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State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

      State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment
                       Act 2022
                              No.           of 2022

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                             Page

Part 1--Preliminary                                                    1
 1       Purposes                                                     1
 2       Commencement                                                 2
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994                      3
 3       Purposes                                                     3
 4       Definitions                                                  3
 5       Functions of Trust                                           4
 6       Minister must approve carrying out of certain functions      5
 7       Section 22 amended                                           5
 8       New section 23A inserted                                     5
 9       Section 26AA repealed                                        6
 10      State Netball and Hockey Centre Advisory Committee           6
 11      New Division 3A of Part 3 inserted                           7
 12      State Sports Centres Fund                                   12
 13      Sections 28A and 28B repealed                               14
 14      Business plan                                               14
 15      Regulations                                                 15
 16      By-laws                                                     15
 17      New section 41 inserted                                     16
 18      New Schedules 4 and 5 inserted                              19
Part 3--Amendment of Melbourne and Olympic Parks Act 1985             21
 19 Definitions                                                      21
 20 Part 10 of the Schedule substituted                              21
Part 4--Amendment of other Acts                                       22
Division 1--Australian Grands Prix Act 1994                           22
 21      Definitions                                                 22
 22      Corporation not to undertake works without a licence        23
 23      Roads                                                       23
 24      Declared area to be restored to reasonable condition        23

Clause                                                 Page

Division 2--Albert Park Land Act 1972                     24
 25 Committee of management may grant certain leases     24
 26 Schedule amended                                     24
Division 3--Major Events Act 2009                         24
 27 Definitions                                          24
 28 Temporary closure of roads                           24
 29 Temporary modification of roads                      24
Part 5--Repeal of this Act                                26
 30 Repeal of this Act                                   26
Endnotes                                                 27
 1       General information                             27

      State Sport Centres Legislation
          Amendment Act 2022  
                    No.          of 2022

                           [Assented to                         ]

The Parliament of Victoria enacts:

                Part 1--Preliminary
     1 Purposes
             The purposes of this Act are--
              (a) to amend the State Sport Centres
                  Act 1994--
                   (i) to provide for the State Sport Centres
                       Trust to manage and operate the Knox
                       Regional Sports Park and the Lakeside
                       Stadium; and

  State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                    No.       of 2022
                 Part 1--Preliminary

             (ii) to provide for the State Sport Centres
                  Trust to manage the Knox Regional
                  Sports Park land and the Lakeside Oval
                  Reserve land; and
             (iii) to make other miscellaneous
                   amendments to that Act; and
        (b) to amend the Melbourne and Olympic
            Parks Act 1985 in relation to the excision of
            a parcel of land from the national tennis
            centre land; and
        (c) to make consequential amendments to other
2 Commencement
      This Act comes into operation on the day after the
      day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

     State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                       No.       of 2022
     Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres
             Act 1994
  3 Purposes
         For section 1(e) and (f) of the State Sport
         Centres Act 1994 substitute--
         "(e) to provide for the management, promotion,
              operation and use of--
                  (i) the Knox Regional Sports Park; and
                  (ii) the Lakeside Stadium; and
                (iii) the State Netball and Hockey Centre;
          (f) to provide for the use of--
                  (i) the Knox Regional Sports Park land;
                  (ii) the Lakeside Oval Reserve land; and
                (iii) the State Netball and Hockey Centre
  4 Definitions
         In section 3 of the State Sport Centres Act 1994
         insert the following definitions--
         "Knox Regional Sports Park means the facility or
             facilities for the purposes of sporting,
             education, recreational, social, entertainment
             and related purposes constructed on the
             Knox Regional Sports Park land;
         Knox Regional Sports Park land means the land
             shown in the plan in Schedule 4, being
             Crown Allotment 2287 on the plan
             numbered OP124603 lodged in the Central
             Plan Office;

   State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                     No.       of 2022
   Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

