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Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Bill 2021

      Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection
                Amendment Act 2021
                          No.          of 2021

                    TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                             Page
Part 1--Preliminary                                                    1
 1       Purposes                                                     1
 2       Commencement                                                 2
 3       Principal Act                                                2
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs
Protection Act 2020                                                   3
 4   Definitions                                                      3
 5   Great Ocean Road region                                          4
 6   Great Ocean Road coast and parks                                 4
 7   Great Ocean Road scenic landscapes area                          4
 8   Minor amendments to approved Great Ocean Road strategic
     framework plan                                                   5
 9   New section 42A inserted                                         6
 10  Object of the Authority                                          6
 11  Section 48 substituted and new sections 48A to 48E inserted      7
 12  Lead agency                                                     15
 13  New sections 49A, 49B and 49C inserted                          15
 14  Delegation by the Authority                                     17
 15  Appointment of directors                                        17
 16  New Division 4 of Part 5 inserted                               18
 17  New Parts 5A, 5B and 5C inserted                                21
 18  Regulations                                                     37
 18A Further amendment of section 66                                 38
 19  New section 70A inserted                                        38
 20  Section 71 amended                                              38
 21  New section 71A inserted                                        39
 22  Schedule 1 inserted                                             40
Part 3--Amendment of Borrowing and Investment Powers
Act 1987                                                             44
 23      Schedule 1 amended                                          44

Clause                                                                    Page

Part 4--Amendment of Commissioner for Environmental
Sustainability Act 2003                                                     45
 24      Definitions                                                        45
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987                46
 25      Definitions                                                        46
 26      Delegation of powers and functions                                 46
 27      Charges and fees                                                   46
 28      Amendment of the record                                            47
 29      Section 68 amended                                                 47
 30      Section 82AB amended                                               48
 31      Appointment and dismissal of members                               48
 32      Joint preparation of management plans                              49
 33      Completion of preparation of management plan                       49
 34      Making and consideration of submissions                            50
 35      Agreement to management plan                                       50
 36      Approval of plan by Minister                                       50
 37      Effect of plan                                                     51
 38      Delegations to or in relation to Traditional Owner Land
         Management Boards                                                  51
 39      Appointment of authorised officers                                 52
 40      Statement of authorised officer is evidence                        52
 41      Section 88 amended                                                 53
 42      Injunctions                                                        54
 43      Parking infringements                                              55
 44      Compensation                                                       55
 45      Action for damages                                                 56
 46      Schedule 1 amended--statute law revision                            58
Part 6--Amendment of Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978                          59
 47      Power to amend or revoke permanent reservations                    59
 48      Use of reserved land for apiculture                                59
 49      Power of Secretary to enter into management agreements             59
 50      Section 18D amended                                                60
 51      New section 21AD inserted                                          61
 52      New section 34B inserted                                           61
Part 7--Amendment of Domestic Animals Act 1994                               62
 53      Definitions                                                        62
 54      Registered dog or cat to have identification marker outside
         premises                                                           62
 55      New section 26A inserted                                           62
 56      New section 72B inserted                                           64
 57      Identity cards for authorised officers                             64
 58      Entry, search and other powers of authorised officers for some
         purposes                                                           65

Clause                                                                   Page

 59      Council contracted authorised officers may request name and
         address, ask questions                                            65
 60      Seizure of dog or cat in certain circumstances                    65
 61      Power to serve infringement notice                                66
Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958                                       67
 62      Definitions                                                       67
 63      Section 6 amended                                                 67
 64      Section 18 amended                                                67
 65      Section 18AA amended                                              67
 66      Section 18C heading amended                                       68
 67      Section 18D heading amended                                       68
 68      Section 20 amended                                                68
 69      Working plans for State forests                                   68
 70      Management agreements with Traditional Owner Land
         Management Boards                                                 69
 71      Power to declare land in reserved forests to be a forest park
         etc.                                                              70
 72      Grant of tour operator licence                                    70
 73      Application for tour operator licence                             70
 74      Tour operator licence conditions                                  71
 75      Variation of tour operator licence                                71
 76      Suspension of tour operator licence                               71
 77      Making submissions on suspension                                  72
 78      Cancellation of tour operator licence                             72
 79      Proclamation of protected forests                                 72
 80      Declaration of protected public lands                             73
 81      Secretary may enter into agreements and arrangements
         relating to the prevention and suppression of fires and
         recovery from fires                                               73
 82      Immunity provision                                                73
 83      Restriction on dealings by authorised officers                    73
 84      New section 106 inserted                                          74
Part 9--Amendment of Land Act 1958                                          75
 85      Definitions                                                       75
 86      Definitions                                                       76
 87      Management agreements with Traditional Owner Land
         Management Boards                                                 76
 88      Grant of tour operator licence                                    77
 89      Application for tour operator licence                             77
 90      Tour operator licence conditions                                  77
 91      Variation of licence to operate as activity provider or tour
         operator on Crown land                                            78
 92      Suspension of tour operator licence                               78
 93      Making submissions on suspension                                  79
 94      Cancellation of tour operator licence                             79

Clause                                                                 Page

 95      Land over which bee site licence may be granted                 79
 96      Offences                                                        80
 97      New section 419 inserted                                        80
Part 10--Amendment of Local Government Act 1989                           81
 98      Definitions                                                     81
 99      New section 224B inserted                                       81
Part 11--Amendment of Local Government Act 2020                           83
 100     Definitions                                                     83
 101     New section 7A inserted                                         83
Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975                             85
 102     Definitions                                                     85
 103     Management agreements with Traditional Owner Land
         Management Boards                                               85
 104     New Part IIA inserted                                           86
 105     National parks and State parks                                  88
 106     Marine national parks and marine sanctuaries                    89
 107     Other parks                                                     90
 108     Management of land prior to its reservation                     91
 109     Management agreements with Trust for Nature                     91
 110     Minister may make management agreements with public
         authorities                                                     91
 111     Leasing and managing of land adjacent to parks                  92
 112     Section 20 amended                                              92
 113     Section 20B amended                                             93
 114     Section 20C amended                                             93
 115     Section 21 amended                                              94
 116     Permits to take fish or fishing bait for research in marine
         national parks and marine sanctuaries                           95
 117     Rights of public authorities in respect of parks                95
 118     Section 27BB amended                                            95
 119     Section 27BC amended                                            96
 120     Grant of tour operator licence                                  96
 121     Application for tour operator licence                           96
 122     Tour operator licence conditions                                96
 123     Variation of tour operator licence                              96
 124     Suspension of tour operator licence                             97
 125     Making submissions on suspension                                97
 126     Cancellation of tour operator licence                           98
 127     Glenample Homestead                                             98
 128     Authorities to search for minerals in certain parks             99
 129     Rehabilitation works--Great Otway National Park                 100
 130      Rents etc. to be paid into the Consolidated Fund              100
 131     Annual report                                                  101
 132     Section 37 amended                                             101

Clause                                                                   Page

 133      Section 37AA amended                                            101
 134      Production of identification                                    101
 135      Impounding of livestock                                         102
 136      Evidence                                                        102
 137      Regulations                                                     103
 138      Glenample Homestead                                             103
Part 13--Amendment of Water Act 1989                                       104
 139      Issue of new registration licences in certain circumstances--
          statute law revision                                            104
 140      Preparation of regional waterway strategies                     104
 141      Annual adjustment of determined amount--statute law
          revision                                                        104
 142      Maintenance of works--statute law revision                       104
Part 14--Amendment of Wildlife Act 1975                                    105
 143      Definitions                                                     105
 144      Section 14B amended                                             105
 145      Section 14C amended                                             105
 146      Moneys received paid to Consolidated Fund                       106
 147      Management agreements with Traditional Owner Land
          Management Boards                                               106
 148      Review of decisions                                             107
 149      Regulations                                                     107
Part 15--Consequential amendment of Parks Victoria Act 2018                108
 150      Definitions                                                     108
Part 16--Repeal of this Act                                                109
 151      Repeal of this Act                                              109
Endnotes                                                                  110
 1       General information                                              110

     Great Ocean Road and Environs
     Protection Amendment Act 2021 
                    No.          of 2021

                           [Assented to                           ]

The Parliament of Victoria enacts:

                Part 1--Preliminary
     1 Purposes
             The purposes of this Act are--
              (a) to amend the Great Ocean Road and
                  Environs Protection Act 2020--
                   (i) to further provide for the functions and
                       powers of the Great Ocean Road Coast
                       and Parks Authority; and

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
                    Part 1--Preliminary

                (ii) to establish the Great Ocean Road
                     Coast and Parks Account; and
               (iii) to provide for the transfer of public
                     land management to that Authority; and
                (iv) to provide for the revocation of
                     permanent reservations of Crown land
                     and the reservation of that land for
                     different public purposes; and
                (v) to make other minor amendments to
                    that Act; and
           (b) to make consequential amendments to other
2 Commencement
     (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into
         operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
     (2) If a provision of this Act does not come into
         operation before 1 September 2022, it comes into
         operation on that day.
3 Principal Act
         In this Act, the Great Ocean Road and Environs
         Protection Act 2020 is called the Principal Act.

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

 Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road
     and Environs Protection Act 2020
     4 Definitions
          (1) In section 3 of the Principal Act insert the
              following definitions--
              "Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Account
                  means the Trust Account established under
                  section 62A;
              land management plan means a plan made under
                   section 62L, including a plan as amended or
              municipal district has the same meaning as in
                  section 3(1) of the Local Government
                  Act 2020;
              personal information has the same meaning as in
                   the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014;
              Reservation Order means a Reservation Order
                  made by the Governor in Council under
                  section 62V;
              statement of obligations means the statement
                   made under section 62F, including a
                   statement of obligations as amended or
          (2) In section 3 of the Principal Act, in the definition
              of public land--
                (a) for paragraph (f) substitute--
                     "(f) land owned by the Authority; or
                     (g) land under the control and management
                         of a responsible entity that is leased to
                         or managed by the Authority under an
                         agreement with the responsible entity;";

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                (b) omit all words and expressions commencing
                    "but does not include--" and ending
          (3) In section 3 of the Principal Act, in the definition
              of responsible entity, paragraph (m) is repealed.
     5 Great Ocean Road region
              In section 8(3) of the Principal Act--
                (a) in paragraph (b)(v), for "Council." substitute
                (b) after paragraph (b) insert--
                    "(c) land on which the Great Ocean Road is
     6 Great Ocean Road coast and parks
          (1) For section 9(2) of the Principal Act substitute--
              "(2) The Minister may only make a
                   recommendation under subsection (1) with
                   the consent of any Minister that administers
                   an Act under which public land is managed,
                   if public land under that Act is within the
                   proposed Great Ocean Road coast and
          (2) In section 9(3) of the Principal Act--
                (a) in paragraph (b)(v), for "Council." substitute
                (b) after paragraph (b) insert--
                    "(c) land on which the Great Ocean Road is
     7 Great Ocean Road scenic landscapes area
          (1) In section 10(3) of the Principal Act--
                (a) after paragraph (b) insert--
                   "(ba) land on which the Great Ocean Road is

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                (b) in paragraph (c), for "or (b)" substitute
                    ", (b) or (ba)".
          (2) In section 10(6) of the Principal Act, in the
              definition of viewshed, after "application of"
              insert "best practice".
     8 Minor amendments to approved Great Ocean Road
       strategic framework plan
              For section 42(1) of the Principal Act
              "(1) The Minister may amend an approved Great
                   Ocean Road strategic framework plan if the
                   Minister is satisfied that--
                      (a) the amendment is of a minor or
                          technical nature so that compliance
                          with Divisions 1 to 7 (other than
                          section 41) and Division 9 in relation to
                          the amendment is not warranted; or
                     (b) if the approved Great Ocean Road
                         strategic framework plan applies to any
                         land that is Crown land which is the
                         subject of a joint management plan
                         under Part 8A of the Conservation,
                         Forests and Lands Act 1987 in respect
                         of appointed land under that Part
                         between the Secretary and a Traditional
                         Owner Land Management Board, the
                         amendment is necessary to ensure that
                         the approved Great Ocean Road
                         strategic framework plan is not
                         inconsistent with that joint management
                         plan for the appointed land.".

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

     9 New section 42A inserted
              After section 42 of the Principal Act insert--
            "42A Procedure for making minor amendments
                 to approved Great Ocean Road strategic
                 framework plan
               (1) This section applies if the Minister amends
                   an approved Great Ocean Road strategic
                   framework plan under section 42(1).
               (2) The Minister must comply with section 41
                   and this section in relation to that
                   amendment, but is not otherwise required to
                   comply with the requirements of Divisions 1
                   to 7 and Division 9 in relation to that
               (3) The Minister must publish notice of the
                   amendment in the Government Gazette.
               (4) The amendment takes effect on--
                      (a) the day on which notice of the
                          amendment is published in the
                          Government Gazette; or
                     (b) any later date specified in that notice as
                         the day the amendment takes effect.
               (5) On or before the 7th sitting day after notice
                   of the amendment is published in the
                   Government Gazette under subsection (3), a
                   copy of the amendment and that notice must
                   be laid before each House of the
    10 Object of the Authority
              In section 47 of the Principal Act--
                (a) for "rehabilitate" substitute "enhance";
                (b) for "Crown" substitute "public".

