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PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Clause Page 1 Purpose 1 2 Commencement 1 3 Amendment of Acts 2 4 Repeal of spent Acts 2 5 Repeal of repealing Act 2 __________________ SCHEDULES 3 SCHEDULE 1--Amendment of Acts 3 1 Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 3 2 Accident Compensation Act 1985 3 3 Adoption Act 1984 4 4 Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 4 5 Associations Incorporation Act 1981 4 6 Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 4 7 Casino Control Act 1991 4 8 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 4 9 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 5 10 Children's Services Act 1996 5 11 City of Melbourne Act 2001 5 12 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995 5 13 Climate Change Act 2010 6 14 Coastal Management Act 1995 6 15 Confiscation Act 1997 6 16 Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987 6 17 Consumer Affairs Legislation Amendment (Reform) Act 2010 6 18 Coroners Act 2008 6 19 Country Fire Authority Act 1958 7 20 Courts Legislation (Neighbourhood Justice Centre) Act 2006 7 21 Credit (Administration) Act 1984 7 22 Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act 2004 7 23 Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 7 24 Criminal Procedure Act 2009 7 571004B.I-4/2/2011 i BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Clause Page 25 Criminal Procedure Amendment (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2009 7 26 Crown Land Acts Amendment (Lease and Licence Terms) Act 2009 7 27 Defamation Act 2005 8 28 Disability Act 2006 8 29 Docklands Act 1991 8 30 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 8 31 Duties Act 2000 8 32 EastLink Project Act 2004 8 33 Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005 8 34 Equal Opportunity Act 2010 8 35 Evidence Act 2008 9 36 Fair Trading Act 1999 9 37 Family Violence Protection Act 2008 9 38 Firearms Act 1996 9 39 Fisheries Act 1995 10 40 Food Act 1984 10 41 Forests Act 1958 10 42 Gambling Regulation Act 2003 10 43 Gambling Regulation Further Amendment Act 2009 10 44 Health Professions Registration Act 2005 11 45 Infringements Act 2006 11 46 Instruments Act 1958 11 47 International Transfer of Prisoners (Victoria) Act 1998 11 48 Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2010 11 49 Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 11 50 Land Act 1958 11 51 Limitation of Actions Act 1958 11 52 Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 12 53 Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 12 54 Livestock Management Act 2010 12 55 Local Government Act 1989 12 56 Major Sporting Events Act 2009 12 57 Marine Safety Act 2010 12 58 Melbourne City Link Act 1995 13 59 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Trust Act 1996 13 60 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 13 61 Mineral Resources Amendment (Sustainable Development) Act 2010 13 62 National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) Act 1995 13 63 National Parks Act 1975 14 64 Ombudsman Act 1973 14 65 Parks Victoria Act 1998 14 66 Payroll Tax Act 2007 14 67 Petroleum Act 1998 14 571004B.I-4/2/2011 ii BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Clause Page 68 Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010 15 69 Pipelines Act 2005 15 70 Planning and Environment Act 1987 15 71 Planning and Environment (Planning Schemes) Act 1996 15 72 Police Integrity Act 2008 15 73 Police Regulation Act 1958 15 74 Property Law Act 1958 15 75 Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 16 76 Public Sector Employment (Award Entitlements) Act 2006 16 77 Queen Victoria Women's Centre Act 1994 16 78 Radiation Act 2005 16 79 Rail Management Act 1996 16 80 Regional Infrastructure Development Fund Act 1999 17 81 Retail Leases Act 2003 17 82 Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 17 83 Safety on Public Land Act 2004 17 84 Sentencing Act 1991 17 85 Settled Land Act 1958 17 86 Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act 2010 17 87 Small Business Commissioner Act 2003 18 88 Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997 18 89 State Concessions Act 2004 18 90 State Employees Retirement Benefits Act 1979 18 91 Subordinate Legislation Amendment Act 2010 18 92 Summary Offences Act 1966 18 93 Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Act 2010 18 94 Surveying Act 2004 19 95 Sustainability Victoria Act 2005 19 96 Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 19 97 Transport Accident and Accident Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 