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PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Clause Page PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1 1 Purpose 1 2 Commencement 1 PART 2--AMENDMENTS TO THE GAMBLING REGULATION ACT 2003 2 3 Ministerial directions as to requirements for gaming machines 2 4 New Divisions 3 and 4 of Part 2 of Chapter 3 inserted 2 Division 3--Bet limits for large approved venues 2 3.2.5A Definition 2 3.2.5B Bet limits for gaming machines in large approved venues until 31 December 2019 3 3.2.5C Capacity to set bet limits for gaming machines in large approved venues--from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2019 3 3.2.5D Bet limits for gaming machines in large approved venues--from 1 January 2020 3 Division 4--Bet limits for small approved venues 3 3.2.5E Definition 3 3.2.5F Bet limits for gaming machines in small approved venues until 31 December 2021 3 3.2.5G Capacity to set bet limits for gaming machines in small approved venues--from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2021 4 3.2.5H Bet limits for gaming machines in small approved venues--from 1 January 2022 4 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 i BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
Clause Page PART 3--AMENDMENTS TO THE CASINO CONTROL ACT 1991 5 5 Gaming machines in casinos 5 6 New sections 62AAA, 62AAB and 62AAC inserted 5 62AAA Bet limits for gaming machines--from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2019 5 62AAB Capacity to set bet limits for gaming machines-- from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2019 5 62AAC Bet limits for gaming machines--from 1 January 2020 6 PART 4--REPEAL OF AMENDING ACT 7 7 Repeal of amending Act 7 ENDNOTES 8 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 ii BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Introduced in the Council by Ms Colleen Hartland Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 A Bill for an Act to amend the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 and the Casino Control Act 1991 to amend bet limits for gaming machines and for other purposes. The Parliament of Victoria enacts: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1 Purpose The main purpose of this Act is to amend the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 and the Casino 5 Control Act 1991 to amend the method by which bet limits for gaming machines are set. 2 Commencement This Act comes into operation on the day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. __________________ 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 1 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 Part 2--Amendments to the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 s. 3 PART 2--AMENDMENTS TO THE GAMBLING REGULATION ACT 2003 3 Ministerial directions as to requirements for gaming machines 5 See: Act No. Section 3.2.3(1)(d) of the Gambling Regulation 114/2003. Act 2003 is repealed. Reprint No. 5 as at 16 August 2012 and amending Act Nos 114/2003, 60/2011, 20/2012, 9/2013, 27/2013, 70/2013, 4/2014, 21/2014, 26/2014, 34/2014 and 37/2014. LawToday: www. legislation. vic.gov.au 4 New Divisions 3 and 4 of Part 2 of Chapter 3 inserted After Division 2 of Part 2 of Chapter 3 of the 10 Gambling Regulation Act 2003 insert-- "Division 3--Bet limits for large approved venues 3.2.5A Definition In this Division-- 15 large approved venue means an approved venue with 10 or more gaming machines. 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 2 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 Part 2--Amendments to the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 s. 4 3.2.5B Bet limits for gaming machines in large approved venues until 31 December 2019 On and after the commencement of this section and until 31 December 2019, a bet 5 limit of $5 applies to a gaming machine available for gaming in a large approved venue. 3.2.5C Capacity to set bet limits for gaming machines in large approved venues--from 10 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2019 On and after 1 January 2016 and until 31 December 2019, any new gaming machine available for gaming in a large approved venue must have the capacity to set 15 a bet limit of $1. 3.2.5D Bet limits for gaming machines in large approved venues--from 1 January 2020 On and after 1 January 2020, a bet limit of $1 applies to a gaming machine available for 20 gaming in a large approved venue. Division 4--Bet limits for small approved venues 3.2.5E Definition In this Division-- 25 small approved venue means an approved venue with fewer than 10 gaming machines. 3.2.5F Bet limits for gaming machines in small approved venues until 31 December 2021 30 On and after the commencement of this section and until 31 December 2021, a bet limit of $5 applies to a gaming machine available for gaming in a small approved venue. 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 3 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 Part 2--Amendments to the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 s. 4 3.2.5G Capacity to set bet limits for gaming machines in small approved venues--from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2021 On and after 1 January 2016 and until 5 31 December 2021, any new gaming machine available for gaming in a small approved venue must have the capacity to set a bet limit of $1. 3.2.5H Bet limits for gaming machines in small 10 approved venues--from 1 January 2022 On and after 1 January 2022, a bet limit of $1 applies to a gaming machine available for gaming in a small approved venue.". __________________ 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 4 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 Part 3--Amendments to the Casino Control Act 1991 s. 5 PART 3--AMENDMENTS TO THE CASINO CONTROL ACT 1991 5 Gaming machines in casinos In section 62A(4) of the Casino Control Act See: Act No. 5 1991, after "the casino" insert "until 31 December 47/1991. 2015". Reprint No. 8 as at 22 June 2011 and amending Act Nos 29/2009, 84/2009, 74/2010, 58/2011, 32/2012, 65/2013, 4/2014, 17/2014 and 37/2014. LawToday: www. legislation. vic.gov.au 6 New sections 62AAA, 62AAB and 62AAC inserted After section 62A of the Casino Control Act 1991 insert-- 10 "62AAA Bet limits for gaming machines--from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2019 On and after 1 January 2016 and until 31 December 2019, a bet limit of $5 applies to a gaming machine available for gaming in 15 the casino. 62AAB Capacity to set bet limits for gaming machines--from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2019 On and after 1 January 2016 and until 20 31 December 2019, any new gaming machine available for gaming in the casino must have the capacity to set a bet limit of $1. 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 5 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 Part 3--Amendments to the Casino Control Act 1991 s. 6 62AAC Bet limits for gaming machines--from 1 January 2020 On and after 1 January 2020, a bet limit of $1 applies to a gaming machine available for 5 gaming in the casino.". __________________ 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 6 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 Part 4--Repeal of Amending Act s. 7 PART 4--REPEAL OF AMENDING ACT 7 Repeal of amending Act This Act is repealed on the first anniversary of its commencement. 5 Note The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 7 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
Gambling Regulation and Casino Control Amendment Bill 2014 Endnotes ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 571PM17B.I-11/6/2014 8 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 11/6/2014
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