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Local Government Bill 2019


                   Local Government Bill 2019

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                   Page
Part 1--Preliminary                                                          1
  1      Purpose                                                            1
  2      Commencement                                                       2
  3      Definitions                                                        4
  4      Objectives of Act                                                 22
  5      Act is interface legislation and filming approval legislation     23
  6      Obligations of Council in relation to Yarra River land            23
  7      Obligations of Council in relation to declared areas              24
Part 2--Councils                                                            25
Division 1--Role and powers of a Council                                    25
  8      Role of a Council                                                 25
  9      Overarching governance principles and supporting principles       25
  10     General power                                                     27
  11     Power of delegation                                               27
Division 2--Constitution of a Council                                       29
  12     How is a Council constituted?                                     29
  13     Constitution of a Council                                         29
  14     Council is a body corporate                                       30
  15     Electoral structure of a Council                                  31
  16     Electoral structure review                                        33
  17     Ward boundary review                                              36
Division 3--The Mayor and the Deputy Mayor                                  37
  18     Role of the Mayor                                                 37
  19     Specific powers of the Mayor                                      38
  20     When does the office of Mayor become vacant?                      38
  21     Role and powers of the Deputy Mayor                               39
  22     When does the office of Deputy Mayor become vacant?               39
  23     Declaration of office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor to be vacant       40
  24     Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel                           41
Division 4--Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor                              41
  25     Election of Mayor                                                 41
  26     When is a Mayor to be elected?                                    42

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Clause Page 27 Election of Deputy Mayor 43 Division 5--Councillors 43 28 Role of a Councillor 43 29 Term of office of a Councillor 44 30 Oath or affirmation of office 44 31 Failure to take oath or affirmation of office 45 32 Councillor induction training 45 33 Failure to take Councillor induction training and make declaration 46 34 Qualification to be a Councillor 46 35 Councillor ceasing to hold office 49 36 Ouster from office 50 37 Suspension of Councillor 51 38 Penalty for acting as a Councillor when not qualified or ceasing to hold office 51 Division 6--Entitlements 52 39 Allowances for Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors 52 40 Reimbursement of expenses of Councillors and members of a delegated committee 53 41 Council expenses policy 54 42 Resources and facilities for the Mayor and Councillors 55 43 Indemnity provision 55 Division 7--Chief Executive Officer and members of Council staff 56 44 The Chief Executive Officer 56 45 Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy 56 46 Functions of the Chief Executive Officer 58 47 Delegations by Chief Executive Officer 60 48 Members of Council staff 61 49 Code of conduct for members of Council staff 63 50 Long service leave 64 51 Validity of decisions 64 52 Indemnity provision for Chief Executive Officer and members of Council staff 64 Division 8--Audit and Risk Committee 64 53 Council must establish an Audit and Risk Committee 64 54 Audit and Risk Committee Charter 65 Part 3--Council decision making 68 Division 1--Community accountability 68 55 Community engagement policy 68 56 The community engagement principles 69 591055B.I-13/11/2019 ii BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page 57 Public transparency policy 69 58 The public transparency principles 70 Division 2--Procedure and proceedings 71 59 Resolution of the Council 71 60 Governance Rules 71 61 Council meetings 73 62 Joint meetings of Councils 74 63 Delegated committees 75 64 Joint delegated committees 76 65 Community Asset Committee 77 66 Meetings to be open to the public unless specified circumstances apply 77 67 Council decision making where quorum cannot be maintained 78 68 Validity of proceedings 79 69 Governance Rules to include election period policy 79 70 Prohibition of Councillor discretionary funds 80 Division 3--Local laws 81 71 Power to make local laws 81 72 Local law requirements 81 73 Proposing a local law 82 74 Making a local law 84 75 Availability of a local law 85 76 Incorporation by reference 85 77 Permits, licences, fees and charges 86 78 Delegation and discretionary authority 87 79 Penalties 88 80 Application of local law 88 81 Infringement notices 89 82 Recovery of penalty 89 83 Commencement of local law 90 84 Sunset provision 90 85 Revocation by Governor in Council 91 86 Validity of local law 91 Division 4--Good practice guidelines 91 87 Minister may issue good practice guidelines 91 Part 4--Planning and financial management 92 Division 1--Strategic planning 92 88 Community Vision 92 89 Strategic planning principles 92 90 Council Plan 93 91 Financial Plan 94 92 Asset Plan 95 591055B.I-13/11/2019 iii BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page 93 Revenue and Rating Plan 96 Division 2--Budget processes 96 94 The budget 96 95 Revised budget 97 96 Preparation of budget or revised budget 98 97 Quarterly budget report 98 Division 3--Reporting 99 98 Annual report 99 99 Preparation of annual report 101 100 Meeting to consider annual report 102 Division 4--Financial management 102 101 Financial management principles 102 102 Financial policies 103 103 Investments 103 104 Borrowings 104 105 Accounts and records 104 Part 5--Council operations 105 Division 1--Service performance 105 106 Service performance principles 105 107 Complaints policy 105 Division 2--Procurement 107 108 Procurement Policy 107 109 Procurement 108 Division 3--Beneficial enterprises 109 110 Beneficial enterprises 109 111 Process before participating in beneficial enterprises 109 Division 4--Powers in relation to land 110 112 Acquisition and compensation 110 113 Creation of easements 111 114 Restriction on power to sell or exchange land 111 115 Lease of land 112 116 Transfer, exchange or lease of land without consideration 112 Division 5--Carrying out works on land 113 117 When Council or other person can carry out required work 113 118 Right of owner to carry out required work on occupied land 114 591055B.I-13/11/2019 iv BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page Division 6--Unpaid money 114 119 Recovery of money owed to Council by former owner or occupier 114 120 Council may charge interest on unpaid money 115 Division 7--Land information 116 121 Land information certificate 116 122 Notice in relation to acquisition of land 116 Part 6--Council integrity 118 Division 1--Improper conduct 118 123 Misuse of position 118 124 Directing a member of Council staff 119 125 Confidential information 120 Division 2--Conflict of interest 121 126 Definitions 121 127 General conflict of interest 122 128 Material conflict of interest 123 129 Exemptions 124 130 Disclosure of conflict of interest 125 131 Disclosure of conflict of interest at other meetings 127 Division 3--Personal interests returns 128 132 Definitions 128 133 Lodging of an initial personal interests return 129 134 Lodging of a biannual personal interests return 130 135 Public access to summary of personal interests 131 136 Confidentiality of personal interests returns 131 Division 4--Gifts 132 137 Anonymous gift not to be accepted 132 138 Councillor gift policy 133 Division 5--Councillor conduct 134 139 Councillor Code of Conduct 134 140 Review or amendment of Councillor Code of Conduct 135 141 Internal arbitration process 135 142 The panel list 136 143 Application for an internal arbitration process 136 144 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must examine application 137 145 General provision 137 146 Arbiter must refer certain applications 138 147 Sanctions that may be imposed by an arbiter on finding of misconduct 138 591055B.I-13/11/2019 v BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page Division 6--Appointment and functions of Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar and Councillor Conduct Officers 139 148 Appointment of Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar 139 149 Functions and powers of the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar 140 150 Appointment of Councillor Conduct Officer 141 151 Functions of a Councillor Conduct Officer 142 152 Council must pay fees 142 Division 7--Councillor Conduct Panels and VCAT 142 153 The panel list 142 154 Application to Councillor Conduct Panel 143 155 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must examine application 145 156 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar to form Councillor Conduct Panel 146 157 Related applications 147 158 Charge for certain offences not to proceed if application has been made 148 159 Application not to be made if charge has been made for certain offences 149 160 Notice of a Councillor Conduct Panel 149 161 Procedures 149 162 Obligation on Council 150 163 Conduct of a Councillor Conduct Panel 150 164 Dissolution of Councillor Conduct Panels 151 165 Notification to Chief Municipal Inspector of apparent offence 152 166 Investigation by Chief Municipal Inspector 152 167 Determinations by a Councillor Conduct Panel 152 168 Notice and tabling of decision 155 169 Councillor Conduct Panel confidential information 156 170 Review by VCAT 156 171 Application to VCAT on grounds of gross misconduct 157 172 Powers of VCAT in relation to finding of gross misconduct 157 173 Suspension of matters during election period 158 174 Immunity 158 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 160 Division 1--Governance directions 160 175 Minister may give direction 160 176 Failure to comply with written direction 161 Division 2--Compliance exemptions 162 177 Application for compliance exemption 162 178 Actions by Minister 162 591055B.I-13/11/2019 vi BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page Division 3--Municipal Monitors 162 179 Municipal Monitor 162 180 Functions of a Municipal Monitor 163 181 Powers of Municipal Monitor 163 Division 4--Chief Municipal Inspector 164 182 Appointment of Chief Municipal Inspector 164 183 Powers of the Chief Municipal Inspector 165 184 Chief Municipal Inspector must investigate public interest complaints 166 185 Chief Municipal Inspector must refuse to investigate certain public interest complaints 166 186 Chief Municipal Inspector may refuse to investigate certain public interest complaints 167 187 Notification of refusal to conduct investigation on public interest complaint 168 188 Notification of corrupt conduct 168 189 Procedure on completion of investigation of public interest complaint 168 190 Person who made public interest disclosure to be informed of result of investigation 170 191 Chief Municipal Inspector must not disclose certain information 171 192 Disclosure of information by the Chief Municipal Inspector 171 193 Confidentiality notice 173 194 Extension of confidentiality notice 176 195 Chief Municipal Inspector to provide the IBAC with copies 177 196 Disclosure subject to confidentiality notice 177 197 Delegation by Chief Municipal Inspector 183 198 Offences in relation to Chief Municipal Inspector 183 199 Referral to Supreme Court 183 Division 5--Commissions of Inquiry 184 200 Appointment of Commission of Inquiry 184 201 Appointment of Commissioners 185 202 Services to support Commission of Inquiry 185 203 Certain public sector values do not apply to Commission of Inquiry staff 186 204 Manner of inquiry of Commission of Inquiry 186 205 Rules of evidence do not apply 186 206 Power to serve a written notice 186 207 Power to examine person under oath or on affirmation 187 208 Powers in relation to documents and other things 187 209 Witnesses may be represented 188 210 Proceedings of the inquiry may be open or closed 188 211 Access to Commission of Inquiry proceedings 189 591055B.I-13/11/2019 vii BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page 212 Restriction on publication of information relating to inquiries 189 213 Offence to contravene exclusion or restriction orders 191 214 Order as to costs 191 215 Protection of Commissioners, members of staff, Australian legal practitioners and witnesses 191 216 Admissibility of answers, information, documents and other things 192 217 Adverse findings 193 218 Confidentiality for members of staff 193 219 Disclosure or provision of information by Commission of Inquiry 194 220 Offence to make false or misleading statements or produce false or misleading documents or other things 194 221 Tabling of report of Commission of Inquiry 195 222 Transfer of records 195 223 Exemption from Freedom of Information Act 1982 196 Division 6--Standing down of Councillor 196 224 Application of Division 196 225 Referral of complaint to the Chief Municipal Inspector or a Municipal Monitor 197 226 Chief Municipal Inspector or Municipal Monitor to conduct investigation and prepare a report 198 227 Councillor may respond to report 200 228 Councillor may be ordered to stand down 200 229 Standing down of Councillor by VCAT 203 Division 7--Suspension of Councillors 204 230 Suspension of all of the Councillors of a Council 204 231 Provisions relating to appointment of administrators 207 Division 8--Temporary administration 208 232 Temporary administration if multiple extraordinary vacancies created 208 233 Suspension of remaining Councillors 209 Division 9--Restructuring Orders 210 234 Construction provisions 210 235 Power to make Orders 211 236 Matters which may be included in Order 211 237 General provisions relating to Orders 213 238 Restrictions on making of Order in Council 216 239 Restructuring advisory panels 216 591055B.I-13/11/2019 viii BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page Part 8--Electoral provisions 218 Division 1--Voters 218 240 Entitlements relating to enrolment 218 241 Residents entitled to be enrolled without application 221 242 Owner ratepayers may apply for enrolment 221 243 Entitlement to enrolment without application until the second general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(b) 222 244 Occupier ratepayers may apply to be enrolled 223 245 Provisions relating to corporations 224 246 Provisions relating to appointments and enrolments 226 247 Request that address not be shown 226 Division 2--Voters' rolls 227 248 Chief Executive Officer to prepare voters' list of ratepayers 227 249 VEC to compile voters' rolls 228 250 Amendment of certified voters' roll 229 251 Inspection of certified voters' roll 229 252 Provision of voters' rolls to a candidate 230 253 Provision of voters' rolls to a person or organisation other than a candidate 231 254 Use of voters' roll by the Chief Executive Officer 232 255 Validity of voters' rolls 233 Division 3--Candidate for election 233 256 Candidate for election 233 Division 4--Holding of general elections and by-elections 234 257 General elections 234 258 Extraordinary vacancy 236 259 When is an extraordinary vacancy not to be filled? 237 260 When is a by-election to be held? 238 261 When is a countback to be held? 239 Division 5--Conduct of elections 239 262 Voting system 239 263 Conduct of election 240 264 Filling of vacancies 240 265 One vote per person 242 266 Voting is compulsory 242 267 Infringement offence and infringement penalty 243 268 VEC's election and enforcement expenses 244 269 Marking of ballot-paper at election to express preference 244 270 Validity of election 245 Division 6--Counting of votes--single vacancy 246 271 Application of Division 246 591055B.I-13/11/2019 ix BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page 272 Only 2 candidates 246 273 More than 2 candidates 246 Division 7--Counting of votes--any election to which Division 6 does not apply 249 274 Application of Division 249 275 2 or more Councillors to be elected 249 Division 8--Countback process and counting of votes 256 276 Definitions 256 277 Exclusion of candidate 256 278 Filling of multiple vacancies 257 279 Procedure if there are no eligible candidates 257 280 Procedure if there is only one eligible candidate 257 281 Procedure if there is more than one eligible candidate 258 282 Conduct of countback 259 283 Procedure if the countback fails 260 284 Declaration of result 260 285 Process for counting of votes at a countback 260 Division 9--Electoral offences 261 286 Nomination offence 261 287 Printing and publication of electoral material 262 288 Misleading or deceptive matter 262 289 Heading to electoral advertisements 263 290 Author to be identified 264 291 Distribution of printed electoral material 265 292 Power to request handing over of how-to-vote cards 266 293 False or misleading information or particulars 266 294 Voting offences 267 295 Offences at voting centre 267 296 Tampering 268 297 Secrecy of vote 269 298 Agreement to post ballot-paper 269 299 Offence to interfere with postal ballot materials 269 300 Bribery, treating and undue influence 270 301 Interference with political liberty 271 302 Powers of election manager or election official 272 303 Offences relating to members of Council staff, election managers and election officials 273 304 Prohibition on Councillor or member of Council staff 274 305 Injunction 274 Division 10--Election campaign donations 276 306 Return by candidate 276 307 Responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer 278 308 Other matters relating to summaries of returns 278 591055B.I-13/11/2019 x BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page 309 Certain gifts not to be accepted 279 310 Certain amounts forfeited to State 280 Division 11--Disputing the validity of an election 281 311 Application to VCAT for review 281 312 Powers of VCAT 281 Part 9--General provisions 283 313 Proceedings 283 314 Service on a Council 283 315 Service on a person 284 316 Evidence of service 284 317 Power of delegation 285 318 Obstructing Council 285 319 Persons who are liable for offences 285 320 Criminal liability of officers of bodies corporate--failure to exercise due diligence 285 321 Imposition of a surcharge 287 322 Payment of the surcharge 288 323 Evidence of ownership 288 324 Evidentiary provisions 289 325 Regulations 290 326 Regulations relating to electoral matters 294 327 Transitional regulations 295 Part 10--Savings and transitional 296 328 General savings 296 329 Specific savings and transitional provisions 297 330 Specific provisions apply to existing regional libraries 299 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 301 Division 1--Repeal of City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 301 331 Repeal of City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 301 Division 2--Amendment of City of Melbourne Act 2001 301 332 Amendment of section 3--Definitions 301 333 Amendment of section 4--Construction of Act 301 334 Substitution of section 5--Application of certain provisions of the Local Government Act 2019 302 335 Amendment of section 6--Constitution of the Council 302 336 Amendment of section 6A--Constitution of Council may be altered 302 337 Amendment of section 7--Additional objectives 302 338 References to entitlement date 303 339 Amendment of section 9A--Persons entitled to be enrolled without application 304 591055B.I-13/11/2019 xi BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page 340 Amendment of section 9D--Procedure in relation to representatives of corporations 304 341 Amendment of section 11D--Preparation of voters' rolls 305 342 Amendment of section 11E--Amendment of voters' roll 305 343 Section 11F substituted--Inspection of certified voters' roll 306 344 Amendment of section 11G--Provision of voters' rolls 306 345 Amendment of section 12--General election 309 346 Repeals 309 347 Amendment of sections 15 and 16 309 348 Section 18 substituted--How votes to be counted 309 349 Section 19 amended--Compulsory voting 310 350 Section 21 substituted--Reference to Mayor or Deputy Mayor 311 351 Amendment of section 23--Term of office of Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor 311 352 Section 24 amended--Filling of vacancies 312 353 Section 25 amended--Appointment of acting Deputy Lord Mayor 312 354 Amendment of section 28--Differential rates 312 355 New section 28A inserted--Which systems of valuing land may the Council use? 313 356 Amendment of section 29--Regulations 313 357 Amendment of Schedule 1 313 Division 3--Amendment of Local Government Act 1989 314 358 New section 1B inserted 314 359 Provisions repealed on the commencement specified in section 2(1) 315 360 Provisions repealed on the commencement specified in section 2(2) 315 361 Provisions repealed on the commencement specified in section 2(3) 315 362 Provisions repealed on 1 July 2021 316 363 Amendment of Local Government Act 1989--Environmental upgrade agreements 316 364 Amendment of section 185E--Council may apply for higher cap 318 Division 4--Amendment of Victoria Grants Commission Act 1976 and consequential amendment 318 365 Principal Act 318 366 Amendment of section 1--Short title and commencement 319 367 Amendment of section 2--Definitions 319 368 Amendment of section 3--Establishment of the Victorian Local Government Grants Commission 319 369 Section 4 substituted--Meeting of the Commission 320 370 Section 7 substituted--Removal of members 320 371 Amendment of section 8--Vacation of office of members 320 591055B.I-13/11/2019 xii BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Clause Page 372 Section 10 substituted--Commission may require Council to provide information 320 373 Section 12 substituted--Allocation of funds by the Commission 321 374 Repeal of sections 13, 14 and 15 321 375 Section 16 substituted--Referral by the Minister 321 376 Amendment of section 17--Annual Allocation Report 322 377 Consequential repeal of section 18 322 378 New section 20 inserted--Construction of references 322 379 Consequential amendment of the Electricity Industry Act 2000 323 Division 5--Amendment of Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 323 380 Amendment of section 1--Purposes 323 381 Amendment of section 6--Functions and powers of the Tribunal 324 382 Amendment of section 8--Eligibility to be appointed as a Tribunal member 324 383 Amendment of section 10--Vacancy, resignation and removal from office 324 384 New sections 23A and 23B inserted 325 385 Amendment of section 37--Tribunal may provide advice 327 386 Amendment of section 38--Tribunal may undertake reviews and publish reports 328 Division 6--Consequential amendments and repeals of other Acts 328 387 Essential Services Commission Act 2001 328 388 Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 329 389 Repeal of spent Acts 329 390 Consequential amendments to specified Acts 329 Division 7--Repeal of this Part and Schedule 1 329 391 Repeal 329 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 330 ═════════════ Endnotes 359 1 General information 359 591055B.I-13/11/2019 xiii BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Introduced in the Assembly Local Government Bill 2019 A Bill for an Act to reform the law relating to local government in Victoria, to repeal the City of Greater Geelong Act 1993, to amend the City of Melbourne Act 2001, the Local Government Act 1989, the Victoria Grants Commission Act 1976 and the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019, and to consequentially amend certain other Acts and for other purposes. The Parliament of Victoria enacts: Part 1--Preliminary 1 Purpose The purpose of this Act is to give effect to section 74A(1) of the Constitution Act 1975 5 which provides that local government is a distinct and essential tier of government consisting of democratically elected Councils having the functions and powers that the Parliament considers are necessary to ensure 591055B.I-13/11/2019 1 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary the peace, order and good government of each municipal district. 2 Commencement (1) The following provisions of this Act come into 5 operation on a day to be proclaimed but if they do not come into operation before 1 July 2020, they come into operation on that day-- (a) this Part; (b) Division 1 of Part 2 (except section 11); 10 (c) Division 2 of Part 2; (d) Division 6 of Part 2 (except sections 40 to 42); (e) Division 1 of Part 3 (except sections 55 and 57); 15 (f) Division 4 of Part 3; (g) sections 89, 101 and 106; (h) Division 9 of Part 7; (i) Part 8; (j) sections 325, 326 and 327; 20 (k) sections 328 and 329(1) to (6); (l) Divisions 1 and 2 of Part 11: (m) sections 358, 359, 363 and 364; (n) Divisions 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Part 11; (o) heading to Schedule 1 and Schedule 1 25 items 1.1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8.1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20.1, 21.1, 21.3, 21.4, 22, 23.3, 24, 26, 27, 28.1, 29, 30.1, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39.1(a), 39.2, 40.1, 40.2, 40.7(a), 41, 42, 43.1, 44.1, 30 45, 46, 47.1, 47.2, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54.1, 55, 56.1(a), 56.2, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69.1, 69.5, 71, 72, 74, 75.1, 75.5, 591055B.I-13/11/2019 2 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary 76, 77.2, 77.3, 77.4, 77.7, 77.8, 77.9, 78, 79, 80, 81.1, 82.1, 82.2, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90.2, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 1, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 5 112, 113.2, 113.3, 113.4, 113.5, 114, 115. (2) The following provisions of this Act come into operation on a day to be proclaimed but if they do not come into operation before 1 July 2020, they come into operation on that day-- 10 (a) section 11; (b) sections 40 to 42; (c) section 47; (d) Division 8 of Part 2; (e) sections 55 and 57; 15 (f) Division 2 of Part 3; (g) Part 9 (except sections 325 to 327); (h) section 360; (i) Schedule 1 items 8.7, 13.4, 18.1, 40.3, 40.5, 44.3, 47.3, 47.4, 70.1, 82.6. 20 (3) The following provisions of this Act come into operation on a day to be proclaimed but if they do not come into operation before 24 October 2020, they come into operation on that day-- (a) Divisions 3, 4 and 5 of Part 2; 25 (b) Divisions 1 (except section 89), 2 and 3 of Part 4; (c) Part 6; (d) Divisions 1 to 8 of Part 7; (e) sections 329(7) to (9) and 361; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 3 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (f) Schedule 1 items 2, 20.2, 21.2, 23.1, 23.2, 25, 40.7(b), 43.2, 44.2, 56.1(b), 56.1(c), 56.3, 56.4, 56.5, 75.2, 75.3, 75.4, 75.6, 77.1, 77.5, 77.6, 81.2, 82.3, 82.4, 82.5, 109, 113.1. 5 (4) The remaining provisions of this Act come into operation on 1 July 2021. 3 Definitions (1) In this Act-- assessable disclosure has the same meaning as it 10 has in section 3 of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012; Audit and Risk Committee means the Audit and Risk Committee established by a Council under section 53; 15 auditor means the Auditor-General; bullying by a Councillor means the Councillor repeatedly behaves unreasonably towards another Councillor or a member of Council staff and that behaviour creates a risk to the 20 health and safety of that other Councillor or member of Council staff; candidate means a person who has nominated as a candidate for an election under section 256; Chief Executive Officer means the person 25 appointed by a Council under section 44 to be its Chief Executive Officer or any person acting in that position; Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy means a Chief 30 Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy developed by a Council under section 45; Chief Municipal Inspector means the person appointed under section 182; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 4 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary close of the roll means 4 p.m. on the day that is-- (a) 57 days before election day; or (b) if the day determined under paragraph (a) is a public holiday, 5 the last working day before that day; Community Asset Committee means a Community Asset Committee established by a Council under 10 section 65; community engagement policy means a community engagement policy adopted and maintained by a Council under section 55; 15 community engagement principles means the principles specified in section 56; Community Vision means a Community Vision maintained by a Council under section 88; confidential information means the following 20 information-- (a) Council business information, being information that would prejudice the Council's position in commercial negotiations if prematurely released; 25 (b) security information, being information that if released is likely to endanger the security of Council property or the safety of any person; (c) land use planning information, being 30 information that if prematurely released is likely to encourage speculation in land values; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 5 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (d) law enforcement information, being information which if released would be reasonably likely to prejudice the investigation into an alleged breach 5 of the law or the fair trial or hearing of any person; (e) legal privileged information, being information to which legal professional privilege or client legal privilege 10 applies; (f) personal information, being information which if released would result in the unreasonable disclosure of information about any person or their personal 15 affairs; (g) private commercial information, being information provided by a business, commercial or financial undertaking that-- 20 (i) relates to trade secrets; or (ii) if released, would unreasonably expose the business, commercial or financial undertaking to disadvantage; 25 (h) confidential meeting information, being the records of meetings closed to the public under section 66(2)(a); (i) internal arbitration information, being information specified in section 145; 30 (j) Councillor Conduct Panel confidential information, being information specified in section 169; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 6 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (k) information prescribed by the regulations to be confidential information for the purposes of this definition; 5 (l) information that was confidential information for the purposes of section 77 of the Local Government Act 1989; confidentiality notice means a notice issued 10 by the Chief Municipal Inspector under section 193(1); corporation includes-- (a) any body corporate, whether formed or incorporated within or outside the State 15 of Victoria; and (b) any incorporated association within the meaning of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012-- but does not include a Council or any other 20 body incorporated or constituted by or under this Act or any public statutory corporation constituted by or under any law of the State of Victoria, any other State, or a Territory of the Commonwealth, or the Commonwealth; 25 Council means a municipal Council (including the Melbourne City Council and the Greater Geelong City Council) whether constituted before or after the commencement of this section; 30 Council meeting means a Council meeting that complies with section 61(1); Council Plan means a Council Plan prepared and adopted by a Council under section 90; Councillor means a person who holds the office 35 of member of a Council; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 7 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary Councillor Code of Conduct means the Councillor Code of Conduct developed by a Council under section 139; Councillor Conduct Officer means the person 5 appointed in writing by the Chief Executive Officer to be the Councillor Conduct Officer for the Council under section 150; Councillor Conduct Panel means a panel formed by the Principal Councillor 10 Conduct Registrar under section 156; delegated committee means-- (a) a delegated committee established by a Council under section 63; or (b) a joint delegated committee established 15 by 2 or more Councils under section 64; or (c) a committee exercising any power of a Council under this Act or any other Act delegated to the committee under this 20 Act or any other Act; deliberative engagement practices means the deliberative engagement practices included in a community engagement policy; Department means the Department of 25 Environment, Land, Water and Planning; disposition of property means any conveyance, transfer, assignment, settlement, delivery, payment, gift or other alienation of property, including the following-- 30 (a) the allotment of shares in a company; (b) the creation of a trust in property; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 8 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (c) the grant or creation of any lease, mortgage, charge, servitude, licence, power, partnership or interest in property; 5 (d) the release, discharge, surrender, forfeiture or abandonment, at law or in equity, of any debt, contract or chose in action, or of any interest in property; (e) the exercise by a person of a general 10 power of appointment of property in favour of any other person; (f) any transaction entered into by any person with intent thereby to diminish, directly or indirectly, the value of the 15 person's own property and to increase the value of the property of any other person; domestic partner of a person means-- (a) a person who is in a registered 20 relationship with the person; or Note A registered relationship is defined in subsection (2). (b) a person to whom the person is not 25 married but with whom the person is living as a couple on a genuine domestic basis (irrespective of gender); donation period means the period-- (a) commencing on whichever is the later 30 of-- (i) 30 days after the last general election for the Council; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 9 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (ii) 30 days after the last election for the Council at which the person required to give the election campaign donation 5 return was a candidate; and (b) ending 30 days after election day in the current election for the Council; election day means the day of an election determined under section 257 or 260; 10 election manager means-- (a) the VEC; or (b) a person appointed in writing by the VEC; election period means the period that-- 15 (a) starts at the time that nominations close on nomination day; and (b) ends at 6 p.m. on election day; electoral material means an advertisement, handbill, pamphlet or notice that contains 20 electoral matter, but does not include an advertisement in a newspaper that is only announcing the holding of a meeting; Note See subsections (3) and (4) as to the meaning of 25 electoral matter. electoral representation advisory panel means a panel established under section 16(1); ESC has the same meaning as Commission has in the Essential Services Commission 30 Act 2001; film friendly principles has the same meaning as it has in the Filming Approval Act 2014; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 10 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary film permit has the same meaning as it has in the Filming Approval Act 2014; financial management principles means the principles specified in section 101; 5 gift means any disposition of property otherwise than by will made by a person to another person without consideration in money or money's worth or with inadequate consideration, including-- 10 (a) the provision of a service (other than volunteer labour); and (b) the payment of an amount in respect of a guarantee; and (c) the making of a payment or 15 contribution at a fundraising function; gift disclosure threshold means-- (a) in the case of a Council, other than the Melbourne City Council, $500 or a 20 higher amount or value prescribed by the regulations; (b) in the case of the Melbourne City Council, $500 or a higher amount or value prescribed by regulations made 25 under the City of Melbourne Act 2001; good governance has the meaning given by section 8(2); Governance Rules means Governance Rules 30 developed by a Council under section 60; gross misconduct by a Councillor means behaviour that demonstrates that a Councillor-- (a) is not of good character; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 11 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (b) is otherwise not a fit and proper person to hold the office of Councillor, including behaviour that is sexual harassment and that is of an egregious 5 nature; how-to-vote card means any card, handbill, pamphlet or notice-- (a) which is or includes a representation or partial representation or purported 10 representation or purported partial representation of a ballot-paper for use in an election; or (b) which lists the names of any or all of the candidates for an election with a 15 number indicating an order of voting preference against the names of any or all of those candidates; IBAC means the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission established 20 under section 12 of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011; Information Commissioner means the Information Commissioner appointed under 25 the Freedom of Information Act 1982 in the Information Commissioner's capacity under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014; internal arbitration process means the internal 30 arbitration process of a Council under section 141; law enforcement agency means-- (a) Victoria Police; or (b) the police force or police service of 35 another State or a Territory; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 12 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (c) the Australian Federal Police; or (d) the Australian Crime Commission established under section 7 of the Australian Crime Commission 5 Act 2002 of the Commonwealth; or (e) a commission established by a law of Victoria or the Commonwealth or of any other State or a Territory with the function of investigating matters 10 relating to criminal activity generally or of a specified class or classes; or (f) the Chief Examiner and Examiners appointed under Part 3 of the Major Crime (Investigative Powers) 15 Act 2004; or (g) the IBAC; or (h) the sheriff within the meaning of the Sheriff Act 2009; or (i) the Victorian Inspectorate established 20 under section 8 of the Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011; or (j) an agency responsible for the performance of functions or activities directed to-- 25 (i) the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution or punishment of criminal offences or breaches of a law imposing a penalty or sanction for a breach; 30 or (ii) the management of property seized or restrained under laws relating to the confiscation of the proceeds of crime or the 591055B.I-13/11/2019 13 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary enforcement of such laws, or of orders made under such laws; or (k) an agency responsible for the execution or implementation of an order or 5 decision made by a court or tribunal; or (l) an agency responsible for the protection of the public revenue under a law administered by it; member of Council staff means a natural person 10 appointed by the Chief Executive Officer (other than an independent contractor under a contract for services or a volunteer) under section 48 to enable-- (a) the functions of the Council under this 15 Act or any other Act to be carried out; and (b) the Chief Executive Officer to carry out their functions; Note 20 The Chief Executive Officer is also a member of Council staff--see section 44(5). misconduct by a Councillor means any breach by a Councillor of the prescribed standards of conduct included in the Councillor Code of 25 Conduct; municipal community includes-- (a) people who live in the municipal district of the Council; and (b) people and bodies who are ratepayers 30 of the Council; and (c) traditional owners of land in the municipal district of the Council; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 14 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (d) people and bodies who conduct activities in the municipal district of the Council; municipal district means the district under the 5 local government of a Council; Municipal Monitor means a person appointed to be a Municipal Monitor to a Council under section 179; nomination day means the last day on which 10 nominations to be a candidate at a Council election may be received in accordance with this Act and the regulations; overarching governance principles means the principles specified in section 9(2); 15 owner, in relation to any land, means the person who is entitled to receive the rack-rent for the land or who, if the land were let at a rack-rent, would be entitled to receive the rent; 20 panel list, in relation to arbiters, means the panel list established by the Secretary under section 142; panel list, in relation to Councillor Conduct Panels, means the panel list established by 25 the Minister under section 153 for the purposes of forming Councillor Conduct Panels; person, in relation to Divisions 1 to 9 of Part 8, means a natural person who has attained 30 the age of 18 years; police officer has the same meaning as it has in the Victoria Police Act 2013; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 15 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary Principal Accounting Officer means the person designated by the Chief Executive Officer of a Council as the officer responsible for managing the Council's finances; 5 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar means the person appointed by the Secretary to be the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar under section 148; principal place of residence has the same 10 meaning as it has in section 3 of the Electoral Act 2002; public body means any government department or municipal Council or body established for a public purpose by an Act of the Parliament 15 of Victoria, any other State, or a Territory of the Commonwealth, or the Commonwealth; public interest complaint has the same meaning as it has in section 3 of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012; 20 public transparency policy means a public transparency policy adopted under section 57; public transparency principles means the principles specified in section 58; 25 publish means publish by any means including by publication on the Internet; rateable property, in relation to Division 1 of Part 8, means an occupancy which-- (a) is required to be separately valued 30 under section 13DC of the Valuation of Land Act 1960; and (b) is rateable land but does not include an occupancy that is used, or is intended to be used, for the sole purpose of-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 16 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (i) parking a single motor vehicle within the meaning of section 3(1) of the Road Safety Act 1986; or (ii) mooring a single vessel within the 5 meaning of section 3(1) of the Marine Safety Act 2010; or (iii) storage, being a single lockable unit with a floor area not exceeding 25 square metres; 10 restricted matter means any of the following-- (a) any evidence or information given to, or obtained by, the Chief Municipal Inspector; (b) the contents of any document produced 15 to, or obtained by, the Chief Municipal Inspector; (c) the existence of, or any information about, a confidentiality notice or a requirement under section 183(3) 20 to appear before the Chief Municipal Inspector for examination; (d) the subject matter of an investigation by the Chief Municipal Inspector; (e) any information that could enable a 25 person who has been, or is proposed to be, examined by, or who has produced, or may produce, any document to the Chief Municipal Inspector, to be identified or located; 30 (f) the fact that a person has been, or is proposed to be, examined by, or has produced, or may produce, any document to, the Chief Municipal Inspector; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 17 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (g) the fact that a disclosure or related disclosure has been notified to an appropriate entity for assessment under Part 3 of the Public Interest 5 Disclosures Act 2012; (h) the fact that a disclosure or related disclosure has been determined under Part 3 of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 to be a public 10 interest complaint; (i) the fact that the Chief Municipal Inspector intends to conduct an investigation on a public interest disclosure; 15 restructuring advisory panel means a panel established by the Minister under section 239(1); Secretary means Secretary to the Department; serious misconduct by a Councillor means any 20 of the following-- (a) the failure by a Councillor to comply with the Council's internal arbitration process; (b) the failure by a Councillor to comply 25 with a direction given to the Councillor by an arbiter under section 147; (c) the failure of a Councillor to attend a Councillor Conduct Panel hearing in respect of that Councillor; 30 (d) the failure of a Councillor to comply with a direction of a Councillor Conduct Panel; (e) continued or repeated misconduct by a Councillor after a finding of 35 misconduct has already been made 591055B.I-13/11/2019 18 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary in respect of the Councillor by an arbiter or by a Councillor Conduct Panel under section 167(1)(b); (f) bullying by a Councillor of another 5 Councillor or a member of Council staff; (g) conduct by a Councillor that is conduct of the type that is sexual harassment of a Councillor or a member of Council 10 staff; (h) the disclosure by a Councillor of information the Councillor knows, or should reasonably know, is confidential information; 15 (i) conduct by a Councillor that contravenes the requirement that a Councillor must not direct, or seek to direct, a member of Council staff; (j) the failure by a Councillor to disclose a 20 conflict of interest and to exclude themselves from the decision making process when required to do so in accordance with this Act; service performance principles means the 25 principles specified in section 106(2); sexual harassment has the meaning given by section 92 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010; spouse of a person means a person to whom the 30 person is married; standards of conduct means the standards of conduct prescribed under section 139(3)(a) to be included in a Councillor Code of Conduct; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 19 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary strategic planning principles means the principles specified in section 89(2); supporting principles means the principles specified in section 9(3) 5 traditional owners means-- (a) the members of a registered Aboriginal party under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006; and (b) the members of a traditional owner 10 group within the meaning of section 3 of the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010; unenrolled voter means a person who is entitled to be enrolled on a voters' roll but is not so 15 enrolled; VEC means the Victorian Electoral Commission established under section 6 of the Electoral Act 2002; voter means a person who is enrolled on a voters' 20 roll; voting centre means a place appointed by the election manager for voting at an election as-- (a) an early voting centre; or 25 (b) a mobile voting centre; or (c) an election day voting centre; ward means-- (a) a subdivision of a municipal district; or (b) if the municipal district is not 30 subdivided, the municipal district; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 20 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary workforce plan means a workforce plan developed and maintained by the Chief Executive Officer of a Council under section 46(4)(a); 5 Yarra protection principles has the same meaning as it has in the Yarra River Protection (Wilip-gin Birrarung murron) Act 2017; Yarra River land has the same meaning as it has in the Yarra River Protection (Wilip-gin 10 Birrarung murron) Act 2017; Yarra Strategic Plan has the same meaning as it has in the Yarra River Protection (Wilip-gin Birrarung murron) Act 2017; Yarra Strategic Plan area has the same meaning 15 as it has in the Yarra River Protection (Wilip-gin Birrarung murron) Act 2017. (2) For the purposes of the definition of domestic partner in subsection (1)-- (a) registered relationship has the same 20 meaning as it has in the Relationships Act 2008; and (b) in determining whether persons who are not in a registered relationship are domestic partners of each other, all 25 of the circumstances of their relationship are to be taken into account, including any one or more of the matters referred to in section 35(2) of the Relationships Act 2008 as may be relevant in a particular 30 case. (3) In this Act, unless otherwise expressly provided, a reference to an election means a reference to the following-- (a) a general election conducted under 35 section 257; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 21 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary (b) a by-election conducted under section 260; (c) a countback conducted under section 261. (4) In this Act, electoral matter means matter which is intended or likely to affect voting in 5 an election, but does not include any electoral material produced by or on behalf of the election manager for the purposes of conducting an election. (5) Without limiting the generality of the definition 10 of electoral matter, matter is to be taken to be intended or likely to affect voting in an election if it contains an express or implicit reference to, or comment on-- (a) the election; or 15 (b) a candidate in the election; or (c) an issue submitted to, or otherwise before, the voters in connection with the election. 4 Objectives of Act The objectives of this Act are to ensure that-- 20 (a) local government continues to be constituted as a democratically elected tier of Government in Victoria; and (b) Councils are constituted as representative bodies that are accountable, transparent, 25 collaborative, efficient and engaged with their communities; and (c) Councils have the functions and powers necessary to enable Councils to perform their role. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 22 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary 5 Act is interface legislation and filming approval legislation (1) This Act is interface legislation within the meaning of the Transport Integration 5 Act 2010. (2) This Act is filming approval legislation within the meaning of the Filming Approval Act 2014. 6 Obligations of Council in relation to Yarra River 10 land (1) A Council that is a responsible public entity within the meaning of the Yarra River Protection (Wilip-gin Birrarung murron) Act 2017-- 15 (a) must not act inconsistently with any part of a Yarra Strategic Plan that is expressed to be binding on the Council when performing a function or duty or exercising a power under this Act in relation to Yarra River land; and 20 (b) must have regard to the Yarra protection principles, and those parts of a Yarra Strategic Plan not expressed to be binding on the Council, when performing a function or duty or exercising a power under this Act in 25 relation to the Yarra Strategic Plan area that may affect Yarra River land. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the performance of a function or the exercise of a power by a Council in relation to a declared project within 30 the meaning of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 23 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 1--Preliminary 7 Obligations of Council in relation to declared areas (1) When performing a function or duty or exercising a power under this Act in relation to a declared area, a Council that is a responsible public entity 5 for the purposes of Part 3AAB of the Planning and Environment Act 1987-- (a) must not act inconsistently with any part of a Statement of Planning Policy that is expressed to be binding on the Council; 10 and (b) must have regard to those parts of the Statement of Planning Policy not expressed to be binding on the Council; and (c) must have regard to the principles set out in 15 section 46AZL of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the performance of a function or the exercise of a power by a Council in relation to a declared project within 20 the meaning of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 24 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils Part 2--Councils Division 1--Role and powers of a Council 8 Role of a Council (1) The role of a Council is to provide good 5 governance in its municipal district for the benefit and wellbeing of the municipal community. (2) A Council provides good governance if-- (a) it performs its role in accordance with section 9; 10 (b) the Councillors of the Council perform their roles in accordance with section 28. (3) In performing its role, a Council may-- (a) perform any duties or functions or exercise any powers conferred on a Council by or 15 under this Act or any other Act; and (b) perform any other functions that the Council determines are necessary to enable the Council to perform its role. (4) If it is necessary to do so for the purpose of 20 performing its role, a Council may perform a function outside its municipal district. 9 Overarching governance principles and supporting principles (1) A Council must in the performance of its role give 25 effect to the overarching governance principles. (2) The following are the overarching governance principles-- (a) Council decisions are to be made and actions taken in accordance with the relevant law; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 25 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (b) priority is to be given to achieving the best outcomes for the municipal community, including future generations; (c) the economic, social and environmental 5 sustainability of the municipal district, including mitigation and planning for climate change risks, is to be promoted; (d) the municipal community is to be engaged in strategic planning and strategic decision 10 making; (e) innovation and continuous improvement is to be pursued; (f) collaboration with other Councils and Governments and statutory bodies is to 15 be sought; (g) the ongoing financial viability of the Council is to be ensured; (h) regional, state and national plans and policies are to be taken into account in 20 strategic planning and decision making; (i) the transparency of Council decisions, actions and information is to be ensured. (3) In giving effect to the overarching governance principles, a Council must take into account the 25 following supporting principles-- (a) the community engagement principles; (b) the public transparency principles; (c) the strategic planning principles; (d) the financial management principles; 30 (e) the service performance principles. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 26 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 10 General power (1) Subject to any limitations or restrictions imposed by or under this Act or any other Act, a Council has the power to do all things necessary or 5 convenient to be done in connection with the performance of its role. (2) The generality of this section is not limited by the conferring of specific powers by or under this Act or any other Act. 10 11 Power of delegation (1) A Council may by instrument of delegation delegate to-- (a) the members of a delegated committee; or (b) the Chief Executive Officer-- 15 any power, duty or function of a Council under this Act or any other Act other than a power, duty or function specified in subsection (2). (2) The following are specified for the purposes of subsection (1)-- 20 (a) the power of delegation; (b) the power to elect a Mayor or Deputy Mayor; (c) the power to grant a reasonable request for leave under section 35; 25 (d) subject to subsection (3), the power to appoint the Chief Executive Officer, whether on a permanent or acting basis; (e) the power to make any decision in relation to the employment, dismissal or removal of the 30 Chief Executive Officer; (f) the power to approve or amend the Council Plan; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 27 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (g) the power to adopt or amend any policy that the Council is required to adopt under this Act; (h) the power to adopt or amend the Governance 5 Rules; (i) the power to appoint the chair or the members to a delegated committee; (j) the power to make, amend or revoke a local law; 10 (k) the power to approve the budget or revised budget; (l) the power to borrow money; (m) subject to section 181H(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1989, the power to declare 15 general rates, municipal charges, service rates and charges and special rates and charges; (n) any power, duty or function prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this 20 subsection. (3) A Council may delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to appoint an Acting Chief Executive Officer for a period not exceeding 28 days. 25 (4) A delegation may be made subject to any conditions or limitations specified in the instrument of delegation. (5) A delegation that includes the power to enter into a contract or make any expenditure must specify a 30 maximum monetary limit that cannot be exceeded. (6) A member of a delegated committee to whom a delegation is given under subsection (1)(a) can only exercise the delegation while acting as a 591055B.I-13/11/2019 28 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils member of the delegated committee at a meeting of the delegated committee. (7) A Council must review, within the period of 12 months after a general election, all delegations 5 which have been made under this section and are still in force. (8) A Council must keep a public register of delegations made under this section. (9) Unless sooner revoked, a delegation made by a 10 Council under the Local Government Act 1989 continues in force until 1 September 2020. Note See section 47 for the power of delegation of a Chief Executive Officer. 15 Division 2--Constitution of a Council 12 How is a Council constituted? A Council consists of its Councillors who are democratically elected in accordance with this Act. 20 13 Constitution of a Council (1) A Council must consist of not fewer than 5 Councillors and not more than 12 Councillors. (2) The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are Councillors of the Council. 25 (3) The number of Councillors of a Council for the purposes of subsection (1) is to be determined in accordance with the criteria prescribed by the regulations. (4) A Council may be constituted so that it consists 30 of-- (a) subject to subsection (5), all Councillors elected to represent the municipal district as a whole; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 29 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (b) all Councillors elected to represent single member wards into which the municipal district is divided. (5) A Council must not be constituted in accordance 5 with subsection (4)(a) unless, by notice published in the Government Gazette, the Minister specifies that the Council, or a Council that is a specific type of Council, may be an un-subdivided municipal district. 10 (6) For the avoidance of doubt, a Council constituted before the commencement of this Act is not required to be constituted in accordance with this section unless the electoral structure of the Council is altered in accordance with section 15. 15 14 Council is a body corporate (1) A Council-- (a) is a body corporate with perpetual succession; and (b) must have a common seal; and 20 (c) may sue or be sued in its corporate name; and (d) is capable of acquiring, holding, dealing with or disposing of property for the purpose of performing its functions and exercising its 25 powers; and (e) is capable of doing and suffering all acts and things which bodies corporate may by law do and suffer and which are necessary or expedient for performing its functions and 30 exercising its powers. (2) The common seal of a Council must-- (a) bear the name of the Council and any other word, letter, sign or device the Council determines should be included; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 30 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (b) be kept at the Council office; and (c) be used in accordance with any applicable local law. (3) All courts, judges and persons acting judicially 5 must take judicial notice of the imprint of the seal of a Council on any document and must presume that the document was properly sealed until the contrary is proved. 15 Electoral structure of a Council 10 (1) The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister, make an Order in Council to do any one or more of the following in relation to the electoral structure of a Council-- 15 (a) specify or alter the total number of Councillors to be elected for the Council; (b) specify-- (i) that the municipal district of the Council is to be subdivided into a 20 specified number of wards; (ii) that each of those wards is to consist of a single Councillor; (iii) the boundaries of wards of the municipal district of the Council; 25 (iv) the name of, or alter the name of, a ward of the municipal district of the Council; (c) if a notice has been published in accordance with section 13(5) in respect of a specific 30 Council or a specific type of Council, specify that the electoral structure of the municipal district of a Council to which the notice applies is to be an un-subdivided municipal district. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 31 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (2) Before recommending the making of an Order in Council under this section that provides for the subdivision of a municipal district into wards or the specification of the boundaries of wards of a 5 municipal district, the Minister must seek to ensure that-- (a) each ward has approximately an equal number of voters per Councillor; and (b) the number of voters per Councillor in a 10 ward does not vary from the average number of voters per Councillor in any other ward by more than 10 per cent. (3) An Order in Council made under this section-- (a) must specify a day or days upon which the 15 Order in Council comes into operation; and (b) may provide that the electoral structure of the Council has effect for the purposes of, and from, the next general election of the Council; and 20 (c) may provide that the electoral structure of the Council specified in the Order in Council is described in a map lodged in the Central Plan Office or with the VEC as specified in the Order in Council; and 25 (d) upon being published in the Government Gazette has the like force and effect as if it were expressly enacted in this Act; and (e) may be amended or revoked by another Order in Council; and 30 (f) has full force and effect despite any non-compliance with any of the matters required by this Act as preliminary to the making of the Order in Council. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 32 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 16 Electoral structure review (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may, before recommending the making of an Order in Council under section 15, establish 5 an electoral representation advisory panel to conduct a review and advise the Minister in relation to the electoral structure of a Council. (2) Subject to subsections (13) and (14), the Minister must, before recommending the making of an 10 Order in Council under section 15 in relation to a matter specified in section 15(1)(b) or (c) establish an electoral representation advisory panel to conduct a review and advise the Minister in relation to the electoral structure of a Council. 15 (3) If the Minister has established an electoral representation advisory panel, the Minister must consider the advice of the electoral representation advisory panel before recommending the making of an Order in Council under section 15. 20 (4) An electoral representation advisory panel must include the Electoral Commissioner appointed under section 12 of the Electoral Act 2002 or a person nominated to the Minister by the Electoral Commissioner to represent the Electoral 25 Commissioner on the electoral representation advisory panel. (5) The VEC must provide administrative and technical support to an electoral representation advisory panel. 30 (6) An electoral representation advisory panel must not include any of the following persons-- (a) a person who is a Councillor of the Council in respect of which the electoral representation advisory panel is to be 35 established; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 33 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (b) a person who is qualified to be a candidate for election as a Councillor of the Council in respect of which the electoral representation advisory panel is to be established; 5 (c) a person who is not qualified to be a Councillor; (d) a person who is a member of staff of the Council in respect of which the electoral representation advisory panel is to be 10 established; (e) a person who is a member of a registered political party; (f) a person who has been a member of a registered political party at any time during 15 the period of 5 years immediately before the electoral representation advisory panel is to be established. (7) The Minister may request the electoral representation advisory panel to provide advice 20 to the Minister with respect to any or all of the following-- (a) the total number of Councillors to be elected for the Council; (b) what the boundaries of any ward or wards of 25 the municipal district of the Council should be; (c) subject to the Minister first publishing a notice under section 13(5) in relation to a Council, or a specific type of Council, 30 whether the municipal district of the Council should be un-subdivided; (d) any other matter relating to the electoral structure of the Council that the Minister requires advice on. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 34 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (8) An electoral structure recommended by an electoral representation advisory panel must-- (a) provide fair and equitable representation; and (b) facilitate good governance; and 5 (c) comply with section 15(2); and (d) comply with any criteria prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section. (9) An electoral representation advisory panel-- (a) may conduct the review in any manner that 10 the electoral representation advisory panel considers appropriate; and (b) must have regard to any matter prescribed by the regulations. (10) An electoral representation advisory panel must 15 ensure that a process for community engagement is followed in conducting the review. (11) The Minister or a person engaged by the Minister to support a review by an electoral representation advisory panel may send to the Council in respect 20 of which the review is being conducted an account of the reasonable expenses incurred as a consequence of the review. (12) The Council must pay the account received under subsection (11). 25 (13) Section 16(2) does not apply if a ward boundary review is being conducted under section 17. (14) Section 16(2) does not apply in respect of the making of any Order in Council under section 15 before the first general election to be conducted 30 under section 257(1)(a). 591055B.I-13/11/2019 35 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 17 Ward boundary review (1) This section applies if the Minister receives advice from the VEC that the number of voters per Councillor in one or more wards of the 5 municipal district of the Council will vary from the average number of voters per Councillor in any other ward by more than 10 per cent by the time that the next general election is to be held. (2) If this section applies, the Minister may request 10 the VEC to-- (a) conduct a review of the boundaries of the wards of the municipal district of the Council specified in the request; and (b) provide a report to the Minister containing 15 recommendations in respect of any changes required to the boundaries of the wards of the municipal district of the Council specified in the request. (3) Subject to this section, the VEC may conduct the 20 review in any manner that the VEC considers appropriate. (4) In conducting the review, the VEC must ensure that a process of community engagement is followed. 25 (5) The VEC may send to the Council in respect of which the review is being conducted an account of the reasonable expenses incurred as a consequence of the review. (6) The Council must pay the account received under 30 subsection (5). (7) The Minister may recommend to the Governor in Council that an Order in Council be made under section 15 to implement the recommendations made in the report under subsection (2). 591055B.I-13/11/2019 36 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (8) Despite the repeal of section 5B(2) of the Local Government Act 1989, that section continues to apply in respect of the making of any Order in Council to which subsection (7) applies before the 5 first general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(a). Division 3--The Mayor and the Deputy Mayor 18 Role of the Mayor (1) The role of the Mayor is to-- 10 (a) chair Council meetings; and (b) be the principal spokesperson for the Council; and (c) lead engagement with the municipal community on the development of the 15 Council Plan; and (d) report to the municipal community, at least once each year, on the implementation of the Council Plan; and (e) promote behaviour among Councillors that 20 meets the standards of conduct set out in the Councillor Code of Conduct; and (f) assist Councillors to understand their role; and (g) take a leadership role in ensuring the regular 25 review of the performance of the Chief Executive Officer; and (h) provide advice to the Chief Executive Officer when the Chief Executive Officer is setting the agenda for Council meetings; and 30 (i) perform civic and ceremonial duties on behalf of the Council. (2) The Mayor is not eligible to be elected to the office of Deputy Mayor. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 37 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 19 Specific powers of the Mayor (1) The Mayor has the following specific powers-- (a) to appoint a Councillor to be the chair of a delegated committee; 5 (b) to direct a Councillor, subject to any procedures or limitations specified in the Governance Rules, to leave a Council meeting if the behaviour of the Councillor is preventing the Council from conducting its 10 business; (c) to require the Chief Executive Officer to report to the Council on the implementation of a Council decision. (2) An appointment under subsection (1)(a) prevails 15 over any appointment of a chair of a delegated committee by the Council. 20 When does the office of Mayor become vacant? The office of Mayor of a Mayor elected by the Councillors becomes vacant-- 20 (a) at the time and on the day of the election of the next Mayor; or (b) on the day the Mayor resigns from the office of Mayor by giving the Chief Executive Officer a written notice of resignation; or 25 (c) on the day the Mayor ceases to hold the office of Councillor; or (d) on the day the Mayor's office as a Councillor is suspended for any period; or (e) on the day the Mayor becomes ineligible to 30 hold the office of Mayor as a result of a decision by a Councillor Conduct Panel; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 38 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (f) on the day the office of Mayor is declared vacant by the Council in accordance with section 23. 21 Role and powers of the Deputy Mayor 5 The Deputy Mayor must perform the role of the Mayor and may exercise any of the powers of the Mayor if-- (a) the Mayor is unable for any reason to attend a Council meeting or part of a Council 10 meeting; or (b) the Mayor is incapable of performing the duties of the office of Mayor for any reason, including illness; or (c) the office of Mayor is vacant. 15 22 When does the office of Deputy Mayor become vacant? The office of Deputy Mayor of a Deputy Mayor elected by the Councillors becomes vacant-- (a) at the time and on the day of the election of 20 the next Deputy Mayor; or (b) on the day the Deputy Mayor is elected to the office of Mayor; or (c) on the day the Deputy Mayor resigns from the office of Deputy Mayor by giving the 25 Chief Executive Officer a written notice of resignation; or (d) on the day the Deputy Mayor ceases to hold the office of Councillor; or (e) on the day the Deputy Mayor's office as a 30 Councillor is suspended for any period; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 39 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (f) on the day the Deputy Mayor becomes ineligible to hold the office of Deputy Mayor as a result of a decision by a Councillor Conduct Panel; or 5 (g) on the day the office of Deputy Mayor is declared vacant by the Council in accordance with section 23. 23 Declaration of office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor to be vacant 10 (1) This section only applies to a Mayor or Deputy Mayor elected for a 2 year term. (2) A Council may only declare the office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor vacant in accordance with this section. 15 (3) A notice of motion to declare the office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor vacant must be-- (a) signed by an absolute majority of the Councillors; and (b) lodged with the Chief Executive Officer at 20 least 14 days before the day on which the meeting to consider the motion is proposed; and (c) provided to each Councillor by the Chief Executive Officer without delay. 25 (4) The office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor can only be declared vacant if the motion to declare the office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor vacant is passed by a majority of at least three-quarters of all of the Councillors in office. 30 (5) For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), absolute majority means the number of Councillors which is greater than half the total number of the Councillors of a Council. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 40 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 24 Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel (1) The Minister may establish and maintain an advisory panel to be called the Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel. 5 (2) The role of the Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel is to provide advice to the Minister on matters relating to local government in Victoria referred by the Minister. (3) The members of the Local Government Mayoral 10 Advisory Panel-- (a) must be appointed by the Minister; and (b) must include at least 5 Mayors. (4) The terms of reference of the Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel are to be determined by 15 the Minister. (5) Meetings of the Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel are to be chaired by the Minister. Division 4--Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor 25 Election of Mayor 20 (1) At a Council meeting that is open to the public, the Councillors must elect a Councillor to be the Mayor of the Council. (2) Subject to section 167, any Councillor is eligible for election or re-election to the office of Mayor. 25 (3) The election of the Mayor must-- (a) be chaired by the Chief Executive Officer; and (b) subject to this section, be conducted in accordance with the Governance Rules. 30 (4) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), the Mayor must be elected by an absolute majority of the Councillors. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 41 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (5) If an absolute majority of the Councillors cannot be obtained at the meeting, the Council may resolve to conduct a new election at a later specified time and date. 5 (6) If only one Councillor is a candidate for Mayor, the meeting must declare that Councillor to be duly elected as Mayor. (7) In this section, absolute majority means the number of Councillors which is greater than half 10 the total number of the Councillors of a Council. 26 When is a Mayor to be elected? (1) A Mayor is to be elected no later than one month after the date of a general election. (2) The Mayor of the Greater Geelong City Council 15 must be elected for a 2 year term. (3) Before the election of the Mayor, a Council, other than the Greater Geelong City Council, must determine by resolution whether the Mayor is to be elected for a 1 year or a 2 year term. 20 (4) If the Mayor is elected for a 1 year term, the next election of the Mayor must be held on a day to be determined by the Council that is as close to the end of the 1 year term as is reasonably practicable. (5) If the Mayor is to be elected for a 2 year term, the 25 next election of the Mayor must be held on a day to be determined by the Council that is as close to the end of the 2 year term as is reasonably practicable. (6) A Mayor is to be elected within one month after 30 any vacancy in the office of Mayor occurs. (7) The election of a Mayor after the period specified in this section does not invalidate the election. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 42 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (8) A Councillor elected to fill a vacancy in the office of Mayor caused other than by the expiration of a one year or a 2 year term serves the remaining period of the previous Mayor's term. 5 27 Election of Deputy Mayor (1) Section 25, other than subsection (3)(a), applies to the election of a Deputy Mayor by the Councillors as if any reference in that section to the Mayor was a reference to the Deputy Mayor. 10 (2) Section 26 applies to the election of a Deputy Mayor as if any reference in that section to the Mayor was a reference to the Deputy Mayor. Division 5--Councillors 28 Role of a Councillor 15 (1) The role of every Councillor is-- (a) to participate in the decision making of the Council; and (b) to represent the interests of the municipal community in that decision making; and 20 (c) to contribute to the strategic direction of the Council through the development and review of key strategic documents of the Council, including the Council Plan. (2) In performing the role of a Councillor, a 25 Councillor must-- (a) consider the diversity of interests and needs of the municipal community; and (b) support the role of the Council; and (c) acknowledge and support the role of the 30 Mayor; and (d) act lawfully and in accordance with the oath or affirmation of office; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 43 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (e) act in accordance with the standards of conduct; and (f) comply with Council procedures required for good governance. 5 (3) The role of a Councillor does not include the performance of any responsibilities or functions of the Chief Executive Officer. 29 Term of office of a Councillor (1) The term of office of a Councillor-- 10 (a) commences on the day that the Councillor takes the oath or affirmation of office; and (b) ends at 6 a.m. on the day of the next general election for the Council. (2) The office of a Councillor becomes vacant at the 15 expiration of the Councillor's term of office. 30 Oath or affirmation of office (1) A person elected to be a Councillor is not capable of acting as a Councillor until the person has taken the oath or affirmation of office in the manner 20 prescribed by the regulations. (2) The oath or affirmation of office must be-- (a) administered by the Chief Executive Officer; and (b) dated and signed before the Chief Executive 25 Officer; and (c) recorded in the minutes of the Council, whether or not the oath or affirmation was taken at a Council meeting. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 44 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 31 Failure to take oath or affirmation of office The office of a Councillor becomes vacant if a person elected to be a Councillor does not take the oath or affirmation of office within 3 months after 5 the day on which the person was declared elected. 32 Councillor induction training (1) A Councillor must complete Councillor induction training within 6 months after the day the Councillor takes the oath or affirmation of office. 10 (2) Subsection (1) applies-- (a) to each Councillor elected at a general election; and (b) to any Councillor elected to fill an extraordinary vacancy; and 15 (c) whether or not the Councillor has been re- elected or ever been a Councillor before. (3) A Councillor must make a written declaration before the Chief Executive Officer after completing Councillor induction training that-- 20 (a) states that the Councillor has completed the Councillor induction training; and (b) is dated and signed. (4) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Chief Executive Officer must-- 25 (a) ensure that the Councillor induction training is available to be taken by a Councillor from the day the Councillor takes the oath or affirmation of office; and (b) provide reasonable assistance to a Councillor 30 to enable them to access the Councillor induction training. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 45 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (5) The Councillor induction training must be conducted in the prescribed manner and address any prescribed matters. 33 Failure to take Councillor induction training and 5 make declaration (1) If a Councillor fails to-- (a) take or complete Councillor induction training as required by section 32(1); and (b) make a written declaration as required by 10 section 32(3)-- the Councillor's allowance is withheld until the Councillor has completed induction training and made the written declaration. (2) A Councillor is entitled to receive any allowance 15 that is withheld under subsection (1) after the Councillor-- (a) takes or completes Councillor induction training as required by section 32(1); and (b) makes a written declaration as required by 20 section 32(3). 34 Qualification to be a Councillor (1) A person is qualified to be a Councillor of a Council if the person-- (a) has attained the age of 18 years; and 25 (b) is an Australian citizen or an eligible British subject referred to in section 48(1)(a) of the Constitution Act 1975; and (c) is enrolled on the voters' roll for the Council or would be enrolled on the voters' roll for 30 the Council on a particular day if a voters' roll were to be prepared on that particular day; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 46 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (d) is not a person to whom subsection (2) applies. (2) A person is not qualified to be a Councillor of a Council if the person-- 5 (a) is a member of the Parliament of Victoria or of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia or of another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth; or (b) is employed as a Ministerial officer, a 10 Parliamentary adviser or an electorate officer by a member of the Parliament of Victoria or in a corresponding position (however designated) by, or for, a member of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of 15 Australia or of another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth; or (c) is a Councillor of another Council constituted under this Act or a member of a corresponding body (however designated) 20 under an Act of another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth; or (d) is a member of Council staff of the Council; or (e) is an undischarged bankrupt; or 25 (f) has property that is subject to control under the law relating to bankruptcy; or (g) has failed to take the oath or affirmation of office of Councillor at any Council when required under this Act during the current 30 term of office of that Council; or (h) has been disqualified from being a Councillor after a finding by VCAT of gross misconduct, for the period that the period of disqualification specified in the order 35 made by VCAT is in force; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 47 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (i) has been subject to 2 or more findings of serious misconduct by a separate Councillor Conduct Panel under section 167 in the preceding 8 years and the period during 5 which the person can apply under section 170 to VCAT for a review of those findings has expired, for the period of 4 years following the second finding of serious misconduct during which the 10 disqualification is in force; or (j) has been convicted of the offence of failing to lodge an election campaign donation return in relation to the current term of the Council; or 15 (k) has been convicted of an offence against this Act in the preceding 8 years for which the maximum penalty is at least 120 penalty units or a period of imprisonment of at least 12 months; or 20 (l) has been convicted of an offence in the preceding 8 years, committed when the person was of or over 18 years of age, which is punishable upon first conviction for a term of imprisonment of 2 years or more under 25 the law of Victoria, or the law of any other State, or a Territory of the Commonwealth, or the law of the Commonwealth; or (m) is disqualified from managing corporations under Part 2D.6 of the Corporations Act. 30 (3) If a Councillor becomes aware that they have ceased to be qualified to be a Councillor of a Council, the Councillor must immediately give notice in writing to the Chief Executive Officer of the Council that they have ceased to be qualified 35 to be a Councillor of the Council. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 48 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 35 Councillor ceasing to hold office (1) A Councillor ceases to hold the office of Councillor and the office of the Councillor becomes vacant if the Councillor-- 5 (a) ceases to be qualified to be a Councillor; or (b) dies; or (c) resigns in writing delivered to the Chief Executive Officer; or (d) is ousted from office; or 10 (e) subject to this section, is absent from Council meetings for a period of 4 consecutive months without leave obtained from the Council. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), a Councillor 15 who would cease to have a qualification as an enrolled voter under section 34(1)(c) on a particular day if a voters' roll for the Council were prepared on that particular day, ceases to hold the office of Councillor at the expiration 20 of the period of 50 days after that particular day if the Councillor has not obtained another entitlement to be on the voters' roll for the Council. (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), a Councillor is 25 considered to have ceased to have a qualification as an enrolled voter under section 34(1)(c) if-- (a) their only entitlement to be enrolled on the voters' roll for the Council is as a resident under section 241; and 30 (b) their principal place of residence is no longer located within the municipal district of the Council. (4) The Council must grant any reasonable request for leave for the purposes of subsection (1)(e). 591055B.I-13/11/2019 49 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (5) A Councillor is not to be taken to be absent from a Council meeting-- (a) while any proceeding for ouster from office of the Councillor is pending; or 5 (b) while the Councillor is suspended from office. (6) A Councillor is not to be taken to be absent from Council meetings during the period of 6 months after the Councillor or their spouse or domestic 10 partner-- (a) becomes the natural parent of a child; or (b) adopts a child under the age of 16 years-- and the Councillor has responsibilities for the care of the child during that period. 15 (7) A person who has resigned as a Councillor cannot revoke the resignation after it has been delivered to the Chief Executive Officer. 36 Ouster from office (1) The Minister, the Chief Municipal Inspector or 20 a Council of which a particular Councillor is a member may apply to the Supreme Court for the ouster from the office of Councillor of any person whom the Minister, the Chief Municipal Inspector or the Council believes is declared 25 elected or holds the office of Councillor contrary to this Act. (2) If an application relates to the election of a Councillor, the application must be made during the term for which that person was elected. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 50 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 37 Suspension of Councillor If a Councillor is suspended under this Act, the Councillor-- (a) ceases to be a Councillor for the term of the 5 suspension; and (b) is not entitled to receive a Councillor allowance for the term of the suspension unless this Act otherwise provides; and (c) must return all Council equipment and 10 materials to the Council at the beginning of any term of suspension that will exceed 2 months in duration. 38 Penalty for acting as a Councillor when not qualified or ceasing to hold office 15 (1) A person must not act as a Councillor if the person knows, or should reasonably know, that they-- (a) are not qualified to be a Councillor; or (b) have ceased to hold the office of Councillor. 20 Penalty: 120 penalty units or 12 months imprisonment. (2) If a person is found guilty or convicted of an offence under subsection (1), the court may order that the person return to the Council any 25 allowances, reimbursements, equipment or materials the person received as a result of acting as a Councillor for the period that the person-- (a) acted as a Councillor when not qualified to 30 do so; or (b) had ceased to hold the office of Councillor. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 51 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (3) A person who-- (a) acts as a Councillor while-- (i) not qualified to be a Councillor; or (ii) having ceased to hold the office of 5 Councillor; and (b) engages in conduct that would constitute an offence under this Act if that person were a Councillor-- is guilty of that offence as if that person were a 10 Councillor. Division 6--Entitlements 39 Allowances for Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors (1) A Mayor or a Deputy Mayor is entitled to receive 15 from the Council an allowance as a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor in accordance with a Determination of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal under the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and 20 Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019. (2) A Councillor is entitled to receive from the Council an allowance as a Councillor in accordance with a Determination of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal under the 25 Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019. (3) A Mayor or a Deputy Mayor is not entitled to receive an allowance as a Councillor while 30 the Mayor or Deputy Mayor is receiving an allowance as a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor. (4) A Council cannot pay an allowance to a Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor that exceeds the amount specified in the relevant Determination of 591055B.I-13/11/2019 52 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal under the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019. 5 (5) A Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor may elect-- (a) to receive the entire allowance to which they are entitled; or (b) to receive a specified part of the allowance to 10 which they are entitled; or (c) to receive no allowance. (6) Despite the repeal of sections 73B and 74 to 74B of the Local Government Act 1989 and sections 26, 26A and 27 of the City of 15 Melbourne Act 2001 and sections 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the City of Greater Geelong Act 1993, those sections continue to apply in respect of allowances payable to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors until the first Determination made 20 by the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal under section 23A of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 comes into effect. 25 (7) For the purposes of giving effect to subsection (6), an Order in Council made under section 74B of the Local Government Act 1989 may determine the amounts of allowances for different categories of Councillors. 30 40 Reimbursement of expenses of Councillors and members of a delegated committee (1) A Council must reimburse a Councillor or a member of a delegated committee for out-of- pocket expenses which the Council is satisfied-- 35 (a) are bona fide expenses; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 53 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (b) have been reasonably incurred in the performance of the role of Councillor or member of a delegated committee; and (c) are reasonably necessary for the Councillor 5 or member of a delegated committee to perform that role. (2) A Council must provide details of all reimbursements under this section to the Audit and Risk Committee. 10 41 Council expenses policy (1) A Council must adopt and maintain an expenses policy in relation to the reimbursement of out-of- pocket expenses for Councillors and members of delegated committees. 15 (2) A policy adopted by a Council under this section must-- (a) specify procedures to be followed in applying for reimbursement and in reimbursing expenses; and 20 (b) comply with any requirements prescribed by the regulations in relation to the reimbursement of expenses; and (c) provide for the reimbursement of child care costs where the provision of child care is 25 reasonably required for a Councillor or member of a delegated committee to perform their role; and (d) have particular regard to expenses incurred by a Councillor who is a carer in a care 30 relationship within the meaning of section 4 of the Carers Recognition Act 2012. (3) A Council must adopt the first expenses policy under this section on or before 1 September 2020. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 54 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (4) Until a Council adopts a policy under this section, the policy adopted by the Council under section 75B of the Local Government Act 1989 applies as if it had been adopted under this Act. 5 42 Resources and facilities for the Mayor and Councillors (1) A Council must make available to the Mayor and the Councillors the resources and facilities reasonably necessary to enable them to effectively 10 perform their role. (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), a Council must-- (a) consider the support that may be required by a Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor 15 because of a disability; and (b) have particular regard to the support that may be required by a Councillor who is a carer in a care relationship within the meaning of section 4 of the Carers 20 Recognition Act 2012. 43 Indemnity provision A Council must indemnify and keep indemnified each Councillor and member of a delegated committee against all actions or claims whether 25 arising during or after their term of office in respect of anything necessarily done or reasonably done or omitted to be done in good faith-- (a) in the performance of a duty or a function or the exercise of a power under this Act, the 30 regulations or a local law or any other Act; or (b) in the reasonable belief that the act or omission was in the performance of a duty or a function or the exercise of a power 591055B.I-13/11/2019 55 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils under this Act, the regulations or a local law or any other Act. Division 7--Chief Executive Officer and members of Council staff 5 44 The Chief Executive Officer (1) Subject to this section, a Council must appoint a natural person to be its Chief Executive Officer in accordance with its Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy under 10 section 45. (2) A Chief Executive Officer must be appointed under a contract of employment with the Council that does not exceed 5 years. (3) A Chief Executive Officer is eligible to be 15 re-appointed under a new contract of employment under subsection (2). (4) If there is a vacancy in the office of Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Executive Officer is unable to perform the duties of the office of 20 Chief Executive Officer, the Council must appoint a person to be the Acting Chief Executive Officer. (5) The Chief Executive Officer or an Acting Chief Executive Officer is a member of Council staff. (6) A Council must comply with any requirements 25 prescribed by the regulations in relation to the employment of a Chief Executive Officer. 45 Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy (1) A Council must develop, adopt and keep in force 30 a Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 56 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (2) A Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy must-- (a) provide for the Council to obtain independent professional advice in relation 5 to the matters dealt with in the Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy; and (b) provide for the following-- (i) the recruitment and appointment 10 process; (ii) provisions to be included in the contract of employment; (iii) performance monitoring; (iv) an annual review; and 15 (c) include any other matters prescribed by the regulations. (3) A Council must have regard to-- (a) any statement of policy issued by the Government of Victoria which is in force 20 with respect to its wages policy (or equivalent); and (b) any Determination that is currently in effect under section 21 of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and 25 Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 in relation to remuneration bands for executives employed in public service bodies-- in developing the Chief Executive Officer 30 Employment and Remuneration Policy. (4) A Council must adopt the first Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy under this section within 6 months of the commencement of this section. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 57 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 46 Functions of the Chief Executive Officer (1) A Chief Executive Officer is responsible for-- (a) supporting the Mayor and the Councillors in the performance of their roles; and 5 (b) ensuring the effective and efficient management of the day to day operations of the Council. (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1)(a), this responsibility includes the following-- 10 (a) ensuring that the decisions of the Council are implemented without undue delay; (b) ensuring that the Council receives timely and reliable advice about its obligations under this Act or any other Act; 15 (c) supporting the Mayor in the performance of the Mayor's role as Mayor; (d) setting the agenda for Council meetings after consulting the Mayor; (e) when requested by the Mayor, reporting to 20 the Council in respect of the implementation of a Council decision; (f) carrying out the Council's responsibilities as a deemed employer with respect to Councillors, as deemed workers, which 25 arise under or with respect to the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013. Note See clause 15 of Schedule 1 to the Workplace Injury 30 Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 58 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (3) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1)(b), this responsibility includes the following-- (a) establishing and maintaining an organisational structure for the Council; 5 (b) being responsible for all staffing matters, including appointing, directing, managing and dismissing members of Council staff; (c) managing interactions between members of Council staff and Councillors and ensuring 10 that policies, practices and protocols that support arrangements for interaction between members of Council staff and Councillors are developed and implemented; (d) performing any other function or duty of the 15 Chief Executive Officer specified in this Act or any other Act. (4) For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), a Chief Executive Officer must-- (a) develop and maintain a workforce plan 20 that-- (i) describes the organisational structure of the Council; and (ii) specifies the projected staffing requirements for a period of at least 25 4 years; and (iii) sets out measures to seek to ensure gender equality, diversity and inclusiveness; and (b) inform the Council before implementing 30 an organisational restructure that will affect the capacity of the Council to deliver the Council Plan; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 59 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (c) consult members of Council staff affected by a proposed organisational restructure, before implementing the organisational restructure. (5) A Council and the Chief Executive Officer must, 5 in giving effect to gender equality, diversity and inclusiveness, comply with any processes and requirements prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section. (6) A Chief Executive Officer must ensure that the 10 Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillors and members of Council staff have access to the workforce plan. (7) A Chief Executive Officer must develop the first workforce plan under this section within 6 months of the commencement of this section. 15 47 Delegations by Chief Executive Officer (1) The Chief Executive Officer may by instrument of delegation delegate any power, duty or function of the Council that has been delegated to the Chief Executive Officer by the Council to-- 20 (a) a member of Council staff; or (b) the members of a Community Asset Committee. (2) The Chief Executive Officer may by instrument of delegation delegate any power, duty or function 25 conferred by this Act or any other Act on the Chief Executive Officer, other than this power of delegation and the power of delegation under subsection (1), to a member of Council staff. (3) A delegation under this section to a member of 30 Council staff may be made to-- (a) a person named in the delegation; or (b) the holder of an office or position specified in the delegation. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 60 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (4) A delegation under this section to the members of a Community Asset Committee is to be exercised subject to the terms and conditions specified by the Chief Executive Officer, which must include 5 the following-- (a) the specified limit on any financial delegation and the specified purpose for which the financial delegation may be used; (b) compliance with specified governance 10 requirements to ensure appropriate standards of probity are met; (c) specified monitoring and reporting of the activities and performance of the Community Asset Committee. 15 (5) A member of a Community Asset Committee to whom a delegation is given under this section can only exercise the delegation while acting as a member of the Community Asset Committee at a meeting of the Community Asset Committee. 20 (6) A Chief Executive Officer must submit an annual report to the Council in relation to the activities and performance of a Community Asset Committee in respect of which the members have been given a delegation under this section. 25 (7) A Chief Executive Officer must keep a register of delegations made under this section. (8) Unless sooner revoked, a delegation made by a Chief Executive Officer under the Local Government Act 1989 continues in force until 30 1 September 2020. 48 Members of Council staff (1) A Chief Executive Officer may, having regard to the workforce plan, appoint as many members of Council staff as are required to enable the 591055B.I-13/11/2019 61 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils functions of the Council under this Act or any other Act to be performed. (2) A Chief Executive Officer must adopt and maintain a recruitment policy that-- 5 (a) ensures that recruitment decisions are based on merit; and (b) supports transparency in recruitment processes and the public advertising of positions; and 10 (c) has regard to the gender equity, diversity and inclusiveness measures specified in the workforce plan. (3) A Chief Executive Officer must adopt the first recruitment policy under this section within 15 6 months of the commencement of this section. (4) For the purposes of section 12 of the Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018, a senior officer of a Council is a senior member of Council staff who is authorised in writing by the Chief Executive 20 Officer to administer an oath or affirmation. (5) For the purposes of section 19(1)(r) of the Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018, a senior officer of a Council is a senior member of Council staff who is authorised in writing by the Chief Executive 25 Officer as an authorised affidavit taker. (6) A Chief Executive Officer must not appoint as a member of Council staff any person who has been a Councillor of the Council within 2 years after the person ceases to hold that office. 30 (7) Any appointment that contravenes subsection (6) is void. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 62 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 49 Code of conduct for members of Council staff (1) A Chief Executive Officer must develop and implement a code of conduct for members of Council staff. 5 (2) A code of conduct for members of Council staff must include a gift policy that contains-- (a) a requirement for members of Council staff to disclose all gifts above a specified level; and 10 (b) provisions providing for disclosed gifts to be recorded in a gift register. (3) A code of conduct for members of Council staff must include-- (a) procedures for dealing with alleged and 15 actual breaches of conflict of interest under this Act; and (b) provisions for the Chief Executive Officer to take disciplinary action against a member of Council staff. 20 (4) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that members of Council staff have access to the code of conduct for members of Council staff. (5) A Chief Executive Officer must develop and implement the first code of conduct for members 25 of Council staff under this section within 6 months of the commencement of this section. (6) Until the first code of conduct for members of Council staff under this section is developed and implemented, the code of conduct for Council 30 staff implemented under section 95AA of the Local Government Act 1989 applies as if it had been developed and implemented under this section. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 63 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils 50 Long service leave A Council must implement appropriate long service leave arrangements for members of Council staff in accordance with the regulations. 5 51 Validity of decisions Anything done by a person purporting to act as a Chief Executive Officer or as a member of Council staff is not invalid merely because that person's contract of employment as a Chief 10 Executive Officer or member of Council staff was void at the time the thing was done. 52 Indemnity provision for Chief Executive Officer and members of Council staff A Council must indemnify and keep indemnified 15 the Chief Executive Officer and each member of Council staff against all actions or claims whether arising during or after their term of office in respect of anything necessarily done or reasonably done or omitted to be done in good faith-- 20 (a) in the performance of a duty or a function or the exercise of a power under this Act, the regulations or a local law or any other Act; or (b) in the reasonable belief that the act or 25 omission was in the performance of a duty or a function or the exercise of a power under this Act, the regulations or a local law or any other Act. Division 8--Audit and Risk Committee 30 53 Council must establish an Audit and Risk Committee (1) A Council must establish an Audit and Risk Committee. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 64 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (2) An Audit and Risk Committee is not a delegated committee. (3) An Audit and Risk Committee must-- (a) include members who are Councillors of the 5 Council; and (b) consist of a majority of members who are not Councillors of the Council and who collectively have-- (i) expertise in financial management and 10 risk; and (ii) experience in public sector management; and (c) not include any person who is a member of Council staff of the Council. 15 (4) The chairperson of an Audit and Risk Committee must not be a Councillor of the Council. (5) Sections 123 and 125 and Division 2 of Part 6 apply to a member of the Audit and Risk Committee who is not a Councillor as if the 20 member were a member of a delegated committee. (6) A Council may pay a fee to a member of an Audit and Risk Committee who is not a Councillor of the Council. 54 Audit and Risk Committee Charter 25 (1) A Council must prepare and approve an Audit and Risk Committee Charter. (2) The Audit and Risk Committee Charter must specify the functions and responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee including the 30 following-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 65 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (a) monitor the compliance of Council policies and procedures with-- (i) the overarching governance principles; and 5 (ii) this Act and the regulations and any Ministerial directions; (b) monitor Council financial and performance reporting; (c) monitor and provide advice on risk 10 management and fraud prevention systems and controls; (d) oversee internal and external audit functions. (3) An Audit and Risk Committee must adopt an annual work program. 15 (4) An Audit and Risk Committee must-- (a) undertake an annual assessment of its performance against the Audit and Risk Committee Charter; and (b) provide a copy of the annual assessment to 20 the Chief Executive Officer for tabling at the next Council meeting. (5) An Audit and Risk Committee must-- (a) prepare a biannual audit and risk report that describes the activities of the Audit and Risk 25 Committee and includes its findings and recommendations; and (b) provide a copy of the biannual audit and risk report to the Chief Executive Officer for tabling at the next Council meeting. 30 (6) The Chief Executive Officer must-- (a) ensure the preparation and maintenance of agendas, minutes and reports of the Audit and Risk Committee; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 66 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 2--Councils (b) table reports and annual assessments of the Audit and Risk Committee at Council meetings when required by this Act and when requested by the chairperson of the 5 Audit and Risk Committee. (7) A Council must approve the first Audit and Risk Committee Charter and establish the first Audit and Risk Committee on or before 1 September 2020. 10 (8) Despite the repeal of section 139 of the Local Government Act 1989, the audit committee established by a Council under that section in existence before that repeal continues in operation until the first Audit and Risk Committee is 15 established by the Council under section 53. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 67 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making Part 3--Council decision making Division 1--Community accountability 55 Community engagement policy (1) A Council must adopt and maintain a community 5 engagement policy. (2) A community engagement policy must-- (a) be developed in consultation with the municipal community; and (b) give effect to the community engagement 10 principles; and (c) be capable of being applied to the making of the Council's local laws; and (d) be capable of being applied in relation to the Council's budget and policy development; 15 and (e) describe the type and form of community engagement proposed, having regard to the significance and complexity of the matter and the level of resourcing required; and 20 (f) specify a process for informing the municipal community of the outcome of the community engagement; and (g) include deliberative engagement practices which must include and address any matters 25 prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph and be capable of being applied to the development of the Community Vision, Council Plan, Financial Plan and Asset Plan and 30 (h) include any other matters prescribed by the regulations. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 68 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (3) A Council must adopt the first community engagement policy under this section on or before 1 March 2021. 56 The community engagement principles 5 The following are the community engagement principles-- (a) a community engagement process must have a clearly defined objective and scope; (b) participants in community engagement 10 must have access to objective, relevant and timely information to inform their participation; (c) participants in community engagement must be representative of the persons and 15 groups affected by the matter that is the subject of the community engagement; (d) participants in community engagement are entitled to reasonable support to enable meaningful and informed engagement; 20 (e) participants in community engagement are informed of the ways in which the community engagement process will influence Council decision making. 57 Public transparency policy 25 (1) A Council must adopt and maintain a public transparency policy. (2) A public transparency policy must-- (a) give effect to the public transparency principles; and 30 (b) describe the ways in which Council information is to be made publicly available; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 69 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (c) subject to section 58(b), specify which Council information must be publicly available, including all policies, plans and reports required under this Act or any other 5 Act; and (d) include any other matters prescribed by the regulations. (3) A Council must adopt the first public transparency policy under this section on or before 1 September 10 2020. (4) For the purposes of the public transparency policy and the public transparency principles, information includes documents. 58 The public transparency principles 15 The following are the public transparency principles-- (a) Council decision making processes must be transparent except when the Council is dealing with information that is confidential 20 by virtue of this Act or any other Act; (b) Council information must be publicly available unless-- (i) the information is confidential by virtue of this Act or any other Act; or 25 (ii) public availability of the information would be contrary to the public interest; (c) Council information must be understandable and accessible to members of the municipal community; 30 (d) public awareness of the availability of Council information must be facilitated. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 70 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making Division 2--Procedure and proceedings 59 Resolution of the Council (1) Where a Council is empowered to do any act, matter or thing, the decision to do the act, matter 5 or thing is to be made by a resolution of the Council. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), resolution of the Council means the following-- (a) a resolution made at a Council meeting; 10 (b) a resolution made at a meeting of a delegated committee; (c) the exercise of a power or the performance of a duty or function of the Council by a member of Council staff or a Community 15 Asset Committee under delegation. 60 Governance Rules (1) A Council must develop, adopt and keep in force Governance Rules for or with respect to the following-- 20 (a) the conduct of Council meetings; (b) the conduct of meetings of delegated committees; (c) the form and availability of meeting records; (d) the election of the Mayor and the Deputy 25 Mayor; (e) an election period policy in accordance with section 69; (f) the procedures for the disclosure of a conflict of interest by a Councillor or a member of a 30 delegated committee under section 130; (g) the procedure for the disclosure of a conflict of interest by a Councillor under section 131; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 71 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (h) the disclosure of a conflict of interest by a member of Council staff when providing information in respect of a matter within the meaning of section 126(1); 5 (i) any other matters prescribed by the regulations. (2) The Governance Rules must provide for a Council to-- (a) consider and make decisions on any matter 10 being considered by the Council fairly and on the merits; and (b) institute decision making processes to ensure that any person whose rights will be directly affected by a decision of the 15 Council is entitled to communicate their views and have their interests considered. (3) A Council may amend its Governance Rules. (4) Subject to subsection (5), a Council must ensure that a process of community engagement is 20 followed in developing or amending its Governance Rules. (5) Subsection (4) does not apply if the Council is developing and adopting or amending a Governance Rule that only adopts a good practice 25 guideline issued by the Minister under section 87. (6) A Council must comply with its Governance Rules. (7) A Council must adopt the first Governance Rules under this section on or before 1 September 2020. 30 (8) Until a Council adopts Governance Rules under this section, the Local Law Meeting Procedures made by the Council under the Local Government Act 1989 apply as if the Local Law Meeting Procedures had 591055B.I-13/11/2019 72 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making been adopted as Governance Rules under this section. 61 Council meetings (1) A Council meeting is a meeting of the Council 5 at which-- (a) all the Councillors are, subject to this Act, entitled to attend and vote; and (b) no other person is entitled to vote; and (c) a decision to do an act, matter or thing is 10 made by a resolution of the Council. (2) Except as provided in this Act and subject to the Governance Rules, the conduct of Council meetings is at the Council's discretion. (3) A Council meeting must be chaired by-- 15 (a) the Mayor; or (b) if the Mayor is not present at the Council meeting, the Deputy Mayor; or (c) if the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor are not present at the meeting, a Councillor who is 20 present at the Council meeting and is appointed by a resolution of the Council to chair the meeting. (4) A quorum at a Council meeting is an absolute majority. 25 (5) A question before a Council meeting is to be determined as follows-- (a) each Councillor present at a Council meeting who is entitled to vote is entitled to one vote; (b) voting at a meeting must not be in secret, 30 but if the meeting is closed to the public, a Councillor is not required to divulge their vote to the public; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 73 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (c) the question is determined in the affirmative by a majority of the Councillors present at a meeting at the time the vote is taken voting in favour of the question; 5 (d) subject to subsection (6), if the number of votes in favour of the question is half the number of Councillors present at the meeting at the time the vote is taken, the chairperson has a second vote; 10 (e) for the purpose of determining the result of a vote, a Councillor present at the meeting who does not vote is to be taken to have voted against the question. (6) Subsection (5)(d) does not apply where the 15 question is-- (a) the election of a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor; or (b) a vote to declare the office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor vacant. 20 (7) In this section, absolute majority means the number of Councillors which is greater than half the total number of the Councillors of a Council. 62 Joint meetings of Councils (1) Two or more Councils may determine to hold a 25 joint meeting. (2) A joint meeting is a Council meeting of each Council for the purposes of this Act and the provisions of this Act, except section 61(3), (4) and (5)(d), apply accordingly. 30 (3) A joint meeting is to be constituted by the Councillors of the Councils holding the joint meeting consisting of-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 74 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (a) the total number of Councillors determined by the Councils holding the joint meeting; and (b) at least 3 Councillors from each of the 5 Councils holding the joint meeting. (4) A quorum at a joint meeting is constituted by the number of Councillors that is equal to at least a majority of the Councillors from each of the Councils holding the joint meeting. 10 (5) Subject to subsections (2) and (6), the procedures for conducting a joint meeting are to be determined by the Councils holding the joint meeting. (6) A joint meeting must comply with any 15 requirements prescribed by the regulations. 63 Delegated committees (1) A delegated committee established by a Council-- (a) must include at least 2 Councillors; and 20 (b) may include any other persons appointed to the delegated committee by the Council who are entitled to vote. (2) A meeting of a delegated committee established by a Council must be chaired by-- 25 (a) a Councillor appointed by the Council or the Mayor to chair meetings of the delegated committee; or (b) if the Councillor appointed by the Council or the Mayor to chair meetings of the delegated 30 committee is not present at the meeting, a Councillor who is present at the meeting and is appointed by the members of the delegated committee who are present at the meeting. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 75 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (3) Section 61 applies to a meeting of a delegated committee as if the members were Councillors. 64 Joint delegated committees (1) Two or more Councils may resolve to establish a 5 joint delegated committee. (2) A joint delegated committee is a delegated committee of each Council that has resolved to establish the joint delegated committee for the purposes of this Act and the provisions of this 10 Act, except section 61(3), (4) and (5)(d), apply accordingly. (3) A joint delegated committee must include at least one Councillor from each of the Councils that has resolved to establish the joint delegated 15 committee. (4) A meeting of a joint delegated committee must be chaired by a Councillor from one of the Councils that has resolved to establish the joint delegated committee who is present at the meeting and is 20 appointed by the members of the joint delegated committee who are present at the meeting. (5) A quorum at a meeting of a joint delegated committee is constituted by the number of members that is equal to at least a majority of the 25 members constituting the joint delegated committee. (6) Subject to subsection (2) and (7), the procedures for conducting a meeting of a joint delegated committee are to be determined by the Councils 30 that have resolved to establish the joint delegated committee. (7) A joint delegated committee must comply with any requirements prescribed by the regulations. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 76 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making 65 Community Asset Committee (1) A Council may establish a Community Asset Committee and appoint as many members to the Community Asset Committee as the Council 5 considers necessary to enable the Community Asset Committee to achieve the purpose specified in subsection (2). (2) A Council may only establish a Community Asset Committee for the purpose of managing 10 a community asset in the municipal district. Note See section 47 for delegation to members of a Community Asset Committee by the Chief Executive Officer. 66 Meetings to be open to the public unless specified 15 circumstances apply (1) A Council or delegated committee must keep a meeting open to the public unless the Council or delegated committee considers it necessary to close the meeting to the public because a 20 circumstance specified in subsection (2) applies. (2) The circumstances are-- (a) the meeting is to consider confidential information; or (b) security reasons; or 25 (c) it is necessary to do so to enable the meeting to proceed in an orderly manner. (3) If the circumstance specified in subsection (2)(b) or (2)(c) applies, the meeting can only be closed to the public if the Council or delegated 30 committee has made arrangements to enable the proceedings of the meeting to be viewed by members of the public as the meeting is being held. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 77 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the arrangements may include provision to view the proceedings on the Internet or on closed circuit television. 5 (5) If a Council or delegated committee determines that a meeting is to be closed to the public to consider confidential information, the Council or delegated committee must record in the minutes of the meeting that are available for public 10 inspection-- (a) the ground or grounds for determining to close the meeting to the public by reference to the grounds specified in the definition of confidential information in section 3(1); and 15 (b) an explanation of why the specified ground or grounds applied. 67 Council decision making where quorum cannot be maintained (1) This section applies if a Council cannot maintain 20 a quorum because of the number of Councillors who have a conflict of interest in a decision in regard to a matter. (2) The Council must consider whether the decision can be made by dealing with the matter in an 25 alternative manner. (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), an alternative manner may include-- (a) resolving to split the matter into 2 or more separate parts, so that a quorum can be 30 maintained for each separate part; or (b) making prior decisions on component parts of the matter at a meeting for which a quorum can be maintained, before deciding the overall matter at a meeting for which a 35 quorum can be maintained. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 78 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (4) Subject to complying with any requirements under any other Act, if a Council is unable to use an alternative manner, the Council must decide to establish a delegated committee to make the 5 decision in regard to the matter consisting of-- (a) all the Councillors who have not disclosed a conflict of interest in regard to the matter; and (b) any other person or persons that the Council 10 considers suitable. (5) Section 63(2) applies to a delegated committee established under subsection (4) to the extent possible after excluding all the Councillors who have disclosed a conflict of interest in regard to 15 the matter. 68 Validity of proceedings Proceedings of a Council or a delegated committee are not invalidated because of-- (a) any vacancy in the number of Councillors 20 or members; or (b) any defect in the election or appointment of a Councillor or member; or (c) a Councillor or member not being qualified or having ceased to be a Councillor or 25 member; or (d) any failure to keep a Council meeting open to the public. 69 Governance Rules to include election period policy (1) A Council must include an election period policy 30 in its Governance Rules. (2) An election period policy must prohibit any Council decision during the election period for a general election that-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 79 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (a) relates to the appointment or remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer but not to the appointment or remuneration of an Acting Chief Executive Officer; or 5 (b) commits the Council to expenditure exceeding one per cent of the Council's income from general rates, municipal charges and service rates and charges in the preceding financial year; or 10 (c) the Council considers could be reasonably deferred until the next Council is in place; or (d) the Council considers should not be made during an election period. (3) An election period policy must prohibit any 15 Council decision during the election period for a general election or a by-election that would enable the use of Council's resources in a way that is intended to influence, or is likely to influence, voting at the election. 20 (4) A Council decision made in contravention of subsection (2)(a) or (b) is invalid. (5) Any person who suffers any loss or damage as a result of acting in good faith on a Council decision that is invalid by virtue of subsection (4) 25 is entitled to compensation from the Council for that loss or damage. Note See section 59 in relation to a resolution of the Council. 70 Prohibition of Councillor discretionary funds 30 A Council must not adopt or implement a policy under which a Councillor is allocated a fixed or other amount of funds for the purpose of enabling the Councillor to nominate-- (a) a particular person, body or organisation to 35 whom the funds are to be paid; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 80 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (b) a particular fund in respect of which the funds are to be applied. Division 3--Local laws 71 Power to make local laws 5 (1) A Council may make local laws for or with respect to any act, matter or thing in respect of which the Council has a function or power under this Act or any other Act. (2) A local law must be consistent with the local 10 law requirements. (3) A local law is inoperative to the extent that it is inconsistent with the local law requirements. (4) A local law is a subordinate instrument for the purposes of the Interpretation of Legislation 15 Act 1984. (5) Despite subsection (3), a local law is not invalid only because there is an error in any notice published under this Division. (6) Despite the repeal of Part 5 of the Local 20 Government Act 1989, a local law made under that Act continues in force as if that Part had not been repealed and may be amended or revoked by a local law made under this Act. (7) Section 110 of the Sentencing Act 1991 continues 25 to apply to a local law continued under subsection (6) as if that section had not been amended by item 89 of Schedule 1 to this Act. 72 Local law requirements The local law requirements are as follows-- 30 (a) a local law must not be inconsistent with any Act (including the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006) or regulations; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 81 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (b) a local law must not duplicate or be inconsistent with a planning scheme that is in force in the municipal district; (c) a local law for or with respect to the issuing 5 of film permits must not be inconsistent with the film friendly principles; (d) a local law must not exceed the power to make local laws conferred by this Act or any other authorising Act; 10 (e) a local law must be consistent with the objectives of this Act or any other authorising Act; (f) a local law must be expressed as clearly and unambiguously as is reasonably possible; 15 (g) unless there is clear and express power to do so under this Act or any other authorising Act, a local law must not-- (i) seek to have a retrospective effect; or (ii) impose any tax, fee, fine, imprisonment 20 or other penalty; or (iii) authorise the sub-delegation of powers delegated under the local law; (h) a local law must comply with any details prescribed in the regulations relating to the 25 preparation and content of local laws. 73 Proposing a local law (1) Before a Council makes a local law it must comply with the following procedure. (2) The Council must make a local law in accordance 30 with its community engagement policy. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 82 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (3) The Council must publish a notice stating-- (a) the objectives of the proposed local law; and (b) the intended effect of the proposed local law; and 5 (c) that a copy of the proposed local law is available for inspection-- (i) at the Council's office; and (ii) on the Council's Internet site; and (d) the community engagement process that 10 applies in respect of the making of the local law. (4) A notice under subsection (3) must be published-- (a) on the Council's Internet site; and 15 (b) in any other manner prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section. (5) The Council must ensure that a copy of the proposed local law is available for inspection-- (a) at the Council's office; and 20 (b) on the Council's Internet site. (6) If-- (a) the Council proposes to alter a proposed local law in respect of which notice has been given under subsection (3); and 25 (b) the alteration will affect the rights or responsibilities of any person-- the Council must comply with subsections (2) to (5) and conduct a further community engagement process in respect of the proposed alteration. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 83 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making 74 Making a local law (1) Before a Council makes a local law, a Council must obtain a certificate from a qualified person stating that the person is of the opinion that the 5 proposed local law is consistent with the local law requirements. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), qualified person means a person who-- (a) is an Australian lawyer who has been 10 admitted to the legal profession for at least 5 years; and (b) is not a Councillor of the Council. (3) The certificate obtained under subsection (1) must be tabled at the Council meeting at which 15 the proposed local law is to be made. (4) After a local law is made, the Council must publish a notice stating-- (a) the title of the local law; and (b) the objectives of the local law; and 20 (c) the effect of the local law; and (d) that a copy of the local law is available for inspection-- (i) at the Council's office; and (ii) on the Council's Internet site. 25 (5) A notice under subsection (4) must be published-- (a) in the Government Gazette; and (b) on the Council's Internet site; and (c) in any other manner prescribed by the 30 regulations for the purposes of this section. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 84 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making 75 Availability of a local law The Council must ensure that a copy of a local law made under section 74 is available for inspection-- 5 (a) at the Council's office; and (b) on the Council's Internet site. 76 Incorporation by reference (1) A local law may apply, adopt or incorporate any matter contained in any document, code, 10 standard, rule, specification or method as formulated, issued, prescribed or published by any authority or body whether-- (a) wholly or partially or as amended by the local law; or 15 (b) as formulated, issued, prescribed or published at the time the local law is made or at any time before then; or (c) as formulated, issued, prescribed or published from time to time. 20 (2) If a local law has applied, adopted or incorporated any matter contained in any document, code, standard, rule, specification or method as formulated, issued, prescribed or published from time to time and that document, code, 25 standard, rule, specification or method is at any time amended, until the Council causes notice to be published of that amendment, the document, code, standard, rule, specification or method is to be taken to have not been so amended. 30 (3) A notice under subsection (2) must be published-- (a) on the Council's Internet site; and (b) in any other manner prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 85 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (4) The Council must ensure that a copy of any document, code, standard, rule, specification or method which contains any matter incorporated in a local law is available for inspection-- 5 (a) at the Council's office; and (b) on the Council's Internet site. 77 Permits, licences, fees and charges (1) A local law may-- (a) provide that a Council may by resolution 10 determine a fee, charge, fare or rent in relation to any property, undertaking, good, service or other act, matter or thing; and (b) prescribe, regulate or determine the purposes for which and the conditions on which a 15 Council may-- (i) grant a permit, licence, authority or registration; or (ii) perform or supply a service; or (iii) supply any goods or information; and 20 (c) prescribe the manner in which an application may be made for a permit, licence, authority or registration; and (d) prescribe the fee which is payable for the granting, renewal or transfer of a permit, 25 licence, authority or registration. (2) The power to make a local law imposing fees may be exercised by providing for all or any of the following matters-- (a) specific fees; 30 (b) maximum or minimum fees; (c) maximum and minimum fees; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 86 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (d) scales of fees according to the value of goods or services provided for the fees or the project being assessed; (e) the payment of fees either generally or 5 under specified conditions or in specified circumstances; (f) the reduction, waiver or refund, in whole or in part, of the fees. (3) If a local law provides for a reduction, waiver or 10 refund, in whole or in part, of a fee, the reduction, waiver or refund may be expressed to apply-- (a) subject to specified conditions or in the discretion of any specified person or body; and 15 (b) either generally or specifically-- (i) in respect of certain matters or transactions or classes of matters or transactions; or (ii) in respect of certain documents or 20 classes of documents; or (iii) when an event happens; or (iv) in respect of certain persons or classes of persons; or (v) in respect of any combination of 25 matters, transactions, documents, events or persons. 78 Delegation and discretionary authority A local law may-- (a) confer a discretionary authority or impose 30 a duty on a specified person or body or a specified class of persons or bodies; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 87 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (b) leave any matter or thing to be from time to time determined, applied, dispensed with or regulated by the Council; and (c) delegate to the Chief Executive Officer any 5 power specified in the local law; and (d) authorise the Chief Executive Officer to delegate a power referred to in paragraph (c) to the holder of an office or position as a member of Council staff. 10 79 Penalties (1) A local law may-- (a) prescribe a penalty not exceeding 20 penalty units for a contravention of a local law; and (b) prescribe a penalty not exceeding 2 penalty 15 units for each day after a finding of guilt or conviction for an offence during which the contravention continues; and (c) prescribe higher penalties (not exceeding 20 penalty units) for a subsequent offence. 20 (2) If a local law does not expressly prescribe a penalty for a contravention of the local law, the court before which proceedings are brought may impose a penalty not exceeding 10 penalty units. 80 Application of local law 25 A local law may be expressed so as to do any or all or a combination of the following-- (a) apply at all times or at a specified time; (b) apply throughout the whole of the municipal district or in a specified part of the municipal 30 district; (c) apply to all cases or to all cases subject to specified exceptions or to any specified case or class of case; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 88 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (d) make provision for all cases or different provision for different cases or classes of case or different provisions for the same case or class of case for different purposes; 5 (e) require a matter to be in accordance with a specified standard or specified requirement or approved by or to the satisfaction of a specified person or body or a specified class of persons or bodies; 10 (f) provide in a specified case or class of case for the exception of persons or things or a class of persons or things from the local law, whether unconditionally or on specified conditions and either wholly or to the extent 15 specified. 81 Infringement notices (1) A local law may provide for a person to be served with an infringement notice specifying an infringement penalty for an offence against the 20 local law as an alternative to a prosecution for the offence. (2) An offence referred to in subsection (1) for which an infringement notice may be served is an infringement offence within the meaning of the 25 Infringements Act 2006. (3) The local law must specify-- (a) the amount of the infringement penalty; and (b) the person or class of persons who may issue a notice of infringement. 30 82 Recovery of penalty Any penalty recovered for an offence against a local law is to be paid to the Council that made the local law. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 89 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making 83 Commencement of local law (1) A local law or a provision of a local law comes into operation at the beginning of the day on which the local law is made or at the beginning 5 of such later day as is expressed in the local law as the day on which the local law or provision comes into operation. (2) Even though a local law has come into operation-- 10 (a) a person cannot be convicted of an offence against the local law if evidence is provided that at the time of the alleged offence the Council had not complied with section 74(4), 75 or 76(4) unless it is proved that at that 15 time reasonable steps had been taken for the purpose of bringing the effect of the local law to the notice of the public or of persons likely to be affected by it or of the person charged; and 20 (b) a person cannot be prejudicially affected or made subject to any liability by the local law if evidence is provided that at the relevant time the Council had not complied with section 74(4), 75 or 76(4) unless it is proved 25 that at that time reasonable steps had been taken for the purpose of bringing the effect of the local law to the notice of the public or of persons likely to be affected by it or of the person concerned. 30 84 Sunset provision (1) Unless sooner revoked, a local law is by this section revoked on the day which is 10 years after the day which is the earliest day on which any provision of the local law came into operation. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 90 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 3--Council decision making (2) If a local law has been amended, subsection (1) applies to the local law as amended from time to time and not to any of the amending local laws. (3) If a local law is revoked by this section, any local 5 law amending that local law is also revoked. 85 Revocation by Governor in Council (1) A local law may be revoked in whole or in part by the Governor in Council by an Order in Council on the recommendation of the Minister. 10 (2) In deciding whether to recommend that a local law be revoked, the Minister must consider-- (a) whether the local law is consistent with the local law requirements; and (b) any other matter the Minister considers to be 15 appropriate. 86 Validity of local law A person may dispute the validity of a local law under section 103 of the Supreme Court Act 1986 as if a local law were a by-law. 20 Division 4--Good practice guidelines 87 Minister may issue good practice guidelines (1) The Minister may issue good practice guidelines for or with respect to any matter under this Act or the regulations relating to compliance by 25 Councils. (2) Good practice guidelines must be published on an Internet site maintained by the Department. (3) Compliance by a Council with a relevant good practice guideline can be used as evidence that 30 the Council has complied with the corresponding requirement under this Act or the regulations. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 91 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management Part 4--Planning and financial management Division 1--Strategic planning 88 Community Vision (1) A Council must maintain a Community Vision 5 that is developed with its municipal community in accordance with its deliberative engagement practices. (2) The scope of the Community Vision is a period of at least the next 10 financial years. 10 (3) A Community Vision must describe the municipal community's aspirations for the future of the municipality. (4) A Council must develop or review the Community Vision in accordance with its deliberative 15 engagement practices and adopt the Community Vision by 31 October in the year following a general election. (5) The Community Vision adopted under subsection (4) has effect from 1 July in the year following a 20 general election. 89 Strategic planning principles (1) A Council must undertake the preparation of its Council Plan and other strategic plans in accordance with the strategic planning principles. 25 (2) The following are the strategic planning principles-- (a) an integrated approach to planning, monitoring and performance reporting is to be adopted; 30 (b) strategic planning must address the Community Vision; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 92 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (c) strategic planning must take into account the resources needed for effective implementation; (d) strategic planning must identify and address 5 the risks to effective implementation; (e) strategic planning must provide for ongoing monitoring of progress and regular reviews to identify and address changing circumstances. 10 90 Council Plan (1) A Council must prepare and adopt a Council Plan for a period of at least the next 4 financial years after a general election in accordance with its deliberative engagement practices. 15 (2) A Council Plan must include the following-- (a) the strategic direction of the Council; (b) strategic objectives for achieving the strategic direction; (c) strategies for achieving the objectives for a 20 period of at least the next 4 financial years; (d) strategic indicators for monitoring the achievement of the objectives; (e) a description of the Council's initiatives and priorities for services, infrastructure and 25 amenity; (f) any other matters prescribed by the regulations. (3) A Council must develop or review the Council Plan in accordance with its deliberative 30 engagement practices and adopt the Council Plan by 31 October in the year following a general election. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 93 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (4) The Council Plan adopted under subsection (3) has effect from 1 July in the year following a general election. 91 Financial Plan 5 (1) A Council must develop, adopt and keep in force a Financial Plan in accordance with its deliberative engagement practices. (2) The scope of a Financial Plan is a period of at least the next 10 financial years. 10 (3) A Financial Plan must include the following in the manner and form prescribed by the regulations-- (a) statements describing the financial resources required to give effect to the Council Plan and other strategic plans of the Council; 15 (b) information about the decisions and assumptions that underpin the forecasts in the statements specified in paragraph (a); (c) statements describing any other resource requirements that the Council considers 20 appropriate to include in the Financial Plan; (d) any other matters prescribed by the regulations. (4) A Council must develop or review the Financial Plan in accordance with its deliberative 25 engagement practices and adopt the Financial Plan by 31 October in the year following a general election. (5) The Financial Plan adopted under subsection (4) has effect from 1 July in the year following a 30 general election. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 94 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management 92 Asset Plan (1) Subject to subsection (6), a Council must develop, adopt and keep in force an Asset Plan in accordance with its deliberative engagement 5 practices. (2) The scope of an Asset Plan is a period of at least the next 10 financial years. (3) An Asset Plan must include the following-- (a) information about maintenance, renewal, 10 acquisition, expansion, upgrade, disposal and decommissioning in relation to each class of infrastructure asset under the control of the Council; (b) any other matters prescribed by the 15 regulations. (4) Subject to subsection (6), a Council must develop or review the Asset Plan in accordance with its deliberative engagement practices and adopt the Asset Plan by 31 October in the year following a 20 general election, other than the first general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(a). (5) The Asset Plan adopted under subsection (4) has effect from 1 July in the year following a general election. 25 (6) A Council must develop and adopt an Asset Plan under this section in accordance with its community engagement policy by 30 June 2022 following the first general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(a). 30 (7) The Asset Plan adopted under subsection (6) has effect from 1 July 2022. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 95 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management 93 Revenue and Rating Plan A Council must prepare and adopt a Revenue and Rating Plan by the next 30 June after a general election for a period of at least the next 5 4 financial years. Division 2--Budget processes 94 The budget (1) A Council must prepare and adopt a budget for each financial year and the subsequent 3 financial 10 years by-- (a) 30 June each year; or (b) any other date fixed by the Minister by notice published in the Government Gazette. (2) A Council must ensure that the budget gives effect 15 to the Council Plan and contains the following-- (a) financial statements in the form and containing the information required by the regulations; (b) a general description of the services and 20 initiatives to be funded in the budget; (c) major initiatives identified by the Council as priorities in the Council Plan, to be undertaken during each financial year; (d) for services to be funded in the budget, the 25 prescribed indicators and measures of service performance that are required to be reported against by this Act; (e) the total amount that the Council intends to raise by rates and charges; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 96 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (f) a statement as to whether the rates will be raised by the application of a uniform rate or a differential rate; (g) a description of any fixed component of the 5 rates, if applicable; (h) if the Council proposes to declare a uniform rate, the matters specified in section 160 of the Local Government Act 1989; (i) if the Council proposes to declare a 10 differential rate for any land, the matters specified in section 161(2) of the Local Government Act 1989; (j) any other information prescribed by the regulations. 15 (3) The Council must ensure that, if applicable, the budget also contains a statement-- (a) that the Council intends to apply for a special Order to increase the Council's average rate cap for the financial year or any other 20 financial year; or (b) that the Council has made an application to the ESC for a special Order and is waiting for the outcome of the application; or (c) that a special Order has been made in respect 25 of the Council and specifying the average rate cap that applies for the financial year or any other financial year. 95 Revised budget (1) A Council must prepare and adopt a revised 30 budget before the Council-- (a) can make a variation to the declared rates or charges; or (b) can undertake any borrowings that have not been approved in the budget; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 97 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (c) can make a change to the budget that the Council considers should be the subject of community engagement. (2) The Council must ensure that a revised budget 5 contains all the information prescribed by the regulations. (3) A Council must adopt a revised budget as soon as is practicable after it has been developed. 96 Preparation of budget or revised budget 10 (1) A Council must develop the budget and any revised budget in accordance with-- (a) the financial management principles; and (b) subject to subsection (2), its community engagement policy. 15 (2) A Council may develop the first budget under section 94 in accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 if the Council has not adopted its first community engagement policy at the time that the budget is being 20 developed. 97 Quarterly budget report (1) As soon as practicable after the end of each quarter of the financial year, the Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a quarterly budget report 25 is presented to the Council at a Council meeting which is open to the public. (2) A quarterly budget report must include-- (a) a comparison of the actual and budgeted results to date; and 30 (b) an explanation of any material variations; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 98 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (c) any other matters prescribed by the regulations. (3) In addition, the second quarterly report of a financial year must include a statement by the 5 Chief Executive Officer as to whether a revised budget is, or may be, required. Division 3--Reporting 98 Annual report (1) A Council must prepare an annual report in 10 respect of each financial year. (2) An annual report must contain the following-- (a) a report of operations of the Council; (b) an audited performance statement; (c) audited financial statements; 15 (d) a copy of the auditor's report on the performance statement; (e) a copy of the auditor's report on the financial statements under Part 3 of the Audit Act 1994; 20 (f) any other matters prescribed by the regulations. (3) The report of operations of the Council must contain the following-- (a) a statement of progress on implementation of 25 the Council Plan, which includes the results of the strategic indicators; (b) a statement of progress in relation to the major initiatives identified in the budget or a revised budget; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 99 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (c) the prescribed indicators of service performance for the services provided by the Council and funded in the budget during the financial year, the prescribed measures 5 relating to those indicators and the results achieved in relation to those performance indicators and measures; (d) any other information prescribed by the regulations. 10 (4) The performance statement must be prepared in accordance with the regulations and contain the following-- (a) the prescribed indicators of service performance for the services provided by 15 the Council and funded in the budget for the financial year, the prescribed measures relating to those indicators and the results achieved in relation to those performance indicators and measures; 20 (b) the prescribed indicators of financial performance, the prescribed measures relating to those indicators and the results achieved in relation to those performance indicators and measures; 25 (c) the prescribed indicators of sustainable capacity performance, the prescribed measures relating to those indicators and the results achieved in relation to those performance indicators and measures; 30 (d) any other information prescribed by the regulations. (5) The financial statements must-- (a) include any other information prescribed by the regulations; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 100 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (b) be prepared in accordance with the regulations. 99 Preparation of annual report (1) As soon as practicable after the end of the 5 financial year, a Council must cause to be prepared in accordance with section 98, the performance statement and financial statements of the Council for the financial year. (2) The Council, after passing a resolution giving 10 its approval in principle to the performance statement and financial statements, must submit the statements to the auditor for reporting on the audit. (3) The Council must ensure that the performance 15 statement and financial statements, in their final form after any changes recommended or agreed by the auditor have been made, are certified in accordance with the regulations by-- (a) 2 Councillors authorised by the Council 20 for the purposes of this subsection; and (b) any other persons prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection. (4) The auditor must prepare a report on the 25 performance statement. Note The auditor is required under Part 3 of the Audit Act 1994 to prepare a report on the financial statements. (5) The auditor must not sign a report under 30 subsection (4) or under Part 3 of the Audit Act 1994 unless the performance statement or the financial statements (as applicable) have been certified under subsection (3). 591055B.I-13/11/2019 101 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (6) The auditor must provide the Minister and the Council with a copy of the report on the performance statement as soon as is reasonably practicable. 5 Note The auditor is required under Part 3 of the Audit Act 1994 to report on the financial statements to the Council within 4 weeks and to give a copy of the report to the Minister. 100 Meeting to consider annual report 10 (1) For the purposes of section 18(1)(d), the Mayor must report on the implementation of the Council Plan by presenting the annual report at a Council meeting open to the public. (2) The Council meeting must be held-- 15 (a) in the year of a general election, on a day not later than the day before election day; and (b) in any other year, within 4 months of the end of the financial year. Division 4--Financial management 20 101 Financial management principles (1) The following are the financial management principles-- (a) revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, investments and financial transactions must 25 be managed in accordance with a Council's financial policies and strategic plans; (b) financial risks must be monitored and managed prudently having regard to economic circumstances; 30 (c) financial policies and strategic plans, including the Revenue and Rating Plan, must seek to provide stability 591055B.I-13/11/2019 102 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management and predictability in the financial impact on the municipal community; (d) accounts and records that explain the financial operations and financial position 5 of the Council must be kept. (2) For the purposes of the financial management principles, financial risk includes any risk relating to the following-- (a) the financial viability of the Council; 10 (b) the management of current and future liabilities of the Council; (c) the beneficial enterprises of the Council. 102 Financial policies (1) A Council must prepare and adopt financial 15 policies that give effect to the financial management principles. (2) A financial policy must include any matters prescribed by the regulations. 103 Investments 20 A Council may invest any money-- (a) in Government securities of the Commonwealth; and (b) in securities guaranteed by the Government of Victoria; and 25 (c) with an ADI; and (d) with any financial institution guaranteed by the Government of Victoria; and (e) on deposit with an eligible money market dealer within the meaning of the 30 Corporations Act; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 103 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 4--Planning and financial management (f) in any other manner approved by the Minister, either generally or specifically, to be an authorised manner of investment for the purposes of this section. 5 104 Borrowings A Council cannot borrow money unless the proposed borrowings were included in the budget or a revised budget. 105 Accounts and records 10 (1) The Principal Accounting Officer of a Council must ensure that there are kept proper accounts and records of the transactions and financial affairs of the Council. (2) A failure by a Council to keep proper accounts 15 and records and the reason for that failure must be reported in the annual report. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 104 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations Part 5--Council operations Division 1--Service performance 106 Service performance principles (1) A Council must plan and deliver services to the 5 municipal community in accordance with the service performance principles. (2) The following are the service performance principles-- (a) services should be provided in an equitable 10 manner and be responsive to the diverse needs of the municipal community; (b) services should be accessible to the members of the municipal community for whom the services are intended; 15 (c) quality and costs standards for services set by the Council should provide good value to the municipal community; (d) a Council should seek to continuously improve service delivery to the municipal 20 community in response to performance monitoring; (e) service delivery must include a fair and effective process for considering and responding to complaints about service 25 provision. 107 Complaints policy (1) A Council must develop and maintain a complaints policy that includes-- (a) a process for dealing with complaints made 30 to the Council; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 105 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations (b) a process for reviewing any action, decision or service in respect of which the complaint is made; and (c) a discretion for the Council to refuse to deal 5 with a complaint which is otherwise subject to statutory review; and (d) the prescribed processes for dealing with complaints about the Council; and (e) the prescribed processes for internal review 10 of complaints made to a Council; and (f) the prescribed processes for exercising the discretion referred to in paragraph (c); and (g) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. 15 (2) A review process must provide for a review that is independent of-- (a) the person who took the action; and (b) the person who made the decision; and (c) the person who provided the service. 20 (3) For the purposes of the complaints policy, complaint includes the communication, whether orally or in writing, to the Council by a person of their dissatisfaction with-- (a) the quality of an action taken, decision made 25 or service provided by a member of Council staff or a contractor engaged by the Council; or (b) the delay by a member of Council staff or a contractor engaged by the Council in taking 30 an action, making a decision or providing a service; or (c) a policy or decision made by a Council or a member of Council staff or a contractor. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 106 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations (4) A Council must develop the first complaints policy under this section within 6 months of the commencement of this section. Division 2--Procurement 5 108 Procurement Policy (1) A Council must prepare and adopt a Procurement Policy which specifies the principles, processes and procedures applying in respect of the purchase of goods and services by the Council, including 10 for the carrying out of works. (2) A Procurement Policy must seek to promote open and fair competition and provide value for money. (3) A Procurement Policy must include the following-- 15 (a) the contract value above which the Council must invite a tender or seek an expression of interest; (b) a description of the criteria to be used by the Council to evaluate whether a proposed 20 contract provides value for money; (c) a description of how the Council will seek collaboration with other Councils and public bodies in the procurement of goods or services; 25 (d) the conditions under which the Council may purchase goods or services without inviting a public tender or expression of interest; (e) a description of the process to be undertaken in inviting a public tender or expression of 30 interest; (f) any other matters prescribed by the regulations. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 107 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations (4) The contract value to be included in a Procurement Policy in accordance with subsection (3)(a) must not exceed the value prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section. 5 (5) A Council must review its Procurement Policy at least once during each 4 year term of the Council. (6) A Council must adopt the first Procurement Policy under this section within 6 months of the commencement of this section. 10 (7) Until a Council adopts a Procurement Policy under this section-- (a) the procurement policy approved by the Council under section 186A of the Local Government Act 1989 which is in effect 15 before the commencement of this section applies as if the procurement policy had been adopted under this section; and (b) the restrictions on the power of a Council to enter into a contract under sections 186 and 20 186A of the Local Government Act 1989 as in force before the commencement of this section continue to apply as if those sections had not been repealed. 109 Procurement 25 (1) A Council must comply with its Procurement Policy before entering into a contract for the purchase of goods or services or the carrying out of works. (2) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that 30 any report to the Council that recommends entering into a procurement agreement includes information in relation to any opportunities for collaboration with other Councils or public bodies which may be available. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 108 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations Division 3--Beneficial enterprises 110 Beneficial enterprises (1) For the purpose of performing its role, a Council may participate in any of the following beneficial 5 enterprises-- (a) become a member of a corporation; (b) participate in the formation of a corporation, trust or other body; (c) acquire shares in a corporation, trust or other 10 body; (d) enter into a partnership or joint venture with any other person or body. (2) If by virtue of any participation, subscription or acquisition under subsection (1), a Council has 15 the right to appoint some person to be a director of or hold office in or under the corporation, trust, partnership or other body, the Council may appoint a Councillor, member of Council staff or other person to that office. 20 (3) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c), a Council may nominate a person to hold the shareholding or unit holding on behalf of the Council and the person nominated is to be treated as being the shareholder or unit holder of the 25 shares or units. 111 Process before participating in beneficial enterprises (1) A Council must in participating in a beneficial enterprise under section 110-- (a) assess the total investment involved and the 30 total risk exposure and ensure that its total risk exposure does not exceed its total investment; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 109 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations (b) if section 110(1)(a), (b) or (c) applies, ensure that the corporation is a limited corporation; and (c) have regard to the risks involved; and 5 (d) establish risk management arrangements; and (e) implement regular performance monitoring and reporting arrangements in relation to the beneficial enterprise; and 10 (f) ensure that any changes to the operation or purpose of the beneficial enterprise are reported to the Council; and (g) identify and manage any risks associated with any changes to the operation or purpose 15 of the beneficial enterprise. (2) A Council must report on the operations and performance of each beneficial enterprise in its annual report. Division 4--Powers in relation to land 20 112 Acquisition and compensation (1) A Council may purchase or compulsorily acquire any land which is or may be required by the Council for or in connection with, or as incidental to, the performance of its functions or the exercise 25 of its powers. (2) The Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 applies to this Act and for that purpose-- (a) the Local Government Act 2019 is the 30 special Act; and (b) the Council is the Authority. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 110 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations (3) Any purchase or compulsory acquisition of land by a Council under this section must be undertaken in accordance with the Council's community engagement policy. 5 113 Creation of easements If any right in the nature of an easement or purporting to be an easement or an irrevocable licence is or has been acquired by a Council, the right is deemed for all purposes to be and to have 10 been an easement even if there is no land vested in the Council which is benefited by the right. 114 Restriction on power to sell or exchange land (1) Except where section 116 applies, if a Council sells or exchanges any land it must comply with 15 this section. (2) Before selling or exchanging the land, the Council must-- (a) at least 4 weeks prior to selling or exchanging the land, publish notice of 20 intention to do so-- (i) on the Council's Internet site; and (ii) in any other manner prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection; and 25 (b) undertake a community engagement process in accordance with its community engagement policy; and (c) obtain from a person who holds the qualifications or experience specified under 30 section 13DA(2) of the Valuation of Land Act 1960 a valuation of the land which is made not more than 6 months prior to the sale or exchange. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 111 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations 115 Lease of land (1) A Council's power to lease any land to any person is limited to leases for a term of 50 years or less. (2) Subject to any other Act, and except where 5 section 116 applies, if a Council leases any land to any person subject to any exceptions, reservations, covenants and conditions, it must comply with this section. (3) A Council must include any proposal to lease 10 land in a financial year in the budget, where the lease is-- (a) for one year or more and-- (i) the rent for any period of the lease is $100 000 or more a year; or 15 (ii) the current market rental value of the land is $100 000 or more a year; or (b) for 10 years or more. (4) If a Council proposes to lease land that is subject to subsection (3) and that was not included as a 20 proposal in the budget, the Council must undertake a community engagement process in accordance with the Council's community engagement policy in respect of the proposal before entering into the lease. 25 116 Transfer, exchange or lease of land without consideration (1) A Council's powers to transfer, exchange or lease any land include the power to do so with or without consideration to-- 30 (a) the Crown; or (b) a Minister; or (c) any public body; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 112 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations (d) the trustees appointed under any Act to be held on trust for public or municipal purposes; or (e) a public hospital within the meaning of 5 the Health Services Act 1988 or other hospital carried on by an association or society otherwise than for profit or gain to the members of the association or society. (2) Any transfer, exchange or lease under this section 10 is valid in law and equity. (3) Sections 114 and 115 do not apply to any transfer, exchange or lease under this section to a person or body specified in subsection (1). Division 5--Carrying out works on land 15 117 When Council or other person can carry out required work (1) If a person fails to carry out any work which the person is required to carry out by a Council under any Act, regulation or local law-- 20 (a) any other person may with the approval of the Council cause the work to be carried out; or (b) the Council may carry out the work. (2) Any other person who carries out the work may 25 recover the cost of carrying out the work from the person who failed to do it. (3) If the Council carries out the work or engages any other person to carry out the work, the Council may recover the cost of carrying out the work 30 from the person who failed to do it. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 113 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations 118 Right of owner to carry out required work on occupied land (1) If the owner of any land is required to carry out any work by a Council under any Act, regulation 5 or local law, the owner may give a written notice to the occupier of the land-- (a) stating particulars of the work to be carried out; and (b) requiring the occupier to permit the owner 10 and any other person to enter the land and carry out the work. (2) If the occupier of the land does not comply with a notice within 7 days of being given the notice, the owner of the land may apply to the Magistrates' 15 Court for an order. (3) The Magistrates' Court may make an order requiring the occupier of the land to permit the owner and any other person to enter the land and carry out the work. 20 (4) An occupier of the land who fails to comply with an order made under subsection (3) is guilty of an offence. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (5) While the occupier of the land fails to comply 25 with the order, the owner of the land is excused from any penalty for failing to carry out the work. Division 6--Unpaid money 119 Recovery of money owed to Council by former owner or occupier 30 (1) If a former owner or occupier of any building or land in respect of which that person owes money (other than rates or charges or money for personal services carried out by the Council) to a Council does not pay the money, the Council may, subject 591055B.I-13/11/2019 114 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations to subsection (2), require the payment of all or part of the money from the present owner or occupier of the building or land. (2) A Council cannot recover an amount under 5 subsection (1), or interest which has accrued on that amount, if that amount was omitted from the certificate issued under section 121. 120 Council may charge interest on unpaid money (1) A Council may require a person to pay interest on 10 any amount of money (other than rates and charges)-- (a) which that person owes to the Council; and (b) which has not been paid by the due date. (2) The interest-- 15 (a) is to be calculated at the rate set from time to time for the purposes of this section by the Council; and (b) becomes payable-- (i) on and from the date on which the 20 money became due; or (ii) in the case of a court order requiring payment of the money, on and from the date of the court order; and (c) continues to be payable until the payment or 25 recovery of the money. (3) The interest rate specified by the Council must not be more than the rate fixed under section 2 of the Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983. (4) If the Council sets a new interest rate, the new rate 30 takes effect on the date set by the Council and applies from that date to all money (other than interest) owing to the Council on that date. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 115 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations Division 7--Land information 121 Land information certificate (1) A person may apply to a Council for a certificate specifying the prescribed information in relation 5 to matters affecting any land in the municipal district. (2) An application for a certificate must be-- (a) in the form prescribed by the regulations; and 10 (b) sent to the Chief Executive Officer. (3) An applicant must pay the prescribed fee to the Council for the issue of a certificate. (4) In addition to the prescribed information, a Council may provide in the certificate any other 15 information concerning the land as the Council considers in its absolute discretion to be relevant. (5) A Council does not incur any liability in respect of any information provided in addition to the prescribed information in good faith. 20 (6) A certificate is conclusive proof as at the date it is given of the prescribed information stated in the certificate. 122 Notice in relation to acquisition of land (1) A person who acquires any land in a municipal 25 district must give an acquisition notice to the Chief Executive Officer of the Council of the municipal district in which the land is located-- (a) in a prescribed form containing prescribed particulars; and 30 (b) within a prescribed period. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 116 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 5--Council operations (2) A person is guilty of an offence if the person contravenes this section without having a reasonable excuse. Penalty: 10 penalty units. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 117 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity Part 6--Council integrity Division 1--Improper conduct 123 Misuse of position (1) A person who is, or has been, a Councillor or 5 member of a delegated committee must not intentionally misuse their position-- (a) to gain or attempt to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for themselves or for any other person; or 10 (b) to cause, or attempt to cause, detriment to the Council or another person. Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 years. (2) An offence against subsection (1) is an indictable 15 offence. (3) For the purposes of this section, circumstances involving the misuse of a position by a person who is, or has been, a Councillor or member of a delegated committee include-- 20 (a) making improper use of information acquired as a result of the position the person held or holds; or (b) disclosing information that is confidential information; or 25 (c) directing or improperly influencing, or seeking to direct or improperly influence, a member of Council staff; or (d) exercising or performing, or purporting to exercise or perform, a power, duty or 30 function that the person is not authorised to exercise or perform; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 118 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (e) using public funds or resources in a manner that is improper or unauthorised; or (f) participating in a decision on a matter in which the person has a conflict of interest. 5 (4) This section-- (a) has effect in addition to, and not in derogation from, any Act or law relating to the criminal or civil liability of Councillors or members of delegated committees; and 10 (b) does not prevent the institution of any criminal or civil proceedings in respect of that liability. 124 Directing a member of Council staff A Councillor must not intentionally direct, or seek 15 to direct, a member of Council staff-- (a) in the exercise of a delegated power, or the performance of a delegated duty or function, of the Council; or (b) in the exercise of a power or the performance 20 of a duty or function exercised or performed by the member as an authorised officer under this Act or any other Act; or (c) in the exercise of a power or the performance of a duty or function the member exercises 25 or performs in an office or position the member holds under this Act or any other Act; or (d) in relation to advice provided to the Council or a delegated committee, including advice 30 in a report to the Council or delegated committee. Penalty: 120 penalty units. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 119 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity 125 Confidential information (1) Unless subsection (2) or (3) applies, a person who is, or has been, a Councillor, a member of a delegated committee or a member of Council 5 staff, must not intentionally or recklessly disclose information that the person knows, or should reasonably know, is confidential information. Penalty: 120 penalty units. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the information 10 that is disclosed is information that the Council has determined should be publicly available. (3) A person who is, or has been, a Councillor, a member of a delegated committee or a member of Council staff, may disclose information that 15 the person knows, or should reasonably know, is confidential information in the following circumstances-- (a) for the purposes of any legal proceedings arising out of this Act; 20 (b) to a court or tribunal in the course of legal proceedings; (c) pursuant to an order of a court or tribunal; (d) in the course of an internal arbitration and for the purposes of the internal arbitration 25 process; (e) in the course of a Councillor Conduct Panel hearing and for the purposes of the hearing; (f) to a Municipal Monitor to the extent reasonably required by the Municipal 30 Monitor; (g) to the Chief Municipal Inspector to the extent reasonably required by the Chief Municipal Inspector; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 120 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (h) to a Commission of Inquiry to the extent reasonably required by the Commission of Inquiry; (i) to the extent reasonably required by a law 5 enforcement agency. Division 2--Conflict of interest 126 Definitions (1) In this Division-- family member means-- 10 (a) a spouse or domestic partner of the relevant person; or (b) a parent, grandparent, sibling, child, grandchild, step-parent, step-sibling or step-child of the relevant person or of 15 their spouse or domestic partner; or (c) any other relative that regularly resides with the relevant person; matter means a matter with which a Council, delegated committee, community asset 20 committee or a member of Council staff is concerned and that will require-- (a) a power to be exercised, or a duty or function to be performed, or a decision to be made, by the Council, delegated 25 committee or community asset committee in respect of the matter; or (b) a power to be exercised, or a duty or function to be performed, or a decision to be made by a member of Council 30 staff in respect of the matter; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 121 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity not-for-profit organisation means a body that-- (a) operates exclusively for charitable, civil, sporting or other social purposes; and 5 (b) does not share or allocate the funds or profits of the body or organisation with the owners, shareholders or executives of the body or organisation; relevant person means a person who is a-- 10 (a) Councillor; or (b) member of a delegated committee who is not a Councillor; or (c) member of Council staff. (2) For the purposes of this Division, a relevant 15 person has a conflict of interest if the relevant person has-- (a) a general conflict of interest within the meaning of section 127; or (b) a material conflict of interest within the 20 meaning of section 128. 127 General conflict of interest (1) Subject to section 129, a relevant person has a general conflict of interest in a matter if an impartial, fair-minded person would consider that 25 the person's private interests could result in that person acting in a manner that is contrary to their public duty. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)-- private interests means any direct or indirect 30 interest of a relevant person that does not derive from their public duty and does not include an interest that is only a matter of personal opinion or belief; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 122 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity public duty means the responsibilities and obligations that a relevant person has to members of the public in their role as a relevant person. 5 128 Material conflict of interest (1) Subject to section 129, a relevant person has a material conflict of interest in respect of a matter if an affected person would gain a benefit or suffer a loss depending on the outcome of the matter. 10 (2) The benefit may arise or the loss incurred-- (a) directly or indirectly; or (b) in a pecuniary or non-pecuniary form. (3) For the purposes of this section, any of the following is an affected person-- 15 (a) the relevant person; (b) a family member of the relevant person; (c) a body corporate of which the relevant person or their spouse or domestic partner is a Director or a member of the governing 20 body; (d) an employer of the relevant person, unless the employer is a public body; (e) a business partner of the relevant person; (f) a person for whom the relevant person is a 25 consultant, contractor or agent; (g) a beneficiary under a trust or an object of a discretionary trust of which the relevant person is a trustee; (h) a person from whom the relevant person has 30 received a disclosable gift. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 123 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (4) For the purposes of subsection (3)(h), disclosable gift means one or more gifts with a total value of, or more than, $500 or if an amount is prescribed for the purposes of this subsection, the 5 prescribed amount, received from a person in the 5 years preceding the decision on the matter-- (a) if the relevant person held the office of Councillor, was a member of Council staff or was a member of a delegated committee 10 at the time the gift was received; or (b) if the gift was, or gifts were, or will be, required to be disclosed as an election campaign donation-- but does not include the value of any reasonable 15 hospitality received by the relevant person at an event or function that the relevant person attended in an official capacity as a Councillor, member of Council staff or member of a delegated committee. 20 129 Exemptions A conflict of interest does not arise if any of the following applies-- (a) the conflict of interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not be reasonably 25 regarded as capable of influencing the actions or decisions of the relevant person in relation to the matter; (b) the interest that would give rise to a conflict of interest is held in common with a 30 substantial proportion of the residents, ratepayers or electors of the municipal district and does not exceed the interest held by the other residents, ratepayers or electors; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 124 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (c) the relevant person does not know the circumstances that give rise to the conflict of interest, and could not be reasonably expected to know those circumstances; 5 (d) the interest only arises because the relevant person is the representative of the Council on a not-for-profit organisation that has an interest in the matter and the relevant person receives no personal advantage from the 10 not-for-profit organisation; (e) the interest only arises because a family member of the relevant person is a member but not an office-holder of a not-for-profit organisation; 15 (f) the interest only arises because the relevant person is a member of a not-for-profit organisation that has expressed an opinion or advocated for an outcome in regard to the matter; 20 (g) the interest arises in relation to a decision by a Councillor on a matter or in a circumstance that is prescribed to be exempt by the regulations. 130 Disclosure of conflict of interest 25 (1) This section applies in respect of a conflict of interest in respect of a matter-- (a) to be considered at a Council meeting; or (b) to be considered at a meeting of a delegated committee; or 30 (c) to be considered at a meeting of a community asset committee; or (d) that arises in the course of the exercise of a power of delegation by a member of Council staff; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 125 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (e) that arises in the course of the exercise of a statutory function under this Act or any other Act. (2) A relevant person who has a conflict of interest in 5 respect of a matter must-- (a) disclose the conflict of interest in the manner required by the Council's Governance Rules; and (b) exclude themselves from the decision 10 making process in relation to that matter, including any discussion or vote on the matter at any Council meeting or delegated committee, and any action in relation to the matter. 15 (3) A relevant person must not fail to comply with subsection (2) in respect of a conflict of interest that is a material conflict of interest. Penalty: 120 penalty units. (4) If a relevant person who fails to comply with 20 subsection (2) in respect of a conflict of interest that is a general conflict of interest is a Councillor who has been previously-- (a) found guilty by a court of a conflict of interest offence against this Act; or 25 (b) subject to a finding of serious misconduct by a Councillor Conduct Panel for a conflict of interest breach-- the relevant person commits an offence against this Act and is liable to a fine not exceeding 30 120 penalty units. (5) If a relevant person who fails to comply with subsection (2) in respect of a conflict of interest that is a material conflict of interest or a general conflict of interest is a Councillor, an application 591055B.I-13/11/2019 126 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity may be made under section 154 to a Councillor Conduct Panel alleging serious misconduct. (6) If a relevant person who fails to comply with subsection (2) is the Chief Executive Officer, the 5 Mayor must notify the Chief Municipal Inspector as soon as practicable after the Mayor becomes aware that the Chief Executive Officer has failed to comply with subsection (2). (7) If a relevant person who fails to comply with 10 subsection (2) is a member of Council staff other than the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Executive Officer-- (a) must notify the Chief Municipal Inspector as soon as practicable after the Chief Executive 15 Officer becomes aware that the member of Council staff has failed to comply with subsection (2); and (b) must deal with the failure to comply with subsection (2) in accordance with the code 20 of conduct for members of Council staff. (8) If a relevant person who fails to comply with subsection (2) is a person other than a Councillor or a member of Council staff, the Chief Executive Officer must notify the Council and make a 25 recommendation to the Council as to the action that is to be taken. 