       Lakeside Oval Reserve land means the land
           shown in the plan in Schedule 5, being
           Crown Allotment 2343 on the plan
           numbered OP123110 lodged in the Central
           Plan Office;
       Lakeside Stadium means the facility or facilities
           for the purposes of sporting, education,
           recreational, social, entertainment and
           related purposes constructed on the Lakeside
           Oval Reserve land;
       State Sport Centres means the following--
               (a) the Knox Regional Sports Park;
              (b) the Lakeside Stadium;
               (c) the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic
              (d) the State Netball and Hockey Centre;
       State Sport Centres land means the following--
               (a) the Knox Regional Sports Park land;
              (b) the Lakeside Oval Reserve land;
               (c) the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic
                   Centre land;
              (d) the State Netball and Hockey Centre
5 Functions of Trust
       In section 6 of the State Sport Centres
       Act 1994--
         (a) in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d), for
             "Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre and
             the State Netball and Hockey Centre"
             substitute "State Sport Centres";

   State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                     No.       of 2022
    Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

         (b) in paragraph (da), after "management of"
             insert "the Knox Regional Sports Park land
         (c) in paragraph (dab), after "management of"
             insert "the Lakeside Oval Reserve land and".
6 Minister must approve carrying out of certain
        In section 6B of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994, for "Melbourne Sports and Aquatic
        Centre, the State Netball and Hockey Centre, the
        Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre land or the
        State Netball and Hockey Centre land" substitute
        "State Sport Centres or the State Sport Centres
7 Section 22 amended
   (1) Insert the following heading to section 22 of the
       State Sport Centres Act 1994--
        "General management powers of Trust".
   (2) For section 22(c) and (d) of the State Sport
       Centres Act 1994 substitute--
       "(c) charge fees for entry to the State Sport
            Centres or any part of the State Sport Centres
            land or for the use of any facilities or
            services at the Centres or on the land;".
8 New section 23A inserted
        After section 23 of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994 insert--
      "23A Management powers over additional land
             If the Trust is appointed as a committee of
             management under the Crown Land
             (Reserves) Act 1978 over any land, then--

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
    Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

                (a) despite anything to the contrary in the
                    Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 or
                    any regulations made under that Act,
                    the Trust may exercise its powers and
                    functions under this Act (other than
                    section 25) in relation to that land as if
                    it were State Sport Centres land; and
               (b) to the extent that there is any
                   inconsistency between the powers and
                   functions of the Trust under this Act
                   and the Crown Land (Reserves)
                   Act 1978 or any regulations made
                   under that Act, this Act prevails.".
 9 Section 26AA repealed
        Section 26AA of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994 is repealed.
10 State Netball and Hockey Centre Advisory
    (1) In section 26D(2) of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994--
          (a) for "The State Netball" substitute "Subject
              to subsection (2A), the State Netball";
          (b) for paragraph (a) substitute--
              "(a) a person nominated by the Trust, being
                   a member of the Trust;".
    (2) After section 26D(2) of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994 insert--
      "(2A) The chief executive officer of the Trust is a
            member of the State Netball and Hockey
            Centre Advisory Committee.".

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
     Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

11 New Division 3A of Part 3 inserted
         After Division 3 of Part 3 of the State Sport
         Centres Act 1994 insert--

           "Division 3A--Knox Regional Sports
           Park land and Lakeside Oval Reserve
      26FA Knox Regional Sports Park land and
           Lakeside Oval Reserve land
         (1) Despite anything to the contrary in any Act
             or any regulations made under the Crown
             Land (Reserves) Act 1978, that part of the
             land reserved by Order in Council published
             in the Government Gazette on 4 December
             2001 that is the Knox Regional Sports Park
             land may be used for--
                (a) the purposes of sporting, education,
                    recreational, social or entertainment
                    activities; or
                (b) purposes connected with the purposes
                    in paragraph (a); or
                (c) the erection of buildings or structures or
                    the carrying out of works for those
         (2) Despite anything to the contrary in any Act
             or any regulations made under the Crown
             Land (Reserves) Act 1978, that part of the
             land reserved by Order in Council dated
             21 March 1876 that is the Lakeside Oval
             Reserve land may be used for--
                (a) the purposes of sporting, education,
                    recreational, social or entertainment
                    activities; or
                (b) purposes connected with the purposes
                    in paragraph (a); or

