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Suburban Rail Loop Bill 2021

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                             No.            of 2021

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                            Page
Part 1--Preliminary                                                  1
 1       Purposes                                                    1
 2       Commencement                                                2
 3       Definitions                                                 2
 4       Filming Approval Act 2014                                  10
 5       Suburban Rail Loop program objectives                      10
 6       Act binds the Crown                                        11
 7       Extraterritorial operation                                 12
Part 2--Suburban Rail Loop Authority                                 13
Division 1--Establishment                                            13
 8       Establishment                                              13
 9       Official seal                                              13
 10      Object of Authority                                        13
 11      Authority represents the Crown                             13
Division 2--Functions and powers                                     14
 12      Functions of Authority                                     14
 13      General powers of Authority                                17
 14      Ministerial approval required for certain activities       19
 15      Ministerial approval required for certain transactions     20
 16      Land and other property transfers                          20
 17      Ministerial directions                                     20
 18      Power to give direction to act in commercial manner        22
Division 3--Board of the Authority                                   22
 19      Board of Directors                                         22
 20      Constitution of board                                      22
 21      Appointment of directors                                   22
 22      Eligibility criteria for appointment of directors          23
 23      Acting appointments                                        24
 24      Vacancies and removal from office                          26
 25      Resignation                                                27
 26      Suspension                                                 27
 27      Proceedings of board                                       27
 28      Participation in meetings by telephone etc.                27

Clause                                                                    Page

 29      Resolutions without meetings                                       28
 30      Disclosure of interests                                            29
 31      Authority must publish certain codes, policies, procedures or
         processes                                                          30
 32      Authority not to make loans to directors                           30
 33      Indemnity                                                          31
Division 4--Staffing and delegation                                          31
 34      Chief executive officer                                            31
 35      Acting chief executive officer                                     32
 36      Staff                                                              33
 37      Delegation by Authority                                            33
Division 5--Corporate plan                                                   34
 38      Corporate plan                                                     34
 39      Consultation regarding corporate plan                              35
 40      Modification of corporate plan                                     36
 41      Directions in relation to corporate plan                           36
 42      Statement of corporate intent--contents                             37
 43      Corporate plan to be followed                                      37
 44      Board to give notice of significant events                         38
 45      Nothing void merely because of non-compliance                      38
Division 6--Financial provisions                                             38
 46      General Fund                                                       38
 47      Project Funds                                                      39
 48      Borrowing and investment by Authority                              41
 49      Capital                                                            41
 50      Dividends                                                          41
 51      Exceptions from State Owned Enterprises Act 1992                   42
 52      Exemption from duties, rates, taxes, levies or charges             42
Division 7--Special land acquisition and development powers                  43
 53      Compulsory acquisition of land                                     43
 54      Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963                           44
 55      Authority may enter into certain agreements for land within or
         anticipated to be within a project area                            44
Division 8--Special project development related functions and
powers                                                                      45
 56      Power to enter land by persons authorised by Authority             45
 57      Authorised persons for the purposes of section 56                  47
 58      Utility interface powers in relation to Suburban Rail Loop
         program                                                            47
Division 9--Reports by the Authority                                         48
 59      Reports to Minister or Treasurer                                   48

Clause                                                                    Page

 60      Annual report of operations                                        48
Division 10--Miscellaneous                                                   49
 61      Validity of decisions--board                                        49
 62      Validity of decisions--chief executive officer                      50
 63      Reciprocal arrangements with Ministers, public sector entities
         and public authorities                                             50
 64      Minister may declare subsidiary represents Crown                   51
Part 3--Suburban Rail Loop planning interface                                52
 65      Declaration of Suburban Rail Loop planning areas                   52
 66      Preparation of plans of the purposes of Suburban Rail Loop
         planning area declarations                                         52
 67      Publication of Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration        53
 68      When a Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration takes
         effect                                                             53
 69      Minister to ensure consolidated version of Suburban Rail Loop
         planning area declaration is available                             53
 70      Minister to give Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration
         to Planning and Environment Act Minister                           54
 71      Minister to give Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration
         to affected Councils                                               54
Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects                                          56
Division 1--Commencement of projects                                         56
 72      Declaration of Suburban Rail Loop projects                         56
 73      Content of Suburban Rail Loop project declaration                  57
 74      More than one Suburban Rail Loop project declaration may
         specify the same area of land                                      57
 75      Publication of Suburban Rail Loop project declaration              57
 76      When a Suburban Rail Loop project declaration takes effect         58
 77      Premier to ensure consolidated version of Suburban Rail Loop
         project declaration is available                                   58
 78      Interrelationship with Major Transport Projects Facilitation
         Act 2009                                                           59
Division 2--Completion of projects                                           60
 79      Notification of completion of Suburban Rail Loop project or a
         part of a project                                                  60
 80      Project completion declaration                                     60
 81      Content of project completion declaration                          61
 82      Publication of project completion declaration                      62
 83      When project completion declaration takes effect                   62
 84      Authority ceases to have functions in relation to applicable
         project area under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation
         Act 2009                                                           62

Clause                                                                   Page

Part 5--General                                                             63
  85     Delegation by Minister                                            63
  86     Improper use of information                                       64
  87     Information to be confidential                                    65
  88     Who is connected with Authority                                   66
  89     Obligations of public entities and public service bodies          66
  90     Governor in Council may require public authorities to act         67
  91     Proceedings                                                       67
  92     Evidence                                                          68
  93     Service of documents                                              69
  94     Other laws not affected                                           70
  95     Exclusion of proportionate liability under Wrongs Act 1958        71
  96     Excluded matter for Corporations Act                              71
  97     Certain instruments are not legislative instruments for the
         purposes of Subordinate Legislation Act 1994                      72
  98     Regulations                                                       72
Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions                       74
Division 1--Preliminary                                                     74
  99     Definitions                                                       74
  100    Application of Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984             75
  101    Minister may fix relevant date                                    75
Division 2--Transfer of property, rights and liabilities                    76
  102    Secretary to prepare allocation statement or statements           76
  103    Certificate of Secretary                                          76
  104    Property, rights and liabilities allocated in accordance with
         statement                                                         77
  105    Allocation of property etc. subject to encumbrances               78
  106    Substitution of party to agreement                                78
  107    Former Crown instruments                                          78
  108    Proceedings                                                       79
  109    Taxes                                                             79
  110    Evidence                                                          79
Division 3--Other transitional arrangements                                 80
  111    Chief executive officer of the Authority                          80
  112    Superseded references                                             80
Division 4--Other provisions related to transition to Authority             81
  113    Partial revocation of certain reserved land                       81
Division 5--Miscellaneous                                                   83
  114    Validity of things done under this Part                           83
  115    Regulations dealing with transitional matters                     84

Clause                                                                  Page

Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987                     86
 116     Definitions                                                      86
 117     Obligations of Department Head in relation to Yarra River
         land                                                             86
 118     Obligations of Department Head in relation to declared areas     87
 119     Municipal council as planning authority for its municipal
         district                                                         87
 120     Municipal council as planning authority for area adjoining
         municipal district                                               88
 121     New sections 8C and 8D inserted                                  89
 122     New section 9A inserted                                          90
 123     Exemption from giving notice                                     91
 124     New section 34A inserted                                         91
 125     Approval of amendment by Minister                                93
 126     Parliament may revoke an amendment                               93
 127     Defects in procedure                                             94
 128     Advisory committees                                              94
 129     Appointment of panels                                            94
 130     New section 158AA inserted                                       95
 131     Exemption from paying GAIC for land dealings involving
         public authorities and councils                                  96
 132     Repeal of this Part                                              96
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation
Act 2009                                                                  97
 133     Definitions                                                      97
 134     New section 4A inserted                                          99
 135     Designation of project contractor                                99
 136     Designation of project area                                     100
 137     Variations to project area                                      100
 138     Consolidated plans for project area                             101
 139     Division 1 of Part 5 repealed                                   101
 140     A project authority's functions                                 101
 141     Section 102 substituted                                         101
 142     Delegation--when the Secretary is the project authority          104
 143     New Division 1AA inserted in Part 6                             105
 144     Powers of acquisition                                           108
 145     Application of Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986       108
 146     New section 113A inserted                                       108
 147     Section 114 substituted                                         109
 148     Certain acquired land taken to be reserved                      109
 149     Acquisition of easement--easement in gross                       110
 150     Section 117 substituted                                         110
 151     Modification of Land Acquisition and Compensation Act
         1986--general                                                    111
 152     Sections 119, 120 and 121 repealed                              111

Clause                                                                 Page

 153     Planning compensation                                          112
 154     Modification of Land Acquisition and Compensation Act
         1986--regulations                                               112
 155     Transfer of building or structure as compensation              112
 156     Compulsory acquisition of native title rights and interests    112
 157     Power of project authority to purchase land                    113
 158     Amendment of heading to Subdivision 1 of Division 4 of
         Part 6                                                         113
 159     Surrender or divesting of land of public authorities and
         Councils                                                       113
 160     Surrender of interests in unreserved Crown land                114
 161     Effect of surrender or divesting                               115
 162     New section 136A inserted                                      116
 163     Temporary reservation may be amended or revoked                118
 164     Section 137A repealed                                          118
 165     Surrender of land by project authority                         118
 166     Revocation of reservations--entire reservation                  119
 167     Revocation of reservations--part of reservation                 119
 168     Effect of revocation of reservations                           119
 169     Temporary reservation may be amended or revoked                120
 170     New heading to Subdivision 2A of Division 4 of Part 6          120
 171     Other Crown land to be designated for approved project         121
 172     New section 142B inserted                                      122
 173     Orders may continue or declare roads                           123
 174     Compensation--surrender, divesting or revocation of
         reservation                                                    123
 175     Compensation for Councils in certain circumstances             124
 176     Effect of reservation of a stratum of Crown land               124
 177     Power to enter into possession                                 124
 178     Project authority must try to obtain agreement                 124
 179     Early entry of place of residence or business                  124
 180     New section 155A inserted                                      124
 181     Recovery of rent                                               125
 182     Section 160 substituted                                        125
 183     Section 161 repealed                                           125
 184     Amendment of heading to Division 6 of Part 6                   125
 185     New section 161A inserted                                      125
 186     Section 162 substituted and new sections 162A and 162B
         inserted                                                       126
 187     Sections 163 and 164 substituted                               131
 188     New section 165A inserted                                      133
 189     Heading to Subdivision 1 of Division 7 of Part 6 amended       133
 190     New sections 165B to 165N inserted                             133
 191     New Subdivision 1A heading inserted in Division 7 of Part 6    149
 192     Sections 167 and 168 substituted                               149
 193     Project authority liable to pay compensation                   153
 194     Section 170 repealed                                           154

Clause                                                                     Page

 195      New Subdivision 1B heading inserted in Division 7 of Part 6       154
 196      Section 171A substituted                                          154
 197      Application of Subdivision 2 of Division 7 of Part 6              155
 198      Application of Subdivision 3 of Division 7 of Part 6              155
 199      Surplus land                                                      156
 200      Section 181 substituted                                           156
 201      Removal of reservation of Crown land before estates or
          interests granted under section 181                               157
 202      Section 183 substituted                                           157
 203      Section 186 substituted and new sections 186A to 186E
          inserted                                                          160
 204      Project authority to advise coordinating road authority before
          exercising power                                                  168
 205      Sections 188 and 189 substituted                                  168
 206      Section 190 repealed--temporary closure of roads to traffic        171
 207      Compensation for denial of access following discontinuation
          or realignment of road                                            171
 208      New section 191A inserted                                         172
 209      Compensation for affected utilities                               173
 210      New Subdivision 3 of Division 8 of Part 6 inserted                174
 211      New section 207A inserted                                         179
 212      Taxes and duties                                                  180
 213      Limitation on powers of Councils to make local laws               180
 214      Approval of Councils not required                                 181
 215      New section 264 inserted                                          181
 216      New Part 12 inserted                                              184
 217      Consequential amendments--changes relating to giving notice
          and notifying persons                                             189
 218      Repeal of this Part                                               191
Part 9--Amendment of other Acts                                              192
 219      Amendment of other Acts                                           192
 220      Repeal of this Part and Schedule 1                                192
Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts                                          193
Endnotes                                                                    204
 1       General information                                                204

       Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021 
                    No.           of 2021

                           [Assented to                        ]

The Parliament of Victoria enacts:

                Part 1--Preliminary
     1 Purposes
             The main purposes of this Act are--
              (a) to establish the Suburban Rail Loop
                  Authority; and
              (b) to confer on the Authority appropriate
                  functions and powers--
                   (i) for the Authority to plan and deliver the
                       Suburban Rail Loop and development
                       associated with the Suburban Rail
                       Loop; and

            Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                 No.       of 2021
                   Part 1--Preliminary

                (ii) to enable the Authority to operate, or
                     manage the operation of, the Suburban
                     Rail Loop or to manage development
                     associated with the Suburban Rail
2 Commencement
   (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into
       operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
   (2) If a provision of this Act does not come into
       operation before 1 September 2022, it comes into
       operation on that day.
3 Definitions
       In this Act--
       authorised person means a person authorised
           under section 57;
       Authority means the Suburban Rail Loop
           Authority established by section 8;
       board means the board of directors of the
           Authority appointed under section 19;
       building includes--
                (a) a structure; and
                (b) a temporary building; and
                (c) a temporary structure; and
                (d) any part of a building or structure; and
                (e) a fence; and
                (f) a wall; and
                (g) an out-building; and
                (h) a service installation; and
                (i) other appurtenances of a building;
       chairperson means the chairperson appointed
            under section 21;

     Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
          No.       of 2021
         Part 1--Preliminary

chief executive officer means the chief executive
     officer of the Authority appointed under
     section 34;
Council has the same meaning as in section 3(1)
    of the Local Government Act 2020;
Crown land means land which is or is taken to be
    unalienated land of the Crown and
      (a) land of the Crown reserved
          permanently or temporarily by or under
          an Act; and
          The Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.
      (b) land of the Crown occupied by a person
          under a lease or license or other right;
      (c) a stratum of land that is Crown land;
Department means Department of Transport;
Department Head has the same meaning as in
    section 4(1) of the Public Administration
    Act 2004;
deputy chairperson means the deputy chairperson
    appoint under section 21;
development includes--
      (a) the construction, extension, demolition,
          removal or excavation of non-transport
          infrastructure or transport
          infrastructure; and
      (b) the decoration, construction or
          alteration of the inside or outside of,
          or the alteration of, non-transport
          infrastructure or transport
          infrastructure; and

     Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
          No.       of 2021
         Part 1--Preliminary

      (c) tunnelling in or under land; and
      (d) the subdivision or consolidation of
          land, including airspace or a building;
      (e) the erection or removal of, or
          interference with, non-transport
          infrastructure or transport
          infrastructure; and
      (f) any change to the natural or existing
          condition or topography of land; and
      (g) the removal, destruction or lopping of
          trees and the removal of vegetation or
          topsoil; and
      (h) land reclamation and land
          decontamination; and
      (i) the construction, installation or
          provision or operation of facilities or
          services; and
      (j) the placing or relocating of a building,
          non-transport infrastructure or transport
          infrastructure on, in, under or over land;
      (k) the construction or putting up for
          display of signs or hoardings; and
      (l) works within the meaning of the Road
          Management Act 2004; and
     (m) the relocation, deepening, widening or
         otherwise altering of a waterway; and
      (n) a form of development prescribed for
          the purposes of this paragraph;
film friendly principles has the same meaning as
      in section 3 of the Filming Approval
      Act 2014;

     Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
          No.       of 2021
          Part 1--Preliminary

film permit has the same meaning as in section 3
     of the Filming Approval Act 2014;
General Fund--see section 46;
liabilities means all liabilities, duties and
      obligations, whether actual, contingent or
member of staff, of the Authority, means any
   person who is employed or engaged by the
   Authority under section 36;
non-transport infrastructure means infrastructure
     that is not transport infrastructure and
      (a) a facility, building, fixture, fitting or
          permanent structure; and
      (b) art works; and
      (c) civic and open space infrastructure
          including parks and public spaces; and
      (d) telecommunication networks and
          services related to infrastructure; and
      (e) utility infrastructure; and
       (f) infrastructure that is prescribed for the
           purposes of this paragraph; and
      (g) infrastructure ancillary to, related
          to or required in connection with
          infrastructure set out in paragraphs (a)
          to (f);
passenger services has the same meaning as in
     section 3 of the Transport Integration
     Act 2010;
project area--see section 73(1)(b);
project completion declaration means a
     declaration made under section 80;

     Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
          No.       of 2021
         Part 1--Preliminary

Project Fund--see section 47;
property means any legal or equitable estate or
     interest (whether present or future and
     whether vested or contingent) in real or
     personal property of any description;
public authority means--
      (a) a person or body (including a trust)
          established under an Act for a public
          purpose; or
      (b) a Council; or
      (c) a public entity;
public entity has the same meaning as in
     section 4(1) of the Public Administration
     Act 2004;
public land means any of the following
     (including the airspace)--
      (a) Crown land;
      (b) land owned or vested in a public
      (c) land held on trust for public or
          municipal purposes by trustees
          appointed under an Act;
public service body has the same meaning as in
     section 4(1) of the Public Administration
     Act 2004;
rail infrastructure has the same meaning as in
      section 4(1) of the Rail Safety National Law
rights means all rights, powers, privileges and
     immunities, whether actual, contingent or
road has the same meaning as in section 3(1) of
     the Road Management Act 2004;

     Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
          No.       of 2021
         Part 1--Preliminary

road authority has the same meaning as in
     section 3(1) of the Road Management
     Act 2004;
road infrastructure has the same meaning as in
     section 3(1) of the Road Management
     Act 2004;
rolling stock has the same meaning as in
      section 4(1) of the Rail Safety National Law
Secretary means Secretary to the Department;
subsidiary has the same meaning as in section 9 of
     the Corporations Act;
Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration
    means a declaration made under section 65;
Suburban Rail Loop program means--
      (a) the program for--
            (i) the planning, delivery,
                maintenance, operation and
                management of non-transport
                infrastructure and transport
                infrastructure including a new
                orbital rail line from Cheltenham
                to Werribee through Melbourne's
                suburbs; and
           (ii) the planning, delivery and
                management of precinct
                development and associated
                developments connected by,
                related to, adjacent to, in
                proximity to or otherwise
                associated with transport
                infrastructure including the new
                orbital rail line referred to in
                subparagraph (i); and

     Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
          No.       of 2021
          Part 1--Preliminary

      (b) land use planning, or the activation of
          precincts through non-infrastructure
          initiatives, in areas connected, related,
          adjacent, or in proximity to the new
          orbital rail line referred to in paragraph
          (a)(i) and in respect of which the
          Authority undertakes planning and
          development of land to which a
          Suburban Rail Loop planning area
          declaration applies; and
      (c) funding, financing, planning and
          consultation activities and transactions
          including asset disposal in connection
          with the matters set out in paragraphs
          (a) and (b);
Suburban Rail Loop program objectives means
    the objectives set out in section 5;
Suburban Rail Loop project means a
    development or proposed development
    declared to be a Suburban Rail Loop project
    under a Suburban Rail Loop project
Suburban Rail Loop project declaration means a
    declaration under section 72;
temporary structure includes--
      (a) a booth, tent, marquee, or other
          temporary enclosure, whether or not a
          part of the booth, tent, marquee or
          enclosure is permanent; and
      (b) a seating structure whether enclosed or
          not, including a mobile seating
transport assets includes the land, tracks,
     crossings, signals, buildings and structures
     including bridges, overhead wiring, power

     Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
          No.       of 2021
         Part 1--Preliminary

     substations, communications networks, base
     stations, depots and associated buildings;
transport infrastructure means any of the
      (a) road infrastructure;
      (b) rail infrastructure;
      (c) infrastructure that is ancillary to, related
          to or in connection with the movement
          of persons or goods;
      (d) infrastructure that is ancillary to, related
          to or in connection with road
          infrastructure, including--
            (i) a bridge; and
           (ii) an underpass; and
          (iii) a tunnel; and
           (iv) a culvert; and
           (v) a level crossing; and
           (vi) a footpath; and
          (vii) a bicycle path;
      (e) an airport;
      (f) a facility at which--
            (i) goods can be loaded or unloaded
                from rolling stock; and
           (ii) goods can be loaded or unloaded
                from heavy vehicles; and
          (iii) goods referred to in subparagraphs
                (i) and (ii) can be temporarily
      (g) infrastructure related to public transport
          including car parks;

            Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                 No.       of 2021
                 Part 1--Preliminary

             (h) infrastructure that is prescribed for the
                 purposes of this paragraph;
              (i) infrastructure ancillary to, related
                  to or required in connection with
                  infrastructure set out in paragraphs (a)
                  to (h);
       transport system has the same meaning as in
            section 3 of the Transport Integration
            Act 2010;
       utility has the same meaning as in section 3 of the
             Major Transport Projects Facilitation
             Act 2009;
       utility infrastructure has the same meaning as in
             section 3 of the Major Transport Projects
             Facilitation Act 2009;
       vehicle has the same meaning as in section 3(1) of
            the Road Safety Act 1986.
4 Filming Approval Act 2014
       This Act is filming approval legislation within the
       meaning of the Filming Approval Act 2014.
5 Suburban Rail Loop program objectives
       The objectives of the Suburban Rail Loop
       program are--
        (a) to undertake development consistently
              (i) the vision statement set out in
                  Division 1 of Part 2 of the Transport
                  Integration Act 2010 and the transport
                  system objectives set out in Division 2
                  of Part 2 of that Act; and
             (ii) the planning objectives set out in
                  section 4(1) of the Planning and
                  Environment Act 1987; and

            Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                 No.       of 2021
                Part 1--Preliminary

       (b) to integrate a new orbital rail line with
           existing and planned public transport and
           road networks in the State; and
        (c) to facilitate sustainable population growth,
            urban renewal and improved liveability; and
       (d) to encourage land development and the
           facilitation of timely and coordinated
           delivery of non-transport infrastructure,
           transport infrastructure, services and
           residential and commercial development;
        (e) to improve connectivity throughout
            Melbourne by enhancing orbital public
            transport movements in relation to the new
            orbital rail loop; and
        (f) to increase productivity by facilitating
            greater employment, activity and investment
            throughout Victoria; and
       (g) to enhance regional Victorians' access to
           Melbourne suburban health, education and
           employment centres by connecting regional
           rail lines to the new orbital rail loop at major
           interchange stations; and
       (h) to enhance opportunities for the Victorian
           community, Victorian businesses and the
           State to capture value created by the
           development of precincts, non-transport
           infrastructure, transport infrastructure and
           other investments in relation to the new
           orbital rail loop.
6 Act binds the Crown
      This Act binds the Crown in right of Victoria and,
      to the extent that the legislative power of the
      Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other

             Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                  No.       of 2021
                 Part 1--Preliminary

7 Extraterritorial operation
       This Act applies within and outside Victoria to the
       full extent of the extraterritorial legislative power
       of the Parliament.

               Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                    No.       of 2021
           Part 2--Suburban Rail Loop Authority

Part 2--Suburban Rail Loop Authority
          Division 1--Establishment
 8 Establishment
     (1) The Suburban Rail Loop Authority is established.
     (2) The Suburban Rail Loop Authority--
          (a) is a body corporate with perpetual
              succession; and
          (b) has an official seal; and
          (c) may sue and be sued; and
          (d) may acquire, hold and dispose of property;
          (e) may do and suffer all acts and things that a
              body corporate may by law do and suffer.
 9 Official seal
     (1) The official seal of the Authority--
          (a) must be kept in custody as directed by the
              Authority; and
          (b) must not be used except as authorised by the
     (2) All courts must take judicial notice of the seal of
         the Authority affixed to a document and, until the
         contrary is proved, must presume that it was duly
10 Object of Authority
         The object of the Authority is to undertake the
         Suburban Rail Loop program and Suburban Rail
         Loop projects in accordance with the Suburban
         Rail Loop program objectives.
11 Authority represents the Crown
         The Authority represents the Crown.

