration of the time for payment stated in the infringement notice if-- (a) neither a charge has been filed nor a courtesy 20 letter served under Part 2 of Schedule 7 to the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 in respect of the offence to which the infringement penalty relates; and (b) the infringement notice has not been 25 withdrawn. 224. Withdrawal of notice (1) An inspector may withdraw an infringement notice at any time within 28 days after the date on which the notice was served by serving a 30 withdrawal notice on the person served with the infringement notice. 177 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 225 Act No. (2) A withdrawal notice may be served on a person-- (a) by delivering it personally to the person; or (b) by sending it by post addressed to the person's last known place of residence or 5 business. (3) An infringement notice may be withdrawn even if the infringement penalty has been paid. (4) If an infringement notice is withdrawn, the amount of any infringement penalty paid must be 10 refunded and the Consolidated Fund is, to the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly. 225. Payment expiates offence If an infringement notice is not withdrawn and the infringement penalty is paid within the time for 15 payment stated in the notice or is accepted in accordance with section 223, then-- (a) the person on whom the notice was served has expiated the offence by that payment; and 20 (b) no proceedings may be taken against that person in respect of that offence; and (c) no conviction is to be taken to have been recorded against that person for that offence. 226. Payment not to have certain consequences 25 (1) The payment of an infringement penalty under this Division is not and must not be taken to be-- (a) an admission of guilt in relation to the offence; or (b) an admission of liability for the purpose of 30 any civil claim or proceeding arising out of the same occurrence and the payment does not in any way affect or prejudice any such claim or proceeding. 178 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 227 Act No. (2) The payment of an infringement penalty under this Division must not be referred to in any report provided to a court for the purpose of determining sentence for an offence. 5 227. Prosecution after service of infringement notice A charge may be filed in respect of an offence to which an infringement notice relates if-- (a) the infringement penalty has not been paid within the time for payment stated in the 10 notice or in accordance with section 223; or (b) the notice is withdrawn. 228. Enforcement of infringement penalty Payment of the infringement penalty may be enforced in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 7 15 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 if-- (a) the infringement notice is an infringement notice within the meaning of Schedule 7 to that Act; and (b) the infringement penalty has not been paid 20 within the time stated in the notice or in accordance with section 223; and (c) the notice has not been withdrawn; and (d) a charge has not been filed in accordance with section 227. 25 _______________ 179 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 229 231 Act No. PART 10--GENERAL 229. Delegation by Minister The Minister may, by instrument, delegate to any person any function or power of the Minister 5 under this Act, other than this power of delegation. 230. Offences by bodies corporate (1) If a body corporate commits an offence against this Act, any officer of the body corporate who 10 was in any way, by act or omission, directly or indirectly knowingly concerned in or party to the commission of the offence is also guilty of that offence and liable to the penalty for it. (2) A person may be proceeded against and convicted 15 under a provision in accordance with sub-section (1) whether or not the body corporate has been proceeded against or convicted under that provision. (3) If in a proceeding for an offence against this 20 section it is necessary to establish the intention of a body corporate, it is sufficient to show that a servant or agent of the body corporate had that intention. (4) In sub-section (1), "officer", in relation to a body 25 corporate, means-- (a) a director, secretary or executive officer of the body corporate; or (b) any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of the 30 body corporate are accustomed to act; or (c) a person concerned in the management of the body corporate. 231. Proceedings for offences 180 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 233 Act No. (1) A person authorised by the Office of Gas Safety or VENCorp either generally or in a particular case to bring proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations may bring those 5 proceedings. (2) If proceedings referred to in sub-section (1) are brought by a person authorised to do so, the proceedings may be conducted by any other person authorised by the Office of Gas Safety or 10 VENCorp to bring proceedings of that kind. (3) All courts must take judicial notice of the fact that a person is authorised by the Office of Gas Safety or VENCorp to bring proceedings referred to in sub-section (1) or conduct proceedings under sub- 15 section (2), as the case requires. (4) In this section "Office of Gas Safety" means the Office of Gas Safety under the Gas Safety Act 1997. 