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      Gambling Regulation Amendment Bill 2009

                     TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                 Page
  1      Purposes                                                         1
  2      Commencement                                                     2
  3      Principal Act                                                    2
  4      Extension of gaming operator's licence                           2
  5      Gaming machine entitlements that are transferred before the
         specified date                                                   3
  6      Exemption from requirement to pay 75% of prescribed profit
         obtained on transfer                                             3
  7      Definition of participants                                       4
  8      Minister may declare company to be participant                   4
  9      Repeal of Act                                                    5

ENDNOTES                                                                  6

561403B.I-9/6/2009                    i       BILL LA INTRODUCTION 9/6/2009



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Introduced in the Assembly Gambling Regulation Amendment Bill 2009 A Bill for an Act to amend the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 and for other purposes. The Parliament of Victoria enacts: 1 Purposes The main purposes of this Act are to amend the Gambling Regulation Act 2003-- (a) to provide for an extension of the term of the 5 gaming operator's licence; and (b) to increase the amount of prescribed profit that a venue operator must pay to the Treasurer upon the transfer of a gaming machine entitlement under section 3.4A.18 10 of that Act; and 561403B.I-9/6/2009 1 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 9/6/2009



Gambling Regulation Amendment Bill 2009 s. 2 (c) to make further provision in relation to who can be a participant for the conduct and promotion of club keno games. 2 Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation on the day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. 3 Principal Act See: In this Act, the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 is Act No. 114/2003. called the Principal Act. Reprint No. 2 as at 1 October 2007 and amending Act Nos 16/2004, 39/2007, 72/2007, 4/2008, 12/2008, 40/2008, 71/2008, 73/2008 and 2/2009. LawToday: www. legislation. 10 4 Extension of gaming operator's licence At the end of section 3.4.32 of the Principal Act insert-- "(2) If invited by the Minister to do so, the holder of a gaming operator's licence may apply to 15 the Minister, before the licence expires, for a licence extension. (3) On application under subsection (2), the Minister may extend the term of the gaming operator's licence only so that the licence 20 expires on 15 August 2012. 561403B.I-9/6/2009 2 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 9/6/2009



Gambling Regulation Amendment Bill 2009 s. 5 (4) The term of a gaming operator's licence may be extended only once. (5) Before the term of a gaming operator's licence is extended under this section, the 5 holder of the licence must pay to the Treasurer as consideration for the licence extension, one or more amounts determined by the Treasurer as the premium payment for the licence extension. 10 (6) The premium payment referred to in subsection (5) is a tax.". 5 Gaming machine entitlements that are transferred before the specified date (1) In section 3.4A.18(2) of the Principal Act, for 15 "50% of the prescribed profit earned" substitute "75% of the prescribed profit obtained". (2) After section 3.4A.18(3) of the Principal Act insert-- "(4) In this section-- 20 financial benefit means anything of economic or market value and includes-- (a) property and services; (b) any benefit specified in the 25 regulations to be a financial benefit; profit includes the value of a financial benefit.". 6 Exemption from requirement to pay 75% of 30 prescribed profit obtained on transfer (1) In the heading to section 3.4A.19 of the Principal Act, for "50% of prescribed profit earned" substitute "75% of prescribed profit obtained". 561403B.I-9/6/2009 3 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 9/6/2009



Gambling Regulation Amendment Bill 2009 s. 7 (2) In section 3.4A.19(1) of the Principal Act, for "50% of the prescribed profit earned" substitute "75% of the prescribed profit obtained". 7 Definition of participants 5 In section 6.1.2 of the Principal Act, in the definition of participants, for paragraph (a) substitute-- "(a) the holder of a gaming operator's licence for the term of that licence (excluding any 10 period of that term as extended under section 3.4.32(3));". 8 Minister may declare company to be participant For section 6.5.1(2) of the Principal Act substitute-- 15 "(2) A declaration declaring a company to be a participant ceases to have effect-- (a) if the company ceases to be a wholly- owned subsidiary of the holder of a gaming operator's licence, on the day 20 that company so ceases; or (b) if the term of the gaming operator's licence is not extended under section 3.4.32(3), on the day that term ends; or (c) if the term of the gaming operator's 25 licence is extended under section 3.4.32(3), on the day that term would have ended but for that extension. (2A) Subsection (2) applies to a declaration that is in force on or after the day on which 30 section 8 of the Gambling Regulation Amendment Act 2009 comes into operation.". 561403B.I-9/6/2009 4 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 9/6/2009



Gambling Regulation Amendment Bill 2009 s. 9 9 Repeal of Act This Act is repealed on the first anniversary of its commencement. Note 5 The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 561403B.I-9/6/2009 5 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 9/6/2009



Gambling Regulation Amendment Bill 2009 Endnotes ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 561403B.I-9/6/2009 6 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 9/6/2009




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