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

    11 Section 48 substituted and new sections 48A to 48E
              For section 48 of the Principal Act substitute--
              "48 Functions of the Authority
               (1) The Authority has the following functions--
                      (a) to control and manage land in the Great
                          Ocean Road coast and parks for the
                          benefit of the environment and current
                          and future generations and in a manner
                            (i) protects and enhances the land,
                                including its natural and cultural
                                values; and
                           (ii) provides for the land to be
                                appropriately used, enjoyed and
                     (b) to enforce and ensure compliance with
                         laws applying to land in the Great
                         Ocean Road coast and parks;
                      (c) if the Authority considers it appropriate
                          in all the circumstances to do so, to
                          facilitate, coordinate and undertake any
                          development of land in the Great Ocean
                          Road coast and parks that is reserved
                          under the Crown Land (Reserves)
                          Act 1978, consistent with the purpose
                          for which the land is reserved;
                     (d) to coordinate and deliver capital works
                         projects in the Great Ocean Road coast
                         and parks;

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                      (e) to be the lead agency for--
                            (i) visitation management policy and
                                planning by responsible entities in
                                relation to the Great Ocean Road
                                scenic landscapes area; and
                           (ii) the development of visitor
                                infrastructure by responsible
                                entities in the Great Ocean Road
                                coast and parks;
                      (f) to provide visitor services in the Great
                          Ocean Road coast and parks;
                     (g) to manage visitor facilities and visitor
                         infrastructure in the Great Ocean Road
                         coast and parks;
                     (h) to provide services for the prevention or
                         suppression of, or recovery from, fire or
                         another emergency under an agreement
                         or arrangement under section 48E;
                      (i) to inform and educate the community
                          about the benefits of, and threats to,
                          land in the Great Ocean Road coast and
                      (j) to promote good relations between the
                          Authority and the community;
                     (k) to provide advice to the Minister, the
                         Department Head and responsible
                         entities on matters relevant to its object
                         or functions;
                      (l) to do anything that is necessary or
                          convenient to be done for or in
                          connection with or incidental to the
                          achievement of its object;

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                     (m) any other function conferred on the
                         Authority by or under this Act or any
                         other Act.
                          Other functions of the Authority may include--
                           (a) acting as a committee of management
                               under the Crown Land (Reserves)
                               Act 1978 or the Forests Act 1958, when
                               appointed as such a committee; and
                           (b) acting as the port manager of a local port
                               under the Port Management Act 1995,
                               when appointed as such a manager.
               (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a),
                   controlling and managing land in the Great
                   Ocean Road coast and parks includes but is
                   not limited to--
                      (a) developing management and other
                          plans and strategies for the land in
                          consultation with the community; and
                     (b) acknowledging and promoting the
                         knowledge and interests of traditional
                         owners in relation to the land; and
                      (c) undertaking works, improvements and
                          other activities on the land; and
                     (d) providing opportunities for the
                         community to enjoy and appreciate
                         the land, and providing facilities,
                         information and services to support
                         that enjoyment and appreciation; and
                      (e) monitoring, evaluating and reporting on
                          the condition and use of the land; and
                      (f) conducting, co-ordinating and
                          encouraging research activities
                          relating to the land.

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

              48A Powers of the Authority
               (1) The Authority has all powers necessary to
                   perform its functions under this Act or any
                   other Act.
               (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the
                   Authority, subject to subsection (3), may
                   enter into any agreements, contracts or
                   arrangements in connection with the
                   performance of its functions or the exercise
                   of its powers.
               (3) The Authority must not enter into a
                   management agreement in relation to land
                   managed under the National Parks
                   Act 1975 unless the agreement is entered
                   into under section 16D of that Act.
              48B Performance of functions and exercise of
               (1) In performing its functions and exercising its
                   powers, the Authority must--
                      (a) acknowledge the intrinsic connection
                          of the traditional owners to Country,
                          including by way of suitable
                          representation or involvement of
                          specified Aboriginal parties in relation
                          to the Great Ocean Road coast and
                          parks in policy development, planning,
                          land management and decision-making;
                     (b) engage, consult and collaborate with
                         other responsible entities that have
                         responsibility for managing land and
                         the visitor experience within the Great
                         Ocean Road scenic landscapes area;

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                      (c) have regard to the functions conferred
                          on councils, planning authorities and
                          responsible authorities by the Planning
                          and Environment Act 1987; and
                     (d) have regard to the functions of public
                         sector bodies, including bodies that
                         have responsibility for the planning and
                         delivery of infrastructure, visitor
                         economy and related services in and
                         around the Great Ocean Road coast and
                         parks; and
                      (e) strive to achieve State Government
                          policy objectives through coordination
                          between all levels of government,
                          government agencies and with the
                          private sector; and
                      (f) have regard to the sustainable growth of
                          the visitor economy in the Great Ocean
                          Road region; and
                     (g) have regard to the Authority's current
                         annual corporate plan and 5-year
                         business strategy; and
                     (h) engage with local communities in the
                         development of public land
                         management plans and policies that are
                         of particular relevance to those local
               (2) The Authority must obtain the approval of
                   the Minister before acquiring or disposing of
                   real property if the value of the property is
                   $5 million or more.
               (3) The Authority must publish on its Internet
                   site a report on the outcome of each
                   engagement with a local community.

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                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

              48C Performance of functions and exercise of
                  powers--land in the Great Ocean Road
                  coast and parks
               (1) In performing its functions and exercising its
                   powers in relation to any area of land in the
                   Great Ocean Road coast and parks, the
                   Authority must--
                      (a) act consistently with the enactments
                          applying to the management of the
                          land; and
                     (b) have regard to the environmental
                         carrying capacity of the land.
               (2) In performing its function to facilitate,
                   coordinate and undertake any development
                   of land in the Great Ocean Road coast and
                   parks that is reserved under the Crown Land
                   (Reserves) Act 1978, the Authority must
                   ensure that--
                      (a) the rights and interests of specified
                          Aboriginal parties in relation to the
                          Great Ocean Road coast and parks are
                          protected; and
                     (b) any development of the land is--
                            (i) consistent with the environmental,
                                cultural, heritage and social values
                                of that land; and
                           (ii) within the environmental carrying
                                capacity of the land.
              48D Obligations of the Authority in relation to
                  the Great Ocean Road region
               (1) When performing a function or duty or
                   exercising a power under this Act or any
                   other Act, the Authority--

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                      (a) must not act inconsistently with any
                          part of an approved Great Ocean Road
                          strategic framework plan that is
                          expressed to be binding on the
                          Authority in relation to the Great Ocean
                          Road scenic landscapes area; and
                     (b) must have regard to the Great Ocean
                         Road coast and parks protection
                         principles in relation to the Great
                         Ocean Road coast and parks; and
                      (c) must have regard to those parts of an
                          approved Great Ocean Road strategic
                          framework plan not expressed to be
                          binding on the Authority in relation to
                          the Great Ocean Road region.
               (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
                   performance of a function or the exercise of
                   a power by the Authority in relation to a
                   declared project within the meaning of the
                   Major Transport Projects Facilitation
                   Act 2009.
              48E Fire and other emergencies
               (1) The Authority may enter into an agreement
                   or arrangement with the Secretary for the
                   carrying out of services in relation to the
                   prevention or suppression of, or recovery
                   from, fire or another emergency on land in
                   the Great Ocean Road coast and parks in
                   respect of which--
                      (a) the Secretary has the responsibility for
                          carrying out those services; or
                     (b) the Secretary has an agreement or
                         arrangement to carry out or to assist
                         in carrying out those services.

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

               (2) An agreement or arrangement may be
                   entered into with the Secretary under
                   subsection (1) whether the services to be
                   provided are in--
                      (a) Victoria; or
                     (b) another State or a Territory of the
                         Commonwealth; or
                      (c) another country.
               (3) The Authority may enter into an agreement
                   or arrangement with a person or body (other
                   than the Secretary) for the carrying out of
                   services in relation to the prevention or
                   suppression of, or recovery from, fire or
                   another emergency on land in the Great
                   Ocean Road coast and parks in respect of
                      (a) that person or body has the
                          responsibility for carrying out
                          those services; or
                     (b) that person or body has an agreement or
                         arrangement to carry out or to assist in
                         carrying out those services.
               (4) An agreement or arrangement may be
                   entered into with a person or body under
                   subsection (3) whether the services to be
                   provided are in--
                      (a) Victoria; or
                     (b) another State or a Territory of the
                         Commonwealth; or
                      (c) another country.

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Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

               (5) The Authority must not enter into an
                   agreement or arrangement under
                   subsection (3) unless the Authority has first
                   obtained the approval of the Minister in
               (6) An agreement or arrangement under this
                   section may provide for the use of employees
                   of the Authority for the carrying out of the
                   services provided under the agreement or
               (7) In this section, a reference to Secretary
                   includes a reference to the Department
    12 Lead agency
          (1) Section 49(1) of the Principal Act is repealed.
          (2) In section 49(2) of the Principal Act--
                (a) for "section 48" substitute "sections 48,
                    48A, 48B, 48C and 48D";
                (b) for "as lead agency" substitute "under
                    section 48(1)(e)".
    13 New sections 49A, 49B and 49C inserted
              After section 49 of the Principal Act insert--
            "49A Authority may request information or
                 assistance in relation to lead agency
               (1) For the purposes of performing its function
                   under section 48(1)(e), the Authority, by
                   written notice, may request the following
                   entities to provide the information or
                   assistance specified in the notice--
                      (a) a public sector body Head within the
                          meaning of the Public Administration
                          Act 2004;

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                     (b) a responsible entity (other than the
               (2) An entity must comply with a request under
                   subsection (1) within a reasonable time after
                   the request.
               (3) The Authority must not request personal
                   information under subsection (1) other than
                   the name and address of an owner of land.
               (4) The Authority must not use personal
                   information other than to notify, or consult
                   with, landholders in a particular area for the
                   purposes of performing its functions.
              49B Responsible entity must consult with
                  Authority before undertaking certain
               (1) If a responsible entity (other than the
                   Authority) is planning the development of
                   visitor facilities or visitor infrastructure in
                   the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, the
                   responsible entity must consult with the
                   Authority before undertaking any
                   development of visitor facilities or visitor
                   infrastructure in the Great Ocean Road coast
                   and parks.
               (2) A failure to comply with subsection (1) does
                   not invalidate any act or decision of the
                   responsible entity.
              49C Authority may make guidelines
               (1) The Authority may make guidelines for
                   responsible entities in relation to the
                   application of the Great Ocean Road coast
                   and parks protection principles.

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Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

               (2) On the making of any guidelines under
                   subsection (1), the Authority must publish
                   the guidelines on the Authority's Internet
    14 Delegation by the Authority
          (1) In section 52(1) of the Principal Act, after "power
              of the Authority" insert "under this Act or any
              other enactment".
          (2) After section 52(1)(c) of the Principal Act
             "(ca) Parks Victoria; or
              (cb) the chief executive officer or an employee or
                   class of employee of Parks Victoria; or
              (cc) the Secretary; or".
    15 Appointment of directors
              For section 57(4) of the Principal Act
              "(4) The following persons cannot be appointed
                   as a director of the Authority--
                      (a) a person employed by or on behalf of a
                          responsible entity, including a
                          municipal council;
                     (b) a person who is on the board or
                         committee of management of a
                         responsible entity, including a
                         Councillor (within the meaning of
                         section 3(1) of the Local Government
                         Act 2020) of a municipal council.
             (4A) Subsection (4) does not apply to--
                      (a) an existing director; or
                     (b) a nominee from a specified Aboriginal

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    16 New Division 4 of Part 5 inserted
              After Division 3 of Part 5 of the Principal Act

                 "Division 4--The Great Ocean Road
                      Coast and Parks Account
              62A Establishment of Great Ocean Road Coast
                  and Parks Account
                    There must be established in the Public
                    Account as part of the Trust Fund a Trust
                    Account to be known as the Great Ocean
                    Road Coast and Parks Account.
              62B Payments into Great Ocean Coast and
                  Parks Account
               (1) There must be paid into the Great Ocean
                   Road Coast and Parks Account--
                      (a) any licence fee for a tour operator
                          licence collected by the Authority
                          under Part III of the National Parks
                          Act 1975; and
                     (b) despite any Act or law to the contrary
                         (other than Parts 3 and 4 of the Crown
                         Land (Reserves) Act 1978), any other
                         revenue raised by the Authority that
                         would otherwise be directed to the
                         Consolidated Fund; and
                      (c) any money received by the Authority
                          that is--
                            (i) the proceeds from the sale of any
                                real property, including Crown
                                land; or
                           (ii) a grant or other payment received
                                from the Commonwealth; or
                          (iii) a donation; and

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                     (d) all money received by or paid to the
                         Authority in respect of the Great Ocean
                         Road coasts and parks or any other land
                         that it manages; and
                      (e) all money directed or authorised to be
                          paid into the Great Ocean Road Coast
                          and Parks Account by or under this Act,
                          the regulations under this Act or any
                          other Act; and
                      (f) income or interest received from the
                          investment of money in the Great
                          Ocean Road Coast and Parks Account;
                     (g) all money that is appropriated by the
                         Parliament for the purposes of the Great
                         Ocean Road Coast and Parks Account.
               (2) In addition, any money standing to the credit
                   of the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                   Account may be invested in any securities
                   that are approved by the Treasurer and any
                   interest derived from those investments must
                   be paid into the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                   Parks Account.
               (3) Subsection (2) applies despite any Act (other
                   than the Charter of Human Rights and
                   Responsibilities Act 2006) or law to the
              62C Payments out of Great Ocean Road Coast
                  and Parks Account
               (1) Subject to subsection (2), there must be paid
                   out of the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                      (a) any amounts required for the Authority
                          to carry out its object and functions;

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                     (b) all money directed or authorised to be
                         paid out of the Great Ocean Road Coast
                         and Parks Account by or under this Act
                         or any other Act; and
                      (c) money for works or projects of the
                          Authority specified by written direction
                          of the Minister; and
                     (d) any refund of a licence fee for a tour
                         operator licence under--
                            (i) Part 3A of the Crown Land
                                (Reserves) Act 1978; or
                           (ii) the Forests Act 1958; or
                          (iii) Part I of the Land Act 1958; or
                          (iv) Part III of the National Parks
                               Act 1975; or
                           (v) Part IIA of the Wildlife Act 1975.
               (2) Money received by the Authority that is the
                   proceeds from the sale of any public land
                   and other real property may only be paid out
                   of the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                   Account for the purchase of public land and
                   other real property.
              62D Borrowing, investments and agreements
               (1) The Authority has the powers conferred on it
                   by the Borrowing and Investment Powers
                   Act 1987.
               (2) The Authority may invest any part of the
                   funds in the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                   Parks Account which are not immediately
                   required for the purposes of the Authority in
                   any manner approved by the Treasurer.