2010 20 98 Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 20 99 Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2007 20 100 Transport Legislation Amendment (Compliance, Enforcement and Regulation) Act 2010 20 101 Transport Legislation Amendment (Hoon Boating and Other Amendments) Act 2009 21 102 Veterinary Practice Act 1997 21 103 Victoria Racing Club Act 2006 21 104 Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001 21 105 Water Act 1989 21 106 Water Amendment (Entitlements) Act 2010 21 107 Water Amendment (Victorian Environmental Water Holder) Act 2010 21 108 Werribee South Land Act 1991 21 109 Wildlife Act 1975 21 571004B.I-4/2/2011 iii BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Clause Page 110 Wills Act 1997 22 111 Workers Compensation Act 1958 22 112 Zoological Parks and Gardens Act 1995 22 SCHEDULE 2--Repeal of Acts 23 ENDNOTES 26 571004B.I-4/2/2011 iv BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Introduced in the Council Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 A Bill for an Act to revise the statute law of Victoria. The Parliament of Victoria enacts: 1 Purpose The purpose of this Act is to revise the statute law of Victoria. 2 Commencement 5 (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into operation on the day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. (2) The following items in Schedule 1 are taken to have come into operation on the following dates-- 10 (a) item 10.3 on 25 May 2009; (b) item 17.2 on 28 September 2010; (c) item 25 on 31 December 2009; 571004B.I-4/2/2011 1 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 s. 3 (d) item 43.1 on 20 October 2009; (e) items 60.1 and 60.2 on 1 January 2010; (f) item 75.3 on 31 December 2009; (g) item 75.4 on 2 September 2008; 5 (h) items 86.2 and 86.3 on 10 August 2010; (i) item 99 on 11 December 2007; (j) item 100 on 21 May 2010. 3 Amendment of Acts On the commencement of an item in Schedule 1, 10 the Act specified in the heading to that item is amended as set out in that item. 4 Repeal of spent Acts The Acts listed in Schedule 2 (to the extent that they are not already repealed) are repealed. 15 5 Repeal of repealing Act This Act is repealed on the first anniversary of the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. Note The repeal of this Act does not affect the repeals or the continuing 20 operation of the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). __________________ 571004B.I-4/2/2011 2 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 SCHEDULES SCHEDULE 1 Section 3 AMENDMENT OF ACTS 5 1 Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 Sections 195, 197, 198 and Schedule 2 are repealed. 2 Accident Compensation Act 1985 2.1 In section 5(1), in the definition of heart attack 10 injury, in paragraph (n), after "the brain;" insert "or". 2.2 In the Table in section 100B-- (a) in item 3, for "92B(12(c)(ii)" substitute "92B(12)(c)(ii)"; 15 (b) for "13 Section 93C(2)(a)(ii)--$1070 1 July 2011" substitute "13 Section 93C(2)(a)(ii)--$1070 1 July 2011". 2.3 In the Table in section 100C, for "$511,920" substitute "$511 920". 20 2.4 In section 195(4), for "of the section" substitute "of section". 2.5 In section 250AA(6), for "out-of-pocket expenses" substitute "out-of-pocket expenses)". 2.6 In section 367-- 25 (a) for "Part 1, Division 3" substitute "Part I, Division 3"; (b) for "27 28" substitute "27, 28". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 3 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 2.7 In Schedule 1A-- (a) for "Section. 5A(5)" substitute "Section 5A(5)"; (b) in Column 3 of item 1, for "injury would" 5 substitute "injury, would"; (c) in Column 2 of item 7, for "those employers" (where secondly occurring) substitute "those employers."; (d) in Column 3 of item 7, for "employers" 10 substitute "employers.". 2.8 In item 13(b) of Schedule 6, for "information;" substitute "information; and". 3 Adoption Act 1984 In section 4(1), in paragraph (a) of the definition 15 of Convention country, omit "column 2 in". 4 Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 4.1 In the heading to section 9, for "self insemination" insert "self-insemination". 4.2 In section 125(d), for "specification," substitute 20 "specification". 5 Associations Incorporation Act 1981 In section 46(5)(b), after "be" insert "a". 6 Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 Section 65 and the Schedule are repealed. 25 7 Casino Control Act 1991 In section 62AA, for "game" substitute "a game". 8 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 Section 47 and the Schedule are repealed. 