State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

            (c) the erection of buildings or structures or
                the carrying out of works for those
  26FB Trust to manage Knox Regional Sports
       Park land
     (1) This section applies subject to section
     (2) The Trust is responsible for the care,
         protection and management of the Knox
         Regional Sports Park land.
     (3) On the commencement of the State Sport
         Centres Legislation Amendment
         Act 2022--
            (a) the appointment of any committee of
                management of that land under the
                Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 is
                revoked to the extent that it relates to
                the Knox Regional Sports Park land;
           (b) any regulations under section 13 of the
               Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 are
               revoked to the extent that they apply to
               that land.
  26FC Trust to manage Lakeside Oval Reserve
     (1) The Trust is responsible for the care,
         protection and management of the Lakeside
         Oval Reserve land.
     (2) On the commencement of the State Sport
         Centres Legislation Amendment
         Act 2022--
            (a) the appointment of any committee of
                management of that land under the
                Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 is

State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

                revoked to the extent that it relates to
                the Lakeside Oval Reserve land; and
           (b) any regulations under section 13 of the
               Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 are
               revoked to the extent that they apply to
               that land.
  26FD Powers to enter into leases
     (1) The Trust may grant a lease of the Knox
         Regional Sports Park land or any part
         (including a stratum) of that land for any of
         the purposes described in section 26FA(1).
     (2) The Trust may grant a lease of the Lakeside
         Oval Reserve land or any part (including a
         stratum) of that land for any of the purposes
         described in section 26FA(2).
     (3) The Trust may only grant a lease under
         subsection (1) or (2) with the approval of the
     (4) The Minister must not approve the granting
         of a lease under subsection (1) or (2) unless
         the Minister is satisfied that, to the extent
         that the lease applies to a stratum of land--
            (a) the lessee for the time being under the
                lease can obtain reasonable access to
                and use of the land to be leased; and
           (b) the granting of the lease will not
               interfere with the exercise of rights by
               the registered proprietor, lessee or
               licensee of other land; and
            (c) provision has been made (in the lease
                or otherwise) for any necessary rights
                of support of the stratum or other land
                or of any building or structure erected
                or to be erected on those lands; and

State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

           (d) provision has been made (in the lease
               or otherwise) for any necessary rights
               of passage or provision of services
               (including drainage, sewerage or the
               supply of water, gas, electricity or
               communications systems) to or through
               the stratum, where those rights are
               reasonably necessary for the reasonable
               enjoyment of the stratum or other land;
            (e) if the surface of the land above the
                stratum is a road, the exercise of any of
                the lessee's rights or obligations under
                the lease will not interfere with the
                public use of that land as a road.
     (5) A lease granted under subsection (1) or (2)
         may be for a term not exceeding 50 years.
     (6) A lease granted under subsection (1) or (2)--
            (a) may contain provision for the term of
                the lease to be extended one or more
                times, but the aggregate of the initial
                term and any extensions of the term
                must not exceed 50 years; and
           (b) may contain provision for a lessee to
               remain in occupation of the land under
               the same terms and conditions as
               existed under the lease, at the discretion
               of the lessor, for a period of not more
               than 3 months from the expiry of the
               lease; and
            (c) is subject to any covenants, exceptions,
                reservations and conditions that are
                determined by the Trust and approved
                in writing by the Minister.

State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

     (7) This section has effect despite anything to
         the contrary in the Land Act 1958 and the
         Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.
  26FE Power to grant licences over Knox
       Regional Sports Park land or Lakeside
       Oval Reserve land
     (1) The Trust may grant a licence to enter and
         use any part (including a stratum) of the
         Knox Regional Sports Park land or any
         building on that land for any of the purposes
         described in section 26FA(1).
     (2) The Trust may grant a licence to enter and
         use any part (including a stratum) of the
         Lakeside Oval Reserve land or any building
         on that land for any of the purposes
         described in section 26FA(2).
     (3) The Trust must not grant a licence under
         subsection (1) or (2) unless the Trust is
         satisfied that, to the extent that the licence
         applies to a stratum of land--
            (a) the licensee for the time being under
                the licence can obtain reasonable access
                to and use of the land to be licensed;
           (b) the granting of the licence will not
               interfere with the exercise of rights by
               the registered proprietor, lessee or
               licensee of other land; and
            (c) provision has been made (in the licence
                or otherwise) for any necessary rights
                of support of the stratum or other land
                or of any building or structure erected
                or to be erected on those lands; and