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               (3) The Authority may enter into arrangements
                   or agreements with any person or body to act
                   as the Authority's agent in the carrying out of
                   the Authority's functions in relation to the
                   Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Account.
              62E Closure of Account
               (1) Section 19(4) of the Financial Management
                   Act 1994 does not apply to the Great Ocean
                   Road Coast and Parks Account.
               (2) the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                   Account may only be closed by an
                   amendment to this Act.".
    17 New Parts 5A, 5B and 5C inserted
              After Part 5 of the Principal Act insert--

                   "Part 5A--Land management
                     obligations and planning
                 Division 1--Statements of obligations
              62F Statement of obligations
               (1) The Minister may make a statement of
                   obligations that sets out the obligations that
                   the Authority has in performing its functions
                   and exercising its powers in relation to--
                      (a) land controlled and managed by the
                          Authority; and
                     (b) land managed by a committee of
                         management appointed under
                         section 14 of the Crown Land
                         (Reserves) Act 1978 or section 50(3)
                         of the Forests Act 1958 constituted by
                         the Authority; and

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                      (c) land that is the subject of an agreement
                          under section 69 of the Conservation,
                          Forests and Lands Act 1987 that is
                          managed by the Authority on behalf of
                          the Secretary.
               (2) Without limiting subsection (1), a statement
                   of obligations may include provisions in
                   respect of the following--
                      (a) governance;
                     (b) guiding principles;
                      (c) performance standards and outcomes;
                     (d) matters to be addressed in the land
                         management strategy;
                      (e) management priorities for any land
                          which the Authority manages;
                      (f) the implementation of government
                          policies and strategies;
                     (g) innovation and knowledge sharing;
                     (h) compliance and enforcement;
                      (i) collaboration or consultation with other
                          government bodies, traditional owners,
                          non-government bodies and the
              Section 41A of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984
              provides that the power to make an instrument includes the
              power to repeal, revoke, rescind, amend, alter or vary the
              instrument in the exercise of that power.

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             62G Process for making a statement of
               (1) Before making or amending a statement of
                   obligations, the Minister must--
                      (a) give the Authority notice of the
                          proposal to make or amend the
                          statement of obligations setting out the
                          substance of the proposed statement or
                          amendment; and
                     (b) give the Authority at least 28 days in
                         which to make written submissions to
                         the Minister on the proposal; and
                      (c) have regard to any submissions made
                          by the Authority under paragraph (b).
               (3) If the Authority advises the Minister that a
                   submission made under subsection (1)(b)
                   will be the only submission made in respect
                   of the proposal, the Minister may make or
                   amend the statement of obligations before
                   the expiry of the 28 day period or any longer
                   period under that subsection.
             62H Issuing a statement of obligations
               (1) As soon as possible after making or
                   amending a statement of obligations, the
                   Minister must issue the statement as made or
                   amended the Authority.
               (2) As soon as possible after revoking a
                   statement of obligations, the Minister must
                   issue the notice of revocation of the
                   statement of obligations to the Authority.
              62I Publication of statement of obligations
                    Within 14 days after a statement of
                    obligations or a notice of revocation of a
                    statement of obligations is issued to the

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                      (a) the Minister must publish the relevant
                          document in the Government Gazette;
                     (b) the Authority must publish the relevant
                         document on the Internet site of the
              62J Taking effect of statement of obligations
                    A statement of obligations or the revocation
                    of a statement of obligations takes effect
                    when it is published in the Government
             62K Compliance with statement of obligations
               (1) The Authority must comply with a statement
                   of obligations.
               (2) The Authority must include a statement in its
                   annual report under section 45 of the
                   Financial Management Act 1994 setting
                   out how it has met its obligations under any
                   statement of obligations.

                 Division 2--Land management plans
              62L Land management plans
               (1) The Authority may make a plan setting out
                   the way in which the Authority will manage
                   any area of--
                      (a) land managed by the Authority; or
                     (b) land managed by a committee of
                         management appointed under
                         section 14 of the Crown Land
                         (Reserves) Act 1978 or section 50(3)
                         of the Forests Act 1958 constituted
                         by the Authority; or

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                      (c) land that is the subject of an agreement
                          under section 69 of the Conservation,
                          Forests and Lands Act 1987 that is
                          managed by the Authority on behalf of
                          the Secretary.
               (2) A land management plan must be consistent
                      (a) legislation under which the land is
                          managed and any other legislation
                          applying to the land; and
                     (b) policies of the State applying to the
               (3) For any appointed land of a Traditional
                   Owner Land Management Board that
                   constitutes the whole or a part of land for
                   which a land management plan has been
                   made, the land management plan does not
                   have effect to the extent that a joint
                   management plan is in effect for that land.
               (4) This section does not derogate from any
                   requirement in any other Act for the manager
                   of land under that Act to prepare a land
                   management plan (however described) for
                   that land.
              Section 41A of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984
              provides that the power to make an instrument includes the
              power to repeal, revoke, rescind, amend, alter or vary the
              instrument in the exercise of that power.
             62M Process for making a land management
               (1) Before the Authority makes a land
                   management plan, or an amendment of a
                   land management plan, the Authority must--

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                      (a) consult with--
                            (i) any Minister or public authority
                                whose interests may be affected
                                by the plan; and
                           (ii) any relevant specified Aboriginal
                                party; and
                     (b) make a draft of the plan available for
                         inspection by the public for at least
                         28 days before making the plan; and
                      (c) publish a notice in a newspaper
                          circulating generally in the State and in
                          a newspaper circulating generally in the
                          area in which the land is situated,
                          setting out where and when the draft
                          can be inspected and inviting public
                          comment by the date specified in the
                          notice; and
                     (d) publish the draft on the Internet site of
                         the Authority; and
                      (e) have regard to any submissions made
                          to the Authority on the proposal by the
                          date specified in the notice.
               (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to any
                   amendment of a land management plan that
                   is of a machinery, declaratory or minor
                   technical nature.
              62N Publication and notice of land
                  management plan
                    As soon as possible after the Authority
                    makes a land management plan, the
                    Authority must publish--
                      (a) the plan on the Internet site of the
                          Authority; and

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                     (b) notice of the making of the plan in the
                         Government Gazette.
             62O Taking effect of land management plan
                    A land management plan takes effect when
                    notice of its making is published in the
                    Government Gazette.
              62P Review of land management plans
               (1) The Authority must review each land
                   management plan for an area of land on or
                   before the 15th anniversary of that plan
                   taking effect.
               (2) A review under subsection (1) must
                   commence no later than the end of the
                   15 year period.
               (3) In conducting a review under subsection (1),
                   the Authority must--
                      (a) consult with--
                            (i) any Minister or public authority
                                whose interests may be affected
                                by the land management plan; and
                           (ii) any specified Aboriginal party for
                                any area affected by the plan; and
                          (iii) the public; and
                     (b) consider the results of any consultation
                         under paragraph (a).
               (4) On completing a review of the land
                   management plan, the Authority may--
                      (a) revoke the plan and make a new land
                          management plan for the area; or
                     (b) amend the plan; or

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                      (c) only make amendments of a machinery,
                          declaratory or minor technical nature to
                          the plan.

                    Part 5B--Land management
             62Q Appointment of Authority as land
               (1) Subject to subsection (4), on the
                   recommendation of the Minister and the
                   Minister administering a relevant land
                   management Act, the Governor in Council,
                   by Order published in the Government
                   Gazette, may appoint the Authority as the
                   body that controls and manages any Crown
                   land within the Great Ocean Road coast and
                   parks described in the Order.
               (2) On 1 November 2025, the Authority
                   becomes the body that controls and manages
                   any Crown land referred to in Schedule 1 for
                   which the Authority has not been appointed
                   as the body that controls and manages that
                   land, before that date, by--
                      (a) an order under subsection (1); or
                     (b) an order under section 16C(1) of the
                         National Parks Act 1975.
               (3) If the Authority becomes the body that
                   controls and manages Crown land under
                   subsection (2), on and from
                   1 November 2025--
                      (a) the Authority is taken to control and
                          manage that land; and
                     (b) if an entity other than the Authority was
                         the committee of management for that
                         land immediately before
                         1 November 2025--

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                            (i) that entity is taken to no longer be
                                the committee of management for
                                that land; and
                           (ii) the Authority is taken to be
                                appointed as the committee of
                                management for that land.
                    The Authority may have been appointed committee of
                    management under section 14 of the Crown Land
                    (Reserves) Act 1978, or be taken to be the committee
                    of management for land under section 68, for land
                    referred to in Schedule 1.
               (4) Subject to subsection (5), the Governor in
                   Council, on the recommendation of the
                   Minister, by Order published in the
                   Government Gazette, may amend a
                   description of Crown land in Schedule 1.
               (5) The Minister must not recommend to the
                   Governor in Council that an Order made
                   under subsection (1) or a description of
                   Crown land in Schedule 1 be amended
                      (a) the Minister has given the Authority
                          written notice of the proposed
                          amendment; and
                     (b) the Minister considered any written
                         submissions about the proposed
                         amendment made by the Authority--
                            (i) within 60 days after notice was
                                given under paragraph (a); or
                           (ii) any longer period agreed to by the
                                Authority and the Minister; or
                           (ii) any lesser period agreed to by the
                                Authority; and

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                      (c) the Minister administering the relevant
                          land management Act consents to the
                          proposed amendment.
               (6) The Governor in Council, by Order
                   published in the Government Gazette, may
                   amend a description of Crown land in an
                   Order made under subsection (1), or in
                   Schedule 1, if a description of a reserve in
                   the Fifth Schedule to the Crown Land
                   (Reserves) Act 1978 included in the Order
                   is amended by an Act of Parliament.
                    Section 41A of the Interpretation of Legislation
                    Act 1984 provides that the power to make an
                    instrument includes the power to repeal, revoke,
                    rescind, amend, alter or vary the instrument in the
                    exercise of that power.
               (7) In this section--
                    relevant land management Act means any
                         of the following--
                            (a) the Crown Land (Reserves)
                                Act 1978;
                            (b) the Forests Act 1958;
                            (c) the Land Act 1958;
                            (d) the Wildlife Act 1975.
              62R Authority may enter road management
                    The Authority may enter into an agreement
                    or arrangement with the Secretary to the
                    Department of Transport for--
                      (a) the delivery of works on land managed
                          by the Head, Transport for Victoria
                          (within the meaning of section 3 of the
                          Transport Integration Act 2010) or
                          the Authority, including visitor

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                          facilities and infrastructure that are not
                          part of the Great Ocean Road; and
                     (b) ongoing control and management of
                         assets that are not part of the Great
                         Ocean Road.
              62S Discontinuation or permanent closure of
               (1) Subject to subsection (3), on the
                   recommendation of the Minister, the
                   Governor in Council, by Order published in
                   the Government Gazette, may discontinue or
                   permanently close an unused government
                   road that is in the Great Ocean Road coast
                   and parks.
               (2) An Order under subsection (1) must--
                      (a) describe the road by reference to a
                          numbered map lodged in the Central
                          Plan Office; and
                     (b) be published in the Government
               (3) The Minister must not make a
                   recommendation to the Governor in
                   Council unless the Minister is satisfied
                   that the government road--
                      (a) has never been in use; or
                     (b) is no longer required as a road.
               (4) On the making of an Order under
                   subsection (1)--
                      (a) the unused government road referred to
                          in the Order ceases to be a road or part
                          of a road or road reserve; and

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                     (b) all rights, easements and privileges
                         existing or claimed by either the public
                         or any body or person, as incidental to
                         the express or implied grant, or past
                         dedication, or supposed dedication, or
                         any past user or operation of law or
                         otherwise, in relation to the land on
                         which the road referred to in the Order
                         is on, cease.
               (5) For the purposes of subsection (1), unused
                   government road includes--
                      (a) a road within the meaning of
                          section 3(1) of the Land Act 1958; and
                     (b) an unused road within the meaning of
                         section 3(1) of the Land Act 1958.
              62T Publication of land controlled, managed
                  or owned by Authority
                    The Authority must publish a brief
                    description of all land it controls, manages or
                    owns on its Internet site.

