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         Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998
                               Act No.

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                             Page
  1.     Purpose                                      1
  2.     Commencement                                 1
  3.     Repeals                                      2
  4.     New sub-section (1A) inserted                2
  5.     New section 9A inserted                      2
         9A. Change of names or titles                2

SCHEDULE--Repealed Acts                               4

NOTES                                                13




PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to revise the Statute Law of Victoria and for other purposes. Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is to repeal Acts which no longer have any purpose or effect and to amend the Tourism Victoria Act 1992 and the 5 Emergency Management Act 1986. 2. Commencement 1 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 s. 2 Act No. This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. 3. Repeals The Acts listed in the Schedule are repealed. 5 4. New sub-section (1A) inserted No. 9834. After section 1(1) of the Tourism Victoria Act Reprint No. 2 1992 insert-- as at 13 June 1996. Further "(1A) In-- amended by No. 46/1998. (a) an Act; or 10 (b) a subordinate instrument within the meaning of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1994; or (c) any document whatever-- a reference to the Tourism Victoria Act 15 1992 by the name of Victorian Tourism Commission Act 1982 is, unless inconsistent with the context or subject- matter, to be taken to be a reference to the Tourism Victoria Act 1992.". 20 5. New section 9A inserted No. 30/1986. After section 9 of the Emergency Management Reprint No. 2 Act 1986 insert-- as at 16 March 1995. "9A. Change of names or titles Further amended by Despite the changes of names or titles made Nos 104/1997, 25 46/1998 and by section 7(1) of the Emergency 52/1998. Management (Amendment) Act 1994-- (a) the Victoria Emergency Management Council is deemed to be the same body as the State Disasters Council; 30 (b) the Co-ordinator in Chief of Emergency Management is deemed to be the same 2 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 s. 5 Act No. person as the Co-ordinator in Chief of Disaster Control; (c) the Deputy Co-ordinator in Chief of Emergency Management is deemed to 5 be the same person as the Deputy Co- ordinator in Chief of Disaster Control; (d) DISPLAN is deemed to be a state emergency response plan-- and no act, matter or thing is in any way 10 abated or affected by that change.". __________________ 3 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. SCHEDULE REPEALED ACTS ------------------------------------------------------------- Act No. Title of Act 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- 7531 Weights and Measures (Amendment) Act 1967 7549 Water (Amendment) Act 1967 7759 Weights and Measures (Amendment) Act 1968 8368 Weights and Measures (Amendment) Act 1972 10 8642 Health (Contraceptives) Act 1974 8953 Minerals and Energy Act 1976 9080 Litter Act 1977 9120 Stamps (Amendment) Act 1978 9197 Consumer Affairs (Amendment) Act 1978 15 9244 Health (Amendment) Act 1978 9267 Margarine (Amendment) Act 1979 9347 Town and Country Planning (Amendment of Schemes) Act 1979 9364 Town and Country Planning (General Amendment) Act 20 1979 9431 Cemeteries (Amendment) Act 1980 9496 Liquor Control (Amendment) Act 1980 9548 Motor Car (Mass and Dimension Limits) Act 1981 9616 Marine (Amendment) Act 1981 25 9649 Works and Services Appropriation Act 1981 9711 Post-Secondary Education (Amendment) Act 1981 9732 Supply (1982-1983, No. 1) (Treasury) Act 1982 9810 Motor Car (Registration and Drivers' Licences) Act 1982 9910 Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act 1983 30 10028 Estate Agents (Amendment) Act 1983 10046 Public Service (Amendment) Act 1984 10072 Medical Practitioners (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1984 10094 Planning (Brothels) Act 1984 35 10101 Magistrates' Courts (Appointment of Magistrates) Act 1984 10130 Liquor Control (Amendment) Act 1984 10154 Water (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1984 10177 Water (Advances) Act 1985 40 ------------------------------------------------------------- 4 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. Act No. Title of Act ------------------------------------------------------------- 1986 29 Public Records (Amendment) Act 1986 5 31 Supply (1986-87, No. 1) Act 1986 32 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions) Act 1986 41 Children's Court (Amendment) Act 1986 74 