571004B.I-4/2/2011 4 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 9 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 9.1 In section 588, for "(1B)" (where first occurring) substitute "(1AB)". 9.2 Sections 601 to 604 are repealed. 5 9.3 In section 616, for "616" substitute "617". 9.4 In section 616A, for "616A" substitute "618". 9.5 In section 617, for "617" substitute "616". 10 Children's Services Act 1996 10.1 In section 3(1), in the definition of relative, for 10 "defacto" substitute "de facto". 10.2 In section 9(1)(c), for "use" substitute "used". 10.3 For section 36(3) substitute-- "(3) An authorised officer may not, under this section (except as provided in subsection 15 (1)(a)(ii)), enter a residence unless-- (a) a children's service licensed to operate under this Act is operating at the premises of the residence; or (b) the occupier of the residence has 20 consented in writing to the entry and the inspection.". 11 City of Melbourne Act 2001 In the heading to section 27AA, for "purposes Division" substitute "purposes of Division". 25 12 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995 Sections 85 and 86 and Part 12 are repealed. 571004B.I-4/2/2011 5 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 13 Climate Change Act 2010 13.1 In sections 3 and 49A, in the definition of adaptation, for "climactic" substitute "climatic". 13.2 In section 50(1)(b)(iv), for "Catchment and Land 5 Protection Act 1994" substitute "Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994". 14 Coastal Management Act 1995 In section 40(2)(c), for "recommendation." substitute "recommendation; and". 10 15 Confiscation Act 1997 Part 17 and sections 150 to 156 are repealed. 16 Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987 16.1 In section 82A, in the definition of traditional owner land management agreement, for "82P;" 15 substitute "82P.". 16.2 In section 82BA(1), for "to contrary" substitute "to the contrary". 17 Consumer Affairs Legislation Amendment (Reform) Act 2010 20 17.1 In section 13, for "After Schedule 2" substitute "Before Schedule 3". 17.2 In section 60(2), in proposed section 51 of the Sale of Land Act 1962, for "section 65" substitute "section 57". 25 18 Coroners Act 2008 18.1 In section 3(1), in paragraph (d) of the definition of person placed in custody or care, for "Health;;" substitute "Health;". 18.2 In section 3(1), in paragraph (e) of the definition 30 of senior next of kin, for "parent," substitute "parent". 18.3 The heading to Part 11 is repealed. 571004B.I-4/2/2011 6 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 19 Country Fire Authority Act 1958 In section 110(1)(gb), for "dependents" substitute "dependants". 20 Courts Legislation (Neighbourhood Justice Centre) 5 Act 2006 In section 17(2)(a), for "subject to paragraph (c);" substitute "subject to paragraph (c),". 21 Credit (Administration) Act 1984 In section 21, for "registered credit provider's" 10 substitute "relevant credit provider's". 22 Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act 2004 Sections 48 to 51 and 53 to 56 are repealed. 23 Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 15 In the heading to clause 13 of Schedule 3, for "Bill" substitute "Act". 24 Criminal Procedure Act 2009 In section 369(3), for "the Division" substitute "this Division". 20 25 Criminal Procedure Amendment (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2009 25.1 In item 40.39 of the Schedule, for "46ZFB(2A)" substitute "464ZFB(2A)". 25.2 In item 106.23 of the Schedule, for "section 25 84ZB(b)(i)" substitute "section 84ZB(1)(b)(i)". 26 Crown Land Acts Amendment (Lease and Licence Terms) Act 2009 In section 38, in proposed section 43(2) of the National Parks Act 1975, for '"trade' substitute 30 "trade". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 7 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 27 Defamation Act 2005 Sections 47 to 49 and Schedule 4 are repealed. 28 Disability Act 2006 28.1 In section 152(2)(f), for "2009" substitute 5 "2009.". 28.2 Divisions 2 to 4 of Part 10 are repealed. 29 Docklands Act 1991 29.1 In the heading to Part 2, for "DOCKLANDS" substitute "VICTORIAN URBAN 10 DEVELOPMENT". 29.2 In section 19(3)(b), for "Docklands Authority" substitute "Victorian Urban Development Authority". 29.3 In section 24(3)(d) omit "Authority". 15 30 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 In section 4(1), in the definition of registered optometrist, for "student" substitute "student)". 31 Duties Act 2000 In section 58(3)(b), for "a estate" substitute 20 "an estate". 32 EastLink Project Act 2004 In section 261(2)(b), for "VicRoads," substitute "VicRoads;". 