232. Gas retailer not liable for failure to supply 20 (1) Despite anything to the contrary in this or any other Act or in any contract, a gas retailer is not liable to any penalty or damages for failing to supply gas if the failure arises out of any accident or cause beyond the control of the gas retailer. 25 (2) A gas retailer may enter into an agreement with a person varying or excluding the operation of sub- section (1) and, to the extent of that agreement, that sub-section does not apply. (3) Nothing in sub-section (1) or (2) affects the 30 liability of a gas company under the Gas Safety Act 1997. 233. Exemption from liability to transmit or convey gas 181 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. (1) Despite anything to the contrary in this or any other Act but subject to sub-section (2) or in any contract-- (a) a gas transmission company is not liable to 5 any penalty or damages for failing-- (i) to accept gas for injection into, or to make gas available for withdrawal from, a transmission pipeline; or (ii) to make a transmission pipeline 10 available to accept gas for injection into it or for the withdrawal of gas from it-- if the failure arises out of any accident or cause beyond the control of the gas transmission company; 15 (b) a gas distribution company is not liable to any penalty or damages for failing to convey gas through distribution pipelines if the failure arises out of any accident or cause beyond the control of the gas distribution 20 company. (2) A gas transmission company or a gas distribution company may enter into an agreement with a person varying or excluding the operation of sub- section (1) and, to the extent of that agreement, 25 that sub-section does not apply. (3) Nothing in sub-section (1) or (2) affects the liability of a gas company under the Gas Safety Act 1997. 234. Evidence of ownership 30 In any legal proceedings by a gas distribution company or gas retailer, in addition to any other method of proof available-- (a) evidence that the person proceeded against is shown in the books of the gas distribution 182 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 235 Act No. company or gas retailer to be the owner or occupier of the premises in relation to which the proceedings are instituted; or (b) a certificate by the chief executive officer of 5 the municipal council within the municipal district of which premises are situated to the effect that a party to the proceedings is rated in respect of those premises-- is evidence and, in the absence of evidence to the 10 contrary, proof, that the party is the owner or occupier (as the case may be) of the premises and the consumer of any gas supplied to the premises. 235. Supreme Court--limitation of jurisdiction It is the intention of sections 54, 84, 113, 188, 189 15 and 213 of this Act to alter or vary section 85 of the Constitution Act 1975. 236. Regulations (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for or with respect to-- 20 (a) prescribing the method for calculating any charge for the supply of gas; (b) the protection of any gas undertakings, works, gas fittings or property of a gas company and the prevention of any 25 interference with them and generally providing for the safety of persons and property; (c) the appointment of a registrar of the appeal tribunal; 30 (d) prescribing penalties not exceeding 5 penalty units for breaches of the regulations; (e) prescribing any matter or thing authorised or required to be prescribed or necessary or 183 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 236 Act No. convenient to be prescribed for carrying this Act into effect. (2) The regulations may provide that-- (a) a specified regulatory provision or a 5 regulatory provision of a specified class; or (b) a specified conduct provision or a conduct provision of a specified class-- is, for the purposes of the MSO Rules, a civil penalty provision. 10 (3) The regulations may prescribe, for a contravention of a civil penalty provision, an amount not exceeding $100 000 that a court may determine is payable by a person who contravenes the provision. 15 (4) Regulations made under this Act may be made-- (a) so as to apply-- (i) at all times or at a specified time; or (ii) throughout the whole of the State or in a specified part of the State; 20 (b) so as to require a matter affected by the regulations to be-- (i) in accordance with a specified standard or specified requirement; or (ii) approved by or to the satisfaction of a 25 prescribed person; (c) so as to incorporate, adopt or apply, wholly or partially or as amended by the regulations, the provisions of any document, standard, rule, specification or method formulated, 30 issued, prescribed or published by any authority or body whether-- 184 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 s. 236 Act No. (i) as formulated, issued, prescribed or published at the time the regulation is made or at any time before the regulation is made; or 5 (ii) as amended from time to time; (d) so as to confer a discretionary authority on a prescribed person; (e) so as to provide, in a specified case or class of cases for the exemption of persons or 10 things or a class of persons or things from any of the provisions of the regulations, whether unconditionally or on specified conditions and either wholly or to the extent specified. 