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
          Part 2--Suburban Rail Loop Authority

     Division 2--Functions and powers
12 Functions of Authority
    (1) The Authority has the functions, powers and
        duties conferred on it by or under this Act or any
        other Act.
    (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Authority has
        the following functions--
         (a) to plan, procure and manage any
             development, non-transport infrastructure,
             transport infrastructure or services for the
             Suburban Rail Loop program;
         (b) to enter into, negotiate and administer
             partnerships, arrangements or agreements in
             relation to--
               (i) the Suburban Rail Loop program and
                   Suburban Rail Loop projects; and
              (ii) the provision of passenger services; and
             (iii) the operation and maintenance of
                   rolling stock, transport assets and
                   transport systems;
         (c) to receive and evaluate submissions from
             any person or body with an interest in the
             Suburban Rail Loop program or Suburban
             Rail Loop projects;
         (d) to coordinate with other persons and bodies
             involved in, or affected by, scoping and
             development of the Suburban Rail Loop
             program and Suburban Rail Loop projects;
         (e) to provide the Minister and other persons
             with advice, information and guidance
             material in relation to--
               (i) the Suburban Rail Loop program and
                   Suburban Rail Loop projects; and

    Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
         No.       of 2021
Part 2--Suburban Rail Loop Authority

     (ii) planning the use, development and
          protection of land required for the
          purposes of the Suburban Rail Loop
          program; and
    (iii) the provision of passenger services; and
    (iv) the operation and maintenance of
         rolling stock, transport assets and
         transport systems;
(f) to seek advice and information in relation
      (i) the Suburban Rail Loop program and
          Suburban Rail Loop projects; and
     (ii) the provision of passenger services; and
    (iii) the operation and maintenance of
          rolling stock, transport assets and
          transport systems;
(g) at the request of the Minister, to advise the
      (i) in relation to the administration of this
          Act; and
     (ii) on planning the use, development and
          protection of Suburban Rail Loop
          projects and related non-transport
          infrastructure and transport
          infrastructure; and
    (iii) on planning the use of rolling stock,
          transport assets and transport systems;
(h) to procure any rolling stock, transport assets
    and plan and procure transport systems;
(i) to operate and maintain, or permit and
    manage access to, transport assets, transport
    systems, non-transport infrastructure and
    transport infrastructure built in relation to the
    Suburban Rail Loop program;

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 (j) to determine and collect user charges, fees
     and fares related to the Suburban Rail Loop
     program, the provision of passenger services
     or the use of non-transport infrastructure or
     transport infrastructure built in relation to the
     Suburban Rail Loop program;
(k) to collect and retain money received by or on
    behalf of the Authority--
      (i) related to the Suburban Rail Loop
          program; or
      (ii) for services provided by means of the
           use of--
           (A) non-transport infrastructure or
               transport infrastructure built in
               relation to the Suburban Rail Loop
               program; or
           (B) transport assets and transport
               systems; or
     (iii) for passenger services;
 (l) to enter into financial accommodation or
     other financial arrangements or transactions
     in relation to the Suburban Rail Loop
     program or Suburban Rail Loop projects;
(m) to grant concessions in relation to the
    Suburban Rail Loop program or non-
    transport infrastructure and transport
    infrastructure built in relation to the
    Suburban Rail Loop program;
(n) to act as a trustee or manager of a trust or
    other investment interest in relation to the
    Suburban Rail Loop program or non-
    transport infrastructure and transport
    infrastructure built in relation to the
    Suburban Rail Loop program;

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         (o) to provide Councils and public sector bodies
             (within the meaning of section 4(1) of the
             Public Administration Act 2004) with
             advice and assistance in relation to planning
             the use, development and protection of land
             to which a Suburban Rail Loop planning area
             declaration applies;
         (p) to undertake planning of integrated land use,
             non-transport infrastructure and transport
             infrastructure in relation to land to which a
             Suburban Rail Loop planning area
             declaration applies;
         (q) to coordinate State Government action in
             relation to planning the use, development
             and protection of land to which a Suburban
             Rail Loop planning area declaration applies;
         (r) to undertake strategic planning for the
             development of the Suburban Rail Loop
         (s) any other functions conferred on it under the
             Planning and Environment Act 1987 or
             any other enactment.
13 General powers of Authority
    (1) The Authority has power to do all things that are
        necessary or convenient to be done for or in
        connection with, or incidental to, the achievement
        of its object, the Suburban Rail Loop program
        objectives and the performance of its objectives,
        functions and duties under this or any other Act.
    (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Authority
        may do any one or more of the following--
         (a) form or participate in the formation of a
             corporation, trust, joint venture, partnership
             or other body;

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    Section 84(1) of the Public Administration Act 2004
    requires a public entity to notify the Treasurer of the
    intention to form, or participate in the formation of, a
    body corporate.
(b) acquire, purchase, dispose of, hold or deal in
    assets, businesses or other property, or rights
    and liabilities or contractual interests and
    subscribe for shares in, or debentures, units
    or other securities of, a corporation or trust;
(c) lease, licence, sell, mortgage, use as security
    or otherwise encumber or dispose of any
    property acquired or owned by it;
(d) enter into agreements, arrangements, leases
    or licences and do all things necessary or
    convenient to be done to give effect to the
    agreements, arrangements, leases or licenses;
(e) acquire, own, build, maintain, operate,
    manage or dispose of non-transport
    infrastructure or transport infrastructure;
(f) enter into an agreement or arrangement
    relating to the allocation of revenue received
    by the Authority or its subsidiaries;
(g) act as an agent for another person or body;
(h) engage consultants, contractors or agents;
(i) give indemnities, guarantees and releases,
    and grant or take security and anything else
    of a similar nature;
(j) acquire, hold, accept as a security, or
    otherwise deal with, any intellectual property
    right, plant breeder's right, circuit layout
    right, trade secret, or right arising from
    confidential information;

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          (k) enter into agreements or arrangements for
              the commercial exploitation within or
              outside Victoria of intellectual property
              rights and ancillary services on any terms or
              conditions as to royalties or lump sum
          (l) assign, grant, lease, licence, sell, mortgage,
              use as a security, or otherwise encumber or
              dispose of, any intellectual property right;
         (m) seek any remedy in relation to, or do
             anything necessary to enforce, protect,
             maintain, register or exploit, any intellectual
             property right;
          (n) seek any remedy in relation to, or do
              anything necessary to enforce, protect,
              maintain or exploit, any Crown copyright;
          (o) act as a trustee or manager of a trust or other
              investment interest for another person or
          (p) accept appointment as the committee of
              management of Crown land in relation to the
              Suburban Rail Loop program or Suburban
              Rail Loop projects;
          (q) use public land for Suburban Rail Loop
              projects or achievement of the Suburban Rail
              Loop program objectives.
14 Ministerial approval required for certain activities
         Despite anything to the contrary in this Division,
         the Authority must obtain the written approval of
         the Minister before doing all or any of the
          (a) subscribing for, or otherwise acquiring, or
              holding or disposing of shares in, or
              debentures, units or other securities of, a
              corporation or trust;

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          (b) becoming a member of a company limited by
          (c) acquiring and holding or disposing of an
              interest in a partnership or other body.
15 Ministerial approval required for certain
         Despite anything to the contrary in this Division,
         the Authority must obtain the written approval of
         the Treasurer and the Minister before undertaking
         a function or exercising a power in relation to a
         transaction that is prescribed.
16 Land and other property transfers
         For the purposes of performing its functions, the
         Authority may--
          (a) dispose of land, an interest in land, or any
              property to a subsidiary of the Authority, the
              State or a public authority for nominal
              consideration; or
          (b) accept the transfer of land, an interest in
              land, or any property from a subsidiary of the
              Authority, the State or a public authority for
              nominal consideration.
17 Ministerial directions
     (1) The Authority is subject to the general direction
         and control of the Minister.
     (2) The Authority is subject to any specific direction
         given to it by the Minister.
     (3) The Authority is subject to any specific direction
         given to it by the Minister or the Treasurer--
          (a) to establish a Project Fund in relation to a
              Suburban Rail Loop project; or
          (b) in relation to a payment into or out of a
              Project Fund under section 47.

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 (4) The Authority is subject to any specific direction
     in relation to financial or reporting matters given
     to it by the Treasurer.
 (5) The Authority must publish a specific direction--
      (a) in the Government Gazette; and
      (b) on its Internet site.
 (6) The chief executive officer may cause to be
     published a consolidated version of a direction
     which includes any amendments to the direction
      (a) the Authority determines that the direction
          must be published; or
      (b) the terms of the direction require its
            (i) in the Government Gazette; and
            (ii) on the Internet site of the Authority.
 (7) The Authority must include any direction under
     subsection (2), (3) or (4) (including any amended
     direction) in its report of operations.
 (8) To the extent that a direction referred to in
     subsection (4) is inconsistent with a direction
     referred to in subsection (2), the direction referred
     to in subsection (4) prevails to the extent of the
 (9) If the Authority considers that a direction referred
     to in subsection (2) is inconsistent with a direction
     referred to in subsection (4), the Authority must
     notify the Minister and the Treasurer of the
     inconsistency and the extent of the inconsistency.
(10) An agreement or arrangement entered into under
     this Act in contravention of subsection (2), (3) or
     (4) is not void only because of that contravention.

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18 Power to give direction to act in commercial manner
        The Minister, with the approval of the Treasurer,
        may direct the Authority to act in a commercial
        manner when performing a specified function or

     Division 3--Board of the Authority
19 Board of Directors
    (1) The Authority must have a board of directors.
    (2) The board must consist of no fewer than 3, and no
        more than 9, directors appointed in accordance
        with this Division.
    (3) The board--
         (a) is responsible for the management and
             affairs of the Authority; and
         (b) may exercise the powers of the Authority.
20 Constitution of board
        The board consists of--
         (a) a chairperson; and
         (b) a deputy chairperson; and
         (c) subject to section 19(2), any other director
             appointed in accordance with this Division.
21 Appointment of directors
    (1) The chairperson, deputy chairperson and any other
        director of the Authority must be appointed by the
        Governor in Council on the recommendation of
        the Minister.
    (2) A director is appointed for a term not exceeding
        4 years specified in the instrument of

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     (3) A director is appointed on the terms and
         conditions that are specified in the instrument of
     (4) A director is eligible to be reappointed.
     (5) A director must not serve for more than 8 years
         without the approval of the Premier.
     (6) In the case of an acting director who is appointed
         as a director, the maximum period of appointment
         under subsection (5) is to be determined by taking
         into account any period that the person was
         appointed as acting director within the 24-month
         period immediately before that person was
         appointed director.
     (7) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
         Part 3 of that Act) applies to a director of the
         Authority in respect of the office of director.
22 Eligibility criteria for appointment of directors
         When recommending persons to be directors of
         the Authority, the Minister must ensure as far as is
         practicable that collectively the directors have
         skills, experience or knowledge relating to the
          (a) community engagement;
          (b) corporate governance (including audit and
          (c) delivery, operation and maintenance of
              works, transport infrastructure and services;
          (d) economics and financial management;
          (e) funding and financing non-transport
              infrastructure and transport infrastructure;
          (f) law, particularly commercial, planning,
              property and development law;
          (g) property and land development;

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         (h) public administration;
         (i) public policy;
         (j) urban planning, redevelopment and housing
             economics (including strategic and statutory
23 Acting appointments
    (1) The deputy chairperson of the board must act as
         (a) if the office of chairperson is vacant; or
         (b) during any period when the chairperson is
             absent; or
         (c) if the chairperson is, for any other reason,
             unable to attend meetings of the board of
             directors or otherwise unable to perform the
             duties of the office.
    (2) While the deputy chairperson is acting as
        chairperson, the deputy chairperson--
         (a) has and may exercise all of the powers of the
             chairperson; and
         (b) must perform all of the functions and duties
             of the chairperson; and
         (c) is entitled to be paid the remuneration and
             allowances which the chairperson would
             have been entitled to.
    (3) The Minister may appoint a director of the
        Authority to act as deputy chairperson--
         (a) during a vacancy in the office of deputy
             chairperson; or
         (b) during any period when the deputy
             chairperson is absent; or
         (c) during any period when the deputy
             chairperson is acting as chairperson; or

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     (d) if the deputy chairperson is, for any other
         reason, unable to attend meetings of the
         board or otherwise unable to perform the
         duties of the office.
(4) While a director is acting as deputy chairperson,
    the director--
     (a) has and may exercise all the powers, and
         must perform all the functions and duties, of
         the deputy chairperson; and
     (b) is entitled to be paid the remuneration and
         allowances which the deputy chairperson
         would have been entitled to.
(5) The Minister may appoint a person to act as a
    director (other than the chairperson or deputy
    chairperson) of the Authority--
     (a) during a vacancy in the office of a director;
     (b) during any period when a director is acting
         as deputy chairperson or is unable, for any
         other reason, to attend meetings of the board.
(6) While a person is acting as a director, the
     (a) has and may exercise all the powers, and
         must perform all the functions and duties, of
         a director; and
     (b) is entitled to be paid the remuneration and
         allowances which a director would have
         been entitled to.
(7) An acting appointment under this section must not
    be for a period longer than 12 months.

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24 Vacancies and removal from office
    (1) The office of a director of the Authority becomes
        vacant if the director--
         (a) without the approval of the board, fails to
             attend 3 consecutive meetings of the board;
         (b) becomes a represented person within the
             meaning of section 3(1) of the
             Guardianship and Administration
             Act 2019; or
         (c) becomes insolvent under administration; or
         (d) is found guilty in Victoria of an indictable
             offence or elsewhere of an offence that, if
             committed in Victoria, would be an
             indictable offence.
    (2) The Governor in Council, on the recommendation
        of the Minister, may remove a director of the
        Authority from office on any of the following
         (a) misconduct;
         (b) neglect of duty;
         (c) inability to perform the duties of the office;
         (d) any other ground on which the Governor in
             Council is satisfied that the director should
             not hold office.
    (3) The Minister must recommend that a director
        of the Authority be removed from office if--
         (a) the director is found guilty of an offence
             (other than an indictable offence) relating to
             the director's duties as a director; or
         (b) the director fails to comply with section 30.

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25 Resignation
         A director of the Authority may resign by notice
         in writing delivered to the Minister.
26 Suspension
         The Governor in Council, on the recommendation
         of the Minister, may suspend a director from
27 Proceedings of board
     (1) Subject to subsection (2), meetings of the board
         must be held at the times and places and
         conducted in the form the board determines
     (2) The chairperson of the Authority may at any time
         convene a meeting but must do so when requested
         by a director of the Authority.
     (3) A majority of the directors for the time being of
         the Authority constitute a quorum of the board.
     (4) A question arising at a meeting of the board shall
         be determined by a majority of votes of directors
         of the Authority present and voting on that
         question and, if voting is equal, the person
         presiding has a casting, as well as a deliberative,
     (5) The board must ensure that minutes are kept of
         each meeting.
     (6) Subject to this Act, the board may regulate its own
28 Participation in meetings by telephone etc.
     (1) The board may permit its directors to participate
         in a particular meeting, or all meetings by--
          (a) telephone; or
          (b) closed-circuit television; or

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         (c) any other means of communication
             determined by the board that does not require
             the physical presence of each director in the
             same place.
    (2) A director who participates in a meeting under a
        permission under subsection (1) is present at the
29 Resolutions without meetings
    (1) If--
         (a) the Authority has taken reasonable steps to
             give notice to each director setting out the
             terms of a proposed resolution; and
         (b) a majority of directors for the time being of
             the board sign a document containing a
             statement that they are in favour of the
             resolution in the terms set out in the
        a resolution in those terms is taken to have been
        passed at a meeting of the board held on the day
        on which the document is signed or, if the
        directors referred to in paragraph (b) do not sign it
        on the same day, on the day on which the last of
        those directors signs the document.
    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), 2 or more
        separate documents containing a statement in
        identical terms, each of which is signed by one
        or more directors, are taken to constitute one
    (3) If a resolution is taken by this section to have been
        passed at a meeting of the board, each director, as
        soon as practicable, must be advised of the matter
        and given a copy of the resolution.

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     (4) The majority of directors referred to in subsection
         (1)(b) must not include a director who, because of
         section 30, is not entitled to vote on the resolution.
30 Disclosure of interests
     (1) If--
          (a) a director of the Authority has a direct or
              indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being
              considered, or about to be considered, by the
              board; and
          (b) the interest could conflict with the proper
              performance of the director's duties in
              relation to the consideration of the matter--
         the director, as soon as practicable after the
         relevant facts come to the director's knowledge,
         must disclose the nature of the interest at a
         meeting of the board.
     (2) A disclosure under subsection (1) must be
         recorded in the minutes of the meeting and, unless
         the Minister or the board otherwise determines,
         the director--
          (a) must not be present during any deliberation
              of the board in relation to the matter; and
          (b) must not take part in any decision of the
              board in relation to the matter.
     (3) For the purpose of the making of a determination
         by the board under subsection (2) in relation to a
         director who has made a disclosure under
         subsection (1), a director who has a direct or
         indirect pecuniary interest in the matter to which
         the disclosure relates--
          (a) must not be present during any deliberation
              of the board for the purpose of making the
              determination; and

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             (b) must not take part in the making by the board
                 of the determination.
        (4) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in relation to
            a matter relating to the supply of goods and
            services to the director if the goods or services
            are, or are to be, available to members of the
            public on the same terms and conditions.
31 Authority must publish certain codes, policies,
   procedures or processes
            The Authority must publish on its Internet site
            details of any code of conduct, policy, procedure
            or process that it has put in place for the purposes
            of section 81(1)(f) of the Public Administration
            Act 2004.
    1      Section 81 of the Public Administration Act 2004 requires
           the board of a public entity to, among other things, ensure
           that processes are in place to deal with conflicts of interest in
    2      Section 30 sets out procedures in relation to the disclosure of
32 Authority not to make loans to directors
        (1) The powers of the Authority do not include a
            power, whether directly or indirectly--
              (a) to make a loan to a director of the Authority,
                  a spouse of such a director, a person with
                  whom the director is in a registrable
                  domestic relationship (within the meaning of
                  section 5 of the Relationships Act 2008), or
                  a relative (as defined in the Corporations
                  Act) of such a director, spouse or person; or
             (b) to give a guarantee or provide security in
                 connection with a loan made or to be made
                 by another person to a director, spouse,
                 person or relative referred to in
                 paragraph (a).

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     (2) Nothing in subsection (1) prohibits the Authority
         entering into an agreement or arrangement with a
         person referred to in subsection (1) if similar
         agreements or arrangements are entered into by
         the Authority with members of the public on the
         same terms and conditions.
33 Indemnity
         The powers of the Authority do not include a
         power to exempt, whether directly or indirectly, a
         director from, or to indemnify (whether by paying
         a premium in respect of a contract of insurance or
         otherwise) a director against, any liability that by
         law would otherwise attach to the director in
         respect of a wilful breach of duty or breach of
         trust of which the director may be guilty in
         relation to the Authority.

     Division 4--Staffing and delegation
34 Chief executive officer
     (1) The board, with the approval of the Minister, may
         appoint a person as chief executive officer of the
     (2) The chief executive officer may be--
          (a) employed on a full-time or part-time basis;
          (b) appointed for the period, not exceeding
              5 years, specified in the instrument of
     (3) The chief executive officer holds office on such
         terms and conditions as are determined by the
         board with the approval of the Minister.
     (4) The chief executive officer is responsible for the
         management of the affairs of the Authority in
         accordance with the general policies and strategic
         direction determined by the board.

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     (5) The chief executive officer is accountable to the
     (6) The chief executive officer must not be a director
         of the board.
     (7) The office of the chief executive officer becomes
         vacant if the chief executive officer--
          (a) becomes a represented person within the
              meaning of section 3(1) of the
              Guardianship and Administration
              Act 2019; or
          (b) becomes insolvent under administration; or
          (c) is found guilty in Victoria of an indictable
              offence or elsewhere of an offence that, if
              committed in Victoria, would be an
              indictable offence; or
          (d) resigns by notice in writing delivered to the
              chairperson of the board.
     (8) The board, with the approval of the Minister, may
         remove the chief executive officer from office.
     (9) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
         Part 3 of that Act) applies to the chief executive
35 Acting chief executive officer
     (1) If the chief executive officer is unable, whether
         because of illness, suspension, absence or
         otherwise, to perform the duties of chief executive
         officer, the board may appoint another person to
         act in the place of the chief executive officer
         during the period of the inability.
     (2) While a person is acting as chief executive officer,
         the person--
          (a) has and may exercise all the powers, and
              must perform all the functions and duties, of
              the chief executive officer; and

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            (b) is to be paid any remuneration and travelling
                or other allowances fixed by the board from
                time to time having regard to the rate of
                remuneration and allowances for the time
                being payable to the chief executive officer.
    (3) The board, by instrument, may delegate to the
        chairperson of the board its power to appoint a
        person to act in the place of the chief executive
        officer under subsection (1).
36 Staff
    (1) The Authority may--
            (a) employ people; or
            (b) without limiting section 13(2)(h), enter into
                agreements or arrangements for the
                Authority to make use of the services of
           on terms and conditions (including payment for
           services) determined by the Authority.
    (2) The Authority may, in accordance with those
        terms and conditions, terminate any employment,
        engagement, agreement or arrangement under
        subsection (1).
    (3) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
        Part 3 of that Act) applies to a person employed or
        engaged under subsection (1).
    (4) Any employees that are necessary for the purposes
        of this Act may be employed under Part 3 of the
        Public Administration Act 2004.
37 Delegation by Authority
    (1) The Authority, by instrument, may delegate to any
        person any function, power or duty of the
        Authority conferred or imposed by or under any
        Act including, subject to this section, this power
        of delegation.

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    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the delegation of
        any function or power conferred on the Authority,
        or duty imposed on the Authority, as a planning
        authority, responsible authority or referral
        authority under the Planning and Environment
        Act 1987 to any person who is not the chief
        executive officer, chairperson, deputy chairperson,
        director or member of staff of the Authority,
        unless the person is a prescribed person.
    (3) The following functions, powers and duties must
        not be delegated under subsection (1) without the
        approval of the Minister--
         (a) any power of the Authority under the
             Borrowing and Investment Powers
             Act 1987 in relation to a financial
             accommodation or financial transaction;
         (b) any other prescribed function, power or duty.
    (4) A delegate of a function, power or duty under
        subsection (1) may, subject to any conditions to
        which the delegation is subject, sub-delegate that
        function, power or duty to any other person or
        persons or body if the instrument of delegation
        authorises its sub-delegation.
    (5) Sections 42 and 42A of the Interpretation of
        Legislation Act 1984 apply to a sub-delegation
        authorised by this section in the same way as they
        apply to a delegation.

         Division 5--Corporate plan
38 Corporate plan
    (1) The board must prepare a corporate plan for
        each financial year commencing after the
        commencement of this section.

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    (2) The board must give a copy of the proposed plan
        to the Minister and the Treasurer on or before
        31 May in each year.
    (3) The proposed plan must be in or to the effect of a
        form approved by the Minister and the Treasurer
        and must include--
         (a) a statement of corporate intent in accordance
             with section 42; and
         (b) a business plan containing any information
             that the Minister or the Treasurer requires;
         (c) financial statements containing any
             information that the Treasurer requires; and
         (d) any prescribed information.
    (4) The corporate plan, or any part of the plan, must
        not be published or made available--
         (a) except for the purposes of this Division; or
         (b) without the prior approval of the Minister
             and the Treasurer.
    (5) At any particular time, the statement of corporate
        intent, the business plan or the financial
        statements for the Authority are the statements
        and plan last completed, with any modifications or
        deletions made in accordance with this Division.
39 Consultation regarding corporate plan
    (1) The Minister and the Treasurer must give any
        comments on the proposed corporate plan within
        2 months after the proposed corporate plan is
        given to the Minister and the Treasurer.
    (2) The board must consider any comments on the
        proposed corporate plan made by the Minister and
        the Treasurer.

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     (3) The board must--
          (a) consult in good faith with the Minister and
              the Treasurer following communication to it
              of the comments; and
          (b) make any changes to the plan as are agreed
              between the Minister, the Treasurer and the
              board; and
          (c) deliver the completed plan to the Minister
              and the Treasurer within 2 months after the
              commencement of the financial year.
40 Modification of corporate plan
     (1) The board may modify a corporate plan with the
         agreement of the Minister and the Treasurer.
     (2) If the board, by written notice to the Minister and
         the Treasurer, proposes to modify a corporate
         plan, the board, within 14 days, may make the
         modification unless the Minister or the Treasurer,
         by written notice to the board, directs the board
         not to make it.
41 Directions in relation to corporate plan
     (1) The Treasurer, after consultation with the
         Minister, by written notice to the board, may
         direct the board to--
          (a) include in a corporate plan (or any statement
              or plan contained in that plan) any specified
              matters; or
          (b) omit from a corporate plan (or any statement
              or plan contained in that plan) any specified
              matters unless required to be published by or
              under any Act.
     (2) Before giving a direction under this section, the
         Treasurer must consult with the board as to the
         matters to be referred to in the notice.

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    (3) The board must comply with a direction under this
42 Statement of corporate intent--contents
        Each statement of corporate intent must specify
        for the Authority and its subsidiaries (if any), in
        respect of the financial year to which it relates and
        each of the 4 following financial years, the
        following information--
         (a) the business objectives of the Authority and
             of its subsidiaries;
         (b) the main undertakings of the Authority and
             of its subsidiaries;
         (c) the nature and scope of the activities to be
             undertaken by the Authority and its
         (d) the accounting policies to be applied in the
             fund or accounts of the Authority and its
         (e) the performance targets and other measures
             by which the performance of the Authority
             and of its subsidiaries (if any) may be judged
             in relation to their stated business objectives;
         (f) the kind of information to be provided to the
             Minister and the Treasurer by the Authority
             during the course of those financial years;
         (g) such other matters as may be agreed on in
             writing by the Minister, the Treasurer and
             the board;
         (h) any prescribed matter.
43 Corporate plan to be followed
        The Authority must act only in accordance with
        its corporate plan, as existing from time to time,
        unless it has first obtained the written approval of
        the Minister and the Treasurer to do otherwise.

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44 Board to give notice of significant events
     (1) The board must notify the Minister if the board
         forms the opinion that any of the following have
          (a) any matter that may prevent, or significantly
              affect, achievement of the business
              objectives of the Authority and its
              subsidiaries (if any) under the corporate
          (b) any matter that may prevent, or significantly
              affect achievement of the targets under the
          (c) any prescribed matter.
     (2) The board must notify the Minister of the reasons
         for its opinion.
45 Nothing void merely because of non-compliance
         Nothing done by the Authority is void or
         unenforceable merely because the Authority has
         failed to comply with this Division.

       Division 6--Financial provisions
46 General Fund
     (1) The Authority must establish and keep a fund
         called the General Fund.
     (2) There must be paid into the General Fund--
          (a) all money received by the Authority, or on
              its behalf, in respect of, or in connection
              with, the carrying out of its functions or
              powers under this Act or any other Act; and
          (b) all income from the investment of money in
              the General Fund and the proceeds of sale of
              any investment; and

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         (c) any money directed or approved by the
             Minister or Treasurer to be paid into the
             General Fund.
    (3) The Authority may pay money out of the General
         (a) to pay any amounts payable by the Authority
             in relation to its functions or powers under
             this Act or any other Act, except any money
             to be paid out of a Project Fund in relation to
             a Suburban Rail Loop project; and
         (b) to pay any costs and expenses incurred by
             the Authority in relation to its functions or
             powers under this Act or any other Act,
             except any costs and expenses to be paid out
             of a Project Fund in relation to a Suburban
             Rail Loop project; and
         (c) to repay any amount borrowed by the
             Authority under this Act for any purpose
             (other than a Suburban Rail Loop project) or
             pay any other liability of the Authority
             together with any charges or interest on that
             amount or liability; and
         (d) to pay any amount directed by the Treasurer
             to be paid under section 50; and
         (e) for any other purpose authorised under this
             Act or any other Act.
47 Project Funds
    (1) The Authority may establish and keep one or
        more Project Funds for the purposes of, or one or
        more, or parts of one or more, Suburban Rail
        Loop projects.
    (2) There must be paid into a Project Fund--
         (a) all money received by the Authority, or on
             its behalf, in respect of, or in connection
             with, the carrying out of its functions,

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         powers or duties under this Act or any other
         Act relating to a Suburban Rail Loop project;
     (b) all income from the investment of money in
         a Project Fund and the proceeds of sale of
         any investment; and
     (c) any money directed or approved by the
         Minister or Treasurer to be paid into a
         Project Fund; and
     (d) all other money that the Authority receives
         for payment, or is permitted to be paid, into a
         Project Fund.
(3) The Authority may pay money out of a Project
     (a) to pay any amounts payable by the Authority
         in respect of its functions, powers or duties
         under this Act or any other Act relating to a
         Suburban Rail Loop project; and
     (b) to pay any costs and expenses incurred by
         the Authority in relation to its functions,
         powers or duties under this Act or any other
         Act relating to a Suburban Rail Loop project;
     (c) to repay any amount borrowed by the
         Authority under this Act for any purpose
         relating to a Suburban Rail Loop project
         together with any charges or interest on that
         amount; and
     (d) to pay any amount directed by the Treasurer
         under section 50; and
     (e) to pay any amount directed or approved by
         the Minister or the Treasurer to be paid into
         another Project Fund; and
     (f) for any other purpose authorised under this
         Act or any other Act.

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48 Borrowing and investment by Authority
        The Authority has the powers conferred on it
        under the Borrowing and Investment Powers
        Act 1987.
49 Capital
    (1) The capital of the Authority is equal to the sum
         (a) the assets and liabilities of the Authority; and
         (b) any part of the Authority's liabilities that is
             converted into capital at the direction of the
             Treasurer; and
         (c) any amounts paid to the Authority out of
             money appropriated by the Parliament for
             the purpose of providing capital; and
         (d) any part of the Authority's reserves that is
             converted into capital at the direction of the
             Treasurer after consultation with the board--
        less any amount of capital repaid under
        subsection (2).
    (2) The capital of the Authority is repayable to the
        State at the times, and in the amounts, as the
        Treasurer, after consultation with the Minister and
        the board, directs in writing.
    (3) In giving a direction under subsection (2), the
        Treasurer is to have regard to any advice that the
        board has given to the Treasurer in relation to the
        Authority's affairs.
50 Dividends
        The Authority must pay to the State the amounts,
        at the times and in the manner, as are directed in
        writing by the Treasurer after consultation with
        the board and the Minister.