131 Disclosure of conflict of interest at other meetings (1) This section applies in respect of a conflict of interest in respect of a matter at a meeting 30 conducted under the auspices of the Council that is not a meeting specified in section 130(1)(a), (b) or (c). 591055B.I-13/11/2019 127 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (2) A Councillor who has a conflict of interest in respect of a matter must-- (a) disclose the conflict of interest in the manner required by the Council's Governance Rules; 5 and (b) comply with the procedures specified in the Council's Governance Rules for the purposes of this section. (3) If a Councillor fails to comply with subsection (2), 10 an application may be made under section 154 to a Councillor Conduct Panel alleging serious misconduct. Division 3--Personal interests returns 132 Definitions 15 (1) In this Division-- biannual personal interests return means a return lodged by a specified person while they continue to be a specified person; initial personal interests return means the first 20 return lodged by a specified person; nominated officer means a member of Council staff who-- (a) has a statutory or delegated power, duty or function; and 25 (b) is nominated by the Chief Executive Officer because of the nature of that power, duty or function; personal interests return means an initial personal interests return or a biannual 30 personal interests return; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 128 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity specified person means-- (a) a Councillor; or (b) a member of a delegated committee who is not a Councillor; or 5 (c) a Chief Executive Officer; or (d) a nominated officer. (2) A nomination for the purposes of the definition of nominated officer may be made by reference to a specified person or to the holder of a specified 10 position. 133 Lodging of an initial personal interests return (1) A specified person must lodge an initial personal interests return with the Chief Executive Officer containing the matters prescribed by the 15 regulations-- (a) if the specified person is a Councillor, within 30 days of taking the oath or affirmation of office of a Councillor; or (b) if the specified person is a member of a 20 delegated committee, within 30 days of being appointed a member of the delegated committee; or (c) if the specified person is a Chief Executive Officer, within 30 days of being appointed a 25 Chief Executive Officer; or (d) if the specified person is a nominated officer, within 30 days of being nominated or being appointed to a nominated position. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 129 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (2) A specified person who is a member of a delegated committee, Chief Executive Officer or nominated officer as at the commencement of this section must lodge an initial personal interests 5 return with the Chief Executive Officer containing the matters prescribed by the regulations within 30 days of that commencement. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (3) A specified person must not intentionally or 10 recklessly lodge an initial personal interests return that contains any false or incomplete information. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (4) If a person is re-elected or reappointed upon completion of their term of office as a Councillor 15 or member of a delegated committee, the Councillor or member of a delegated committee does not have to submit a new initial personal interests return. (5) If the specified person is a member of Council 20 staff who is reappointed after the renewal of their current contract of employment, the member of Council staff does not have to submit a new initial personal interests return. 134 Lodging of a biannual personal interests return 25 (1) A specified person who continues to be a specified person must lodge a biannual personal interests return with the Chief Executive Officer containing the matters prescribed by the regulations twice yearly by the end of each 30 prescribed period. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 130 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (2) A specified person must not intentionally or recklessly lodge a biannual personal interests return that contains any false or incomplete information. 5 Penalty: 60 penalty units. 135 Public access to summary of personal interests (1) The Chief Executive Officer must prepare a summary of the personal interests information disclosed in the last personal interests return 10 lodged with the Chief Executive Officer. (2) The summary of personal interests must-- (a) include the town or suburb, but not the street address or number of the land that is the place of residence of a person as 15 disclosed in the personal interests return; and (b) include the matters prescribed by the regulations; and (c) exclude the matters required by the regulations to be excluded; and 20 (d) be prepared in accordance with the manner prescribed by the regulations. (3) The Chief Executive Officer must-- (a) publish the summary of personal interests on the Council's Internet site; and 25 (b) ensure that the summary of personal interests is available for inspection at the Council office. 136 Confidentiality of personal interests returns (1) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that 30 personal interests returns are kept in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 131 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (2) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that only the following persons have access to, or can inspect, a personal interests return-- (a) the Chief Executive Officer or a member 5 of Council staff who is responsible for managing the personal interests returns or preparing the summary of personal interests; (b) a Municipal Monitor; (c) the Chief Municipal Inspector or a person 10 authorised by the Chief Municipal Inspector; (d) a Commission of inquiry; (e) the person who lodged the personal interests return; (f) a person who has obtained an order of a 15 court to do so. (3) A person must not make a record of, divulge or communicate to any person any information in a personal interests return that is gained by or conveyed to them in the course of the discharge 20 of their official duties unless-- (a) the information is information published in a summary of personal interests; or (b) the information is required by the person for the performance of their official duties 25 under this Act or any other Act, including in relation to a proceeding before a Councillor Conduct Panel, VCAT or a court. Penalty: 60 penalty units. Division 4--Gifts 30 137 Anonymous gift not to be accepted (1) Subject to subsection (2), a Councillor must not accept, directly or indirectly, a gift for the benefit of the Councillor the amount or value of which is 591055B.I-13/11/2019 132 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity equal to or exceeds the gift disclosure threshold unless-- (a) the name and address of the person making the gift are known to the Councillor; or 5 (b) at the time when the gift is made-- (i) the Councillor is given the name and address of the person making the gift; and (ii) the Councillor reasonably believes that 10 the name and address so given are the true name and address of the person making the gift. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) If the name and address of the person making the 15 gift are not known to the Councillor for whose benefit the gift is intended, the Councillor is not in breach of subsection (1) if the Councillor disposes of the gift to the Council within 30 days of the gift being received. 20 (3) In addition to the penalty specified in subsection (1), a Councillor who is found guilty of a breach of that subsection must pay to the Council the amount or value of the gift accepted in contravention of that subsection. 25 138 Councillor gift policy (1) A Council must adopt a Councillor gift policy within the period of 6 months after this section comes into operation. (2) A Councillor gift policy must include-- 30 (a) procedures for the maintenance of a gift register; and (b) any other matters prescribed by the regulations. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 133 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (3) A Council may review and update the Councillor gift policy. Division 5--Councillor conduct 139 Councillor Code of Conduct 5 (1) A Council must develop a Councillor Code of Conduct. (2) The purpose of the Councillor Code of Conduct is to include the standards of conduct expected to be observed by Councillors in the course of 10 performing their duties and functions as Councillors, including prohibiting discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment) and vilification. (3) A Councillor Code of Conduct-- 15 (a) must include the standards of conduct prescribed by the regulations expected to be observed by Councillors; and (b) must include any provisions prescribed by the regulations for the purpose of this 20 section; and (c) must include provisions addressing any matters prescribed by the regulations for the purpose of this section; and (d) may include any other matters which the 25 Council considers appropriate, other than any other standards of conduct. (4) A Council must review and adopt the Councillor Code of Conduct within the period of 4 months after a general election. 30 (5) A Council must adopt the Councillor Code of Conduct under subsection (4) by a formal resolution of the Council passed at a meeting by at least two-thirds of the total number of Councillors elected to the Council. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 134 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (6) Until a Council adopts a Councillor Code of Conduct under subsection (4), the Councillors must comply with the existing Councillor Code of Conduct. 5 (7) A Councillor Code of Conduct is inoperative to the extent that it is inconsistent with any Act (including the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006) or regulation. 140 Review or amendment of Councillor Code of 10 Conduct (1) A Council may review or amend the Councillor Code of Conduct at any time. (2) A Council can only amend the Councillor Code of Conduct by a formal resolution of the Council 15 passed at a meeting by at least two-thirds of the total number of Councillors elected to the Council. 141 Internal arbitration process (1) The internal arbitration process applies to any 20 breach of the prescribed standards of conduct. (2) The following applies to an internal arbitration process-- (a) any processes prescribed by the regulations, including any application process; 25 (b) the arbiter must ensure that parties involved in internal arbitration process are given an opportunity to be heard by the arbiter; (c) the arbiter must ensure that a Councillor who is a party to an internal arbitration process 30 does not have a right to representation unless the arbiter considers that representation is necessary to ensure that the process is conducted fairly; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 135 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (d) any requirements prescribed by the regulations. 142 The panel list (1) The Secretary must establish a panel list of 5 eligible persons from which an arbiter must be selected to conduct an internal arbitration process. (2) The Secretary may appoint as many eligible persons to the panel list as the Secretary considers appropriate. 10 (3) A person is eligible for appointment to the panel list if the person-- (a) is an Australian lawyer who has been admitted to the legal profession for at least 5 years; or 15 (b) has any other experience the Secretary considers relevant to the position. (4) A member of the panel list may resign by notice in writing to the Secretary. (5) The Secretary may remove a member of the panel 20 list if the Secretary considers that the person is no longer a suitable person to be an arbiter. (6) The Public Administration Act 2004 does not apply to a member of the panel list. 143 Application for an internal arbitration process 25 (1) An arbiter may hear an application that alleges misconduct by a Councillor. (2) An application for an internal arbitration process to make a finding of misconduct against a Councillor may be made by-- 30 (a) the Council following a resolution of the Council; or (b) a Councillor or a group of Councillors. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 136 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (3) An application under this section must be made within 3 months of the alleged misconduct occurring. (4) An application under this section must be given to 5 the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar in the manner specified by the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar in any guidelines published under section 149(1)(c). 144 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must 10 examine application (1) The Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar, after examining an application under section 143, must appoint an arbiter to the Council to hear the matter if the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar is 15 satisfied that-- (a) the application is not frivolous, vexatious, misconceived or lacking in substance; and (b) there is sufficient evidence to support an allegation of a breach of the Councillor Code 20 of Conduct as specified in the application. (2) The Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must reject an application if the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar is not satisfied under subsection (1)(a) or (b). 25 (3) The rejection of an application by the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar under this section does not prevent a further application being made under section 143 in respect of the same conduct by a Councillor that was the subject of the rejected 30 application. 145 General provision Information provided to an arbiter or produced by an arbiter for the purpose of an internal arbitration process, other than the findings and the reasons, is 35 confidential information. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 137 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity 146 Arbiter must refer certain applications (1) If, at any time before, during or after the hearing of an application for an internal arbitration process, the arbiter believes that the conduct that 5 is the subject of the application for an internal arbitration process appears to involve serious misconduct and would more appropriately be dealt with as an application under section 154, the arbiter must refer the matter in writing to the 10 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar. (2) If the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar receives a referral under subsection (1), the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must notify the parties to the application for an internal 15 arbitration process that the matter has been referred by the arbiter. 147 Sanctions that may be imposed by an arbiter on finding of misconduct (1) If after completing the internal arbitration process, 20 the arbiter determines that a Councillor has failed to comply with the prescribed standards of conduct, the arbiter may make a finding of misconduct against the Councillor. (2) If an arbiter has made a finding of misconduct 25 against a Councillor, the arbiter may do any one or more of the following-- (a) direct the Councillor to make an apology in a form or manner specified by the arbiter; (b) suspend the Councillor from the office of 30 Councillor for a period specified by the arbiter not exceeding one month; (c) direct that the Councillor be removed from any position where the Councillor represents the Council for the period determined by the 35 arbiter; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 138 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (d) direct that the Councillor is removed from being the chair of a delegated committee for the period determined by the arbiter; (e) direct a Councillor to attend or undergo 5 training or counselling specified by the arbiter. (3) The arbiter must provide a written copy of the arbiter's decision and statement of reasons to-- (a) the Council; and 10 (b) the applicant or applicants; and (c) the respondent; and (d) the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar. (4) Subject to subsection (5), a copy of the arbiter's decision and statement of reasons must be tabled 15 at the next Council meeting after the Council received the copy of the arbiter's decision and statement of reasons and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (5) If the arbiter's decision and statement of reasons 20 contains any confidential information, the confidential information must be redacted from the copy tabled under subsection (4). Division 6--Appointment and functions of Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar 25 and Councillor Conduct Officers 148 Appointment of Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar The Secretary must appoint a Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar who is employed under Part 3 30 of the Public Administration Act 2004. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 139 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity 149 Functions and powers of the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar (1) The Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar has the following functions-- 5 (a) receive applications for the appointment of an arbiter; (b) appoint an arbiter from the panel list established under section 142; (c) publish any guidelines in relation to 10 processes and procedures relating to internal arbitration process applications that the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar has determined to be necessary; (d) set and publish a schedule of fees specifying 15 the fees to be paid to arbiters; (e) send a notice to a Council specifying the fees payable by the Council following any internal arbitration process conducted for, or on behalf of, the Council; 20 (f) receive applications for the establishment of Councillor Conduct Panels; (g) form Councillor Conduct Panels by appointing members of the panel list to sit on Councillor Conduct Panels; 25 (h) provide general advice and assistance to members of the Councillor Conduct Panel in relation to their functions; (i) publish any determination made by a Councillor Conduct Panel and any reasons 30 given for that determination; (j) keep copies of all documents requested by, and given to, a Councillor Conduct Panel; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 140 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (k) comply with any request made by the Chief Municipal Inspector or VCAT for copies of any documents given to, or made by, a Councillor Conduct Panel; 5 (l) set and publish a schedule of fees specifying the fees to be paid to members of a Councillor Conduct Panel; (m) send a notice to a Council specifying the fees payable by the Council following any 10 Councillor Conduct Panel hearing conducted for, or on behalf of, the Council; (n) publish any guidelines in relation to Councillor Conduct Panel procedures and processes that the Principal Councillor 15 Conduct Registrar has determined to be necessary. (2) The Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar has the power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with the 20 performance of the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar's functions under this Act. (3) Without limiting the generality of subsection (2), the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar may request any information from a Council that the 25 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar considers is necessary to enable the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar to make a determination under section 155(1)(c). 150 Appointment of Councillor Conduct Officer 30 (1) The Chief Executive Officer must-- (a) appoint a person in writing to be the Councillor Conduct Officer; and (b) notify the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar of the appointment. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 141 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (2) Subject to subsection (3), a person may be appointed to be a Councillor Conduct Officer if-- (a) the person is a member of Council staff; or (b) the Council resolves that the person is 5 suitably qualified to perform the functions of the Councillor Conduct Officer. (3) The Chief Executive Officer cannot be appointed as a Councillor Conduct Officer. 151 Functions of a Councillor Conduct Officer 10 A Councillor Conduct Officer must-- (a) assist the Council in the implementation of, and conduct of, the internal arbitration process of a Council; and (b) assist the Principal Councillor Conduct 15 Registrar to perform the functions specified in section 149(1); and (c) assist the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar in relation to any request for information under section 149(3). 20 152 Council must pay fees A Council must pay the fees specified in a notice under section 149(1)(e) or (m). Division 7--Councillor Conduct Panels and VCAT 153 The panel list 25 (1) The Minister must establish a panel list of eligible persons from which members of a Councillor Conduct Panel must be selected. (2) The Minister may appoint as many eligible persons to the panel list as the Minister considers 30 appropriate. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 142 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (3) A person is eligible for appointment to the panel list if the person-- (a) is an Australian lawyer who has been admitted to the legal profession for at least 5 5 years; or (b) has any other experience the Minister considers relevant to the position. Note See also section 156(3) which requires at least one person 10 selected to form a Councillor Conduct Panel to be an eligible person in accordance with subsection (3)(a). (4) A member of the panel list may resign by notice in writing to the Minister. (5) The Minister may remove a member of the panel 15 list if the Minister considers that the person is no longer a suitable person to sit on a Councillor Conduct Panel. (6) The Public Administration Act 2004 does not apply to a member of the panel list. 20 154 Application to Councillor Conduct Panel (1) A Councillor Conduct Panel may hear an application that alleges serious misconduct by a Councillor. (2) Subject to subsection (4), an application for a 25 Councillor Conduct Panel to make a finding of serious misconduct against a Councillor may be made by-- (a) the Council following a resolution of the Council to make an application to a 30 Councillor Conduct Panel under this subsection in respect of a Councillor's conduct; or (b) a Councillor or a group of Councillors; or (c) the Chief Municipal Inspector. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 143 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (3) An application under subsection (2) must be made within 12 months of the alleged serious misconduct occurring. (4) An application for a Councillor Conduct Panel to 5 make a finding of serious misconduct against a Councillor that alleges that the Councillor has failed to disclose a conflict of interest may only be made by the Chief Municipal Inspector. (5) An application made under this section must 10 be given to the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar in the manner specified by the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar in any guidelines published under section 149(1)(n). (6) An application made under this section must-- 15 (a) specify the ground or grounds for the application; and (b) set out-- (i) the circumstances, actions or inactions of the Councillor who is the subject 20 of the application that are alleged as constituting serious misconduct; and (ii) the particulars of any evidence of those circumstances, actions or inactions of the Councillor that are alleged as 25 constituting the serious misconduct; and (c) specify-- (i) any steps taken by Council to resolve the matter that is the subject of the 30 application and the reason why the matter was not resolved by the taking of those steps; or (ii) if the Council did not take any steps to resolve the matter that is the subject of 35 the application, the reason why the 591055B.I-13/11/2019 144 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity Council did not take any steps to resolve the matter. (7) If an application is made under this section by the Council or a group of Councillors, the 5 application must state the name and address of the Councillor whom the Council or the group of Councillors has appointed as representative of the Council or the group of Councillors. 155 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must 10 examine application (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar, after examining an application made under section 154, must form a Councillor Conduct Panel to hear the matter if the Principal 15 Councillor Conduct Registrar is satisfied that-- (a) the application is not frivolous, vexatious, misconceived or lacking in substance; and (b) there is sufficient evidence to support an allegation of serious misconduct as specified 20 in the application; and (c) the Council-- (i) has taken sufficient or appropriate steps to resolve the matter and the matter remains unresolved; or 25 (ii) has not taken any steps to resolve the matter but the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar is satisfied as to the Council's reasons for not taking any steps. 30 (2) The Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar may reject an application, or refer a matter the subject of an application back to the Council, if the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar is satisfied that the matter the subject of the application has 591055B.I-13/11/2019 145 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity been, or is being, dealt with, by the Council or another body. (3) Subject to subsections (2) and (4), the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must reject an 5 application, or refer a matter the subject of an application back to the Council, if the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar is not satisfied under subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c). (4) The Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must 10 form a Councillor Conduct Panel to hear the matter if the application is made by the Chief Municipal Inspector for a finding of serious misconduct. (5) The rejection of an application, or the referral of a 15 matter the subject of an application back to the Council, by the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar under this section does not prevent a further application being made under section 154 in respect of the same conduct by a Councillor 20 that was the subject of the rejected or referred application. 156 Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar to form Councillor Conduct Panel (1) Subject to sections 155 and 157, the Principal 25 Councillor Conduct Registrar must form a Councillor Conduct Panel, after examining an application made under section 154, without undue delay. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Principal 30 Councillor Conduct Registrar must select 2 people from the panel list who the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar considers suitable to form a Councillor Conduct Panel in accordance with this section and any guidelines in relation to panel 35 procedures published by the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 146 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (3) The Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must ensure that at least one of the 2 people selected to form a Councillor Conduct Panel is an eligible person in accordance with section 153(3)(a). 5 (4) The person selected under subsection (3) is the chairperson for the Councillor Conduct Panel. 157 Related applications (1) If the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar receives an application (a subsequent application) 10 that appears to be related to another application for which a Councillor Conduct Panel has already been formed, the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must-- (a) forward the subsequent application directly 15 to the existing Councillor Conduct Panel; or (b) reject the subsequent application if the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar considers that the application is frivolous, vexatious, misconceived or lacking in 20 substance. (2) On receipt of the subsequent application, the Councillor Conduct Panel must decide, based on the subject matter of the subsequent application, either-- 25 (a) to join the subsequent application to the application the Councillor Conduct Panel was formed to hear; or (b) to return the subsequent application to the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar 30 without hearing the matter. (3) If the Councillor Conduct Panel returns the subsequent application to the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar under subsection (2)(b), the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must 591055B.I-13/11/2019 147 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity examine the subsequent application in accordance with section 155. (4) If the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar is satisfied as to the matters specified in section 5 155(1)(a), (b) and (c), the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must form a Councillor Conduct Panel which does not include any of the members of the Councillor Conduct Panel that returned the subsequent application. 10 (5) If the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar is not satisfied as to the matters specified in section 155(1)(a), (b) or (c), the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar must deal with the application in accordance with section 155(2) or (3). 15 158 Charge for certain offences not to proceed if application has been made (1) This section applies if an application for a Councillor Conduct Panel to make a finding of serious misconduct by a Councillor has been 20 made in respect of the following conduct-- (a) the release of confidential information; (b) a failure to comply with conflict of interest requirements; (c) seeking to direct a member of Council staff. 25 (2) If this section applies, the Councillor must not be charged with an offence in respect of the same conduct unless-- (a) the Councillor Conduct Panel application is withdrawn; or 30 (b) the Chief Municipal Inspector requires the Councillor Conduct Panel to suspend or stop consideration of the matter; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 148 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (c) before the Councillor Conduct Panel makes a determination, the Councillor ceases to be a Councillor; or (d) the matter or behaviour that is the subject 5 of an application for a finding of serious misconduct has been referred to another law enforcement agency. 159 Application not to be made if charge has been made for certain offences 10 (1) This section applies if a Councillor has been charged with an offence in respect of the following conduct-- (a) the release of confidential information; (b) a failure to comply with conflict of interest 15 requirements; (c) seeking to direct a member of Council staff. (2) If this section applies, an application for a Councillor Conduct Panel to make a finding of serious misconduct by the Councillor must not be 20 made for the same conduct in respect of which the Councillor has been charged. 160 Notice of a Councillor Conduct Panel A Councillor Conduct Panel must-- (a) fix a time and a place for the hearing to be 25 conducted; and (b) serve by post a notice of the time and place of the hearing on the applicant, the respondent and the Council. 161 Procedures 30 (1) A Councillor Conduct Panel may do any or all of the following-- (a) request a person to attend a hearing and answer questions; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 149 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (b) request information from the applicant, the respondent or the Council, including confidential information held by the Council; (c) direct a Councillor to attend a hearing or 5 provide information, including confidential information held by the Councillor. (2) Members of a Councillor Conduct Panel that are provided with confidential information must ensure that the information is not released to the 10 public. 162 Obligation on Council A Council which is served with a notice under section 160 must provide all reasonable assistance to the Councillor Conduct Panel which is 15 necessary to enable the Councillor Conduct Panel to conduct the hearing and make a determination. 163 Conduct of a Councillor Conduct Panel (1) A Councillor Conduct Panel must not make a determination under section 167 until it has 20 conducted a hearing. (2) The following applies to a hearing of a Councillor Conduct Panel-- (a) the proceedings must be conducted with as little formality and technicality as the 25 requirements of this Act and the proper consideration of the matter permit; (b) there is no right to representation at the hearing except if the Councillor Conduct Panel considers that a party requires 30 representation to ensure that the hearing is conducted fairly; (c) the proceedings must not be open to the public; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 150 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (d) if the hearing is based on an application made by a Council or a group of Councillors, the appointed representative must represent the Council or group of Councillors at the 5 hearing; (e) the Councillor Conduct Panel is not bound by rules of evidence but may inform itself in any way it thinks fit; (f) the Councillor Conduct Panel is bound by 10 the rules of natural justice; (g) the procedure of a Councillor Conduct Panel is otherwise in its discretion. (3) At the hearing of an application, the Councillor Conduct Panel must provide the respondent with 15 an opportunity to be heard. 164 Dissolution of Councillor Conduct Panels A Councillor Conduct Panel is dissolved when any of the following occurs-- (a) the application for the Councillor Conduct 20 Panel to make a finding is withdrawn; (b) the Councillor Conduct Panel has dismissed the application because the Councillor Conduct Panel was satisfied that the application is frivolous, vexatious, 25 misconceived or lacking in substance; (c) the Chief Municipal Inspector has stopped the consideration of the matter by the Councillor Conduct Panel; (d) the time for a person who is affected by the 30 decision of the Councillor Conduct Panel on the application to make an application for review of the decision has expired; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 151 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (e) after the conclusion of the hearing by VCAT of an application for review of the decision of the Councillor Conduct Panel. 165 Notification to Chief Municipal Inspector of 5 apparent offence (1) This section applies if it appears to a Councillor Conduct Panel that a Councillor has committed an offence under this Act. (2) A Councillor Conduct Panel must by notice in 10 writing notify the Chief Municipal Inspector that a Councillor appears to have committed an offence under this Act as soon as the Councillor Conduct Panel becomes aware of the apparent offence. 166 Investigation by Chief Municipal Inspector 15 (1) The Chief Municipal Inspector may at any time (whether or not the Chief Municipal Inspector has received a notice under section 165), by notice, require a Councillor Conduct Panel to suspend or stop the consideration of a matter. 20 (2) Within 28 days of the Chief Municipal Inspector requiring a Councillor Conduct Panel to suspend or stop consideration of a matter, the Chief Municipal Inspector must commence an investigation into the matter. 25 167 Determinations by a Councillor Conduct Panel (1) After a Councillor Conduct Panel has conducted a hearing, the Councillor Conduct Panel may-- (a) make a finding of serious misconduct against a Councillor; or 30 (b) if it is satisfied that a Councillor has breached one or more of the prescribed standards of conduct and the application for a finding of serious misconduct was made to the Councillor Conduct Panel within the 35 period of 3 months after the breach occurred, 591055B.I-13/11/2019 152 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity make a finding of misconduct against a Councillor; or (c) whether or not a finding of misconduct or serious misconduct against a Councillor has 5 been made, make a finding that remedial action is required; or (d) dismiss the application. (2) If a Councillor Conduct Panel makes a finding of serious misconduct against a Councillor, the 10 Councillor becomes ineligible to hold the office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the Council's term unless the Councillor Conduct Panel directs otherwise. (3) If a Councillor Conduct Panel makes a finding 15 of serious misconduct against a Councillor, the Councillor Conduct Panel may do any one or more of the following-- (a) reprimand the Councillor; (b) direct the Councillor to make an apology 20 in a form or manner determined by the Councillor Conduct Panel; (c) suspend the Councillor from office for a period specified by the Councillor Conduct Panel not exceeding 12 months; 25 (d) direct that the Councillor is ineligible to chair a delegated committee of the Council for a period specified by the Councillor Conduct Panel not exceeding the remainder of the Council's term. 30 (4) If a Councillor Conduct Panel makes a finding of misconduct against a Councillor as specified in subsection (1)(b), the Councillor Conduct Panel may do any one or more of the following-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 153 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (a) direct the Councillor to make an apology in a form or manner specified by the Councillor Conduct Panel; (b) suspend the Councillor from the office of 5 Councillor for a period specified by the Councillor Conduct Panel not exceeding one month; (c) direct that the Councillor be removed from any position where the Councillor represents 10 the Council for the period determined by the Councillor Conduct Panel; (d) direct that the Councillor be removed from being the chair of a delegated committee for the period determined by the Councillor 15 Conduct Panel. (5) For the purposes of subsection (3) or (4), any period of suspension of a Councillor from the office of Councillor is to be reduced by any period during which the Councillor was stood down 20 under Division 6 of Part 7 in relation to the relevant conduct. (6) If a Councillor Conduct Panel makes a finding that remedial action is required, the Councillor Conduct Panel may direct the Councillor who is 25 the subject of the application to attend one or more of the following-- (a) mediation; (b) training; (c) counselling. 30 (7) For the purposes of subsection (6), a Councillor Conduct Panel may set reasonable conditions in respect of how or when remedial action is to be undertaken. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 154 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (8) Any necessary expenses incurred by Councillors in attending mediation, training or counselling must be paid by the Council. (9) In addition to any findings made under subsection 5 (1)(a), (b) or (c), a Councillor Conduct Panel may direct that the Council amend its Councillor Code of Conduct in a particular way or to address a particular issue. (10) A Council must comply with a direction under 10 subsection (9) within the period of 3 months after the direction is given. 168 Notice and tabling of decision (1) After a Councillor Conduct Panel has made a determination under section 167, the Councillor 15 Conduct Panel must give a copy of the decision to the following-- (a) the Council; (b) the parties to the matter; (c) the Minister; 20 (d) the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar. (2) A copy of the decision given to the Council under subsection (1)(a) must be tabled at the next Council meeting and recorded in the minutes of that meeting. 25 (3) A Councillor Conduct Panel must within 28 days of making a determination give a written statement of reasons for the decision to the following-- (a) the Council; 30 (b) the parties to the matter; (c) the Minister; (d) the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 155 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (4) A statement of reasons provided in accordance with subsection (3) is taken to be a statement of reasons provided in accordance with section 46(1) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative 5 Tribunal Act 1998. (5) A record of the decision of VCAT, made in respect of an application or review under this Division in relation to a Councillor of a Council, must be tabled at the next Council meeting and 10 recorded in the minutes of that meeting. 169 Councillor Conduct Panel confidential information Unless otherwise determined by a Councillor Conduct Panel, the following information is confidential information-- 15 (a) information that is provided to, or produced by, a Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar, for the purposes of an application for a Councillor Conduct Panel to be formed; (b) information, other than a decision or 20 reasons for a decision, that is provided to, or produced by, a Councillor Conduct Panel, for the purposes of conducting the Councillor Conduct Panel hearing; (c) any part of a statement of reasons or 25 any other document under the control or possession of the Councillor Conduct Panel that the Councillor Conduct Panel determines contains confidential information. 30 170 Review by VCAT (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who is affected by the decision made by a Councillor Conduct Panel under this Division may apply to VCAT for review of the decision. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 156 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (2) A person is not entitled to apply for review of a decision made by a Councillor Conduct Panel to dismiss the application because it is frivolous, vexatious, misconceived or lacking in substance. 5 (3) An application for review must be made within 28 days of the Councillor Conduct Panel giving a statement of reasons. (4) For the purposes of a review by VCAT-- (a) the person who applies for a review is the 10 applicant; and (b) any other party to the original Councillor Conduct Panel proceeding is a respondent; and (c) the members of the original Councillor 15 Conduct Panel are also respondents. 171 Application to VCAT on grounds of gross misconduct (1) VCAT may hear an application made by the Chief Municipal Inspector that alleges gross misconduct 20 by a Councillor. (2) An application made under subsection (1) may only be made by the Chief Municipal Inspector. (3) The applicant and respondent are parties to a proceeding commenced in VCAT under this 25 section. 172 Powers of VCAT in relation to finding of gross misconduct If VCAT makes a finding that a Councillor has engaged in conduct that constitutes gross 30 misconduct, VCAT may order that-- (a) the Councillor is disqualified from continuing to be a Councillor for a period specified by VCAT not exceeding 8 years; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 157 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (b) the office of the Councillor is vacated. 173 Suspension of matters during election period (1) Applications and proceedings made and conducted under this Division must be suspended 5 during the election period for a general election. (2) If an application is made to a Councillor Conduct Panel for a finding of serious misconduct against a person who is a Councillor before a general election, and that person is not returned to the 10 office of Councillor as a result of the general election, the application made against that person who was a Councillor before the election lapses. (3) If an application is made to a Councillor Conduct Panel for a finding of serious misconduct against a 15 person who is a Councillor before a general election, and that person is returned to the office of Councillor as a result of the general election, the application made against the Councillor may resume, whether or not any applicant was returned 20 to the office of Councillor as a result of the general election. (4) An application to VCAT on the grounds of gross misconduct made by the Chief Municipal Inspector against a person who is a Councillor 25 before a general election must resume after the general election is held whether or not the person is returned to the office of Councillor. 174 Immunity (1) A member of a Councillor Conduct Panel under 30 this Act is not personally liable for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith-- (a) in the exercise of a power or the discharge of a duty under this Act; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 158 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 6--Council integrity (b) in the reasonable belief that the act or omission was in the exercise of a power or the discharge of a duty under this Act. (2) Any liability resulting from an act or omission 5 that would but for subsection (1) attach to a member of a Councillor Conduct Panel attaches to the Council. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 159 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight Part 7--Ministerial oversight Division 1--Governance directions 175 Minister may give direction (1) The Minister may in writing direct the Council to 5 amend, discontinue, replace or report on its governance processes and policies if-- (a) a person or body specified in subsection (2)(b) has advised the Minister that those governance processes and policies require 10 improvement; and (b) the Minister is satisfied that those governance processes and policies require improvement. (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), 15 the Minister may, in relation to any requirement that applies to a Council under this Act, direct the Council to do any or all of the following-- (a) adopt a good practice guideline issued by the Minister under section 87; 20 (b) adopt any recommendation made, or take any action recommended, by-- (i) a Municipal Monitor; or (ii) the Chief Municipal Inspector; or (iii) a Commission of Inquiry; or 25 (iv) the Ombudsman; or (v) the IBAC. (3) If the Minister considers that it is necessary or appropriate in the public interest to do so, the Minister may, by a written direction, direct a 30 Council to prepare and submit to the Minister within the period of 4 weeks after the direction is given to the Council-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 160 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (a) financial statements in respect of any part of the financial year as specified in the direction; and (b) any other information relating to the 5 financial status of the Council as specified in the direction. (4) Subject to subsection (5), the Minister may by a written direction, on the recommendation of a Municipal Monitor, the Chief Municipal 10 Inspector, a Commission of Inquiry, the Ombudsman or the IBAC, direct a Council-- (a) not to employ a new Chief Executive Officer; or (b) not to re-employ a Chief Executive Officer. 15 (5) The Minister must not give a direction under subsection (4) unless the Minister is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the employment or re-employment of the Chief Executive Officer could result in-- 20 (a) a failure by the Council to provide good governance; or (b) the Council acting unlawfully. (6) Any contract entered into by a Council or Chief Executive Officer in contravention of a written 25 direction under subsection (4) is void. (7) A written direction under this section must be complied with. 176 Failure to comply with written direction If the Council fails to comply with a written 30 direction made under section 175, the Minister may take that failure to comply with the direction into account for the purposes of recommending the suspension of all the Councillors of the Council under this Act. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 161 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight Division 2--Compliance exemptions 177 Application for compliance exemption (1) A Council may apply to the Minister for a compliance exemption from a regulatory 5 requirement under this Act or the regulations specified in the application. (2) A Council must provide evidence to the satisfaction of the Minister that-- (a) the granting of the compliance exemption-- 10 (i) will not limit the ability of the Council to provide good governance; and (ii) would be in the public interest; and (b) the Council is otherwise providing good governance and is not subject to any 15 governance direction. 178 Actions by Minister If in considering an application for a compliance exemption under section 177(1), the Minister is reasonably satisfied as to the matters specified in 20 section 177(2), the Minister may grant the compliance exemption-- (a) subject to any terms and conditions; and (b) for any period-- determined by the Minister. 25 Division 3--Municipal Monitors 179 Municipal Monitor (1) The Minister may appoint a person to be a Municipal Monitor to a Council. (2) The Minister must give the Council written notice 30 of any appointment of a Municipal Monitor made to the Council under subsection (1) which 591055B.I-13/11/2019 162 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight specifies the amounts the Municipal Monitor is entitled to be paid and the terms of the appointment. (3) The Council must pay a Municipal Monitor 5 the amounts specified in the notice under subsection (2). 180 Functions of a Municipal Monitor A Municipal Monitor has the following functions-- 10 (a) to monitor Council governance processes and practices; (b) to advise the Council about governance improvements the Council should make; (c) to report to the Minister on any steps or 15 actions taken by the Council to improve its governance and the effectiveness of those steps or actions; (d) to make recommendations to the Minister at the request of the Minister in relation to the 20 exercise of any power under this Act or any other Act relating to governance matters in respect of the Council; (e) to investigate a matter referred to the Municipal Monitor by the Minister under 25 section 225 and provide a report to the Minister; (f) to monitor and report to the Minister on any other matters determined by the Minister. 181 Powers of Municipal Monitor 30 (1) A Municipal Monitor has the power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done in connection with the performance of the functions of a Municipal Monitor under section 180. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 163 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (2) If a Municipal Monitor considers at any time that any matter referred to the Municipal Monitor by the IBAC under section 73 of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission 5 Act 2011 appears to involve conduct that is corrupt conduct, the Municipal Monitor must inform the IBAC. Division 4--Chief Municipal Inspector 182 Appointment of Chief Municipal Inspector 10 (1) The Minister may appoint a Chief Municipal Inspector who is employed under Division 5 of Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004. (2) The Chief Municipal Inspector has the following functions-- 15 (a) to investigate and prosecute any possible offence under this Act; (b) to examine any possible breach of this Act; (c) to investigate any allegation of serious misconduct or gross misconduct by a 20 Councillor; (d) to investigate any public interest complaint that relates to the conduct of a Councillor or a member of Council staff; (e) to make an application for a Councillor 25 Conduct Panel to make a finding of serious misconduct against a Councillor; (f) to make an application to VCAT for a finding of gross misconduct by a Councillor; (g) to investigate a matter referred to the Chief 30 Municipal Inspector by the Minister under section 225 and provide a report to the Minister; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 164 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (h) any other function conferred on the Chief Municipal Inspector by or under this Act. 183 Powers of the Chief Municipal Inspector (1) The Chief Municipal Inspector has all the powers 5 necessary to perform the Chief Municipal Inspector's functions. (2) The Chief Municipal Inspector may examine, investigate and prosecute-- (a) any matter relating to a Council's operations 10 or to Council elections or electoral matters; and (b) any possible breaches of this Act. (3) The Chief Municipal Inspector may, by notice in writing, require a person to-- 15 (a) produce any document (whether or not specifically identified in the notice) in the person's custody or control that relates to any matter that the Chief Municipal Inspector may examine or investigate; and 20 (b) give all reasonable assistance in connection with an examination or investigation; and (c) appear before the Chief Municipal Inspector for examination on oath or affirmation and to answer questions. 25 (4) The Chief Municipal Inspector may administer an oath or affirmation. (5) The Chief Municipal Inspector may take possession of any document produced under subsection (3) for so long as the Chief Municipal 30 Inspector considers necessary. (6) However, while the Chief Municipal Inspector retains possession of such a document, the Chief Municipal Inspector must permit any person who would be entitled to inspect the document if it 591055B.I-13/11/2019 165 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight were not in the Chief Municipal Inspector's possession to inspect the document at any reasonable time. (7) A person appearing before the Chief Municipal 5 Inspector is entitled to be represented by another person. (8) If the Chief Municipal Inspector considers at any time that any matter referred to the Chief Municipal Inspector by the IBAC under 10 section 73 of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 appears to involve conduct that is corrupt conduct, the Chief Municipal Inspector must inform the IBAC. 184 Chief Municipal Inspector must investigate public 15 interest complaints Subject to sections 185 and 186, the Chief Municipal Inspector must conduct an investigation under this Act on a public interest complaint referred to the Chief Municipal Inspector by the 20 IBAC. 185 Chief Municipal Inspector must refuse to investigate certain public interest complaints (1) The Chief Municipal Inspector must refuse to conduct an investigation on a public interest 25 complaint if the investigation would prejudice any-- (a) criminal proceedings or criminal investigations; or (b) investigations by the IBAC or the Victorian 30 Inspectorate. (2) For the purposes of ensuring compliance with subsection (1), the Chief Municipal Inspector may consult any of the following-- (a) the Director of Public Prosecutions; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 166 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (b) the Chief Commissioner of Police; (c) the IBAC; (d) the Victorian Inspectorate. 186 Chief Municipal Inspector may refuse to investigate 5 certain public interest complaints (1) The Chief Municipal Inspector may refuse to conduct an investigation on a public interest complaint if the Chief Municipal Inspector considers the subject matter of the public interest 10 complaint has already been investigated or otherwise dealt with by-- (a) an integrity body within the meaning of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011; or 15 (b) any other person or body (whether or not still in existence) with the power to require the production of documents or the answering of questions. (2) The Chief Municipal Inspector may refuse to 20 conduct an investigation on a public interest complaint if the person who made the public interest complaint-- (a) made the disclosure that was determined to be a public interest complaint more than 25 12 months after becoming aware of the disclosed matter; and (b) fails to give a satisfactory explanation for the delay in making the disclosure. (3) The Chief Municipal Inspector may refuse to 30 conduct an investigation on a public interest complaint if the Chief Municipal Inspector considers that the conduct that is the subject of the complaint does not amount to improper conduct, within the meaning of section 3 of the Public 35 Interest Disclosures Act 2012, or detrimental 591055B.I-13/11/2019 167 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight action against a person in contravention of section 45 of that Act. 187 Notification of refusal to conduct investigation on public interest complaint 5 (1) This section applies if the Chief Municipal Inspector refuses under section 185 or 186 to conduct an investigation on a public interest complaint. (2) Within a reasonable time after the public interest 10 complaint is referred to the Chief Municipal Inspector by the IBAC, the Chief Municipal Inspector must inform the IBAC and the person who made the public interest complaint of-- (a) the refusal to conduct the investigation; and 15 (b) the reason for that refusal. 188 Notification of corrupt conduct If, at any time before, during or after an investigation of a public interest complaint, the Chief Municipal Inspector believes that the 20 conduct that is the subject of the complaint appears to involve corrupt conduct of which the IBAC may not be aware, the Chief Municipal Inspector must-- (a) notify the IBAC of that belief; and 25 (b) if the investigation of the public interest complaint has not been completed, suspend the investigation pending a response from the IBAC to the notification. 189 Procedure on completion of investigation of public 30 interest complaint (1) On completion of an investigation of a public interest complaint, the Chief Municipal Inspector-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 168 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (a) must report the findings of the investigation to-- (i) the relevant Council; and (ii) the Minister; and 5 (b) may make recommendations as to the action to be taken as a result of the investigation to-- (i) the Minister; or (ii) the relevant Council. 10 (2) If the Chief Municipal Inspector makes recommendations to the relevant Council, the Chief Municipal Inspector-- (a) must provide the Minister with a copy of those recommendations; and 15 (b) may request the relevant Council to notify the Chief Municipal Inspector within a specified time of the steps to be taken to address the recommendations. (3) If no appropriate steps have been taken by the 20 relevant Council to address the recommendations of the Chief Municipal Inspector within a reasonable time after those recommendations were made, the Chief Municipal Inspector may advise the Minister of that failure. 25 (4) The Chief Municipal Inspector must not include in a report under this section any information that-- (a) is likely to lead to the identification of a person who has made an assessable disclosure; and 30 (b) is not information to which section 53(2)(a), (c) or (d) of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 applies. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 169 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (5) The Chief Municipal Inspector may prosecute any possible breach of this Act identified in the course of the investigation of the public interest complaint. 5 190 Person who made public interest disclosure to be informed of result of investigation (1) If the Chief Municipal Inspector conducts an investigation on a public interest complaint, the Chief Municipal Inspector must inform the person 10 who made the complaint (unless the complaint was made anonymously) of-- (a) the result of the investigation; and (b) any other information that the Chief Municipal Inspector thinks proper. 15 (2) The Chief Municipal Inspector must not disclose any information under this section if the Chief Municipal Inspector considers that the disclosure of the information would-- (a) not be in the public interest or in the interests 20 of justice; or (b) put a person's safety at risk; or (c) cause unreasonable damage to a person's reputation; or (d) prejudice any criminal proceedings 25 or criminal investigations, or investigations by the Ombudsman, the IBAC, the Victorian Inspectorate or the Chief Municipal Inspector; or (e) otherwise contravene any applicable 30 statutory secrecy obligations or involve the unreasonable disclosure of information relating to the personal affairs of any person. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 170 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 191 Chief Municipal Inspector must not disclose certain information If a public interest complaint is referred by the IBAC to the Chief Municipal Inspector for 5 investigation, the Chief Municipal Inspector must not disclose any information that-- (a) is likely to lead to the identification of a person who has made an assessable disclosure; and 10 (b) is not information to which section 53(2)(a), (c) or (d) of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 applies. 192 Disclosure of information by the Chief Municipal Inspector 15 (1) At any time, the Chief Municipal Inspector may provide or disclose any information received or obtained in the course of an investigation of an assessable disclosure to a person or body specified in subsection (3) if the Chief Municipal Inspector 20 considers that-- (a) the information is relevant to the performance of the duties and functions or the exercise of the powers of the person or body; and 25 (b) it is appropriate for the information to be brought to the attention of the person or body, having regard to the nature of the information. (2) Despite subsection (1), the Chief Municipal 30 Inspector must not provide or disclose any information to a person or body if-- (a) the person or body, or an employee of the person or body, is the subject of an assessable disclosure; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 171 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (b) the information-- (i) is likely to lead to the identification of a person who made the assessable disclosure; and 5 (ii) is not information to which section 53(2)(a), (c) or (d) of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 applies. (3) For the purposes of subsection (1), the following persons and bodies are specified-- 10 (a) the IBAC; (b) the Victorian Inspectorate; (c) the Ombudsman; (d) the Auditor-General; (e) Victoria Police; 15 (f) the Director of Public Prosecutions; (g) the Commission for Children and Young People established under section 6 of the Commission for Children and Young People Act 2012; 20 (h) the Australian Federal Police constituted under section 6 of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 of the Commonwealth; (i) the police force or police service (however described) of another State or a Territory; 25 (j) a prescribed person or body. (4) Subsection (1) applies subject to any restriction on the provision or disclosure of information under this Act or any other Act (including any Commonwealth Act). 