15 (5) The regulations are subject to disallowance by a House of Parliament. __________________ 185 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Sch. Act No. SCHEDULE EASEMENTS FOR USE OF GAS COMPANY The right of the gas company and its successors and transferees and its and their contractors, servants or agents-- 5 (a) to enter at any time the land to which the easement applies, with or without vehicles or equipment; (b) to use the land for the purposes of, or incidental to, the conveyance of gas, including the laying down or construction on the land of pipelines; (c) to keep the land free from buildings or obstructions (including trees); 10 (d) to erect and maintain gates in any fences; (e) to inspect, maintain, alter, renew or remove pipelines or works on the land-- free from any interference to the surface of the land to a depth greater than 0·3 metres without the prior written consent of the gas company. 15 186 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Endnotes Act No. ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 187 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. INDEX Subject Clause ACCC definition 3 functions and powers 19 functions and powers regarding MSO Rules 52, 54, 56-57, 59 functions and powers regarding price regulation 20 review of provisions regarding VENCorp 205 3 Access Code (def.) Act application to certain gas companies 7 commencement 2 construction 6 Crown bound by 4 extra-territorial operation 5 purpose 1 29, 41 Administrators Anti-competitive conduct See Competition rule Appeal Tribunal appeals to Supreme Court from 104-105 constitution 95, 102 decisions of 99-100, 113 disclosure of interests of members 101 exclusion of other proceedings 113 material considered by 98 operation of orders subject to review 105 procedure 96-97 referral of matters to ORG 103 review of decisions regarding authorisation of conduct by ORG 82 disclosure of confidential information 111 orders made under competition notices 94 Appeals regarding authorisation of conduct by ORG 82 disclosure of confidential information 111 orders made under competition notices 94 prohibited interests 137 to Appeal Tribunal 82, 94, 111 to Supreme Court 104-105, 137 Bodies corporate deemed subsidiaries 72 degree of power in gas market 15 holding companies 73 joint ventures 75 offences by 210, 230 related bodies corporate 74, 114 See also Competition rule; 188 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause Interests in shares in corporations 49-51 Community services agreements licence conditions 29 Competition Code authorisation of acts, things for purposes of 53 Competition in retail gas market See Retail competition Competition notices appeals against orders made under 94 evidentiary provisions 86 issue of 83-85 making of orders under 88-93 notice of orders made under 87, 89 Competition rule anti-competitive conduct 78-79 authorisation of conduct by ORG 80-82 bodies corporate deemed subsidiaries 72 construction of references conduct 70 holding companies 73 joint ventures 75 purpose 71 related bodies corporate 74 significant producers 77 contravention actions for damages 107 competition notices 83-93 declaratory relief 108 injunctions 106 relationship of Part 5 to other laws 76 review of operation of Part 5 112 Concessions See Community services agreements Confidential information See Disclosure of confidential information Cross-ownership See Interests in shares in corporations 36 Customer dispute resolution Customers community services agreements 29, 49-51 customer-related standards, practices in licences 29, 32 customers of another licensee 34 deemed contracts with 29, 44-48 definition 3 disconnections of gas 43 dispute resolution 36 domestic customers 42, 46, 49-51 former franchise customers 44-45 prescribed customers 21 relevant customers 43, 47 reliability of retail supply to 33 189 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause retail customers 48 small business customers 42, 46 3, 114 Definitions Disclosure of confidential information restrictions on 80, 110-111, 201 Disputes See Customer dispute resolution Distribution companies application of Act to 7 customer dispute resolution 36 deemed contracts with retail customers 48 definition of distribute, gas distribution company 3 easements 143 evidentiary provisions 234 exclusive franchises 27 failure to convey gas 233 initial distributors 114, 128 land vested in 142, 144 licensing requirement 22 offences against 152 pipelines owned or operated by 13 power to break up roads 149 power to enter land, carry out works 148 price regulation 20 prohibited interests 128 retail gas market 63, 64, 68 VENCorp's directions to 186 See also Licences Distribution pipelines definition 3 not considered part of land 140 owned or operated by distribution companies 13 price regulation 20 Distribution systems connections to and adjuncts 13 declarations 11 definition of gas distribution system 3 primary distribution system (def.) 3 retail gas market rules 62-63 Easements acquired by distribution, transmission companies 143 creation in subdivisions 146 over lands held by Crown licensees or lessees 147 rights of gas