               Part 5C--Crown land reservations
              62U Minister may recommend Reservation
                  Order be made
               (1) On receiving a plan of the relevant land
                   signed by the Surveyor-General, the Minister
                   administering the Crown Land (Reserves)
                   Act 1978 may recommend that the Governor
                   in Council make a Reservation Order if that
                      (a) has consulted the Minister; and

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                     (b) considers that the purpose for which the
                         land is to be reserved by the
                         Reservation Order will not provide less
                         environmental protection for the land
                         than the existing reservation; and
                      (c) has had regard to--
                            (i) the objects and functions of the
                                Authority; and
                           (ii) if a Great Ocean Road strategic
                                framework plan has been
                                prepared, any parts of that plan
                                that apply to the Great Ocean
                                Road coast and parks.
                (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Minister
                    administering the Crown Land (Reserves)
                    Act 1978 may include as part of the
                    recommendation a requirement that the
                    relevant land be temporarily reserved land
                    for a public purpose by the Reservation
                    Order if satisfied on reasonable grounds that
                    the original reservation proposed to be
                    revoked is inconsistent with the historic use
                    of the land.
              62V Reservation Order
               (1) Subject to subsection (2), on the
                   recommendation of the Minister
                   administering the Crown Land (Reserves)
                   Act 1978 under section 62U, the Governor in
                   Council, by Reservation Order published in
                   the Government Gazette--
                      (a) may revoke--
                            (i) any Order in Council permanently
                                reserving Crown land in the Great
                                Ocean Road coast and parks
                                specified in that Reservation
                                Order; or

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                           (ii) any permanent reservation of
                                Crown land in the Great Ocean
                                Road coast and parks reserved
                                under any Act; and
                     (b) in relation to the land described in the
                         Reservation Order--
                            (i) must permanently reserve that
                                land for a different public
                                purpose; or
                           (ii) if a recommendation under
                                section 62U(2) is made, must
                                temporarily reserve that land for
                                a different public purpose.
               (2) A revocation of a reservation by a
                   Reservation Order may be in respect of the
                   whole of the permanent reservation of the
                   land or to the extent specified in the
                   Reservation Order.
               (3) A Reservation Order may describe the land it
                   reserves by reference to a plan of land signed
                   by the Surveyor-General and lodged in the
                   Central Plan Office.
               (4) A Reservation Order must not be made in
                   relation to land that has already been
                   reserved for any of the following public
                   purposes, however described--
                      (a) the protection of the beds or channels
                          and the banks of waterways;
                     (b) the preservation of areas of ecological
                      (c) the conservation of areas of natural
                          interest or beauty or of scientific,
                          historic or archaeological interest;
                     (d) carbon sequestration in vegetation and

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                      (e) the preservation of species of native
                      (f) the propagation or management of
                          wildlife or the preservation of wildlife
                     (g) the supply of sand, gravel, stone and
                         other materials for the construction of
                         public roads, buildings and other
                     (h) public parks, gardens and ornamental
                      (i) the protection of the coastline;
                      (j) zoological parks;
                     (k) a prescribed purpose.
               (5) A Reservation Order must not be made in
                   relation to--
                      (a) the reservation for public purposes of
                          land on the foreshore of Bass Strait and
                          Southern Ocean by Order in Council
                          dated 11 August 1879, published in the
                          Government Gazette dated 15 August
                          1879, page 2045; or
                     (b) the reservation for public purposes by
                         Order in Council dated 23 May 1881,
                         published in the Government Gazette
                         dated 27 May 1881, page 1389.
             62W Consequences of Reservation Order
               (1) On the revocation of a permanent reservation
                   of land by a Reservation Order--
                      (a) subject to paragraph (e), the land
                          described in the Reservation Order is
                          taken to be unalienated land of the
                          Crown, freed and discharged from all
                          trusts, limitations, reservations,

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                          restrictions, encumbrances, estates and
                          interests; and
                     (b) the appointment of any committee of
                         management of that land, other than the
                         Authority, is revoked to the extent that
                         it relates to that land; and
                      (c) the appointment of any trustee of that
                          land is revoked to the extent that it
                          relates to that land; and
                     (d) any regulations made under section 13
                         of the Crown Land (Reserves)
                         Act 1978 are revoked to the extent that
                         they apply to that land; and
                      (e) for the purposes of section 4(1) of the
                          Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, the
                          land reserved by the Reservation Order
                          is taken to be temporarily reserved or
                          permanently reserved as specified in
                          the Reservation Order for the purpose
                          specified in the Reservation Order.
               (2) A Reservation Order--
                      (a) has effect despite anything to the
                          contrary in the Crown Land
                          (Reserves) Act 1978 (in particular
                          section 9, 10 or 11 of that Act) or the
                          Land Act 1958; and
                     (b) is not a legislative instrument within the
                         meaning of the Subordinate
                         Legislation Act 1994.

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              62X Registrar of Titles to make amendments
                  necessary for this Act
                    The Registrar of Titles must make any
                    recordings in or amendments to the Register
                    kept under the Transfer of Land Act 1958
                    that are necessary because of the operation of
                    any provision of this Part.".
    18 Regulations
              For section 66(1) of the Principal Act
              "(1) The Governor in Council may make
                   regulations for or with respect to--
                      (a) any matter or thing authorised or
                          required to be prescribed or necessary
                          to be prescribed for carrying this Act
                          into effect; and
                     (b) prescribing fees for parking vehicles in
                         the Great Ocean Road coast and parks,
                         other than parking on land managed
                         under the National Parks Act 1975;
                      (c) prescribing tolls, fees and charges for
                          entry of persons, vehicles and animals
                          to land controlled and managed by the
                          Authority under this Act or any other
                          Act, other than--
                            (i) land managed under the National
                                Parks Act 1975; and
                           (ii) land reserved under the Crown
                                Land (Reserves) Act 1978; and
                     (d) prescribing penalties not exceeding
                         20 penalty units for a contravention of
                         the regulations.".

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  18A Further amendment of section 66
              After subsection 66(1) of the Principal Act
            "(1A) Before regulations are made for the purposes
                  of subsection (1)(b) or (1)(c), the Minister
                  must consider any advice of the Authority in
                  respect of any financial impacts or burdens
                  on local communities of the tolls, fees and
    19 New section 70A inserted
              After section 70 of the Principal Act insert--
            "70A Transfer of asset management from
                 committees of management
                    On and after the commencement day, the
                    Authority may enter into an agreement with
                    an entity in relation to the control and
                    management of any assets on land within the
                    municipal district for which that entity was
                    the committee of management appointed
                    under the Crown Land (Reserves)
                    Act 1978.".
    20 Section 71 amended
          (1) After section 71(1) of the Principal Act insert--
            "(1A) Any lease granted by a former land manager
                  and in force immediately before the
                  Authority is appointed land manager for the
                  land the subject of the lease under
                  section 62Q or under any other Act is, on
                  that appointment, taken to be a lease granted
                  by the Authority.".
          (2) In section 71(2) of the Principal Act, for "lease"
              substitute "licence".

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

          (3) After section 71(2) of the Principal Act insert--
            "(2A) Any licence, permit, consent or authorisation
                  granted by a former land manager and in
                  force immediately before the Authority is
                  appointed land manager for the land the
                  subject of the licence, permit, consent or
                  authorisation under section 62Q or under any
                  other Act is, on that appointment, taken to be
                  a licence, permit, consent or authorisation
                  granted by the Authority.".
          (4) After section 71(3) of the Principal Act insert--
              "(4) In this section--
                    former land manager means an entity who,
                        immediately before the Authority is
                        appointed land manager for land under
                        section 62Q or under any other Act, had
                        control or management of that land
                        under the Crown Land (Reserves)
                        Act 1978, the Forests Act 1958, the
                        Land Act 1958, the National Parks
                        Act 1975 or the Wildlife Act 1975.".
    21 New section 71A inserted
              After section 71 of the Principal Act insert--
            "71A Transfer of property etc. from old body to
                    On the commencement of this section--
                      (a) each old body is abolished; and
                     (b) the Authority is the successor in law of
                         each old body; and
                      (c) all rights, property and liabilities of
                          each old body immediately before their
                          abolition become rights, property and
                          liabilities of the Authority; and

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                      (d) the Authority is substituted as a party in
                          any proceeding, agreement or
                          arrangement commenced or made by or
                          against, or in relation to, each old body
                          immediately before their abolition; and
                      (e) the Authority may continue and
                          complete any other continuing matter
                          or thing commenced, or against, or in
                          relation to, each old body immediately
                          before their abolition.".
    22 Schedule 1 inserted
               After Part 8 of the Principal Act insert--
   "Schedule 1--Land management to be
transferred to Authority by 1 November 2025
                                                           Section 62Q(2)
            Item 1--National Parks Act 1975 land
                                    Description of land
Port Campbell National Park         The land in the park described in
                                    Part 21 of Schedule Two to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
Great Otway National Park (part)    The land in that part of the park
                                    described in Part 31 of Schedule
                                    Two to the National Parks
                                    Act 1975 which is within the Great
                                    Ocean Road coast and parks,
                                    excluding that part of the park that
                                    is situated--
                                      (a) in the Parish of Jan Juc and
                                           inland of a line 50 metres
                                           inland of the centreline of the
                                           Great Ocean Road; and
                                      (b) in the Parish of Angahook and
                                           inland of a line 50 metres
                                           inland of the centreline of the
                                           Great Ocean Road and
                                           north-east, north or west of
                                           the land shown on the plan
                                           lodged in the Central Plan

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

                                    Description of land
                                         Office and numbered
                                         N.P. 111E/5 as Lot 1
                                         TP579829; CA 2A; Lot 1
                                         TP579829; the roads
                                         adjoining the aforementioned
                                         lot; Lot 10 LP77300; Lot 1
                                         LP117892; Lot 18 LP93447;
                                         Lots 1 and 2 LP62756; and
                                         Lot 1 TP126807.
Bay of Islands Coastal Park         The land in the park described in
                                    Part 1A of Schedule Three to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
Point Addis Marine National Park    The land in the park described in
                                    Part 8 of Schedule Seven to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
Twelve Apostles Marine National     The land in the park described in
Park                                Part 11 of Schedule Seven to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
Eagle Rock Marine Sanctuary         The land in the park described in
                                    Part 3 of Schedule Eight to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
Marengo Reefs Marine Sanctuary      The land in the park described in
                                    Part 5 of Schedule Eight to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
Merri Marine Sanctuary              The land in the park described in
                                    Part 6 of Schedule Eight to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
Point Danger Marine Sanctuary       The land in the park described in
                                    Part 9 of Schedule Eight to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
The Arches Marine Sanctuary         The land in the park described in
                                    Part 11 of Schedule Eight to the
                                    National Parks Act 1975.
Glenample Homestead                 The land forming part of Crown
                                    allotments 5 and 6, Parish of
                                    Latrobe subject to the lease granted
                                    by Bedburdyck Pty Ltd to the
                                    Minister of Public Works
                                    [the Crown] dated 26 June 1980.

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

              In item 1 of this Schedule--
              park has the same meaning as it has in
                   section 3(1) of the National Parks
                   Act 1975.
              Item 2--Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 land
              All land temporarily or permanently reserved
              under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978
              within the Great Ocean Road coast and parks
              excluding land within the municipal district of
              Warrnambool City Council and excluding arterial
              roads, non-arterial State roads and land reserved
              for the following public purposes--
                (a) drainage and sewerage work; and
                (b) pre-school centres, State schools and other
                    institutions of public instruction and areas
                    and facilities for the study of the natural
                    environment; and
                (c) the supply of sand gravel stone and other
                    materials for the construction of public
                    roads, buildings and other works; and
                (d) health and social welfare; and
                (e) hospitals and institutions or services for any
                    other purposes administered by the Minister
                    administering the Health Services Act 1988;
                (f) cemeteries; and
                (g) public halls; and
                (h) aerodromes; and
                (i) mechanics institutes; and
                (j) police purposes; and
                (k) rail trails; and
                (l) roads.

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 2--Amendment of Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020

              Item 3--Land Act 1958 land
              The unreserved Crown land (including any
              overlying waters) from the low water mark to the
              outer limit of the coastal waters of Victoria within
              the Great Ocean Road coast and parks.
              Item 4--Wildlife Act 1975 land
              Land within the Great Ocean Road coast and
              parks that is a State Wildlife Reserve under the
              Wildlife Act 1975.".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
Part 3--Amendment of Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987

Part 3--Amendment of Borrowing and
     Investment Powers Act 1987
23 Schedule 1 amended
          In the table in Schedule 1 to the Borrowing and
          Investment Powers Act 1987, after item 4B
          "5.    Great Ocean Road Coast and    5, 8, 10, 11, 12,
                 Parks Authority               13,14, 15, 20
                                               and 21".

    Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                          No.      of 2021
Part 4--Amendment of Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Act

  Part 4--Amendment of Commissioner for
   Environmental Sustainability Act 2003
    24 Definitions
              In section 3 of the Commissioner for
              Environmental Sustainability Act 2003 insert
              the following definitions--
              "Great Ocean Road coast and parks has the same
                  meaning as in the Great Ocean Road and
                  Environs Protection Act 2020;
              Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                  means the Authority established under Part 5
                  of the Great Ocean Road and Environs
                  Protection Act 2020;".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

Part 5--Amendment of Conservation,
     Forests and Lands Act 1987
25 Definitions
          In section 3(1) of the Conservation, Forests and
          Lands Act 1987, in paragraph (d) of the definition
          of land owner, for "or Parks Victoria" substitute
          ", Parks Victoria or the Great Ocean Road Coast
          and Parks Authority".
26 Delegation of powers and functions
     (1) After section 11(1)(cb) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(cc) the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority or an employee of the Authority;
     (2) After section 11(2)(da) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(db) the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority or an employee of the Authority;
27 Charges and fees
     (1) In section 28(1) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987--
           (a) for "or Parks Victoria" (where first
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
           (b) for "or Parks Victoria" (where secondly
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Authority".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

     (2) In section 28(2) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987, for "or Parks Victoria"
         substitute ", Parks Victoria or the Great Ocean
         Road Coast and Parks Authority (as the case
28 Amendment of the record
          In section 67C(3)(a) of the Conservation, Forests
          and Lands Act 1987, for "(1A)" substitute
29 Section 68 amended
     (1) In the heading to section 68 of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987, for "and Parks
         Victoria" substitute ", Parks Victoria and
         Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
     (2) After section 68(1)(a) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(ab) the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority, for and to the extent it benefits
              land controlled and managed by the
              Authority, may--
                 (i) grant or loan money to a land owner;
                 (ii) provide other assistance to a land
                      owner; and".
     (3) In section 68(2)(b) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987, for "or Parks Victoria"
         substitute ", Parks Victoria or the Great Ocean
         Road Coast and Parks Authority".
     (4) In section 68(2)(c) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987, for "land." substitute
         "land; and".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

     (5) After section 68(2)(c) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987, insert--
         "(d) a requirement that, in the case of the Great
              Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority, the
              land of the land owner must adjoin land
              controlled and managed by the Authority.".
30 Section 82AB amended
     (1) In the heading to section 82AB of the
         Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987, for
         "and Parks Victoria" substitute ", Parks
         Victoria and Great Ocean Road Coast and
         Parks Authority".
     (2) After section 82AB(3) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
         "(4) If public land is land in respect of which
              there is in force a recognition and settlement
              agreement, the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority in carrying out any function,
              duty or power under this Part must take all
              reasonable steps to give effect to any
              traditional owner land management
              agreement entered into in accordance with
              the recognition and settlement agreement.".
31 Appointment and dismissal of members
          For section 82M(3A) of the Conservation,
          Forests and Lands Act 1987 substitute--
       "(3A) Before exercising a power under subsection
             (3)(c), the Secretary must consult with--
                 (a) Parks Victoria in relation to the
                     Secretary's proposed nomination if the
                     Board will have responsibilities for
                     Parks Victoria managed land; and

