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 Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014
                             No.           of 2014

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                     Page

PART 1--PRELIMINARY                                                           1
 1       Purpose                                                              1
 2       Commencement                                                         2

REGISTRATION ACT 2004                                                         3
 3       Definitions                                                          3
 4       New section 4A inserted                                              3
         4A        When does a registrable offender have contact with
                   a child?                                                   3
 5       Sex offender registration order                                      4
 6       Initial report by registrable offender of personal details           5
 7       Registrable offender must report changes to relevant personal
         details                                                              5
 8       Intended absence from Victoria to be reported                        6
 9       Change of travel plans while out of Victoria to be given             6
 10      Registrable offender to report return to Victoria or decision
         not to leave                                                         6
 11      New section 21A inserted                                             7
         21A       Additional reporting obligation in relation to travel
                   out of Australia                                           7
 12      How reports to be made                                               8
 13      Section 30 substituted                                               8
         30        Retention of material for certain purposes                 8
 14      Suspension and extension of reporting obligations                    9
 15      Headings                                                             9
 16      New section 45A inserted                                            10
         45A       Chief Commissioner of Police may suspend reporting
                   obligations for period not exceeding 12 months in
                   certain circumstances                                     10
 17      Offence of failing to comply with reporting obligations             11
 18      Section 47 substituted                                              12
         47        Offence of furnishing false or misleading information     12
 19      Modification of ongoing reporting obligations                       13
 20      Access to register to be restricted                                 13




Clause Page 21 Person with access to Register not to disclose personal information from it 13 22 New section 64A inserted 13 64A Disclosure of de-identified information 13 23 Definitions 14 24 New section 73E inserted 14 73E Transitional provisions--Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 14 25 Regulations 16 26 Schedule 1--Class 1 offences 17 27 Schedule 2--Class 2 offences 18 PART 3--AMENDMENT OF OTHER ACTS 20 Division 1--Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 20 28 New Part 3.2A inserted 20 PART 3.2A--DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ABOUT CHILD'S CONTACT WITH REGISTRABLE OFFENDER 20 42A Interpretation 20 42B Secretaries may disclose information relating to registrable offenders 21 42C Chief Commissioner of Police and Secretary may disclose information relating to registrable offenders 21 42D Disclosure of certain information relating to registrable offender in certain circumstances 22 42E Information obtained in certain circumstances not to be disclosed without authority 23 Division 2--Freedom of Information Act 1982 24 29 Law enforcement documents 24 PART 4--REPEAL OF AMENDING ACT 25 30 Repeal of amending Act 25 ENDNOTES 26 ii



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 [Assented to ] The Parliament of Victoria enacts: PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1 Purpose The purpose of this Act is to amend-- (a) the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 to-- (i) further provide for reporting obligations under Part 3 of that Act; and 1



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 1--Preliminary s. 2 (ii) further provide for the retention of certain material for law enforcement, crime prevention and child protection purposes; and (iii) provide for the disclosure of information contained in the Register established and maintained under section 62 of that Act; and (b) the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 to provide for the disclosure of information relating to registrable offenders; and (c) the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to provide for the exemption of documents contained in the Register established and maintained under section 62 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 from the operation of that Act. 2 Commencement (1) This Part and sections 13, 14, 15, 16 and 20 come into operation on the day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. (2) Subject to subsection (3), the remaining provisions of this Act come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. (3) If a provision referred to in subsection (2) does not come into operation before 1 June 2015, it comes into operation on that day. __________________ 2



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 3 PART 2--AMENDMENT OF SEX OFFENDERS REGISTRATION ACT 2004 3 Definitions (1) In section 3 of the Sex Offenders Registration See: Act No. Act 2004 insert the following definition-- 56/2004. Reprint No. 4 "contact--see section 4A;". as at 16 July 2012 (2) In section 3 of the Sex Offenders Registration and amending Act 2004, for the definition of detainee Act Nos substitute-- 82/2012, 32/2013, "detainee means a person detained in a youth 76/2013, 7/2014, justice centre or youth residential centre 17/2014, within the meaning of the Children, Youth 26/2014 and 37/2014. and Families Act 2005;". LawToday: www. (3) In section 3 of the Sex Offenders Registration legislation. Act 2004, in the definition of existing controlled registrable offender, for paragraph (b) substitute-- "(b) a person detained in a youth training centre or youth residential centre within the meaning of the Children and Young Persons Act 1989; or". 4 New section 4A inserted After section 4 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "4A When does a registrable offender have contact with a child? For the purposes of this Act, a registrable offender has contact with a child if the offender-- (a) resides with the child; or (b) stays overnight at a place of residence where the child resides or is staying overnight; or 3