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51 Exceptions from State Owned Enterprises Act 1992
     (1) Division 1 of Part 2 of the State Owned
         Enterprises Act 1992 does not apply to the
         Authority or a subsidiary of the Authority.
     (2) Despite anything to the contrary in section 88 of
         the State Owned Enterprises Act 1992, a
         direction by the Treasurer to the Authority under
         that section to enter the NTER does not apply to--
          (a) a Suburban Rail Loop project; or
          (b) an activity relating to a Suburban Rail Loop
              project that has been determined for the
              purposes of this subsection under
              subsection (3).
     (3) The Minister, with the approval of the Treasurer,
         may determine an activity relating to a Suburban
         Rail Loop project for the purposes of
         subsection (2).
     (4) On determining an activity under subsection (3),
         the Minister must give written notice of the
         determination to the Authority.
     (5) Section 88B of the State Owned Enterprises
         Act 1992 does not apply to land within a project
         area of a Suburban Rail Loop project.
     (6) This section has effect despite anything to the
         contrary in section 5 of the State Owned
         Enterprises Act 1992.
     (7) In this section--
         NTER has the same meaning as in section 88 of
            the State Owned Enterprises Act 1992.
52 Exemption from duties, rates, taxes, levies or
     (1) Despite anything to the contrary in any Act
         (other than the Charter of Human Rights and
         Responsibilities Act 2006) or law, the Treasurer,

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          on the Minister's recommendation, may by
          instrument totally or partially exempt any
          agreement, property, land, arrangement,
          development or matter, from any duty, rate, tax,
          levy or charge levied under this or any other Act,
          in relation to--
           (a) the whole or a specified part of the project
               area of a Suburban Rail Loop project; or
           (b) the Suburban Rail Loop program or a
               Suburban Rail Loop project.
    (2) An exemption must state the time for which it
        operates and may be subject to any conditions
        specified in the instrument of exemption.
    (3) The Minister must cause notice of an exemption
        to be published in the Government Gazette.
   Section 256 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation
   Act 2009 provides for certain tax and duty exemptions for the
   purpose of an approved project within the meaning of that Act.

  Division 7--Special land acquisition and
            development powers
53 Compulsory acquisition of land
    (1) Subject to the approval of the Minister, the
        Authority may, on behalf of the Crown,
        compulsorily acquire any land which is or may
        be required by the Authority for or in connection
        with the Suburban Rail Loop program.
    (2) Subject to subsection (3), the Land Acquisition
        and Compensation Act 1986 applies to this Act
        and for that purpose--
           (a) the Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021 is the
               special Act; and

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          (b) the Authority is the Authority under the
              Land Acquisition and Compensation
              Act 1986.
     (3) Section 109(2) of the Land Acquisition and
         Compensation Act 1986 does not apply to land
         acquired under subsection (1).
54 Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963
         Section 3 of the Cultural and Recreational
         Lands Act 1963 does not apply to the compulsory
         acquisition of land under section 53.
55 Authority may enter into certain agreements for
   land within or anticipated to be within a project
     (1) Without limiting Division 2, the Authority alone
         or jointly with any other person may enter into an
         agreement with another person concerning the use
         or development of any land--
          (a) within a project area; or
          (b) that is anticipated to be within a project area.
     (2) Division 2 of Part 9 of the Planning and
         Environment Act 1987 applies to an agreement
         under subsection (1) as if--
          (a) that agreement were an agreement under that
              Division; and
          (b) that Division referred to the Authority
              instead of the responsible authority for the
              planning scheme; and
          (c) section 174(2)(c) were omitted.

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Division 8--Special project development related
            functions and powers
 56 Power to enter land by persons authorised by
     (1) An authorised person may enter land for the
         purpose of--
          (a) doing all things necessary and convenient to
              carry out surveys or investigations for the
              purposes of, or connected to, the Suburban
              Rail Loop program or a Suburban Rail Loop
              project or preparatory to the declaration of a
              Suburban Rail Loop project; or
          (b) doing, on the Authority's behalf, anything the
              Authority is authorised to do on that land in
              carrying out its functions or powers.
     (2) Without limiting subsection (1)(a), an authorised
         person may do any of the following on the land--
          (a) undertake geotechnical and site survey work;
          (b) undertake archaeological and cultural
              heritage investigations;
          (c) undertake ecological surveys;
          (d) undertake flora and fauna surveys and take
              samples of plants;
          (e) undertake utilities surveys;
           (f) undertake contamination investigations;
          (g) determine site conditions (including
              undertaking noise monitoring and
              preparing condition reports);
          (h) dig or bore into the land and take samples
              of soil, rock, ground water or minerals.
     (3) The Authority must give to the occupier of the
         land, and if the occupier is not the owner, the
         owner of the land--

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     (a) written notice of intention to enter the land;
     (b) a statement of the principal rights and
         obligations of the occupier or owner (as the
         case may be) under this Act--
    at least 7 days before the land is entered under
    subsection (1).
(4) An authorised person may enter land under this
    section earlier than the expiration of 7 days if the
    occupier consents to the entry.
(5) The Authority need not give notice in writing
    under this section in an emergency.
(6) An authorised person must not under this section
    enter land used primarily for residential purposes
    except between 7.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. unless the
    occupier consents to the entry.
(7) In exercising a power under subsection (1) or (2),
    an authorised person must--
     (a) identify themselves by producing the identity
         card issued to that person under section 57;
     (b) cause as little harm and inconvenience as
         possible; and
     (c) not stay on the land for any longer than it is
         reasonably necessary; and
     (d) remove from the land anything brought on to
         the land by the authorised person in the
         exercise of the power, other than anything
         that the owner or occupier of the land agrees
         may be left there; and
     (e) leave the land as nearly as possible in the
         condition in which the authorised person
         found it; and

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          (f) co-operate as much as possible with the
              owner and any occupier of the land.
     (8) An authorised person may be accompanied by any
         assistants, vehicles, machinery or equipment for a
         purpose referred to in subsection (1) or (2).
     (9) The Authority is liable to pay compensation
         (other than rent) to any person with an interest
         in the land entered under this section if, as a
         consequence of the entry, the person with an
         interest in the land--
          (a) has sustained pecuniary loss; or
          (b) has incurred any expense--
         as a direct, natural and reasonable consequence of
         the entry.
   (10) Compensation under subsection (9) must be
        claimed and dealt with in accordance with the
        Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986,
        as if it were a claim under section 47(1) of that
57 Authorised persons for the purposes of section 56
     (1) The Authority, by instrument, may authorise a
         person to enter land for the purposes of section 56.
     (2) The Authority must issue an identity card to each
         person authorised under this section.
     (3) An identity card must contain a photograph of the
         person to whom it is issued.
58 Utility interface powers in relation to Suburban Rail
   Loop program
     (1) For the purposes of undertaking the Suburban
         Rail Loop program, the Authority has the
         functions and powers of a project authority
         under Divisions 1 and 2 of Part 7 of the Major
         Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009.

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    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)--
           (a) a reference to a project authority is to be read
               a reference to the Authority; and
           (b) a reference to the development of the
               declared project is to be read as a reference
               to the undertaking of the Suburban Rail Loop
               program; and
           (c) section 211A of that Act is to be read as if--
                  (i) a reference to the project area in that
                      section were a reference to the area of
                      land that the Authority considers may
                      form part of a project area under this
                      Act; and
                 (ii) in subsection (2)(a) of that section, the
                      words "or that the project authority
                      considers may form part of the project
                      area" were omitted.
   See also section 78.

    Division 9--Reports by the Authority
59 Reports to Minister or Treasurer
          The Minister or the Treasurer, in writing, may
          require the board to give the Minister or the
          Treasurer such information in any form as the
          Minister or the Treasurer requires.
60 Annual report of operations
          The Authority must include in every annual report
          of operations under Part 7 of the Financial
          Management Act 1994--
           (a) a copy of the statement of corporate intent
               last completed; and

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         (b) in respect of each Suburban Rail Loop
             project being delivered by the Authority
             during the financial year to which the report
             of operations relates, details of the
               (i) any services, non-transport
                   infrastructure or transport infrastructure
              (ii) any increase in social or economic
              (iii) any enhancements to urban or public
              (iv) any commercial outcomes or
                   improvements to economic activity;
               (v) any productivity enhancements;
              (vi) a report on the financial status of the
             (vii) any matter directed by the Minister or
                   the Treasurer to be included;
            (viii) any prescribed matter.

         Division 10--Miscellaneous
61 Validity of decisions--board
    (1) An act or decision of the board is not invalid
        merely because of--
         (a) a defect or irregularity in, or in connection
             with, the appointment of a director of the
             Authority; or
         (b) a vacancy in the membership of the board.
    (2) Anything done by or in relation to a person
        purporting to act as a director is not invalid merely

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          (a) the occasion for the appointment had not
              arisen; or
          (b) there was a defect or irregularity in relation
              to the appointment; or
          (c) the appointment had ceased to have effect; or
          (d) the occasion for the person to act had not
              arisen or had ceased.
62 Validity of decisions--chief executive officer
     (1) An act or decision of the chief executive officer is
         not invalid merely because of--
          (a) a defect or irregularity in, or in connection
              with, the appointment of the chief executive
              officer; or
          (b) a vacancy in the office of the chief executive
              officer, including a vacancy arising from the
              failure to appoint an original chief executive
     (2) Anything done by or in relation to a person
         purporting to act as chief executive officer is not
         invalid merely because--
          (a) the occasion for the appointment had not
              arisen; or
          (b) there was a defect or irregularity in relation
              to the appointment; or
          (c) the appointment had ceased to have effect; or
          (d) the occasion for the person to act had not
              arisen or had ceased.
63 Reciprocal arrangements with Ministers, public
   sector entities and public authorities
     (1) With the approval of the Minister, the Authority
         may enter into an agreement or arrangement with
         a Minister, Department Head or public authority
         (a reciprocal entity) concerning--

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         (a) the carrying out by the Authority and the
             reciprocal entity of any of their respective
             functions or powers in relation to the
             Suburban Rail Loop program or a Suburban
             Rail Loop project; or
         (b) the carrying out or providing by the
             Authority for the reciprocal entity, or by the
             reciprocal entity for the Authority of any
             development or services in relation to the
             Suburban Rail Loop program or a Suburban
             Rail Loop project; or
         (c) the allocating of funds collected under the
             agreement or arrangement in relation to the
             Suburban Rail Loop program or the
             Suburban Rail Loop project.
    (2) The Authority may enter into an agreement or
        arrangement with a reciprocal entity concerning
        the use or joint use by the Authority and the
        reciprocal entity of their respective facilities or the
        services of their respective staff in relation to the
        Suburban Rail Loop program or the Suburban Rail
        Loop project.
64 Minister may declare subsidiary represents Crown
    (1) A subsidiary of the Authority does not represent
        the Crown unless the Minister declares by notice
        published in the Government Gazette that the
        subsidiary represents the Crown.
    (2) While a declaration under subsection (1) is in
        effect, the subsidiary referred to in the declaration
        represents the Crown.

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       Part 3--Suburban Rail Loop planning interface

Part 3--Suburban Rail Loop planning
65 Declaration of Suburban Rail Loop planning areas
    (1) The Minister may declare an area of land to be a
        Suburban Rail Loop planning area.
        Section 41A of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984
        applies to the making of a declaration under subsection (1).
    (2) Before making a declaration under subsection (1),
        the Minister must be satisfied that the making of
        the declaration is necessary to give effect to the
        Suburban Rail Loop program.
    (3) In making a declaration under subsection (1), the
        Minister must have regard to--
          (a) the Suburban Rail Loop program objectives;
         (b) the Authority's object.
    (4) A Suburban Rail Loop planning area
          (a) must describe the area of land subject to the
              declaration by means of a plan; and
         (b) may specify a date on which the declaration
             takes effect, which must be after the day on
             which it is published in the Government
66 Preparation of plans of the purposes of Suburban
   Rail Loop planning area declarations
    (1) The Minister must, for the purposes of section
        65(4)(a), prepare a plan that describes an area of
        land that is the subject of a Suburban Rail Loop
        planning area declaration.

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    (2) A plan prepared under subsection (1) must--
          (a) include data to enable the plan to be
              reproduced on an Internet site maintained
              by the Secretary to the Department of
              Environment, Land, Water and Planning; and
         (b) be lodged with the Central Plan Office
             before the Suburban Rail Loop planning area
             declaration is published under section 67(1).
67 Publication of Suburban Rail Loop planning area
    (1) A Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration
        must be published in the Government Gazette.
    (2) In addition, a Suburban Rail Loop planning area
        declaration must be published on an Internet site
        maintained by the Department as soon as
        practicable after the declaration takes effect.
68 When a Suburban Rail Loop planning area
   declaration takes effect
        A Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration
        takes effect--
          (a) on the day the declaration is published in the
              Government Gazette; or
         (b) if the declaration specifies a date on which it
             is to take effect, on that date.
69 Minister to ensure consolidated version of Suburban
   Rail Loop planning area declaration is available
    (1) This section applies if a Suburban Rail Loop
        planning area declaration is amended by another
        Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration
        (an amending declaration).
    (2) As soon as practicable after the amending
        declaration is published in the Government
        Gazette under section 67(1), the Minister must
        ensure that an up-to-date consolidated version of

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        the Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration
        (as amended by the amending declaration) is
        prepared incorporating those amendments.
    (3) The Minister must cause the up-to-date
        consolidated version of the Suburban Rail Loop
        planning area declaration prepared under
        subsection (2) to be--
          (a) available for inspection by any person free of
              charge during office hours at the principal
              office of the Department; and
         (b) published on an Internet site maintained by
             the Department.
    (4) A failure to comply with this section does not
        affect the operation or effect of the amending
        declaration published in the Government Gazette
        under section 67(1).
70 Minister to give Suburban Rail Loop planning area
   declaration to Planning and Environment Act
    (1) The Minister must give a copy of a Suburban Rail
        Loop planning area declaration and any plan
        prepared under section 66 for the purposes of the
        Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration to
        the Minister administering sections 8A and 8B of
        the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
    (2) A failure to comply with subsection (1) does not
        affect the validity or operation of a Suburban Rail
        Loop planning area declaration.
71 Minister to give Suburban Rail Loop planning area
   declaration to affected Councils
    (1) The Minister must give to every Council in whose
        municipal district land to which a Suburban Rail
        Loop planning area declaration applies--
          (a) a copy of the Suburban Rail Loop planning
              area declaration; and

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     (b) a statement containing the prescribed
         information (if any).
(2) A failure to comply with subsection (1) does not
    affect the validity or operation of a Suburban Rail
    Loop planning area declaration.

               Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
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           Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects

Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects
  Division 1--Commencement of projects
72 Declaration of Suburban Rail Loop projects
    (1) The Premier may declare a development or
        proposed development to be a Suburban Rail
        Loop project.
        Section 41A of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984
        applies to the making of a declaration under subsection (1).
    (2) In making a declaration under this section, the
        Premier must--
         (a) be satisfied that the development or proposed
             development is not prohibited by or under an
             applicable planning scheme; and
         (b) have regard to--
                (i) the Suburban Rail Loop program
                    objectives; and
               (ii) the Authority's object; and
               (iii) the economic, community and social
                     benefit to the State or the area of the
                     State in which the development or
                     proposed development is to be carried
    (3) For the purpose of subsection (2)(a), a
        development is not prohibited by or under an
        applicable planning scheme if--
         (a) it is permitted as of right; or
         (b) it may be undertaken without a planning
             permit (whether or not the planning scheme
             requires other approvals or consents to be
             obtained before it may be undertaken); or

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           Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects

         (c) it may be undertaken with a planning permit
             (whether or not a planning permit may be
             granted or refused).
73 Content of Suburban Rail Loop project declaration
    (1) A Suburban Rail Loop project declaration must--
         (a) describe the Suburban Rail Loop project; and
         (b) specify the area of land for the purposes of
             the Suburban Rail Loop project (the project
             area); and
         (c) state that the Authority is responsible for the
             Suburban Rail Loop project described in the
    (2) A Suburban Rail Loop project declaration may
         (a) the project area by reference to a plan; and
         (b) the date on which the declaration takes
             effect, which must be after the day on which
             it is published in the Government Gazette.
74 More than one Suburban Rail Loop project
   declaration may specify the same area of land
        More than one Suburban Rail Loop project
        declaration may specify the same area of land.
75 Publication of Suburban Rail Loop project
    (1) A Suburban Rail Loop project declaration must be
        published in the Government Gazette.
    (2) In addition, a Suburban Rail Loop project
        declaration must be published on an Internet site
        maintained by the Department as soon as
        practicable after the declaration takes effect.

             Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                  No.       of 2021
          Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects

76 When a Suburban Rail Loop project declaration
   takes effect
        A Suburban Rail Loop project declaration takes
         (a) on the day the declaration is published in the
             Government Gazette; or
         (b) if the declaration specifies a date on which it
             is to take effect, on that date.
77 Premier to ensure consolidated version of Suburban
   Rail Loop project declaration is available
    (1) This section applies if a Suburban Rail Loop
        project declaration is amended by another
        Suburban Rail Loop project declaration
        (an amending declaration).
    (2) As soon as practicable after the amending
        declaration is published in the Government
        Gazette under section 75(1), the Premier must
        ensure that an up-to-date consolidated version
        of the Suburban Rail Loop project declaration
        (as amended by the amending declaration) is
        prepared incorporating those amendments.
    (3) The Premier must cause the up-to-date
        consolidated version of the Suburban Rail Loop
        project declaration prepared under subsection (2)
        to be--
         (a) available for inspection by any person free of
             charge during office hours at the principal
             office of the Department; and
         (b) published on an Internet site maintained by
             the Department.
    (4) A failure to comply with this section does not
        affect the operation or effect of the amending
        declaration published in the Government Gazette
        under section 75(1).

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
           Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects

78 Interrelationship with Major Transport Projects
   Facilitation Act 2009
    (1) On the taking effect of a Suburban Rail Loop
        project declaration, Parts 5, 6, 7 and 9 of the
        Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
        apply to the Suburban Rail Loop project described
        in the Suburban Rail Loop project declaration and
        for that purpose--
         (a) a reference to an approved project or
             declared project under that Act is to be read
             as a reference to the Suburban Rail Loop
             project described in the Suburban Rail Loop
             project declaration; and
         (b) a reference to the project area under that Act
             is to be read as a reference to the project area
             specified in the Suburban Rail Loop project
             declaration; and
         (c) a reference to the project authority under that
             Act is to be read as a reference to the
             Authority; and
         (d) a reference to a project declaration under that
             Act is to be read as a reference to the
             Suburban Rail Loop project declaration; and
         (e) a reference to project land under that Act is
             to be read as including land acquired by the
             Authority for the purposes of the Suburban
             Rail Loop program; and
         (f) a reference to the Project Minister under that
             Act is to be read as a reference to the
             Minister administering this Act; and
         (g) a reference to development under that Act is
             to be read as reference to development
             within the meaning of this Act; and

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                   No.       of 2021
           Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects

         (h) a reference to non-transport infrastructure
             under that Act is to be read as reference to
             non-transport infrastructure within the
             meaning of this Act; and
          (i) a reference to transport infrastructure under
              that Act is to be read as reference to transport
              infrastructure within the meaning of this Act.
    (2) If before a Suburban Rail Loop project declaration
        takes effect, the Authority performs a function or
        exercises a power under section 58 in relation to
        utility infrastructure in an area that becomes the
        project area or part of a project area specified
        under the declaration, on the taking effect of the
        declaration, the performance of the function or
        exercise of the power is taken to have been
        exercised or performed by the Authority under
        Part 7 of the Major Transport Projects
        Facilitation Act 2009 for the purposes of the
        Suburban Rail Loop project described in that

     Division 2--Completion of projects
79 Notification of completion of Suburban Rail Loop
   project or a part of a project
        The Authority must notify, in writing, the Minister
        of the completion of a Suburban Rail Loop project
        or part of a Suburban Rail Loop project.
80 Project completion declaration
        The Minister may declare that a Suburban Rail
        Loop project, or part of a Suburban Rail Loop
        project, is complete.

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
           Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects

81 Content of project completion declaration
    (1) A project completion declaration--
         (a) must--
               (i) identify the Suburban Rail Loop
                   project; and
              (ii) identify the applicable project area; and
              (iii) describe any land reserved for a public
                    purpose by or under this Act or any
                    other Act for the purposes of the
                    identified Suburban Rail Loop project
                    that will not be reserved for a public
                    purpose on the declaration taking
                    effect; and
         (b) may specify any one or more of the
               (i) the date on which the declaration takes
                   effect, which must be after the day
                   which it is published in the Government
              (ii) any matter that the Minister considers
    (2) In this section--
        applicable project area means--
               (a) if a project completion declaration is
                   declaring that the whole of a Suburban
                   Rail Loop project is complete, the
                   whole of the project area for the
                   project; or
               (b) if a project completion declaration is
                   declaring that part of a Suburban Rail
                   Loop project is complete, that part of
                   the project area related to the completed
                   part of the project.

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
             Part 4--Suburban Rail Loop projects

82 Publication of project completion declaration
     (1) A project completion declaration must be
         published in the Government Gazette.
     (2) In addition, a project completion declaration must
         be published on an Internet site maintained by the
         Department as soon as practicable after the
         declaration takes effect.
83 When project completion declaration takes effect
          A project completion declaration takes effect--
           (a) on the day the declaration is published in the
               Government Gazette; or
           (b) if the declaration specifies a date on which it
               is to take effect, on that date.
84 Authority ceases to have functions in relation to
   applicable project area under the Major Transport
   Projects Facilitation Act 2009
          On and after the taking of effect of a project
          completion declaration, the Authority cannot
          perform any function or exercise any power under
          the Major Transport Projects Facilitation
          Act 2009 in respect of any applicable project area
          (as defined under section 81(2)).
   Under section 78, on the taking effect of a Suburban Rail Loop
   project declaration, Parts 5, 6, 7 and 9 of the Major Transport
   Projects Facilitation Act 2009 apply to the Suburban Rail Loop
   project described in the Suburban Rail Loop project declaration
   and the project area (as defined under section 73(1)(b)) is taken to
   be a project area within the meaning of the Major Transport
   Projects Facilitation Act 2009.

             Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                  No.       of 2021
                   Part 5--General

              Part 5--General
85 Delegation by Minister
    (1) The Minister by instrument may delegate any
        function, power or duty of the Minister under this
        Act, other than a power specified in
        subsection (2), to the following--
         (a) the chief executive officer;
         (b) the chairperson of the Authority;
         (c) the deputy chairperson of the Authority;
         (d) a director or group of directors of the
         (e) a member of staff of the Authority (by name
             or as the holder of a named position or
         (f) any other person by name or class of
             persons, or as the holder of a named position,
             office or class of office.
    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the specified
        powers are the following--
         (a) the power of delegation under subsection (1);
         (b) any power to issue directions or requests to
             the Authority and the board;
         (c) any power conferred on the Minister to make
             a recommendation or give advice to the
             Governor in Council;
         (d) the power under section 14 or 15;
         (e) the power under section 18;
         (f) the power under section 37(3);
         (g) the power under section 64;
         (h) any other prescribed matter.

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
                    Part 5--General

    (3) A delegation under this section may be made--
         (a) in relation to a person or class of persons
             specified in the instrument of delegation; or
         (b) in relation to the holder, or the holder from
             time to time, of an office specified, or of
             each office in a class of offices specified, in
             the instrument of delegation.
    (4) A delegate of a power under subsection (1) may,
        subject to any conditions to which the delegation
        is subject, sub-delegate that power to any other
        person or persons or body if the instrument of
        delegation authorises its sub-delegation.
    (5) Sections 42 and 42A of the Interpretation of
        Legislation Act 1984 apply to a sub-delegation
        authorised by this section in the same way as they
        apply to a delegation.
86 Improper use of information
    (1) A person connected with the Authority must not
        make improper use of information acquired
        because of that person's connection with the
         (a) to gain directly or indirectly any pecuniary
             advantage for themselves or another person;
         (b) with intent to cause detriment to the
             Authority, the Suburban Rail Loop program,
             a Suburban Rail Loop project or the State
             irrespective of whether detriment was
        Penalty: 60 penalty units.
    (2) A person does not commit an offence under
        subsection (1) if they use information referred to
        in that subsection in circumstances that are

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
                    Part 5--General

87 Information to be confidential
    (1) A person connected with the Authority must not
        make a record of, or divulge or communicate to
        any person, information relating to the Authority,
        the Authority's functions and powers or a
        Suburban Rail Loop project that was obtained by
        the person in confidence, except--
         (a) in carrying out official duties other than in a
             reckless manner; or
         (b) in carrying out duties or obligations, other
             than in reckless manner--
               (i) under this Act; or
              (ii) as a participant in relation to an
                   undertaking referred to in section 88(e);
              (iii) under an agreement or arrangement
                    referred to in section 88(f); or
         (c) with the written approval of the Minister; or
         (d) to a court, in proceedings under this Act or in
             relation to an agreement or arrangement
             made under this Act; or
         (e) if the information is already in the public
             domain, other than as a result of a
             contravention of this Act; or
          (f) in the prescribed circumstances (if any).
        Penalty: 60 penalty units.
    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a reference to
        information obtained in confidence includes a
        reference to information obtained by the person in
        circumstances in which the person knew or ought
        reasonably to have known the information was

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
                    Part 5--General

88 Who is connected with Authority
         For the purpose of sections 86 and 87, a person is
         connected with the Authority if the person is or
         has been--
          (a) a director of the Authority; or
          (b) a relative (within the meaning of section 9 of
              the Corporations Act) of a director of the
              Authority; or
          (c) a person that a director of the Authority has
              been in a registrable caring relationship or a
              registrable domestic relationship (within the
              meaning of section 5 of the Relationships
              Act 2008) with; or
          (d) a member of staff of the Authority; or
          (e) a participant with the Authority in a body
              (corporate or unincorporate), trust,
              partnership, joint venture, or other joint
              undertaking; or
          (f) a party to an agreement with the Authority
              (including any person employed or engaged
              by that party in relation to the agreement) or
              an arrangement made with the Authority.
89 Obligations of public entities and public service
         A public entity or public service body must--
          (a) co-operate with the Authority in the
              performance of the functions, powers or
              duties of the Authority; and
          (b) respond to a reasonable request for
              information by the Authority under this
              Act in a timely and efficient manner.