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
    Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

               (d) provision has been made (in the licence
                   or otherwise) for any necessary rights
                   of passage or provision of services
                   (including drainage, sewerage or the
                   supply of water, gas, electricity or
                   communications systems) to or through
                   the stratum, where those rights are
                   reasonably necessary for the reasonable
                   enjoyment of the stratum or other land;
                (e) if the surface of the land above the
                    stratum is a road, the exercise of any of
                    the licensee's rights or obligations
                    under the licence will not interfere with
                    the public use of that land as a road.
         (4) A licence granted under this section--
                (a) may be for a period not exceeding
                    50 years; and
               (b) is subject to the terms and conditions
                   determined by the Trust.
         (5) This section has effect despite anything to
             the contrary in the Land Act 1958 and the
             Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.".
12 State Sports Centres Fund
        For section 28(2) of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994 substitute--
        "(2) There must be paid into the State Sports
             Centres Fund--
                (a) all money received by or paid to the
                    Trust in respect of the State Sport
                    Centres or the State Sport Centres land;
               (b) all money received by or paid to the
                   Trust in respect of any other sports,
                   recreation and entertainment facilities

State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

                or services (other than State Sport
                Centres) managed or operated by the
                Trust; and
            (c) all money required or authorised by or
                under this Act or any other Act to be
                paid into the Fund; and
           (d) any income received by the Trust from
               the investment of moneys in the Fund.
     (3) Money in the Fund may be applied only--
            (a) in payment or discharge of the debts
                and liabilities of the Trust in, or in
                connection with, the performance and
                exercise of the functions and powers of
                the Trust in relation to--
                  (i) the State Sport Centres or the
                      State Sport Centres land; and
                 (ii) any other sports, recreation and
                      entertainment facilities or services
                      (other than the State Sport
                      Centres) managed or operated by
                      the Trust; and
           (b) in payment of the costs of the
               management of the State Sport Centres
               or the State Sport Centres land or the
               provision of services at the Centres or
               on that land, including the costs of
               employing and engaging people for the
               purposes of managing and operating the
               Centres and that land or the provision
               of services at the Centres or on that
               land; and
            (c) in payment of the costs of the
                management of any other sports,
                recreation and entertainment facilities
                or services (other than the State Sport
                Centres) managed or operated by the

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
    Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

                    Trust or the provision of services at
                    those facilities, including the costs of
                    employing and engaging people for the
                    purposes of managing and operating the
                    facilities or the provision of those
                    services; and
               (d) in payment of any other amount--
                      (i) authorised or required to be paid
                          out of the Fund under this Act; or
                     (ii) agreed to by the Trust and the
                          Minister to be paid out of the
13 Sections 28A and 28B repealed
        Sections 28A and 28B of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994 are repealed.
14 Business plan
        In section 30 of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994--
          (a) in subsection (1), for "separate business plan
              for the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre
              and for the State Netball and Hockey Centre"
              substitute "business plan for the State Sport
          (b) in subsection (2), for "each" (where first
              occurring) substitute "the";
          (c) in subsection (3), for "Each" substitute
          (d) in subsections (4) and (5), for "each"
              (wherever occurring) substitute "the";
          (e) in subsection (6), for "A plan, or any part of
              a plan" substitute "The plan, or any part of
              the plan".

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
    Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

15 Regulations
        In section 32(1) of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994--
          (a) for paragraph (a)(i) and (ii) substitute--
               "(i) the State Sport Centres and the State
                    Sport Centres land; and";
          (b) for paragraph (b)(i) and (ii) substitute--
               "(i) at the State Sport Centres or on the
                    State Sport Centres land; or";
          (c) for paragraph (c) substitute--
              "(c) the protection of people in the State
                   Sport Centres or on the State Sport
                   Centres land from injury or nuisance;";
          (d) for paragraph (e)(i) and (ii) substitute--
               "(i) the State Sport Centres or the State
                    Sport Centres land; or".
16 By-laws
        In section 33(1) of the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994--
          (a) for paragraph (a)(i) and (ii) substitute--
               "(i) the State Sport Centres or any part of
                    the State Sport Centres land;";
          (b) for paragraph (b)(i) and (ii) substitute--
               "(i) at the State Sport Centres or on the
                    State Sport Centres land;".