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

                 (b) the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                     Authority in relation to the Secretary's
                     proposed nomination if the Board will
                     have responsibilities for land controlled
                     and managed by the Authority.".
32 Joint preparation of management plans
          After section 82PA(1A) of the Conservation,
          Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(1B) If a management plan referred to in
              subsection (1) applies to land that is
              controlled and managed by the Great Ocean
              Road Coast and Parks Authority, the
              Secretary, in consultation with the Authority,
              must provide assistance and guidance to the
              Board to prepare the draft management
33 Completion of preparation of management plan
          After section 82PD(1A) of the Conservation,
          Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(1B) If a management plan referred to in
              subsection (1) applies to land controlled and
              managed by the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority, the Secretary must consult
              with the Authority--
                 (a) before agreeing that the plan is
                     completed; and
                 (b) before and, where necessary, while
                     carrying out consultation and the
                     provision of advice under
                     subsection (2).".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

34 Making and consideration of submissions
          After section 82PF(4) of the Conservation,
          Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
         "(5) If a management plan applies to land
              controlled and managed by the Great Ocean
              Road Coast and Parks Authority--
                 (a) the Secretary must provide the
                     Authority with a copy of any relevant
                     submission received on the draft plan;
                 (b) the Secretary must consider each
                     relevant submission received in
                     consultation with the Authority.".
35 Agreement to management plan
          After section 82PG(1A) of the Conservation,
          Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(1B) If a management plan applies to land
              controlled and managed by the Great
              Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority, the
              Secretary must not agree to the plan unless
              the Secretary has consulted with the
              Authority about the plan to the extent that it
              applies to land controlled and managed by
              the Authority.".
36 Approval of plan by Minister
          After section 82PH(1A) of the Conservation,
          Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(1B) If a management plan referred to in
              subsection (1)(b) or (c) applies to land
              controlled and managed by the Great Ocean
              Road Coast and Parks Authority, the
              Secretary must not submit that plan to the
              Minister for approval unless the Secretary
              has consulted with the Authority about the

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

               plan to the extent that it applies to land
               controlled and managed by the Authority.".
37 Effect of plan
          After section 82PI(3) of the Conservation,
          Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
         "(4) If a management plan applies to land
              controlled and managed by the Great Ocean
              Road Coast and Parks Authority, before
              responding to the Minister on the proposed
              revocation of the plan under subsection
              (2)(b), the Secretary must consult with the
              Authority about the plan to the extent that it
              applies to land controlled and managed by
              the Authority.".
38 Delegations to or in relation to Traditional Owner
   Land Management Boards
          After section 82Q(3) of the Conservation,
          Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
         "(4) If appointed land of a Traditional Owner
              Land Management Board is land controlled
              and managed by the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority, the Authority, after
              consultation with the Secretary, by
              instrument may delegate any of the
              Authority's functions, powers or duties
              under the Crown Land (Reserves)
              Act 1978, the Forests Act 1958, the Land
              Act 1958, the National Parks Act 1975 or
              the Wildlife Act 1975 to the Board or an
              employee of the Board for the purpose of the
              performance or exercise by the Board or
              employee of that function, power or duty in
              the course of carrying out duties relating
              to the management of the appointed land by
              the Traditional Owner Land Management

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

39 Appointment of authorised officers
     (1) After section 83(1)(ae) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
         "(af) a specified employee or a specified class of
               employee of the Great Ocean Road Coast
               and Parks Authority; or".
     (2) After section 83(1A) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(1B) Without limiting subsection (1), the Great
              Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority may
              appoint as authorised officers any employee
              or class of employee of the Authority for any
              or all land managed by the Authority.".
     (3) In section 83(3) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987, after "(1A)" insert
         "or (1B)".
     (4) After section 83(6) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987 insert--
         "(7) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority must give to each authorised
              officer appointed under subsection (1B) a
              certificate of appointment stating the relevant
              law for the purposes of which the person is
              appointed as an authorised officer and the
              land or area in respect of which the person is
40 Statement of authorised officer is evidence
          In section 87(b) of the Conservation, Forests
          and Lands Act 1987, for "or Parks Victoria"
          substitute ", Parks Victoria or the Great Ocean
          Road Coast and Parks Authority".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

41 Section 88 amended
     (1) In the heading to section 88 of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987, after "Parks
         Victoria" insert "or Great Ocean Road Coast
         and Parks Authority".
     (2) After section 88(1A) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(1B) A certificate signed by the chief executive
              officer of the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority to the effect that--
                 (a) the person referred to in the certificate
                     is an authorised officer appointed by
                     the Authority; or
                 (b) the person holds an authority issued
                     by the Authority on such terms and
                     conditions as referred to in the
                     certificate or does not hold an authority;
                 (c) a road or track on Crown land
                     (including reserved forest) that is land
                     controlled and managed by the
                     Authority, is or is not closed (whether
                     temporarily or permanently) for the
                     purposes of a relevant law--
               is evidence of that fact.".
     (3) After section 88(2A) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(2B) In any proceeding under a relevant law in
              respect of land controlled and managed by
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority and to which the Authority is a
              party, a certificate signed by the chief
              executive officer of the Authority as to the
              value of property or the amount of costs,
              charges or expenses incurred for the

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

               purposes of a relevant law is evidence and, in
               the absence of evidence to the contrary, is
               proof of the matters stated in the certificate.
         (2C) The chief executive officer of the Great
              Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
              must cause a copy of a certificate referred to
              in subsection (2B) to be served with the
              charge-sheet, summons to answer a charge
              or application in the proceeding.".
     (4) After section 88(3A) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(3B) A person cannot bring evidence disputing
              a statement in a certificate referred to in
              subsection (2B) in any proceeding under a
              relevant law unless, at least 3 days before the
              hearing of the proceeding, the person has
              served on the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority written notice that the
              person intends to bring that evidence.".
42 Injunctions
          After section 89(2) of the Conservation, Forests
          and Lands Act 1987 insert--
         "(3) In relation to land controlled and managed
              by the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority, the Authority may apply to a
              court of competent jurisdiction for an
              injunction restraining any person from
              contravening a relevant law or any condition
              of a works approval, authority or notice.".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

43 Parking infringements
     (1) In section 94 of the Conservation, Forests and
         Lands Act 1987--
           (a) for "85-90" substitute "86 to 90";
           (b) for "Parks Victoria or the," substitute
               "Parks Victoria, the Great Ocean Road Coast
               and Parks Authority or the".
     (2) In section 94(a) of the Conservation, Forests and
         Lands Act 1987, for "Parks Victoria land,"
         substitute "Parks Victoria land or land controlled
         and managed by the Great Ocean Road Coast and
         Parks Authority,".
     (3) After section 94(b) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(ba) land vested in, or belonging to, or under the
              control of, the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority; and".
44 Compensation
          In section 97(1) of the Conservation, Forests
          and Lands Act 1987--
           (a) for "or Parks Victoria for relevant Parks
               Victoria land" substitute ", Parks Victoria
               for relevant Parks Victoria land or the Great
               Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority for
               land controlled and managed by the
           (b) in paragraph (b), for "or Parks Victoria"
               (where twice occurring) substitute
               ", Parks Victoria or the Authority";
           (c) in paragraph (c), for "or Parks Victoria"
               substitute ", Parks Victoria or the Authority
               (as the case requires)";

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

           (d) in paragraph (d), for "or Parks Victoria"
               substitute ", Parks Victoria or the Authority
               (as the case requires)".
45 Action for damages
     (1) In section 98(1) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987--
           (a) for "or Parks Victoria" (where first
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
           (b) for "or Parks Victoria" (where secondly
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Authority".
     (2) In section 98(2) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987--
           (a) for "or Parks Victoria" (where first
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
           (b) for "or Parks Victoria" (where secondly
               and thirdly occurring) substitute ", Parks
               Victoria or the Authority".
     (3) After section 98(3)(ab) of the Conservation,
         Forests and Lands Act 1987 insert--
        "(ac) property of the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority;".
     (4) In section 98(4) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987, for "or Parks Victoria"
         substitute ", Parks Victoria or the Great Ocean
         Road Coast and Parks Authority".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

     (5) In section 98(7) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987--
           (a) for "or Parks Victoria" (where first
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
           (b) for "or Parks Victoria" (where secondly
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Authority".
     (6) In section 98(8)(b) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987--
           (a) after "Parks Victoria" (where first occurring)
               insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Authority";
           (b) after "Parks Victoria" (where secondly
               occurring) insert "or the Authority".
     (7) In section 98(9) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987--
           (a) for "or Parks Victoria" (where first
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
           (b) for "or Parks Victoria" (where secondly
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Authority".
     (8) In section 98(10) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987, for "or Parks Victoria's
         right" substitute ", Parks Victoria's right or the
         Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority's
     (9) In section 98(11) of the Conservation, Forests
         and Lands Act 1987, for "or Parks Victoria"
         substitute ", Parks Victoria or the Great Ocean
         Road Coast and Parks Authority".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
Part 5--Amendment of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987

46 Schedule 1 amended--statute law revision
          In Schedule 1 to the Conservation, Forests and
          Lands Act 1987, for "Water Industry Act 1994"
          substitute "Water Industry Act 1994.".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
   Part 6--Amendment of Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978

 Part 6--Amendment of Crown Land
        (Reserves) Act 1978
47 Power to amend or revoke permanent reservations
         After section 11(3) of the Crown Land
         (Reserves) Act 1978 insert--
         "(4) A permanent reservation of land in the Great
              Ocean Road coast and parks may be revoked
              by a Reservation Order within the meaning
              of section 3 of the Great Ocean Road and
              Environs Protection Act 2020.".
48 Use of reserved land for apiculture
         In section 17H of the Crown Land (Reserves)
         Act 1978, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
         Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
49 Power of Secretary to enter into management
     (1) After section 18B(4) of the Crown Land
         (Reserves) Act 1978 insert--
       "(4A) The Secretary must consult with the Great
             Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
             before entering into a management
             agreement under subsection (3) in relation
             to land controlled and managed by the
     (2) In section 18B(6) of the Crown Land (Reserves)
         Act 1978--
           (a) after paragraph (a) insert--
              "(ab) provides for a Traditional Owner Land
                    Management Board to manage any land
                    that is reserved under this Act and that
                    would otherwise be controlled and
                    managed by the Great Ocean Road
                    Coast and Parks Authority under this
                    Act or any other enactment, the

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
   Part 6--Amendment of Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978

                     Authority does not have power to
                     control and manage that land, to the
                     extent of the agreement; or";
           (b) in paragraph (b), for "agreement." substitute
               "agreement; or";
           (c) after paragraph (b) insert--
               "(c) provides for a Traditional Owner Land
                    Management Board to carry out any
                    function, power or duty in relation to
                    any land that is reserved under this Act
                    and that would otherwise be carried out
                    by the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                    Parks Authority, the Authority does not
                    have power to carry out that function,
                    power or duty, to the extent of the
50 Section 18D amended
     (1) In the heading to section 18D of the Crown Land
         (Reserves) Act 1978, for "or Parks Victoria"
         substitute ", Parks Victoria or Great Ocean
         Road Coast and Parks Authority".
     (2) In section 18D(1) of the Crown Land (Reserves)
         Act 1978--
           (a) for "or Parks Victoria" (where first
               occurring) substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
           (b) in paragraph (a) and (b), for "or Parks
               Victoria" substitute ", Parks Victoria or
               the Authority".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
   Part 6--Amendment of Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978

51 New section 21AD inserted
         Before section 21A of the Crown Land
         (Reserves) Act 1978 insert--
      "21AD Definition for this Part
               In this Part--
               land manager, in relation to land in the
                    Great Ocean Road coast and parks on
                    and from 1 July 2023, means the Great
                    Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority,
                    regardless of whether or not the Great
                    Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                    has been appointed as land manager.".
52 New section 34B inserted
         After section 34A of the Crown Land (Reserves)
         Act 1978 insert--
        "34B Transitional provision for tour operator
             licences--Great Ocean Road and
             Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
               Despite the commencement of the Great
               Ocean Road and Environs Protection
               Amendment Act 2021, a tour operator
               licence granted under section 21B before
               1 July 2023, which immediately before that
               date permitted the licence holder to conduct
               a tour or recreational activity on land in the
               Great Ocean Road coast and parks, continues
               to permit the licence holder to conduct that
               tour or activity on that land on and after that
               commencement, unless the licence is
               otherwise varied, suspended or cancelled.".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
       Part 7--Amendment of Domestic Animals Act 1994

Part 7--Amendment of Domestic Animals
            Act 1994
 53 Definitions
      (1) In section 3(1) of the Domestic Animals
          Act 1994 insert--
          "Great Ocean Road coast and parks has the same
              meaning as in section 3 of the Great Ocean
              Road and Environs Protection Act 2020;
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
              means the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority established under Part 5 of
              the Great Ocean Road and Environs
              Protection Act 2020;
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
              authorised officer means a person appointed
              under section 72B;".
      (2) In section 3(1) of the Domestic Animals
          Act 1994, in the definition of authorised officer,
          for "or 72A" substitute ", 72A or 72B".
 54 Registered dog or cat to have identification marker
    outside premises
          In section 20(2)(f) of the Domestic Animals
          Act 1994, after "26(2)" insert "or 26A(2)".
 55 New section 26A inserted
          After section 26 of the Domestic Animals
          Act 1994 insert--
        "26A Dogs and cats found in places specified by
             the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
           (1) If a dog or cat is found in a place in respect
               of which an order under this section has been
               made in contravention of that order or any
               terms and conditions of that order, the owner