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
                    Part 5--General

90 Governor in Council may require public authorities
   to act
    (1) The Governor in Council, by Order published
        in the Government Gazette, may require a public
         (a) to carry out functions in relation to the
             project area for a Suburban Rail Loop project
             or anything done or to be done in that area;
         (b) to carry out those functions within a period
             specified in the Order.
    (2) If a function relates to the giving of statutory
        approval, a requirement under subsection (1)
        cannot fix a shorter time or time limit to that
        prescribed by or under an Act.
    (3) The public authority must comply with a
        requirement under subsection (1).
    (4) A requirement under subsection (1) applies
        despite anything to the contrary in any other
        Act or law other than the Charter of Human
        Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.
91 Proceedings
        A proceeding for an offence under this Act or the
        regulations, either generally or in a particular case,
        may be commenced by--
         (a) the Authority; or
         (b) a person authorised in writing by the
             Authority; or
         (c) the Minister; or
         (d) a person authorised in writing by the
             Minister; or

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
                    Part 5--General

         (e) a law enforcement agency within the
             meaning of section 51A(1) of the Crimes
             Act 1958; or
         (f) a public prosecutions service within the
             meaning of section 3(1) of the Public
             Prosecutions Act 1994.
92 Evidence
    (1) Proof is not required in the absence of evidence to
        the contrary--
         (a) that a person bringing a proceeding for an
             offence under this Act or the regulations is
             authorised to do so; and
         (b) of the constitution of the Authority, the due
             appointment of its directors or the presence
             of a quorum at its meetings; and
         (c) of the appointment of any member of staff
             by the Authority; and
         (d) of the validity of appointment of a person
             purporting to act as delegate of the
             Authority; and
         (e) that a document appearing to be issued by or
             on behalf of the Authority, the Premier, the
             Minister or the Treasurer was so issued; and
         (f) of the fixing of a charge, levy, rate, tax or
             exemption by the Authority under this Act or
             any other Act; and
         (g) of the validity of the contents of the
             Authority's records or minutes.
    (2) A document appearing to be part of a resolution or
        notice made or issued by the Authority under this
        Act and appearing to be authenticated by the
        Authority is admissible in evidence in any
        proceedings and, in the absence of evidence to the
        contrary, is proof that a resolution or notice in

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
                    Part 5--General

        those terms was duly made or issued by the
    (3) A document appearing to be issued by the
        Authority or appearing to be signed by the
        chairperson, deputy chairperson, chief executive
        officer or a director of the Authority including the
        particulars of any amount or liability relating to a
        charge, levy, rate, tax or exemption is, in the
        absence of evidence to the contrary, proof of the
        matters stated in the document.
    (4) A document requiring authentication by the
        Authority must be taken to be sufficiently
        authenticated without the Authority's seal if
        signed by the chairperson, deputy chairperson,
        chief executive officer or a director of the
        Authority or by another person authorised in
        writing by the Authority to do so, either generally
        or in a particular case.
93 Service of documents
    (1) A document required or permitted to be served on
        the Authority may be served by being left at its
        principal office with a person authorised in
        writing by the Authority to accept service of
        documents on behalf of the Authority.
    (2) A document required or permitted to be served by
        the Authority on a person may be served--
         (a) by delivering it personally to that person; or
         (b) by leaving it at that person's usual or last
             known place of residence with a person
             apparently over the age of 16 years and
             apparently living there; or
         (c) by post addressed to that person at the
             person's last known place of residence; or

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
                    Part 5--General

         (d) if the person is an owner or occupier of land
             whose name and address are not known to
             the Authority--
               (i) by leaving it at the land with a person
                   apparently over the age of 16 years and
                   apparently living there; or
              (ii) by putting it up on a conspicuous part
                   of the land; or
         (e) if the person has given an electronic address
             as an address for receiving notices or other
             documents--by sending it by electronic
             communication to that electronic address; or
          (f) in any other prescribed way; or
         (g) in any other manner permitted by any other
             Act or law.
    (3) If the name and address of the owner or occupier
        of land are not known to the Authority, a
        document may be addressed to the "owner" or
    (4) If a document is served on the owner or occupier
        of land the service is binding on any subsequent
        owner or occupier as if actually served on that
    (5) A statutory declaration by a person who has
        served or given a document to or on behalf of the
        Authority stating the manner, place, date and time
        the document was served or given is evidence of
        the document having been served or given.
94 Other laws not affected
        Sections 91, 92 and 93 add to and do not take
        away from any other Act, rule or law relating to
        evidence, the service of documents and

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
                        Part 5--General

95 Exclusion of proportionate liability under Wrongs
   Act 1958
    (1) Despite anything to the contrary in Part IVAA of
        the Wrongs Act 1958, that Part does not--
           (a) prevent the Authority and another person, or
               a subsidiary of the Authority and another
               person, from making express provision for
               their rights, obligations and liabilities under a
               contract relating to a Suburban Rail Loop
               project with respect to any matter to which
               that Part applies; and
           (b) limit or otherwise affect the operation of any
               express provision in a contract referred to in
               paragraph (a).
    (2) Subsection (1) extends to any provision in
        Part IVAA of the Wrongs Act 1958 even if the
        provision applies to liability in contract.
96 Excluded matter for Corporations Act
          Anything done by a subsidiary of the Authority
          that represents the Crown by declaration under
          section 64(1) under this Act is declared to be an
          excluded matter for the purposes of section 5F of
          the Corporations Act in relation to section 588G
          of the Corporations Act.
   This section ensures that section 588G of the Corporations Act
   will not apply to anything done by a subsidiary of the Authority
   that represents the Crown. Section 5F of the Corporations Act
   provides that if a State law declares a matter to be an excluded
   matter in relation to specified provisions of the Corporations
   legislation, then those provisions will not apply to that matter in
   the State concerned.

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
                    Part 5--General

97 Certain instruments are not legislative instruments
   for the purposes of Subordinate Legislation
   Act 1994
         None of the following is a legislative instrument
         for the purposes of Subordinate Legislation
         Act 1994--
          (a) a Suburban Rail Loop planning area
          (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project declaration;
          (c) a project completion declaration.
98 Regulations
     (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
         for or with respect to any matter required or
         permitted by this Act to be prescribed or
         necessary or convenient to be prescribed to give
         effect to this Act.
     (2) The regulations may--
          (a) be of general or limited application;
          (b) differ according to differences in time, place
              or circumstances;
          (c) may leave any matter or thing to be from
              time to time determined, applied, dispensed
              with or regulated by a specified person or
              class of persons;
          (d) may provide in a specified case or class of
              case for the exemption of persons or things
              or a class of persons or things from any of
              the provisions of the regulations, whether
              unconditionally or on specified conditions
              and either wholly or to the extent specified;
          (e) may confer powers or impose duties in
              connection with the regulations on any
              specified person or specified class of

         Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
              No.       of 2021
               Part 5--General

     (f) may apply, adopt or incorporate with or
         without modification, any matter contained
         in any document, code, standard, rule,
         specification or method formulated, issued,
         prescribed or published by any person--
           (i) wholly or partially or as amended by
               the regulations; or
          (ii) as formulated, issued, prescribed or
               published at the time the regulations are
               made or at any time before then; or
         (iii) as formulated, issued, prescribed or
               published from time to time;
     (g) may impose a penalty not exceeding
         20 penalty units for a contravention of the
(3) Any regulations made under this section for or
    with respect to the issuing of film permits must
    not be inconsistent with the film friendly

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                      No.       of 2021
      Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related
             Division 1--Preliminary
 99 Definitions
          In this Part--
          Administrative Office has the same meaning as in
              the Public Administration Act 2004;
          Administrative Office Head has the same
              meaning as in the Public Administration
              Act 2004;
          allocation statement means an allocation
               statement made under section 102;
          commencement day means the day on which
              section 8 comes into operation;
          Crown instrument means an instrument
              (including a legislative instrument other than
              this Act) subsisting immediately before the
              relevant date--
                  (a) to which the Crown was a party; or
                  (b) that was given to or in favour of the
                      Crown; or
                  (c) that refers to the Crown; or
                  (d) under which--
                         (i) money is, or may become, payable
                             to or by the Crown; or
                        (ii) other property is to be, or may
                             become liable to be, transferred to
                             or by the Crown;

                  Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                       No.       of 2021
       Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

            former Crown property means property, rights or
                liabilities of the Crown that, under this Part,
                have vested in or become liabilities of the
            instrument includes a document and an oral
            relevant date means a date fixed by the Minister
                 under section 101 as the relevant date for an
                 allocation statement;
            SRLA (AO) means the Administrative Office
               established by Order in Council under
               section 11 of the Public Administration
               Act 2004 and published in the Government
               Gazette on 3 September 2019.
     The terms liabilities, property and rights are used in this Part.
     These terms are defined in section 3.
100 Application of Interpretation of Legislation
    Act 1984
            Except where the contrary intention appears, this
            Part, and any regulations made under this Part, do
            not affect or take away from the Interpretation of
            Legislation Act 1984.
101 Minister may fix relevant date
            The Minister, by notice published in the
            Government Gazette, may fix the relevant date
            for the purposes of an allocation statement under
            section 102.

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                      No.       of 2021
      Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

 Division 2--Transfer of property, rights and
102 Secretary to prepare allocation statement or
      (1) The Secretary must give the Minister within the
          period approved by the Minister, a statement or
          statements approved by the Minister relating to
          the property, rights and liabilities of the Crown
          that relate to the activities of the SRLA (AO) as at
          the relevant date.
      (2) A statement under this section--
           (a) must allocate to the Authority all the
               property, rights and liabilities of the Crown
               that relate to the activities of the SRLA
               (AO); and
           (b) must be signed by Secretary.
      (3) If a statement under this section is approved by
          the Minister--
           (a) the Minister must sign the statement; and
           (b) the statement is an allocation statement for
               the purposes of this Part.
      (4) The Minister may at any time direct the Secretary
          to amend a statement given to them under this
          section as specified in the direction.
      (5) An allocation statement under this section may be
          amended by writing signed by the Minister.
      (6) In this section, statement and allocation statement
          include a statement or allocation statement
          amended in accordance with this section.
103 Certificate of Secretary
      (1) A certificate signed by the Secretary certifying
          that property, rights and liabilities of the Crown
          that relate to the activities of the SRLA (AO)

                  Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                       No.       of 2021
       Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

           specified in the certificate have been allocated
           under an allocation statement to the Authority is,
           unless revoked under subsection (2), conclusive
            (a) that the property, rights or liabilities have
                been so allocated; and
            (b) that the property, rights or liabilities vested
                in, or became the property, rights or
                liabilities of, the Authority on the relevant
      (2) If the Minister so directs the Secretary in writing,
          the Secretary must revoke a certificate given
          under subsection (1) by issuing another certificate
          or certificates in place of the first certificate.
      (3) The Secretary--
            (a) must keep a register of certificates issued
                under this section; and
            (b) must make the register reasonably available
                for inspection by interested persons.
104 Property, rights and liabilities allocated in
    accordance with statement
           On the relevant date--
            (a) all property and rights of the Crown,
                wherever located, that are allocated under
                an allocation statement, vest in the Authority
                in accordance with the statement; and
            (b) all liabilities of the Crown, wherever located,
                that are allocated under an allocation
                statement, become liabilities of the Authority
                in accordance with the statement.

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                      No.       of 2021
      Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

105 Allocation of property etc. subject to encumbrances
          Unless an allocation statement otherwise provides,
          if, under this Part, property and rights vest in the
          Authority or liabilities become liabilities of the
           (a) the property and rights so vested are subject
               to the encumbrances (if any) to which they
               were subject immediately before so vesting;
           (b) the rights to which the Crown was entitled in
               respect of those liabilities immediately
               before they ceased to be liabilities of the
               Crown vest in the Authority.
106 Substitution of party to agreement
          If, under an allocation statement, the rights and
          liabilities of the Crown under an agreement are
          allocated to the Authority--
           (a) the Authority becomes, on the relevant date,
               a party to the agreement in place of the
               Crown; and
           (b) on and after the relevant date, the agreement
               has effect as if the Authority had always
               been a party to the agreement.
107 Former Crown instruments
          Each Crown instrument relating to former Crown
          property allocated to the Authority under an
          allocation statement continues to have effect
          according to its terms on and after the relevant
          date as if a reference in the instrument to the
          Crown were a reference to the Authority.

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
     Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

108 Proceedings
         If, immediately before the relevant date for an
         allocation statement, proceedings relating to
         former Crown property (including arbitration
         proceedings) allocated to the Authority under the
         allocation statement, to which the Crown was a
         party were pending or existing in any court or
         tribunal, then, on and after that relevant date, the
         Authority is substituted for the Crown as a party
         to the proceedings and has the same rights in
         the proceedings as the Crown had.
109 Taxes
         No duty or other tax is chargeable under any Act
         in respect of anything done under this Part or in
         respect of any act or transaction connected with or
         necessary to be done by reason of this Part,
         including a transaction entered into or an
         instrument made, executed, lodged or given, for
         the purpose of, or connected with the transfer of
         property, rights or liabilities of the Crown.
110 Evidence
     (1) Documentary or other evidence that would have
         been admissible for or against the interests of the
         Crown in relation to former Crown property if this
         Part had not been enacted, is admissible for or
         against the interests of the Authority, if the
         property is allocated to that body under an
         allocation statement.
     (2) The Evidence Act 2008 applies with respect to
         the books of account of the SRLA (AO) and to
         entries made in those books of account before the
         relevant date, whether or not they relate to former
         Crown property, as if those books of account and
         entries were business records of the Authority.

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                      No.       of 2021
      Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

 Division 3--Other transitional arrangements
111 Chief executive officer of the Authority
      (1) The person who, immediately before the
          commencement day, was the Administrative
          Office Head of the SRLA (AO) is taken on that
          day to be the chief executive officer of the
          Authority and to hold office as the chief executive
          officer on and after that day subject to terms and
          conditions of appointment determined by the
      (2) The terms and conditions determined by the
          board for the purposes of subsection (1) must be
          no less favourable overall than the terms and
          conditions of employment of that person as the
          Administrative Office Head of the SRLA (AO)
          immediately before the commencement day.
112 Superseded references
          A reference to the SRLA (AO) in any Act or
          in any instrument (including a subordinate
          instrument) made under or for the purposes of any
          Act, or any other document (by whatever name)
          prepared or made under or for the purposes of any
          Act, must be construed as a reference to the
           (a) so far as the reference relates to any period
               on or after the commencement day; and
           (b) if not inconsistent with the subject matter.

                  Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                       No.       of 2021
       Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

Division 4--Other provisions related to transition
                 to Authority
 113 Partial revocation of certain reserved land
       (1) This section applies if--
            (a) a part of the reserved land (the relevant
                land) is within the project area for a
                Suburban Rail Loop project; and
            (b) the Minister considers it necessary for the
                purposes of the Suburban Rail Loop project
                that the part of the reservation applying to
                the reserved land be revoked.
       (2) The Minister on--
            (a) receiving a plan of the relevant land signed
                by the Surveyor-General; and
            (b) being satisfied that the land shown on the
                plan represents that part of the reservation to
                be revoked--
           may recommend to the Governor in Council that
           the part of the reservation applying to the relevant
           land be revoked.
       (3) On receiving the Minister's recommendation, the
           Governor in Council, by Order published in the
           Government Gazette, may, despite anything to
           the contrary in the Crown Land (Reserves)
           Act 1978, revoke the relevant Order in Council
           to the extent that Order the relates to the relevant
           land shown on the plan.
       (4) On the publication of an Order under
           subsection (3) in respect of the relevant land--
            (a) subject to paragraph (e), that land is taken to
                be unalienated land of the Crown freed and
                discharged from all trusts, limitations,
                reservations, restrictions, encumbrances,
                estates and interests; and

           Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                No.       of 2021
Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

     (b) without limiting paragraph (a), any
         reservation of that land in force immediately
         before that publication is revoked, despite
         anything to the contrary in the Crown Land
         (Reserves) Act 1978; and
     (c) the appointment of any committee of
         management of that land is revoked to the
         extent that it relates to that land; and
     (d) any regulations under section 13 of the
         Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 are
         revoked to the extent that they apply to that
         land; and
     (e) that land is taken to be temporarily reserved
         under section 4(1) of the Crown Land
         (Reserves) Act 1978 for the purposes of the
         applicable Suburban Rail Loop project.
(5) The reservation of land under subsection (4)(e)
    may be amended, revoked or otherwise dealt with
    in accordance with the Crown Land (Reserves)
    Act 1978.
(6) An Order under subsection (3) is not a legislative
    instrument within the meaning of the
    Subordinate Legislation Act 1994.
(7) In this section--
    reserved land means land described in the
         relevant Order;
    relevant Order means the Order in Council
         made under section 4 of the Crown Land
         (Reserves) Act 1978 permanently reserving
         Crown Allotment 43A, Parish of Moorabbin,
         for public recreation and published in the
         Government Gazette on 20 February 1985
         at page 397.

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                      No.       of 2021
      Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

            Division 5--Miscellaneous
114 Validity of things done under this Part
          Nothing effected by, or done or suffered under,
          this Part--
           (a) is to be regarded as placing any person in
               breach of contract or confidence or as
               otherwise making any person guilty of a civil
               wrong; or
           (b) is to be regarded as placing any person in
               breach of, or as constituting a default under,
               any Act (other than the Charter of Human
               Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006) or
               other law or any provision in any agreement,
               arrangement or understanding including,
               without limiting the generality of the
               foregoing, any provision prohibiting,
               restricting or regulating the assignment or
               transfer of any property or the disclosure of
               any information; or
           (c) is to be regarded as fulfilling any condition
               which allows a person to exercise a right or
               remedy in respect of, or to terminate, any
               agreement or obligation; or
           (d) is to be regarded as giving rise to any remedy
               for a party to a contract or an instrument or
               as causing or permitting the termination of
               any contract or instrument because of a
               change in the beneficial or legal ownership
               of any property, right or liability; or
           (e) is to be regarded as causing any contract or
               instrument to be void or otherwise
               unenforceable; or
            (f) is to be regarded as frustrating any contract;

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                      No.       of 2021
      Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

           (g) releases any surety or other obligee wholly
               or in part from any obligation.
115 Regulations dealing with transitional matters
      (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
          containing provisions of a transitional nature,
          including matters of an application or savings
          nature, arising as a result of the enactment of this
          Act, including any repeals and amendments made
          by or as a result of the enactment of this Act.
      (2) Regulations made under this section may--
           (a) have a retrospective effect to a day on or
               after a date not earlier than the day on which
               this Act receives the Royal Assent;
           (b) be of limited or general application;
           (c) differ according to time, place or
           (d) leave any matter or thing to be decided by a
               specified person or class of person.
      (3) To the extent to which any provision of the
          regulations under this section takes effect from a
          date that is earlier than the date of its making, the
          provision does not operate so as--
           (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to
               any person (other than the State or an
               authority of the State), the rights of that
               person existing before the date of its making;
           (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other
               than the State or an authority of the State) in
               respect of anything done or omitted to be
               done before the date of its making.

           Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                No.       of 2021
Part 6--Savings, transitionals and related provisions

(4) Regulations under this section have effect despite
    anything to the contrary in--
     (a) this Act or any other Act (other than the
         Charter of Human Rights and
         Responsibilities Act 2006); or
     (b) any subordinate instrument.
(5) The following are not required for any proposed
    statutory rule that is to be made under this
     (a) consultation under section 6 of the
         Subordinate Legislation Act 1994;
     (b) the preparation of a regulatory impact
         statement under section 7 of the
         Subordinate Legislation Act 1994.
(6) This section is repealed on the second
    anniversary of the day on which it comes into

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

  Part 7--Amendment of Planning and
         Environment Act 1987
116 Definitions
          In section 3(1) of the Planning and Environment
          Act 1987 insert the following definitions--
          "Suburban Rail Loop Authority means the
              Authority established by section 8 of the
              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021;
          Suburban Rail Loop Minister means the Minister
              administering section 65 of the Suburban
              Rail Loop Act 2021;
          Suburban Rail Loop planning area declaration
              has the same meaning as in section 3 of the
              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021;
          Suburban Rail Loop program has the same
              meaning as in section 3 of the Suburban
              Rail Loop Act 2021;
          Suburban Rail Loop program objectives has the
              same meaning as in section 3 of the
              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021;".
117 Obligations of Department Head in relation to
    Yarra River land
          For section 4AA(2) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 substitute--
         "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
              performance of a function or the exercise
              of a power by the Department Head of the
              Department in relation to--
                  (a) a declared project within the meaning
                      of the Major Transport Projects
                      Facilitation Act 2009; or

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

                 (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                     the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                     Loop Act 2021.".
118 Obligations of Department Head in relation to
    declared areas
          For section 4AB(2) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 substitute--
         "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
              performance of a function or the exercise of
              a power by the Department Head of the
              Department in relation to--
                 (a) a declared project within the meaning
                     of the Major Transport Projects
                     Facilitation Act 2009; or
                 (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                     the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                     Loop Act 2021.".
119 Municipal council as planning authority for its
    municipal district
      (1) In section 8A(4) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987, for "The" substitute
          "Subject to subsection (6A), the".
      (2) After section 8A(6) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
        "(6A) If an application is for the preparation of an
              amendment that will apply to land to which a
              Suburban Rail Loop planning area
              declaration applies, the Minister--
                 (a) must refer the application to the
                     Suburban Rail Loop Minister; and

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

                 (b) must not authorise the preparation of
                     the amendment without the consent of
                     the Suburban Rail Loop Minister under
                     section 8C.".
      (3) In section 8A(7) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987, after "subsection (2)"
          insert "but subject to subsection (7A)".
      (4) After section 8A(7) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
        "(7A) Subsection (7) does not apply in relation to
              an application for the preparation of an
              amendment that will apply to land to which a
              Suburban Rail Loop planning area
              declaration applies.".
120 Municipal council as planning authority for area
    adjoining municipal district
      (1) In section 8B(2) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987, for "The" substitute
          "Subject to subsection (5A), the".
      (2) After section 8B(5) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
        "(5A) If an application is for the preparation of an
              amendment that will apply to land to which a
              Suburban Rail Loop planning area
              declaration applies, the Minister--
                 (a) must refer the application to the
                     Suburban Rail Loop Minister; and
                 (b) must not authorise the preparation of
                     the amendment without the consent of
                     the Suburban Rail Loop Minister under
                     section 8C.".

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

121 New sections 8C and 8D inserted
          After section 8B of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
         "8C Consent of the Suburban Rail Loop
             Minister required for authorisations of
             certain planning scheme amendments
               On being referred an application under
               section 8A(6A)(a) or 8B(5A)(a), the
               Suburban Rail Loop Minister must decide
               whether to give consent for the purposes of
               section 8A(6A)(b) or 8B(5A)(b). In doing so,
               the Minister must have regard to--
                 (a) the Suburban Rail Loop program
                     objectives; and
                 (b) the Suburban Rail Loop Authority's
          8D Applications for planning amendment
             authorisations received before applicable
             Suburban Rail Loop planning area
           (1) This section applies if--
                 (a) a municipal council makes an
                     application under section 8A or 8B for
                     authorisation to prepare a planning
                     scheme amendment; and
                 (b) before any of the following occur, a
                     Suburban Rail Loop planning area
                     declaration takes effect that applies to
                     land which will be affected by the
                     proposed planning scheme amendment
                     or to which the proposed planning
                     scheme amendment will apply--

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

                       (i) the Minister notifies the municipal
                           council of the Minister's decision
                           under section 8A(5) on the
                      (ii) section 8A(7) has effect in relation
                           to the application;
                     (iii) the Minister makes a decision
                           under section 8B(2) on the
           (2) In the case of an application under
               section 8A, section 8A(6A) applies to
               the application.
           (3) In the case of an application under
               section 8B, section 8B(5A) applies to
               the application.
           (4) If the Minister does not comply with
               section 8A(6A) or 8B(5A), any relevant
               authorisation for the preparation of the
               planning scheme amendment is of no
122 New section 9A inserted
          After section 9 of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
         "9A Suburban Rail Loop Authority is a
             planning authority
           (1) The Suburban Rail Loop Authority is a
               planning authority under this Act for any
               land to which a Suburban Rail Loop
               planning area declaration applies.
           (2) The Suburban Rail Loop Authority may
               prepare amendments to any provision of a
               planning scheme that applies to land to
               which a Suburban Rail Loop planning area
               declaration applies.".

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

123 Exemption from giving notice
      (1) In section 20(1) and (2)(a) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987, after "planning
          authority" insert "(other than the Suburban Rail
          Loop Authority)".
      (2) After section 20(5) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
         "(6) The Minister may exempt the Suburban Rail
              Loop Authority from any of the requirements
              of sections 17, 18 and 19 and the regulations
              in respect of an amendment which the
              Suburban Rail Loop Authority prepares, if
              the Minister considers that compliance with
              any of those requirements is not warranted or
              that the interests of Victoria or any part of
              Victoria make such an exemption
           (7) The Minister may impose conditions on an
               exemption under subsection (6), including a
               condition which requires the Suburban Rail
               Loop Authority to give notice of the
               amendment in any specified manner.".
124 New section 34A inserted
          After section 34 of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
        "34A Amendments affecting land to which
             Suburban Rail Loop planning area
             declarations apply
           (1) This section applies if a planning authority
               other than the Minister submits an adopted
               amendment to the Minister under section 31

             Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                  No.       of 2021
Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

              (a) amends a provision of a planning
                  scheme that applies to land to which a
                  Suburban Rail Loop planning area
                  declaration applies; or
              (b) amends a planning scheme so that a
                  provision of the planning scheme
                  applies to land to which a Suburban
                  Rail Loop planning area declaration
        (2) The Minister must refer to the Suburban Rail
            Loop Minister--
              (a) the adopted amendment; and
              (b) any findings reported to the Minister
                  by a panel under section 34 on any
                  changes to the adopted amendment.
        (3) Within 28 days after receiving the adopted
            amendment (and any findings reported to the
            Minister by a panel under section 34 on any
            changes to the adopted amendment), the
            Suburban Rail Loop Minister must advise
            the Minister whether the Suburban Rail Loop
            Minister supports, or objects to, the adopted
            amendment, including the changes, if any.
        (4) If the Suburban Rail Loop Minister objects
            to the adopted amendment, the Suburban
            Rail Loop Minister must set out the
            Suburban Rail Loop Minister's reasons for
            that objection in the advice.
        (5) The Suburban Rail Loop Minister, in the
            Suburban Rail Loop Minister's advice to the
              (a) may recommend changes to the
                  adopted amendment whether or not the
                  Suburban Rail Loop Minister supports,
                  or objects to, the adopted amendment;

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

                 (b) if the Suburban Rail Loop Minister
                     does so, must set out the reasons for the
                     recommended changes.".
125 Approval of amendment by Minister
      (1) In section 35(1) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987, for "The" substitute
          "Subject to this section, the".
      (2) After section 35(1) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
        "(1A) If the amendment or a part of an amendment
              applies to land to which a Suburban Rail
              Loop planning area declaration applies, the
              Minister must have regard to the advice of
              the Suburban Rail Loop Minister under
              section 34A in approving or refusing to
              approve the amendment or part of the
         (1B) However, subsection (1A) does not apply if,
              before the Minister makes a decision on the
              amendment or part of an amendment, the
              Suburban Rail Loop planning area
              declaration ceases to apply to the land to
              which the amendment or part of an
              amendment applies.".
126 Parliament may revoke an amendment
          After section 38(5) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
         "(6) Subsections (2) to (4) do not apply to an
              amendment to a planning scheme prepared
              by the Suburban Rail Loop Authority that
              applies to land to which a Suburban Rail
              Loop planning area declaration applies.".

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

127 Defects in procedure
          After section 39(8) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
         "(9) This section does not apply to a planning
              scheme prepared by the Suburban Rail Loop
              Authority that applies to land to which a
              Suburban Rail Loop planning area
              declaration applies.".
128 Advisory committees
      (1) In section 151(1) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987, for "The" substitute
          "Subject to subsection (1A), the".
      (2) After section 151(1) of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
        "(1A) The Minister must consult the Suburban
              Rail Loop Minister before establishing a
              committee to advise the Minister on any
              matter relating to the preparation of an
              amendment to any provision of a planning
              scheme that applies to land to which a
              Suburban Rail Loop planning area
              declaration applies.
         (1B) The establishment of a committee under
              subsection (1) is not invalid or ineffective
              merely because the Minister did not comply
              with subsection (1A).".
129 Appointment of panels
      (1) In section 153 of the Planning and Environment
          Act 1987, for "The" substitute "Subject to this
          section, the".

                Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                     No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

      (2) At the end of section 153 of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
         "(2) The Minister must consult the Suburban Rail
              Loop Minister before appointing a panel to
              consider submissions relating to the
              preparation of an amendment to any
              provision of a planning scheme that applies
              to land to which a Suburban Rail Loop
              planning area declaration applies.
           (3) The appointment of a panel under subsection
               (1) is not invalid or ineffective merely
               because the Minister did not comply with
               subsection (2).".
130 New section 158AA inserted
          After section 158 of the Planning and
          Environment Act 1987 insert--
     "158AA Terms of reference for panels relating to
            Suburban Rail Loop program
           (1) On appointing a panel under section 153
               to consider submissions relating to the
               preparation of an amendment to any
               provision of a planning scheme that applies
               to land to which a Suburban Rail Loop
               planning area declaration applies, the
               Minister must give the panel the terms of
               reference under which the panel will
               consider the submissions.
           (2) The terms of reference given to the panel
               may specify--
                 (a) the scope of the matters that the panel
                     may consider; or
                 (b) timeframes in relation to the conduct of
                     panel processes under this Part.
           (3) Subsection (2) does not limit what may be
               included in the terms of reference.".

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                      No.       of 2021
   Part 7--Amendment of Planning and Environment Act 1987

131 Exemption from paying GAIC for land dealings
    involving public authorities and councils
           After section 201TC(1)(ab) of the Planning and
           Environment Act 1987 insert--
        "(ac) if land vested in or held by the Suburban Rail
              Loop Authority (or a subsidiary of the
              Authority) on behalf of the Crown--
                   (i) is transferred by the Suburban Rail
                       Loop Authority (or a subsidiary of the
                       Authority) on behalf the Crown to a
                       Minister or Secretary to a Department
                       on behalf of the Crown, a public
                       authority or to a municipal council; or
                  (ii) is exchanged by the Suburban Rail
                       Loop Authority (or a subsidiary of the
                       Authority) on behalf of the Crown
                       for land vested in or held by a Minister
                       or Secretary to a Department on behalf
                       of the Crown, a public authority or a
                       municipal council;".
132 Repeal of this Part
           This Part is repealed on 1 September 2023.
    The repeal of this Part does not affect the continuing operation of
    the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the
    Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport
      Projects Facilitation Act 2009
133 Definitions
        (1) In section 3 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) insert the following definitions--
                  "coordinating road authority has the same
                       meaning as in the Road Management
                       Act 2004;
                  interest, in relation to land, means--
                         (a) a legal or equitable estate or
                             interest in land; or
                         (b) an easement, right, charge, power
                             or privilege in, under, over,
                             affecting or in connection with
                  non-road infrastructure has the same
                      meaning as in the Road Management
                      Act 2004;
                  planning permit means a permit issued
                       under the Planning and Environment
                       Act 1987;
                  planning scheme means a planning scheme
                       under the Planning and Environment
                       Act 1987;
                  transport body has the same meaning as in
                       the Transport Integration Act 2010;
                  underground land--see section 162(1);";
             (b) for the definition of land substitute--
                  "land includes--
                         (a) buildings and other structures
                             permanently fixed to land; and

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                         (b) land covered with water; and
                         (c) any interest in land; and
                         (d) a stratum of land;";
              (c) for the definition of non-transport
                  infrastructure substitute--
                  "non-transport infrastructure means a
                      facility, building, fixture, fitting or
                      permanent structure that is constructed
                      for any purpose (including a residential,
                      commercial or industrial purpose) and
                      that, when constructed, is--
                         (a) in, on, over, part of, or related or
                             connected to, transport
                             infrastructure; or
                         (b) adjacent to, or in close proximity
                             to, transport infrastructure;";
             (d) in the definition of road, after "2004" insert
                 "and includes part of such a road";
              (e) in the definition of road function, after
                  "Subdivision 1" insert "or 3".
        (2) In section 3 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, in the definition of project
              (a) for paragraph (a) substitute--
                  "(a) land that is acquired by, or vested in,
                       the project authority or the Crown
                       under Part 6, including land that is
                       surrendered or divested under that Part
                       and underground land; or

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                  (ab) land granted to the project authority on
                       behalf of the Crown under Part 6 for the
                       purposes of the approved project; or";
             (b) in paragraph (c), for "project;" substitute
                 "project; or";
              (c) after paragraph (c) insert--
                  "(d) Crown land previously reserved for the
                       purposes of the approved project that
                       has become unreserved Crown land
                       under section 141 and has not been
                       granted to the project authority under
                       section 142B;".
134 New section 4A inserted
            After section 4 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "4A References to reserved Crown land
                  In this Act, a reference to reserved Crown
                  land or to land reserved under the Crown
                  Land (Reserves) Act 1978 includes a
                  reference to land that is taken to be reserved
                  under that Act by or under this or any other
135 Designation of project contractor
            In section 7 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "a project authority has
            entered into an agreement for the development of
            a part of an approved project on behalf of the
            project authority" substitute "the State or a
            project authority (or both) have entered into an
            agreement for the development of the whole or
            part of an approved project on behalf of the State
            or project authority (or both)".

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

136 Designation of project area
        (1) In section 95(3) of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) for paragraph (a) substitute--
                  "(a) the Planning Minister has received a
                       plan that contains sufficient detail to
                       identify the extent of the area of land to
                       be designated; and";
             (b) in paragraph (b), for "has made any
                 amendments to any applicable planning
                 scheme for purposes of the declared project"
                 substitute "is satisfied that the declared
                 project is not prohibited by or under an
                 applicable planning scheme".
        (2) After section 95(4) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(5) For the purpose of subsection (3)(b), a
                 transport project is not prohibited by or
                 under a planning scheme if--
                    (a) it is permitted as of right; or
                   (b) it may be undertaken without a
                       planning permit (whether or not the
                       planning scheme requires other
                       approvals or consents to be obtained
                       before it may be undertaken); or
                    (c) it may be undertaken with a planning
                        permit (whether or not a planning
                        permit may be granted or refused).".
137 Variations to project area
            For section 96(4) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(4) The Planning Minister must not make a
                 designation under this section unless the
                 Planning Minister has received a plan that

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                  contains sufficient detail to identify the
                  extent of the area of land to be designated.".
138 Consolidated plans for project area
            For section 97(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(2) The consolidated plans of a project area must
                 contain sufficient detail to identify the extent
                 of the project area.".
139 Division 1 of Part 5 repealed
            Division 1 of Part 5 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 is repealed.
140 A project authority's functions
            At the end of section 101 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(2) Before a declared project becomes an
                 approved project, the project authority for
                 the declared project has any functions that
                 are conferred on the project authority by or
                 under this or any other Act in relation to the
                 declared project.".
141 Section 102 substituted
            For section 102 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "102 A project authority's powers
             (1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purpose of
                 performing its project functions, a project
                 authority that is a public authority has the
                 following powers--
                    (a) to acquire, hold or dispose of real or
                        personal property;
                   (b) with the written approval of the
                       Treasurer, to participate in the
                       formation of a corporation, trust,

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                        partnership or other body or enter into a
                        joint venture;
                    (c) to subscribe for, or otherwise acquire,
                        hold and dispose of, shares in or
                        debentures or other securities of, a
                   (d) to become a member of a company
                       limited by guarantee;
                    (e) to subscribe for or otherwise acquire,
                        and hold and dispose of, units in a trust;
                    (f) to acquire, and hold and dispose of, an
                        interest in a partnership or other body;
                   (g) to give indemnities, guarantees,
                       releases and charges, and anything else
                       of a similar nature;
                   (h) on behalf of the Crown, to--
                          (i) assign, grant, lease, licence, sell,
                              mortgage, use as a security, or
                              otherwise encumber or dispose of,
                              any intellectual property right of
                              the Crown; or
                         (ii) seek any remedy in relation to, or
                              do anything necessary to enforce,
                              protect, maintain, register or
                              exploit, any intellectual property
                              right of the Crown; or
                        (iii) seek any remedy in relation to, or
                              do anything necessary to enforce,
                              protect, maintain or exploit any
                              Crown copyright;
                    (i) to employ or engage staff or

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                    (j) to enter into arrangements for the
                        services of persons employed under the
                        Public Administration Act 2004;
                   (k) to appoint agents and attorneys, and act
                       as agent;
                    (l) any other powers conferred on the
                        project authority by or under this or any
                        other Act or law.
             (2) A project authority that is a public authority
                 does not have the powers specified in
                 subsection (1) to the extent that the Governor
                 in Council, on the recommendation of the
                 Project Minister, by Order published in the
                 Government Gazette, determines that the
                 project authority does not have those powers.
             (3) For the purpose of performing its project
                 functions, a project authority that is not a
                 public authority has the following powers--
                    (a) the powers specified for the project
                        authority under subsection (4);
                   (b) any other powers conferred on the
                       project authority by or under this or any
                       other Act or law.
             (4) If the project authority is not a public
                 authority, the Governor in Council, on the
                 recommendation of the Project Minister, by
                 Order published in the Government Gazette,
                 may specify any one or more of the powers
                 referred to in subsection (1)(a) to (k) to be a
                 power of the project authority for the
                 purposes of performing its project functions.
             (5) In addition to subsection (1) or (3), a project
                 authority may do all other things necessary
                 or convenient to be done for, or in
                 connection with, or as incidental to, the

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                  performance of its project functions under
                  this Act.".
142 Delegation--when the Secretary is the project
            For section 104(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(2) The Secretary, by instrument, may delegate
                 any project function the Secretary has, other
                 than this power of delegation, to--
                    (a) a person employed under Part 3 of the
                        Public Administration Act 2004 in--
                          (i) the Department; or
                         (ii) an Administrative Office (within
                              the meaning of that Act) in
                              relation to the Department; or
                   (b) an Administrative Office Head (within
                       the meaning of the Public
                       Administration Act 2004) of an
                       Administrative Office (within the
                       meaning of that Act) in relation to the
                       Department; or
                    (c) a person engaged by the Secretary; or
                   (d) the Suburban Rail Loop Authority; or
                    (e) the chief executive officer of the
                        Suburban Rail Loop Authority; or
                    (f) a member of staff (within the meaning
                        of the Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021)
                        of the Suburban Rail Loop Authority.".

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

143 New Division 1AA inserted in Part 6
            After the heading to Part 6 of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

             "Division 1AA--Dealing in land before
              designation of project area and with
                        specified entities
          111A Definition
                  In this Division--
                  specified entity means--
                         (a) the Crown; or
                         (b) a Minister; or
                         (c) a Department Head within the
                             meaning of the Public
                             Administration Act 2004; or
                         (d) a public authority; or
                         (e) a Council; or
                          (f) a transport body.
          111B Powers of project authority and project
               proponent to deal in land before
               designation of project area
             (1) At any time before a declared project
                 becomes an approved project, the project
                 authority or project proponent for the
                 declared project may--
                    (a) acquire land by agreement for the
                        purposes of the declared project or any
                        purpose connected with the declared
                        project; and

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                   (b) hold land for the purposes of the
                       declared project or any purpose
                       connected with the declared project;
                    (c) transfer or otherwise dispose of land.
             (2) An acquisition of land from, or a transfer of
                 land to, a specified entity under this section
                 may be for nominal consideration.
             (3) A right in the nature of an easement or
                 purporting to be an easement may be
                 transferred under this section only if there is
                 some other land of the transferee that is
                 capable of being benefitted by that right.
                  Section 171A permits the transfer of certain
                  easements in gross in certain circumstances.
          111C Powers of project authority to deal in land
               with specified entities after designation of
               project area
             (1) The project authority for an approved project
                 may, by agreement--
                    (a) acquire land from a specified entity for
                        the purposes of the approved project or
                        any purpose connected with the
                        approved project; and
                   (b) transfer land to a specified entity--
                          (i) for the purposes of the approved
                              project or any purpose connected
                              with the approved project; or
                         (ii) if the land is no longer required
                              for the purposes of the approved

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                              Land no longer required for the purposes
                              of an approved project may also be dealt
                              with under Subdivision 4 of Division 7.
             (2) An acquisition or transfer of land under this
                 section may be for nominal consideration.
             (3) Land may be acquired or transferred under
                 this section whether the land is in or outside
                 the project area.
             (4) A right in the nature of an easement or
                 purporting to be an easement may be
                 transferred under this section only if there is
                 some other land of the transferee that is
                 capable of being benefitted by that right.
                  Section 171A permits the transfer of certain
                  easements in gross in certain circumstances.
          111D Land Acquisition and Compensation
               Act 1986 does not apply
             (1) Despite anything to the contrary in this
                 Act or the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986, a project authority
                 is not required to comply with the Land
                 Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986
                 in relation to land proposed to be acquired
                 under this Division, whether or not the
                 project authority is empowered to
                 compulsorily acquire that land under any
                 special Act.
             (2) In this section--
                  special Act has the same meaning as in the
                       Land Acquisition and Compensation
                       Act 1986.".

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

144 Powers of acquisition
            In section 112(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 omit "an interest
145 Application of Land Acquisition and Compensation
    Act 1986
        (1) In section 113 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, after "Subject to" insert
            "Division 1AA,".
        (2) At the end of section 113 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(2) Despite subsection (1), Division 5 of
                 Part 2 of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986 does not apply in
                 relation to the entry into possession of
                 project land by a project authority.
                  See Division 5 of this Part in relation to entry into
                  possession of project land.
             (3) Despite section 3(3) of the Land
                 Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986,
                 if a provision of this Act is inconsistent with
                 a provision of that Act, the provision of this
                 Act prevails to the extent of the
146 New section 113A inserted
            After section 113 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
         "113A Notice of acquisition
             (1) Despite section 21 of the Land Acquisition
                 and Compensation Act 1986, a notice of
                 acquisition for the acquisition of land by a
                 project authority under section 112--

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                    (a) must be in the form approved by the
                        Minister; and
                   (b) may contain an express declaration that
                       the land is to vest in the project
             (2) The Minister must cause a form approved
                 under subsection (1)(a) to be published--
                    (a) in the Government Gazette; and
                   (b) on the Department's Internet site.".
147 Section 114 substituted
            For section 114 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "114 Vesting of acquired land
             (1) If the notice of acquisition for land acquired
                 by a project authority under section 112
                 contains an express declaration that the land
                 is to vest in the project authority, the land
                 vests in the project authority under
                 section 24 of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986.
             (2) If the notice of acquisition does not contain
                 an express declaration that the land is to vest
                 in the authority, the land vests in the Crown
                 under section 24 of the Land Acquisition
                 and Compensation Act 1986, despite
                 anything to the contrary in that Act, as if a
                 reference in that section to the Authority
                 were a reference to the Crown.
             (3) This section is subject to section 117.".
148 Certain acquired land taken to be reserved
        (1) In section 115(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for "an interest in
            land that vests in the Crown under section 114, the
            land in which the interest subsisted" substitute

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

            "land and all alienated estates and interests in the
            land vest in the Crown under section 114, the
        (2) In section 115(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "1978"
            insert "or any provision of this Act that provides
            for the reservation of Crown land to be amended,
            revoked or otherwise dealt with".
149 Acquisition of easement--easement in gross
            In section 116 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, after "section 112" insert
            "or Division 1AA".
150 Section 117 substituted
            For section 117 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "117 Effect of extinguishment of utility
             (1) This section applies if an easement of a
                 utility, or a right in the nature of an easement
                 of a utility, is extinguished by or as a result
                 of any action taken under section 112 or
                 Division 4, 6 or 8.
             (2) The extinguishment of the easement or right
                 does not remove--
                    (a) a utility's ownership of any utility
                        infrastructure; or
                   (b) any right (other than an interest in real
                       property) arising under any existing
                       agreement between utilities in relation
                       to utility infrastructure; or
                    (c) any right (other than an interest in real
                        property) conferred by an enactment
                        on a utility in relation to utility

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

             (3) The extinguishment of the easement or right
                 does not place a utility in breach of, or
                 constitute a default or potential default
                 under, any obligation, undertaking, warranty
                 or covenant in any agreement, arrangement
                 or understanding between the utility and a
                 third party, including any provision
                 prohibiting, restricting or regulating the
                 assignment, transfer or disposal of any
151 Modification of Land Acquisition and
    Compensation Act 1986--general
        (1) Section 118(1) of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 is repealed.
        (2) For section 118(5) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(5) Part 9 of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986 does not apply in
                 relation to an approved project.".
        (3) For section 118(7) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(7) Section 109 of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986 does not apply in
                 relation to the disposal of any project land by
                 the project authority.".
152 Sections 119, 120 and 121 repealed
            Sections 119, 120 and 121 of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 are

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

153 Planning compensation
            For section 120A(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(2) No entitlement to compensation can arise
                 under Part 5 of the Planning and
                 Environment Act 1987 as applied by
                 subsection (1) in relation to any land after it
                 ceases to form part of the project area
                 (whether by completion of the approved
                 project or otherwise).
             (3) If land ceases to form part of the project area
                 (whether by completion of the approved
                 project or otherwise), section 111 of the
                 Planning and Environment Act 1987
                 applies as if the planning scheme had been
                 amended to remove the reservation referred
                 to in subsection (1)(a).".
154 Modification of Land Acquisition and
    Compensation Act 1986--regulations
            In section 122 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "The regulations"
            substitute "Subject to section 113A, the
155 Transfer of building or structure as compensation
            In section 123 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 omit "an interest in".
156 Compulsory acquisition of native title rights and
            Section 127(3) of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 is repealed.

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

157 Power of project authority to purchase land
            In section 133 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) in subsection (1), after "approved project"
                  insert "or any purpose connected with an
                  approved project";
             (b) in subsections (3), (4) and (5), for "the
                 purposes of an approved project or a purpose
                 specified in subsection (2)" substitute "a
                 purpose referred to in subsection (1) or (2)".
158 Amendment of heading to Subdivision 1 of
    Division 4 of Part 6
            In the heading to Subdivision 1 of Division 4 of
            Part 6 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "or divesting"
            substitute ", divesting or acquisition".
159 Surrender or divesting of land of public authorities
    and Councils
        (1) For the heading to section 134 of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
            "Order for surrender, divesting or acquisition
            of land of public authorities and Councils".
        (2) In section 134(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) in paragraph (b), for "Council." substitute
                  "Council; or";
             (b) after paragraph (b) insert--
                  "(c) provide for the acquisition by the
                       Crown or the project authority of an
                       interest in land from land in the project
                       area that is vested in a public authority
                       or Council.".

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

        (3) After section 134(3) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
          "(3A) An interest referred to in subsection (1)(c)--
                    (a) may be an interest that did not
                        previously exist as such; and
                   (b) may consist of a right in the nature of
                       an easement, or purporting to be an
                       easement, even though there is no land
                       vested or to be vested in the Crown or
                       the project authority that is benefitted
                       by or capable of being benefitted by
                       that right.
           (3B) An Order under subsection (1)(b) may
                specify that the land divested is to vest in the
                project authority.
           (3C) An Order under subsection (1)(c)--
                    (a) must specify the interest to be acquired;
                   (b) may specify that the interest is to be
                       acquired by the project authority.".
        (4) In section 134(5) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) for "notify" substitute "give";
             (b) after "authority" (where secondly occurring)
                 insert "written notice".
        (5) In section 134(6) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "give"
            insert "written".
160 Surrender of interests in unreserved Crown land
            In section 135(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for "any land"
            substitute "Crown land".

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

161 Effect of surrender or divesting
        (1) In the heading to section 136 of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after
            "or divesting" insert "to, or acquisition by, the
        (2) In section 136(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) in paragraph (b), after "land" insert "if the
                  Order does not specify that the land is to vest
                  in the project authority";
             (b) after paragraph (b) insert--
                 "(ba) the publication in the Government
                       Gazette of an Order under section
                       134(1)(c) if the Order does not specify
                       that the interest in the land is to be
                       acquired by the project authority; or";
              (c) in paragraph (c), for "land; or" substitute
             (d) paragraph (d) is repealed.
        (3) For section 136(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(2) On the conveyance or publication of the
                    (a) the land is freed and discharged from
                        all trusts, limitations, reservations,
                        restrictions, encumbrances, estates and
                        interests; and
                   (b) except in the case of an Order under
                       section 134(1)(c), the land is taken to
                       be unalienated land of the Crown; and
                    (c) in the case of an Order under section
                        134(1)(c), the interest specified in the
                        Order vests in the Crown; and

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                   (d) any interest that a person has in the land
                       is divested or diminished to the extent
                       necessary to give effect to this
        (4) In section 136(3), (4) and (5) of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after
            "subsection" insert "or the relevant Order is an
            Order under section 134(1)(c)".
        (5) In section 136(5A) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for "134 or 135
            may exclude the operation of subsection (5)"
            substitute "134(1)(a) or (b) may exclude the
            operation of subsection (5) only".
        (6) In section 136(6) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "other Act"
            insert "(other than the Charter of Human Rights
            and Responsibilities Act 2006)".
162 New section 136A inserted
            After section 136 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
         "136A Effect of divesting to or acquisition by
               project authority
             (1) This section applies on the publication in the
                 Government Gazette of--
                    (a) an Order under section 134(1)(b) that
                        specifies that land is to vest in the
                        project authority; or
                   (b) an Order under section 134(1)(c) that
                       specifies that an interest in land is to be
                       acquired by the project authority.
             (2) On the publication of the Order--
                    (a) the land or interest in land vests in the
                        project authority freed and discharged
                        from all trusts, limitations, reservations,

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                        restrictions, encumbrances, estates and
                        interests; and
                   (b) any interest that a person has in the land
                       is divested or diminished to the extent
                       necessary to give effect to this
             (3) If the Order divests an estate in fee simple in
                 the land--
                    (a) unless the Order expressly excludes the
                        operation of this paragraph, if any part
                        of the land is or is being used as a
                          (i) that part of the land ceases to be a
                              road; and
                         (ii) all rights, easements and
                              privileges existing or claimed in
                              that part of the land either in the
                              public or by any body or person as
                              incident to any express or implied
                              grant, or past dedication or
                              supposed dedication or by user or
                              operation of law or otherwise,
                              cease; and
                   (b) unless the Order expressly excludes the
                       operation of this paragraph, if any part
                       of the land is the bed, soil and banks of
                       a river, all rights, easements and
                       privileges existing or claimed in that
                       part of the land either in the public or
                       by any body or person as incident to
                       any express or implied grant, or past
                       dedication or supposed dedication or by
                       user or operation of law or otherwise,

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             (4) This section has effect despite anything to
                 the contrary in section 175A of the Water
                 Industry Act 1994, section 10 of, or
                 clause 1 of Schedule 5 to, the Road
                 Management Act 2004 or any other Act
                 (other than the Charter of Human Rights
                 and Responsibilities Act 2006).".
163 Temporary reservation may be amended or revoked
            In section 137 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, after "1978" insert "or any
            provision of this Act that provides for the
            reservation of Crown land to be amended, revoked
            or otherwise dealt with".
164 Section 137A repealed
            Section 137A of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 is repealed.
165 Surrender of land by project authority
        (1) For section 137B(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(1) The project authority may request the
                 consent of the Project Minister to the
                 surrender to the Crown, for the purposes of
                 the approved project or a purpose connected
                 with the approved project, of any land held
                 in fee simple by the project authority.".
        (2) For section 137B(4) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(4) If the Project Minister consents to the
                 surrender of the land, section 22A(1)(a) and
                 (4)(a) of the Land Act 1958 applies to the
                 surrender as if--
                    (a) the consent of the Project Minister were
                        the consent of the Governor in Council
                        under section 22A(1); and

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                   (b) a reference to the Governor in Council
                       were a reference to the Project
                       Minister; and
                    (c) a reference to an authority were a
                        reference to the project authority.".
166 Revocation of reservations--entire reservation
        (1) In section 139(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "revoke"
            insert "the reservation including, as necessary,".
        (2) After section 139(3) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(4) An Order under subsection (2) may be
                 contained in the same instrument as a
                 Crown grant under section 142B.".
167 Revocation of reservations--part of reservation
        (1) In section 140(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) after "revoke" insert "the reservation
                  including, as necessary,";
             (b) after "extent that the" insert "revocation of
                 the reservation,".
        (2) After section 140(3) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(4) An Order under subsection (2) may be
                 contained in the same instrument as a Crown
                 grant under section 142B.".
168 Effect of revocation of reservations
        (1) In section 141(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 omit "is taken to
            be unalienated land of the Crown and".

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        (2) For section 141(7) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(7) The land is taken to be temporarily reserved
                 under section 4(1) of the Crown Land
                 (Reserves) Act 1978 for public purposes,
                 being, in particular, the purposes of the
                 approved project, unless--
                    (a) before the reservation was revoked, the
                        land was reserved for the purposes of
                        the approved project; or
                   (b) the relevant Order under section 139
                       or 140 is contained in the same
                       instrument as a grant of the land under
                       section 142B.".
        (3) In section 141(8) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "other Act"
            insert "(other than the Charter of Human Rights
            and Responsibilities Act 2006)".
169 Temporary reservation may be amended or revoked
            In section 142 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, after "1978" insert "or any
            provision of this Act that provides for the
            reservation of Crown land to be amended, revoked
            or otherwise dealt with".
170 New heading to Subdivision 2A of Division 4 of
    Part 6
            For the heading to Subdivision 2A of Division 4
            of Part 6 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--

            "Subdivision 2A--Other ways of making
              Crown land available for approved

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171 Other Crown land to be designated for approved
        (1) In section 142A(5) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "1978"
            insert "or any provision of this Act that provides
            for the reservation of Crown land to be amended,
            revoked or otherwise dealt with".
        (2) After section 142A(6) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(7) On publication of an Order designating land
                 under subsection (3), the land is freed and
                 discharged from all trusts, limitations,
                 reservations, restrictions, encumbrances,
                 estates and interests, unless the Order
                 expressly provides otherwise.
             (8) Unless the Order under subsection (3)
                 expressly excludes the operation of this
                 subsection, if any part of the land is or is
                 being used as a road--
                    (a) that part of the land ceases to be a road;
                   (b) all rights, easements and privileges
                       existing or claimed in that part of the
                       land either in the public or by any body
                       or person as incident to any express or
                       implied grant, or past dedication or
                       supposed dedication or by user or
                       operation of law or otherwise, cease.
             (9) Unless the Order under subsection (3)
                 expressly excludes the operation of this
                 subsection, if any part of the land is the
                 bed, soil and banks of a river, all rights,
                 easements and privileges existing or claimed
                 in that part of the land either in the public or
                 by any body or person as incident to any
                 express or implied grant, or past dedication

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                  or supposed dedication or by user or
                  operation of law or otherwise, cease.
           (10) This section has effect despite anything to
                the contrary in section 175A of the Water
                Industry Act 1994, section 10 of, or
                clause 1 of Schedule 5 to, the Road
                Management Act 2004 or any other Act
                (other than the Charter of Human Rights
                and Responsibilities Act 2006).".
172 New section 142B inserted
            After section 142A of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
         "142B Grant of Crown land to project authority
             (1) The Governor in Council, on behalf of the
                 Crown, may grant to a project authority for
                 the purposes of an approved project any
                 Crown land in the project area for an estate
                 in fee simple.
             (2) A grant of land under this section may be
                 contained in the same instrument as an Order
                 under section 139 or 140.
             (3) Land that is reserved under the Crown Land
                 (Reserves) Act 1978 cannot be granted
                 under this section unless the grant is
                 contained in the same instrument as an Order
                 under section 139 or 140 revoking the
             (4) If the grant is contained in the same
                 instrument as an Order under section 139
                 or 140, the land is taken to have been granted
                 to the project authority immediately after the
                 publication of the Order.