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
     Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

17 New section 41 inserted
         After section 40 of the State Sport Centres
         Act 1994 insert--
         "41 Transitional provisions--State Sport
             Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
         (1) On and from the commencement of the State
             Sport Centres Legislation Amendment
             Act 2022--
                (a) the Knox Regional Sports Park land
                    lease, and any agreements, leases or
                    licences entered into under the Knox
                    Regional Sports Park land lease--
                      (i) continue and have effect for the
                          duration of the terms of those
                          agreements, leases or licences as
                          agreements, leases or licences
                          under the Crown Land
                          (Reserves) Act 1978; and
                     (ii) if there is any inconsistency
                          between the terms of the Knox
                          Regional Sports Park land lease
                          and this Act, the terms of that
                          lease prevail; and
                (b) the Lakeside Oval Reserve land lease
                    continues and has effect as if it were
                    made under this Act, and--
                      (i) a reference in the Lakeside Oval
                          Reserve land lease to the Minister
                          for Energy, Environment and
                          Climate Change is taken to be a
                          reference to the State Sport
                          Centres Trust; and

State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

                 (ii) to the extent that there is any
                      inconsistency or duplication
                      between the responsibilities, rights
                      and obligations of the Trust as
                      Minister or Manager under the
                      Lakeside Oval Reserve land lease,
                      the responsibilities, rights and
                      obligations of the Trust as
                      Minister prevail; and
            (c) the Lakeside Oval Reserve land licence
                continues and has effect as if it were
                granted by the Trust as licensor under
                this Act.
     (2) Nothing effected by this section--
            (a) is to be regarded as placing any person
                in breach of, or as constituting a default
                under, any provision of a lease or
                licence, including any provision
                prohibiting, restricting or regulating the
                assignment of the lease or licence; or
           (b) is to be regarded as fulfilling any
               condition which allows a person to
               exercise a right or remedy in respect of,
               or to terminate, any agreement or
     (3) In this section--
          Knox Regional Sports Park land lease
              means the lease entered into between
              the Minister for Environment and
              Climate Change and Knox City Council
              made on 23 November 2009, as
              assigned by the Deed of Assignment of
              Lease made on 13 July 2022 by Knox
              City Council and the State Sport
              Centres Trust;

State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

          Lakeside Oval Reserve land lease means the
              lease entered into between the Minister
              for Energy, Environment and Climate
              Change, the State Sport Centres Trust
              and South Melbourne Hellas Limited
              dated 30 June 2016;
          Lakeside Oval Reserve land licence means
              the licence granted by the State Sport
              Centres Trust to South Melbourne
              Hellas Limited dated 30 June 2016 and
              approved by the Minister for Energy,
              Environment and Climate Change on
              25 July 2016.".

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
    Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

18 New Schedules 4 and 5 inserted
        After Schedule 3 to the State Sport Centres
        Act 1994 insert--

                    "SCHEDULE 4


State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
Part 2--Amendment of State Sport Centres Act 1994

                 SCHEDULE 5



    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
Part 3--Amendment of Melbourne and Olympic Parks Act 1985

Part 3--Amendment of Melbourne and
       Olympic Parks Act 1985
19 Definitions
        In section 4 of the Melbourne and Olympic
        Parks Act 1985, for paragraph (f) of the
        definition of national tennis centre land
         "(f) the land reserved under section 30E shown
              hatched on plan LEGL./21-548 lodged in the
              Central Plan Office and in Part 10 of the
20 Part 10 of the Schedule substituted
        For Part 10 of the Schedule to the Melbourne and
        Olympic Parks Act 1985 substitute--

                      "Part 10


    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
             Part 4--Amendment of other Acts