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
      Part 7--Amendment of Domestic Animals Act 1994

               is guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty
               of not more than 2 penalty units for a first
               offence and 4 penalty units for a second or
               subsequent offence.
          (2) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority, by resolution, may make an order
              under this section which may do all or any of
              the following--
                 (a) prohibit the presence of dogs or cats in
                     any public place which is land in the
                     Great Ocean Road coast and parks,
                     other than land administered under the
                     National Parks Act 1975 or the
                     Wildlife Act 1975;
                (b) impose all or any of the following
                    conditions on the presence of dogs or
                    cats in any public place which is land in
                    the Great Ocean Road coast and parks,
                    other than land administered under the
                    National Parks Act 1975 or the
                    Wildlife Act 1975--
                       (i) conditions as to the means of
                           restraint of dogs or cats;
                      (ii) conditions as to the times at which
                           the presence of dogs or cats is or
                           is not permitted;
                     (iii) any other conditions that are
                           specified in the order.
          (3) If the Authority proposes to make an order
              under this section in respect of a public place
              within the meaning of section 3 of the
              Summary Offences Act 1966, that is on
              private land, the Authority must obtain the
              agreement of the owner or occupier of the
              private land to the order before making the

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
      Part 7--Amendment of Domestic Animals Act 1994

          (4) An order made by the Authority under this
              section must be published--
                 (a) in the Government Gazette; and
                (b) on the website of the Great Ocean Road
                    Coast and Parks Authority; and
                 (c) in a newspaper circulating in the Great
                     Ocean Road region within the meaning
                     of the Great Ocean Road and
                     Environs Protection Act 2020.
          (5) A condition under subsection (2)(b)(i)
              does not apply to a dog in any of the
              circumstances listed in section 20(2).".
56 New section 72B inserted
         After section 72A of the Domestic Animals
         Act 1994 insert--
        "72B Appointment of Great Ocean Road Coast
             and Parks Authority authorised officers
          (1) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority, by instrument, may appoint any
              person who is an employee of the Authority
              as an authorised officer.
          (2) The Authority must specify the period
              for which the person is to be appointed in
              the instrument of appointment under
              subsection (1).".
57 Identity cards for authorised officers
         In section 73 of the Domestic Animals
         Act 1994--
           (a) in subsection (1), for "or Council" substitute
               ", Council or Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Authority";
           (b) in subsection (3), for "his or her" substitute
               "the officer's".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
      Part 7--Amendment of Domestic Animals Act 1994

58 Entry, search and other powers of authorised
   officers for some purposes
     (1) After section 74(1C) of the Domestic Animals
         Act 1994 insert--
       "(1D) A Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
             Authority authorised officer may take any
             reasonable action that is necessary to find
             out, in relation to an order under section 26
             or 26A, whether the provisions of the
             following are being complied with--
                 (a) this Act;
                (b) the regulations;
                 (c) a notice to comply issued under this
     (2) After section 74(2) of the Domestic Animals
         Act 1994 insert--
       "(2A) A Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
             Authority authorised officer who is
             exercising a power under subsection (1D)
             may exercise the powers set out in
             subsection (2)(c) to (f).".
     (3) In section 74(3) of the Domestic Animals
         Act 1994, for "or (1B)" substitute ", (1B)
         or (1D)".
59 Council contracted authorised officers may request
   name and address, ask questions
         In section 74A of the Domestic Animals
         Act 1994, after "26," insert "26A,".
60 Seizure of dog or cat in certain circumstances
         In section 84 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994,
         for "or 26" substitute ", 26 or 26A".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
      Part 7--Amendment of Domestic Animals Act 1994

61 Power to serve infringement notice
     (1) In the table to section 85(1) of the Domestic
         Animals Act 1994--
           (a) in Column 2 of the entry relating to
               "Departmental authorised officer", after
               "26(1)," insert "26A(1),";
           (b) in Column 2 of the entry relating to
               "Council authorised officer", after "26(1),"
               insert "26A(1),";
           (c) in Column 2 of the entry relating to
               "Council contracted authorised officer",
               after "26(1)," insert "26A(1),".
     (2) In the table to section 85(1) of the Domestic
         Animals Act 1994, after the entry relating to
         "Council contracted authorised officer" insert--
          "Great Ocean Road Coast   26(1), 26A(1)".
          and Parks Authority
          authorised officer

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
           Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958

Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958
62 Definitions
         In section 3(1) of the Forests Act 1958, after
         paragraph (a) of the definition of land manager
        "(ab) for land that is controlled and managed by
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority, the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority; or".
63 Section 6 amended
     (1) In the heading to section 6 of the Forests
         Act 1958, for "or Parks Victoria" substitute
         ", Parks Victoria or Great Ocean Road Coast
         and Parks Authority".
     (2) In section 6 of the Forests Act 1958, after "Parks
         Victoria" insert ", the Great Ocean Road Coast
         and Parks Authority".
64 Section 18 amended
         In the heading to section 18 of the Forests
         Act 1958, for "and Parks Victoria" substitute
         ", Parks Victoria and Great Ocean Road Coast
         and Parks Authority".
65 Section 18AA amended
     (1) In the heading to section 18AA of the Forests
         Act 1958, after "land" insert "or land managed
         by Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
     (2) In section 18AA of the Forests Act 1958, after
         "land" insert "or land controlled and managed by
         the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
           Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958

66 Section 18C heading amended
         In the heading to section 18C of the Forests
         Act 1958, for "or Parks Victoria" substitute
         ", Parks Victoria or Great Ocean Road Coast
         and Parks Authority".
67 Section 18D heading amended
         In the heading to section 18D of the Forests
         Act 1958, for "and Parks Victoria" substitute
         ", Parks Victoria and Great Ocean Road Coast
         and Parks Authority".
68 Section 20 amended
     (1) In the heading to section 20 of the Forests
         Act 1958, for "and Parks Victoria" substitute
         ", Parks Victoria and Great Ocean Road Coast
         and Parks Authority".
     (2) After section 20(2) of the Forests Act 1958
         "(3) Subject to this Act, for land controlled and
              managed by the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority, the Great Ocean Road
              Coast and Parks Authority may make
              provision for the following out of the
              moneys available for the purposes of--
                 (a) facilities for public recreation and for
                     the protection of native flora and fauna
                     in State forests;
                (b) the promotion of good relations
                    between the Great Ocean Road Coast
                    and Parks Authority and the public.".
69 Working plans for State forests
         In section 22(3) of the Forests Act 1958, after
         "land" insert "or land controlled and managed
         by the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
           Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958

70 Management agreements with Traditional Owner
   Land Management Boards
     (1) After section 28(2) of the Forests Act 1958
       "(2A) The Secretary must consult with the Great
             Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
             before entering into a management
             agreement under subsection (1) in relation to
             land controlled and managed by the Great
             Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority.".
     (2) After section 28(4) of the Forests Act 1958
       "(4A) If an agreement under subsection (1)--
                 (a) provides for a Traditional Owner Land
                     Management Board to manage any land
                     that is reserved forest and that would
                     otherwise be controlled and managed
                     by the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                     Parks Authority under this Act or any
                     other enactment, the Great Ocean Road
                     Coast and Parks Authority does not
                     have power to manage that land, to the
                     extent of the agreement; or
                (b) provides for a Traditional Owner Land
                    Management Board to carry out any
                    function, power or duty in relation to
                    any land that is reserved forest and that
                    would otherwise be carried out by the
                    Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                    Authority, the Great Ocean Road Coast
                    and Parks Authority does not have
                    power to carry out that function, power
                    or duty, to the extent of the

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
           Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958

     (3) In section 28(5) of the Forests Act 1958, for
         "Subsection (4) has" substitute "Subsections (4)
         and (4A) have".
71 Power to declare land in reserved forests to be a
   forest park etc.
         After section 50(6) of the Forests Act 1958
         "(7) Despite subsection (6), any moneys received
              by the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority pursuant to any regulation made
              under this section is to be paid into the Great
              Ocean Road Coast and Parks Account
              established under section 62A of the Great
              Ocean Road and Environs Protection
              Act 2020.".
72 Grant of tour operator licence
         After section 57F(2) of the Forests Act 1958
         "(3) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to a land manager in this section is
              a reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority, regardless of whether
              or not the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
73 Application for tour operator licence
         After section 57G(3) of the Forests Act 1958
         "(4) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to a land manager in this section is
              a reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority, regardless of whether
              or not the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
           Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958

               Authority has been appointed as land
74 Tour operator licence conditions
         At the end of section 57I of the Forests Act 1958
         "(2) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to a land manager in this section is
              a reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority, regardless of whether
              or not the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
75 Variation of tour operator licence
         After section 57K(5) of the Forests Act 1958
         "(6) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to a land manager in this section is
              a reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority, regardless of whether
              or not the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
76 Suspension of tour operator licence
         After section 57L(3) of the Forests Act 1958
         "(4) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to a land manager in this section is
              a reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority, regardless of whether
              or not the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
           Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958

77 Making submissions on suspension
         After section 57M(4) of the Forests Act 1958
         "(5) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to a land manager in this section is
              a reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority, regardless of whether
              or not the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
78 Cancellation of tour operator licence
         After section 57N(5) of the Forests Act 1958
         "(6) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to a land manager in this section is
              a reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority, regardless of whether
              or not the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
79 Proclamation of protected forests
     (1) In section 58(3)(a) of the Forests Act 1958--
           (a) after "recorded land" insert "or land
               controlled and managed by the Great
               Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority";
           (b) in subparagraph (i), after "Victoria" insert
               "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority (as the case may be)".
     (2) In section 58(3A)(b) of the Forests Act 1958,
         after "land," insert "or land controlled and
         managed by the Great Ocean Road Coast and
         Parks Authority".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
           Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958

80 Declaration of protected public lands
         In section 62(1A) of the Forests Act 1958--
           (a) in paragraph (b), after "Parks Victoria"
               insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast
               and Parks Authority";
           (b) in paragraph (c), after "Parks Victoria"
               (where twice occurring) insert "or the Great
               Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority";
           (c) in paragraph (d)(iii), after "Parks Victoria"
               insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Authority".
81 Secretary may enter into agreements and
   arrangements relating to the prevention and
   suppression of fires and recovery from fires
         In section 62C(4) of the Forests Act 1958, after
         paragraph (c) of the definition of specified person
        "(ca) a person appointed or employed under
              section 50 or 51 of the Great Ocean Road
              and Environs Protection Act 2020;".
82 Immunity provision
         After section 72(1)(b) of the Forests Act 1958
        "(ba) a person appointed or employed under
              section 50 or 51 of the Great Ocean Road
              and Environs Protection Act 2020;".
83 Restriction on dealings by authorised officers
         In section 84 of the Forests Act 1958, for
         "or Parks Victoria" substitute ", Parks Victoria
         or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
           Part 8--Amendment of Forests Act 1958

84 New section 106 inserted
         After section 105 of the Forests Act 1958
        "106 Transitional provision for tour operator
             licences--Great Ocean Road and
             Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
               Despite the commencement of the Great
               Ocean Road and Environs Protection
               Amendment Act 2021, a tour operator
               licence granted under section 57F before
               1 July 2023, which immediately before that
               date permitted the licence holder to conduct
               a tour or recreational activity on land in the
               Great Ocean Road coast and parks, continues
               to permit the licence holder to conduct that
               tour or activity on that land on and after that
               date, unless the licence is otherwise varied,
               suspended or cancelled.".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
            Part 9--Amendment of Land Act 1958

Part 9--Amendment of Land Act 1958
85 Definitions
     (1) In section 2A of the Land Act 1958 insert the
         following definitions--
         "Great Ocean Road coast and parks has the same
             meaning as in section 3 of the Great Ocean
             Road and Environs Protection Act 2020;
         Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
             means the Great Ocean Road Coast and
             Parks Authority established under Part 5 of
             the Great Ocean Road and Environs
             Protection Act 2020;
         land manager means--
                 (a) for Parks Victoria recorded land, Parks
                     Victoria; or
                 (b) for land controlled and managed by the
                     Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                     Authority under section 62Q of the
                     Great Ocean Road and Environs
                     Protection Act 2020, the Great Ocean
                     Road Coast and Parks Authority; or
                 (c) for all other land, the Secretary;".
     (2) In section 2A of the Land Act 1958, in
         paragraph (c) of the definition of regulated
         watercourse land, for "or Parks Victoria"
         substitute ", Parks Victoria or the Great
         Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
     (3) In section 2A of the Land Act 1958, in
         paragraph (d)(ii) of the definition of water
         frontage, for "Victoria;" substitute "Victoria
         or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
            Part 9--Amendment of Land Act 1958

86 Definitions
         In section 3(1) of the Land Act 1958, the
         definition of land manager is repealed.
87 Management agreements with Traditional Owner
   Land Management Boards
     (1) After section 4B(2) of the Land Act 1958
       "(2A) The Secretary must consult with the Great
             Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
             before entering into a management
             agreement under subsection (1) in relation to
             land controlled and managed by the Great
             Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority.".
     (2) After section 4B(4) of the Land Act 1958
       "(4A) If an agreement under subsection (1)--
                 (a) provides for a Traditional Owner Land
                     Management Board to manage any land
                     that is unreserved Crown land and that
                     would otherwise be controlled and
                     managed by the Great Ocean Road
                     Coast and Parks Authority under this
                     Act or any other enactment, the Great
                     Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                     does not have power to manage that
                     land, to the extent of the agreement; or
                 (b) provides for a Traditional Owner Land
                     Management Board to carry out any
                     function, power or duty in relation to
                     any land that is unreserved Crown land
                     and that would otherwise be carried out
                     by the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                     Parks Authority, the Great Ocean Road
                     Coast and Parks Authority does not
                     have power to carry out that function,