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 5 (c) cares for, or supervises, the child; or (d) provides the offender's contact details to the child or receives the child's contact details from the child; or (e) engages in any of the following with the child for the purpose of forming a personal relationship with the child-- (i) any form of actual physical contact; (ii) any form of oral communication (whether face to face, by telephone or by use of the internet); (iii) any form of written communication (whether electronic or otherwise).". 5 Sex offender registration order (1) In section 11(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, after "guilty of an offence" insert "committed as an adult". (2) After section 11(2A) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "(2B) An order under subsection (2A), for any period during which the person is a child, may-- (a) exempt the person from any particular reporting obligation; or (b) modify any particular reporting obligation.". (3) In section 11(6) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "30 days" substitute "45 days". 4



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 6 6 Initial report by registrable offender of personal details (1) For section 14(1)(e) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 substitute-- "(e) the name of each child with whom he or she has contact; (ea) in respect of each child with whom he or she has contact-- (i) the child's age, residential address and telephone number; or (ii) if the child's age, residential address or telephone number is not known to him or her--the location where the contact takes place;". (2) In section 14(2)(a) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "14 days" substitute "7 days". (3) Section 14(2)(b) and (c) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 is repealed. 7 Registrable offender must report changes to relevant personal details (1) In section 17(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "14 days" substitute "7 days". (2) In section 17(1A) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "14(2)(b) or (2)(c)" substitute "14(1)(d) or (1)(e)". (3) In section 17(1B) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "14 days" (wherever occurring) substitute "7 days". (4) In section 17(2) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 for "or a child generally resides, or as to when the registrable offender has unsupervised contact" substitute "generally 5



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 8 resides, or as to when the registrable offender has contact". (5) In section 17(3) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "14 days after entering and remaining in Victoria for 14" substitute "7 days after entering and remaining in Victoria for 7". (6) In section 17(4)(a) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "28 days" substitute "7 days". 8 Intended absence from Victoria to be reported In section 18(1)(a) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "14 or more" substitute "2 or more". 9 Change of travel plans while out of Victoria to be given In section 19(1)(a) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "13 days" substitute "2 days". 10 Registrable offender to report return to Victoria or decision not to leave (1) For section 20(2) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 substitute-- "(2) If the registrable offender left Victoria and was elsewhere in Australia, he or she must report his or her return to Victoria to the Chief Commissioner of Police within 7 days after entering and remaining in Victoria for 7 or more consecutive days, not counting any days spent in government custody. (2A) If the registrable offender left Victoria and was out of Australia, he or she must report his or her return to Victoria to the Chief Commissioner of Police within 1 day after entering and remaining in Victoria for 2 or 6



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 11 more consecutive days, not counting any days spent in government custody.". (2) In section 20(3) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "14 days" substitute "7 days". 11 New section 21A inserted After section 21 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "21A Additional reporting obligation in relation to travel out of Australia (1) This section applies if a registrable offender is required to report in accordance with-- (a) section 18 that the registrable offender intends to leave Victoria to travel out of Australia; or (b) section 20(2A) that the registrable offender has returned to Victoria after the period of travel referred to in paragraph (a). (2) The registrable offender must, at the time of making a report referred to in subsection (1), produce to the Chief Commissioner of Police-- (a) the registrable offender's passport; and (b) documents specified by the regulations for the purposes of this section to verify or support the details in the report; and (c) in the case of a report referred to in subsection (1)(b)--if the registrable offender, during the period of travel referred to in subsection (1)(a), made a report under section 19, documents specified by the regulations for the 7



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 12 purposes of this section to verify or support the details in that report.". 12 How reports to be made After section 23(1)(b) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "(ba) a report required by section 18(1)(b) (intended absence from Victoria to travel out of Australia); and (bb) a report required by section 20(2A) (registrable offender to report return to Victoria after travel out of Australia); and". 13 Section 30 substituted For section 30 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 substitute-- "30 Retention of material for certain purposes (1) The Chief Commissioner of Police may retain for law enforcement, crime prevention or child protection purposes any of the following taken under this Division from, or in relation to, a registrable offender whose reporting period ends on or after the commencement day-- (a) copies of any documents; (b) any fingerprints or fingerscans; (c) any photographs. (2) In this section, commencement day means the day on which section 13 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 comes into operation.". 8