Post-Secondary Education Remuneration Tribunal (Repeal) Act 1986 10 84 Works and Services (Further Ancillary Provisions) Act 1986 85 Appropriation (1986-87, No. 1) Act 1986 1987 18 Companies and Securities Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1987 15 28 Industrial Relations (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1987 33 Post-Secondary Education (Amendment) Act 1987 36 Supply (1987-88, No. 1) Act 1987 40 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, No. 1) Act 1987 61 Appropriation (1987-88, No. 1) Act 1987 20 62 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions No. 2) Act 1987 1988 8 Land (Transaction Information) Act 1988 12 Building Control (General Amendment) Act 1988 19 Cancer (Amendment) Act 1988 25 30 Supply (1988-89, No. 1) Act 1988 31 The Constitution Act Amendment (Electoral Procedures) Act 1988 34 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, No. 1) Act 1988 35 Agricultural Acts (Amendment) Act 1988 30 55 Constitution (Local Government) Act 1988 56 Appropriation (1988-89, No. 1) Act 1988 57 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1988-89, No. 2) Act 1988 1989 35 8 Agricultural Acts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1989 9 Building Control (Amendment) Act 1989 16 Supply (1989-90, No. 1) Act 1989 17 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 1) Act 1989 40 26 Dairy Industry (Amendment) Act 1989 53 Road Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1989 ------------------------------------------------------------- Act No. Title of Act 5 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. ------------------------------------------------------------- 65 Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Act 1989 66 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Act 1989 5 72 Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Act 1989 79 Chiropodists (Amendment) Act 1989 81 Water (Consequential Amendments) Act 1989 90 Conservation, Forests and Lands (Amendment) Act 1989 1990 10 1 Health (Amendment) Act 1990 3 Cultural and Recreational Lands (Amendment) Act 1990 4 Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Act 1990 7 Medical Treatment (Enduring Power of Attorney) Act 1990 8 Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) (Amendment) Act 1990 15 11 Occupational Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendment) Act 1990 14 Tattersall Consultations (Amendment) Act 1990 17 Crimes (Family Violence) (Amendment) Act 1990 19 Supply (1990-91, No. 1) Act 1990 20 20 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91, No. 1) Act 1990 23 Melbourne College of Divinity (Amendment) Act 1990 25 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1990 25 29 Shop Trading (Amendment) Act 1990 30 Co-operative Housing Societies (Guarantees) Act 1990 32 Mental Health (General Amendment) Act 1990 35 Crimes (Unsworn Statements) Act 1990 36 Building, Co-operative Housing and Friendly Societies 30 (Amendment) Act 1990 49 Magistrates' Court (Amendment) Act 1990 50 Appropriation (1990-91, No. 1) Act 1990 51 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91, No. 2) Act 1990 35 53 Health Services (Further Amendment) Act 1990 56 Pay-roll Tax (Amendment) Act 1990 61 Juries (Amendment) Act 1990 64 Courts (Amendment) Act 1990 65 Victorian Public Offices Corporation (Repeal) Act 1990 40 67 Shop Trading (Butcher's Shops) Act 1990 69 Health Services (Conciliation and Review) (Amendment) Act 1990 ------------------------------------------------------------- Act No. Title of Act 45 ------------------------------------------------------------- 6 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. 72 Superannuation Acts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1990 75 Chiropractors and Osteopaths (Amendment) Act 1990 77 Teaching Service (Amendment) Act 1990 81 Transport (Anti-Graffiti) Act 1990 5 82 Forests (Timber Harvesting) Act 1990 83 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Further Amendment) Act 1990 85 Martial Arts Control (Amendment) Act 1990 89 Margarine (Amendment) Act 1990 10 90 Building Societies (Prudential Standards) Act 1990 93 Children and Young Persons (Amendment) Act 1990 1991 3 Lotteries Gaming and Betting (Amendment) Act 1991 4 Community Protection (Amendment) Act 1991 15 7 Cemeteries (Amendment) Act 1991 9 Pathology Services Accreditation (Further Amendment) Act 1991 10 Health Registration Acts (Amendment) Act 1991 12 Racing (Sunday Mixed Sports Gatherings) Act 1991 20 14 Pay-roll Tax (Superannuation) Act 1991 16 Corrections (Prison Management and Prisoners) Act 1991 17 Victorian Relief Committee (Amendment) Act 1991 18 Accident Compensation (Amendment) Act 1991 21 The Constitution Act Amendment (Electoral Procedures) Act 25 1991 25 Water (Waivers) Act 1991 27 Extractive Industries (Further Amendment) Act 1991 28 Bayside Project (Further Amendment) Act 1991 30 Martial Arts Control (Further Amendment) Act 1991 30 31 Borrowing and Investment Powers (Further Amendment) Act 1991 39 Supply (1991-92, No. 1) Act 1991 40 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1991-92, No. 1) Act 1991 35 42 Health Services (Conciliation and Review) (Further Amendment) Act 1991 46 Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances (Amendment) Act 1991 52 Medical Practitioners (Amendment) Act 1991 40 54 Cattle Compensation (Amendment) Act 1991 57 Appropriation (1991-92, No. 1) Act 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------- Act No. Title of Act ------------------------------------------------------------- 7 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. 58 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1991-92, No. 2) Act 1991 59 Health (Infectious Diseases) Act 1991 60 Gaming Machine (Cross-reference) Act 1991 5 63 Victorian Debt Retirement Fund (Amendment) Act 1991 64 Emergency Services Superannuation (MFBSF Transfer) Act 1991 65 Crimes (Year and a Day Rule) Act 1991 66 Racing (Betting Competitions and Mixed Sports) Act 1991 10 67 Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board (Amendment) Act 1991 70 Victoria University of Technology (Amendment) Act 1991 73 Teaching Service (Further Amendment) Act 1991 79 Transport (Car Pooling) Act 1991 15 82 Litter (Amendment) Act 1991 84 State Trust Corporation of Victoria (Amendment) Act 1991 1992 1 Chiropractors and Osteopaths (Amendment) Act 1992 2 Hospitals and Charities (Extension) Act 1992 20 3 State Electricity Commission (Amendment) Act 1992 5 Constitution (Governor's Salary) Act 1992 6 Fisheries (Further Amendment) Act 1992 7 Libraries (Amendment) Act 1992 8 National Tennis Centre (Amendment) Act 1992 25 9 Grain Elevators (Amendment) Act 1992 12 Water (Elections) Act 1992 13 Crimes (Culpable Driving) Act 1992 15 Local Government (Elections) Act 1992 16 Education (Further Amendment) Act 1992 30 17 Racing (Further Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1992 18 Building Control (Further Amendment) Act 1992 19 Egg Industry (Amendment) Act 1992 21 Melbourne Lands and Market Sites (Amendment) Act 1992 22 Local Government (Financial) Act 1992 35 25 Port of Melbourne Authority (Amendment) Act 1992 26 Medical Treatment (Agents) Act 1992 27 Classification of Films and Publications (Amendment) Act 1992 28 Juries (Amendment) Act 1992 40 30 Supply (1992-93, No. 1) Act 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------- Act No. Title of Act ------------------------------------------------------------- 8 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. 31 Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1992-93, No. 1) Act 1992 32 Appropriation (July to October) Act 1992 34 Crimes (Family Violence) (Further Amendment) Act 1992 5 39 Fire and Emergency Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1992 41 Road Safety (Licence Cancellation) Act 1992 43 Partnership (Limited Partnerships) Act 1992 47 Industrial Relations (Enterprise Bargaining) Act 1992 10 56 Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation (Amendment) Act 1992 57 Appropriation (Interim Provision, Parliament 1992-93) Act 1992 58 Appropriation (Interim Provision 1992-93) Act 1992 15 59 Constitution (Ministers) Act 1992 61 Borrowing and Investment Powers (Melbourne Water Corporation) Act 1992 64 Parliamentary Committees (Amendment) Act 1992 65 Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation (Further 20 Amendment) Act 1992 71 Land Tax (Revision) (Amendment) Act 1992 73 Public Authorities (Dividends) (Amendment) Act 1992 78 Tattersall Consultations (Amendment) Act 1992 79 Transport Accident (Amendment) Act 1992 25 81 Victorian Tourism Commission (Tourism Victoria) Act 1992 1993 3 Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation (Basic Salary) Act 1993 4 Shop Trading (Further Amendment) (Amendment) Act 1993 30 6 Debits Tax (Amendment) Act 1993 8 Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Act 1993 9 Pay-roll Tax (Amendment) Act 1993 10 Children and Young Persons (Further Amendment) Act 1993 13 Subordinate Legislation (Amendment) Act 1993 35 17 Stamps (Amendment) Act 1993 19 Crimes (HIV) Act 1993 20 Marine (Amendment) Act 1993 31 Treasury Corporation of Victoria (Debt Centralisation) Act 1993 40 34 Casino Control (Amendment) Act 1993 36 State Deficit Levy (Amendment) Act 1993 ------------------------------------------------------------- Act No. Title of Act ------------------------------------------------------------- 45 38 Estate Agents (Amendment) Act 1993 9 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. 