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
            Part 9--Amendment of Land Act 1958

                     power or duty, to the extent of the
     (3) In section 4B(5) of the Land Act 1958, for
         "Subsection (4) has" substitute "Subsections (4)
         and (4A) have".
88 Grant of tour operator licence
         After section 140I(2) of the Land Act 1958
         "(3) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to the Minister or a person
              authorised by the Minister in this section is a
              reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority, regardless of whether or not
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
89 Application for tour operator licence
         After section 140J(3) of the Land Act 1958
         "(4) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to the Minister or a person
              authorised by the Minister in this section is a
              reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority, regardless of whether or not
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
90 Tour operator licence conditions
         At the end of section 140L of the Land Act 1958
         "(2) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to the Minister or a person

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
            Part 9--Amendment of Land Act 1958

               authorised by the Minister in this section is a
               reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Authority, regardless of whether or not
               the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority has been appointed as land
91 Variation of licence to operate as activity provider
   or tour operator on Crown land
         After section 140N(5) of the Land Act 1958
         "(6) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to the Minister or a person
              authorised by the Minister in this section is a
              reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority, regardless of whether or not
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
92 Suspension of tour operator licence
         After section 140O(3) of the Land Act 1958
         "(4) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to the Minister or a person
              authorised by the Minister in this section is a
              reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority, regardless of whether or not
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
            Part 9--Amendment of Land Act 1958

93 Making submissions on suspension
         After section 140P(4) of the Land Act 1958
         "(5) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to the Minister or a person
              authorised by the Minister in this section is a
              reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority, regardless of whether or not
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
94 Cancellation of tour operator licence
         After section 140Q(5) of the Land Act 1958
         "(6) On and from 1 July 2023, in relation to land
              in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, a
              reference to the Minister or a person
              authorised by the Minister in this section is a
              reference to the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority, regardless of whether or not
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority has been appointed as land
95 Land over which bee site licence may be granted
     (1) In section 143(1)(b)(i) of the Land Act 1958, for
         "Victoria;" substitute "Victoria or the Great
         Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority;".
     (2) In the note at the foot of section 143(1)(b) of the
         Land Act 1958, after "Victoria" insert "or the
         Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
            Part 9--Amendment of Land Act 1958

     (3) In section 143(1)(d)(ii) of the Land Act 1958--
           (a) after "Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean
               Road Coast and Parks Authority";
           (b) before "19A" insert "16A,".
     (4) In section 143(1)(d)(iii) of the Land Act 1958,
         after "Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean Road
         Coast and Parks Authority".
96 Offences
         In section 149(1)(c)(ii) of the Land Act 1958,
         after "Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean Road
         Coast and Parks Authority".
97 New section 419 inserted
         After section 418 of the Land Act 1958 insert--
        "419 Transitional provision for tour operator
             licences--Great Ocean Road and
             Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
               Despite the commencement of the Great
               Ocean Road and Environs Protection
               Amendment Act 2021, a tour operator
               licence granted under section 140I before
               1 July 2023, which immediately before that
               date permitted the licence holder to conduct
               a tour or recreational activity on land in the
               Great Ocean Road coast and parks, continues
               to permit the licence holder to conduct that
               tour or activity on that land on and after that
               date, unless the licence is otherwise varied,
               suspended or cancelled.".

  Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                        No.      of 2021
       Part 10--Amendment of Local Government Act 1989

Part 10--Amendment of Local Government
             Act 1989
  98 Definitions
       (1) In section 3(1) of the Local Government
           Act 1989 insert the following definition--
           "Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
               means the Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Authority established under Part 5 of
               the Great Ocean Road and Environs
               Protection Act 2020;".
       (2) In section 3(1) of the Local Government
           Act 1989, the definitions of approved Great
           Ocean Road strategic framework plan, Great
           Ocean Road coast and parks protection
           principles and Great Ocean Road region are
  99 New section 224B inserted
           After section 224A of the Local Government
           Act 1989 insert--
        "224B Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority authorised officers to enforce
              certain local laws
            (1) This section applies if a provision of a local
                law of a Council applies to activity on land
                in the Great Ocean Road coast and parks or
                the Great Ocean Road scenic landscapes
            (2) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                Authority may publish a notice in the
                Government Gazette identifying the
                provision of the local law and stating that
                any authorised officer appointed under
                section 83(1B) of the Conservation, Forests

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
     Part 10--Amendment of Local Government Act 1989

               and Lands Act 1987 may enforce that
          (3) If the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority publishes a notice referred to in
              subsection (2), any authorised officer
              appointed under section 83(1B) of the
              Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987
              may enforce the provision as if the
              authorised officer was appointed to be an
              authorised officer under section 224 with
              respect to the provision.".

  Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                        No.      of 2021
       Part 11--Amendment of Local Government Act 2020

Part 11--Amendment of Local Government
             Act 2020
 100 Definitions
           In section 3(1) of the Local Government
           Act 2020 insert the following definitions--
           "approved Great Ocean Road strategic
                framework plan has the same meaning as in
                the Great Ocean Road and Environs
                Protection Act 2020;
           Great Ocean Road coast and parks has the same
               meaning as in the Great Ocean Road and
               Environs Protection Act 2020;
           Great Ocean Road coast and parks protection
               principles has the same meaning as in the
               Great Ocean Road and Environs
               Protection Act 2020;
           Great Ocean Road region has the same meaning
               as in the Great Ocean Road and Environs
               Protection Act 2020;
           Great Ocean Road scenic landscapes area has
               the same meaning as in the Great Ocean
               Road and Environs Protection Act 2020;".
 101 New section 7A inserted
           After section 7 of the Local Government
           Act 2020 insert--
           "7A Obligations of Council in relation to Great
               Ocean Road region
            (1) A Council that is a responsible entity within
                the meaning of the Great Ocean Road and
                Environs Protection Act 2020, when
                performing a function or duty or exercising a
                power under this Act--

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                      No.      of 2021
     Part 11--Amendment of Local Government Act 2020

                 (a) must not act inconsistently with any
                     part of an approved Great Ocean Road
                     strategic framework plan that is
                     expressed to be binding on the Council
                     in relation to the Great Ocean Road
                     scenic landscapes area; and
                (b) must have regard to the Great Ocean
                    Road coast and parks protection
                    principles in relation to the Great Ocean
                    Road coast and parks; and
                 (c) must have regard to those parts of an
                     approved Great Ocean Road strategic
                     framework plan not expressed to be
                     binding on the Council in relation to the
                     Great Ocean Road region.
          (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
              performance of a function or the exercise of
              a power by a Council in relation to a
              declared project within the meaning of the
              Major Transport Projects Facilitation
              Act 2009.".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

Part 12--Amendment of National Parks
            Act 1975
102 Definitions
          In section 3(1) of the National Parks Act 1975
          insert the following definition--
          "Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
              means the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority established under Part 5 of
              the Great Ocean Road and Environs
              Protection Act 2020;".
103 Management agreements with Traditional Owner
    Land Management Boards
      (1) In section 16A(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert ", or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority for
          land managed under this Act that is controlled and
          managed by the Great Ocean Road Coast and
          Parks Authority,".
      (2) In section 16A(4) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) in paragraph (a)--
                  (i) after "Parks Victoria" (where first
                      occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean
                      Road Coast and Parks Authority";
                  (ii) after "Parks Victoria" (where secondly
                       occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean
                       Road Coast and Parks Authority (as the
                       case may be)";
            (b) in paragraph (b)--
                  (i) after "Parks Victoria" (where first
                      occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean
                      Road Coast and Parks Authority";

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

                 (ii) after "Parks Victoria" (where secondly
                      occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean
                      Road Coast and Parks Authority (as the
                      case may be)".
104 New Part IIA inserted
          After Part II of the National Parks Act 1975

             "Part IIA--Great Ocean Road
            Coast and Parks Authority--land
          16C Appointment of Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority as land manager
           (1) The Governor in Council, on the
               recommendation of the Minister, by Order
               published in the Government Gazette, may
               appoint the Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Authority as land manager for any land
               managed under this Act within the Great
               Ocean Road coast and parks.
                See also section 62Q(2) of the Great Ocean Road
                and Environs Protection Act 2020 and Schedule 1
                to that Act.
           (2) The Minister may only recommend that the
               Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority be appointed land manager after
               receiving approval of that proposed
               appointment by all other Ministers who--
                  (a) administer this Act; and
                 (b) administer the Parks Victoria
                     Act 2018.

Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
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       Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

          (3) On an Order under subsection (1), the Great
              Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority has
              control and management of land for which it
              is appointed as land manager.
          (4) An order under subsection (1) must not be
              inconsistent with a management agreement
              under section 16A(1).
         16D Management agreements with Parks
               The Great Ocean Roads Coast and Parks
               Authority must not enter into a management
               agreement for or relating to the following
               unless the agreement is entered into with
               Parks Victoria on the approval of the
               Minister and the Minister administering the
               Parks Victoria Act 2018--
                 (a) the management of any or all land
                     managed under this Act for which the
                     Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                     Authority is appointed land manager
                     by Order under section 16C(1); or
                (b) the carrying out of specified functions,
                    powers or duties in relation to the
                    management of any land managed
                    under this Act for which the Great
                    Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                    is appointed land manager by Order
                    under section 16C(1).
         16E Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
             Authority to provide reporting
             information to Parks Victoria
               The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority must provide Parks Victoria with
               any information Parks Victoria reasonably
               requires to comply with section 35.

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
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        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

          16F Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority's performance and exercise of
              functions and powers
                The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                Authority may only perform a function or
                exercise a power under this Act to the extent
                that it relates to the land managed under this
                Act for which the Great Ocean Road Coast
                and Parks Authority is appointed as land
                manager under--
                  (a) an Order under section 16C(1); or
                 (b) under section 62Q(2) of the Great
                     Ocean Road and Environs Protection
                     Act 2020.".
105 National parks and State parks
      (1) In section 17(2) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "16A(1)" insert ", any Order under
          section 16C(1), and section 62Q(2) of the Great
          Ocean Road and Environs Protection
          Act 2020".
      (2) In section 17(5) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean
          Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (3) After section 17(5) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
          "(6) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority has the functions and duties
               referred to in this section in relation to land
               managed under this Act for which it is
               appointed as land manager--
                  (a) by Order under section 16C(1); or
                 (b) under section 62Q(2) of the Great
                     Ocean Road and Environs Protection
                     Act 2020.

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
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        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

           (7) Despite subsections (2) and (5), Parks
               Victoria must prepare a plan of management
               for the Great Otway National Park.
           (8) In preparing a plan of management referred
               to in subsection (7), Parks Victoria must
               obtain approval from the Great Ocean Road
               Coast and Parks Authority for any part of the
               plan related to land managed under this Act
               for which the Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Authority is appointed as land
               manager by Order under section 16C(1) or
               under section 62Q(2) of the Great Ocean
               Road and Environs Protection Act 2020.
           (9) Subsection (8) does not prevent Parks
               Victoria from including a plan of
               management referred to in subsection (7) as
               part of a land management plan within the
               meaning of section 3 of the Parks Victoria
               Act 2018.".
106 Marine national parks and marine sanctuaries
      (1) In section 17D(3) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "16A(1)" insert ", any Order under
                section 16C(1), and section 62Q(2) of the
                Great Ocean Road and Environs
                Protection Act 2020";
            (b) after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                (as the case may be)".
      (2) In section 17D(5) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
          (as the case requires)".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

      (3) After section 17D(5) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
          "(6) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority has the functions and duties
               referred to in this section in relation to land
               managed under this Act for which it is
               appointed as land manager--
                  (a) by Order under section 16C(1); or
                 (b) under section 62Q(2) of the Great
                     Ocean Road and Environs Protection
                     Act 2020.".
107 Other parks
      (1) In section 18(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "16A(1)" insert ", any Order under
                section 16C(1), and section 62Q(2) of the
                Great Ocean Road and Environs
                Protection Act 2020";
            (b) after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                (as the case may be)".
      (2) In section 18(4) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean
          Road Coast and Parks Authority (as the case
      (3) After section 18(4) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
          "(5) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority has the functions and duties
               referred to in this section in relation to land
               managed under this Act for which it is
               appointed as land manager--
                  (a) by Order under section 16C(1); or

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

                 (b) under section 62Q(2) of the Great
                     Ocean Road and Environs Protection
                     Act 2020.".
108 Management of land prior to its reservation
      (1) In section 19AA(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria" (where first occurring)
                insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                Parks Authority";
            (b) after "Parks Victoria" (where secondly
                occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean Road
                Coast and Parks Authority (as the case may
      (2) In section 19AA(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
109 Management agreements with Trust for Nature
      (1) In section 19A(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (2) In section 19A(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (3) In section 19A(4) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, for "Parks Victoria" substitute
          ", Parks Victoria, the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority,".
110 Minister may make management agreements with
    public authorities
      (1) In section 19C(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
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        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

      (2) In section 19C(3) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority";
            (b) for "it" substitute "the public authority".
      (3) In section 19C(4) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
111 Leasing and managing of land adjacent to parks
          For section 19E(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 substitute--
          "(2) The Minister may direct land leased under
               subsection (1) to be managed by either of the
               following, as though it were part of the park
               to which it is adjacent and were specified in
               the lease--
                  (a) Parks Victoria, if the leased land is
                      adjacent to land in a park controlled
                      and managed by Parks Victoria;
                 (b) the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                     Authority, if the leased land is adjacent
                     to land in a park controlled and
                     managed by the Great Ocean Road
                     Coast and Parks Authority.".
112 Section 20 amended
      (1) In the heading to section 20 of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Victoria" insert "and Great
          Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (2) In section 20(1) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