33 Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005 25 33.1 In section 19A, for "19A" substitute "25A". 33.2 In section 19B, for "19B" substitute "25B". 34 Equal Opportunity Act 2010 In the heading to item 9 of the Schedule, after "Transport" insert "(Compliance and 30 Miscellaneous)". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 8 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 35 Evidence Act 2008 In the heading to section 131A, for "Division" substitute "Part". 36 Fair Trading Act 1999 5 In the heading to section 160G, for "Magistrates" substitute "Magistrates'". 37 Family Violence Protection Act 2008 37.1 In section 176A, for "176A" substitute "176AA". 37.2 In section 201(c)(iv), for "77(2),," substitute 10 "77(2),". 38 Firearms Act 1996 38.1 In section 6A-- (a) in subsection (1), for "2 years imprisonment." substitute "2 years 15 imprisonment;"; (b) in subsection (2), for "4 years imprisonment." substitute "4 years imprisonment;"; (c) in subsection (3), for "7 years 20 imprisonment." substitute "7 years imprisonment;". 38.2 In section 7B-- (a) in subsection (1), for "7 years imprisonment." substitute "7 years 25 imprisonment;"; (b) in subsection (2), for "14 years imprisonment." substitute "14 years imprisonment;". 38.3 In clause 3(2)(d) of Schedule 4, for "light.." 30 substitute "light.". 38.4 Sections 201 to 208 are repealed. 571004B.I-4/2/2011 9 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 39 Fisheries Act 1995 39.1 In section 32(1), for "Subject to subsection (6), before" substitute "Before". 39.2 In section 131Q(1)(c)(iv), after "1958" insert 5 ", the Police Integrity Act 2008". 39.3 Sections 160 to 163 and Schedule 2 are repealed. 40 Food Act 1984 40.1 In section 19V(1)(a), for "Act; or" substitute "Act;". 10 40.2 In section 50AA(a)(i), for "exemption;" substitute "exemption,". 40.3 In section 50AB(a)(i), for "exemption;" substitute "exemption,". 40.4 In section 53B, for "2," substitute "2". 15 41 Forests Act 1958 In section 66B(2), for "1.5" substitute "1·5". 42 Gambling Regulation Act 2003 42.1 In section 3.5.34AA(3) omit "--". 42.2 In section 10.2A.11(4)(c), for "to laid" substitute 20 "to be laid". 42.3 Sections 12.1.1 to 12.1.5 and Schedules 5 and 6 are repealed. 43 Gambling Regulation Further Amendment Act 2009 43.1 In section 19(2), for "In section" substitute "After 25 section". 43.2 In section 113-- (a) in subsection (1), for "section 3.1.1" substitute "section 3.1.1(1)"; (b) in subsection (2), for "section 3.1.1(b)" 30 substitute "section 3.1.1(1)(b)". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 10 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 43.3 In section 136-- (a) for "section 9.3.1" substitute "section 9.3.1(1)"; (b) before "insert" insert "(wherever 5 occurring)". 44 Health Professions Registration Act 2005 Divisions 2 to 4 of Part II are repealed. 45 Infringements Act 2006 Part 14 is repealed. 10 46 Instruments Act 1958 In section 119(1)(b), for "attorneys, or" substitute "attorneys; or". 47 International Transfer of Prisoners (Victoria) Act 1998 15 Part 5 is repealed. 48 Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2010 In section 20, after "Subdivision (4)" insert "of Division 5". 49 Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 20 In section 5(4AA), for "(4AA)" substitute "(4C)". 50 Land Act 1958 In sections 188A(6) and 413(2), for "magistrates' court" substitute "Magistrates' Court". 51 Limitation of Actions Act 1958 25 In section 7AB-- (a) paragraph (b) is repealed; (b) omit ", Corporation". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 11 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 52 Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 In clause 25(1) of Schedule 3, for "of the section" substitute "of section". 53 Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 5 In section 3(1), in the definition of vehicle, for "vessel." substitute "vessel;". 54 Livestock Management Act 2010 In section 50(1)(a), after "human health;" insert "or". 10 55 Local Government Act 1989 55.1 In section 117(2)(b), for "infringement; and" substitute "infringement.". 55.2 In section 154(3A)(a), for "Act 2003" substitute "Act 1983". 15 56 Major Sporting Events Act 2009 In section 9(1)(a), for "order and" substitute "order; and". 57 Marine Safety Act 2010 57.1 In section 3(1), in paragraph (a) of the definition 20 of marine safety infrastructure operations, for "constructing" substitute "constructing,". 57.2 In section 44(1), for "the which" substitute "which". 57.3 In section 111(i), for "things" substitute "thing". 25 57.4 In section 124(3)(b), for "notice of" substitute "notice". 