591055B.I-13/11/2019 172 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 193 Confidentiality notice (1) If, during an investigation on a public interest complaint, the Chief Municipal Inspector considers on reasonable grounds that the 5 disclosure of one or more restricted matters would be likely to prejudice-- (a) an investigation by the IBAC or the Victorian Inspectorate; or (b) the safety or reputation of a person; or 10 (c) the fair trial of a person who has been, or may be, charged with an offence-- the Chief Municipal Inspector must issue a confidentiality notice in respect of the investigation to a person (other than an IBAC 15 officer or a Victorian Inspectorate officer) specifying the restricted matter or restricted matters in accordance with this section. (2) A confidentiality notice must-- (a) be in the prescribed form; and 20 (b) specify the restricted matter or restricted matters in respect of which the confidentiality notice is issued; and (c) include a copy of the provisions of subsections (3) to (7) and sections 194 25 and 196 and an explanation of the effect of those provisions; and (d) include a statement-- (i) advising the person to whom the confidentiality notice is 30 issued that additional obligations under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 relating to confidentiality may apply to the person; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 173 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (ii) directing the person to the provisions of that Act which impose those obligations. (3) If at any time the Chief Municipal Inspector 5 considers on reasonable grounds that it is necessary to restrict disclosure of a different restricted matter from any of those specified in a confidentiality notice in respect of a particular investigation to ensure that the disclosure would 10 not be likely to have the effect specified in subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c), the Chief Municipal Inspector must issue to the person to whom the confidentiality notice was issued-- (a) a notice cancelling the previous 15 confidentiality notice; and (b) a new confidentiality notice in respect of that investigation under subsection (1). (4) If at any time the Chief Municipal Inspector considers on reasonable grounds that disclosure of 20 a particular restricted matter specified in a confidentiality notice in respect of a particular investigation would no longer be likely to have the effect specified in subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c), the Chief Municipal Inspector must issue to the 25 person to whom the confidentiality notice was issued-- (a) a notice cancelling the previous confidentiality notice; and (b) a new confidentiality notice in respect of that 30 investigation under subsection (1). (5) If at any time the Chief Municipal Inspector considers on reasonable grounds that disclosure of the restricted matter or restricted matters specified in a confidentiality notice in 35 respect of a particular investigation would no longer be likely to have the effect specified in 591055B.I-13/11/2019 174 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c), the Chief Municipal Inspector must issue to the person to whom the confidentiality notice was issued a notice cancelling the confidentiality notice. 5 (6) At the conclusion of an investigation in respect of which a confidentiality notice was issued, the Chief Municipal Inspector must issue to the person to whom the confidentiality notice was issued a notice cancelling the confidentiality 10 notice, unless-- (a) the Chief Municipal Inspector has applied for an order under section 194 extending the confidentiality notice and the application has not been determined; or 15 (b) the Supreme Court has made an order under section 194 extending the confidentiality notice; or (c) the confidentiality notice has already been cancelled under subsection (3), (4) or (5) or 20 section 194(3). (7) A confidentiality notice in respect of a particular investigation ceases to have effect on whichever of the following occurs first-- (a) the date on which the Chief Municipal 25 Inspector issues a notice cancelling the confidentiality notice under subsection (3), (4), (5) or (6) or section 194(3); (b) the date specified in an order under section 194 extending the confidentiality 30 notice. (8) A confidentiality notice under subsection (1) or a notice cancelling a confidentiality notice under subsection (3), (4), (5) or (6) may be issued to a person by serving a copy on the person in 35 accordance with section 315. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 175 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 194 Extension of confidentiality notice (1) If, before the conclusion of an investigation in respect of which a confidentiality notice has been issued, the Chief Municipal Inspector considers on 5 reasonable grounds that it is necessary to extend the confidentiality notice for a period following the investigation, the Chief Municipal Inspector may apply to the Supreme Court for an order extending the confidentiality notice. 10 (2) On an application under subsection (1), the Supreme Court may, by order, extend a confidentiality notice to a date specified in the order, if the Supreme Court is satisfied that disclosure of the restricted matter or restricted 15 matters specified in the confidentiality notice before that date would be likely to have the effect specified in section 193(1)(a), (b) or (c). (3) If, on an application under subsection (1), the Supreme Court declines to make an order 20 under subsection (2), the Chief Municipal Inspector must issue to the person to whom the confidentiality notice was issued a notice cancelling the confidentiality notice, unless the investigation in respect of which the 25 confidentiality notice was issued has not concluded. Note Section 193(6) provides for the issue of a notice cancelling a confidentiality notice at the conclusion of the investigation 30 to which the confidentiality notice relates. (4) A notice cancelling a confidentiality notice under subsection (3) may be issued to a person by serving a copy on the person in accordance with section 315. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 176 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 195 Chief Municipal Inspector to provide the IBAC with copies The Chief Municipal Inspector, as soon as reasonably practicable, must provide the IBAC 5 with a copy of-- (a) each confidentiality notice issued by the Chief Municipal Inspector; (b) each notice cancelling a confidentiality notice issued by the Chief Municipal 10 Inspector under section 193(3), (4), (5) or (6) or section 194(3); (c) each application to the Supreme Court under section 194(1) to extend a confidentiality notice; 15 (d) each order of the Supreme Court under section 194(2) extending a confidentiality notice. 196 Disclosure subject to confidentiality notice (1) Except as provided in this section, a person who-- 20 (a) is duly served with a confidentiality notice and, if applicable, a copy of any order extending the confidentiality notice; or (b) receives a copy of a confidentiality notice under subsection (8) or (9) and, if applicable, 25 a copy of any order extending the confidentiality notice-- must not disclose a restricted matter specified in the confidentiality notice while the confidentiality notice has effect. 30 Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months or both. (2) A restricted matter specified in a confidentiality notice may be disclosed if the disclosure is made in any of the following circumstances-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 177 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (a) in accordance with a direction or an authorisation given by the Chief Municipal Inspector; (b) to any person where necessary for the 5 purposes of obtaining any information, document or other thing to comply with a witness summons or a confidentiality notice, a notice cancelling a confidentiality notice or an order extending a confidentiality notice, 10 including any of the following-- (i) to an interpreter, if the person does not have a sufficient knowledge of the English language to understand the nature of the witness summons 15 or confidentiality notice, notice cancelling the confidentiality notice or order extending the confidentiality notice; (ii) to a parent, guardian or independent 20 person, if the person is under the age of 18 years; (iii) to an independent person, if the person is illiterate or has a mental, physical or other impairment which prevents 25 the person from understanding the witness summons, confidentiality notice, notice cancelling the confidentiality notice or order extending the confidentiality notice 30 without assistance; (c) for the purposes of obtaining legal advice or representation in relation to-- (i) an investigation conducted by the Chief Municipal Inspector under this Act; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 178 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (ii) the person's rights, liabilities, obligations and privileges under this Act or a relevant Act; (d) by a legal practitioner who receives 5 a disclosure in the circumstances specified in paragraph (c), for the purposes of complying with a legal duty of disclosure or a professional obligation arising from their professional relationship with their client; 10 (e) to any of the following persons, unless the Chief Municipal Inspector directs that the restricted matter must not be disclosed to that person-- (i) the spouse or domestic partner of the 15 person served with the confidentiality notice; (ii) the employer or manager of the person served with the confidentiality notice, or both; 20 (f) in any of the following circumstances, unless the Chief Municipal Inspector directs that the restricted matter must not be disclosed in that circumstance-- (i) to any of the following for the purpose 25 of assisting the person to seek advice or support in relation to the investigation in respect of which the confidentiality notice has been issued-- (A) a registered health practitioner; 30 (B) a trade union of which the person is a member; (C) an employee assistance program; (ii) to the Victorian WorkCover Authority for the purpose of a 35 workers' compensation claim; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 179 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (iii) to a prescribed service for a purpose prescribed for that service; (iv) for the purpose of an application to the Fair Work Commission, including any 5 related proceeding; (g) as is otherwise authorised or required to be made by or under this Act. (3) A restricted matter specified in a confidentiality notice may be disclosed to the IBAC if-- 10 (a) the IBAC referred the complaint to which the restricted matter relates to the Chief Municipal Inspector under section 73A of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011; 15 and (b) the IBAC has withdrawn the referral in accordance with section 79 of that Act. (4) A restricted matter specified in a confidentiality notice may be disclosed to Victoria Police if-- 20 (a) the Chief Municipal Inspector has disclosed information to the Chief Commissioner of Police under section 192 relating to actual or potential criminal conduct; and (b) the restricted matter is relevant to an 25 investigation by Victoria Police of the actual or potential criminal conduct. (5) A restricted matter specified in a confidentiality notice may be disclosed if the disclosure is made for the purposes of making-- 30 (a) a complaint to the IBAC under the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011; or (b) a complaint to the Victorian Inspectorate under the Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 180 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (6) A restricted matter specified in a confidentiality notice may be disclosed if the disclosure is made for the purposes of complying with-- (a) a witness summons served on a person by 5 the IBAC under the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011; or (b) a witness summons served on a person by the Victorian Inspectorate under the 10 Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011. (7) A restricted matter specified in a confidentiality notice may be disclosed if the disclosure made is of information that has been published by an investigating entity or the IBAC Committee in a 15 report or has otherwise been made public in accordance with this or any other Act. (8) A person who makes a disclosure of information permitted by subsection (2) must, when making the disclosure, provide the person to whom the 20 disclosure is made with a copy of the confidentiality notice and of any order extending the confidentiality notice, unless the person has a reasonable excuse for not doing so. Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 25 12 months or both. (9) If in respect of a particular investigation a person who makes a disclosure of information permitted by subsection (2) receives a new confidentiality notice, a notice cancelling the confidentiality 30 notice or an order extending the confidentiality notice, the person must as soon as reasonably practicable provide a copy of the new confidentiality notice, notice cancelling the confidentiality notice or order extending 35 the confidentiality notice to each person to whom 591055B.I-13/11/2019 181 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight the disclosure has been made, unless the person has a reasonable excuse for not doing so. Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months or both. 5 (10) Proceedings may only be instituted for an offence under subsection (1), (8) or (9)-- (a) by the Chief Municipal Inspector; or (b) by or with the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions. 10 (11) In this section-- Fair Work Commission means the body continued in existence by section 575 of the Fair Work Act 2009 of the Commonwealth; investigating entity has the same meaning as in 15 section 3 of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012; registered health practitioner means a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise a health 20 profession (other than as a student); relevant Act means-- (a) the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012; or (b) the Independent Broad-based 25 Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011; or (c) the Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011; or (d) the Ombudsman Act 1973; or 30 (e) the Fair Work Act 2009 of the Commonwealth; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 182 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight Victorian WorkCover Authority has the same meaning as in the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013. 5 197 Delegation by Chief Municipal Inspector (1) The Chief Municipal Inspector may, by instrument, delegate any power, duty or function of the Chief Municipal Inspector under this Act to any person who has, in the Chief Municipal 10 Inspector's opinion, appropriate skills or knowledge to perform that power, duty or function other than this power of delegation. (2) A person delegated any power, duty or function by the Chief Municipal Inspector under 15 subsection (1) is by virtue of that delegation an inspector of municipal administration. 198 Offences in relation to Chief Municipal Inspector (1) A person must not, without a reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to comply with a requirement of 20 the Chief Municipal Inspector to the extent to which that person is able to comply. Penalty: 60 penalty units or imprisonment for 3 months or both. (2) A person must not give information which 25 the person knows is false or misleading to the Chief Municipal Inspector. Penalty: 240 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years or both. 199 Referral to Supreme Court 30 (1) If a person fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement made by the Chief Municipal Inspector, the Chief Municipal Inspector may certify the failure in writing to the Supreme Court. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 183 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (2) The Supreme Court may inquire into the failure and may-- (a) make an order requiring the person to comply with the requirement made by the 5 Chief Municipal Inspector within the period fixed by the Supreme Court; or (b) instead of, or in addition to, an order under paragraph (a), if the Supreme Court is satisfied that the person failed, without a 10 reasonable excuse, to comply with the requirement of the Chief Municipal Inspector, punish the person as if the person had been guilty of contempt of court. Division 5--Commissions of Inquiry 15 200 Appointment of Commission of Inquiry (1) The Minister may by instrument appoint a Commission of Inquiry to conduct an inquiry into the affairs of a Council or Councils. (2) The instrument of appointment must specify the 20 following-- (a) the person or persons appointed to constitute the Commission of Inquiry; (b) if more than one person is appointed, the person who is to chair the Commission of 25 Inquiry; (c) the terms of reference of the Commission of Inquiry; (d) any other matter the Minister considers appropriate, including the manner in 30 which the Commission of Inquiry is to be conducted. (3) A Commission of Inquiry must provide a written report to the Minister by the date specified by the Minister. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 184 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 201 Appointment of Commissioners (1) The Minister may appoint a person or persons that the Minister considers appropriate to be a Commissioner of a Commission of Inquiry. 5 (2) A Commissioner-- (a) is to be appointed for the period specified in the instrument of appointment; and (b) is eligible for re-appointment; and (c) may resign by a written notice of resignation 10 addressed to the Minister; and (d) holds office on such other terms and conditions as are determined by the Minister. (3) A Commissioner ceases to hold office if the Commissioner-- 15 (a) resigns; or (b) becomes incapacitated; or (c) dies; or (d) becomes bankrupt; or (e) is convicted of an indictable offence; or 20 (f) receives a notice of termination of appointment from the Minister. 202 Services to support Commission of Inquiry (1) A Commission of Inquiry, with the approval of the Minister, may make use of the services of any 25 employees in the public service. (2) For the purposes of this Division, a person providing services under this section is to be taken to be a member of staff of the Commission of Inquiry. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 185 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 203 Certain public sector values do not apply to Commission of Inquiry staff If the public sector values referred to in section 7(1)(a)(i) and (c)(iii) of the Public 5 Administration Act 2004 would, but for this section, apply to a member of staff of a Commission of Inquiry, those public sector values do not apply to the member of staff in respect of their employment or engagement 10 with the Commission of Inquiry. Note Section 7(1)(a)(i) and (c)(iii) of the Public Administration Act 2004 deal with providing advice to the Government and implementing Government policies and programs. 15 204 Manner of inquiry of Commission of Inquiry A Commission of Inquiry may conduct its inquiry in any manner that it considers appropriate, subject to-- (a) the instrument of appointment; and 20 (b) the requirements of procedural fairness; and (c) this Act and any regulations under this Act. 205 Rules of evidence do not apply A Commission of Inquiry-- (a) is not bound by the rules of evidence or any 25 practices or procedures applicable to courts of record; and (b) may inform itself on any matter as it sees fit. 206 Power to serve a written notice (1) A Commissioner may serve a written notice to a 30 person to appear before the Commission of Inquiry and give evidence or produce any documents specified in the written notice. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 186 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (2) A person must not fail to appear before the Commission of Inquiry after being served with a written notice without reasonable excuse. Penalty: 10 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 3 months. 207 Power to examine person under oath or on affirmation (1) A Commissioner may-- (a) administer an oath or affirmation to; and 10 (b) examine upon oath or affirmation-- any person appearing before the Commission of Inquiry. (2) A person must not without a reasonable excuse-- (a) refuse to take an oath or make an 15 affirmation; or (b) fail to give evidence or produce any documents specified in the written notice served on that person. Penalty: 10 penalty units or imprisonment for 20 3 months. 208 Powers in relation to documents and other things (1) A Commissioner or a person authorised by a Commissioner may-- (a) inspect any document or other thing 25 produced to the Commission of Inquiry; and (b) retain the document or other thing for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the inquiry; and (c) copy any document or other thing produced 30 to the Commission of Inquiry necessary for the purposes of the inquiry. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 187 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (2) If the retention of a document or other thing under subsection (1) ceases to be reasonably necessary for the purposes of its inquiry, the Commission of Inquiry, at the request of a person who appears to 5 be entitled to the document or other thing, must cause the document or other thing to be delivered to the person unless it has been given to another person or body under section 219. (3) A reference in this section to the purposes of an 10 inquiry includes a reference to the disclosure of information under section 219. 209 Witnesses may be represented (1) A Commission of Inquiry may determine whether a witness appearing before the Commission of 15 Inquiry may be represented by another person. (2) A Commission of Inquiry may allow a person representing a witness to-- (a) address the Commission of Inquiry; and (b) examine any witnesses-- 20 as the Commission of Inquiry sees fit. (3) A Commission of Inquiry may make an order that a witness is entitled to be paid any expenses and allowances as the Commission of Inquiry sees fit. 210 Proceedings of the inquiry may be open or closed 25 (1) A Commission of Inquiry must determine whether the proceedings of the inquiry, or any part of the proceedings of the inquiry, are to be open to the public. (2) In making a determination under subsection (1), 30 the Commission of Inquiry must have regard to-- (a) the public interest; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 188 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (b) the effect on the reputational and privacy interests of any person if the proceedings of the inquiry, or a part of the proceedings of the inquiry, are not closed to the public. 5 211 Access to Commission of Inquiry proceedings (1) A Commission of Inquiry may make an order excluding any person from a proceeding of the Commission of Inquiry if-- (a) prejudice or hardship might be caused to any 10 person, including harm to their safety or reputation; or (b) the nature and subject matter of the proceeding is sensitive; or (c) there is a possibility of any prejudice to legal 15 proceedings; or (d) the Commission of Inquiry otherwise considers the exclusion appropriate. (2) The Commission of Inquiry must cause a copy of the order to be posted-- 20 (a) on a door of the place where the proceeding is being conducted; or (b) in another conspicuous place where notices are usually posted at the place where the proceeding is being conducted. 25 (3) An order made under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument within the meaning of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994. 212 Restriction on publication of information relating to inquiries 30 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a Commission of Inquiry may make an order prohibiting or restricting the publication of-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 189 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (a) any information that may enable the identity of a person who has given, or is to give, information to the Commission of Inquiry for the purposes of an inquiry to be 5 ascertained; or (b) any information given to the Commission of Inquiry for the purposes of an inquiry. (2) A Commission of Inquiry may make an order prohibiting or restricting the publication of 10 information or evidence if-- (a) prejudice or hardship might be caused to any person, including harm to their safety or reputation; or (b) the nature and subject matter of the 15 information or evidence is sensitive; or (c) there is a possibility of any prejudice to legal proceedings; or (d) the Commission of Inquiry otherwise considers the prohibition or restriction 20 appropriate. (3) If the order is made during a proceeding, the Commission of Inquiry must cause a copy of the order to be posted-- (a) on a door of the place where the proceeding 25 is being conducted; or (b) in another conspicuous place where notices are usually posted at the place where the proceeding is being conducted. (4) If the order is made in relation to information that 30 is given by the Commission of Inquiry to another person, the Commission of Inquiry must cause a copy of the order to be given to that person. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 190 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (5) An order made under this section is not a legislative instrument within the meaning of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994. 213 Offence to contravene exclusion or restriction 5 orders A person must not engage in conduct that constitutes a contravention of an order of a Commission of Inquiry under section 211(1) or 212(1) that is in force if the person-- 10 (a) knows that the order is in force; or (b) is reckless as to whether the order is in force. Penalty: 120 penalty units. 214 Order as to costs (1) A Commission of Inquiry may make an order 15 for the payment of all or any of the costs of the Commission of Inquiry. (2) An order under subsection (1) is enforceable in the same manner as an order of the Supreme Court is enforceable. 20 215 Protection of Commissioners, members of staff, Australian legal practitioners and witnesses (1) A Commissioner has, in the performance of their functions as a Commissioner, the same protection and immunity as a Judge of the Supreme Court 25 has in the performance of their duties as a Judge of the Supreme Court. (2) A member of staff of a Commission of Inquiry has, in the performance of their functions as a member of staff of a Commission of Inquiry, the 30 same protection and immunity as a Judge of the Supreme Court has in the performance of their duties as a Judge of the Supreme Court. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 191 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (3) An Australian legal practitioner representing a person in a proceeding at a Commission of Inquiry has the same protection and immunity as a legal practitioner has in representing a party 5 in a proceeding in the Supreme Court. (4) A person who gives information or evidence, or produces a document or other thing, to the Commission of Inquiry has the same protection and immunity as a witness has in a proceeding 10 in the Supreme Court. 216 Admissibility of answers, information, documents and other things (1) Any answer, information, document or other thing given or produced to a Commission of Inquiry by 15 a person, and the fact that an answer, information, document or other thing was given or produced, is not admissible in evidence, or otherwise able to be used, against the person in any other proceedings, except in proceedings for-- 20 (a) an offence against this Act; or (b) an offence against section 254 or 314 of the Crimes Act 1958 in relation to the Commission of Inquiry. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a document or 25 other thing if it was obtained, or could have been obtained, independently of its production to the Commission of Inquiry, either before or after its production, by the person seeking to tender it in evidence, or otherwise to use it, in the other 30 proceedings. (3) In this section, other proceedings means criminal, civil or administrative proceedings before a court, tribunal or person acting judicially or disciplinary proceedings, but does not include any proceedings 35 relating to a decision of the Minister to exercise any power under this Act. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 192 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 217 Adverse findings (1) If a Commission of Inquiry proposes to make a finding that is adverse to a person, the Commission of Inquiry must be satisfied 5 that the person-- (a) is aware of the matters on which the proposed finding is based; and (b) has had an opportunity, at any time during the course of the inquiry, to respond on 10 those matters. (2) A Commission of Inquiry must consider a person's response under subsection (1)(b) (if any) before making a finding that is adverse to the person. 15 (3) If a Commission of Inquiry includes a finding that is adverse to a person in its report, the Commission of Inquiry must fairly set out the person's response under subsection (1)(b) (if any) in the report. 20 218 Confidentiality for members of staff A person who is or was a member of staff of a Commission of Inquiry must not knowingly disclose any material information acquired by the person by reason of being a member of staff, or in 25 the course of the performance of functions under this Act, except-- (a) for the performance of the functions of the member of staff under this Act; or (b) for the purpose of any criminal proceedings 30 under section 254 of the Crimes Act 1958 in relation to the Commission of Inquiry; or (c) if the information is in the public domain at the time of the disclosure, otherwise than as a result of a disclosure that the person knows 35 or ought to have known was unlawful; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 193 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (d) as is otherwise authorised or required under this Act or any other Act. Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 3 months. 5 219 Disclosure or provision of information by Commission of Inquiry (1) A Commission of Inquiry or a person authorised by a Commission of Inquiry may at any time provide or disclose any information or give any 10 document or other thing, to any person or body if the Commission of Inquiry or authorised person-- (a) considers that the information, document or other thing is relevant to the performance of the functions of the person or body; and 15 (b) considers it appropriate to disclose the information or give the document or other thing to the person or body. (2) If a document or other thing is given to a person or body under subsection (1), the person or body 20 must, at the request of the Commission of Inquiry, return the document or other thing if it ceases to be reasonably necessary for the person or body to retain the document or other thing for the purposes for which it was given to the person or 25 body. 220 Offence to make false or misleading statements or produce false or misleading documents or other things (1) A person must not make a statement to a 30 Commission of Inquiry that the person knows to be false or misleading in a material particular. Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 194 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (2) A person must not produce a document or other thing to a Commission of Inquiry that the person knows to be false or misleading in a material particular unless the person indicates to the 5 Commission of Inquiry the respect in which it is false or misleading and, to the extent practicable, provides the correct information. Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months. 10 221 Tabling of report of Commission of Inquiry Within 7 sitting days of the Minister receiving a Commission of Inquiry report under section 200(3), the Minister must cause the report to be tabled in each House of the Parliament. 15 222 Transfer of records (1) After a Commission of Inquiry's report is tabled in each House of the Parliament by the Minister under section 221, all of the records of the Commission of Inquiry are to be transferred to the 20 Department. (2) Despite section 8A of the Public Records Act 1973, the Department may cause the records to be transferred to the custody of the Public Record Office after their receipt. 25 (3) Records transferred to the Department or the Public Record Office under this section are to be held and dealt with on the same basis, and in the same manner, as the basis on which they were held, and the manner in which they could be dealt 30 with, by the Commission of Inquiry. (4) This section is subject to any arrangements made under section 2B(b) of the Public Records Act 1973. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 195 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 223 Exemption from Freedom of Information Act 1982 (1) The Freedom of Information Act 1982 does not apply to-- (a) a document that is in the possession of a 5 Commission of Inquiry; or (b) a document of a Commission of Inquiry that is in the possession of an agency at any time during which the Commission of Inquiry is in existence. 10 (2) In this section-- agency has the same meaning as in the Freedom of Information Act 1982; document has the same meaning as in the Freedom of Information Act 1982. 15 Division 6--Standing down of Councillor 224 Application of Division (1) This Division applies if-- (a) one of the following has been made-- (i) an application to a Councillor Conduct 20 Panel to make a finding of serious misconduct against the Councillor the subject of the complaint specified in paragraph (b); (ii) an application to VCAT alleging gross 25 misconduct by the Councillor the subject of the complaint specified in paragraph (b); (iii) the Minister has, by instrument, appointed a Commission of Inquiry into 30 the Council of a Councillor the subject of the complaint specified in paragraph (b); 591055B.I-13/11/2019 196 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (iv) an application has been made to the Supreme Court for the ouster from the office of Councillor of the Councillor the subject of the complaint specified in 5 paragraph (b); and (b) a person has made a complaint to the Minister in respect of a Councillor that alleges that the Councillor-- (i) is creating a serious risk to the health 10 and safety of Councillors or Council staff; or (ii) in the Councillor's capacity as a Councillor, is creating a serious risk to the health and safety of other persons; 15 or (iii) is preventing the Council from performing its functions. (2) A complaint under subsection (1)(b) may be made, but is not required to be made, by the 20 person who has made an application under subsection (1)(a). 225 Referral of complaint to the Chief Municipal Inspector or a Municipal Monitor (1) The Minister may refer a complaint specified in 25 section 224(1)(b) to-- (a) subject to subsection (2), the Chief Municipal Inspector; or (b) a Municipal Monitor. (2) The Minister must not refer the complaint to the 30 Chief Municipal Inspector if the Chief Municipal Inspector made the application under section 224(1)(a) or the complaint under section 224(1)(b). 591055B.I-13/11/2019 197 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 226 Chief Municipal Inspector or Municipal Monitor to conduct investigation and prepare a report (1) The Chief Municipal Inspector or a Municipal Monitor who has received a referred complaint 5 under section 225 must conduct and complete an investigation into the complaint in accordance with this section-- (a) within 10 days after the day that the Chief Municipal Inspector or Municipal Monitor 10 (as the case requires) received the referral; or (b) within such other period agreed to by the Minister after receiving a request from the Chief Municipal Inspector or the Municipal Monitor (as the case requires) for an 15 extension of time to conduct and complete the investigation. (2) On receiving a referred complaint from the Minister, the Chief Municipal Inspector or the Municipal Monitor (as the case requires) must 20 give notice to the following persons-- (a) the Councillor who is the subject of the complaint; (b) the Mayor; (c) the Chief Executive Officer. 25 (3) Notice under subsection (2) must-- (a) be in writing; and (b) specify the period of time that will be taken to conduct and complete the investigation in accordance with subsection (1). 30 (4) Within the period specified in subsection (1)(a) or such other period agreed to by the Minister under subsection (1)(b), the Chief Municipal Inspector or the Municipal Monitor (as the case requires) must-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 198 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (a) investigate the complaint; and (b) prepare a report of the advice and findings of the Chief Municipal Inspector or Municipal Monitor specifying-- 5 (i) whether the Chief Municipal Inspector or Municipal Monitor is satisfied that the Councillor the subject of the complaint-- (A) is creating a serious risk to the 10 health and safety of Councillors or Council staff; or (B) in the Councillor's capacity as a Councillor, is creating a serious risk to the health and safety of 15 other persons; or (C) is preventing the Council from performing it's functions; and (ii) the reasons for the advice and findings of the Chief Municipal Inspector or 20 Municipal Monitor (as the case requires); and (c) give a copy of the report prepared under paragraph (b) to-- (i) the Councillor the subject of the 25 complaint; and (ii) the Minister. (5) The copy of the report given to a Councillor under subsection (4)(c)(i) must specify the following-- (a) that the Councillor may give a response to 30 the report to the Minister within 5 days of receiving the report; (b) the manner in which any response to the report must be given to the Minister. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 199 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 227 Councillor may respond to report Within 5 days after receiving a copy of a report prepared by the Chief Municipal Inspector or Municipal Monitor (as the case requires) under 5 section 226(4)(b), the Councillor who is the subject of the complaint may give to the Minister a response to the report in accordance with section 226(5)(b). 228 Councillor may be ordered to stand down 10 (1) On the recommendation of the Minister, the Governor in Council may, by Order in Council, stand down a Councillor-- (a) for a specified period not exceeding 6 months; or 15 (b) until an outcome specified in subsection (5) has occurred. (2) The Minister may make a recommendation under subsection (1) if-- (a) any of the following applies in respect of the 20 Councillor-- (i) an application has been made to a Councillor Conduct Panel or VCAT alleging serious misconduct or gross misconduct (as the case requires) by the 25 Councillor; (ii) the Minister has appointed a Commission of Inquiry into the Council of the Councillor; (iii) an application has been made to the 30 Supreme Court for the ouster from the office of Councillor of the Councillor; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 200 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (b) the Chief Municipal Inspector or a Municipal Monitor has given the Minister a report under section 226 advising the Minister that the Councillor in respect of whom 5 circumstances specified in paragraph (a) apply-- (i) is creating a serious risk to the health and safety of Councillors or Council staff; or 10 (ii) in the Councillor's capacity as a Councillor, is creating a serious risk to the health and safety of other persons; or (iii) is preventing the Council from 15 performing its functions; and (c) the Minister is satisfied that the Councillor-- (i) is creating a serious risk to the health and safety of Councillors or Council staff; or 20 (ii) in the Councillor's capacity as a Councillor, is creating a serious risk to the health and safety of persons other than Councillors or Council staff; or (iii) is behaving in a manner that is 25 preventing the Council from performing its functions. (3) If an Order in Council is made under subsection (1), the Minister must give a written notification to-- 30 (a) the Councillor, who by Order in Council, must stand down; (b) the Chief Executive Officer. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 201 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (4) If an Order in Council is made under subsection (1), for the duration of the Order-- (a) the allowance of the Councillor ordered to stand down is to be withheld; and 5 (b) the Councillor ordered to stand down must not perform the functions and duties of, or exercise the powers of, a Councillor including-- (i) attend any meetings of the Council; and 10 (ii) attend any delegated committee meetings; and (iii) attend Council premises. (5) The following outcomes are specified for the purposes of subsection (1)(b)-- 15 (a) on the making of a determination by a Councillor Conduct Panel or VCAT in respect of the application; (b) on the withdrawal of the application to the Councillor Conduct Panel or VCAT; 20 (c) on the dismissal of the application by the Councillor Conduct Panel or VCAT; (d) on the tabling of the report of a Commission of Inquiry under section 223;; (e) the Supreme Court has made a decision in 25 respect of an application for the ouster from the office of Councillor of the Councillor that has been stood down; (f) an application to the Supreme Court for the ouster from the office of Councillor of the 30 Councillor that has been stood down is withdrawn. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 202 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (6) Unless one of the following applies in respect of a Councillor that has been stood down under this section, the Councillor's allowance must be returned to the Councillor when the Councillor is 5 no longer stood down-- (a) the Councillor Conduct Panel makes a finding of serious misconduct in respect of the Councillor; (b) VCAT makes a finding of gross misconduct 10 in respect of the Councillor; (c) the Commission of Inquiry has made an adverse finding in its report; (d) the Councillor is ousted from the office of Councillor by the Supreme Court. 15 229 Standing down of Councillor by VCAT (1) If a Councillor is charged with an offence specified in section 34(2)(k), (l) or (m), the Chief Municipal Inspector may apply to VCAT for an order to stand down the Councillor until 20 proceedings in respect of the charge are finally determined. (2) Before VCAT makes an order under subsection (1), VCAT must have regard to the nature and circumstances of the charge. 25 (3) An order made under subsection (1) ceases to have effect if-- (a) the relevant charge is withdrawn; or (b) the Councillor is not convicted of the offence. 30 (4) If a Councillor is ordered to stand down under subsection (1), the Councillor must not perform the functions and duties of, or exercise the powers of, a Councillor including-- (a) attend any meetings of the Council; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 203 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (b) attend any delegated committee meetings; and (c) attend Council premises. (5) If a person who is stood down from the office of 5 Councillor under subsection (1) is convicted of the offence and the person lodges an appeal in respect of the conviction, the person remains stood down and their allowance must be withheld until the appeal is determined or withdrawn. 10 (6) If the conviction referred to in subsection (5) is quashed or set aside following the appeal the Councillor is entitled to receive any allowances that were withheld during the period the Councillor was stood down. 15 Division 7--Suspension of Councillors 230 Suspension of all of the Councillors of a Council (1) On the recommendation of the Minister, the Governor in Council may, by Order in Council, suspend all of the Councillors of a Council. 20 (2) The Minister may make a recommendation under subsection (1) if the Minister is satisfied on reasonable grounds-- (a) subject to subsection (3), that there has been a failure to provide good governance; or 25 (b) that the Council has repeatedly and substantially failed to comply with a general Order and any special Order. (3) Before making a recommendation on the grounds specified in subsection (2)(a), the Minister must 30 consider what steps the Council has taken to address and remedy the difficulties underlying the failure. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 204 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (4) The Governor in Council may, by Order in Council, do any or all of the following-- (a) suspend all of the Councillors of the Council; 5 (b) appoint an administrator for the Council; (c) appoint a person to fill a vacancy in the office of administrator; (d) appoint a temporary administrator in the place of the administrator to act in the 10 administrator's absence or incapacity to act. (5) The Order in Council takes effect from the date specified in the Order in Council. (6) The Order in Council has full force and effect despite any non-compliance with any of the 15 matters required by this section as preliminary to the making of the Order in Council. (7) The Order in Council-- (a) must be laid before both Houses of Parliament-- 20 (i) if Parliament is then sitting, within 7 days after its making; or (ii) if Parliament is not then sitting, within 7 days after the next meeting of Parliament; and 25 (b) may be disallowed by a resolution of either House of Parliament within 7 days after it has been laid before each House. (8) If the Order in Council is disallowed-- (a) the Governor in Council must by Order in 30 Council fix a day on which-- (i) the administrator must go out of office; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 205 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (ii) the suspended Councillors must resume office; and (b) the disallowance does not affect anything done under the disallowed Order in Council. 5 (9) The Order in Council under subsection (1) expires-- (a) unless paragraph (b) applies, one year after the date of its publication; or (b) on the date specified in the Order in Council, 10 being a date which is less than one year after the date of its publication. (10) The suspended Councillors are not Councillors of the Council during the period of suspension. (11) On the expiry of the Order in Council, the 15 Councillors resume office and the administrator goes out of office unless-- (a) the Minister has fixed the date on which a general election for the Council is to be held and has published notice of that date in the 20 Government Gazette; or (b) a Bill to dismiss the Council has been introduced into the Parliament. (12) The date fixed for the holding of the general election must be a date that occurs within the 25 period of 100 days after the date on which the Order in Council expires. (13) If the Bill to dismiss the Council has not become an Act which is in operation within the period of 100 days after the date on which 30 the Order in Council expires, the Councillors resume office and the administrator goes out of office immediately after the end of that period. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 206 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (14) An election under subsection (11)(a) must be held in accordance with the procedures for a general election. (15) If the election is held under subsection (11)(a), on 5 the public declaration of the election result the administrator goes out of office. (16) The Chief Executive Officer must summon a Council meeting within 14 days after the public declaration of the election result. 10 231 Provisions relating to appointment of administrators (1) The following provisions apply to the appointment of an administrator of a Council under section 230-- 15 (a) the administrator constitutes the Council and, subject to any conditions of that person's appointment, must perform all the functions, powers and duties of the Council, which must be treated as if they were performed by 20 the Council; (b) the administrator's appointment and anything done by the administrator is not invalid only by reason of a defect in relation to the appointment; 25 (c) the administrator is entitled to be paid the remuneration and allowances and is employed on the conditions which are fixed by the Minister and the remuneration and allowances are to be paid by the Council; 30 (d) the administrator-- (i) must not, without the Minister's consent, directly or indirectly engage in any paid employment outside the duties of the office of administrator; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 207 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (ii) may resign by a written notice of resignation addressed to the Governor in Council; (e) the office of the administrator becomes 5 vacant if the administrator-- (i) becomes bankrupt; or (ii) dies; or (iii) is removed or resigns from office; or (iv) is convicted of an indictable offence or 10 of an offence which, if committed in Victoria, would be an indictable offence; or (v) becomes incapable of performing the duties of the office. 15 (2) If provision is made in any Act, regulation, rule, by-law, local law, instrument or document for the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, a Councillor or the Chairperson or a member of a committee of the Council to be a member of, or to be represented 20 on, a board, Council, committee, commission or other body, or to be a trustee, or to be a member or director of a company, that provision has effect during the period of administration as if it provided for the administrator, or some other 25 person appointed by the administrator, to be that member, representative, trustee or director. Division 8--Temporary administration 232 Temporary administration if multiple extraordinary vacancies created 30 (1) This section applies if-- (a) the number of extraordinary vacancies created in the offices of Councillors of a Council has resulted in at least 50 per cent of 591055B.I-13/11/2019 208 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight the offices of Councillors of the Council becoming vacant; and (b) the Minister is reasonably satisfied that the number of extraordinary vacancies created in 5 the offices of Councillors of a Council could restrict the ability of the Council to provide good governance. (2) If this section applies, the Minister must recommend to the Governor in Council that an 10 Order in Council be made under this section appointing an administrator for the Council for the period ending on a day specified in the Order in Council. (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the day on 15 which the period of administration ends may be specified as the day on which a percentage specified in the Order in Council of the offices of Councillors of the Council are filled. (4) Section 231 applies to the appointment of an 20 administrator of a Council under this section. (5) If a majority of the vacancies in the offices of Councillors of a Council are filled before the day specified in the Order in Council, the period of administration ends on that day. 25 233 Suspension of remaining Councillors (1) If section 232 applies, the remaining Councillors of the Council are by virtue of this section suspended for the period of administration. (2) Subject to subsection (4), the suspended 30 Councillors are not Councillors of the Council during the period of suspension. (3) Despite subsection (2), the suspended Councillors are entitled to receive Councillor allowances but not mayoral allowances. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 209 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (4) The administrator of the Council may during the period of administration request a suspended Councillor to do any of the following-- (a) provide advice to the administrator; 5 (b) be a member of a delegated committee; (c) represent the Council on another body. (5) If a suspended Councillor agrees to do any of the things specified in subsection (4), the suspended Councillor is to be taken not to be suspended for 10 the purpose only of doing that thing. Division 9--Restructuring Orders 234 Construction provisions (1) If the boundary of a municipal district is described by reference to a road, proposed road, railway 15 line, former railway line or waterway (other than a waterway that forms part of the sea coast), that boundary is to be taken to be constituted by a line along the centre for the time being of the road, proposed road, railway line, former railway line 20 or waterway. (2) If the boundary of a municipal district is described by reference to the sea coast (regardless of whether it is referred to as the sea shore or the waters of the sea or a bay or in any other way), 25 that boundary is to be taken to be the line for the time being of the low water mark on that sea coast. (3) Subsection (1) or (2) does not apply if an intention contrary to the effect of that subsection appears in 30 the description. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 210 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 235 Power to make Orders Subject to this Division, the Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister, make an Order in Council to do any one or more 5 of the following-- (a) alter the boundaries of a municipal district by adding or removing an area to or from an existing municipal district or an outlying district; 10 (b) constitute a new municipal district in an area or areas removed from-- (i) an existing municipal district or municipal districts; or (ii) an outlying district; 15 (c) constitute a new municipal district by amalgamating existing municipal districts; (d) declare an existing boundary of a municipal district; (e) constitute a new Council; 20 (f) abolish an existing Council; (g) give a name to, or alter the name of, a Council; (h) provide for the interim administration of a new or reconstituted Council until an 25 election is held. 236 Matters which may be included in Order (1) The Governor in Council may by Order in Council provide for any matter necessary or convenient to give effect to this Division. 30 (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), an Order in Council may provide for the following-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 211 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (a) any property, income, assets, rights, liabilities, expenses or other matters to be apportioned, settled, transferred, adjusted or determined; 5 (b) the appointment, transfer, redundancy or classification of members of Council staff and any matters relating to the remuneration and emoluments of such staff including superannuation and long service leave; 10 (c) the appointment, conditions of appointment and the powers and functions of any persons appointed to administer a new or reconstituted Council until an election is held; 15 (d) existing Councillors to go out of office and the election of new Councillors to be elected in the numbers, for the wards and the terms specified in the Order; (e) the holding of elections having regard to the 20 provisions of this Act and the regulations dealing with enrolment for and voting at Council elections and the election of Councillors, with such modifications as may be specified in the Order; 25 (f) the application, continuation, amendment or revocation of existing local laws; (g) transitional provisions in relation to any act, matter or thing done or required to be done by or in relation to any Council affected by 30 the Order in Council. (3) If an Order in Council provides for the appointment of persons to administer a new or reconstituted Council until an election is held, those persons by virtue of this Act-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 212 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (a) are deemed to be the Councillors of the Council and together to constitute the Council as Councillors; and (b) have and may exercise and discharge the 5 responsibilities, liabilities, rights, powers, authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed upon the following-- (i) a Council or a former Council by or under any Act; 10 (ii) Councillors generally or upon the Councillors of a former Council by or under any Act; (iii) the persons so appointed by the Order in Council. 15 (4) If an Order in Council provides for the appointment of a chairperson of persons appointed to administer a new or reconstituted Council until an election is held, the chairperson by virtue of this Act-- 20 (a) is deemed to be the Mayor of the Council as if appointed or elected as Mayor in accordance with this Act; and (b) has and may exercise and discharge the responsibilities, liabilities, rights, powers, 25 authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed upon the following-- (i) Mayors generally or upon the Mayor of a former Council by or under any Act; (ii) the person so appointed by the Order in 30 Council. 237 General provisions relating to Orders (1) An Order in Council made under this Division-- (a) must specify a day or days upon which the Order in Council comes into operation; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 213 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (b) may provide that the boundaries of a municipal district specified in the Order in Council are described in a map lodged in the Central Plan Office or with the VEC as 5 specified in the Order in Council; and (c) upon being published in the Government Gazette has the like force and effect as if it were expressly enacted in this Act; and (d) may be amended or revoked by another 10 Order in Council; and (e) has full force and effect despite any non-compliance with any of the matters required by this Act as preliminary to the making of the Order in Council. 15 (2) An Order in Council made under this Division may-- (a) apply generally or be limited in its application by reference to specified matters or things; and 20 (b) apply differently according to different factors or subject to specified exceptions; and (c) leave any matter or thing to be from time to time determined, applied, dispensed with or 25 regulated by a person or body specified in the Order in Council; and (d) confer powers or impose duties in connection with the Order in Council on a person or body specified in the Order in 30 Council; and (e) apply, adopt or incorporate, with or without modification, the provisions of any Act or of any regulations made under any Act; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 214 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (f) contain provisions of a savings and transitional nature consequent on the making of the Order, including providing for the construction of references in any instrument 5 or in any other document of any kind; and (g) provide that during a transitional period specified in the Order the provisions of this Act specified in the Order apply as varied or modified by the Order; and 10 (h) modify the application of the Valuation of Land Act 1960 by providing that existing valuations are to be used until a date specified in the Order; and (i) provide for the manner in which or 15 conditions subject to which any contracts or leases may be entered into by or with a Council during any period specified in the Order and specify any penalty which is to apply in respect of any non-compliance. 20 (3) Without limiting the generality of subsection (2)(g), an Order in Council may provide for-- (a) the non-application of any specified sections of this Act during a transitional period specified in the Order; and 25 (b) the fixing or alteration of the close of the voters' roll for the purposes of any election; and (c) the non-application of any specified sections of this Act to persons appointed to 30 administer a new or re-constituted Council; and (d) the fixing or the alteration of the date by or within which any specified act, matter or thing under this Act must be done or any 35 specified requirement under this Act must be complied with. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 215 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight 238 Restrictions on making of Order in Council (1) The Minister must not recommend to the Governor in Council that an Order in Council be made in relation to a matter under section 235(a), 5 (b), (c), (e) or (f) unless the Minister-- (a) has established a restructuring advisory panel under section 239 to conduct a review of the matter; and (b) has considered the report of the restructuring 10 advisory panel on the matter. (2) The Minister may recommend that an Order in Council be made to give effect to minor boundary changes without considering a report from a restructuring advisory panel if the Minister 15 certifies to the Governor in Council that-- (a) the proposed changes are of a minor nature only; and (b) any Council whose municipal district is affected by the proposed changes has 20 approved of the proposed changes; and (c) notice of the proposed changes has been given in the municipal district or districts affected by the proposed changes. 239 Restructuring advisory panels 25 (1) The Minister may by a public notice published in the Government Gazette constitute a restructuring advisory panel to review a matter under section 235. (2) In conducting a review, a restructuring advisory 30 panel must-- (a) consider the views of any Council affected by the matter under consideration; and (b) ensure that a process of community engagement is followed; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 216 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 7--Ministerial oversight (c) comply with any direction specified by the Minister in the notice constituting the restructuring advisory panel; and (d) otherwise conduct the review in a manner 5 that the restructuring advisory panel considers appropriate. (3) The restructuring advisory panel must consider the following matters before recommending to the Minister that a new Council should be created-- 10 (a) whether each Council affected by the creation of the new Council and the new Council will be viable and sustainable as separate entities; (b) whether the allocation of revenue and 15 expenditure between each Council affected by the creation of the new Council and the new Council will be equitable for the municipal community of each Council; (c) whether the views of the municipal 20 communities affected by the creation of the new Council have been taken into consideration; (d) whether the new Council will have sufficient financial capacity to provide the municipal 25 community with a comprehensive range of municipal services and to undertake necessary investment in infrastructure; (e) any other matter specified in the notice published under subsection (1). 