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

             (5) A grant of land under this section must be
                 made on the recommendation of the Project
                 Minister after consulting the Minister
                 administering section 12 of the Land
                 Act 1958.
             (6) The grant may contain any terms, covenants,
                 conditions or limitations that the Governor in
                 Council determines.
             (7) Land may be granted to a project authority
                 with or without consideration being given by
                 the project authority.
             (8) Sections 339, 339A, 339B and 340 of the
                 Land Act 1958 apply to a grant of land
                 under this section as if it were a grant of
                 land in fee simple under that Act.".
173 Orders may continue or declare roads
            In section 144(6) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "Act"
            insert "(other than the Charter of Human
            Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006)".
174 Compensation--surrender, divesting or revocation
    of reservation
        (1) For the heading to section 145 of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
        (2) In section 145 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) in subsections (1) and (2), for "Subdivision 1
                  or 2" substitute "Subdivision 1, 2 or 2A";
             (b) in subsection (4)(b), for "an interest"
                 substitute "an estate".

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175 Compensation for Councils in certain circumstances
            In section 146(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for
            "Subdivision 1 or 2" substitute
            "Subdivision 1, 2 or 2A".
176 Effect of reservation of a stratum of Crown land
            Section 150 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 is repealed.
177 Power to enter into possession
            In section 151 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "Part" substitute
178 Project authority must try to obtain agreement
            At the end of section 152 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to
                 the entry into possession of underground
                 land only.".
179 Early entry of place of residence or business
            For section 155(1)(c) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(c) the land is underground land that is declared
                 under section 162.".
180 New section 155A inserted
            After section 155 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
         "155A Entry into possession of underground
                  A project authority may enter into possession
                  of underground land at any time after
                  publication of the Order under section 162
                  declaring the underground land.".

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

181 Recovery of rent
            In section 158 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "Subdivision"
            substitute "Division".
182 Section 160 substituted
            For section 160 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "160 Certain legislation not to apply
                  Nothing in the Residential Tenancies
                  Act 1997 or the Retail Leases Act 2003
                  applies to or in relation to any matter
                  provided for in, or any proceedings under,
                  this Division.".
183 Section 161 repealed
            Section 161 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 is repealed.
184 Amendment of heading to Division 6 of Part 6
            For the heading to Division 6 of Part 6 of the
            Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                 "Division 6--Underground land".
185 New section 161A inserted
            After the heading to Division 6 of Part 6 of the
            Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
         "161A Application of Division
             (1) Land may be subject to an Order under this
                 Division even if it is Crown land, including
                 Crown land permanently or temporarily
                 reserved under the Crown Land (Reserves)
                 Act 1978.

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             (2) However, an Order under section 162B
                 cannot provide for the acquisition of an
                 easement over Crown land.
             (3) This Division applies despite anything to
                 the contrary in the Crown Land (Reserves)
                 Act 1978 (other than section 8 of that Act).
                  Section 8 of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978,
                  which takes effect despite any Act or rule of law to
                  the contrary, deals with the sale, leasing and licensing
                  of reserved Crown land.".
186 Section 162 substituted and new sections 162A and
    162B inserted
            For section 162 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "162 Declaration of underground land as
                project land
             (1) The Governor in Council, by Order
                 published in the Government Gazette,
                 may declare that a stratum of land below
                 ground level in a project area is project
                 land (the underground land).
             (2) An Order under this section must be made on
                 the recommendation of the Project Minister.
             (3) The Governor in Council must not make an
                 Order under this section unless the Governor
                 in Council has received plans that specify the
                 depth and length of the underground land
                 that have been--
                    (a) signed by the Surveyor-General; and
                   (b) lodged at the Central Plan Office.
             (4) An Order under this section may provide that
                 the underground land is to vest in fee simple
                 in the project authority.

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             (5) An Order under this section may be
                 contained in the same instrument as an
                 Order under section 162B.
             (6) An Order under this section is not a
                 legislative instrument within the meaning of
                 the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994.
          162A Effect of declaration of underground land
               as project land
             (1) On the publication of an Order under
                 section 162 in the Government Gazette--
                    (a) if the Order provides that the
                        underground land is to vest in fee
                        simple in the project authority--
                          (i) the underground land vests in fee
                              simple in the project authority
                              freed and discharged from all
                              trusts, limitations, reservations,
                              restrictions, encumbrances, estates
                              and interests; and
                         (ii) if any of the underground land
                              was Crown land, it vests in the
                              project authority as if there had
                              been a grant of the land to the
                              project authority on behalf of the
                              Crown for an estate in fee simple;
                        (iii) any interest that a person has in
                              the underground land is divested
                              or diminished to the extent
                              necessary to give effect to this
                              paragraph; and
                   (b) if the Order does not provide that the
                       underground land is to vest in fee
                       simple in the project authority--

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                          (i) the underground land vests in the
                              Crown if it is not already Crown
                              land; and
                         (ii) the underground land is taken to
                              be unalienated land of the Crown
                              freed and discharged from all
                              trusts, limitations, reservations,
                              restrictions, encumbrances, estates
                              and interests; and
                        (iii) any interest that a person has in
                              the underground land is divested
                              or diminished to the extent
                              necessary to give effect to this
                              paragraph; and
                    (c) if the underground land or part of it was
                        permanently or temporarily reserved
                        under the Crown Land (Reserves)
                        Act 1978--
                          (i) that reservation is revoked; and
                         (ii) the appointment of any committee
                              of management is revoked in so
                              far as it applies to the underground
                              land or part; and
                        (iii) any regulations made under
                              section 13 of that Act are revoked
                              in so far as they apply to the
                              underground land or part; and
                   (d) unless the underground land vests in fee
                       simple in the project authority, it is
                       taken to be temporarily reserved under
                       section 4(1) of the Crown Land
                       (Reserves) Act 1978 for public
                       purposes, being, in particular, the
                       purposes of an approved project, and
                       that reservation may be amended,

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                        revoked or otherwise dealt with in
                        accordance with--
                          (i) the Crown Land (Reserves)
                              Act 1978; or
                         (ii) any provision of this Act that
                              provides for the reservation of
                              Crown land to be amended,
                              revoked or otherwise dealt with;
                    (e) unless the Order expressly excludes the
                        operation of this paragraph, if any part
                        of the underground land is or forms part
                        of a road--
                          (i) that part of the underground land
                              ceases to be a road; and
                         (ii) all rights, easements and
                              privileges existing or claimed in
                              that part of the underground land
                              either in the public or by any body
                              or person as incident to any
                              express or implied grant, or past
                              dedication or supposed dedication
                              or by user or operation of law or
                              otherwise, cease; and
                    (f) unless the Order expressly excludes the
                        operation of this paragraph, if any part
                        of the underground land is the bed, soil
                        and banks of a river, all rights,
                        easements and privileges existing or
                        claimed in that part of the underground
                        land either in the public or by any body
                        or person as incident to any express or
                        implied grant, or past dedication or
                        supposed dedication or by user or
                        operation of law or otherwise, cease.

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             (2) This section has effect despite anything to
                 the contrary in section 175A of the Water
                 Industry Act 1994, section 10 of, or
                 clause 1 of Schedule 5 to, the Road
                 Management Act 2004 or any other Act
                 (other than the Charter of Human Rights
                 and Responsibilities Act 2006) or law.
          162B Easements below ground level
             (1) The Governor in Council, by Order
                 published in the Government Gazette, may
                 provide for the acquisition by the Crown or
                 the project authority of a right in the nature
                 of an easement over a stratum of land below
                 ground level in the project area.
                  An easement cannot be acquired over Crown land--
                  see section 161A(2).
             (2) An Order under this section must be made on
                 the recommendation of the Project Minister.
             (3) If the Crown or the project authority acquires
                 any right in the nature of an easement, or
                 purporting to be an easement, under the
                 Order, that right must be taken to be an
                 easement even though there is no land vested
                 in the Crown or the project authority that is
                 benefitted by or capable of being benefitted
                 by that right.
             (4) A right referred to in subsection (1) may be a
                 right that did not previously exist as such.
             (5) On the publication of the Order--
                    (a) the right vests in the Crown or the
                        project authority (as the case may be);

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                   (b) any interest that a person has in the land
                       below ground level is divested or
                       diminished to the extent necessary to
                       give effect to this subsection.
             (6) An Order under this section may be
                 contained in the same instrument as an Order
                 under section 162.".
187 Sections 163 and 164 substituted
            For sections 163 and 164 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "163 Compensation--underground land
             (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), if any
                 interest in land of a person other than a
                 public authority is divested or diminished as
                 a consequence of an Order under section 162
                 or 162B, the project authority is liable to
                 compensate the person for loss of market
                 value in accordance with this section.
             (2) A person is not entitled to compensation
                 (whether under this section or otherwise) in
                 relation to the effect of an Order under
                 section 162 or 162B on any interest in land at
                 a depth of 15 metres or more below the
                 surface of land.
             (3) A Council is entitled to compensation under
                 this section only if the Council possessed an
                 estate in fee simple in the land that was
                 divested or diminished by the Order.
             (4) For the purposes of this section, loss of
                 market value of a person's interest is to be
                 assessed as the difference between the
                 market value of that interest before the Order
                 was published and the market value of that
                 interest after the Order was published.

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

             (5) Sections 41(5), (6) and (7) and 43 of the
                 Land Acquisition and Compensation
                 Act 1986, with any necessary modifications,
                 apply to the assessment of loss of market
                 value for the purposes of this section.
             (6) Section 37 and Parts 10 and 11 of the Land
                 Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986,
                 with any necessary modifications, apply to
                 the making and determination of a claim for
                 compensation under this section as if it were
                 a claim under section 37(1) of that Act.
             (7) To avoid doubt, a public authority is not
                 entitled to compensation (whether under this
                 section or otherwise) in relation to the effect
                 of an Order under section 162 or 162B on
                 any interest of the public authority in land.
             (8) In this section--
                  market value has the meaning given by
                      section 40 of the Land Acquisition
                      and Compensation Act 1986.
            164 Transfer of building or structure as
                  With the agreement of a person entitled to
                  compensation under this Division, a project
                  authority may transfer a building or structure
                  from project land or from land owned by the
                  project authority or by that person to other
                  land owned by that person in full or in part
                  settlement of any compensation that the
                  project authority is liable to pay.".

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

188 New section 165A inserted
            After section 165 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
         "165A No other compensation payable
                  Except as provided in this Division, no
                  compensation is payable by the Crown or a
                  project authority in respect of anything done
                  or arising out of this Division.".
189 Heading to Subdivision 1 of Division 7 of Part 6
            In the heading to Subdivision 1 of Division 7 of
            Part 6 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "project authority"
            substitute "entry and temporary occupation of
190 New sections 165B to 165N inserted
            After the heading to Subdivision 1 of Division 7
            of Part 6 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
         "165B Power of entry on land before designation
               of project area
             (1) At any time before a declared project
                 becomes an approved project, a project
                 authority, or a person authorised in writing
                 by a project authority, may enter any land
                 and do all things necessary or convenient for
                 investigative purposes to determine--
                    (a) whether the land should be included in
                        the project area for the declared project;
                   (b) the suitability of the land for the
                       purposes of the declared project.

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             (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the project
                 authority, or a person authorised in writing
                 by the project authority, may do any of the
                 following on the land--
                    (a) bring onto the land, and remain on the
                        land with, any assistants, vehicles,
                        machinery or equipment;
                   (b) affix or establish any trigonometrical
                       stations, survey pegs, marks or poles on
                       the land and from time to time alter,
                       remove or reinstate them;
                    (c) dig or bore into the land and take
                        samples of soil, rock, ground water or
                   (d) undertake flora and fauna surveys and
                       archaeological investigations and take
                       samples of plants;
                    (e) undertake geotechnical and site survey
                    (f) undertake ecological surveys;
                   (g) undertake utilities surveys;
                   (h) undertake contamination investigations;
                    (i) determine site conditions (including
                        undertaking noise monitoring).
             (3) The project authority must give to the
                 occupier of the land, and if the occupier is
                 not the owner, the owner of the land--
                    (a) written notice of intention to enter the
                        land; and
                   (b) a statement of the principal rights and
                       obligations of the occupier or owner
                       (as the case may be) under this Act--

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                  at least 7 days before the land is entered
                  under subsection (1).
             (4) A person may enter land under this section
                 earlier than the expiration of 7 days if the
                 occupier consents to the entry.
             (5) The project authority need not give notice in
                 writing under this section in an emergency.
             (6) A person must not under this section enter
                 land used primarily for residential purposes
                 except between 7.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.
                 unless the occupier consents to the entry.
          165C Power of entry on land after designation
               of project area
             (1) For the purposes of an approved project or
                 any purpose connected with an approved
                 project, a project authority or a person
                 authorised in writing by a project authority
                    (a) enter and remain on any land with any
                        assistants, vehicles, machinery or
                        equipment; and
                   (b) affix or establish any trigonometrical
                       stations, survey pegs, marks or poles on
                       the land and from time to time alter,
                       remove or reinstate them; and
                    (c) dig or bore into the land and take
                        samples of soil, rock, ground water or
                        minerals; and
                   (d) undertake flora and fauna surveys and
                       archaeological investigations and take
                       samples of plants; and
                    (e) undertake geotechnical and site survey
                        work; and
                    (f) undertake ecological surveys; and

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Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                   (g) undertake utilities surveys; and
                   (h) undertake contamination investigations;
                    (i) determine site conditions (including
                        undertaking noise monitoring).
             (2) The project authority must give to the
                 occupier of the land, and if the occupier is
                 not the owner, the owner of the land--
                    (a) written notice of intention to enter the
                        land; and
                   (b) a statement of the principal rights and
                       obligations of the occupier and owner
                       (as the case may be) under this Act--
                  at least 7 days before the land is entered
                  under subsection (1).
             (3) A person must not--
                    (a) wilfully and without authorisation from
                        the project authority, interfere with any
                        vehicles, machinery or equipment
                        brought onto, affixed, established or
                        remaining on land under subsection (1);
                   (b) wilfully obstruct any person acting in
                       accordance with this section.
                  Penalty: 5 penalty units.
          165D Power of temporary occupation
             (1) A project authority or a person authorised in
                 writing by a project authority may enter any
                 land and occupy the land so long as is
                 necessary for the purposes of an approved
                 project or any purpose connected with an
                 approved project.

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             (2) The project authority or a person authorised
                 in writing by the project authority may, for
                 the purposes of an approved project or for
                 any purpose connected with an approved
                 project, do any of the following--
                    (a) dig and take from the land occupied
                        under subsection (1) any clay, stone,
                        gravel, earth or other substance;
                   (b) deposit any material on that land;
                    (c) make cuttings or excavations on that
                   (d) take timber from that land;
                    (e) make and use roadways, railways or
                        carparks on that land;
                    (f) manufacture on that land any materials
                   (g) erect workshops, sheds and buildings of
                       a temporary character on that land;
                   (h) construct driveways, pathways or other
                       means of access to that land, including
                       associated drains and curbs;
                    (i) carry out works on drainage channels,
                        streams or other waterways or works
                        relating to the diversion of drainage
                        channels, streams or other waterways;
                    (j) demolish fences or other structures on
                        that land (other than a structure that is,
                        or forms part of, a structure occupied,
                        or intended to be occupied, as a place
                        of residence or business).
             (3) A project authority may make land that is
                 being temporarily occupied under this
                 section available to the public or a section of

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                  the public to use a railway, roadway,
                  pathway or carpark constructed on that land.
          165E Notice of temporary occupation
             (1) At least 7 days before a project authority, or
                 a person authorised by a project authority,
                 enters any land under section 165D, the
                 project authority must give the occupier of
                 the land, and if the occupier is not the owner,
                 the owner of the land written notice of the
                 intention to enter and occupy the land.
             (2) A notice under subsection (1) must--
                    (a) indicate in general terms the
                        approximate position and nature of the
                        land; and
                   (b) indicate the extent to which the powers
                       under section 165D(2) are proposed to
                       be exercised; and
                    (c) include the name and place of business
                        of any person authorised by the
                        Authority to exercise a power under
                        section 165D(2) on its behalf; and
                   (d) contain a statement of the principal
                       rights and obligations of the occupier or
                       owner (as the case may be) under this
             (3) Subject to section 106(1) of the Land
                 Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986
                 (as applied and modified under subsection
                 (4)), the project authority within 7 days after
                 the expiry of each calendar month must
                 cause to be given to the owner and occupier
                 of the land a written notice setting out the
                 nature and quantity of any substance or
                 timber taken from the land during that
                 calendar month.

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             (4) Section 106(1) of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986 applies, with any
                 necessary modifications, for the purposes of
                 subsection (3).
          165F Power to investigate and remove trees and
             (1) A project authority, or a person authorised in
                 writing by a project authority, may enter any
                 land and investigate and assess whether any
                 trees or vegetation on the land create a risk to
                 the safety of any person in connection with,
                 or by reason of, a declared project, or to any
                 person on or using transport or non-transport
                 infrastructure that is to be, or has been,
                 developed or affected by a declared project.
             (2) After a declared project becomes an
                 approved project, a project authority, or a
                 person authorised in writing by a project
                 authority, may enter any land and lop or fell
                 and remove any tree or vegetation that has
                 been assessed as creating a risk referred to in
                 subsection (1).
             (3) The project authority must give to the
                 occupier of the land, and if the occupier is
                 not the owner, the owner of the land--
                    (a) written notice of intention to enter the
                        land; and
                   (b) a statement of the principal rights and
                       obligations of the occupier and owner
                       (as the case may be) under this Act--
                  at least 7 days before the land is entered
                  under subsection (1) or (2).

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             (4) In the case of an entry under subsection (2),
                 the notice under subsection (3)(a) must--
                    (a) indicate in general terms the nature of
                        the land; and
                   (b) indicate in general terms the extent to
                       which it is proposed to lop, fell and
                       remove any tree or vegetation; and
                    (c) include the name and place of business
                        of any person authorised by the project
                        authority to lop, fell and remove any
                        tree or vegetation.
             (5) Despite anything to the contrary in the
                 Planning and Environment Act 1987 or
                 any planning scheme, a planning permit is
                 not required for the exercise of a power
                 under subsection (2).
          165G Power to install temporary ground
             (1) A project authority or a person authorised in
                 writing by a project authority may enter,
                 temporarily occupy and use any land below
                 ground level for the purpose of an approved
                 project to install, construct and use
                 construction ground supports, or ground
                 stabilisation measures, to temporarily
                    (a) transport or non-transport
                        infrastructure; or
                   (b) the construction of transport or non-
                       transport infrastructure.
             (2) This section authorises the installation,
                 construction and use of construction ground
                 supports or ground stabilisation measures
                 only if--

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                    (a) they are located wholly below ground
                        level once their installation or
                        construction has been completed; and
                   (b) they will be capable of being removed
                       at the end of the period of temporary
                       occupation without damaging any
                       permanent project infrastructure located
                       on adjoining land.
             (3) A project authority, at least 7 days before it
                 enters land for the purposes of this section,
                 must give both the owner and the occupier of
                 the land written notice that specifies--
                    (a) the nature of the supports or measures
                        to be installed or constructed; and
                   (b) the general depth and location of the
                       installation or construction; and
                    (c) the estimated period for which the land
                        will be temporarily occupied under this
             (4) At the end of the period of temporary
                 occupation under this section, the project
                 authority, or person authorised by the project
                 authority, must give written notice to the
                 owner and occupier of the land--
                    (a) setting out the location and type of any
                        supports or measures left in any stratum
                        of land below ground level, including a
                        plan or diagram of the supports or
                        measures; and
                   (b) stating that nothing in this Act prohibits
                       the owner or occupier from removing
                       the supports or measures; and
                    (c) stating that the owner or occupier may
                        be entitled to claim compensation under
                        this section.

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             (5) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), if the
                 owner or occupier of the land has--
                    (a) sustained any pecuniary loss; or
                   (b) incurred any expense--
                  as a direct, natural and reasonable
                  consequence of the removal of supports or
                  measures installed or constructed under this
                  section, the owner or occupier may claim the
                  amount of that loss or expense from the
                  project authority.
             (6) A claim for compensation may be made
                 under subsection (5) only if the supports or
                 measures are removed, and the claim is
                 made, within 2 years after notice was given
                 under subsection (4).
             (7) A person is not entitled to compensation
                 under subsection (5) if the whole of the
                 supports or measures are at a depth of 15
                 metres or more below the surface of land.
             (8) Section 48 and Parts 10 and 11 of the Land
                 Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986
                 apply to a claim under subsection (5) as if it
                 were a claim under section 47(1) of that Act.
          165H Obligations in relation to exercise of
             (1) In exercising powers under this Subdivision,
                 a project authority or a person authorised by
                 a project authority must--
                    (a) cause as little harm and inconvenience
                        and do as little damage as possible to
                        the land and anything on or growing on
                        the land; and
                   (b) remain on the land only for the period
                       that is reasonably necessary; and

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                    (c) use all reasonable endeavours to co-
                        operate with the owner and occupier of
                        the land.
             (2) Subject to subsection (3), after the exercise
                 of powers under this Subdivision in relation
                 to any land, a project authority or a person
                 authorised by a project authority must--
                    (a) remove from the land on the
                        completion of the entry or occupation
                        of the land all plant, machinery,
                        equipment, goods or buildings brought
                        onto, or erected on, the land; and
                   (b) except as otherwise agreed with the
                       owner or occupier of the land, replace
                       any fence or other structure demolished
                       under section 165D(2)(j) with a fence
                       or other structure--
                          (i) of the same function; and
                         (ii) of at least the same standard; and
                         (ii) in the same location or in another
                              location if it is impracticable to
                              replace it in the same location
                              because of the approved project
                              or works constructed for the
                              approved project; and
                    (c) otherwise leave the land, as nearly as
                        possible, in the condition in which it
                        was immediately before the land was
                        entered or occupied.
             (3) Despite subsection (2)--
                    (a) anything constructed under section
                        165D(2)(h) may be left in place, if it
                        was constructed to service a use of the
                        land that will continue after the end of

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                        the period of temporary occupation;
                   (b) any works carried out under section
                       165D(2)(i) may be left in place, if the
                       works were not intended to be
                       temporary and would not, if left in
                       place, prevent or significantly interfere
                       with the use of the land for the purpose
                       for which it was used immediately
                       before the temporary occupation; and
                    (c) any supports or measures installed or
                        constructed under section 165G may be
                        left in place; and
                   (d) anything else may be left in place with
                       the agreement of the owner or occupier
                       of the land; and
                    (e) the land may otherwise be left in a
                        condition as agreed with the owner or
                        occupier of the land.
           165I Project authority to prepare condition
                report for occupied land
             (1) Within 14 days after the project authority or
                 a person authorised by a project authority
                 occupies land under section 165D, the
                 project authority must give the owner of the
                 land a report as to the condition of the land at
                 occupation (a condition report).
             (2) If the owner of the land disagrees with any
                 aspect of the condition report, the owner
                 must give written notice of that disagreement
                 to the project authority within one month
                 after being given the condition report.

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             (3) If the owner of the land does not give notice
                 of the owner's disagreement within the time
                 specified under subsection (2), the owner is
                 taken to agree with the contents of the
                 condition report.
             (4) If the owner gives a notice within the time
                 specified under subsection (2) and the owner
                 and project authority cannot agree as to the
                 contents of the condition report within
                 2 months after the date the condition report
                 was given under subsection (1), the project
                 authority must give the Valuer General
                 written notice that a dispute exists under this
             (5) Within 10 business days after receiving
                 notice from a project authority under
                 subsection (4), the Valuer General must
                 appoint a valuer to prepare a condition
             (6) For the purposes of a claim for compensation
                 under this Subdivision, a condition report
                 prepared by a valuer under this section is
                 conclusive evidence of the condition of the
                 land immediately prior to its occupation by
                 the project authority.
             (7) This section does not apply in relation to the
                 entry, occupation or use of land under
                 section 165G.
           165J Project authority to fence lands before
                using them
             (1) If part of any land is occupied or used for the
                 purposes of section 165D, the project
                 authority must, if required to do so by the
                 owner or occupier of the land, separate that
                 part from the remainder of the land adjoining

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                  it by a sufficient fence with any gates that are
             (2) In the case of any difference between the
                 owners or occupiers of the lands and the
                 project authority as to the necessity of the
                 fences and gates, the lands must be separated
                 with any fences and gates that the Project
                 Minister thinks necessary for the convenient
                 occupation or use of the lands.
             (3) This section does not apply in relation to the
                 entry, occupation or use of land under
                 section 165G.
          165K Compensation for entry or temporary
             (1) Any person with an interest in land that has
                 been entered or temporarily occupied under
                 this Subdivision who has--
                    (a) sustained any pecuniary loss; or
                   (b) incurred any expense--
                  as a direct, natural and reasonable
                  consequence of that entry or occupation may
                  claim the amount of that loss or expense
                  from the project authority.
             (2) A person is not entitled to claim
                 compensation under this section in relation
                 to any supports or measures installed,
                 constructed or used under section 165G that
                 remain in place at the end of the temporary
                 occupation under that section.
                  Compensation in relation to supports or measures
                  remaining in place at the end of temporary occupation
                  is dealt with in section 165G.

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             (3) Sections 47(2) and 48 and Parts 10 and 11 of
                 the Land Acquisition and Compensation
                 Act 1986 apply to a claim under this section
                 as if it were a claim under section 47(1) of
                 that Act.
                  See section 47(2) of the Land Acquisition and
                  Compensation Act 1986 for the time within which a
                  claim for compensation must be made.
          165L Rent for temporary occupation
             (1) The person who would otherwise be entitled
                 to exclusive possession of land that is
                 occupied under section 165D has a right to
                 receive rent from the project authority for the
                 occupation of the land as determined under
                 this section.
             (2) No rent is payable in relation to any stratum
                 of land below ground level in which any
                 construction ground supports, or ground
                 stabilisation measures are installed under
                 section 165G.
             (3) Within 30 days after giving notice under
                 section 165E(1), the project authority must
                 make an offer for the payment of rent to the
                 person who would otherwise be entitled to
                 exclusive possession of the land for the
                 authority's occupation of that land.
             (4) If a project authority and the person who
                 would otherwise be entitled to exclusive
                 possession of the land do not agree on an
                 amount of rent to be paid by the project
                 authority within one month after the project
                 authority's first offer for the payment of rent
                 under subsection (3), the project authority
                 must give the Valuer General written notice
                 of the disagreement.