companies Sch. Emergency provisions compliance with Minister's directions 208 immunity for certain people 213 Minister's powers and directions 207, 212 offences 208-211, 219 powers of inspectors 214-218 190 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause powers of officers, employees of gas companies 156 proclamation of application of 206, 212 Entry powers of inspectors 192-196 powers of inspectors in supply emergencies 214-218 powers of officers, employees of gas companies 155 Evidentiary provisions competition notices 86 documents issued by VENCorp 204 owner of occupier of premises 234 3 Gas (def.) Gas companies agreements for operation of pipelines 141 declarations regarding 7 definition 3 easements 143, 146-147, Sch. offences against 150-152 officers and employees 153-157 See also Distribution companies; Retailers Transmission companies 3 Gas fitting (def.) Gas market degree of power of bodies corporate in 15 Victorian gas market (def.) 3 See also MSO rules; Retail competition Gas producers definition 3 information to be provided to VENCorp 200-201 See also Significant producers Gas sales and supply ancillary supply point (def.) 37 disconnections 43 emergency provisions 206-213 offences 152 price regulation 20-21 supply point (def.) 37 VENCorp's directions regarding 186 See also Distribution companies; Retailers Gas storage facilities See Underground storage facilities 3 GASCOR (def.) 3, 8 Gaseous fuel Infringements notices 220-221 penalties 222-223, 225-226, 228 prescribed offence (def.) 219 prosecution after service of notice 227 withdrawal of notices 224 191 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause Inspectors appointment and identity cards 191 definition 3 impersonation 199 obstruction of 197 police assistance to 198 powers of entry 192-196 powers of entry in emergencies 214-218 powers regarding infringements 220, 223-224 powers regarding search warrants 194-196, 216-218 Interests in shares in corporations application and construction of Part 6 126-127 construction of references to Corporations Law 117 controlling interests 120, 123-125, 131 definitions 114, 127 disposal of shares 132 disregard of certain interests 123-125 forfeiture of shares 132, 138 ORG's power to require information regarding 131 partnerships deemed to be corporations 127 prohibited interests 128-139 relevant agreements (def.) 114 relevant corporations (def.) 114, 127 relevant interests 115, 122-125, 131 sale of forfeited shares 138 see through interests 124 stock 119 substantial interests 121, 123-125, 131 units in unit trusts 118 voting power 116 voting rights 131, 132, 133, 135 voting share (def.) 114 Licences applications 25-26 conditions 28-29, 38 conditions regarding customer dispute resolution 36 customer-related standards, procedures 32 industry codes, standards, rules, guidelines 31 retail gas market 64 retail sales by significant producers 37 retailers 29, 35, 36, 37, 42 suppliers of last resort 34 contravention of conditions 41 duration 28 exclusive franchises 27 exemptions 24 fees 30, 40 granting of 26-27, 39 192 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause operations requiring licence 22-23 refusal 26 revocation 34, 38, 39, 132, 134 submissions on 26, 40 suspension 34 transfer 40 variation 27, 36, 38, 39 Market and system operation rules See MSO rules Minister delegation 229 powers regarding amendment of VENCorp's directions 187 emergencies 207, 212 VENCorp 163, 166, 168, 170-171, 180, 185, 205 licence fees 30 review of provisions regarding VENCorp 205 review of operation of Part 5 and section 37 by 112 MSO Rules authorisation of 53 civil penalty provision (def.) 3 conduct provision (def.) 3 contraventions actions for damages 58 declaratory relief 59 exclusion of certain proceedings 54-55 injunctions 57 pecuniary penalties 56 definition 3 market participants, participants (def.) 3, 53 purpose 52 regulatory provision (def.) 3 suspension, termination of right to acquire gas under 34 3 Natural gas (def.) Offences by bodies corporate 210, 230 by partnerships, unincorporated associations 211 infringements 219-228 prescribed offence (def.) 219 proceedings for 231 regarding gas supply 152 false or misleading information 109 impersonation of inspectors 199 non-compliance with VENCorp's directions 186, 190, 192, 194 193 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause obstruction of inspectors 197 obstruction of staff of gas companies 157 pipelines 150-151 supply emergencies 208-211, 219 threats, intimidation, coercion 109 unauthorised operations 22-23 Office of Gas Safety persons authorised to bring proceedings 231 Office of the Regulator-General appeals against, review of decisions of 82, 111, 113, 137 authorisation of conduct of significant producers 80-82 certificates issued by 123-125 functions and powers regarding administrators 41 community services agreements 51 customer dispute resolution 36 customer-related standards, practices 32 disclosure of confidential information 110-111 distribution contracts 48 obtaining of information and documents 109 price regulation 20-21 prohibited interests 123-125, 129-136 reliability of retail supply 33 retail competition 61-68 retail sales 42-43 sale of forfeited shares 138 suppliers of last resort 34 objectives 18 prescribed duties (def.) 109 referral of