43 Local Government (General Amendment) Act 1993 46 Business Franchise (Petroleum Products) (Amendment) Act 1993 51 Supply (1993-94, No. 1) Act 1993 5 52 Supply (Parliament 1993-94, No. 1) Act 1993 53 Emergency Services Superannuation (Special Payments) Act 1993 59 Tattersall Consultations (Reporting) Act 1993 62 Appropriation (1992-93) Act 1993 10 63 Appropriation (Parliament 1992-3) Act 1993 64 Annual Leave Payments (Amendment) Act 1993 66 Loy Yang B (Amendment) Act 1993 69 Water (Amendment) Act 1993 71 Summary Offences (Stolen Cattle) Act 1993 15 74 Evidence (Proof of Offences) Act 1993 75 Appropriation (1993-94, No. 1) Act 1993 76 Appropriation (Parliament 1993-94, No. 1) Act 1993 77 Racing (Further Amendment) Act 1993 78 Occupational Health and Safety (Miscellaneous 20 Amendments) Act 1993 79 Land (Further Amendment) Act 1993 81 Probate Duty (Amendment) Act 1993 82 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Amendment) Act 1993 83 Tobacco (Amendment) Act 1993 25 84 Health (Amendment) Act 1993 87 Physiotherapists (Amendment) Act 1993 90 Pharmacists (Amendment) Act 1993 91 Cattle and Swine Compensation (Amendment) Act 1993 92 State Owned Enterprises (Amendment) Act 1993 30 93 Casino Control (Further Amendment) Act 1993 95 Interpretation of Legislation (Amendment) Act 1993 105 Classification of Films and Publications (Amendment) Act 1993 106 Chattel Securities (Amendment) Act 1993 35 108 Juries (Amendment) Act 1993 112 Health Services (Amendment) Act 1993 114 Employee Relations (Amendment) Act 1993 116 Telecommunications (Interception) (State Provisions) (Amendment) Act 1993 40 118 Police Regulation (Discipline) (Amendment) Act 1993 ------------------------------------------------------------- Act No. Title of Act ------------------------------------------------------------- 121 Education (Amendment) Act 1993 45 128 Planning and Environment (Amendment) Act 1993 10 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. 1994 1 Employment and Training (Amendment) Act 1994 3 Albury--Wodonga Agreement (Amendment) Act 1994 4 Borrowing and Investment Powers (Further Amendment) 5 Act 1994 7 Mineral Resources Development (Further Amendment) Act 1994 8 Petroleum (Amendment) Act 1994 14 Legal Aid Commission (Amendment) Act 1994 10 15 State Insurance Office (Amendment) Act 1994 16 Wheat Marketing (Amendment) Act 1994 20 Environment Protection (General Amendment) Act 1994 22 Friendly Societies (Benefit Funds) Act 1994 24 Sentencing (Victim Impact Statement) Act 1994 15 26 Alcoholics and Drug-dependent Persons (Amendment) Act 1994 27 National Crime Authority (State Provisions) (Amendment) Act 1994 28 Witness Protection (Amendment) Act 1994 20 30 Control of Weapons (Amendment) Act 1994 31 Financial Management (Consequential Amendments) Act 1994 32 Land Conservation (Amendment) Act 1994 35 Treasury Corporation of Victoria (Amendment) Act 1994 25 36 Casino Control (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1994 38 Appropriation (Parliament) (Interim 1994-95) Act 1994 44 Stamps (Securities Clearing House) Act 1994 51 Appropriation (Interim 1994-95) Act 1994 54 Financial Institutions (Victoria) (Amendment) Act 1994 30 56 Melbourne Water Corporation (Amendment) Act 1994 58 Superannuation Acts (Amendment) Act 1994 59 Tertiary Education (Amendment) Act 1994 65 Agriculture (Registered Occupations) Act 1994 69 Dentists (Amendment) Act 1994 35 70 Emerald Tourist Railway (Amendment) Act 1994 71 Property Law (Amendment) Act 1994 72 Royal Agricultural Show-grounds (Amendment) Act 1994 75 Financial Management (Amendment) Act 1994 77 Lotteries Gaming and Betting (Betting) Act 1994 40 ------------------------------------------------------------- Act No. Title of Act ------------------------------------------------------------- 78 Road Safety (Further Amendment) Act 1994 80 Business Franchise Acts (Amendment) Act 1994 11 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Sch. Act No. 85 Borrowing and Investment Powers (Public Transport Corporation) Act 1994 87 Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1994 88 Health Services (Amendment) Act 1994 5 93 Casino (Management Agreement) (Amendment) Act 1994 94 Corrections (Amendment) Act 1994 95 Crimes (Amendment) Act 1994 97 Emergency Management (Amendment) Act 1994 106 Vocational Education and Training (State Training Wage) 10 Act 1994 107 Classification of Films and Publications (Amendment) Act 1994 111 Environment Effects (Amendment) Act 1994 113 Land Tax (Amendment) Act 1994 15 120 Superannuation Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------- 12 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 13 532149B.I1-10/11/98



Statute Law Revision (Repeals) Act 1998 Act No. 14 532149B.I1-10/11/98




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