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             (5) Within 10 business days after receiving
                 notice from a project authority under
                 subsection (4), the Valuer General must
                 appoint a valuer to determine the amount of
                 rent payable for the occupied land by the
                 project authority.
             (6) If the project authority or the person who
                 would otherwise be entitled to exclusive
                 possession of the land disagrees with a
                 determination made by a valuer under
                 subsection (5), the disagreement is taken to
                 be a disputed claim for the purposes of the
                 Land Acquisition and Compensation
                 Act 1986 and Part 10 of that Act applies as
                    (a) a reference in that Part to the Authority
                        were a reference to the project
                        authority; and
                   (b) a reference in that Part to the claimant
                       were a reference to the person who
                       would otherwise be entitled to
                       exclusive possession of the land.
         165M Liability of project authority for nuisance
                  Nothing in this Act exempts a project
                  authority from any action for nuisance or
                  other injury (if any) done in the exercise of
                  powers under this Subdivision to the land or
                  residence of any person other than the person
                  whose land is entered, occupied or used for
                  any of the purposes referred to in this
          165N Obstruction of temporary occupation
             (1) After being given a notice under section
                 165E(1), a person must not wilfully do
                 any act or thing calculated to prevent the
                 project authority who gave the notice

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                  from exercising any power conferred by
                  section 165D.
                  Penalty: 5 penalty units.
             (2) The doing of an act or thing in contravention
                 of this section does not prevent a project
                 authority from exercising any power that it
                 could lawfully have exercised if that act or
                 thing had not been done.".
191 New Subdivision 1A heading inserted in Division 7
    of Part 6
            Before section 166 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--

             "Subdivision 1A--Powers in relation to
               public land and certain other land".
192 Sections 167 and 168 substituted
            For sections 167 and 168 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "167 Project authority may enter, occupy, use
                and carry out works on certain land
             (1) For the purposes of an approved project, a
                 project authority or a person authorised in
                 writing by a project authority may--
                    (a) enter, occupy and use any relevant
                        land; and
                   (b) carry out works on any relevant land.
             (2) A project authority must give written notice
                 to the person who owns the relevant land or
                 in whom it is vested, or the person
                 responsible for the management of the
                 relevant land, before exercising any power,
                 or authorising a person to exercise any
                 power, under this section.

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             (3) A project authority must not exercise or
                 authorise a person to exercise a power under
                 this section in relation to relevant land that is
                 reserved Crown land unless--
                    (a) the exercise of the power is not
                        inconsistent with the reservation of the
                        land; or
                   (b) the relevant land is the subject of a
                       licence or tenancy agreement under
                       section 17B of the Crown Land
                       (Reserves) Act 1978 as modified by
                       section 168.
             (4) An authorisation under this section may be
                 given subject to any conditions that are not
                 inconsistent with the purposes of the
                 approved project.
             (5) An authorisation that is inconsistent with the
                 purposes of an approved project is invalid
                 only to the extent of the inconsistency.
             (6) Works carried out on relevant land in the
                 exercise of any powers under this section are
                 not required to be removed from the land at
                 the completion of the exercise of those
             (7) In this section--
                  relevant land, in relation to an approved
                       project, means any of the following,
                       whether in or outside the project area--
                         (a) public land;
                         (b) land owned by or vested in a
                         (c) land owned by or vested in a
                             company within the meaning of
                             the Corporations Act--

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                                (i) that exercises a public
                                    function on behalf of the
                                    State; and
                               (ii) all the shares in which are
                                    held by or on behalf of the
                                    State, a public authority or a
                                    State owned enterprise
                                    within the meaning of the
                                    State Owned Enterprises
                                    Act 1992.
            168 Licence or tenancy agreement under
                Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978
             (1) If a project authority intends to exercise, or
                 authorise a person to exercise, a power under
                 section 167 on or in relation to reserved
                 Crown land, the project authority may
                 request the Project Minister to grant the
                 project authority or a person authorised in
                 writing by the project authority a licence or
                 to enter into a tenancy agreement under
                 section 17B of the Crown Land (Reserves)
                 Act 1978 as modified by this section.
             (2) Following a request under subsection (1), for
                 the purposes of section 167 and this section,
                 section 17B of the Crown Land (Reserves)
                 Act 1978 applies with the following
                    (a) section 17B(1) applies as if--
                          (i) any powers exercisable under that
                              subsection by the trustees or
                              committee of management or the
                              responsible Minister were
                              exercisable by the Project
                              Minister; and

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                         (ii) there were no requirement for the
                              written approval of the responsible
                   (b) section 17B(1A) applies as if any
                       powers exercisable under that
                       subsection by the responsible Minister
                       were exercisable by the Project
                    (c) section 17B(2) applies as if the
                        reference to the Minister were a
                        reference to the Project Minister;
                   (d) section 17B(3) applies as if a reference
                       to the Minister giving approval under
                       subsection (1) were a reference to the
                       Project Minister granting a licence or
                       entering into a tenancy agreement
                       under that subsection;
                    (e) section 17B(3A) applies as if the
                        reference to the Minister were a
                        reference to the Project Minister;
                    (f) section 17B(4) applies as if--
                          (i) any powers exercisable under that
                              subsection by the trustees or
                              committee of management or the
                              Minister were exercisable by the
                              Project Minister; and
                         (ii) there were no requirement for the
                              approval of the Minister.
             (3) If the reserved Crown land is managed by
                 trustees or a committee of management
                 under the Crown Land (Reserves)
                 Act 1978--
                    (a) the Project Minister must give written
                        notice to the trustees or committee of
                        management of the granting of a

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                        licence or entering into of a tenancy
                        agreement in relation to the land under
                        section 17B of that Act as modified by
                        this section; and
                   (b) after the giving of that notice, the
                       trustees or committee of management
                       must not do anything that is
                       inconsistent with the licence or tenancy
193 Project authority liable to pay compensation
        (1) In the heading to section 169 of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009,
            after "compensation" insert "to persons
            whose interests are affected".
        (2) For section 169(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(1) This section applies if a person's interest in
                 relevant land is interfered with or affected by
                 the entry onto, occupation or use of the land,
                 or the carrying out of works on the land, by
                 or on behalf of a project authority under
                 section 167.
           (1A) The project authority is liable to compensate
                the person for any pecuniary loss suffered, or
                any expenses incurred, by the person as a
                direct, natural and reasonable consequence
                of the interference with, or the effect on, the
                person's interest in the relevant land.".
        (3) After section 169(3) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(4) In this section--
                  relevant land has the same meaning as in
                       section 167.".

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194 Section 170 repealed
            Section 170 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 is repealed.
195 New Subdivision 1B heading inserted in Division 7
    of Part 6
            Before section 171 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--

                   "Subdivision 1B--Easements".
196 Section 171A substituted
            For section 171A of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
         "171A Transfer of easements to utilities or
               transport bodies
             (1) A project authority may transfer an easement
                 vested in the project authority that is project
                    (a) to a utility for the purposes of
                        relocating utility infrastructure as a
                        result of an approved project; or
                   (b) to a transport body, if that body is
                       capable of holding an easement under
                       another Act.
             (2) A project authority, on behalf of the Crown,
                 may transfer an easement vested in the
                 Crown that is project land--
                    (a) to a utility for the purposes of
                        relocating utility infrastructure as a
                        result of an approved project; or
                   (b) to a transport body, if that body is
                       capable of holding an easement under
                       another Act.

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             (3) The project authority must consult the
                 relevant utility or transport body before
                 transferring an easement under this section.
             (4) An easement is to be transferred under this
                 section on the terms and conditions
                 determined by the project authority.
             (5) An easement that is or purports to be
                 transferred to a utility or transport body
                 under this section is taken to be an easement
                 even though there is no land of the utility or
                 transport body that is benefitted by or
                 capable of being benefitted by the easement.
             (6) In this section, a reference to the transfer of
                 an easement includes a reference to the
                 transfer of a right that is taken under this Act
                 to be an easement.
             (7) In this section--
                  utility includes an entity (whether publicly or
                        privately owned) that provides, or
                        intends to provide, telecommunications
                        services under the authority of an
                        enactment or a law of the
197 Application of Subdivision 2 of Division 7 of Part 6
            In section 172 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, after "other Act" insert
            "(other than the Charter of Human Rights and
            Responsibilities Act 2006)".
198 Application of Subdivision 3 of Division 7 of Part 6
            In section 176 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, after "other Act" insert
            "(other than the Charter of Human Rights and
            Responsibilities Act 2006)".

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199 Surplus land
            In section 180(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "land"
            (where secondly occurring) insert "if the Project
            Minister considers it is no longer necessary that
            the land be used or managed as project land".
200 Section 181 substituted
            For section 181 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "181 Dealing with surplus Crown land
             (1) The Project Minister, after consulting the
                 Minister administering section 12 of the
                 Land Act 1958, on behalf of the Crown,
                    (a) grant, convey or otherwise dispose of
                        surplus land that is Crown land for any
                        estate or interest, subject to any terms,
                        covenants, conditions or limitations that
                        the Project Minister determines; or
                   (b) grant a lease or licence over surplus
                       land that is Crown land, subject to any
                       terms, covenants, conditions or
                       limitations that the Project Minister
             (2) The proceeds derived from the grant of an
                 estate in fee simple under this section, less
                 any costs incurred in granting the estate in
                 fee simple, must be paid into the
                 Consolidated Fund.
             (3) This section applies despite anything to the
                 contrary in the Land Act 1958.".

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201 Removal of reservation of Crown land before estates
    or interests granted under section 181
        (1) In the heading to section 182(1) of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for
            "that is surplus land for sale" substitute "before
            estates or interests granted under section 181".
        (2) In section 182(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for "selling"
            substitute "granting an estate in fee simple in".
        (3) In section 182(2) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) after "revoke" insert "the reservation
                  including, as necessary,";
             (b) after "extent that the" insert "revocation of
                 the reservation,".
202 Section 183 substituted
            For section 183 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "183 Reservation of surplus land--Crown
             (1) The Project Minister, after consulting the
                 Minister administering the Crown Land
                 (Reserves) Act 1978, may recommend to the
                 Governor in Council that an Order be made
                 under this section in respect of all or part of
                 any surplus land that is Crown land.
             (2) On the recommendation of the Project
                 Minister under subsection (1), the Governor
                 in Council, by Order published in the
                 Government Gazette, may--

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                    (a) if the relevant surplus land is reserved
                        Crown land--
                          (i) revoke the reservation including,
                              as necessary, the following--
                               (A) any Order in Council
                                   reserving the land;
                               (B) any Crown grant, certificate
                                   of title or folio of the
                                   Register issued or created
                                   with respect to the land; and
                         (ii) reserve the relevant surplus land
                              for a public purpose; or
                   (b) if the relevant surplus land is
                       unreserved Crown land, reserve the
                       relevant surplus land for a public
             (3) An Order published under this section must
                 state the purpose for which the land that is
                 the subject of the Order is reserved.
             (4) On the publication of an Order under this
                 section in respect of surplus land that is
                 reserved Crown land--
                    (a) subject to paragraph (e), that land is
                        taken to be unalienated land of the
                        Crown freed and discharged from all
                        trusts, limitations, reservations,
                        restrictions, encumbrances, estates and
                        interests; and
                   (b) without limiting paragraph (a), any
                       reservation of that land under the
                       Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 in
                       force immediately before that
                       publication is revoked; and

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                    (c) the appointment of any committee of
                        management of that land is revoked to
                        the extent that it relates to that land; and
                   (d) any regulations under section 13 of the
                       Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 are
                       revoked to the extent that they apply to
                       that land; and
                    (e) that land is taken to be temporarily
                        reserved under section 4(1) of the
                        Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for
                        the purpose stated in the Order.
             (5) On the publication of an Order under this
                 section in respect of surplus land that is
                 unreserved Crown land--
                    (a) subject to paragraph (b), that land is
                        taken to be unalienated land of the
                        Crown freed and discharged from all
                        trusts, limitations, reservations,
                        restrictions, encumbrances, estates and
                        interests; and
                   (b) that land is taken to be temporarily
                       reserved under section 4(1) of the
                       Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for
                       the purpose stated in the Order.
             (6) The reservation of land under subsection
                 (4)(e) or (5)(b) may be amended, revoked or
                 otherwise dealt with in accordance with--
                    (a) the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978;
                   (b) any provision of this Act that provides
                       for the reservation of Crown land to be
                       amended, revoked or otherwise dealt

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             (7) An Order made under this section is not a
                 legislative instrument within the meaning of
                 the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994.".
203 Section 186 substituted and new sections 186A
    to 186E inserted
            For section 186 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "186 Works powers in relation to roads
             (1) Despite anything to the contrary in the Road
                 Management Act 2004, a project authority
                 may carry out, or authorise a person to carry
                 out, works to, on, over or under, or in
                 relation to, a road for the purposes of an
                 approved project.
             (2) In this section--
                  works includes--
                         (a) the carrying out of improvements
                             to, or maintenance or construction
                                (i) road infrastructure; or
                               (ii) non-road infrastructure; and
                         (b) the causing of fences, posts or
                             other structures to be erected--
                                (i) along a road; or
                               (ii) along a roadway; or
                               (ii) along or across any entrance,
                                    approach or means of access
                                    to a road or a roadway.

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          186A Power to discontinue or realign a road
             (1) Subject to this section, a project authority,
                 for the purposes of an approved project, by
                 notice published in the Government Gazette,
                 may do either or both of the following--
                    (a) discontinue a road;
                   (b) realign a road.
             (2) A project authority must not publish a notice
                 under subsection (1) to realign a road if to do
                 so would result in land other than specified
                 land becoming a road.
             (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), specified
                 land is--
                    (a) project land; or
                   (b) land owned by the project authority; or
                    (c) land owned by a person other than the
                        project authority--
                          (i) that is under the management or
                              control of the project authority;
                         (ii) in relation to which the project
                              authority has obtained the written
                              consent of that person to use that
                              land as a realigned road or part of
                              a realigned road.
             (4) A notice under subsection (1) must--
                    (a) specify the date on which the notice
                        takes effect (which must not be earlier
                        than the date on which the notice is
                        published in the Government Gazette);

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                   (b) in the case of the discontinuance of a
                       road, include a description of the road
                       to be discontinued; and
                    (c) in the case of the realignment of a
                          (i) include--
                               (A) a description of the land that
                                   will no longer be part of the
                                   realigned road; and
                               (B) a description of the land that
                                   will become part of the
                                   realigned road; and
                         (ii) specify whether the realigned
                              road will be taken to be, under
                              section 186C--
                               (A) a freeway; or
                               (B) an arterial road; or
                               (C) a non-arterial State road; or
                               (D) a municipal road.
             (5) In addition, a notice under subsection (1)
                 may specify that--
                    (a) in the case of a discontinued road that is
                        not Crown land, the land described in
                        the notice under subsection (4)(b) will
                        vest in fee simple in the project
                        authority or a specified transport body
                        under section 186B; and
                   (b) in the case of a realigned road, the land
                       described in the notice under subsection
                       (4)(c)(i)(A), if it is not Crown land, will
                       vest in fee simple in the project
                       authority or a specified transport body
                       under section 186C.

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             (6) A description required under subsection
                 (4)(b) or (c)(i) may be by reference to a
                 map or plan included in a notice under
                 subsection (1).
          186B Effect of notice of discontinuance of road
             (1) On the day on which a notice under section
                 186A(1)(a) takes effect, the road described in
                 the notice--
                    (a) ceases to be a road and all rights,
                        easements and privileges existing or
                        claimed in the land either in the public
                        or by any body or person as incident to
                        any express or implied grant, or past
                        dedication or supposed dedication or by
                        user or operation of law or otherwise,
                        cease; and
                   (b) subject to subsection (2), is taken to
                          (i) unalienated land of the Crown
                              freed and discharged from all
                              trusts, limitations, reservations,
                              restrictions, encumbrances, estates
                              and interests; and
                         (ii) temporarily reserved under
                              section 4(1) of the Crown Land
                              (Reserves) Act 1978 for public
                              purposes, being, in particular, the
                              purposes of the approved project.
             (2) If a notice under section 186A(1)(a) specifies
                 that land is to vest in fee simple in the
                 project authority or a specified transport
                 body--on the day the notice takes effect, that
                 land vests in fee simple in the authority or
                 that specified transport body freed and
                 discharged from all trusts, limitations,

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                  reservations, restrictions, encumbrances,
                  estates and other interests.
                  See also section 186A(5)(a).
             (3) The reservation under subsection (1)(b)(ii)
                 may be amended, revoked and otherwise
                 dealt with in accordance with--
                    (a) the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978;
                   (b) any provision of this Act that provides
                       for the reservation of Crown land to be
                       amended, revoked or otherwise dealt
             (4) This section applies despite anything to the
                 contrary in section 10 of the Road
                 Management Act 2004 or any other Act
                 (other than the Charter of Human Rights
                 and Responsibilities Act 2006).
          186C Effect of notice of realignment of road
             (1) On the day on which a notice under section
                 186A(1)(b) takes effect--
                    (a) the land described in the notice under
                        section 186A(4)(c)(i)(A)--
                          (i) ceases to be a road and all rights,
                              easements and privileges existing
                              or claimed in the land either in the
                              public or by any body or person as
                              incident to any express or implied
                              grant, or past dedication or
                              supposed dedication or by user or
                              operation of law or otherwise,
                              cease; and

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                         (ii) subject to subsection (2), is taken
                              to be--
                               (A) unalienated land of the
                                   Crown freed and discharged
                                   from all trusts, limitations,
                                   reservations, restrictions,
                                   encumbrances, estates and
                                   interests; and
                               (B) temporarily reserved under
                                   section 4(1) of the Crown
                                   Land (Reserves) Act 1978
                                   for public purposes, being, in
                                   particular, the purposes of
                                   the approved project; and
                   (b) the land described in the notice under
                       section 186A(4)(c)(i)(B) is--
                          (i) dedicated to the public as a
                              highway within the meaning of
                              the common law and any Act; and
                         (ii) taken to be--
                               (A) declared under section 14 of
                                   the Road Management
                                   Act 2004 to be a freeway, an
                                   arterial road, a non-arterial
                                   State road or a municipal
                                   road as specified in the
                                   notice under section
                                   186A(4)(c)(ii); and
                               (B) a highway within the
                                   meaning of the Road
                                   Safety Act 1986.
             (2) If a notice under section 186A(1)(b)
                 specifies that land is to vest in fee simple in
                 the public authority or a specified transport
                 body--on the day the notice takes effect, that
                 land vests in fee simple in the authority or

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                  that specified transport body freed and
                  discharged from all trusts, limitations,
                  reservations, restrictions, encumbrances,
                  estates and other interests.
                  See also section 186A(5)(b).
             (3) The reservation under subsection
                 (1)(a)(ii)(B) may be amended, revoked and
                 otherwise dealt with in accordance with--
                    (a) the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978;
                   (b) any provision of this Act that provides
                       for the reservation of Crown land to be
                       amended, revoked or otherwise dealt
             (4) This section applies despite anything to the
                 contrary in section 10 of the Road
                 Management Act 2004 or any other Act
                 (other than the Charter of Human Rights
                 and Responsibilities Act 2006).
          186D Other powers relating to the management
               of roads and traffic
             (1) A project authority may, for the purposes of
                 an approved project, do any one or more of
                 the following--
                    (a) provide for temporary roadways on
                        relevant land;
                   (b) temporarily deviate a road over relevant
                    (c) temporarily divert traffic onto a
                        temporary roadway or a temporarily
                        deviated road;
                   (d) close a road to traffic;
                    (e) open a road to traffic.

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             (2) In this section--
                  relevant land means--
                         (a) project land; or
                         (b) land owned by the project
                             authority; or
                         (c) land temporarily occupied by a
                             project authority under this Part;
                              Section 165D.
                         (d) land occupied and used under
                             section 167; or
                         (e) land within a road reserve
                             (within the meaning of the Road
                             Management Act 2004); or
                          (f) land owned by a person other than
                              the project authority--
                                (i) that is under the management
                                    or control of the project
                                    authority; and
                               (ii) in relation to which the
                                    project authority has
                                    obtained the written consent
                                    of that person to use that
                                    land as a temporary road.
          186E Notification of exercise of road powers
               relating to temporary deviations and road
             (1) A project authority must publish in the
                 Government Gazette notice of the doing of
                 any one or more of the following under
                 section 186D by the project authority--

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                    (a) the temporary deviation of a road;
                   (b) the temporary diversion of traffic onto a
                       temporary roadway or a temporarily
                       deviated road;
                    (c) the closure of any road to traffic.
             (2) A notice under subsection (1) must specify
                 the date on which, as the case requires--
                    (a) the temporary deviation of the road
                        commences; or
                   (b) the temporary diversion of traffic onto a
                       temporary roadway or a temporarily
                       deviated road commences; or
                    (c) the closure of the road commences.
             (3) The date specified under a notice under
                 subsection (1) must not be earlier than the
                 date on which the notice is published in the
                 Government Gazette.".
204 Project authority to advise coordinating road
    authority before exercising power
            In section 187 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "exercising any power
            under section 186" substitute "the exercise of any
            power under section 186, 186A or 186D".
205 Sections 188 and 189 substituted
            For sections 188 and 189 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
           "188 Exercise of road powers by relevant road
             (1) Subject to section 189, a road authority must
                 not exercise any powers in relation to a road
                 under any Act or law in a manner that is
                 inconsistent with--
                    (a) the purposes of an approved project; or

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                   (b) the exercise of any powers under--
                          (i) section 186, 186A or 186D; or
                         (ii) Subdivision 3.
             (2) To avoid doubt, a reference in this section to
                 a road authority includes a reference to an
                 entity that is a road authority exercising
                 powers in relation to a road conferred on the
                 entity under any Act other than as a road
                  A Council is a road authority under the Road
                  Management Act 2004 and may exercise powers in
                  relation to roads under that Act as a road authority.
                  A Council may also exercise powers in relation to
                  roads, as a Council, under the Local Government
                  Act 2020.
            189 Project authority consent required for
                certain road works or to discontinue a
             (1) Despite anything to the contrary in the Road
                 Management Act 2004, the Local
                 Government Act 2020 or any other Act
                 (other than the Charter of Human Rights
                 and Responsibilities Act 2006) or at law, a
                 road authority must not--
                    (a) carry out works to, on or over, or in
                        relation to a road within a project area
                        that are not routine maintenance works;
                   (b) discontinue a road within a project
                  without the consent, under this section, of the
                  project authority for the approved project to
                  which the project area relates (the relevant
                  project authority).

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             (2) A road authority may apply to the relevant
                 project authority for the authority's consent
                 for the purposes of subsection (1).
             (3) An application under subsection (2) must
                 describe in sufficient detail the intended
                 works or discontinuance of the road to
                 enable the project authority to understand the
                 nature of the intended works or
             (4) On receiving an application under
                 subsection (2), the relevant project authority
                 must decide whether the intended works or
                 discontinuance of the road will be consistent
                 with the purposes of the project.
             (5) If the relevant project authority decides that
                 the intended works or discontinuance of the
                 road will be consistent with the purposes of
                 the project, the authority must give its
                 written consent to the road authority to do
                 the thing specified in the application.
             (6) If the relevant project authority decides that
                 the intended works or discontinuance of the
                 road will be inconsistent with the purposes of
                 the project, the authority may--
                    (a) by written notice, refuse to give its
                        consent to the road authority to do the
                        thing specified in the application; or
                   (b) in the case of intended works, give its
                       written consent to the road authority
                       subject to any conditions or limitations
                       specified in the consent for the
                       purposes of managing the inconsistency
                       between the intended works and the
                       purposes of the approved project.

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             (7) The relevant project authority must make a
                 decision under subsection (4) within 14 days
                 after receiving an application under
                 subsection (2).
             (8) If the relevant project authority does not
                 make a decision as required under
                 subsection (7), the relevant project authority
                 is taken to have given its consent to the road
                 authority for the road authority to do the
                 thing specified in the application.
             (9) To avoid doubt, a reference in this section to
                 a road authority includes a reference to an
                 entity that is a road authority exercising
                 powers in relation to a road conferred on the
                 entity under any Act other than as a road
                  A Council is a road authority under the Road
                  Management Act 2004 and may exercise powers in
                  relation to roads under that Act as a road authority.
                  A Council may also exercise powers in relation to
                  roads, as a Council, under the Local Government
                  Act 2020.".
206 Section 190 repealed--temporary closure of roads to
            Section 190 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 is repealed.
207 Compensation for denial of access following
    discontinuation or realignment of road
        (1) In the heading to section 191 of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after
            "access" insert "following discontinuation or
            realignment of road".
        (2) In section 191(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for "a decision
            made under this Subdivision to discontinue,

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            realign or relocate" substitute "the exercise of a
            power under section 186A to discontinue or
        (3) In section 191(2)(c) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for "making of
            the decision under this Subdivision" substitute
            "exercise of the power under section 186A".
        (4) In section 191(6) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for "Subdivision"
            substitute "section".
208 New section 191A inserted
            After section 191 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
         "191A Compensation for temporary diversions
               or deviations of road that deny access
             (1) Subject to subsection (2), a project authority
                 is liable to pay compensation in accordance
                 with this section to a person who has interest
                 in land who sustains a pecuniary loss or
                 incurs an expense as a direct, natural and
                 reasonable consequence of the exercise of a
                 power under section 186D(1)(b) or (c) if the
                 effect of the exercise of that power is that
                 access to that land is denied.
                  Section 186D(1)(b) provides for the temporary
                  deviation of a road. Section 186D(1)(c) provides for
                  the temporary deviation of traffic onto a temporary
                  roadway or a temporarily deviated road.
             (2) Compensation is not payable under this
                 section for the denial of access if--
                    (a) there is adequate existing alternative
                        access to the land; or

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                   (b) the project authority provides, or agrees
                       to provide, adequate alternative access
                       to the land; or
                    (c) a claim for compensation is not served
                        on the project authority within one year
                        of the end of the temporary deviation of
                        a road or temporary deviation of traffic
                        (as the case requires).
             (3) For the purposes of determining whether
                 alternative access to the land is adequate, no
                 regard is to be had as to which stream of
                 traffic has access to the land.
             (4) Any claim for compensation under this
                 section must be made and dealt with in
                 accordance with the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986 as if it were a
                 claim under section 47(1) of that Act.
             (5) Section 127 of the Road Management
                 Act 2004 does not apply in respect of any
                 matter for which compensation is payable
                 under this section.".
209 Compensation for affected utilities
        (1) In section 192 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "a decision made under
            this Subdivision to discontinue, realign or relocate
            a road" substitute "the exercise of a power under
            section 186A(1)(a) or (b) or 186D(1)(b) or (c)".
        (2) At the end of section 192 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the adverse
                 effect on a utility is a lack of access to land
                 and there is an alternative method of access
                 to that land.".

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        (3) At the foot of section 192(1) of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
            Section 186A(1)(a) provides for the discontinuance of a
            road. Section 186A(1)(b) provides for the realignment of a
            road. Section 186D(1)(b) provides for the temporary
            deviation of a road. Section 186D(1)(c) provides for the
            temporary deviation of traffic onto a temporary roadway or
            a temporarily deviated road.".
210 New Subdivision 3 of Division 8 of Part 6 inserted
            After Subdivision 2 of Division 8 of Part 6 of the
            Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                 "Subdivision 3--Powers related to
                            closed roads
          195A Powers concerning the leaving standing of
               vehicles in parking areas on roads
             (1) Despite anything to the contrary under the
                 Road Safety Act 1986 or under any rules or
                 regulations made under that Act, a project
                 authority may fix, rescind or vary the days,
                 hours and periods of time for which, and the
                 conditions on which, vehicles may stand in a
                 parking area on a highway or other parking
                 area that is a road that is closed to traffic
                 under section 186D.
             (2) As soon as practicable after doing a thing
                 under subsection (1), a project authority must
                 give written notice to the relevant
                 coordinating road authority and relevant
                 responsible road authority of the doing of
                 that thing.
             (3) A notice under subsection (2) must describe
                 the thing done.