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 14 14 Suspension and extension of reporting obligations In section 32(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004-- (a) in paragraph (c), for "jurisdiction)." substitute "jurisdiction); or"; (b) after paragraph (c) insert-- "(d) is the subject of a notice under section 45A.". 15 Headings (1) For the heading to Division 6 of Part 3 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 substitute-- "Division 6--Suspension from reporting obligations". (2) In the heading to section 39 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "exempt certain registrable offenders" substitute "suspend certain registrable offenders' reporting obligations". (3) In the heading to section 39A of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "exemption" substitute "suspension". (4) In the heading to section 44A of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "exemption" substitute "suspension". 9



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 16 16 New section 45A inserted After section 45 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "45A Chief Commissioner of Police may suspend reporting obligations for period not exceeding 12 months in certain circumstances (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Chief Commissioner of Police, by written notice served on a registrable offender, may suspend the registrable offender's reporting obligations for a period (not exceeding 12 months) specified in the notice. (2) The Chief Commissioner of Police must not act under subsection (1) unless satisfied that the registrable offender does not pose a risk to the sexual safety of one or more persons or of the community. (3) In deciding whether to act under subsection (1), the Chief Commissioner of Police must take into account-- (a) the seriousness of the registrable offender's registrable offences and corresponding registrable offences; and (b) the period of time since those offences were committed; and (c) the age of the registrable offender, the age of the victims of those offences and the difference in age between the registrable offender and the victims of those offences, as at the time those offences were committed; and (d) the registrable offender's present age; and 10



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 17 (e) the registrable offender's total criminal record; and (f) the extent to which the registrable offender has complied with their reporting obligations; and (g) the registrable offender's physical or cognitive capacity to comply with their reporting obligations; and (h) any other matter that the Chief Commissioner of Police considers appropriate. (4) The Chief Commissioner of Police-- (a) may suspend a registrable offender's reporting obligations more than once; and (b) may cancel a suspension under this section at any time. (5) A suspension under this section is taken to be cancelled if during the period of the suspension an order is made under section 40 in respect of the registrable offender.". 17 Offence of failing to comply with reporting obligations For section 46(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 substitute-- "(1) A registrable offender who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with any of the registrable offender's reporting obligations (other than reporting obligations in respect of details to which section 14 applies) is guilty of an offence and liable to level 6 imprisonment (5 years maximum). 11



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 18 (1A) A registrable offender who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with any of the registrable offender's reporting obligations in respect of details to which section 14(1)(d), (da), (db), (dc), (dd), (e), (ea), (f), (g), (j), (k) or (m) applies is guilty of an offence and liable to level 6 imprisonment (5 years maximum). (1B) A registrable offender who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with any of the registrable offender's reporting obligations in respect of details to which section 14(1)(a), (b), (c), (h), (i) or (l) applies is guilty of an offence and liable to level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum).". 18 Section 47 substituted For section 47 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 substitute-- "47 Offence of furnishing false or misleading information (1) A registrable offender who in purported compliance with this Part furnishes details (other than details to which section 14 applies) that the registrable offender knows to be false or misleading in a material particular is guilty of an offence and liable to level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum) or a level 7 fine (240 penalty units). (2) A registrable offender who in purported compliance with this Part furnishes details to which section 14(1)(d), (da), (db), (dc), (dd), (e), (ea), (f), (g), (j), (k) or (m) applies that the registrable offender knows to be false or misleading in a material particular is guilty of an offence and liable to level 6 imprisonment (5 years maximum). 12



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 19 (3) A registrable offender who in purported compliance with this Part furnishes details to which section 14(1)(a), (b), (c), (h), (i) or (l) applies that the registrable offender knows to be false or misleading in a material particular is guilty of an offence and liable to level 7 imprisonment (2 years maximum).". 19 Modification of ongoing reporting obligations In section 61 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "21" substitute "21A". 20 Access to register to be restricted After section 63(1B) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "(1C) Despite subsection (1)(b), for the purposes of administering the Firearms Act 1996, the Chief Commissioner of Police may notify the Firearms Appeals Committee established under Part 9 of that Act, and any person assisting that Committee, of part or all of the information relating to a registrable offender that is in the Register.". 21 Person with access to Register not to disclose personal information from it In section 64(2)(b) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, for "as required" substitute "as authorised or required". 22 New section 64A inserted After section 64 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "64A Disclosure of de-identified information (1) The Chief Commissioner of Police, if the Chief Commissioner considers it appropriate to do so, may provide to any person information in the Register in respect of one 13