   Part 4--Amendment of other Acts
Division 1--Australian Grands Prix Act 1994
21 Definitions
        In section 3(1) of the Australian Grands Prix
        Act 1994--
          (a) in the definition of Albert Park, after
              paragraph (a) insert--
             "(ab) the Lakeside Oval Reserve land; and";
          (b) for the definition of committee of
              management substitute--
              "committee of management means--
                     (a) in relation to the parts of Albert
                         Park which are Lakeside Oval
                         Reserve land or Melbourne Sports
                         and Aquatic Centre land, the State
                         Sport Centres Trust; and
                     (b) in relation to Albert Park other
                         than Lakeside Oval Reserve land
                         or Melbourne Sports and Aquatic
                         Centre land, the committee of
                         management of Albert Park
                         appointed under the Crown Land
                         (Reserves) Act 1978;";
          (c) insert the following definition--
              "Lakeside Oval Reserve land has the same
                  meaning as in the State Sport Centres
                  Act 1994;".

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
             Part 4--Amendment of other Acts

22 Corporation not to undertake works without a
         In section 28 of the Australian Grands Prix
         Act 1994--
          (a) in subsections (2) and (3), after "that is not"
              insert "Lakeside Oval Reserve land or";
          (b) in subsection (3A), after "in respect of"
              insert "the Lakeside Oval Reserve land or".
23 Roads
         In section 33 of the Australian Grands Prix
         Act 1994--
          (a) in subsection (2), after "that is not" (where
              twice occurring) insert "Lakeside Oval
              Reserve land or";
          (b) in subsection (2A), after "that is" insert
              "Lakeside Oval Reserve land or".
24 Declared area to be restored to reasonable condition
     (1) In section 34(3) of the Australian Grands Prix
         Act 1994, after "that is not" insert "Lakeside Oval
         Reserve land or".
     (2) After section 34(3A) of the Australian Grands
         Prix Act 1994 insert--
       "(3B) If, in relation to the Lakeside Oval Reserve
             land, there is a dispute between the State
             Sport Centres Trust and the Corporation
             about the standard of restoration in the
             declared area in respect of a year, the Trust
             or the Corporation may refer the matter to
             the Minister administering the State Sport
             Centres Act 1994 and the Minister
             administering this Act for a joint decision on
             the matter.".

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
             Part 4--Amendment of other Acts

  Division 2--Albert Park Land Act 1972
25 Committee of management may grant certain leases
        In section 2(1) of the Albert Park Land
        Act 1972, for "each of the lands delineated and
        shown hatched in Plan A and" substitute "the
        land delineated and shown hatched in".
26 Schedule amended
        In the Schedule to the Albert Park Land
        Act 1972--
          (a) for "Lands" substitute "Land";
          (b) Plan A (including the heading to Plan A) is

     Division 3--Major Events Act 2009
27 Definitions
        In section 3(1) of the Major Events Act 2009
        insert the following definition--
              "Lakeside Oval Reserve land has the same
                  meaning as in the State Sport Centres
                  Act 1994;".
28 Temporary closure of roads
        In section 109(3) of the Major Events
        Act 2009--
          (a) in paragraph (d), after "that is not" insert
              "Lakeside Oval Reserve land or";
          (b) in paragraph (e), after "that is" insert
              "Lakeside Oval Reserve land or".
29 Temporary modification of roads
        In section 110(4) of the Major Events
        Act 2009--
          (a) in paragraph (d), after "that is not" insert
              "Lakeside Oval Reserve land or";

State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                  No.       of 2022
         Part 4--Amendment of other Acts

      (b) in paragraph (e), after "that is" insert
          "Lakeside Oval Reserve land or".

    State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                      No.       of 2022
                  Part 5--Repeal of this Act

          Part 5--Repeal of this Act
30 Repeal of this Act
          This Act is repealed on the first anniversary of its
   The repeal of this Act does not affect the continuing operation of
   the amendments made by it (see section 15(1) of the
   Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

              State Sport Centres Legislation Amendment Act 2022
                                No.       of 2022

1 General information
  See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
  authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
      Minister's second reading speech--
      Legislative Assembly:
      Legislative Council:
      The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to amend the
      State Sport Centres Act 1994, the Melbourne and Olympic Parks
      Act 1985, the Australian Grands Prix Act 1994, the Albert Park Land
      Act 1972, the Major Events Act 2009 and for other purposes."

                 By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria.



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