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             (4) In this section--
                  highway has the same meaning as in the
                      Road Safety Act 1986;
                  parking area has the meaning it has under
                       the Road Safety Act 1986 or under any
                       rules or regulations made under that
                  relevant coordinating road authority means
                       the coordinating road authority for the
                       road that is a parking area on a
                       highway, or other parking area, that is
                       closed to traffic under section 186D;
                  relevant responsible road authority means a
                       responsible road authority (within the
                       meaning of the Road Management
                       Act 2004) for the road that is a parking
                       area on a highway, or other parking
                       area, that is closed to traffic under
                       section 186D.
          195B Removal of stationary vehicles
             (1) This section applies if--
                    (a) a project authority has closed a road to
                        traffic under section 186D; and
                   (b) on that road there is--
                          (i) parked or left standing an
                              unregistered vehicle; or
                         (ii) a vehicle unlawfully parked
                              or left standing in an area
                              designated under clause 5(1)(b)
                              of Schedule 4 to the Road
                              Management Act 2004; or
                        (iii) a vehicle that, in the opinion of the
                              project authority, is abandoned; or

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                         (iv) a vehicle causing an unlawful
                              obstruction; and
                    (c) the project authority is of the opinion
                        that the vehicle is obstructing or
                        delaying the carrying out of works--
                          (i) for the purposes of an approved
                              project; and
                         (ii) for which the road is closed.
             (2) Subject to this section, the project authority
                    (a) enter the vehicle using, if necessary,
                        reasonable force, for the purpose of
                        conveniently or expeditiously moving
                        it; and
                   (b) move the vehicle to the nearest
                       convenient place; and
                    (c) store the vehicle.
             (3) Except in the case of an unregistered vehicle
                 or abandoned vehicle, before a power under
                 subsection (2) is exercised in respect of the
                 vehicle, the project authority must--
                    (a) make reasonable endeavours to give
                        the registered operator a notice that
                        contains the specified matter; and
                   (b) arrange for the affixing of a copy of the
                       notice under paragraph (a) on the
             (4) In addition, except in the case of an
                 unregistered vehicle or abandoned vehicle, a
                 project authority may exercise a power under
                 subsection (2) in respect of a vehicle only
                    (a) making the reasonable endeavours
                        referred to in subsection (3)(a); or

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                   (b) 48 hours after the affixing of a notice
                       under subsection (3)(b)--
                  whichever occurs last.
             (5) For the purposes of subsection (3), the
                 specified matter is--
                    (a) a description of the basis for the
                        exercise of a power under subsection
                        (2) in respect of the vehicle; and
                   (b) a description of the powers that may be
                       exercised under subsection (2) in
                       respect of the vehicle; and
                    (c) the date on or after which the powers
                        under subsection (2) will be exercised
                        in respect of the vehicle if the vehicle is
                        not moved to a place where it is not
                        obstructing or delaying the carrying out
                        of works for which the road is closed.
             (6) In this section--
                  registered operator, of a vehicle, has the
                       same meaning as in the Road Safety
                       Act 1986;
                  vehicle includes anything attached to, within,
                       or on, the vehicle.
          195C Power to move other obstructions
             (1) This section applies if--
                    (a) a project authority has closed a road to
                        traffic under section 186D; and
                   (b) on that road there is a thing (other than
                       a vehicle) that the project authority is of
                       the opinion is obstructing or delaying
                       the carrying out of works for which the
                       road is closed.

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             (2) If the thing appears to be abandoned, the
                 project authority may remove the thing.
             (3) In any other case, the project authority may
                 move the thing to the nearest convenient
                 place and store the thing if--
                    (a) the project authority cannot find the
                        person responsible for, or who is in
                        control of, the thing despite making
                        reasonable enquiries; or
                   (b) the project authority has directed the
                       person responsible for, or in control of,
                       the thing to move it and that person has
                       not complied with the direction.
          195D Recovery of costs incurred for moving and
               storing vehicles and other obstructions
                  A project authority may recover in any court
                  of competent jurisdiction, as a debt due to it,
                  any reasonable costs it incurs in moving or
                  storing a vehicle or thing under section 195B
                  or 195C from the owner of the vehicle or
          195E Secretary may disclose certain
               information for the purposes arranging
               the moving of vehicles from closed roads
             (1) The Secretary or a relevant person may, for
                 the purpose of enabling a project authority to
                 give a registered operator of a vehicle a
                 notice under section 195B, disclose
                 information about the vehicle registered
                 under Part 2 of the Road Safety Act 1986
                    (a) the project authority; or
                   (b) a person authorised in writing by the
                       project authority who is employed--
                          (i) in the Department; or

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                         (ii) by an Administrative Office Head
                              in an Administrative Office
                              established in relation to the
                              Department; or
                    (c) if the project authority is the Authority
                        (within the meaning of the Suburban
                        Rail Loop Act 2021), a person
                        authorised in writing by the project
                        authority who is an employee of the
             (2) Sections 90N and 90Q(2) and (3) of the
                 Road Safety Act 1986 apply to a disclosure
                 of information under subsection (1) as if it
                 were a disclosure of information authorised
                 under Part 7B of that Act.
             (3) In this section--
                  Administrative Office has the same
                      meaning as in the Public
                      Administration Act 2004;
                  Administrative Office Head has the
                      same meaning as in the Public
                      Administration Act 2004;
                  relevant person has the same meaning as
                       it has in section 90I of the Road Safety
                       Act 1986.".
211 New section 207A inserted
            After section 207 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
         "207A Effect of a stratum of Crown land
               becoming project land
                  If a stratum of Crown land (the first stratum)
                  becomes project land, any reservation or
                  other right, title, trust, limitation, reservation,
                  restriction, encumbrance, estate or interest--

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                    (a) that applied both to the first stratum
                        and to any other stratum of land
                        immediately before the first stratum
                        became project land; and
                   (b) that was revoked, surrendered, divested
                       or diminished with respect to the first
                       stratum on the first stratum becoming
                       project land--
                  continues to apply to the other strata of land
                  to which it applied immediately before the
                  first stratum became project land.".
212 Taxes and duties
            After section 256(4) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
            "(5) For the purposes of this section--
                    (a) a reference to an agreement made for
                        the purposes of an approved project
                        includes a reference to an agreement
                        made in relation to an acquisition or
                        transfer or other disposal of land under
                        Division 1AA of Part 6; and
                   (b) a reference to a transfer of land made
                       for the purposes of an approved project
                       includes a reference to a transfer of
                       land under Division 1AA of Part 6.".
213 Limitation on powers of Councils to make local laws
            After section 258(1)(a) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
          "(ab) the doing of anything referred to in
                section 165B; or".

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214 Approval of Councils not required
            For section 258A(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 substitute--
            "(1) Despite anything to the contrary in any other
                 enactment or law (other than the Charter
                 of Human Rights and Responsibilities
                 Act 2006), a permit, licence, consent,
                 approval or other authority (other than a
                 planning permit) is not required from any
                 Council for--
                    (a) the carrying out of works for the
                        purposes of an approved project by--
                          (i) the project authority in or outside
                              the project area; or
                         (ii) the holder of a licence issued
                              under section 173 in the project
                              area; or
                        (iii) the holder of a lease granted under
                              section 177 in the project area; or
                   (b) the doing of anything under section
                       165B by a project authority or any
                       person authorised in writing by a
                       project authority.".
215 New section 264 inserted
            After section 263 of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009 insert--
           '264 How notices or documents may be given
             (1) Subject to this section, a notice or other
                 document that is required to be given to a
                 person under this Act may be given to that
                 person by any of the following methods--

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                    (a) by delivering it personally to the
                   (b) by leaving it at the usual or last known
                       place of business of the person with a
                       person over the age of 16 years and
                       apparently residing at that place or
                       (in the case of a place of business)
                       apparently in charge of or employed at
                       that place;
                    (c) by sending it by post, addressed to the
                        person at the usual or last known place
                        of residence or business of that person;
                   (d) if the person has given an alternative
                       address--by sending it by post to that
                    (e) if the person has given an electronic
                        address as an address for receiving
                        notices or other documents--by
                        sending it by electronic communication
                        to that electronic address.
             (2) If a person (the first person) is required
                 under this Act to give notice to an owner or
                 occupier of land that relates to that land or to
                 another person in relation to particular land
                 and the first person does not know the
                 location of the owner or occupier or that
                 other person after making reasonable efforts
                 to locate the owner or occupier or that other
                 person, the first person may give notice to
                 that owner or occupier of the land or that
                 other person by--

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                    (a) publishing a copy of the notice, in a
                        newspaper circulating generally
                        throughout Victoria; and
                   (b) affixing the notice in a prominent place
                       on the land to which it relates; and
                    (c) including in the notice sufficient
                        information to identify the owner or
                        occupier or that other person (either
                        individually or as part of a group or
             (3) If, under this Act, the person required be
                 given a notice or other document is a
                 Minister, public authority or committee of
                 management under the Crown Land
                 (Reserves) Act 1978, the notice or other
                    (a) may be given to a person authorised by
                        that Minister, public authority or
                        committee to receive the notice or
                        document on behalf of that Minister,
                        public authority or committee of
                        management; or
                   (b) may be left at the principal office of
                       that Minister, public authority or
             (4) A notice that is required to be given to an
                 owner or occupier of land under this Act
                 may be addressed by the description of "the
                 owner" or "the occupier" of the land (naming
                 it) in respect of which the notice is given,
                 without further name or description.'.

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216 New Part 12 inserted
            After Part 11 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009 insert--

                   "Part 12--Transitional
              provisions--Suburban Rail Loop
                          Act 2021
            271 Entry or temporary occupation under
                the Land Acquisition and Compensation
                Act 1986
             (1) If a project authority, or a person authorised
                 by a project authority, entered or temporarily
                 occupied land under section 74 or 75 of the
                 Land Acquisition and Compensation
                 Act 1986 as modified by this Act (as in force
                 immediately before the commencement of
                 section 151(2) of the Suburban Rail Loop
                 Act 2021), Part 9 of the Land Acquisition
                 and Compensation Act 1986, as modified
                 by this Act (as in force immediately before
                 that commencement), continues to apply on
                 and after that commencement in relation to
                 that entry or occupation.
             (2) If a project authority gave notice under
                 section 74(2) of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986 before the
                 commencement of section 151(2) of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021, the project
                 authority, or a person authorised by the
                 project authority, may enter the land to
                 which the notice relates on or after that
                 commencement and exercise any powers
                 under section 74(1) of the Land Acquisition
                 and Compensation Act 1986 and, for that
                 purpose Part 9 of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986, as modified by

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                  this Act (as in force immediately before that
                  commencement), continues to apply.
             (3) If a project authority gave notice under
                 section 75(3) of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986 before the
                 commencement of section 151(2) of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021, the project
                 authority, or a person authorised by the
                 project authority, may enter the land to
                 which the notice relates on or after that
                 commencement and exercise any powers
                 under section 75 of the Land Acquisition
                 and Compensation Act 1986 and, for that
                 purpose Part 9 of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986, as modified by
                 this Act (as in force immediately before that
                 commencement), continues to apply.
             (4) Sections 120 and 121, as in force
                 immediately before the commencement of
                 section 152 of the Suburban Rail Loop
                 Act 2021, continue to apply on and after that
                 commencement in relation to any entry or
                 temporary occupation referred to in
                 subsection (1), (2) or (3).
             (5) Any person with an interest in land that has
                 been entered or temporarily occupied under
                 Part 9 of the Land Acquisition and
                 Compensation Act 1986 as continued by the
                 operation of subsection (1), (2) or (3) is
                 entitled to claim compensation under section
                 47 of that Act and that Act, as modified by
                 this Act (as in force immediately before the
                 commencement of section 151(2) of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021), continues
                 to apply.

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

            272 Compensation in relation to underground
                  Sections 163 and 164, as in force
                  immediately before the commencement of
                  section 187 of the Suburban Rail Loop
                  Act 2021, continue to apply on and after that
                  commencement in relation to an Order
                  published in the Government Gazette under
                  section 162 before that commencement.
            273 Compensation in relation to public land
                  Section 169, as in force immediately before
                  the commencement of section 193 of the
                  Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021, continues to
                  apply on and after that commencement in
                  relation to anything done by, or on behalf of,
                  a project authority under section 167 before
                  that commencement.
            274 Temporary access to Crown land
                  Section 170, as in force immediately before
                  the commencement of section 194 of the
                  Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021, continues to
                  apply on and after that commencement to the
                  use of any Crown land for the purposes of an
                  approved project if that use was authorised
                  by or under that section before that
                  commencement and was ongoing
                  immediately before that commencement.
            275 Exercise of powers relating to roads
             (1) Anything done by a project authority under
                 section 186 as in force immediately before
                 the commencement of section 203 of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021 (other than
                 the discontinuance or realignment of a road)
                 is taken on and after that commencement to
                 have been done under section 186 (as
                 substituted by section 203 of that Act) or

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                  section 186D(1)(d) or (e), as the case
                  requires, and section 186E is taken to be
                  have been complied with in relation to the
                  closing of a road under section 186 before
                  the commencement of section 203.
             (2) A road temporarily closed to traffic under
                 section 190 that is closed immediately before
                 the commencement of section 206 of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021 is taken on
                 and after that commencement to be closed
                 under 186D(1)(d) and section 186E is taken
                 to be have been complied with in relation to
                 that closure.
            276 Compensation for relocated roads
             (1) This section applies if before the
                 commencement of section 207 of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021 there had
                 been a relocation of a road that had the effect
                 of denying access to land and for which
                 compensation has not been paid under
                 section 191 before that commencement.
             (2) Section 191, as in force immediately before
                 the commencement of section 207 of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021, continues to
                 apply on and after that commencement in
                 relation to that relocation of that road.
            277 Compensation for utilities affected by
                relocated roads
             (1) This section applies if before the
                 commencement of section 209 of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021 there had
                 been a relocation of a road that had adversely
                 affected a utility for which compensation has
                 not been paid under section 192 before that

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

             (2) Section 192, as in force immediately before
                 the commencement of section 209 of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021, continues to
                 apply on and after that commencement in
                 relation to the relocation of that road.
            278 Regulations dealing with transitional
             (1) The Governor in Council may make
                 regulations containing provisions of a
                 transitional nature, including matters of an
                 application or savings nature, arising as a
                 result of the enactment of Part 8 of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021, including
                 any repeals and amendments made by or as a
                 result of the enactment of that Act.
             (2) Regulations made under this section may--
                    (a) have a retrospective effect to a day on
                        or after a date not earlier than the day
                        on which the Suburban Rail Loop
                        Act 2021 receives the Royal Assent;
                   (b) be of limited or general application;
                    (c) differ according to time, place or
                   (d) leave any matter or thing to be decided
                       by a specified person or class of person.
             (3) To the extent to which any provision of the
                 regulations under this section takes effect
                 from a date that is earlier than the date of its
                 making, the provision does not operate so
                    (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to
                        any person (other than the State or an
                        authority of the State), the rights of that
                        person existing before the date of its
                        making; or

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

                   (b) to impose liabilities on any person
                       (other than the State or an authority of
                       the State) in respect of anything done
                       or omitted to be done before the date of
                       its making.
             (4) Regulations under this section have effect
                 despite anything to the contrary in--
                    (a) this Act or any other Act (other than the
                        Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021 or the
                        Charter of Human Rights and
                        Responsibilities Act 2006); or
                   (b) any subordinate instrument.
             (5) The following are not required for any
                 proposed statutory rule that is to be made
                 under this section--
                    (a) consultation under section 6 of the
                        Subordinate Legislation Act 1994;
                   (b) the preparation of a regulatory impact
                       statement under section 7 of the
                       Subordinate Legislation Act 1994.
             (6) This section is repealed on the second
                 anniversary of the day on which it comes
                 into operation.".
217 Consequential amendments--changes relating to
    giving notice and notifying persons
        (1) In section 50 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) for "notify, in writing," substitute "give";
             (b) after "statement" (where first occurring)
                 insert "written notice".
        (2) In section 52(4) of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "notice in writing"
            substitute "written notice".

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

        (3) In sections 58(1)(b) and 61(3)(b) of the Major
            Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after
            "give" insert "written".
        (4) In section 62(3) of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) omit ", notice of the publication of the
                  revised comprehensive impact statement
                  must be";
             (b) in paragraph (a), before "published" insert
                 "notice of the publication of the revised
                 comprehensive impact statement must be";
              (c) in paragraph (b)--
                    (i) before "given" insert "written notice
                        of the publication of the revised
                        comprehensive impact statement must
                   (ii) in subparagraphs (iii) and (iv), for
                        "a notice" substitute "a copy of a
        (5) In section 63 of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) for "notify" substitute "give";
             (b) after "statement" (where secondly occurring)
                 insert "written notice".
        (6) In section 66(1)(b) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "give"
            insert "written".
        (7) In section 75(b) of the Major Transport Projects
            Facilitation Act 2009, for "notify, in writing,"
            substitute "give written notice to".
        (8) In section 108(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) for "notify, in writing," substitute "give";

                   Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                        No.       of 2021
Part 8--Amendment of Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009

              (b) after "contractor" (where secondly
                  occurring) insert "written notice".
        (9) In section 110(1) of the Major Transport
            Projects Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) for "notify, in writing," substitute "give";
              (b) after "Project Minister" insert "written
      (10) In section 143 of the Major Transport Projects
           Facilitation Act 2009--
              (a) for "notify" substitute "give";
              (b) after "Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978"
                  insert "written notice".
      (11) In sections 153 and 154(1) and (5) of the Major
           Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for
           "7 days' notice in writing" substitute "7 days'
           written notice".
      (12) In sections 218(1) and (2), 219(2)(b), 220(3)(b)
           and 224(1)(b) of the Major Transport Projects
           Facilitation Act 2009, for "notify, in writing,"
           substitute "give written notice to".
      (13) In section 234(2) and (3) of the Major Transport
           Projects Facilitation Act 2009, for "notify"
           substitute "give written notice to".
      (14) In section 241(4)(b) of the Major Transport
           Projects Facilitation Act 2009, after "given"
           insert "written".
218 Repeal of this Part
             This Part is repealed on 1 September 2023.
      The repeal of this Part does not affect the continuing operation of
      the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the
      Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                      No.       of 2021
              Part 9--Amendment of other Acts

    Part 9--Amendment of other Acts
219 Amendment of other Acts
           On the coming into operation of an item in
           Schedule 1, the Act specified in the heading to
           that item is amended as set out in that item.
220 Repeal of this Part and Schedule 1
           This Part and Schedule 1 are repealed on
           1 September 2023.
    The repeal of this Part and Schedule 1 does not affect the
    continuing operation of the amendments made by them (see
    section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

             Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                  No.       of 2021
         Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts
                                                   Section 219
1 Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987
   1.1 In the table in Schedule 1, after item 16 insert--
        "16A.      Suburban Rail   5, 9, 10, 11, 11AA, 11AB,
                   Loop            12, 13, 14, 14A, 15, 20, 20A,
                   Authority       21 and 22".
2 Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994
   2.1 For section 12AA(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by a Catchment Management
           Authority in relation to--
                (a) a declared project within the meaning
                    of the Major Transport Projects
                    Facilitation Act 2009; or
                (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                    the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                    Loop Act 2021.".
   2.2 For section 12A(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by the Port Phillip and Westernport
           Catchment Management Authority in
           relation to--
                (a) a declared project within the meaning
                    of the Major Transport Projects
                    Facilitation Act 2009; or
                (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                    the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                    Loop Act 2021.".

            Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                 No.       of 2021
        Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

3 Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978
   3.1 For section 18C(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by the Secretary or Parks Victoria in
           relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".
   3.2 For section 18D(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by the Secretary or Parks Victoria in
           relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".
   3.3 For section 21AB(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by a committee of management or
           trustees in relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".

             Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                  No.       of 2021
         Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

   3.4 For section 21AC(2) substitute--
       "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
            performance of a function or the exercise of
            a power by a committee of management or
            trustees in relation to--
              (a) a declared project within the meaning
                  of the Major Transport Projects
                  Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
4 Duties Act 2000
   4.1 In section 47A--
        (a) for subsection (1)(b) substitute--
             "(b) the Secretary to the Department of
                  Transport; or
              (c) the Suburban Rail Loop Authority.";
        (b) in subsection (2)--
              (i) insert the following definition--
                  "Suburban Rail Loop Authority means
                      the Authority within the meaning
                      of section 3 of the Suburban Rail
                      Loop Act 2021;";
              (ii) the definition of Transport
                   Infrastructure Development Agent is
5 Filming Approval Act 2014
   5.1 In section 3, after paragraph (q) of the definition
       of filming approval legislation insert--
      "(qa) the Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021; and".

            Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                 No.       of 2021
        Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

6 Forests Act 1958
   6.1 For section 18B(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by the land manager in relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".
   6.2 For section 18C(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise
           of a power by the land manager or the
           committee of management in relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".
7 Local Government Act 2020
   7.1 For section 6(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by a Council in relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".

            Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                 No.       of 2021
        Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

   7.2 For section 7(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise
           of a power by a Council in relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".
8 National Parks Act 1975
   8.1 For section 20A(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by the Secretary or Parks Victoria in
           relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".
   8.2 For section 20B(2) substitute--
      "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
           performance of a function or the exercise of
           a power by the Secretary or Parks Victoria in
           relation to--
             (a) a declared project within the meaning
                 of the Major Transport Projects
                 Facilitation Act 2009; or
             (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                 the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                 Loop Act 2021.".

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
          Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

 9 Parks Victoria Act 2018
    9.1 For section 10(2) substitute--
        "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
             performance of a function or the exercise of
             a power by Parks Victoria in relation to--
               (a) a declared project within the meaning
                   of the Major Transport Projects
                   Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
10 Public Administration Act 2004
   10.1 After section 16(1)(baa) insert--
     "(baab) the chairperson within the meaning of the
             Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021 in relation
             to the Suburban Rail Loop Authority;".
11 Transport Integration Act 2010
   11.1 In section 3--
         (a) insert the following definition--
             "Suburban Rail Loop Authority means
                 the Suburban Rail Loop Authority
                 established by section 8 of the
                 Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021;";
         (b) in the definition of interface body, after
             paragraph (g) insert--
            "(ga) in respect of the Suburban Rail Loop
                  Act 2021, the Suburban Rail Loop
                  Authority when it is exercising its
                  functions and powers in respect of
                  planning and precinct development;";

          Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
               No.       of 2021
      Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

      (c) in the definition of interface legislation,
          after paragraph (l) insert--
         "(la) Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021;";
      (d) in the definition of transport body, after
          paragraph (rb) insert--
         "(rc) the Suburban Rail Loop Authority
               when it is exercising its functions and
               powers under any transport legislation
               in respect of transport planning or
               transport infrastructure development or
      (e) in the definition of transport legislation,
          after paragraph (o) insert--
         "(oa) Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021;".
11.2 For section 64JA(2) substitute--
    "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
         performance of a function or the exercise of
         a power by the Head, Transport for Victoria
         in relation to--
           (a) a declared project within the meaning
               of the Major Transport Projects
               Facilitation Act 2009; or
           (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
               the meaning of the Suburban Rail
               Loop Act 2021.".
11.3 For section 64JB(2) substitute--
    "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
         performance of a function or the exercise of
         a power by the Head, Transport for Victoria
         in relation to--
           (a) a declared project within the meaning
               of the Major Transport Projects
               Facilitation Act 2009; or

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
          Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
   11.4 In section 125(1)(c) and (d), after "Corporation"
        insert "or the Suburban Rail Loop Authority or a
        project authority within meaning of the Major
        Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009".
   11.5 For section 127(2) substitute--
        "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
             performance of a function or the exercise of
             a power by Victorian Rail Track in relation
               (a) a declared project within the meaning
                   of the Major Transport Projects
                   Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
   11.6 For section 127A(2) substitute--
        "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
             performance of a function or the exercise of
             a power by Victorian Rail Track in relation
               (a) a declared project within the meaning
                   of the Major Transport Projects
                   Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
12 Treasury Corporation of Victoria Act 1992
   12.1 In section 36A, in the definition of public
        authority, after "Channels Authority," insert
        "the Suburban Rail Loop Authority,".

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
          Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

   12.2 At the end of the table in Schedule 1 insert--
        "Suburban Rail Loop    Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021".

13 Victorian Planning Authority Act 2017
   13.1 For section 10A(2) substitute--
        "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
             performance of a function or the exercise of
             a power by the Authority in relation to--
               (a) a declared project within the meaning
                   of the Major Transport Projects
                   Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
   13.2 For section 10B(2) substitute--
        "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
             performance of a function or the exercise of
             a power by the Authority in relation to--
               (a) a declared project within the meaning
                   of the Major Transport Projects
                   Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
14 Water Act 1989
   14.1 For section 124A(2) substitute--
        "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
             performance of a function or the exercise of
             a power by the Port Phillip and Westernport
             Catchment Management Authority in
             relation to--

          Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
               No.       of 2021
      Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

           (a) a declared project within the meaning
               of the Major Transport Projects
               Facilitation Act 2009; or
           (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
               the meaning of the Suburban Rail
               Loop Act 2021.".
14.2 For section 124B(2) substitute--
    "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
         performance of a function or the exercise of
         a power by a Catchment Management
         Authority in relation to--
           (a) a declared project within the meaning
               of the Major Transport Projects
               Facilitation Act 2009; or
           (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
               the meaning of the Suburban Rail
               Loop Act 2021.".
14.3 For section 171I(2) substitute--
    "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
         performance of a function or the exercise of
         a power by Melbourne Water Corporation in
         relation to--
           (a) a declared project within the meaning
               of the Major Transport Projects
               Facilitation Act 2009; or
           (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
               the meaning of the Suburban Rail
               Loop Act 2021.".
14.4 For section 171J(2) substitute--
    "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
         performance of a function or the exercise of
         a power by a water corporation in relation

              Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                   No.       of 2021
          Schedule 1--Amendment of other Acts

               (a) a declared project within the meaning
                   of the Major Transport Projects
                   Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
15 Wildlife Act 1975
   15.1 For section 14A(2) substitute--
        "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
             performance of a function or the exercise of
             a power by the land manager in relation to--
               (a) a declared project within the meaning
                   of the Major Transport Projects
                   Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".
   15.2 For section 14B(2) substitute--
        "(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the
             performance of a function or the exercise of
             a power by the land manager or the
             committee of management in relation to--
               (a) a declared project within the meaning
                   of the Major Transport Projects
                   Facilitation Act 2009; or
              (b) a Suburban Rail Loop project within
                  the meaning of the Suburban Rail
                  Loop Act 2021.".

                             Suburban Rail Loop Act 2021
                                  No.       of 2021

1 General information
  See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
  authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
      Minister's second reading speech--
      Legislative Assembly:
      Legislative Council:
      The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to establish
      the Suburban Rail Loop Authority and confer on the Authority
      appropriate functions and powers for the Authority to plan and deliver the
      Suburban Rail Loop and development associated with the Suburban Rail
      Loop and to enable the Authority to operate, or manage the operation of,
      the Suburban Rail Loop, or to manage development associated with the
      Suburban Rail Loop and for other purposes."

                 By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria.



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