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 23 or more registrable offenders if the information is de-identified information. (2) The Chief Commissioner of Police may impose any restriction or condition that the Chief Commissioner thinks fit on the use of de-identified information disclosed under subsection (1). (3) A person to whom de-identified information is disclosed under subsection (1) must comply with any restriction or condition on its use that is imposed by the Chief Commissioner. Penalty: 10 penalty units in the case of a natural person; 50 penalty units in the case of a body corporate. (4) In this section-- de-identified information means information about an individual whose identity, or the identity of any other individual, is not apparent or cannot reasonably be ascertained from the information.". 23 Definitions In section 67(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, the definition of contact is repealed. 24 New section 73E inserted After section 73D of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "73E Transitional provisions--Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 (1) Section 11(6), as amended by section 5(3) of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014, applies only to a 14



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 24 sentence that is imposed on or after the commencement of section 5(3) of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014. (2) Section 17(1), (1A), (1B), (2) and (3), as amended by section 7 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014, applies only to a change to personal details that occurs on or after the commencement of section 7 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014. (3) Section 17(4), as amended by section 7 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 applies only to a registrable offender who ceases to be in government custody on or after the commencement of section 7 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014. (4) Section 18(1)(a), as amended by section 8 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014, applies only in respect of an absence from Victoria that is to commence on or after the day that is 9 days after the commencement of section 8 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 comes into operation. (5) Section 19(1)(a), as amended by section 9 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014, applies only in respect of an extension of a stay elsewhere in Australia that commences on or after the day that is 9 days after the commencement of section 9 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 comes into operation. 15



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 25 (6) Section 20(2), as substituted by section 10(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014, applies only to a registrable offender who returns to Victoria on or after the commencement of section 10(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014. (7) Section 20(2A) applies only to a registrable offender who returns to Victoria on or after the commencement of section 10(1) of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014. (8) Section 20(3), as amended by section 10(2) of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014, applies only to a registrable offender's decision on or after the commencement of section 10(2) of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 not to leave Victoria. (9) Section 21A applies only in respect of a report of a kind referred to in that section that is made on or after the commencement of section 11 of the Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014.". 25 Regulations After section 75(1)(a)(iii) of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "(iv) without limiting any other power under this section, for the purposes of section 21A, the documents to be produced to verify or support the details in a report referred to in that section;". 16



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 26 26 Schedule 1--Class 1 offences (1) Item 7 of Schedule 1 to the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 is repealed. (2) After item 8 of Schedule 1 to the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "8A. An offence against any of the following sections of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth-- (i) section 272.8(1) and (2) (sexual intercourse with child outside Australia); (ii) section 272.9(1) and (2) (sexual activity (other than sexual intercourse) with child outside Australia); (iii) section 272.10(1) (aggravated offence--child with mental impairment or under care, supervision or authority of defendant); (iv) section 272.11(1) (persistent sexual abuse of child outside Australia); (v) section 272.12(1) and (2) (sexual intercourse with young person outside Australia--defendant in position of trust or authority); (vi) section 272.13(1) and (2) (sexual activity (other than sexual intercourse) with young person outside Australia-- defendant in position of trust or authority); (vii) section 272.14(1) (procuring child to engage in sexual activity outside Australia); 17



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 27 (viii) section 272.15(1) ("grooming" child to engage in sexual activity outside Australia).". 27 Schedule 2--Class 2 offences (1) Item 27 of Schedule 2 to the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 is repealed. (2) After item 28AA of Schedule 2 to the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 insert-- "28AB. An offence against any of the following sections of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth-- (i) section 272.18(1) (benefiting from offence against this Division); (ii) section 272.19(1) (encouraging offence against this Division); (iii) section 272.20(1) and (2) (preparing for or planning offence against this Division); (iv) section 273.5(1) (possessing, controlling, producing, distributing or obtaining child pornography material outside Australia); (v) section 273.6(1) (possessing, controlling, producing, distributing or obtaining child abuse material outside Australia); (vi) section 273.7(1) (aggravated offence-- offence involving conduct on 3 or more occasions and 2 or more people).". 18



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 2--Amendment of Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 s. 27 (3) In item 28A of Schedule 2 to the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004-- (a) in paragraph (vi), for "age)." substitute "age);"; (b) after paragraph (vi) insert-- "(vii) section 474.27A(1) (using a carriage service to transmit indecent communication to person under 16 years of age).". __________________ 19