57.5 In section 206, after "under" (where first occurring) insert "section". 57.6 In section 275 omit "without charge". 30 57.7 In the heading to section 281, for "policy" substitute "Policy". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 12 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 57.8 In section 309(1), after "regulations for" insert "or". 57.9 In item 17(b) of Schedule 3, for "2010." substitute "2010". 5 58 Melbourne City Link Act 1995 In section 18B(2), for "section" substitute "section--". 59 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Trust Act 1996 10 Sections 34 to 36 are repealed. 60 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 60.1 In section 80(4), for "licensee" substitute "authority holder". 15 60.2 In section 80(5), for "a licensee" substitute "an authority holder". 60.3 In section 82(3), for "a authority" substitute "an authority". 61 Mineral Resources Amendment (Sustainable 20 Development) Act 2010 61.1 In section 30, in clause 3(1)(c) of proposed Schedule 8 to the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990, for "(i)" (where secondly occurring) substitute "(ii)". 25 61.2 In section 30, in clause 3(7) of proposed Schedule 8 to the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990, for "6(b)" substitute "(6)(b)". 62 National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) 30 Act 1995 Part 8 is repealed. 571004B.I-4/2/2011 13 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 63 National Parks Act 1975 In Schedule One AAA-- (a) in clause 5, for "part of road" substitute "part of a road"; 5 (b) in clause 7(1), after "Central Plan" insert "Office"; (c) in clause 7(2), for "part of road" substitute "part of a road"; (d) in clause 8(1), after "Central Plan" insert 10 "Office"; (e) in clause 8(2), after "Central Plan" insert "Office"; (f) in clause 8(2), for "part of road" substitute "part of a road". 15 64 Ombudsman Act 1973 In section 13(2AAA)-- (a) for "Division 3 of Part 2" substitute "Part 2A". (b) after "approved as" insert "general". 20 65 Parks Victoria Act 1998 Sections 26 to 29 are repealed. 66 Payroll Tax Act 2007 66.1 In section 73(4), in the definition of private company, for "Australian Stock Exchange" 25 substitute "Australian Securities Exchange". 66.2 Divisions 1 to 4 of Part 10 are repealed. 67 Petroleum Act 1998 67.1 In the note at the foot of section 138, for "for petroleum" substitute "for a petroleum". 30 67.2 Section 257 is repealed. 571004B.I-4/2/2011 14 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 68 Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010 68.1 In section 85(b), for "departments," substitute "departments and". 68.2 In section 121(1), for "student);" substitute 5 "student).". 69 Pipelines Act 2005 Part 15 is repealed. 70 Planning and Environment Act 1987 70.1 In section 119(b)(i), after "period;" insert "or". 10 70.2 In section 201E, for the definition of Secretary substitute-- "Secretary means the body corporate established under section 41A of the Project Development and Construction 15 Management Act 1994.". 71 Planning and Environment (Planning Schemes) Act 1996 Part 2 is repealed. 72 Police Integrity Act 2008 20 72.1 In section 35, for "this section" substitute "this Division". 72.2 In clause 18(1) of Schedule 1, for "under 86KB" substitute "under section 86KB". 73 Police Regulation Act 1958 25 In the note at the foot of section 6A, for "Prostitution Control" substitute "Sex Work". 74 Property Law Act 1958 In section 18, for "tenant for life statutory owner settled land settlement capital money term of 30 years absolute" substitute "tenant for life, statutory owner, settled land, settlement, capital money, term of years absolute". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 15 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 75 Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 75.1 In section 3(1), in paragraph (b) of the definition of authorised officer, for "30," substitute "30;". 75.2 In section 190(3), for "exercise the power" 5 substitute "exercise the power.". 75.3 In section 256, after "Part XII or" insert "Part". 75.4 In section 269, for "Ambulances" substitute "Ambulance". 76 Public Sector Employment (Award Entitlements) 10 Act 2006 In section 3(1), in the definition of Commonwealth Act, for "as in force as in force" substitute "as in force". 77 Queen Victoria Women's Centre Act 1994 15 Section 26 is repealed. 78 Radiation Act 2005 78.1 In section 138(3), for "Internet any one of" substitute "Internet any one or". 78.2 Division 1 of Part 12 is repealed. 