30 (4) A restructuring advisory panel must submit a final report to the Minister within the period specified by the Minister in the notice constituting the restructuring advisory panel. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 217 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions Part 8--Electoral provisions Division 1--Voters 240 Entitlements relating to enrolment (1) A person can only be enrolled on the voters' roll 5 of a Council if the person is a resident in the municipal district of the Council or a ratepayer to the Council exercising an entitlement under and in accordance with this Division. (2) Despite anything to the contrary in this Division, a 10 person can only be enrolled on the voters' roll once and for one ward in a municipal district. (3) A person can only be enrolled on the voters' roll if-- (a) the person has an entitlement under 15 section 241 or 243(1) as a resident or ratepayer to be enrolled without application as at the close of the roll; or (b) the person is entitled under section 242, 243(2) or 244 as a ratepayer to apply to be 20 enrolled and the application-- (i) complies with subsection (7); and (ii) is accepted in accordance with this Division; or (c) the person is appointed to vote on behalf 25 of a corporation under section 245 and the application for appointment-- (i) complies with subsection (7); and (ii) is accepted in accordance with this Division. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 218 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (4) A person cannot exercise a right of entitlement conferred by section 242, 244 or 245 if the person has a right of entitlement under section 241 or 243. 5 (5) For the purposes of subsection (3)(b) and (c), only 2 joint owners and only 2 joint occupiers can be enrolled in respect of each rateable property. (6) An application for enrolment made under section 242, 244 or 245 is void if-- 10 (a) the application for enrolment is made by an owner and there are 2 joint owners already enrolled in respect of the rateable property at the date that the application is made; or (b) the application is made by an occupier and 15 there are 2 joint occupiers already enrolled in respect of the rateable property at the date that the application is made. (7) An application referred to in subsection (3)(b) or (c) must-- 20 (a) be in writing; and (b) contain the details required by the regulations; and (c) be delivered to the Council office before the close of the roll. 25 (8) Enrolment under an application referred to in section 243 has effect after it is accepted from the close of the roll and continues in force until the person who is enrolled-- (a) ceases to be an owner of the rateable 30 property; or (b) resigns the enrolment by an application under section 242(2); or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 219 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (c) becomes otherwise enrolled as a resident in respect of an address in the municipal district under section 241. (9) Enrolment under an application referred to in 5 sections 244 and 245 has effect from the next close of the roll after it is accepted and continues in force until the day before the subsequent close of the roll for a general election. (10) The Chief Executive Officer, or the VEC under an 10 agreement with the Chief Executive Officer, must not later than 30 days before the close of the roll, send a notice which includes the information prescribed by the regulations to each person who was enrolled on the previous voters' roll under 15 section 244 or 245. (11) For the purposes of the first general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(a), the Chief Executive Officer, or the VEC under an agreement with the Chief Executive Officer, must 20 not later than 30 days before the close of the roll, send a notice which includes the information prescribed by the regulations to each person who was enrolled on the previous voters' roll under section 14, 15 or 16 of the Local Government 25 Act 1989. (12) For the purposes of the second general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(b), the Chief Executive Officer, or the VEC under an agreement with the Chief Executive Officer, must 30 not later than 30 days before the close of the roll, send a notice which includes the information prescribed by the regulations to each person who was enrolled on the previous voters' roll under section 243. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 220 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 241 Residents entitled to be enrolled without application (1) A person who as at the close of the roll would be an elector in respect of an address in a municipal district if a roll of electors for the Legislative 5 Assembly was compiled from the register of electors, is entitled as a resident without application to be enrolled on the voters' roll in respect of the ward in which that address is located. 10 (2) Despite subsection (1), a person who-- (a) will attain 18 years of age on or before election day; and (b) had the person been not less than 18 years of age as at the close of the roll would be an 15 elector in respect of an address in a ward if a roll of electors for the Legislative Assembly was compiled from the register of electors-- is entitled as a resident without application to be enrolled on the voters' roll in respect of that 20 address. 242 Owner ratepayers may apply for enrolment (1) A person who as at the close of the roll-- (a) is not a person referred to in section 241; and (b) is not less than 18 years of age or is less than 25 18 years of age but will attain the age of 18 years on or before election day; and (c) is an owner of any rateable property in the municipal district-- is entitled as a ratepayer to apply to be enrolled on 30 the voters' roll in respect of the ward in which that rateable property is located. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 221 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (2) A person who is enrolled on the voters' roll as an owner under this section may resign the enrolment by an application containing the details required by the regulations delivered to the Council office 5 before the close of the roll. 243 Entitlement to enrolment without application until the second general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(b) (1) Despite section 242 but subject to subsection (2), 10 if a person-- (a) is immediately before the commencement of this section enrolled on the last voters' roll for the Council in respect of a rateable property in accordance with section 13 of the 15 Local Government Act 1989; and (b) would, but for the repeal of section 13 of the Local Government Act 1989, have continued to be entitled to be so enrolled-- the person is by virtue of this section entitled to be 20 enrolled without application on the voters' roll prepared in respect of the first general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(a) and any by-election required to be held before the second general election to be conducted under section 25 257(1)(b). (2) Despite subsection (1), if an application by the owner or 2 owners of a rateable property to which subsection (1) applies to be enrolled on the voters' roll instead of a person that would otherwise be 30 enrolled by virtue of subsection (1) is accepted, the owner or 2 owners are to be enrolled on the voters' roll referred to in subsection (1) instead of that person. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 222 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 244 Occupier ratepayers may apply to be enrolled (1) A person who as at the close of the roll-- (a) is not a person referred to in section 241; and (b) is not less than 18 years of age or is less than 5 18 years of age but will attain the age of 18 years on or before the election day; and (c) is the occupier of any rateable property in the municipal district, whether solely or jointly with any other person or persons and is liable 10 to pay the rates in respect of that rateable property-- is entitled as a ratepayer to apply to be enrolled on the voters' roll in respect of the ward in which that rateable property is located. 15 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an occupier is liable to pay the rates in respect of that rateable property only if-- (a) the occupier is paying the rates to the Council; or 20 (b) the lease under which the occupier occupies the rateable property specifies that the occupier is liable to pay the rates. (3) A person who is enrolled on the voters' roll as an occupier under subsection (1) may renew the 25 enrolment by an application containing the details required by the regulations delivered to the Council office before the close of the roll for the next general election. (4) A person who is enrolled on the voters' roll as 30 an occupier under subsection (1) may resign the enrolment by an application containing the details required by the regulations delivered to the Council office before the close of the roll. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 223 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (5) A person who is enrolled on the voters' roll as an occupier under subsection (1) ceases to be enrolled on the voters' roll if the entitlement under subsection (1) ceases to exist. 5 245 Provisions relating to corporations (1) If as at the close of the roll a corporation is the owner of any rateable property in the municipal district whether solely or jointly, the corporation may apply to appoint a person to represent it at 10 Council elections and to be enrolled on the voters' roll for the ward where the rateable property is located and vote on its behalf. (2) If as at the close of the roll a corporation is the occupier of any rateable property in the municipal 15 district whether solely or jointly and is liable to pay the rates in respect of that rateable property, the corporation may apply to appoint a person to represent it at Council elections and to be enrolled on the voters' roll for the ward where the rateable 20 property is located and vote on its behalf. (3) Section 244(2) applies in respect of an application under subsection (2) as if any reference to "subsection (1)" in that section was a reference to "subsection (2)" of this section. 25 (4) A corporation may only exercise the right of entitlement conferred by subsections (1) and (2) once, regardless of how many rateable properties it owns or occupies or jointly owns or occupies in the municipal district. 30 (5) A corporation may only be represented by one person under this section at a Council election in respect of the municipal district, regardless of anything to the contrary in subsections (1) and (2). (6) An application for a person to be appointed under 35 this section is void if at the time the appointment is made the person appointed-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 224 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (a) is not a director or company secretary (however styled) of the corporation; or (b) has not reached 18 years of age and will not attain the age of 18 years on or before 5 election day; or (c) has not consented in writing to be appointed; or (d) is as a result of another appointment for the purposes of subsection (1) or (2) which is 10 still in force, already enrolled on the voters' roll in respect of the municipal district for which the appointment is made. (7) An appointment for the purposes of subsection (1) or (2) is revoked if-- 15 (a) the person appointed-- (i) ceases to be a director or company secretary (however styled) of the corporation; or (ii) dies; or 20 (iii) delivers a notice of resignation containing the details required by the regulations to the Council office; or (iv) for any other reason becomes entitled in their own right to be enrolled on the 25 voters' roll in respect of the municipal district for which the appointment was made; or (b) notice of revocation containing the details required by the regulations is delivered to the 30 Council office; or (c) the entitlement under subsection (1) or (2) ceases to exist. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 225 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 246 Provisions relating to appointments and enrolments (1) On receiving a notice of an appointment under section 245 or an application for enrolment under section 242 or 244, the Chief Executive Officer 5 must enrol the person unless the Chief Executive Officer believes that the person is not entitled to be enrolled. (2) If the Chief Executive Officer believes the person is not entitled to be enrolled, the Chief Executive 10 Officer must-- (a) refuse to enrol the person; and (b) advise the person who submitted the notice of appointment or application for enrolment of the refusal in writing and give the person 15 the reason for the refusal. (3) The Chief Executive Officer may, either orally or in writing, request any person or corporation to provide information to enable the Chief Executive Officer to determine the eligibility of a person to 20 be enrolled. (4) If a request under subsection (3) is made in writing, the Chief Executive Officer may require the information to be given in writing and signed by the person giving the information. 25 247 Request that address not be shown (1) A person who is entitled as a ratepayer to be enrolled on the voters' roll under section 242, 243, 244 or 245 may lodge a request in the prescribed form with the Chief Executive Officer that the 30 address of the person not be shown on any voters' roll if the person considers that having the address on the voters' roll places or would place the personal safety of the person or of members of the person's family at risk. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 226 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (2) A request must-- (a) give particulars of the relevant risk; and (b) be verified by statutory declaration by the person making the request. 5 (3) If the Chief Executive Officer is satisfied that having the address of the person making the request shown on any voters' roll places or would place the personal safety of the person or of members of the person's family at risk, the Chief 10 Executive Officer must ensure that the address of the person is not entered on any voters' roll. (4) The Chief Executive Officer must notify the person in writing of a decision to grant or refuse a request made by a person under subsection (1). 15 Division 2--Voters' rolls 248 Chief Executive Officer to prepare voters' list of ratepayers (1) The Chief Executive Officer must supply to the VEC as at the times and in the form determined 20 by the VEC-- (a) a voters' list of the persons who appear to the Chief Executive Officer to be entitled to be enrolled under sections 242, 243, 244 and 245 identifying those persons whose 25 request that their address not be shown has been accepted; and (b) any information required by the VEC to enable the VEC to compile or amend the voters' roll. 30 (2) For the purposes of section 243, in the absence of any other information as to a person's place of residence, the Chief Executive Officer may include in the voters' list under subsection (1)(a) a person whose address for the service of a rate 591055B.I-13/11/2019 227 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions notice appears from the rate records of the Council to be specified as an address (not being a post office box) that is located outside the municipal district. 5 249 VEC to compile voters' rolls (1) The VEC must compile a voters' roll containing the prescribed particulars of persons entitled to be enrolled as at the close of the roll from-- (a) a roll of electors for the Legislative 10 Assembly compiled from the register of electors in accordance with section 268; and (b) the voters' lists and information provided under section 248. (2) A voters' roll must not include the address of any 15 person who has been granted a request to be a silent elector under section 247 of this Act or section 31 of the Electoral Act 2002. (3) A voters' roll must be prepared-- (a) in the case of a Council with an 20 un-subdivided municipal district, for the whole of the municipal district; and (b) in the case of a Council with a municipal district that is divided into wards, for each ward. 25 (4) The VEC must, not later than 3 working days before nomination day, certify in writing that the voters' roll has been prepared in accordance with this Act. (5) A voters' roll provided to any person under 30 section 252, 253 or 254 must not include the address of any person who has been granted a request, whether before or after the close of the voters' roll, to be a silent elector under section 247 of this Act or section 31 of the 35 Electoral Act 2002. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 228 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 250 Amendment of certified voters' roll (1) A certified voters' roll may be amended by the VEC only if-- (a) there is any error or omission in the 5 preparation, printing or copying of the voters' roll; or (b) there is any misnomer or any inaccurate description of any person, place or thing on the voters' roll. 10 (2) The amendment of the voters' roll under subsection (1) must be certified by the VEC. (3) The certification under subsection (2) must-- (a) be in writing; and (b) detail the amendments made; and 15 (c) specify the reasons why the amendments were made. 251 Inspection of certified voters' roll (1) The VEC must ensure that the voters' roll, as certified under section 249 and incorporating 20 any amendments certified under section 250, is available for inspection by members of the public from the day the voters' roll is certified until one month after the election day. (2) The certified voters' roll must be available for 25 inspection-- (a) at the locations; and (b) at the times; and (c) in the format-- determined by the VEC. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 229 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 252 Provision of voters' rolls to a candidate (1) On the request after nomination day of any candidate for an election, the VEC must provide a copy of the voters' roll for the ward for which the 5 candidate has nominated to be the candidate. (2) The voters' roll must be provided to the candidate-- (a) free of charge; and (b) in a form determined by the VEC. 10 (3) A candidate must only use a copy of the voters' roll provided under subsection (1) for the purpose of conducting the election campaign. Penalty: 120 penalty units. (4) A candidate who retires after the close of 15 nomination day must-- (a) destroy the copy of the voters' roll and any copies made from it; or (b) return the copy of the voters' roll and any copies made from it to the VEC-- 20 within the period of 30 days after retiring. Penalty: 120 penalty units. (5) A candidate must-- (a) destroy the copy of the voters' roll and any copies made from it; or 25 (b) return the copy of the voters' roll and any copies made from it to the VEC-- within the period of 30 days after the election day. Penalty: 120 penalty units. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 230 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 253 Provision of voters' rolls to a person or organisation other than a candidate (1) After receiving a request from any person or organisation, other than a candidate under 5 section 252, for a voters' roll, the VEC must-- (a) identify the public interest in providing the requested information; and (b) consult with the Information Commissioner on the public interest in protecting the 10 privacy of personal information; and (c) taking into account the advice of the Information Commissioner, make a finding whether or not the public interest in providing the voters' roll outweighs the 15 public interest in protecting the privacy of personal information in the particular circumstances. (2) Subject to subsection (3), if the VEC has made a finding under subsection (1) that the public 20 interest in providing the voters' roll outweighs the public interest in protecting the privacy of personal information, the VEC may-- (a) provide the voters' roll to the person or organisation; and 25 (b) charge a fee that covers the cost to the VEC of providing the voters' roll. (3) The VEC must obtain from the person or organisation to be provided with a voters' roll under this section an undertaking that the person 30 or organisation will-- (a) only use the voters' roll for the purpose for which the VEC agreed to provide the voters' roll; and (b) not copy the voters' roll or give it to any 35 other person or organisation; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 231 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (c) return the voters' roll to the VEC or destroy the voters' roll after using it for the purpose for which the VEC agreed to provide the voters' roll. 5 (4) A person or organisation that is provided with a copy of the voters' roll under subsection (2) must comply with subsection (3). Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 120 penalty units; 10 In the case of a body corporate, 600 penalty units. 254 Use of voters' roll by the Chief Executive Officer (1) The Chief Executive Officer may use a copy of the voters' roll on behalf of the Council for the 15 purpose of communicating or consulting with the municipal community in relation to the performance of the Council's functions. (2) The Chief Executive Officer must obtain from any person or organisation to be provided with a 20 voters' roll under this section an undertaking that the person or organisation will-- (a) not copy the voters' roll or give it to any other person or organisation; and (b) return the voters' roll to the Chief Executive 25 Officer or destroy the voters' roll after using it for the purposes of this section. (3) A person or organisation that is provided with a copy of the voters' roll under subsection (1) must comply with an undertaking given under 30 subsection (2). Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 120 penalty units; In the case of a body corporate, 600 penalty units. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 232 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (4) If requested by the Chief Executive Officer for the purposes of this section, the VEC must provide a copy of the voters' roll to the Chief Executive Officer. 5 255 Validity of voters' rolls The validity of a voters' roll is not affected if-- (a) from any cause, any act or thing required to be done in connection with the preparation, printing or copying of the voters' roll has 10 been omitted or has not been completed; or (b) from any cause, there has been an error in the preparation, printing or copying of the voters' roll; or (c) there has been any misnomer or any 15 inaccurate description of any person, place or thing on the voters' roll which is capable of being given meaning. Division 3--Candidate for election 256 Candidate for election 20 (1) Subject to this section, a person may nominate as a candidate for an election for any ward of the Council if they are qualified to be a Councillor under this Act. (2) A person who is a Councillor of a Council 25 cannot nominate as a candidate for an election as a Councillor of any Council unless at the time of the nomination the person will cease to hold office as a Councillor on or before the election day for that election. 30 (3) A person who has nominated as a candidate for an election as a Councillor of a Council cannot nominate as a candidate for any other election as a Councillor unless at the time of the nomination 591055B.I-13/11/2019 233 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions the person has withdrawn the previous nomination. (4) If a person makes a nomination in contravention of subsection (2) or (3), the nomination is void. 5 (5) A person must not nominate as a candidate for more than one election of Councillors to be held on the same day. (6) If a person makes nominations in contravention of subsection (5), all the nominations are void. 10 (7) A person cannot nominate as a candidate for an election as a Councillor unless the person has completed the prescribed training. (8) A person who is not qualified to be a Councillor under this Act only because they hold a position 15 or office specified in section 34(2)(c) or (d), is not prevented from nominating as a candidate at an election if for the duration of the election period for that election-- (a) the person has taken leave from that office or 20 position; and (b) the person does not perform any of the duties of that office or position. Note A person who holds a position specified in section 34(2)(c) 25 or (d) cannot take the oath or affirmation of office as a Councillor unless they resign from that office or position before taking the oath or affirmation of office. Division 4--Holding of general elections and by-elections 30 257 General elections (1) A general election of Councillors for all Councils must be held-- (a) on the fourth Saturday in October 2020; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 234 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) thereafter on the fourth Saturday in October in the fourth year after the last general election of Councillors for all Councils was held. 5 (2) A general election is an election-- (a) which is to be conducted in each ward of a Council; and (b) for all the offices of Councillor. (3) Despite subsection (1), the Minister may, by 10 notice published in the Government Gazette before the nomination day, change the election day under subsection (1)-- (a) in respect of all Councils; or (b) in respect of one or more Councils specified 15 in the notice-- to another Saturday as nearest as possible to that election day having regard to the need to ensure that the election is conducted in a participatory and secure manner. 20 (4) The Minister may change the election day under subsection (1) if the Minister-- (a) is satisfied that an event or circumstance could adversely affect the conduct of the general election for all Councils or for one 25 or more Councils if the general election were to be held on that day; and (b) has requested advice from the VEC in relation to the proposed change to the election day; and 30 (c) has considered the advice provided to the Minister by the VEC. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 235 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (5) Without limiting the generality of subsection (4), an event or circumstance that could adversely affect the conduct of the general election includes any of the following-- 5 (a) a general election is to be held under the Constitution Act 1975; (b) a general election for the House of Representatives or an election for the Senate, of the Commonwealth Parliament, is to be 10 held; (c) school holidays; (d) a natural disaster; (e) the declaration of a state of disaster under section 23 of the Emergency Management 15 Act 1986. 258 Extraordinary vacancy (1) An extraordinary vacancy occurs if the office of a Councillor becomes vacant under section 31 or 35(1). 20 (2) If the office of a Councillor becomes vacant as a result of the resignation of a Councillor, an extraordinary vacancy occurs on the day that the written resignation is delivered to the Chief Executive Officer. 25 (3) The death or incapacity of an elected candidate after the close of voting but before the declaration of the result does not affect the declaration of the election of any other elected candidates but the vacancy arising as a result of the death or 30 incapacity of the elected candidate is to be treated as an extraordinary vacancy occurring on the day on which the candidate would have been declared elected. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 236 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (4) If an extraordinary vacancy is caused by the ouster of a Councillor from office by the Supreme Court, the extraordinary vacancy occurs on the following days-- 5 (a) if notice of appeal to the Court of Appeal is not served within the period allowed, on the day after that period; (b) if an appeal to the Court of Appeal is dismissed, on the day the decision is given. 10 (5) If an extraordinary vacancy is caused by the declaration of VCAT, the extraordinary vacancy occurs on the day the declaration is made. (6) Despite subsection (7), if more than one extraordinary vacancy in a ward is caused by the 15 declaration of VCAT, an election must be held to fill all the extraordinary vacancies at the same time. (7) If more than one extraordinary vacancy occurs in respect of the same ward and an election is 20 required to be held to fill the vacancies on the same day, one election must be held to fill all the extraordinary vacancies at the same time. (8) The Chief Executive Officer must within 3 working days of-- 25 (a) receiving a written resignation from a Councillor; or (b) becoming aware of an extraordinary vacancy-- notify the Minister and the VEC that an 30 extraordinary vacancy has occurred. 259 When is an extraordinary vacancy not to be filled? (1) An extraordinary vacancy is not to be filled if the VEC determines that there is insufficient time to conduct a by-election or countback to fill the 591055B.I-13/11/2019 237 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions extraordinary vacancy before the period of 3 months before a general election. (2) The VEC must advise the Minister and the relevant Council of a determination under 5 subsection (1) as soon as practicable after it is made. 260 When is a by-election to be held? (1) Subject to section 259, a by-election must be held to fill an extraordinary vacancy if the 10 extraordinary vacancy occurs-- (a) in a ward consisting of one Councillor; or (b) in a ward consisting of more than one Councillor but there are no eligible candidates from the last election who are 15 available to be elected by a countback; or (c) in a ward that has already held a by-election to fill an extraordinary vacancy since the last general election. (2) Subject to subsection (3), a by-election must be 20 held on a Saturday on a date fixed by the VEC that occurs within 100 days-- (a) of the date of the extraordinary vacancy occurring; or (b) of the date of the determination by the 25 election manager that the extraordinary vacancy cannot be filled by a countback. (3) If the VEC considers that the process for holding a by-election in accordance with subsection (2) would be adversely affected by a public holiday 30 or a school holiday, the VEC may do any or all of the following-- (a) fix as the by-election date a Saturday not later than 150 days after the date specified in subsection (2)(a) or (b); 591055B.I-13/11/2019 238 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) fix a different date for the close of the roll; (c) fix a different nomination day. (4) The VEC must-- (a) publish any date fixed in accordance with 5 subsection (2) or (3) in the Government Gazette; and (b) advise the Minister and the relevant Council as to the date fixed in accordance with subsection (2) or (3). 10 261 When is a countback to be held? Subject to sections 259 and 260, a countback in accordance with Division 8 must be held to fill an extraordinary vacancy if-- (a) the extraordinary vacancy occurs in a ward 15 consisting of more than one Councillor; and (b) there are one or more eligible candidates from the last election or countback conducted for the ward who are available to be elected. 20 Division 5--Conduct of elections 262 Voting system (1) The voting system to be used for general elections and by-elections is to be determined by the Minister in accordance with this section. 25 (2) Before making a determination under this section, the Minister must consider advice obtained by the Minister from the VEC. (3) The Minister must determine the voting system to be used for the first general elections to be 30 held after the commencement of section 257 within 2 months after the commencement of section 257. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 239 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (4) The Minister must publish a notice of the determination under subsection (3) in the Government Gazette. (5) Subject to subsection (3), a change to the voting 5 system to be used for a general election must be determined in accordance with the regulations at least 12 months before the general election to which the regulations will apply. (6) A general election must be held using the voting 10 system that applies under the most recent determination made under subsection (3) or the regulations referred to in subsection (5). (7) A by-election must be held using the voting system that was used for the preceding general 15 election. (8) In this section, voting system means-- (a) postal voting; or (b) attendance voting; or (c) any other form of voting determined by the 20 Minister. 263 Conduct of election (1) An election must be conducted by the VEC in accordance with this Act and the regulations. (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), 25 the VEC may use electronic counting equipment and systems to assist in the counting of votes at an election. 264 Filling of vacancies (1) If the number of candidates exceeds the number of 30 vacancies to be filled at an election in a ward, an election must be held for that ward. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 240 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (2) If-- (a) the number of candidates; or (b) the withdrawal, retirement or death of a candidate-- 5 means that the number of candidates is equal to or less than the number of vacancies to be filled at an election in a ward, the election manager must declare the candidate or candidates to be elected and give notice of the declaration. 10 (3) If the election manager declares the candidate or candidates to be elected under subsection (2), the declaration must be made-- (a) in the case of a general election, as soon as practicable on or after election day; or 15 (b) in the case of a by-election, as soon as practicable after the close of nominations. (4) If a by-election is required following the death or retirement of a candidate, the vacancy is deemed to have occurred on election day. 20 (5) If there are no candidates for an election the election fails and the election manager must give notice that the election has failed. (6) A vacancy caused if-- (a) there is no candidate; or 25 (b) the number of candidates is less than the number of vacancies-- is to be treated as an extraordinary vacancy occurring on the nomination day. (7) A vacancy to which subsection (6) applies is to be 30 filled at a by-election held using the voters' roll certified for the general election in respect of which the vacancy has arisen. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 241 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (8) The election manager must give notice of-- (a) an election under subsection (1); and (b) an extraordinary vacancy under subsection (6). 5 (9) A notice under subsection (8) must include the matters prescribed by the regulations. 265 One vote per person (1) A person who is entitled to vote at an election of a Councillor is only entitled to one vote in respect 10 of each municipal district for which the person is enrolled. (2) A person is entitled to vote at an election if the person is-- (a) enrolled on the voters' roll; or 15 (b) a member of a category of persons which is prescribed by the regulations to be persons entitled to vote. 266 Voting is compulsory (1) Subject to subsection (4), it is compulsory for a 20 person who is enrolled under section 241 as a resident on the voters' roll to vote in any election for the ward in respect of which the person is enrolled. (2) Subject to subsection (4), for the purposes of the 25 second general election to be conducted under section 257(1)(b) and each general election conducted after the second general election, it is compulsory for a person who is enrolled under Division 1 on the voters' roll to vote in any 30 election for the ward in respect of which the person is enrolled. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 242 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (3) Unless subsection (4) applies, it is an offence against this Act to fail to vote as required by subsection (1) or (2). Penalty: 1 penalty unit. 5 (4) Subsection (1) or (2) does not apply if an exemption prescribed by the regulations applies to the person. 267 Infringement offence and infringement penalty (1) In this section, prosecution officer means the 10 VEC or a person appointed by the VEC for the purposes of this section. (2) A prosecution officer may serve an infringement notice on a person who the prosecution officer has reason to believe has committed an offence 15 against section 266. (3) An offence referred to in subsection (2) for which an infringement notice may be served is an infringement offence within the meaning of the Infringements Act 2006. 20 (4) The infringement penalty for an offence against section 266 is 0*5 penalty units. (5) In addition to the details required under section 13 of the Infringements Act 2006, the following details of the election to which the offence 25 referred to in subsection (2) relate must be included in the infringement notice-- (a) the name of the Council; (b) if applicable, the name of the ward; (c) if the election was conducted using 30 attendance voting, the date of the election; (d) if the election was conducted by postal voting, the date the voting closed. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 243 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (6) Payments received by the prosecution officer under this section, in relation to the enforcement of an offence referred to in subsection (2), must be paid to the Council in respect of which the offence 5 relates. 268 VEC's election and enforcement expenses (1) The VEC may send to each Council an account of the reasonable expenses incurred by the VEC-- (a) for preparing and providing the voters' roll; 10 and (b) for conducting an election for the Council, including in advertising and giving notice of the election and electoral process; and (c) for the administration, enforcement and 15 prosecution of any offence related to compulsory voting under this Act, the City of Melbourne Act 2001 or the regulations. (2) A Council is responsible for the reasonable expenses of the VEC as specified in an account 20 sent to the Council under subsection (1). (3) For the purposes of this section, reasonable expenses that may be recovered from a Council do not include any costs recovered under the Infringements Act 2006 and passed on to the 25 VEC under that Act (being an enforcement agency under that Act). 269 Marking of ballot-paper at election to express preference (1) A voter must mark the voter's vote on the 30 ballot-paper by placing-- (a) the number 1 opposite the name of the candidate for whom the voter votes as first preference; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 244 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) the numbers 2, 3, 4 (and so on as the case requires) opposite the remaining candidates' names so as to indicate the order of preference by an unbroken numerical 5 sequence. (2) In the case of 2 candidates, the requirements of subsection (1) are sufficiently complied with if the ballot-paper is marked with the number 1 opposite the name of one candidate to indicate the voter's 10 first preference. (3) In the case of an election where there are more than 2 candidates, the requirements of subsection (1) are sufficiently complied with if the ballot-paper is marked with a number 1, 2, 3 15 or 4 (and so on as the case requires) opposite the names of all the candidates on the ballot-paper except one. (4) A ballot-paper can only be rejected if it is not marked in accordance with this section. 20 (5) Except as otherwise expressly provided, a ballot- paper is to be given effect to according to the voter's intention so far as the voter's intention is clear. 270 Validity of election 25 (1) The validity of an election is not affected by any defect in the appointment of any person for the purpose of holding the election. (2) The validity of an election is not affected by-- (a) any irregularity in any of the proceedings 30 preliminary to voting; or (b) any failure to hold the election at any place appointed; or (c) any failure to comply with any directions as to the holding of the election or the counting 35 of the votes; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 245 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (d) any mistake in the use of any forms-- if the election was conducted in accordance with the principles in this Act and the irregularity, failure or mistake did not affect the result of the 5 election. Division 6--Counting of votes--single vacancy 271 Application of Division This Division applies to the following-- (a) an election of a Councillor for a single 10 member ward of a Council with a subdivided municipal district; (b) any by-election where only one vacancy in the office of Councillor of a Council is to be filled at the by-election. 15 272 Only 2 candidates If only one Councillor is to be elected and there are only 2 candidates the result is to be determined as follows-- (a) the candidate who has received the greater 20 number of first preference votes is to be declared elected by the election manager; (b) if the 2 candidates have received an equal number of votes the result is to be determined by lot by the election 25 manager. 273 More than 2 candidates If only one Councillor is to be elected and there are more than 2 candidates the result is to be determined as follows-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 246 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (a) the candidate who has received the greatest number of first preference votes if that number constitutes an absolute majority of votes is to be declared elected by the election 5 manager; (b) absolute majority of votes means a number of votes greater than one-half of the total number of ballot-papers (excluding ballot-papers which are rejected) and if 10 necessary includes the vote by lot; (c) if no candidate has received an absolute majority of votes, the election manager upon receipt of the several sealed parcels from any authorised person and with the 15 assistance of any authorised persons and in the presence and subject to the inspection of any one scrutineer, if present, appointed by each candidate but of no other person, must-- 20 (i) open all the sealed parcels containing used ballot-papers; and (ii) arrange such ballot-papers together with the allowed postal ballot-papers, if any, by placing in a separate parcel all 25 those on which a first preference is indicated for the same candidate and preference votes are also duly given for all the remaining candidates, omitting ballot-papers which are rejected; and 30 (iii) declare the candidate who has received the fewest first preference votes a defeated candidate; and (iv) distribute the ballot-papers counted to the defeated candidate amongst the 35 non-defeated candidates next in order of the voters' preference; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 247 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (v) after the distribution again ascertain the total number of votes given to each non-defeated candidate; (d) the candidate who has then received the 5 greatest number of votes if that number constitutes an absolute majority of votes is to be declared elected by the election manager; (e) if no candidate then has an absolute 10 majority of votes the process of declaring the candidate who has the fewest votes a defeated candidate and distributing the ballot-papers counted to the defeated candidate amongst the non-defeated 15 candidates next in order of the voters' preference is to be repeated until one candidate has received an absolute majority of votes and is declared elected by the election manager; 20 (f) if on any count 2 or more candidates have an equal number of votes and one of them has to be declared a defeated candidate, the result is to be determined-- (i) by declaring whichever of those 25 candidates had the fewest votes at the last count at which those candidates had a different number of votes to be defeated; or (ii) if a result is still not obtained or there 30 has been no count, by lot by the election manager; (g) if on the final count 2 candidates have an equal number of votes, the result is to be determined by lot by the election manager. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 248 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions Division 7--Counting of votes--any election to which Division 6 does not apply 274 Application of Division This Division applies to any election to which 5 Division 6 does not apply. 275 2 or more Councillors to be elected (1) The result of the election is to be determined as set out in this section. (2) In this section-- 10 continuing candidate means a candidate not already elected or excluded from the count; quota means the number determined by dividing the number of first preference votes by one more than the number of candidates required 15 to be elected and by increasing the quotient so obtained (disregarding any remainder) by one; surplus votes means the number, if any, of votes in excess of the quota of each elected 20 candidate. (3) A reference to votes of or obtained or received by a candidate includes votes obtained or received by the candidate on any transfer. (4) The election manager upon receipt of the several 25 sealed parcels from any authorised person and with the assistance of any authorised persons and in the presence and subject to the inspection of any one scrutineer, if present, appointed by each candidate but of no other person must-- 30 (a) open all the sealed parcels containing used ballot-papers; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 249 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) arrange the ballot-papers together with the allowed postal ballot-papers, if any, by placing in a separate parcel all those on which a first preference is indicated for the 5 same candidate and preference votes are also duly given for all the remaining candidates, omitting ballot-papers which are rejected; and (c) ascertain-- 10 (i) the number of first preference votes given for each candidate; and (ii) the total number of first preference votes. (5) A quota is to be determined. 15 (6) Any candidate who has received a number of first preference votes equal to or greater than the quota is to be declared duly elected by the election manager. (7) Unless all the vacancies have been filled, the 20 surplus votes of each elected candidate are to be transferred to the continuing candidates as follows-- (a) the number of surplus votes of the elected candidate is to be divided by the number of 25 first preference votes received by the elected candidate and the resulting fraction is the transfer value; (b) the total number of ballot-papers of the elected candidate that express the first 30 preference vote for the elected candidate and the next available preference for a particular continuing candidate is to be multiplied by the transfer value; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 250 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (c) the number obtained under paragraph (b) (disregarding any fraction) is to be added to the number of first preference votes of the continuing candidate and all those 5 ballot-papers are to be transferred to the continuing candidate. (8) Any continuing candidate who has received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota on the completion of any transfer under 10 subsection (7) is to be declared duly elected by the election manager. (9) Unless all the vacancies have been filled, the surplus votes, if any, of any candidate elected under subsection (8) or elected subsequently 15 under this subsection are to be transferred to the continuing candidates in accordance with subsection (7) and any continuing candidate who has received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota on the completion of the 20 transfer is to be declared duly elected by the election manager. (10) If a continuing candidate has received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota on the completion of a transfer of the surplus votes of a 25 particular elected candidate under subsection (7) or (9), no votes of any other candidate are to be transferred to the continuing candidate. (11) For the purposes of the application of subsection (7) in relation to a transfer of the 30 surplus votes of an elected candidate under subsection (9) or (14), each ballot-paper of the elected candidate obtained by the elected candidate on a transfer is to be dealt with as if-- (a) any vote it expressed for the elected 35 candidate were a first preference vote; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 251 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) the name of any other candidate previously elected or excluded had not been on the ballot-paper; and (c) the numbers indicating subsequent 5 preferences had been altered accordingly. (12) If, after the counting of first preference votes or the transfer of any surplus votes of elected candidates, no candidate has, or less than the number of candidates required to be elected have, 10 received a number of votes equal to the quota, the candidate who has the fewest votes is to be excluded and all that candidate's votes are to be transferred to the continuing candidates as follows-- 15 (a) the total number of ballot-papers of the excluded candidate that express the first preference vote for the excluded candidate and the next available preference for a particular continuing candidate are to be 20 transferred at a transfer value of one for each ballot-paper and added to the number of votes of the continuing candidate and all those ballot-papers are to be transferred to the continuing candidate; 25 (b) the total number, if any, of other votes obtained by the excluded candidate on transfers are to be transferred from the excluded candidate beginning with the highest transfer value and ending with the 30 ballot-papers received at the lowest transfer value, as follows-- (i) the total number of ballot-papers received by the excluded candidate at a particular transfer value and expressing 35 the next available preference for a particular continuing candidate is to be multiplied by that transfer value; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 252 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (ii) the number so obtained (disregarding any fraction) is to be added to the number of votes of the continuing candidate; 5 (iii) all those ballot-papers are to be transferred to the continuing candidate. (13) Any continuing candidate who has received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota on the completion of a transfer of votes of an 10 excluded candidate under subsection (12) or (16) is to be declared duly elected by the election manager. (14) Subject to subsection (15), unless all the vacancies have been filled, the surplus votes, if any, of a 15 candidate elected under subsection (13) are to be transferred in accordance with subsection (7). (15) If a candidate elected under subsection (13) is elected before all the votes of the excluded candidate have been transferred, the surplus 20 votes, if any, of the elected candidate are not to be transferred until the remaining votes of the excluded candidate have been transferred in accordance with subsection (12) to continuing candidates. 25 (16) Subject to subsection (18), if after the transfer of all the votes of an excluded candidate no continuing candidate has received a number of votes greater than the quota-- (a) the continuing candidate who has the fewest 30 votes must be excluded; and (b) that candidate's votes must be transferred in accordance with subsection (12). (17) If a candidate is elected as a result of a transfer of ballot-papers under subsections (12) and (16), no 35 other ballot-papers of an excluded candidate are to be transferred to the candidate so elected. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 253 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (18) In respect of the last vacancy for which 2 continuing candidates remain, the continuing candidate who has the larger number of votes is to be elected notwithstanding that that number is 5 below the quota. (19) Despite any other provision of this section, if the number of continuing candidates is equal to the number of remaining unfilled vacancies, those candidates are to be declared duly elected by the 10 election manager. (20) Subject to subsections (21), (22) and (23), if after any count or transfer, 2 or more candidates have surplus votes, the order of any transfers of the surplus votes of those candidates is to be in 15 accordance with the relative size of the surpluses, the largest surplus being transferred first. (21) Subject to subsection (23), if after any count or transfer, 2 or more candidates have equal surpluses, the order of any transfers of the surplus 20 votes of those candidates is to be in accordance with the relative numbers of votes of those candidates at the last count or transfer at which each of those candidates had a different number of votes, the surplus of the candidate with the 25 largest number of votes at that count or transfer being transferred first. (22) For the purposes of subsection (21), if there has been no count or transfer the election manager must determine the order in which the surpluses 30 are to be dealt with. (23) If after any count or transfer, a candidate obtains surplus votes, those surplus votes are not to be transferred before the transfer of any surplus votes obtained by any other candidate on an earlier 35 count or transfer. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 254 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (24) If on any count or transfer 2 or more candidates have the fewest number of votes and the candidate who has the fewest number of votes is required to be excluded, the result is to be determined-- 5 (a) by declaring whichever of those candidates had the fewest votes at the last count at which those candidates had a different number of votes to be excluded; or (b) if a result is still not obtained or there has 10 been no count or transfer, by lot by the election manager. (25) If on the final count or transfer 2 candidates have an equal number of votes, the result is to be determined by lot by the election manager. 15 (26) If a candidate is elected by reason that-- (a) the number of first preference votes received by the candidate; or (b) the aggregate of first preference votes received by the candidate and all other votes 20 obtained by the candidate on transfers-- is equal to the quota, all the ballot-papers expressing those votes are to be set aside as finally dealt with. (27) For the purposes of this section each of the 25 following constitutes a separate transfer-- (a) a transfer under subsection (7), (9) or (14) of all the surplus votes of an elected candidate; (b) a transfer in accordance with subsection (12)(a) of all first preference 30 votes of an excluded candidate; (c) a transfer in accordance with subsection (12)(b) of all the votes of an excluded candidate or candidates, as the case may be, at a particular transfer value. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 255 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions Division 8--Countback process and counting of votes 276 Definitions In this Division-- 5 eligible candidate means a person who-- (a) was a candidate at the original election; and (b) did not withdraw or retire from, and was not elected at, that election; and 10 (c) is qualified to be a Councillor; original election means the most recent election for the ward that was not conducted by a countback; vacating Councillor means the person whose 15 departure created the extraordinary vacancy (even if that person never became a Councillor). 277 Exclusion of candidate (1) The election manager must exclude from 20 participation in a countback any candidate which the election manager knows has died or has otherwise ceased to be qualified to be a Councillor. (2) A candidate is not to be excluded from 25 participation in a countback only because the candidate failed to complete a declaration under section 282(1) after a countback to fill a previous extraordinary vacancy. (3) An exclusion under subsection (1) cannot be made 30 once the countback procedure has been commenced. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 256 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 278 Filling of multiple vacancies (1) If there is more than one extraordinary vacancy to be filled at any time, the extraordinary vacancy that occurred first is to be filled first. 5 (2) If, in the opinion of the election manager, it is impossible to determine which vacancy occurred first, the vacating Councillor who was elected first (either at the same election or in point of time) is deemed to have left their office before the other 10 vacating Councillor or Councillors. (3) If it is still not possible to determine which vacancy occurred first despite subsection (2), the election manager must determine by lot which extraordinary vacancy is to be filled first. 15 (4) The election manager may comply with section 281 in respect of an extraordinary vacancy even while the election manager or another election manager is complying with that section in respect of another extraordinary 20 vacancy. 279 Procedure if there are no eligible candidates If there are no eligible candidates, the countback fails and section 283 applies. 280 Procedure if there is only one eligible candidate 25 (1) This section applies if there is only one eligible candidate. (2) The election manager must invite in writing the candidate to complete a written declaration specifying that the candidate is qualified to be a 30 Councillor. (3) A written declaration under subsection (2) must be given to the election manager within 14 days of the date of the written invitation. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 257 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (4) If the candidate complies with this section, the election manager must declare the candidate elected in accordance with section 284. (5) If the candidate does not comply with this section, 5 the countback fails and section 283 applies. 281 Procedure if there is more than one eligible candidate (1) This section applies if there is more than one eligible candidate. 10 (2) Within 14 days of the extraordinary vacancy occurring, the election manager must-- (a) publish a notice on the VEC's Internet site in accordance with subsection (3); and (b) give written notice in accordance with 15 subsection (3) to each eligible candidate at their last known address. (3) The notice on the VEC's Internet site and the written notice must specify the following-- (a) the date, time and place for the conduct of 20 the countback; and (b) that an eligible candidate is entitled to appoint scrutineers for the countback; and (c) the contact details of the election manager. (4) The date for the conduct of the countback must be 25 the date which is at least 14 days after the date of the notice which in the opinion of the election manager is the earliest practicable date to conduct the countback. (5) The countback must be conducted in accordance 30 with section 285. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 258 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 282 Conduct of countback (1) The election manager must make reasonable efforts to-- (a) notify the candidate who would be declared 5 elected as a result of the countback; and (b) invite the candidate to complete a written declaration within 48 hours that the candidate is qualified to be a Councillor. (2) If the candidate completes the written declaration 10 under subsection (1), section 284 applies. (3) If the candidate does not complete the written declaration under subsection (1), a further count is to be conducted as soon as is practicable after the period in subsection (1) has expired until-- 15 (a) a candidate who would be declared elected as a result of the countback and is invited to complete a written declaration within 48 hours that the candidate is qualified to be a Councillor does so; or 20 (b) if there is only one candidate remaining, the candidate is invited to complete a written declaration within 48 hours that the candidate is qualified to be a Councillor and does so; or 25 (c) there are no eligible candidates remaining. (4) For the purposes of the application of subsection (3), each time the process is repeated, a preference indicated for a candidate who failed to complete a written declaration is to be disregarded. 30 (5) If subsection (3)(a) or (b) applies, section 284 applies. (6) If subsection (3)(c) applies, the countback has failed and section 283 applies. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 259 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 283 Procedure if the countback fails (1) If the countback fails or the election manager is otherwise unable to fill the extraordinary vacancy by a countback-- 5 (a) the election manager must notify the Chief Executive Officer; and (b) subject to section 259, a by-election must be held to fill the extraordinary vacancy. (2) By-elections to fill 2 or more vacancies may be 10 held at the same time. 284 Declaration of result (1) As soon as possible after a candidate completes a candidate declaration after being requested by the election manager to do so, the election manager 15 must publicly declare that candidate to be elected. (2) The election manager must as soon as is practicable after publicly declaring the candidate to be elected-- (a) give public notice of the name of the person 20 elected; and (b) advise the Minister of the result. 285 Process for counting of votes at a countback (1) This section sets out the process for the counting of votes at a countback. 25 (2) All the votes counted in the original election are to be counted in accordance with the process specified in Division 7. (3) The quota for election in the countback is the same quota as that which applied to the count 30 of votes in the original election. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 260 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (4) The preferences indicated on ballot-papers are to be disregarded during the countback unless they are preferences indicated for-- (a) a Councillor who was previously elected at 5 the original election; or (b) an eligible candidate. (5) A countback under this section does not affect the election of a previously elected candidate. (6) The election or exclusion of a previously elected 10 candidate during the countback has effect only for the purpose of the continuation of the count. (7) The countback stops-- (a) as soon as a candidate who was not previously elected obtains a quota; or 15 (b) when only one candidate who was not previously elected remains in the count. (8) If a candidate-- (a) who was not previously elected obtains a quota; or 20 (b) is the only candidate who was not previously elected remaining in the count-- section 282(1) applies. Division 9--Electoral offences 286 Nomination offence 25 A person who is not entitled to nominate as a candidate for election under section 256 must not nominate as a candidate for an election. Penalty: 240 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 261 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 287 Printing and publication of electoral material (1) A person must not print, publish or distribute or cause, permit or authorise to be printed, published or distributed, electoral material unless the name 5 and address of the person who authorised the electoral material is clearly displayed on its face. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 10 penalty units; In the case of a body corporate, 10 50 penalty units. (2) It is sufficient compliance with subsection (1) if the electoral material is a letter or card which-- (a) bears the name and address of the person who distributed it; and 15 (b) does not contain a representation or purported representation of a ballot-paper intended to be used in the election. (3) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to-- (a) a car sticker, an item of clothing, a lapel 20 button, a lapel badge, a fridge magnet, a pen, a pencil or a balloon; or (b) an article included in a prescribed class of articles. (4) Nothing in subsection (3)(a) is to be taken, by 25 implication, to limit the generality of regulations that may be made by virtue of subsection (3)(b). (5) In this section, address means a street address or a post office box address. 288 Misleading or deceptive matter 30 (1) A person must not-- (a) print, publish or distribute; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 262 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) cause, permit or authorise to be printed, published or distributed-- any matter or thing that the person knows, or should reasonably be expected to know, is likely 5 to mislead or deceive a voter in relation to the casting of the vote of the voter. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 60 penalty units or imprisonment for 6 months; 10 In the case of a body corporate, 300 penalty units. (2) A person must not-- (a) print, publish or distribute; or (b) cause, permit or authorise to be printed, 15 published or distributed-- electoral material that contains a representation or purported representation of a ballot-paper for use in an election that the person knows, or should reasonably be expected to know, is likely to 20 induce a voter to mark the voter's vote otherwise than in accordance with the directions on the ballot-paper. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 60 penalty units or imprisonment for 25 6 months; In the case of a body corporate, 300 penalty units. 289 Heading to electoral advertisements The proprietor of a newspaper must cause the 30 word "advertisement" to be printed as a headline in letters not smaller than 10 point to each article or paragraph in the proprietor's newspaper containing electoral matter, the insertion-- (a) of which is, or is to be, paid for; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 263 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) for which any reward or compensation or promise of reward or compensation is, or is to be, made. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 5 10 penalty units; In the case of a body corporate, 50 penalty units. 290 Author to be identified (1) A person must not during the election period-- 10 (a) print, publish or distribute; or (b) cause, permit or authorise to be printed, published or distributed-- a newspaper, circular or pamphlet containing an article, report, letter or other matter containing 15 electoral matter unless the author's name and address are set out at the end of the article, report, letter or other matter, or if only part of the article, report, letter or other matter appears in any issue of a newspaper, circular or pamphlet at the end of 20 that part. Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 10 penalty units; In the case of a body corporate, 50 penalty units. 25 (2) This section does not apply to the publication in a newspaper of-- (a) a leading article; or (b) an article that consists solely of a report of a meeting and does not contain electoral 30 matter, other than comment made by a speaker at the meeting. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 264 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (3) It is sufficient compliance with subsection (1) if a newspaper containing a letter containing electoral matter sets out-- (a) the author's name; and 5 (b) the suburb or locality in which the author's address is located. 291 Distribution of printed electoral material (1) A person must not during the hours of voting within 400 metres of the entrance of, or within the 10 building used as, a voting centre-- (a) hand out, distribute or otherwise make available; or (b) authorise the handing out, distribution or otherwise making available-- 15 to any person of any printed electoral material that the person knows, or should reasonably be expected to know, is not a registered how-to-vote card. Penalty: 60 penalty units or 6 months 20 imprisonment. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to-- (a) the handing out, distribution, sale or otherwise making available of a newspaper by or on behalf of a newsagent, newspaper 25 seller or distributor if the handing out, distribution, sale or making available is in the course of the newsagent's, newspaper seller's or distributor's employment or business; or 30 (b) the handing out, distribution or otherwise making available of any printed electoral material in any room or building used as a campaign room or an office by a candidate in the election to which the material relates; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 265 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (c) printed electoral material in the form of any poster or notice which is affixed or attached to any vehicle, building, hoarding or structure (whether moveable or fixed); or 5 (d) the distribution or otherwise making available of any printed electoral material during the hours of voting to any property within 400 metres of the entrance of a voting centre that is an early voting centre. 10 292 Power to request handing over of how-to-vote cards (1) The person in charge of a voting centre or a person authorised by the person in charge to act on that person's behalf under this section may request a person reasonably suspected by the 15 person in charge of contravening section 291-- (a) to produce for inspection any how-to-vote cards in the person's possession; and (b) to hand over all how-to-vote cards other than registered how-to-vote cards. 20 (2) A person must not fail to comply with a request under subsection (1). Penalty: 10 penalty units. 293 False or misleading information or particulars (1) A person must not make a statement knowing that 25 it is false or misleading in a material particular in any information provided orally or in writing in relation to voter enrolment or in any declaration or application in relation to an election under this Act or the regulations. 30 Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 years. (2) An offence against subsection (1) is an indictable offence. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 266 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 294 Voting offences (1) A person must not-- (a) forge any ballot-paper, prescribed form or other form or document submitted or lodged 5 in connection with an election; or (b) utter any forged ballot-paper, prescribed form or other form or document submitted or lodged in connection with an election; or (c) forge the signature of any person on any 10 ballot-paper, prescribed form or other form or document submitted or lodged in connection with an election. Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 years. 15 (2) An offence against subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) is an indictable offence. (3) A person must not in respect of an election-- (a) vote in the name of another person, including a dead or fictitious person; or 20 (b) vote more than once; or (c) apply for a ballot-paper in the name of another person. Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 years. 25 (4) An offence against subsection (3) is an indictable offence. 295 Offences at voting centre (1) A person must not during the hours of voting in respect of a voting centre-- 30 (a) canvass for votes; or (b) solicit the vote of any voter; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 267 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (c) induce or attempt to induce any voter not to vote for a particular candidate; or (d) induce or attempt to induce any voter not to vote at the election; or 5 (e) exhibit any notice or sign relating to the election which is not an official notice; or (f) wear or display any badge, emblem or political slogan of any candidate or political party of any candidate if the person is 10 employed as an election official or is a scrutineer in the performance of duties or the exercise of powers under this Act or the regulations-- within 3 metres of any entrance to or within the 15 premises used as the voting centre. Penalty: 5 penalty units. (2) The person in charge of a voting centre may cause any area in the vicinity of the premises used as a voting centre to be delineated by notices, signs or 20 other means, and that area is to be treated as the voting centre for the purposes of subsection (1). 296 Tampering (1) Except as authorised by this Act or the regulations, a person must not-- 25 (a) open any sealed envelope containing a ballot-paper; or (b) break the seal or open any ballot-box or parcel sealed under this Act or the regulations; or 30 (c) deal with any ballot-papers, voters' rolls or other material used at an election under this Act or the regulations. Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 years. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 268 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (2) An offence against subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) is an indictable offence. 297 Secrecy of vote Except as authorised by this Act or the 5 regulations, a person who is present when a voter votes must not-- (a) ascertain or disclose by word, act or other means, the vote of the voter; or (b) directly or indirectly require, induce or 10 attempt to induce the voter to show how the voter intends to vote; or (c) communicate with or assist the voter while voting or look at the voter's vote or ballot-paper. 15 Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 1 year. 298 Agreement to post ballot-paper (1) A person who agrees to post a postal ballot-paper on behalf of a voter and who fails to post the 20 ballot-paper in accordance with the agreement commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the ballot-paper was received by the election manager in time for 25 the ballot-paper to be counted in the election. 299 Offence to interfere with postal ballot materials (1) A person must not interfere with any material being, or to be, sent or delivered to a voter by the VEC at an election. 30 Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 years. (2) An offence against subsection (1) is an indictable offence. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 269 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is acting with the authority of the VEC. 300 Bribery, treating and undue influence (1) For the purposes of this section, person's election 5 conduct means-- (a) the way in which the person votes at an election; or (b) the person's nomination as a candidate for an election; or 10 (c) the person's support of, or opposition to, a candidate at an election; or (d) the doing of any act or thing by the person the purpose of which is, or the effect of which is likely to be, to influence the 15 preferences set out in the vote of a voter. (2) A person must not-- (a) ask for, receive or obtain; or (b) offer to ask for, or receive or obtain; or (c) agree to ask for, or receive or obtain-- 20 any property or benefit of any kind for themselves or any other person, on an understanding that the person's election conduct will in any manner be influenced or affected. Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 25 5 years. Note Section 320 applies to an offence against subsection (2). (3) An offence against subsection (2)(a), (b) or (c) is an indictable offence. 30 (4) A person must not, in order to influence or affect a person's election conduct-- (a) give or confer; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 270 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) promise to give or confer; or (c) offer to give or confer-- any property or benefit of any kind to that other person or to a third person. 5 Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 years. Note Section 320 applies to an offence against subsection (4). (5) An offence against subsection (4) is an indictable 10 offence. (6) This section does not apply in relation to a declaration of public policy or a promise of public action. 301 Interference with political liberty 15 (1) A person must not hinder or interfere with the free exercise or performance by any other person of any political right or duty that is relevant to an election under this Act. Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 20 5 years. (2) An offence against subsection (1) is an indictable offence. (3) A person must not, by violence or intimidation, influence the vote of a person at an election. 25 Penalty: 600 penalty units or imprisonment for 5 years. (4) An offence against subsection (3) is an indictable offence. (5) A person must not during the hours of voting 30 within 400 metres of the entrance of, or within the building used as, a voting centre-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 271 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (a) make any public demonstration having any reference to the election; or (b) use any loud speaker or amplifier or any other apparatus or device for broadcasting or 5 disseminating any matter intended or likely to affect the result of the election. Penalty: 1 penalty unit. (6) Subsections (1) and (5) do not apply to any official statement or announcement made or 10 exhibited under the authority of this Act. (7) A person must not interfere with or attempt to interfere with a voter when the voter is marking their ballot-paper. Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 15 1 year. 302 Powers of election manager or election official (1) Any election manager or election official has the power and authority-- (a) to maintain order and keep the peace at any 20 venue used for an election; and (b) to cause to be removed any person who-- (i) obstructs the approaches to a voting centre; or (ii) wilfully or unnecessarily obstructs or 25 delays the proceedings at a voting centre; or (iii) behaves in a disorderly manner; or (iv) remains in a voting centre for a longer time than is reasonably necessary for 30 the purpose of voting; or (v) causes a disturbance at any election. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 272 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (2) Police officers must aid and assist an election manager or election official in the exercise of the powers conferred by this section. 303 Offences relating to members of Council staff, 5 election managers and election officials (1) A member of Council staff, an election manager or an election official must not-- (a) falsify any enrolment record; or (b) alter a voters' roll after it has been signed and 10 certified by the VEC without authority to do so. Penalty: 120 penalty units. (2) A person must not impersonate a person appointed as an election manager or election official in the 15 performance of duties or the exercise of powers under this Act. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (3) A person appointed as an election manager or election official must not contravene a provision 20 of this Act or the regulations which applies to the person and for which no other penalty is specified. (4) A person appointed as an election manager or election official must comply with any direction given to the person by the VEC. 25 (5) A person must not wilfully contravene subsection (3) or (4). Penalty: 60 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment. (6) A person must not negligently contravene 30 subsection (3) or (4). Penalty: 10 penalty units. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 273 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions 304 Prohibition on Councillor or member of Council staff (1) A Councillor or member of Council staff must not use Council resources in a way that-- 5 (a) is intended to; or (b) is likely to-- affect the result of an election under this Act. Penalty: 60 penalty units. (2) A Councillor or member of Council staff must not 10 use Council resources to intentionally or recklessly print, publish or distribute or cause, permit or authorise to be printed, published or distributed any electoral material during the election period on behalf of, or purporting to be 15 on behalf of, the Council unless the electoral material only contains information about the election process or is otherwise required in accordance with, or under, any Act or regulation. Penalty: 60 penalty units. 20 305 Injunction (1) If a person has engaged, is engaging or is proposing to engage in any conduct that constituted, constitutes or would constitute an offence under section 287 or 288, the Supreme 25 Court may on the application of a candidate in an election grant an injunction-- (a) restraining that person from engaging in the conduct; and (b) if in the opinion of the Supreme Court it is 30 desirable to do so, requiring that person to do any act or thing. (2) The Supreme Court may, if in the opinion of the Supreme Court it is desirable to do so, before considering an application under subsection (1), 591055B.I-13/11/2019 274 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions grant an interim injunction restraining a person from engaging in conduct of the kind referred to in subsection (1) pending the determination of the application. 5 (3) The Supreme Court may discharge or vary an injunction granted under subsection (1) or (2). (4) If an application is made to the Supreme Court for the grant of an injunction restraining a person from engaging in conduct of a particular kind, 10 the power of the Supreme Court to grant the injunction may be exercised-- (a) if the Supreme Court is satisfied that the person has engaged in conduct of that kind, whether or not it appears to the Supreme 15 Court that the person intends to engage again, or to continue to engage, in conduct of that kind; or (b) if it appears to the Supreme Court that, in the event that an injunction is not granted, it is 20 likely that the person will engage in conduct of that kind-- (i) whether or not the person has previously engaged in conduct of that kind; and 25 (ii) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial damage to any person if the first-mentioned person engages in conduct of that kind. (5) If the application is for the grant of an injunction 30 requiring a person to do a particular act or thing, the power of the Supreme Court to grant the injunction may be exercised-- (a) if the Supreme Court is satisfied that the person has refused or failed to do that act 35 or thing, whether or not it appears to the Supreme Court that the person intends to 591055B.I-13/11/2019 275 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions refuse or fail again, or to continue to refuse or fail, to do that act or thing; or (b) if it appears to the Supreme Court that, in the event that an injunction is not granted, it is 5 likely that the person will refuse or fail to do that act or thing-- (i) whether or not the person has previously refused or failed to do that act or thing; and 10 (ii) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial damage to any person if the first-mentioned person refuses or fails to do that act or thing. (6) The powers conferred on the Supreme Court 15 under this section are in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other powers of the Supreme Court. Division 10--Election campaign donations 306 Return by candidate 20 (1) Within 40 days after election day, a person who was a candidate in the election must give an election campaign donation return to the Chief Executive Officer. (2) An election campaign donation return must-- 25 (a) be in the prescribed form; and (b) contain the prescribed details in respect of any gifts received during the donation period by or on behalf of the candidate, to be used for or in connection with the election 30 campaign, the amount or value of which is equal to or exceeds the gift disclosure threshold. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 276 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (3) Despite subsection (2), a candidate is not required to specify the prescribed details of an amount in a return if-- (a) the amount was a gift made in a private 5 capacity to the candidate for the candidate's personal use; and (b) the candidate has not used, and will not use, the gift solely or substantially for a purpose related to the election. 10 (4) A reference in subsection (2) to a gift made by a person includes a reference to a gift made on behalf of the members of an unincorporated association. (5) For the purposes of this section, 2 or more gifts 15 made by the same person to or for the benefit of a candidate are to be taken to be one donation. (6) A person who-- (a) fails to give a return that the person is required to give under this section; or 20 (b) gives a return that contains particulars that the person knows are false or misleading in a material particular; or (c) provides information that the person knows is false or misleading in a material particular 25 to a person required to give a return under this section-- is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding 60 penalty units. (7) If a person is found guilty or convicted of an 30 offence under subsection (6), a court may make an order that the offender give a return under subsection (1) that is not false or misleading in a material particular. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 277 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (8) If no details are required to be included in a return under this section in respect of a candidate, the return-- (a) must be given; and 5 (b) must include a statement to the effect that no gifts of a kind required to be disclosed were received. 307 Responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer (1) The Chief Executive Officer must, within 14 days 10 after the period specified in section 306(1), submit a written report to the Minister specifying-- (a) the names of the candidates in the election; and (b) the names of the candidates who submitted a 15 return under section 306. (2) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that, within 14 days after the period specified in section 306(1), a summary of each election campaign donation return given to the Chief 20 Executive Officer under section 306 is made available on the Council's Internet site. (3) If an election campaign donation return is given after the end of the period specified in section 306(1), the Chief Executive Officer must ensure 25 that a summary of the return is made available on the Council's Internet site. 308 Other matters relating to summaries of returns (1) A summary of an election campaign donation return must include the following information in 30 respect of the candidate who gave the election campaign donation return-- (a) the name of the candidate; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 278 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (b) if a gift is included in the return, the name of the person who made the gift and the total value of the gift received from that person. (2) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a 5 summary of an election campaign donation return is made available on the Council's Internet site until the close of the roll for the next general election. (3) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a 10 copy of an election campaign donation return is available for inspection at the office of the Council during normal office hours for a period of 4 years from the date that it is given under section 306. 15 309 Certain gifts not to be accepted (1) It is unlawful for a candidate or a person acting on behalf of a candidate to receive during the donation period a gift made to or for the benefit of the candidate, being a gift the amount or value of 20 which is equal to or exceeds the gift disclosure threshold unless-- (a) the name and address of the person making the gift are known to the person receiving the gift; or 25 (b) at the time when the gift is made-- (i) the person making the gift gives to the person receiving the gift the person's name and address; and (ii) the person receiving the gift has no 30 grounds to believe that the name and address so given are not the true name and address of the person making the gift. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 279 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (2) A reference in subsection (1) or (2) to a gift made by a person include a reference to a gift made on behalf of the members of an unincorporated association. 5 (3) A reference in subsection (1) or (2) to the name and address of a person making a gift is-- (a) in the case of a gift made on behalf of the members of an unincorporated association, a reference to-- 10 (i) the name of the association; and (ii) the names and addresses of the members of the executive committee (however described) of the association; and 15 (b) in the case of a gift purportedly made out of a trust fund or out of the funds of a foundation, a reference to-- (i) the names and addresses of the trustees of the fund or of the funds of the 20 foundation; and (ii) the title or other description of the trust fund or the name of the foundation. (4) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person who is a candidate in an election is to be taken to 25 remain a candidate for 30 days after the election day in the election. (5) For the purposes of this section, 2 or more gifts made by the same person to or for the benefit of a candidate are to be taken to be one gift. 30 310 Certain amounts forfeited to State (1) If a person receives a gift that it is unlawful for the person to receive because of section 309, an amount equal to twice the amount or value of the gift is forfeited to the State. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 280 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (2) An amount forfeited under subsection (1) may be recovered from the person who received the gift. Division 11--Disputing the validity of an election 311 Application to VCAT for review 5 Within 14 days of the declaration of the result of an election-- (a) a candidate in that election who disputes the validity of the election; or (b) 10 persons who were entitled to vote at the 10 election who dispute the validity of the election; or (c) the VEC-- may apply to VCAT for a review of the declaration of the result of the election. 15 312 Powers of VCAT (1) VCAT has the following powers in conducting a review under section 311-- (a) to declare that any person declared elected was not duly elected; 20 (b) to declare any candidate duly elected who was not declared elected; (c) to declare an election void; (d) to dismiss or uphold an application in whole or in part; 25 (e) to amend or permit the amendment of an application; (f) to order the inspection of, and permit copying of, documents used in connection with an election, subject to such terms and 30 conditions as it considers appropriate; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 281 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 8--Electoral provisions (g) to undertake a preliminary review of an application; (h) to require any further information relating to an application; 5 (i) to make any declaration in relation to its powers under this section as VCAT considers appropriate in the circumstances. (2) VCAT may impose a financial penalty not exceeding the amount prescribed for the purposes 10 of this section. (3) VCAT cannot order a recount of the whole or any part of the ballot-papers unless VCAT-- (a) is satisfied that a recount is justified; and (b) has advised the VEC of its intention. 15 (4) If VCAT has declared an election for a ward to be void, an extraordinary vacancy in each office of Councillor for the ward is caused by the declaration of VCAT on the day which the declaration is made. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 282 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions Part 9--General provisions 313 Proceedings (1) The Secretary, a Council or a person authorised by the Council either generally or in a particular case 5 may institute proceedings in the corporate name of the Council for-- (a) the recovery of any municipal rates, service charges, special purpose charges, fees or other money due to the Council under any 10 Act, regulation or local law; or (b) the enforcement of any provision of any Act, regulation or local law for which the Council is responsible; or (c) the recovery of any penalty or surcharge in 15 relation to any offence under any Act, regulation or local law the enforcement of which is the responsibility of the Council; or (d) any other purpose specified by the Council. (2) A Chief Executive Officer or person authorised 20 by the Council either generally or in a particular case may represent the Council in all respects as though the Chief Executive Officer or person authorised by the Council was the party concerned in any proceedings in which the Council is a party 25 or has an interest. (3) Proceedings for a summary offence under this Act may be commenced within the period of 3 years after the commission of the alleged offence. 314 Service on a Council 30 Any document required to be served on or given to a Council may be served on or given to the Council by-- (a) delivering the document to a member of Council staff at the Council office; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 283 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions (b) sending the document by post to the Council's postal address. 315 Service on a person (1) Any document required to be served on or given 5 to a person (other than a Council) under this Act, the regulations or any local law may be served on or given to the person by-- (a) delivering the document to the person; or (b) leaving the document at the person's usual or 10 last known place of residence or business with a person apparently not less than 16 years of age and apparently residing or employed at that place; or (c) sending the document by post addressed to 15 the person at the person's last known place of residence or business. (2) If a document is required to be served on or given to the owner or occupier of any land and their name is not known, the document may be 20 addressed to "the owner" or "the occupier". (3) The document may be put up on a conspicuous position on the land if the name and address of the owner are not known and there is no occupier of the land. 25 (4) If a document required to be served on or given to an owner or occupier of any land by a Council is properly served on or given to the owner or occupier of the land, the document is binding on every subsequent owner or occupier of the land. 30 316 Evidence of service A statutory declaration by a person who has served or given a document in accordance with this Act stating the manner, place, date and time the document was served or given is evidence of 35 the document having been served or given. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 284 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions 317 Power of delegation (1) The Minister may by instrument of delegation delegate to an officer or employee of the Department any power, duty or function of the 5 Minister other than this power of delegation. (2) The Secretary may by instrument of delegation delegate to an officer or employee of the Department any power, duty or function of the Secretary other than this power of delegation. 10 318 Obstructing Council A person must not obstruct a Council or a member of Council staff in the performance of anything the Council or the member is empowered to do by any Act, regulation or local law. 15 Penalty: 60 penalty units. 319 Persons who are liable for offences (1) A person who aids, abets, counsels or procures or is in any way knowingly concerned in the commission of an offence against this Act or 20 any regulation or local law made under this Act is guilty of that offence and liable to the penalty for that offence. (2) If 2 or more persons are responsible for the same offence against this Act or any regulation or local 25 law made under this Act each of those persons is liable to the penalty provided for that offence and the liability of each of them is independent of the liability of any other person. 320 Criminal liability of officers of bodies corporate-- 30 failure to exercise due diligence (1) If a body corporate commits an offence against a provision specified in subsection (2), an officer of the body corporate also commits an offence against the provision if the officer failed to 591055B.I-13/11/2019 285 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions exercise due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence by the body corporate. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the following provisions are specified-- 5 (a) section 300(2); (b) section 300(4). (3) In determining whether an officer of a body corporate failed to exercise due diligence, a court may have regard to-- 10 (a) what the officer knew, or ought reasonably to have known, about the commission of the offence by the body corporate; and (b) whether or not the officer was in a position to influence the body corporate in relation to 15 the commission of the offence by the body corporate; and (c) what steps the officer took, or could reasonably have taken, to prevent the commission of the offence by the body 20 corporate; and (d) any other relevant matter. (4) Without limiting any other defence available to the officer, an officer of a body corporate may rely on a defence that would be available to the 25 body corporate if it were charged with the offence with which the officer is charged and, in doing so, the officer bears the same burden of proof that the body corporate would bear. (5) An officer of a body corporate may commit an 30 offence against a provision specified in subsection (2) whether or not the body corporate has been prosecuted for, or found guilty of, an offence against that provision. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 286 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions (6) In this section-- body corporate has the same meaning as corporation has in section 57A of the Corporations Act; 5 officer, in relation to a body corporate, means-- (a) a person who is an officer (as defined by section 9 of the Corporations Act) of the body corporate; or (b) a person (other than a person referred to 10 in paragraph (a)), by whatever name called, who is concerned in, or takes part in, the management of the body corporate. 321 Imposition of a surcharge 15 (1) This section applies if section 43 does not apply and the Secretary considers that-- (a) any expenditure has been incurred in contravention of any Act, regulation or local law; or 20 (b) any deficiency or loss has been incurred by the unauthorised or improper action of a Councillor; or (c) any money which should have been brought into account has not been brought into 25 account. (2) The Secretary may by notice in writing require the Councillor to show cause why the Councillor should not be surcharged. (3) The surcharge must not exceed the amount of the 30 expenditure, deficiency or loss or the amount which has not been brought into account. (4) If the Councillor does not show cause to the satisfaction of the Secretary, the Secretary may by notice in writing impose the surcharge. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 287 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions (5) A Councillor whose interests are affected by a decision of the Secretary imposing a surcharge may apply to VCAT for review of the decision. (6) An application for review must be made within 5 28 days after the later of-- (a) the day on which the decision is made; or (b) if, under the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, the person requests a statement of reasons for 10 the decision, the day on which the statement of reasons is given to the person or the person is informed under section 46(5) of that Act that a statement of reasons will not be given. 15 322 Payment of the surcharge (1) A surcharge is a debt due and payable to the Council by the Councillor on whom it is imposed. (2) The Council is entitled to deduct any amount towards the discharge of the amount of the 20 surcharge from any allowances or other benefit payable to the Councillor on whom the surcharge is imposed. (3) If a Councillor on whom a surcharge is imposed does not pay the surcharge within 3 months of it 25 being imposed or confirmed on a review, the Councillor is suspended until the surcharge is paid and section 37 applies. 323 Evidence of ownership Evidence that a person proceeded against is liable 30 to be rated in respect of the land is evidence that the person is the owner or occupier of any land in any proceedings for an offence against this Act or any regulation or local law made under this Act. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 288 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions 324 Evidentiary provisions (1) Until evidence is given to the contrary, proof is not required as to any of the following-- (a) the constitution of a Council; 5 (b) the election of Councillors as Councillors of a Council; (c) the size, location or boundaries of a municipal district; (d) the size, location or boundaries of a ward; 10 (e) the fact that a place is located within a municipal district; (f) the appointment of any person as a member of a committee or as a member of Council staff; 15 (g) the appointment of a member of Council staff to do an act or for a particular purpose; (h) the authority to bring any proceedings; (i) the making of a resolution by a Council; (j) the making of a local law; 20 (k) that a document purporting to be issued by a Council was issued by the Council; (l) the declaration of any rate or charge; (m) the validity of the contents of any Council records or minutes; 25 (n) the correctness of the markings on a voters' roll used in an election or a copy or extract certified by the election manager of that voters' roll indicating the names of voters who did not vote at the election. 30 (2) A certificate certifying any matter relating to the contents of any document kept by a Council and purporting to be signed by the Chief Executive 591055B.I-13/11/2019 289 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions Officer is admissible in any proceedings as evidence of the matters appearing in the certificate. (3) All courts, judges and people acting judicially 5 must take judicial notice of such a signature and must presume that the certificate was properly signed until the contrary is proved. 325 Regulations (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations 10 for or with respect to any matter or thing required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or necessary to be prescribed to give effect to this Act. (2) A power conferred by this Act to make 15 regulations may be exercised-- (a) either in relation to all cases to which the power extends, or in relation to all those cases subject to specified exceptions, or in relation to any specified case or class of 20 case; and (b) so as to make, as respects the cases in relation to which the power is exercised-- (i) the same provision for all cases in relation to which the power is 25 exercised, or different provision for different cases or classes of case, or different provisions for the same case or class of case for different purposes; or 30 (ii) any such provision either unconditionally or subject to any specified condition. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 290 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions (3) Regulations made under this Act may be made-- (a) so as to apply-- (i) at all times or at a specified time; or (ii) throughout the whole of the State or in 5 a specified part of the State; or (iii) as specified in both subparagraphs (i) and (ii); and (b) so as to require a matter affected by the regulations to be-- 10 (i) in accordance with a specified standard or specified requirement; or (ii) approved by or to the satisfaction of a specified person or body or a specified class of persons or bodies; and 15 (c) so as to apply, adopt or incorporate any matter contained in any document, code, standard, rule, specification or method formulated, issued, prescribed or published by any authority or body whether-- 20 (i) wholly or partially or as amended by the regulations; or (ii) as formulated, issued, prescribed or published at the time the regulations are made or at any time before then; or 25 (iii) as formulated, issued, prescribed or published from time to time; and (d) so as to leave any matter or thing to be from time to time determined, applied, dispensed with or regulated by any government 30 department, Council or public authority or any officer thereof; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 291 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions (e) so as to confer powers or impose duties in connection with the regulations on any government department, Council or public authority or any officer thereof; and 5 (f) so as to apply, adopt or incorporate, with or without modification, the provisions of any Act or of any regulations made under any Act as in force at a particular time; and (g) so as to provide in a specified case or class 10 of case for the exemption of persons or things or a class of persons or things from any of the provisions of the regulations, whether unconditionally or on specified conditions and either wholly or to such an 15 extent as is specified; and (h) so as to impose a penalty not exceeding 20 penalty units for a contravention of the regulations. (4) If under subsection (3)(c)(iii) a regulation has 20 applied, adopted or incorporated any matter contained in any document, code, standard, rule, specification or method as formulated, issued, prescribed or published from time to time and that document, code, standard, rule, specification or 25 method is at any time amended, until the Minister causes notice to be published in the Government Gazette of that amendment, the document, code, standard, rule, specification or method is to be taken to have not been so amended. 30 (5) A power conferred by this Act to make regulations providing for the imposition of fees may be exercised by providing for all or any of the following matters-- (a) specific fees; 35 (b) maximum or minimum fees; (c) maximum and minimum fees; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 292 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions (d) scales of fees according to the value of goods or services provided for the fees; (e) the payment of fees either generally or under specified conditions or in specified 5 circumstances; (f) the reduction, waiver or refund, in whole or in part, of the fees. (6) If under subsection (5)(f) regulations provide for a reduction, waiver or refund, in whole or in part, of 10 a fee, the reduction, waiver or refund may be expressed to apply either generally or specifically-- (a) in respect of certain matters or transactions or classes of matters or transactions; or 15 (b) in respect of certain documents or classes of documents; or (c) when an event happens; or (d) in respect of certain persons or classes of persons; or 20 (e) in respect of any combination of matters, transactions, documents, events or persons-- and may be expressed to apply subject to specified conditions or in the discretion of any specified person or body. 25 (7) A fee that may be imposed by regulation is not limited to an amount that is related to the cost of providing a service. (8) Any regulations made under this Act for or with respect to the issuing of film permits must not be 30 inconsistent with the film friendly principles. (9) Regulations made under this Act may be disallowed in whole or in part by resolution of either House of Parliament in accordance with the requirements of section 23(2) of the Subordinate 591055B.I-13/11/2019 293 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions Legislation Act 1994 which disallowance is deemed disallowance by Parliament for the purposes of that Act. 326 Regulations relating to electoral matters 5 Without limiting the generality of section 325, the regulations may prescribe any matter relating to or in respect of the following-- (a) voter entitlement and the compilation of voters' rolls; 10 (b) specifying public notification requirements by the VEC in relation to the amendment of the voters' roll; (c) the process for nomination of candidates for an election including in relation to the form 15 and manner of any training candidates are required to undertake before nominating; (d) the nomination day; (e) the appointment of election officials and the making of declarations by election officials; 20 (f) candidate information to be provided to voters by the VEC; (g) the approval and registration of how-to-vote cards at attendance elections; (h) providing for a right of review by VCAT in 25 relation to specified decisions relating to the approval and registration of how-to-vote cards; (i) the content of ballot-papers, including the determination of the order of candidates' 30 names on the ballot-paper; (j) the appointment and role of scrutineers; (k) changes to the voting system; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 294 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 9--General provisions (l) the conduct of attendance elections, including early voting at voting centres and mobile voting centres; (m) the conduct of postal voting; 5 (n) provision for unenrolled voters to lodge a vote at an election; (o) the close of voting and the receipt of postal votes after election day; (p) the counting of votes, including the use of 10 electronic counting equipment and systems; (q) the declaration of candidates elected at an election; (r) the enforcement of compulsory voting and exemptions from compulsory voting. 15 327 Transitional regulations (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations containing provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act. (2) A provision mentioned in subsection (1) may be 20 retrospective in operation to the day on which this section comes into operation. (3) Regulations made under this section have effect despite anything to the contrary in any Act (other than this Act or the Charter of Human 25 Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006) or in any subordinate instrument. (4) Sections 6 and 7 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 do not apply to any regulations made under this section. 30 (5) This section expires on 1 January 2023. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 295 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 10--Savings and transitional Part 10--Savings and transitional 328 General savings (1) Except as in this Act expressly or by necessary implication provided, all persons, things and 5 circumstances appointed or created by or under the Local Government Act 1989 or existing or continuing under the Local Government Act 1989 immediately before the relevant provision of that Act is repealed by this Act 10 continue under and subject to this Act to have the same status, operation and effect as they respectively would have had if the relevant provision had not been repealed by this Act. (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), 15 any decision, action, proceeding or matter made, taken or commenced under a relevant provision of the Local Government Act 1989 repealed by this Act may be implemented or continued under the Local Government Act 1989 as if the relevant 20 provision had not been repealed by this Act. (3) On and after the commencement of Part 1, any reference in any Act (other than this Act), regulation, subordinate instrument or other document whatsoever to the Local Government 25 Act 1989 is to be construed as a reference to the Local Government Act 2019 unless the contrary intention appears. (4) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1) or section 329, a Council constituted in 30 accordance with the Local Government Act 1989, the City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 or the City of Melbourne Act 2001, continues to be a validly constituted Council notwithstanding that it is not constituted in accordance with Division 2 35 of Part 2 of this Act, until the Council is reconstituted in accordance with Part 2 of this Act. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 296 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 10--Savings and transitional (5) Nothing in this section limits or otherwise affects the operation of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984. 329 Specific savings and transitional provisions 5 (1) Despite the commencement of section 359, the Local Government Act 1989 as in force immediately before that commencement continues to apply to, and in respect of, any election required to be held before the general elections in 10 2020. (2) If a probity auditor is conducting a probity audit under the Local Government Act 1989 immediately before the commencement of section 359, sections 107 to 110 of the Local 15 Government Act 1989 continue to apply as if those sections had not been repealed. (3) If an electoral representation review is being conducted when section 359 comes into operation, the electoral representation review ceases on that 20 commencement. (4) Despite the commencement of Division 1 of Part 11, the City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 as in force immediately before that commencement continues to apply to, and in respect of, the 25 following-- (a) any election required to be held before the general elections in 2020; (b) any Councillor, Mayor or Deputy Mayor in office until the general elections in 2020. 30 (5) Except as in this Act expressly or by necessary implication provided, all persons, things and circumstances appointed or created by or under the City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 or existing or continuing under the City of Greater Geelong 35 Act 1993 immediately before its repeal by this Act continues under and subject to this Act to 591055B.I-13/11/2019 297 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 10--Savings and transitional have the same status, operation and effect as they respectively would have had if the City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 had not been repealed by this Act. 5 (6) Despite the commencement of Division 2 of Part 11, the City of Melbourne Act 2001 as in force immediately before that commencement continues to apply to, and in respect of, the following-- 10 (a) any election required to be held before the general elections in 2020; (b) any Councillor, Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor in office until the general elections in 2020. 15 (7) Despite the commencement of section 362, the Local Government Act 1989 as in force immediately before that commencement continues to apply to, and in respect of, the following-- (a) any Councillor or Mayor in office until the 20 general elections in 2020; (b) the preparation of the annual report for the financial year ending 30 June 2021; (c) strategic planning for the financial year ending 30 June 2021; 25 (d) any internal resolution procedure being conducted under Division 1AB of Part 4 of the Local Government Act 1989; (e) any Councillor Conduct Panel established to hear any matter under section 81V of the 30 Local Government Act 1989. (8) If a Commission of Inquiry appointed under section 209 of the Local Government Act 1989 is conducting an inquiry immediately before the commencement of section 362-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 298 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 10--Savings and transitional (a) the Commission of Inquiry is to be taken to have been appointed under section 200; and (b) the provisions of this Act apply accordingly. (9) If a Municipal Monitor appointed under 5 section 223CA of the Local Government Act 1989 is in office immediately before the commencement of section 362-- (a) the Municipal Monitor is to be taken to have been appointed under section 179; and 10 (b) the provisions of this Act apply accordingly. 330 Specific provisions apply to existing regional libraries (1) This section applies to a regional library that exists under section 196 of the Local 15 Government Act 1989 (an existing regional library) immediately before the repeal of sections 196 to 197G of the Local Government Act 1989. (2) Subject to this section, sections 196 to 197G of 20 the Local Government Act 1989 and any sections of the Local Government Act 1989 incorporated by reference in sections 196 to 197G of the Local Government Act 1989 and the provisions of any other Act that apply to an 25 existing regional library, continue to apply to an existing regional library as if all of those sections had not been repealed. (3) Despite subsection (2)-- (a) no new regional library can be formed; and 30 (b) no additional Council may become a member of an existing regional library; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 299 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 10--Savings and transitional (c) a Council that is a member of an existing regional library may cease to be a member of that existing regional library before it is wound up. 5 (4) An existing regional library must be wound up in accordance with section 197G of the Local Government Act 1989 before the expiry of the period of 10 years after the commencement of section 110. 10 (5) If an existing regional library has not been wound up in accordance with subsection (4), the Minister must appoint a liquidator under section 197G of the Local Government Act 1989 to wind up the existing regional library in accordance with that 15 section. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 300 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals Part 11--Amendments and repeals Division 1--Repeal of City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 331 Repeal of City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 5 The City of Greater Geelong Act 1993 is repealed. Division 2--Amendment of City of Melbourne Act 2001 332 Amendment of section 3--Definitions 10 In section 3 of the City of Melbourne Act 2001-- (a) the definition of entitlement date is repealed; (b) in the definition of rateable property, after 15 "which is" insert "capable of being". 333 Amendment of section 4--Construction of Act (1) In section 4(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, after "1989" insert "and the Local Government Act 2019". 20 (2) In section 4(2) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, after "1989," insert "or this Act and the Local Government Act 2019,". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 301 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 334 Substitution of section 5--Application of certain provisions of the Local Government Act 2019 For section 5 of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- 5 "5 Application of certain provisions of the Local Government Act 2019 Sections 13(1), 23, 25 to 27, 167(2), 240 to 254, 266 and 267 of the Local Government Act 2019 do not apply to the Council or the 10 City of Melbourne.". 335 Amendment of section 6--Constitution of the Council For section 6(1)(c) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- 15 "(c) 9 Councillors.". 336 Amendment of section 6A--Constitution of Council may be altered (1) In section 6A(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "section 220Q of the Local 20 Government Act 1989" substitute "section 15 of the Local Government Act 2019". (2) After section 6A(3) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 insert-- "(4) An Order in Council referred to in subsection 25 (1) applies to all the Councillors of the Council other than the Lord Mayor and the Deputy Lord Mayor.". 337 Amendment of section 7--Additional objectives In section 7(2) of the City of Melbourne 30 Act 2001, for "the local government charter under the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "sections 8, 9 and 10 of the Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 302 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 338 References to entitlement date (1) In sections 9(1) and (3) and 9B(4) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "entitlement date" (wherever occurring) substitute "close of the 5 roll". (2) In section 9(2)(c) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "by 4 p.m. on the entitlement date" substitute "before the close of the roll". (3) In section 9A(1), (2)(b), (3) and (5) of the City 10 of Melbourne Act 2001, for "on the entitlement date" substitute "as at the close of the roll". (4) In section 9B(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "on the entitlement date" substitute "as at the close of the roll". 15 (5) In section 9C(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "on the entitlement date" substitute "as at the close of the roll". (6) In section 9D(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "by 4 p.m. on the entitlement date" 20 substitute "before the close of the roll". (7) In section 9F(2) and (3) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "by 4 p.m. on the entitlement date" substitute "before the close of the roll". (8) In section 11(1) of the City of Melbourne 25 Act 2001, for "entitlement date" substitute "close of the roll". (9) In section 11A(2) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "entitlement date" substitute "close of the roll". 30 (10) In section 11C(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "entitlement date" (where twice occurring) substitute "close of the roll". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 303 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (11) In section 11C(4) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "entitlement date" (where first occurring) substitute "date of the close of the roll". 5 (12) Section 11C(4)(a) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 is repealed. (13) After section 11C(4)(d) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 insert-- "(da) how they can check their enrolment;". 10 (14) Section 11D(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 is repealed. (15) In section 11D(3) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "entitlement date" substitute "close of the roll". 15 339 Amendment of section 9A--Persons entitled to be enrolled without application In section 9A(3)(d) and (5)(d) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, after "district" insert "but is a person residing or living in Australia". 20 340 Amendment of section 9D--Procedure in relation to representatives of corporations (1) For section 9D(2) and (3) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- "(2) If the corporation has validly appointed one 25 representative, the Chief Executive Officer must enrol as a representative of the corporation the next available person determined in accordance with subsection (3). 30 (3) If the corporation has not validly appointed any representatives, the Chief Executive Officer must enrol as representatives of the corporation the first 2 of the following in the order listed-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 304 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (a) company secretaries whose postal addresses are in Victoria (in alphabetical order); (b) company secretaries whose postal 5 addresses are elsewhere in Australia (in alphabetical order); (c) directors whose postal addresses are in Victoria (in alphabetical order); (d) directors whose postal addresses are 10 elsewhere in Australia (in alphabetical order).". (2) In section 9D(5) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001-- (a) omit "that is available after the exhibition 15 roll date"; (b) after "Commission" insert "or other appropriate public body". 341 Amendment of section 11D--Preparation of voters' rolls 20 (1) For section 11D(5) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- "(5) The Registrar must, in the case of a general election or a by-election, not later than 3 working days before nomination day, 25 certify in writing that the voters' roll has been prepared in accordance with this Act.". (2) In section 11D(6) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "Chief Executive Officer" substitute "Registrar". 30 342 Amendment of section 11E--Amendment of voters' roll (1) In section 11E(1), (2) and (3) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "Chief Executive Officer" substitute "Registrar". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 305 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (2) In section 11E(1)(a) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, after "error" insert "or omission". (3) In section 11E(3) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 omit "and the returning officer for the 5 election". 343 Section 11F substituted--Inspection of certified voters' roll For section 11F of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- 10 "11F Inspection of certified voters' roll (1) The Registrar must ensure that the voters' roll as certified under section 11D and incorporating any amendments certified under section 11E is available for inspection 15 by members of the public from the day the voters' roll is certified until one month after the election day. (2) The certified voters' roll must be available for inspection-- 20 (a) at the locations; and (b) in the format-- determined by the Registrar.". 344 Amendment of section 11G--Provision of voters' rolls 25 (1) For section 11G(1) and (2) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- "(1) On the request after nomination day of any candidate for election as Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor, the Registrar must 30 provide a copy of the voters' roll for the municipal district. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 306 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (1A) On the request after nomination day of any candidate for election as a Councillor (other than as Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor), the Registrar must provide a copy 5 of the voters' roll for the ward for which the candidate has nominated to be the candidate. (2) The voters' roll must be provided to the candidate-- (a) free of charge; and 10 (b) in a form determined by the Registrar.". (2) In section 11G(3)(b) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "Chief Executive Officer" substitute "Registrar". (3) For section 11G(4) to (12) of the City of 15 Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- "(4) After receiving a request from any person or organisation, other than a candidate under subsection (1), for a voters' roll, the Registrar must-- 20 (a) identify the public interest in providing the requested information; and (b) consult with the Information Commissioner appointed under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 in 25 the Information Commissioner's capacity under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 on the public interest in protecting the privacy of personal information; and 30 (c) taking into account the advice of the Information Commissioner, make a finding whether or not the public interest in providing the voters' roll outweighs the public interest in 35 protecting the privacy of personal 591055B.I-13/11/2019 307 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals information in the particular circumstances. (5) Subject to subsection (6), if the Registrar has made a finding under subsection (4) that the 5 public interest in providing the voters' roll outweighs the public interest in protecting the privacy of personal information, the Registrar may-- (a) provide the voters' roll to the person or 10 organisation; and (b) charge a fee that covers the cost to the Registrar of providing the voters' roll. (6) The Registrar must obtain from the person or organisation to be provided with a voters' 15 roll under this section an undertaking that the person or organisation will-- (a) only use the voters' roll for the purpose for which the Registrar agreed to provide the voters' roll; and 20 (b) not copy the voters' roll or give it to any other person or organisation; and (c) return the voters' roll to the Registrar or destroy the voters' roll after using it for the purpose for which the Registrar 25 agreed to provide the voters' roll. (7) A person or organisation that is provided with a copy of the voters' roll under subsection (5) must comply with subsection (6). 30 Penalty: In the case of a natural person, 120 penalty units; In the case of a body corporate, 600 penalty units.". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 308 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 345 Amendment of section 12--General election In section 12 of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "Division 4 of Part 3 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute 5 "section 257 of the Local Government Act 2019". 346 Repeals Sections 14A, 20, 20A, 22, 25A, 26, 26A, 27 and 27AA, Part 5A, section 32 and Part 8 of the 10 City of Melbourne Act 2001 are repealed. 347 Amendment of sections 15 and 16 In sections 15(4) and (5) and 16(2) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "returning officer" (wherever occurring) substitute "election 15 manager". 348 Section 18 substituted--How votes to be counted For section 18 of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- '18 How votes to be counted 20 (1) Division 6 of Part 8 of the Local Government Act 2019 applies to the election of the Lord Mayor and the Deputy Lord Mayor-- (a) as if each pair of candidates standing 25 jointly for the positions was a single candidate; and (b) as if there were no reference to "only one Councillor". (2) If the election of Councillors was conducted 30 in accordance with Schedule 1 to this Act and the application of Division 7 of Part 8 of the Local Government Act 2019 does not result in the filling of all the vacancies in the 591055B.I-13/11/2019 309 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals offices of Councillors (other than the Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor)-- (a) in the case of a single vacancy to be filled, Division 6 of Part 8 of the Local 5 Government Act 2019 applies to the by-election to fill the vacancy and Schedule 1 does not apply; or (b) if there is more than one vacancy to be filled, Schedule 1 also applies to the 10 by-election to fill the vacancies.'. 349 Section 19 amended--Compulsory voting (1) In section 19(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "Except as is provided in the regulations under the Local Government Act 15 1989" substitute "Subject to subsection (1A)". (2) After section 19(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 insert-- "(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply if an exemption prescribed by regulations made 20 under this Act or the Local Government Act 2019 applies to the person.". (3) In section 19(6) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for the definition of prescribed penalty substitute-- 25 "prescribed penalty means 0*5 penalty units;". (4) For section 19(9)(c) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 substitute-- "(c) the name of the ward; and (d) if the election was conducted by postal 30 voting, the date voting closed.". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 310 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (5) After section 19(9) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 insert-- "(10) Payments received by the prosecution officer under this section, in relation to the 5 enforcement of an infringement, must be paid to the Council.". 350 Section 21 substituted--Reference to Mayor or Deputy Mayor For section 21 of the City of Melbourne 10 Act 2001 substitute-- "21 Reference to Mayor or Deputy Mayor For the purposes of this Act, a reference in the Local Government Act 2019 to-- (a) a Mayor is to be construed as including 15 a reference to the Lord Mayor; and (b) a Deputy Mayor is to be construed as including a reference to the Deputy Lord Mayor.". 351 Amendment of section 23--Term of office of Lord 20 Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor (1) In section 23(1) and (2) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "returning officer" substitute "election manager". (2) For section 23(3) of the City of Melbourne 25 Act 2001 substitute-- "(3) The office of Lord Mayor or the office of Deputy Lord Mayor also becomes vacant if the person holding the office of Lord Mayor or the office of Deputy Lord Mayor ceases to 30 hold office as a Councillor under section 35 of the Local Government Act 2019.". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 311 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (3) Section 23(4) and (5) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 are repealed. 352 Section 24 amended--Filling of vacancies (1) For section 24(1) of the City of Melbourne 5 Act 2001 substitute-- "(1) If the office of Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor becomes vacant 6 months or more before a general election is due, a by-election to fill the vacancy must be held on a date 10 fixed under section 260 of the Local Government Act 2019 and section 259 of the Local Government Act 2019 does not apply.". (2) For section 24(3)(c) of the City of Melbourne 15 Act 2001 substitute-- "(c) if the Council does so, an extraordinary vacancy occurs in the office of the Councillor on the date of the appointment and section 259 of the Local Government 20 Act 2019 does apply.". 353 Section 25 amended--Appointment of acting Deputy Lord Mayor In section 25(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "section 22(1)" substitute 25 "section 21 of the Local Government Act 2019". 354 Amendment of section 28--Differential rates In section 28(1) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, after "1989" insert "or in the Local 30 Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 312 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 355 New section 28A inserted--Which systems of valuing land may the Council use? After section 28 of the City of Melbourne Act 2001 insert-- 5 "28A Which systems of valuing land may the Council use? (1) The Council may use the site value, capital improved value or the net annual value system of valuation. 10 (2) The Council must undertake a community engagement process before making a decision to change its system of valuation.". 356 Amendment of section 29--Regulations (1) In section 29(2)(b) of the City of Melbourne 15 Act 2001, for "Schedule 2 or 3 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Part 8 of the Local Government Act 2019". (2) In section 29(3) of the City of Melbourne Act 2001, for "Section 243 of the Local 20 Government Act 1989 applies" substitute "Sections 325 and 326 of the Local Government Act 2019 apply". 357 Amendment of Schedule 1 In Schedule 1 to the City of Melbourne 25 Act 2001-- (a) clause 1(2) is repealed; (b) in clause 2(1), the definition of Part 4A is repealed; (c) in clauses 3(2)(c), 4(2), 4(3), 4(4), 30 4(5), 4(7), 4(8), 5(2), 5(3), 6(2)(b), 7(1), 8(6), 8(8)(b), 8(8)(c), 14(2)(b)(i), 16(2), 17 and 18(2), for "returning officer" (wherever occurring) substitute "election manager"; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 313 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (d) in clause 8(9), for "clause 14 of Schedule 2 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "regulations made under the Local Government Act 2019"; 5 (e) in clauses 11(2) and (3), 13 and 14(2), for "Part 4A" substitute "Division 7 of Part 8 of the Local Government Act 2019"; (f) in clause 15(b), for "a provision of the regulations made under the Local 10 Government Act 1989" substitute "the Local Government Act 2019"; (g) in clause 16(1), for "noon on the 32nd day before election day" substitute "the time of day when nominations may be received by 15 on nomination day"; (h) in clause 16(2), for "clause 9 of Schedule 2 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "regulations made under the Local Government Act 2019"; 20 (i) in clause 16(2), omit "under clause 8 of that Schedule". Division 3--Amendment of Local Government Act 1989 358 New section 1B inserted 25 After section 1A of the Local Government Act 1989 insert-- "1B Construction of Act (1) This Act is to be read as if it formed part of the Local Government Act 2019. 30 (2) If there is an inconsistency between this Act and the Local Government Act 2019, the Local Government Act 2019 prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 314 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 359 Provisions repealed on the commencement specified in section 2(1) The following provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 are repealed on the 5 commencement specified in section 2(1)-- (a) sections 3AA and 3AB; (b) Part 1A; (c) sections 4 to 5B; (d) Divisions 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Part 3; 10 (e) sections 73A to 74C; (f) Division 4 of Part 4; (g) Divisions 2, 3 and 4 of Part 10; (h) Part 10C; (i) Schedules 2 to 4. 15 360 Provisions repealed on the commencement specified in section 2(2) The following provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 are repealed on the commencement specified in section 2(2)-- 20 (a) sections 75 to 76A; (b) Division 2 of Part 4; (c) section 98; (d) section 139; (e) sections 194, 195, 195A, 222, 228, 232 25 to 237 and 238 to 242. 361 Provisions repealed on the commencement specified in section 2(3) The following provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 are repealed on the 30 commencement specified in section 2(3)-- 591055B.I-13/11/2019 315 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (a) section 9; (b) Division 3 of Part 3; (c) sections 63 to 73AA; (d) Divisions 1A, 1AB, 1B, 1C, and 1D of 5 Part 4; (e) Part 6; (f) sections 137 and 138; (g) section 188; (h) Divisions 1 and 1A of Part 10; 10 (i) Parts 10A and 10B; (j) sections 223A to 223CC; (k) sections 223BA to 223BM. 362 Provisions repealed on 1 July 2021 The following provisions of the Local 15 Government Act 1989 are repealed on 1 July 2021-- (a) sections 94 to 97B and 101 and 102; (b) Part 5; (c) sections 136 and 140 to 150; 20 (d) sections 186 to 187A, 189 to 193 and 196 to 197G; (e) Division 3 of Part 9; (f) sections 225 to 227A and 229 to 231; (g) Schedules 6, 8 and 9. 25 363 Amendment of Local Government Act 1989-- Environmental upgrade agreements (1) In section 181A(1) of the Local Government Act 1989, for ", with an existing building on it, that is entirely or pre-dominantly used for 591055B.I-13/11/2019 316 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals non-residential purposes," substitute "with an existing building on it". (2) Section 181B(1)(b) and (c) of the Local Government Act 1989 is repealed; 5 (3) After 181B(1) of the Local Government Act 1989 insert-- "(1A) Before entering into an environmental upgrade agreement, the owner of the rateable land may obtain the written agreement of an 10 occupier to pay the environmental upgrade charge that will apply in respect of their occupancy.". (4) After section 181C(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 insert-- 15 "(2A) Despite any provision of any existing lease or agreement between an owner of a rateable land which is subject to an environmental upgrade charge and an occupier, the occupier is not liable to pay any part of the 20 environmental upgrade charge unless the occupier or a previous occupier of the rateable property has specifically agreed in writing to pay the environmental upgrade charge. 25 (2B) A reference in this section and sections 181D, 181E and 181F to an occupier is a reference to an occupier who is liable to pay any part of the environmental upgrade charge as a result of the application of 30 subsection (2A).". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 317 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 364 Amendment of section 185E--Council may apply for higher cap For section 185E(6) of the Local Government Act 1989 substitute-- 5 "(6) The Essential Services Commission may, if satisfied that the higher cap proposed by the Council or another higher cap set by the Essential Services Commission (but not higher than the higher cap proposed by the 10 Council) is appropriate having regard to-- (a) the matters specified in subsection (3); and (b) whether the directions given under subsection (5) (if any) have been 15 complied with; and (c) the Council's record of compliance with any previous general Order and any special Order-- make a special Order directing the Council 20 that the capped average rate in respect of a specified financial year must not exceed the base average rate by more than the average rate cap specified in the special Order.". Division 4--Amendment of Victoria Grants 25 Commission Act 1976 and consequential amendment 365 Principal Act In this Division, the Victoria Grants Commission Act 1976 is called the Principal Act. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 318 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 366 Amendment of section 1--Short title and commencement In section 1(1) of the Principal Act, for "Victoria Grants" substitute "Victorian Local 5 Government Grants". 367 Amendment of section 2--Definitions In section 2(1) of the Principal Act-- (a) the definition of As-of-Right Entitlement is repealed; 10 (b) for the definition of Commission substitute-- "Commission means the Victorian Local Government Grants Commission;"; (c) in the definition of Council, for 15 "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 368 Amendment of section 3--Establishment of the Victorian Local Government Grants Commission 20 (1) Insert the following heading to section 3 of the Principal Act-- "Establishment of the Victorian Local Government Grants Commission". (2) In section 3(1) of the Principal Act, for 25 "Victoria Grants Commission" substitute "Victorian Local Government Grants Commission". (3) After section 3(1) of the Principal Act insert-- "(1A) Despite the change of name, the Victorian 30 Local Government Grants Commission is the same body as the Victoria Grants Commission.". (4) Section 3(3) of the Principal Act is repealed. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 319 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 369 Section 4 substituted--Meeting of the Commission For section 4 of the Principal Act substitute-- "4 Meeting of the Commission (1) A meeting of the Commission must include 5 at least 2 members. (2) Subject to this Act, the procedure of the Commission is to be determined by the Commission. (3) An act or decision of the Commission is not 10 invalid by reason only of-- (a) a vacancy in the office of a member; or (b) a defect or irregularity in the appointment of a member.". 370 Section 7 substituted--Removal of members 15 For section 7 of the Principal Act substitute-- "7 Removal of members The Governor in Council may by an Order in Council remove a member from office.". 371 Amendment of section 8--Vacation of office of 20 members Section 8(b) of the Principal Act is repealed. 372 Section 10 substituted--Commission may require Council to provide information For section 10 of the Principal Act substitute-- 25 "10 Commission may require Council to provide information (1) The Commission may by written notice require a Council to provide information that the Commission requires to enable the 30 Commission to perform its functions-- (a) in the form; and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 320 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (b) containing the particulars; and (c) by the date-- specified in the written notice. (2) A Council must comply with a written notice 5 given to the Council under subsection (1).". 373 Section 12 substituted--Allocation of funds by the Commission For section 12 of the Principal Act substitute-- "12 Allocation of funds by the Commission 10 (1) The Commission must on or before 31 August in each year determine the amount to be allocated to each Council in that year. (2) The Commission must determine the 15 allocations in accordance with the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 of the Commonwealth and any principles formulated under section 6 of that Act. (3) A determination of the Commission is not 20 invalid if it is made after 31 August in a financial year.". 374 Repeal of sections 13, 14 and 15 Sections 13, 14 and 15 of the Principal Act are repealed. 25 375 Section 16 substituted--Referral by the Minister For section 16 of the Principal Act substitute-- "16 Referral by the Minister (1) The Minister may refer any matter relating to local government finances to the 30 Commission. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 321 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (2) For the purposes of a referral under subsection (1), Division 5 of Part 7 of the Local Government Act 2019 applies, with such modifications as are necessary, as if the 5 Commission had been appointed as a Commission of Inquiry under section 200 of that Act.". 376 Amendment of section 17--Annual Allocation Report 10 (1) Insert the following heading to section 17 of the Principal Act-- "Annual Allocation Report". (2) In section 17 of the Principal Act-- (a) in subsection (1), after "with" insert 15 "an Annual Allocation Report including"; (b) in subsection (2), for "report of the Commission" substitute "Annual Allocation Report"; (c) in subsection (2)(c) omit "at least once in 20 every three years,"; (d) in subsection (3), for "report" (where twice occurring) substitute "Annual Allocation Report". 377 Consequential repeal of section 18 25 Section 18 of the Principal Act is repealed. 378 New section 20 inserted--Construction of references After section 19 of the Principal Act insert-- "20 Construction of references (1) Any reference to the Victoria Grants 30 Commission Act 1976 in any Act, subordinate instrument, agreement or other document, so far as it relates to any period after the commencement of Division 4 of 591055B.I-13/11/2019 322 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals Part 11 of the Local Government Act 2019, is to be construed as a reference to the Victorian Local Government Grants Commission Act 1976, unless the contrary 5 intention appears. (2) Any reference to the Victoria Grants Commission in any Act, subordinate instrument, agreement or other document, so far as it relates to any period after the 10 commencement of Division 4 of Part 11 of the Local Government Act 2019, is to be construed as a reference to the Victorian Local Government Grants Commission, unless the contrary intention appears.". 15 379 Consequential amendment of the Electricity Industry Act 2000 In section 94(5)(b) of the Electricity Industry Act 2000, for "Victorian Grants Commission" substitute "Victorian Local Government Grants 20 Commission". Division 5--Amendment of Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 380 Amendment of section 1--Purposes 25 After section 1(a)(iii) of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 insert-- "(iiia) determine allowances for Mayors, Deputy 30 Mayors and Councillors; and (iiib) determine Council allowance categories; and". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 323 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 381 Amendment of section 6--Functions and powers of the Tribunal After section 6(1)(i) of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and 5 Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 insert-- "(ia) inquire into and determine the allowances payable to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors; 10 (ib) determine Council allowance categories;". 382 Amendment of section 8--Eligibility to be appointed as a Tribunal member In section 8(2) of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving 15 Parliamentary Standards Act 2019-- (a) in paragraph (b)' for "body." substitute "body; or"; (b) after paragraph (b) insert-- "(c) is a candidate for election as a 20 Councillor or is elected as a Councillor; or (d) is employed as a Chief Executive Officer of a Council or member of Council staff.". 25 383 Amendment of section 10--Vacancy, resignation and removal from office After section 10(1)(e) of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 30 insert-- "(ea) is a candidate for election as a Councillor or is elected as a Councillor; or 591055B.I-13/11/2019 324 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (eb) is employed as a Chief Executive Officer of a Council or member of Council staff; or". 384 New sections 23A and 23B inserted After section 23 of the Victorian Independent 5 Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 insert-- "23A Determinations in relation to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors (1) The Tribunal must make a Determination 10 setting the value of the amount of the allowance payable to the following-- (a) Mayors; (b) Deputy Mayors; (c) Councillors. 15 (2) A Determination must provide for Council allowance categories. (3) A Council allowance category may be specified for-- (a) a Council; 20 (b) a group of Councils. (4) The Tribunal must make the first Determination under this section to take effect on the day after the expiry of the period of 6 months after receiving a request 25 from the Minister administering the Local Government Act 2019 to make the first Determination. (5) When making the first Determination under this section, the Tribunal must-- 30 (a) include a comprehensive review of the existing allowance categories and Councillor allowances and Mayoral allowances under the Local 591055B.I-13/11/2019 325 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals Government Act 1989 taking into account similar allowances for elected members of local government bodies in other States and allowances for persons 5 elected to other voluntary part-time community bodies; and (b) provide for the annual indexation of allowances; and (c) set the value of allowances at not less 10 than the existing equivalent allowances under the Local Government Act 1989; and (d) provide for any other relevant matter that the Tribunal considers relevant. 15 (6) The Tribunal must make a new Determination under this section within 6 months after the relevant date. (7) When making a new Determination under this section, the Tribunal must-- 20 (a) include a comprehensive review of the existing allowance categories and Councillor allowances and Mayoral allowances under the existing Determination taking into account 25 similar allowances for elected members of local government bodies in other States and allowances for persons elected to other voluntary part-time community bodies; and 30 (b) provide for the annual indexation of allowances; and (c) provide for any other relevant matter that the Tribunal considers relevant. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 326 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals (8) For the purposes of subsection (6), relevant date means-- (a) the day on which the second general election after the first determination has 5 been made under subsection (4) is held and the day on which each subsequent second general election is held; and (b) any day on which the Minister administering the Local Government 10 Act 2019 requests the Tribunal to make a new Determination under this section. (9) The Minister administering the Local Government Act 2019 must make a request under subsection (4) or (8)(b) in consultation 15 with the Minister. 23B Determinations for annual adjustments in relation to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Tribunal must 20 make a Determination providing for an annual adjustment to the values set in the current Determination under section 23A. (2) The Tribunal must not make a Determination under subsection (1) if a Determination has 25 been made under section 23A in the preceding period of 9 months.". 385 Amendment of section 37--Tribunal may provide advice After section 37(4) of the Victorian Independent 30 Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 insert-- "(5) The Minister administering the Local Government Act 2019, in consultation with the Minister, may request the Tribunal to 591055B.I-13/11/2019 327 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals provide advice in relation to any matter relating to-- (a) allowances payable to Mayors, deputy Mayors and Councillors; and 5 (b) Council allowance categories. (6) The Tribunal must provide advice to the Minister administering the Local Government Act 2019 within a reasonable time after receiving the request.". 10 386 Amendment of section 38--Tribunal may undertake reviews and publish reports At the end of section 38 of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 15 insert-- "(2) The Tribunal may on its own motion undertake reviews and publish reports about any matter relating to-- (a) allowances payable to Mayors, deputy 20 Mayors and Councillors; and (b) Council allowance categories.". Division 6--Consequential amendments and repeals of other Acts 387 Essential Services Commission Act 2001 25 After section 10(ka) of the Essential Services Commission Act 2001 insert-- "(kb) to perform the function conferred on the Commission by section 268 of the Local Government Act 2019;". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 328 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Part 11--Amendments and repeals 388 Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 After section 121A(1) of the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 insert-- "(1A) A Council must make available to the 5 Secretary any information relating to land in the municipal district of the Council that has been requested in writing by the Secretary in accordance with subsection (1).". 389 Repeal of spent Acts 10 (1) The Local Government (Brimbank City Council) Act 2009 is repealed. (2) The Local Government (Greater Geelong City Council) Act 2016 is repealed. (3) The Local Government (Rural City of 15 Wangaratta) Act 2013 is repealed. 390 Consequential amendments to specified Acts An Act specified in the heading to an item in Schedule 1 is amended as set out in that item or provision of that item on the commencement of 20 that item or provision. Division 7--Repeal of this Part and Schedule 1 391 Repeal This Part and Schedule 1 are repealed on 1 July 2022. 25 Note The repeal of this Part and Schedule 1 does not affect the continuing operation of the repeals and amendments made by this Part and Schedule 1 (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 591055B.I-13/11/2019 329 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 1 Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 1.1 In section 4(1), in the definition of municipal 5 council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 1.2 In section 146(1)(f), for "Division 3 of Part 4 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Division 7 of Part 2 of the Local Government 10 Act 2019". 2 Accident Compensation Act 1985 In section 82(2A)(d), for "section 81B of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 154 of the Local Government 15 Act 2019". 3 Alpine Resorts Act 1983 In section 24, for "Local Government Act 1989" (where twice occurring) substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 20 4 Alpine Resorts (Management) Act 1997 In section 12(2), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 5 Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 25 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 6 Audit Act 1994 6.1 In section 3(1), in paragraph (d) of the definition 30 of public body, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 330 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 6.2 In section 3(1), in paragraph (i) of the definition of public body, after "1989" insert "as in force immediately before the commencement of section 362 of the Local Government Act 2019". 5 7 Australian Grands Prix Act 1994 In section 39, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 8 Building Act 1993 8.1 In section 3(1), in the definition of council, 10 for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 8.2 In section 8(2)-- (a) for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019"; 15 (b) for "Part 5" substitute "Division 3 of Part 3". 8.3 In section 13(1), for "Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Division 3 of Part 3 of the Local Government Act 2019". 20 8.4 In section 66(b)(i) and clauses 1(c)(i) and 4(5) of Schedule 2, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 8.5 In sections 191(3)(d), 192(3)(d) and 205R, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 25 "Local Government Act 2019". 8.6 In sections 214(1), 215(1), 215(2)(b) and 216(1), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 8.7 In clause 25 of Schedule 4, for "section 98 of the 30 Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 11 of the Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 331 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 9 Business Franchise (Petroleum Products) Act 1979 In section 13(7), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 5 10 Carers Recognition Act 2012 In section 3, in paragraph (b) of the definition of public service care agency, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 10 11 Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 In section 3(1), in the definitions of municipal council and municipal district, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 15 12 Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Act 2017 In section 3, in the definitions of Council and municipal district, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government 20 Act 2019". 13 Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003 13.1 In section 3(1), in the definition of municipal council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 25 13.2 In section 47, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 13.3 In section 54(1), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 30 13.4 For section 54(2)(a) substitute-- "(a) if a delegated committee of the kind referred to in the Local Government Act 2019 is established under section 63 of that Act and 591055B.I-13/11/2019 332 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts any functions, duties or powers of a municipal council under this Act have been delegated to that delegated committee under the Local Government Act 2019, the 5 members of that delegated committee; or". 13.5 In sections 55(b), 56 and 57(2)(a), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 13.6 In section 58, for "section 140 of the Local 10 Government Act 1989" substitute "section 105 of the Local Government Act 2019". 14 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 In section 4(1)(e), for "Local Government 15 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 15 Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 In section 3(1), in the definitions of council and municipal district, for "Local Government 20 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 16 Climate Change Act 2017 16.1 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 25 "Local Government Act 2019". 16.2 In section 46(1), after "1989" insert "and the Local Government Act 2019". 17 Constitution Act 1975 In section 96, in the definition of public authority, 30 for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 333 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 18 Country Fire Authority Act 1958 18.1 In section 41D(2)(b), for "section 232 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 313 of the Local Government 5 Act 2019". 18.2 In section 41F(2)(b), for "sections 225, 226, 227 and 227A of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "sections 117 to 120 of the Local Government Act 2019". 10 19 Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2010 In section 12(2)(d), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 20 Criminal Procedure Act 2009 15 20.1 In section 3, in paragraph (b) of the definition of public official, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 20.2 For item 32 of Schedule 3 substitute-- "32 The Chief Municipal Inspector appointed 20 under section 182 of the Local Government Act 2019.". 21 Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 21.1 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 25 "Local Government Act 2019". 21.2 Sections 14(7), (8), (8A), (9) and (9A) and 15(10) are repealed. 21.3 For section 15(8A)(a) substitute-- "(a) a Council;". 30 21.4 In section 15(9)(a), for "person holding a certificate of qualification as a municipal auditor issued by the Local Government Qualifications Board" substitute "suitably qualified person". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 334 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 21.5 In section 29O(1) and (2), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 22 Dangerous Goods Act 1985 5 In section 51C(1)(c), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 23 Disability Act 2006 23.1 In section 38(5), for "section 131 of the Local 10 Government Act 1989" substitute "section 98 of the Local Government Act 2019". 23.2 In section 38(5A), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 15 23.3 In section 38(6), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 24 Disability Services Safeguards Act 2018 In section 30(d)(iii), for "Local Government Act 20 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 25 Docklands Act 1991 In section 62(3), for "Sections 220S(1) and 220S(2) (except paragraphs (h) to (j)) of the Local Government Act 1989" 25 substitute "Section 237(1) and (2) (except paragraphs (h) and (i) of the Local Government Act 2019". 26 Domestic Animals Act 1994 In section 3(1), in the definitions of Council, 30 local law, municipal district and rateable property, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 335 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 27 Duties Act 2000 In section 47(1)(b), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 5 28 EastLink Project Act 2004 28.1 In section 3(1), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 28.2 In sections 55(5)(b) and 230(1), for 10 "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 28.3 In section 230(2), for "sections 111(2), 111(3) and 111(4) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "sections 71(2) and (3) and 72 of the 15 Local Government Act 2019". 29 Education and Training Reform Act 2006 In section 1.1.3(1), in the definition of municipal council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 20 30 Electoral Act 2002 30.1 In section 8(2)(c) and (cb), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 30.2 In section 26(4)(b), for "section 94 of the Local 25 Government Act 1989" substitute "section 44 of the Local Government Act 2019". 31 Electoral Boundaries Commission Act 1982 In section 10A, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government 30 Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 336 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 32 Electricity Safety Act 1998 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 5 33 Emergency Management Act 2013 In section 3(1), in the definitions of municipal council and municipal district, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 10 34 Environment Protection Act 1970 34.1 In section 4(1), in the definition of council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 34.2 In section 53J(1), in the definition of 15 municipality, for "municipality within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1958" substitute "municipal district within the meaning of the Local Government Act 2019". 35 Equipment (Public Safety) Act 1994 20 In section 31C(1)(c), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 36 Essential Services Commission Act 2001 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for 25 "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 37 Fences Act 1968 In section 3, in the definition of municipal council, for "Local Government Act 1989" 30 substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 337 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 38 Filming Approval Act 2014 38.1 In section 3, in the definitions of Council and filming approval legislation, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local 5 Government Act 2019". 38.2 In section 7(3), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 39 Fines Reform Act 2014 39.1 In section 3-- 10 (a) in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019"; (b) in the definition of local law, for "Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1989" 15 substitute "Division 3 of Part 3 of the Local Government Act 2019". 39.2 In section 17(c), for "section 40(1A) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 266(3) of the Local Government 20 Act 2019". 40 Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012 40.1 In section 3, in the definitions of Council and municipal district, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government 25 Act 2019". 40.2 In section 21(5), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 40.3 In section 22, for "Local Government Act 1989" 30 (where first and secondly occurring) substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 40.4 In section 22(a), for "section 229 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 121 of the Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 338 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 40.5 In section 22(b), for "section 232 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 313 of the Local Government Act 2019". 40.6 In section 32(7), for "section 229 of the Local 5 Government Act 1989" substitute "section 121 of the Local Government Act 2019". 40.7 In section 74-- (a) for "Local Government Act 1989" (where first occurring) substitute 10 "Local Government Act 2019"; (b) for "section 219 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 230 of the Local Government Act 2019". 41 Firearms Act 1996 15 In section 3(1), in the definition of shooting gallery, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 42 Fisheries Act 1995 In section 153(8), for "Local Government 20 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 43 Food Act 1984 43.1 In section 4(1), in the definition of council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 25 "Local Government Act 2019". 43.2 In section 7E(6), for "section 131 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 98 of the Local Government Act 2019". 43.3 In section 63B(1), for "Local Government 30 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 339 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 44 Freedom of Information Act 1982 44.1 In section 5(1)-- (a) the definition of closed meeting is repealed; (b) in the definition of council, for "Local 5 Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 44.2 In section 7(4AA)(a), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 10 44.3 Section 38A is repealed. 45 Gambling Regulation Act 2003 45.1 In section 1.3(1), in the definition of municipal district, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 15 45.2 In the note to item 3.5B of Schedule 1, for "section 220Q of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 235 of the Local Government Act 2019". 46 Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 20 In section 12(1)(d)(iii), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 47 Geelong Market Site Act 1983 47.1 In section 8(1), for "Local Government 25 Act 1958" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 47.2 In section 10(7), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 30 47.3 In section 11(1), for "Local Government Act 1989" (where twice occurring) substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 340 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 47.4 In section 11(2), for "section 86(4) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 11 of the Local Government Act 2019". 48 Gene Technology Act 2001 5 In section 10(1), in the definition of local council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 49 Graffiti Prevention Act 2007 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for 10 "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 50 Health Complaints Act 2016 In section 115(d)(iii), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government 15 Act 2019". 51 Health Records Act 2001 In section 3(1), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 20 52 Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 In section 14, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 53 Heritage Act 2017 In section 3(1), in the definition of municipal 25 council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 54 Housing Act 1983 54.1 In section 62, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 30 "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 341 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 54.2 In clause 12 of Schedule 2, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 55 Impounding of Livestock Act 1994 5 55.1 In section 3, in the definition of council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 55.2 In section 3, for the definition of public notice substitute-- 10 "public notice means a notice published in a newspaper generally circulating in the municipal district of the council;". 56 Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 15 56.1 In section 3(1)-- (a) in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019"; (b) in paragraph (na) of the definition of 20 integrity body, for "section 223A of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 182 of the Local Government Act 2019"; (c) in paragraph (nb) of the definition of 25 integrity body, for "municipal monitor appointed under section 223CA of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Municipal Monitor appointed under section 179 of the Local Government 30 Act 2019". 56.2 In section 6(1)-- (a) in paragraph (l) of the definition of public officer, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019"; 591055B.I-13/11/2019 342 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts (b) in paragraph (m) of the definition of public officer, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 56.3 In section 44(8), in paragraph (h) of the definition 5 of relevant Act, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 56.4 In section 73(2)-- (a) in paragraph (ha), for "section 223A of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute 10 "section 182 of the Local Government Act 2019"; (b) in paragraph (hb), for "municipal monitor appointed under section 223CA of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute 15 "Municipal Monitor appointed under section 179 of the Local Government Act 2019". 56.5 In section 73A(1)(a), for "section 223A of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute 20 "section 182 of the Local Government Act 2019". 57 Infringements Act 2006 In section 3(1), in the definition of local law, for "Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1989" 25 substitute "Division 3 of Part 3 of the Local Government Act 2019". 58 Kardinia Park Stadium Act 2016 In section 39, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 30 59 Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 In section 57(d)(iii), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 343 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 60 Land Tax Act 2005 In section 3(1), in the definitions of Council and municipal district, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 5 61 Limitation of Actions Act 1958 In section 7B(3), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 62 Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 10 62.1 In section 3(1), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 62.2 In sections 148ZS(3)(b) and 148ZT(4), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 15 "Local Government Act 2019". 62.3 For clause 18(2) of Schedule 3 substitute-- "(2) Subject to this clause, a poll under this clause is to be held in accordance with Part 8 of the Local Government Act 2019 and the 20 regulations made under that Act with such adaptations as the Victorian Electoral Commission considers are necessary to conduct the poll. (2A) The system of voting to be used at the poll is 25 the system determined by the Minister for Local Government under section 262 of the Local Government Act 2019. (2B) Ballot-papers to be used in the poll must contain details determined by the Victorian 30 Electoral Commission after having regard to any advice provided by the relevant Council. (2C) A voter is only entitled to one vote at the poll. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 344 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts (2D) A scrutineer may be appointed in writing by the Victorian Electoral Commission. (2E) The poll cannot be acted upon unless the number of votes recorded at the poll is not 5 less than one-third of the number of voters on the voters' roll for the poll. (2F) Sections 266 and 267 and Division 11 of Part 8 of the Local Government Act 2019 do not apply to the poll.". 10 62.4 For clause 18(3)(a) of Schedule 3 substitute-- "(a) the Victorian Electoral Commission must give written notice of the results of the poll to the Minister and the relevant Council; and". 15 63 Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 In section 121A(2), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 64 Local Government (South Gippsland Shire Council) 20 Act 2019 In section 10(1), after "1989" insert "or section 259(1) of the Local Government Act 2019". 65 Local Jobs First Act 2003 In section 15(d)(ii), for "Local Government Act 25 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 66 Major Events Act 2009 66.1 In section 99(1), for "Local Government Act 1989" (where twice occurring) substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 30 66.2 In section 99(2), for "sections 111(2), 111(3) and 111(4) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "sections 71(2) and (3) and 72 of the Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 345 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 66.3 In section 100, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 67 Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 5 67.1 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 67.2 In section 258(1), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government 10 Act 2019". 67.3 In section 258(2), for "sections 111(2), 111(3) and 111(4) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "sections 71(2) and (3) and 72 of the Local Government Act 2019". 15 68 Marine and Coastal Act 2018 In section 3, in the definition of municipal council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 69 Melbourne City Link Act 1995 20 69.1 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 69.2 In section 104(1), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 25 69.3 In section 104(2), for "section 111(2), (3) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "sections 71(2) and (3) and 72 of the Local Government Act 2019". 69.4 In section 104(3), for "Local Government 30 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 346 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 69.5 In section 117-- (a) in paragraph (c), for "payable; or" substitute "payable."; (b) paragraph (d) is repealed. 5 70 Metropolitan Fire Brigades Act 1958 70.1 In section 77(1)(a), for "section 232 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 313 of the Local Government Act 2019". 70.2 In section 93(2)(b), for "sections 225, 226, 227 10 and 227A of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "sections 117 to 120 of the Local Government Act 2019". 71 Multicultural Victoria Act 2011 In section 3(1), in the definition of Councillor, 15 for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 72 Municipal Association Act 1907 72.1 In section 10, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 20 72.2 In sections 10CB(2)(c) and 17(b)(i), after "Local Government Act 1989" insert "or the Local Government Act 2019". 73 Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018 In section 19(1)(r), for "as defined in the Local 25 Government Act 1989" substitute "as specified in section 48(5) of the Local Government Act 2019". 74 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 In section 148(1)(c), for "Local Government 30 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 347 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 75 Ombudsman Act 1973 75.1 In section 2(1)-- (a) in the definitions of Council, Councillor and Mayor, for "Local Government Act 1989" 5 substitute "Local Government Act 2019"; (b) in paragraph (d) of the definition of responsible Minister, for "Part 4 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Part 2 of the Local Government 10 Act 2019". 75.2 In section 26F(9), in paragraph (e) of the definition of relevant Act, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 15 75.3 In section 26FB(3)(g), for "section 223A of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "182 of the Local Government Act 2019". 75.4 In section 26FB(3)(g), for "municipal monitor appointed under section 223CA of the Local 20 Government Act 1989" substitute "Municipal Monitor appointed under 182 of the Local Government Act 2019". 75.5 In item 15 of Schedule 1, for "Part 4 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Part 2 of the 25 Local Government Act 2019". 75.6 For item 22 of Schedule 3 substitute-- "22 The Chief Municipal Inspector appointed under section 182 of the Local Government Act 2019". 30 76 Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 In section 9A(1)(b), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 348 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 77 Planning and Environment Act 1987 77.1 In sections 12A(4) and 12B(1), for "section 125 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 90 of the Local Government Act 2019". 5 77.2 In section 15(1) and (2), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 77.3 In sections 46GY(2) and 46GZA(2), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 10 "Local Government Act 2019". 77.4 In section 46Q(1), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 77.5 In section 61A(2), for "Section 80B of the Local 15 Government Act 1989" substitute "Section 130 of the Local Government Act 2019". 77.6 In section 61A(3), for "Section 80B of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 130 of the Local Government Act 2019". 20 77.7 In section 61A(5), in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of council officer, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 77.8 In section 171(3), for "Local Government 25 Act 1958 or the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 1989 or the Local Government Act 2019". 77.9 In section 201C(1), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government 30 Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 349 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 78 Pre-school Teachers and Assistants (Leave) Act 1984 In sections 4(1)(a) and (2)(a) and 5(b), for "under item 17 of Schedule 12 to the Local 5 Government Act 1989" substitute "for the purposes of section 50 of the Local Government Act 2019". 79 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 In section 41A(1) and (2), for "Local 10 Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 80 Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 15 "Local Government Act 2019". 81 Public Administration Act 2004 81.1 In section 4(1)-- (a) in the definition of Councillor, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 20 "Local Government Act 2019"; (b) in paragraph (b) of the definition of exempt body, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 81.2 In section 79(4), for "Local Government 25 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 82 Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 82.1 In section 3(1), in the definitions of Council and municipal district, for "Local Government 30 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 350 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 82.2 In section 12(4), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 82.3 In sections 26(2)(e)(i) and 27(2)(a), for 5 "section 125 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 90 of the Local Government Act 2019". 82.4 In section 26(7), for "section 125(11) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 90(1) 10 of the Local Government Act 2019". 82.5 In section 27(2)(b), for "section 125(7) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 90 of the Local Government Act 2019". 82.6 In section 77, for "section 98 of the Local 15 Government Act 1989" substitute "section 11 of the Local Government Act 2019". 83 Public Holidays Act 1993 In section 3(1), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 20 "Local Government Act 2019". 84 Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 84.1 In section 3, in the definitions of Council and Councillor, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 25 84.2 In section 3, in the definition of Chief Municipal Inspector, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 84.3 In section 54(3), in paragraph (d) of the definition of confidentiality notice, for "section 223BJ of the 30 Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 193 of the Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 351 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 84.4 In section 54(3), in paragraph (h) of the definition of relevant Act, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 84.5 In Column 2 of item 6 of Schedule 2, for 5 "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 85 Regional Development Victoria Act 2002 In section 3(1), in the definitions of Council and municipal district, for "Local Government 10 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 86 Residential Tenancies Act 1997 In section 3(1), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 15 "Local Government Act 2019". 87 Road Management Act 2004 87.1 In section 5(2), for "section 3E," substitute "Division 1 of Part 2 of the Local Government Act 2019 and". 20 87.2 In section 31(2)(e), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 87.3 In clause 1(3)(b) of Schedule 5, after "Local Government Act 1989" insert "or the 25 Local Government Act 2019". 87.4 In clause 26(6)(b) of Schedule 5A, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 88 Road Safety Act 1986 30 In section 3(1), in the definition of municipal council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 352 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 89 Rooming House Operators Act 2016 In section 3(1), in the definitions of Chief Executive Officer and Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 5 "Local Government Act 2019". 90 Sentencing Act 1991 90.1 In section 3(1), in the definition of local law, for "Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Division 3 of Part 3 of the Local 10 Government Act 2019". 90.2 In section 83D(1), in the definition of excluded public body, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 90.3 In section 110(1) omit "(except a local law 15 made under Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1989)". 90.4 Section 110(2) is repealed. 91 Service Victoria Act 2018 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for 20 "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 92 Sheriff Act 2009 In section 52, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute 25 "Local Government Act 2019". 93 Shop Trading Reform Act 1996 In section 3(1), in the definitions of Council and municipal district, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government 30 Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 353 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 94 Small Business Commission Act 2017 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 5 95 Southgate Project Act 1994 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "City of Melbourne Act 2001". 96 State Electricity Commission Act 1958 10 In section 3(1), in the definition of council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 97 Subdivision Act 1988 In section 20(2)(c), for "Local Government 15 Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 98 Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 In section 3(1), in paragraph (b) of the definition of legislative instrument, for "Part 5 of the Local 20 Government Act 1989" substitute "Division 3 of Part 3 of the Local Government Act 2019". 99 Summary Offences Act 1966 99.1 In section 5(b), for "section 111 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 71 25 of the Local Government Act 2019". 99.2 In section 6A(4), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 100 Surveying Act 2004 30 In section 3, in paragraph (d) of the definition of cadastral survey, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 354 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 101 Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement Authority (Repeal) Act 1994 101.1 Insert the following heading to section 12-- "Application of the Local Government 5 Act 1989 and the Local Government Act 2019". 101.2 Section 12(2) is repealed. 101.3 In section 12(3), for "Section 190(3) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Section 115(3) and (4) of the Local Government 10 Act 2019". 101.4 Section 12(4) is repealed. 102 Tobacco Act 1987 In section 36(a), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government 15 Act 2019". 103 Transfer of Land Act 1958 In section 42(2)(f), for "section 229 of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 121 of the Local Government Act 2019". 20 104 Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 In section 251B(2), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 25 105 Transport Integration Act 2010 In section 3-- (a) in paragraph (b) of the definition of interface body, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019"; 30 (b) after paragraph (f) of the definition of interface legislation insert-- "(fa) the Local Government Act 2019;". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 355 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 106 Unclaimed Money Act 2008 In section 3(1), in paragraph (b) of the definition of business, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 5 107 Veterans Act 2005 In section 35(7), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 108 Victoria Police Act 2013 10 In section 185(5), in paragraph (h) of the definition of relevant Act, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 109 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal 15 Act 1998 109.1 In the heading to Part 13B of Schedule 1, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 109.2 For clause 46E(1) of Schedule 1 substitute-- 20 "(1) The Tribunal is to be constituted for the purposes of proceedings under section 171 of the Local Government Act 2019 by a senior member or presidential member who has been admitted to legal practice sitting 25 alone.". 109.3 In clause 46E(2) of Schedule 1, for "section 81Q of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 170 of the Local Government Act 2019". 30 109.4 In clause 46F(1) of Schedule 1, for "section 81Q(2) of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 170(1) of the Local Government Act 2019". 591055B.I-13/11/2019 356 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts 110 Victorian Planning Authority Act 2017 In section 3(1), in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 5 111 Water Act 1989 111.1 In section 3(1), in the definitions of Council and municipal district, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 10 111.2 In section 9(2)(a), after "1989" insert "or the Local Government Act 2019". 111.3 In sections 285(6) and 322(4A)(a), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 15 112 West Gate Tunnel (Truck Bans and Traffic Management) Act 2019 In section 3, in the definition of Council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 20 113 Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 113.1 In section 40(1)(d), for "section 81B of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "section 154 of the Local Government Act 2019". 25 113.2 In section 372, for the definition of local government corporation substitute-- "local government corporation means-- (a) a Council within the meaning of the Local Government Act 2019; or 30 (b) a regional library established under section 196 of the Local Government Act 1989 as in force immediately before the commencement of 591055B.I-13/11/2019 357 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Schedule 1--Consequential amendments to specified Acts section 362 of the Local Government Act 2019; or (c) an Authority within the meaning of the Water Act 1989 the members of which 5 must include a Councillor of a Council within the meaning of the Local Government Act 2019; or (d) any other body corporate established or formed for local government 10 purposes;". 113.3 In section 603(2), in paragraph (c), for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 113.4 In clause 15(3) of Schedule 1, for "determined by 15 the Governor in Council by Order made under section 74B of the Local Government Act 1989" substitute "fixed in a Determination of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal under the Victorian Independent Remuneration 20 Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019". 113.5 In clause 15(5) of Schedule 1, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 25 114 Wrongs Act 1958 In section 79, in paragraph (d) of the definition of public authority, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". 115 Yarra River Protection (Wilip-gin Birrarung 30 murron) Act 2017 In section 3(1), in the definition of municipal council, for "Local Government Act 1989" substitute "Local Government Act 2019". ═════════════ 591055B.I-13/11/2019 358 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019



Local Government Bill 2019 Endnotes Endnotes 1 General information See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information. By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 591055B.I-13/11/2019 359 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 13/11/2019




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