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 3--Amendment of Other Acts s. 28 PART 3--AMENDMENT OF OTHER ACTS Division 1--Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 28 New Part 3.2A inserted See: After Part 3.2 of the Children, Youth and Act No. 96/2005. Families Act 2005 insert-- Reprint No. 4 as at 27 March 2013 and "PART 3.2A--DISCLOSURE OF amending INFORMATION ABOUT CHILD'S CONTACT Act Nos WITH REGISTRABLE OFFENDER 96/2005, 9/2013, 30/2013, 42A Interpretation 52/2013, 63/2013, (1) In this Part-- 67/2013, 74/2013, authorised person means a person who is 17/2014, authorised in writing by the Secretary 19/2014, 26/2014, under subsection (2); 29/2014, 36/2014, contact has the same meaning as in the Sex 37/2014, Offenders Registration Act 2004; 42/2014 and 47/2014. LawToday: registrable offence has the same meaning as www. in the Sex Offenders Registration Act legislation. 2004; registrable offender has the same meaning as in the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004; sex offender registration order has the same meaning as in the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004. (2) The Secretary, in writing, may authorise a person, or a class of person, to act under section 42D(2). 20



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 3--Amendment of Other Acts s. 28 42B Secretaries may disclose information relating to registrable offenders (1) The Secretary to the Department of Justice may disclose to the Secretary any information about a registrable offender that is obtained or received by the Secretary to the Department of Justice in the performance of a function under the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 that indicates that the registrable offender has, or has had, contact with a child. (2) The Secretary may disclose to the Secretary to the Department of Justice any information about a registrable offender that is obtained or received by the Secretary in the performance of a function under this Act in relation to a child who has, or has had, contact with the registrable offender. 42C Chief Commissioner of Police and Secretary may disclose information relating to registrable offenders (1) The Chief Commissioner of Police may disclose to the Secretary any information contained in a report the Chief Commissioner receives under Part 3 of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 from a registrable offender if the report indicates that the registrable offender has, or has had, contact with a child. (2) The Secretary may disclose to the Chief Commissioner of Police any information about a registrable offender that is obtained or received by the Secretary in the performance of a function under this Act in relation to a child who has, or has had, contact with the registrable offender. 21



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 3--Amendment of Other Acts s. 28 42D Disclosure of certain information relating to registrable offender in certain circumstances (1) This section applies if the Secretary receives information about a registrable offender under section 42B(1) or 42C(1) that includes information of a kind referred to in subsection (2)(a) to (d). (2) The Secretary or an authorised person may disclose the following information to any other person if the Secretary or authorised person believes on reasonable grounds that the disclosure of the information to that person is in the interests of the safety and wellbeing of the child referred to in the information-- (a) the registrable offender's name; (b) details of each offence of which the registrable offender has been found guilty that resulted in the making of a sex offender registration order; (c) the date on which the registrable offender was sentenced for any registrable offence; (d) the length of the reporting period under the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 that applies to the registrable offender; (e) any other information that the Secretary or authorised person believes on reasonable grounds is in the interests of the safety and wellbeing of the child. (3) Before acting under subsection (2), the Secretary or authorised person must take reasonable steps to notify the registrable offender of the Secretary or authorised 22



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 3--Amendment of Other Acts s. 28 person's intention to act under that subsection unless the Secretary or authorised person believes on reasonable grounds that doing so would endanger the life or safety of any person. (4) An authorised person must not act under subsection (2) other than in accordance with the terms of their authorisation. Penalty: 60 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment or both. (5) Subsection (2) applies despite anything to the contrary in this or the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004. 42E Information obtained in certain circumstances not to be disclosed without authority A person who is employed or engaged in the administration of this Act or the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, or a police officer, must not disclose information of a kind referred to in section 42D(2)(a) to (d) to any other person if the person or officer-- (a) receives that information in the course of that employment or engagement or in the course of performing a duty as a police officer; and (b) is not an authorised person; and (c) is not otherwise authorised to do so. Penalty: 120 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months or both. __________________". 23



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 3--Amendment of Other Acts s. 29 Division 2--Freedom of Information Act 1982 29 Law enforcement documents See: After section 31(3) of the Freedom of Act No. 9859. Reprint No. 8 Information Act 1982 insert-- as at 1 December "(4) Despite anything to the contrary in this 2012 and amending section, a document is an exempt document Act Nos if it is a document contained in the Register 82/2012, 70/2013, established and maintained under section 62 1/2014, of the Sex Offenders Registration Act 17/2014 and 37/2014. 2004.". LawToday: www. legislation. __________________ 24



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Part 4--Repeal of Amending Act s. 30 PART 4--REPEAL OF AMENDING ACT 30 Repeal of amending Act This Act is repealed on 1 June 2016. Note The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 25



Sex Offenders Registration Amendment Act 2014 No. of 2014 Endnotes ENDNOTES Minister's second reading speech-- Legislative Council: Legislative Assembly: The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to amend the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004, the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 and the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and for other purposes." By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 26




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