20 79 Rail Management Act 1996 In section 3(1)-- (a) the definition of railway track is repealed; (b) insert the following definition-- "railway track includes heavy railway track 25 and light railway track;". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 16 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 80 Regional Infrastructure Development Fund Act 1999 In Schedule 1-- (a) for "LaTrobe Shire Council" substitute 5 "LaTrobe City Council"; (b) for "Wodonga Rural City Council" substitute "Wodonga City Council". 81 Retail Leases Act 2003 In section 62(1)(a), for "section 61(4)" substitute 10 "section 61(5A)". 82 Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 Sections 57 and 58 are repealed. 83 Safety on Public Land Act 2004 Sections 21 to 23 are repealed. 15 84 Sentencing Act 1991 In Schedule 1-- (a) clause 4(ba) is repealed; (b) after clause 4(b) insert-- "(ba) an offence against section 307.1, 307.2, 20 307.5, 307.6, 307.8 or 307.9 of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth;". 85 Settled Land Act 1958 In section 3(1), for "trust for sale trustees for sale" substitute "trust for sale, trustees for sale". 25 86 Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act 2010 86.1 In section 22(3)(b), for "detained" substitute "detained; and". 86.2 In section 49(1), for "3(1)" substitute "3". 86.3 In section 49(2), for "or a" substitute "or". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 17 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 87 Small Business Commissioner Act 2003 Sections 15 and 16 are repealed. 88 Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997 Sections 25 to 27 are repealed. 5 89 State Concessions Act 2004 Section 13 and the Schedule are repealed. 90 State Employees Retirement Benefits Act 1979 In section 43B, for '"(1)' substitute "(1)". 91 Subordinate Legislation Amendment Act 2010 10 In section 41, for "1 July 2012" substitute "1 January 2014". 92 Summary Offences Act 1966 In section 41E(2), for "suspecting that that" substitute "suspecting that". 15 93 Supported Residential Services (Private Proprietors) Act 2010 93.1 In section 7(3), after "manner" insert "that". 93.2 In the penalty at the foot of section 176, for "units in" substitute "units, in". 20 93.3 In the penalty at the foot of section 177, for "units in" substitute "units, in". 93.4 In the penalty at the foot of section 178(1), for "units in" substitute "units, in". 93.5 In the penalty at the foot of section 179(1), for 25 "units in" substitute "units, in". 93.6 In the penalty at the foot of section 179(2), for "units in" substitute "units, in". 93.7 In the penalty at the foot of section 179(3), for "units in" substitute "units, in". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 18 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 93.8 In the penalty at the foot of section 179(4), for "units in" substitute "units, in". 93.9 In the penalty at the foot of section 180(1), for "units in" substitute "units, in". 5 93.10 In section 215(1), for "appointment be" substitute "appointment to be". 93.11 In the penalty at the foot of section 216, for "units in" (wherever occurring) substitute "units, in". 93.12 In the penalty at the foot of section 217, for "units 10 in" (wherever occurring) substitute "units, in". 94 Surveying Act 2004 Sections 71 to 73 and the Schedule are repealed. 95 Sustainability Victoria Act 2005 Sections 23 to 26 are repealed. 15 96 Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 96.1 In section 3, in the definition of traditional owner group entity, after "relation" (where secondly occurring) insert "to". 96.2 In section 27(1)-- 20 (a) in paragraph (b) of the definition of limited land use activity, for "purpose" substitute "the purpose"; (b) in paragraph (a) of the definition of significant land use activity, for "use 25 occupy" substitute "use, occupy". 96.3 In section 48(b), for "made determination" substitute "made a determination". 96.4 In section 54(1)-- (a) for "is negotiation activity" substitute "is a 30 negotiation activity"; (b) in paragraph (a), for "of public" substitute "of a public". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 19 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 96.5 In section 55(1), for "is negotiation" substitute "is a negotiation". 96.6 In section 69, after "carrying out" insert "of". 97 Transport Accident and Accident Compensation 5 Legislation Amendment Act 2010 In section 27, in proposed section 8 of the Accident Compensation Act 1985, for "the" (wherever occurring) substitute "the". 98 Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 10 1983 98.1 In section 2(1), the definition of Safety Director is repealed. 