      (3) In section 20(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria" (where first occurring)
                insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                Parks Authority";
            (b) after "Parks Victoria" (where secondly,
                thirdly, fourthly and fifthly occurring) insert
                "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                Authority (as the case requires)".
113 Section 20B amended
      (1) In the heading to section 20B of the National
          Parks Act 1975, for "or Parks Victoria"
          substitute ", Parks Victoria or Great Ocean
          Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (2) In section 20B(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) for "or Parks Victoria," substitute ", Parks
                Victoria or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                Parks Authority,";
            (b) in paragraphs (a) and (b), for "or Parks
                Victoria" substitute ", Parks Victoria or
                the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
114 Section 20C amended
      (1) In the heading to section 20C of the National
          Parks Act 1975, for "and Parks Victoria"
          substitute ", Parks Victoria and Great Ocean
          Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (2) In section 20C(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) for "or Parks Victoria," substitute ", Parks
                Victoria or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                Parks Authority,";

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

            (b) in paragraphs (a) and (c), for "or Parks
                Victoria" substitute ", Parks Victoria or
                the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
115 Section 21 amended
      (1) In the heading to section 21 of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Victoria" insert "and Great
          Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (2) In section 21(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria," insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority,";
            (b) in paragraphs (a) and (b), after "Parks
                Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean Road
                Coast and Parks Authority".
      (3) In section 21(1AA) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority";
            (b) in paragraph (b), after "Parks Victoria"
                insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                Parks Authority (as the case may be)".
      (4) In section 21(2A) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Victoria" insert "or the Great
          Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (as the
          case may be)".
      (5) In section 21(3) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority (as the case may be)".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

116 Permits to take fish or fishing bait for research in
    marine national parks and marine sanctuaries
      (1) In section 21A(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Victoria" (where twice occurring)
          insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
      (2) In section 21A(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Victoria" insert "or the Great
          Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (as the
          case may be)".
117 Rights of public authorities in respect of parks
          In section 27 of the National Parks Act 1975--
            (a) in subsections (1) and (2), after "Parks
                Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean Road
                Coast and Parks Authority (as the case
            (b) in subsection (3)--
                  (i) after "Parks Victoria" (where first
                      occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean
                      Road Coast and Parks Authority";
                 (ii) in paragraph (b), after "Parks Victoria"
                      insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast
                      and Parks Authority (as the case
118 Section 27BB amended
      (1) In the heading to section 27BB of the National
          Parks Act 1975, after "Victoria" insert
          "or Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
      (2) In section 27BB of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

119 Section 27BC amended
      (1) In the heading to section 27BC of the National
          Parks Act 1975, after "Victoria" insert
          "or Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
      (2) In section 27BC of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority".
120 Grant of tour operator licence
          In section 27D of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Parks Victoria" (where twice occurring)
          insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
          Authority (as the case requires)".
121 Application for tour operator licence
          For section 27E(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 substitute--
          "(1) A person may apply for a tour operator
               licence to--
                  (a) Parks Victoria, in relation to a park
                      outside the Great Ocean Road coast
                      and parks; or
                 (b) the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                     Authority, in relation to a park in the
                     Great Ocean Road coast and parks.".
122 Tour operator licence conditions
          In section 27G(a) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
123 Variation of tour operator licence
      (1) In section 27I(1) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          for "Parks Victoria" substitute "the body that
          granted the licence (either Parks Victoria or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority)".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

      (2) In section 27I(2) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great Ocean
          Road Coast and Parks Authority (as the case may
      (3) In section 27I(3) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Parks Victoria" (where twice occurring)
          insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
      (4) In section 27I(4) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria" (where twice
                occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean Road
                Coast and Parks Authority";
            (b) after "Parks Victoria's" insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority's".
      (5) In section 27I(5) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Parks Victoria" (where twice occurring)
          insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
124 Suspension of tour operator licence
          In section 27J(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) for "is" substitute "or the Great Ocean Road
                Coast and Parks Authority is";
            (b) after "Parks Victoria" (where secondly
                occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean Road
                Coast and Parks Authority".
125 Making submissions on suspension
      (1) In section 27K(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, for "Parks Victoria" substitute
          "the body that granted the licence (either Parks
          Victoria or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
          Parks Authority)".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

      (2) In section 27K(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
          (as the case may be)".
      (3) In section 27K(3) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (4) In section 27K(4) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
126 Cancellation of tour operator licence
      (1) In section 27L(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" (where twice
          occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority".
      (2) In section 27L(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" (where twice
          occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority".
      (3) In section 27L(4) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority";
            (b) after "Parks Victoria's" insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority's".
      (4) In section 27L(5) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Victoria's" insert "or the Great
          Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority's".
127 Glenample Homestead
      (1) In section 32AA(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) omit "administering the Planning and
                Environment Act 1987";

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

            (b) after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (2) After section 32AA(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
        "(1A) On the appointment of the Great Ocean Road
              Coast and Parks Authority as land manager
              for land referred to in subsection (1) by
              Order under section 16C(1) or under
              section 62Q(2) of the Great Ocean Road
              and Environs Protection Act 2020, the
              Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority is taken to be authorised to
              manage the land under subsection (1).".
      (3) In section 32AA(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
      (4) In section 32AA(3) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Victoria," insert "the Great
          Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority,".
128 Authorities to search for minerals in certain parks
      (1) In section 32D(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria" insert ", or the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                (in the case of land in the park described in
                Part 31 of Schedule Two for which the Great
                Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority is
                appointed land manager by Order under
                section 16C(1) or under section 62Q(2) of
                the Great Ocean Road and Environs
                Protection Act 2020,";

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

            (b) in paragraph (a)--
                  (i) omit "under his hand";
                 (ii) for "therein" substitute "in the permit".
      (2) In section 32D(3) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
129 Rehabilitation works--Great Otway National Park
      (1) In section 32S(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "relevant land" insert "managed
          by Parks Victoria".
      (2) After section 32S(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
        "(1A) The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority may authorise Alcoa of Australia
              Limited ACN 004 879 298 to carry out
              works, on the relevant land managed by
              the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
              Authority, that are associated with the
              rehabilitation of the Anglesea coal mine
              and associated works.".
      (3) In section 32S(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "(1)" insert "or (1A)".
130 Rents etc. to be paid into the Consolidated Fund
      (1) After section 33(2A) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
        "(2B) Subsection (2) does not apply to money
              received by the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority.".
      (2) In section 33(3)(g)(iia) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

131 Annual report
          After section 35(1A) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
        "(1B) A report under subsection (1) must deal with
              parks for which the Great Ocean Road Coast
              and Parks Authority has control and
132 Section 37 amended
      (1) In the heading to section 37 of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
      (2) In section 37(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975--
            (a) after "Parks Victoria" (where first occurring)
                insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and
                Parks Authority";
            (b) after "Parks Victoria" (where secondly
                occurring) insert "or the Great Ocean
                Road Coast and Parks Authority".
133 Section 37AA amended
      (1) In the heading to section 37AA of the National
          Parks Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert
          "or Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
      (2) In section 37AA(1) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority".
134 Production of identification
          In section 38AA(2) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, for "Victoria." substitute "Victoria,
          and that is in a form approved by the Great Ocean
          Road Coast and Parks Authority, for authorised

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
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        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

          officers appointed by the Great Ocean Road Coast
          and Parks Authority.".
135 Impounding of livestock
          In section 41 of the National Parks Act 1975--
            (a) after paragraph (a) insert--
               "(ab) on land managed by the Great Ocean
                     Road Coast and Parks Authority under
                     section 32AA; or";
            (b) for "Parks Victoria, authorised officer or
                person authorised in writing by Parks
                Victoria" substitute "Parks Victoria or
                the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                Authority, an authorised officer or a person
                authorised in writing by Parks Victoria or
                the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
136 Evidence
      (1) In section 47(1)(b) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, for "Act--" substitute "Act; or".
      (2) After section 47(1)(b) of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
          "(c) a certificate purporting to be signed by the
               chief executive officer of the Great Ocean
               Road Coast and Parks Authority certifying
               the granting or cancellation of, or matters
               contained in, a licence, permit or
               determination granted under this Act--".
      (3) In section 47(2) of the National Parks Act 1975,
          after "Parks Victoria" (where first occurring)
          insert "or the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
        Part 12--Amendment of National Parks Act 1975

      (4) In section 47(2)(a) and (b) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, after "Parks Victoria" insert "or the
          Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
          (as the case may be)".
137 Regulations
          In section 48(2)(ca) of the National Parks
          Act 1975, for "or Parks Victoria" substitute
          ", Parks Victoria or the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority".
138 Glenample Homestead
          At the end of section 89 of the National Parks
          Act 1975 insert--
          "(2) Despite subsection (1), on and from the
               appointment of the Great Ocean Road
               Coast and Parks Authority as land manager
               for land referred to in section 32AA(1) by
               Order under section 16C(1) or under
               section 62Q(2) of the Great Ocean Road
               and Environs Protection Act 2020, any
               authorisation under section 32AA(1) for the
               management of land referred to in that
               section by Parks Victoria, that is in force
               immediately before that appointment, is
               taken to be an authorisation for the
               management of the land by the Great Ocean
               Road Coast and Parks Authority.".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
            Part 13--Amendment of Water Act 1989

Part 13--Amendment of Water Act 1989
139 Issue of new registration licences in certain
    circumstances--statute law revision
          In section 51AB(6)(b) of the Water Act 1989, for
          "neccessary" substitute "necessary".
140 Preparation of regional waterway strategies
          In section 190(3C) of the Water Act 1989, for
          "Barwon Region Water Corporation, Gippsland
          and Southern Rural Water Corporation or
          Wannon Region Water Corporation" substitute
          "Corangamite Catchment Management Authority
          or Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management
141 Annual adjustment of determined amount--statute
    law revision
          In section 232C(2) of the Water Act 1989, for
          "Statics" substitute "Statistics".
142 Maintenance of works--statute law revision
          In section 238(1) of the Water Act 1989, for
          "instal" substitute "install".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
           Part 14--Amendment of Wildlife Act 1975

Part 14--Amendment of Wildlife Act 1975
143 Definitions
      (1) In section 3(1) of the Wildlife Act 1975 insert the
          following definition--
          "Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
              means the Great Ocean Road Coast and
              Parks Authority established under Part 5 of
              the Great Ocean Road and Environs
              Protection Act 2020;".
      (2) In section 3(1) of the Wildlife Act 1975, after
          paragraph (a) of the definition of land manager
         "(ab) for land controlled and managed by the
               Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority under section 62Q of the Great
               Ocean Road and Environs Protection
               Act 2020, the Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Authority; or".
144 Section 14B amended
          In the heading to section 14B of the Wildlife
          Act 1975, for "or Parks Victoria" substitute
          ", Parks Victoria or the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority".
145 Section 14C amended
          In the heading to section 14C of the Wildlife
          Act 1975, for "and Parks Victoria" substitute
          ", Parks Victoria and the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
           Part 14--Amendment of Wildlife Act 1975

146 Moneys received paid to Consolidated Fund
          After section 17(1) of the Wildlife Act 1975
          "(2) Despite subsection (1), all money received
               by the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
               Authority as land manager by way of tolls,
               fees, rents or charges in respect of any State
               Wildlife Reserve or Nature Reserve is to be
               paid into the Great Ocean Road Coast and
               Parks Account established under section 62A
               of the Great Ocean Road and Environs
               Protection Act 2020.".
147 Management agreements with Traditional Owner
    Land Management Boards
      (1) After section 18A(2) of the Wildlife Act 1975
        "(2A) The Secretary must consult with the Great
              Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
              before entering into a management
              agreement under subsection (1) in relation
              to any land in the Great Ocean Road coast
              and parks.".
      (2) After section 18A(4) of the Wildlife Act 1975
        "(4A) If an agreement under subsection (1)--
                  (a) provides for a Traditional Owner Land
                      Management Board to manage any land
                      in a State Wildlife Reserve or Nature
                      Reserve that would otherwise be
                      controlled and managed by the Great
                      Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                      under this Act or any other enactment,
                      the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
                      Authority does not have power to
                      manage that land, to the extent of the
                      agreement; or

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
           Part 14--Amendment of Wildlife Act 1975

                 (b) provides for a Traditional Owner Land
                     Management Board to carry out any
                     function, power or duty in relation to
                     any land in a State Wildlife Reserve or
                     Nature Reserve that would otherwise be
                     carried out by the Great Ocean Road
                     Coast and Parks Authority, the Great
                     Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority
                     does not have power to carry out that
                     function, power or duty, to the extent of
                     the agreement.".
      (3) In section 18A(5) of the Wildlife Act 1975, for
          "Subsection (4) has" substitute "Subsections (4)
          and (4A) have".
148 Review of decisions
          In section 86C(1) of the Wildlife Act 1975, after
          "Parks Victoria" (where twice occurring) insert
          ", the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks
149 Regulations
          In section 87(7) of the Wildlife Act 1975, after
          "Parks Victoria," insert "the Great Ocean Road
          Coast and Parks Authority,".

  Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                        No.      of 2021
   Part 15--Consequential amendment of Parks Victoria Act 2018

Part 15--Consequential amendment of Parks
           Victoria Act 2018
 150 Definitions
            In section 3 of the Parks Victoria Act 2018, in
            paragraph (b) of the definition of Parks Victoria
            managed land, after "Act)" insert "other than
            land controlled and managed by the Great
            Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority under
            section 62Q(2) of the Great Ocean Road and
            Environs Protection Act 2020 or section 16C(1)
            of the National Parks Act 1975".

 Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                       No.      of 2021
                   Part 16--Repeal of this Act

          Part 16--Repeal of this Act
151 Repeal of this Act
            This Act is repealed on 1 September 2023.
     The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of
     the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the
     Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

        Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Amendment Act 2021
                              No.      of 2021

1 General information
  See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
  authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
      Minister's second reading speech--
      Legislative Assembly:
      Legislative Council:
      The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to amend the
      Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020 in relation to
      land management of the Great Ocean Road coast and parks, to further
      provide for functions and powers of the Great Ocean Road Coast and
      Parks Authority, to provide for the transfer of public land management to
      that Authority, to consequentially amend other Acts and for other

                 By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria.



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