matters from Appeal Tribunal to 103 See also Competition notices; Licences Office of the Regulator-General Act 1994 application 17, 32, 66 114, 153, 210, 230 Officer (def.) Partnerships deemed to be corporations 127 licences 28 offences by 211 Pipelines agreements for operation of 141 apparatus and works (def.) 3 construction (def.) 3 declarations 9, 10 definition 3 emergency powers of staff of gas companies 156 not considered part of land 140 offences 150-151 194 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause operation (def.) 3 rateability of land used for pipes 145 See also Distribution pipelines; Transmission pipelines Port Campbell facility definition 3 ORG's power to require information regarding 131 authorisation requirement 23 prohibited interests 128, 131, 134 20-21 Price regulation Prohibited interests appeals against ORG's determinations 137 description 128 disposal of shares 132 exemptions 129-130 information regarding 131 ORG's powers, determinations, actions 129-136, 138 service of notices regarding 139 unlawful to hold 128 122, 236 Regulations Retail competition costs incurred by VENCorp 69 licence conditions regarding 64 retail gas market rules amendments to 67 approval 65, 67 costs of distribution companies 68 for distribution systems 62-63 for transmission systems 62 matters included 60 operation 66 principles 61 Retailers application of Act to 7 community services agreements 29, 49-51 construction of references to sales of gas by 16 definition of gas retailer 3 customer dispute resolution 36 deemed contracts with customers 29, 44-47 disconnections of gas by 43 evidentiary provisions 234 exclusive franchises 27 failure to supply gas 232 licence conditions 29, 35, 36, 37, 42 licensing requirement 22 new retailers 114, 128 payment of costs of retail competition 68-69 price regulation 20-21 prohibited interests 128 195 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause reliability of supply 29, 33 restrictions on sales by significant producers 37 restrictions on sales to certain customers 35 tariffs, terms and conditions of sale 42-43 See also Licences Review See Appeals 194-196, 216-218 Search warrants Significant producers anti-competitive conduct 78-79 authorisation of conduct by ORG 80-82 construction of references to 77 definition 3 prohibited interests 128 restrictions on retail sales by 37, 112 review of provisions regarding 112 See also Competition rule Storage facilities See Underground storage facilities Supreme Court appeals from Appeal Tribunal to 104-105 appeals regarding prohibited interests to 137 injunctions 106 jurisdiction regarding competition rule 106, 108 jurisdiction regarding MSO rules 57, 59 limitation of jurisdiction 235 3, 20-21 Tariffs and charges orders Trade Practices Act 1974 (Comm) authorisation of acts, things for purposes of 53 Transmission companies application of Act to 7 definition of transmit, gas transmission company 3 easements 143 failure to transmit gas 233 land vested in 142, 144 MSO Rules 52-59 pipelines owned or operated by 14 power to break up roads 149 power to enter land, carry out works 148 prohibited interests 128 VENCorp's directions to 186 Transmission pipelines declarations 10 definition 3 ORG's power to require information regarding 131 information to be provided to VENCorp 200-201 not considered part of land 140 offences 151 owned or operated by transmission companies 14 price regulation 20 prohibited interests 128, 131, 134 196 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause Transmission systems connections to and adjuncts 14 declarations 12 definition of gas transmission system 3 primary transmission system (def.) 3 prohibited interests of TSO 128 retail gas market rules 62 114, 127, 128 TSO Underground storage facilities definition 3 information to be provided to VENCorp 200-201 licensing requirement 23 See also Licences VENCorp agreements with distribution companies 13 agreements with transmission companies 14 amendment of MSO Rules by 52 annual report 185 board directors 167-169, 172, 175, 177-178 constitution 165-166 disclosure of interests 175 liability of directors 178 meetings and procedure 173 proceedings against directors 170 prohibition on loans to directors 177 resolutions without meetings 174 validity of decisions 176 borrowing and investment powers 182 chief executive officer 179 corporate plan 180-181, 185 costs of retail competition 69 Crown not represented by 159 definition 3 delegation of powers 164 directions by 186-189 directions from Minister to 163, 171, 185 disclosure of confidential information by 201 dividends 183 establishment 158 evidence of documents issued by 204 functions and powers 160-163 information to be provided to 200-201 inspectors appointed by 191-199 non-commercial functions 163 persons authorised to bring proceedings 231 protection from liability for directors, staff 188-189 rateability of land vested in 202 197 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001



Gas Industry Act 2001 Act No. Subject Clause retail gas market rules 62 review of provisions regarding 205 service of documents on 203 subsidiaries of 162 ------------------------------------------------------------- 198 541174B.A1-1/6/2001 BILL LA AS SENT 1/6/2001




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