98.2 In section 2(1) insert the following definition-- "Safety Director means the Director, Transport 15 Safety within the meaning of Section 3 of the Transport Integration Act 2010;". 98.3 The heading to Division 3 of Part IV is repealed. 98.4 The heading to Division 2 of Part V is repealed. 98.5 In section 86(1), in paragraph (c) of the definition 20 of specified indictable fraud or dishonesty offence, for "134.2," substitute "134.2". 99 Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2007 In section 67, after "Rail Safety Act" insert "2006". 25 100 Transport Legislation Amendment (Compliance, Enforcement and Regulation) Act 2010 In section 77, for "presribed" substitute "prescribed". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 20 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 101 Transport Legislation Amendment (Hoon Boating and Other Amendments) Act 2009 In section 18, in proposed section 50AAIA(5) of the Road Safety Act 1986, for "50AA1B" 5 substitute "50AAIB". 102 Veterinary Practice Act 1997 Section 96 and the Schedule are repealed. 103 Victoria Racing Club Act 2006 Part 4 is repealed. 10 104 Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001 In sections 17(4)(b) and 20(4)(b), for "Natural Resources" substitute "Sustainability". 105 Water Act 1989 15 105.1 In section 46C(3)(c), for "any" substitute "any,". 105.2 In section 47C(3)(c), for "any" substitute "any,". 106 Water Amendment (Entitlements) Act 2010 In section 80 omit "the". 107 Water Amendment (Victorian Environmental 20 Water Holder) Act 2010 In section 4, in proposed section 33DZA(1)(b) of the Water Act 1989, after "under" insert "section". 108 Werribee South Land Act 1991 25 In item 2 of the Table in Schedule 1, in the column headed "Situation and area of land", for "Parish of Detugam" substitute "Parish of Deutgam". 109 Wildlife Act 1975 30 In section 74M(1)(c)(iv), after "1958" insert ", the Police Integrity Act 2008". 571004B.I-4/2/2011 21 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 1 110 Wills Act 1997 Part 7 is repealed. 111 Workers Compensation Act 1958 In section 3(7Q)(a), for "ended" substitute 5 "ending". 112 Zoological Parks and Gardens Act 1995 Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 5 are repealed. __________________ 571004B.I-4/2/2011 22 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 2 SCHEDULE 2 Section 4 REPEAL OF ACTS Act No. Title of Act 1905 2012 Geelong Harbor Trust Act 1905 1912 2372 The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Act 1912 1922 3258 Melbourne Harbor Trust (Exchange of Lands) Act 1922 1953 5717 Junior Legacy, Melbourne (Dureau Memorial) Act 1953 1965 7334 Cul-de-sac Applications Act 1965 1969 7826 Mildura Irrigation and Water Trusts Act 1969 1984 10145 State Electricity Commission (Coal Corporation of Victoria) Act 1984 1985 10228 National Mutual Permanent Building Society Act 1985 1987 64/1987 National Mutual Royal Savings Bank Limited (Merger) Act 1987 1993 73/1993 Tattersall Consultations (Further Amendment) Act 1993 571004B.I-4/2/2011 23 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 2 Act No. Title of Act 1994 55/1994 Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 1994 1999 14/1999 Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 2003 31/2003 Melbourne (Flinders Street Land) Act 2003 40/2003 Energy Legislation (Consumer Protection and Other Amendments) Act 2003 95/2003 Accident Compensation and Transport Accident Acts (Amendment) Act 2003 2004 63/2004 Major Crime Legislation (Office of Police Integrity) Act 2004 2005 78/2005 Firearms (Further Amendment) Act 2005 95/2005 Transport Legislation (Further Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2005 2006 36/2006 Appropriation (2006/2007) Act 2006 37/2006 Appropriation (Parliament 2006/2007) Act 2006 63/2006 Mineral Resources Development (Sustainable Development) Act 2006 71/2006 Transport (Taxi-cab Accreditation and Other Amendments) Act 2006 81/2006 Road Legislation (Projects and Road Safety) Act 2006 2007 20/2007 Appropriation (Parliament 2007/2008) Act 2007 23/2007 Appropriation (2007/2008) Act 2007 45/2007 Land (Revocation of Reservations) Act 2007 571004B.I-4/2/2011 24 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Sch. 2 Act No. Title of Act 2008 7/2008 Crimes Amendment (Child Homicide) Act 2008 571004B.I-4/2/2011 25 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
Statute Law Revision Bill 2011 Endnotes ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 571004B.I-4/2/2011 26 BILL LC INTRODUCTION 7/2/2011
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