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Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Bill 2022

      Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements
                       Act 2022
                              No.           of 2022

                       TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                             Page

Part 1--Preliminary                                                   2
 1       Purposes                                                    2
 2       Commencement                                                3
 3       Definitions                                                 3
 4       Construction of Act                                         3
 5       Act ceases effect when Treaty Authority is dissolved in
         accordance with the Treaty Authority Agreement              3
Part 2--The Treaty Authority                                          4
Division 1--Legal capacity, functions and powers                      4
 6  What is the Treaty Authority?                                    4
 7  Legal capacity of Treaty Authority                               4
 8  Additional functions of Treaty Authority                         4
 9  Powers of Treaty Authority                                       5
 10 Performance of functions and exercise of powers within and
    outside Victoria                                                 5
 11 Execution of documents (including deeds) by Treaty Authority     5
 12 Signed documents presumed to be validly executed documents
    of Treaty Authority                                              6
 13 Recording of dealings on Register under Transfer of Land
    Act 1958                                                         6
Division 2--Specific powers                                           7
 14 Employment of staff and engagement of consultants                7
 15 Delegation                                                       7
Division 3--Financial                                                 7
 16 Funding of certain activities and expenditures out of the
    Consolidated Fund                                                 7
 17 Liabilities of Treaty Authority                                  10
Division 4--Members and employees of the Treaty Authority             10
 18 Immunity                                                         10

Clause                                                           Page

Division 5--Financial reporting                                     11
 19 Financial Management Act 1994 to apply to Treaty Authority     11
Part 3--Amendment of Advancing the Treaty Process with
Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018                                     12
 20 New section 34A inserted                                       12
 21 Aboriginal Representative Body to administer
    self-determination fund                                        12
 22 Repeal of amending Part                                        12
Endnotes                                                           13
 1       General information                                       13

   Treaty Authority and Other Treaty
          Elements Act 2022 
                    No.           of 2022

                           [Assented to                     ]
      By this Act, Aboriginal Victorians and the State
      take another step on the pathway towards treaty by
      making provision in relation to the Treaty
      Authority. The Treaty Authority is a necessary
      element in advancing the treaty process and has the
      functions given by section 28 of the Advancing
      the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians
      Act 2018. To perform these functions, the Treaty
      Authority must be, and must be perceived to be,
      independent from and free of interference by any
      party to the treaty process. To secure this
      independence, the Treaty Authority is established
      by the Treaty Authority Agreement made under
      Part 4 of the Advancing the Treaty Process with
      Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018. The First
      Peoples' Assembly of Victoria, as the Aboriginal

         Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022

        Representative Body under the Advancing the
        Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians
        Act 2018, and the State have come together as
        2 equal parties to establish the Treaty Authority by
        agreement. Under the Treaty Authority Agreement,
        the Treaty Authority comprises individuals whose
        collective wisdom and guidance will enable treaty
        negotiations to proceed on equal footing and with
        respect for Aboriginal lore, law and cultural
        authority. This Act upholds the independence of
        the Treaty Authority, gives legal force to the
        Treaty Authority's dealings and relationships and
        exists alongside the Advancing the Treaty
        Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018.

The Parliament of Victoria therefore enacts:

                 Part 1--Preliminary
     1 Purposes
             The purposes of this Act are--
               (a) to make provision in relation to the Treaty
                   Authority by--
                     (i) recognising the Treaty Authority's
                         establishment under the Treaty
                         Authority Agreement; and
                     (ii) facilitating the operation of the Treaty
                          Authority by giving legal force to its
                          activities; and
               (b) to amend the Advancing the Treaty
                   Process with Aboriginal Victorians
                   Act 2018 in relation to the treaty negotiation
                   framework and the administration of the
                   self-determination fund.

   Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                     No.      of 2022
                   Part 1--Preliminary

2 Commencement
       This Act comes into operation on the day after the
       day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
3 Definitions
       In this Act--
       function, of the Treaty Authority, means--
                (a) a function referred to in section 28(1)
                    or (2) of the Advancing the Treaty
                    Process with Aboriginal Victorians
                    Act 2018; or
                (b) a function referred to in section 8;
       member of the Treaty Authority--see
          section 6(2);
       Treaty Authority--see section 6;
       Treaty Authority Agreement means the agreement
            establishing the Treaty Authority entered
            into by the Aboriginal Representative Body
            and the State pursuant to section 27 of the
            Advancing the Treaty Process with
            Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018.
4 Construction of Act
       This Act is to be read as if it formed part of the
       Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal
       Victorians Act 2018.
5 Act ceases effect when Treaty Authority is dissolved
  in accordance with the Treaty Authority Agreement
       This Act ceases effect on the day on which the
       Treaty Authority is dissolved in accordance with
       the Treaty Authority Agreement.

      Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                        No.      of 2022
                 Part 2--The Treaty Authority

       Part 2--The Treaty Authority
Division 1--Legal capacity, functions and powers
   6 What is the Treaty Authority?
      (1) The Treaty Authority is the entity established
          under the Treaty Authority Agreement.
      (2) For the purposes of this Act, the Treaty Authority
          consists of the requisite number of members
          (including acting members), as specified under the
          Treaty Authority Agreement, who are appointed,
          from time to time, in accordance with the Treaty
          Authority Agreement.
   7 Legal capacity of Treaty Authority
      (1) The Treaty Authority--
            (a) subject to this Act, has perpetual succession
                as if it were a body corporate; and
            (b) may sue and be sued in its name; and
            (c) subject to this Act, may acquire or hold
                (whether on trust or absolutely) and dispose
                of real and personal property in its name.
      (2) The Treaty Authority has the legal capacity of an
          individual and may do and suffer all acts and
          things that a body corporate may by law do and
   8 Additional functions of Treaty Authority
          Without limiting section 28 of the Advancing the
          Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians
          Act 2018, the Treaty Authority has any other
          function agreed to by the parties under the Treaty
          Authority Agreement before, on or after the
          commencement of this section.

    Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
               Part 2--The Treaty Authority

 9 Powers of Treaty Authority
    (1) The Treaty Authority has power to do all things
        that are necessary or convenient to be done for or
        in connection with the performance of its
    (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Treaty
        Authority may--
          (a) enter into any agreements or arrangements in
              connection with its functions; and
          (b) participate in the formation of companies,
              trusts, partnerships and other bodies; and
          (c) become a member of a company limited by
              guarantee; and
          (d) acquire, hold and dispose of company shares
              or an interest in a partnership or other body;
          (e) act as trustee.
10 Performance of functions and exercise of powers
   within and outside Victoria
        The Treaty Authority may perform its functions
        and exercise its powers--
          (a) within and outside Victoria; and
          (b) outside Australia.
11 Execution of documents (including deeds) by Treaty
    (1) The Treaty Authority may execute a document if
        the document is signed by 2 members of the
        Treaty Authority.
    (2) The Treaty Authority may execute a document as
        a deed if the document is expressed to be executed
        as a deed and is executed in accordance with
        subsection (1).

    Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
               Part 2--The Treaty Authority

    (3) The Treaty Authority may execute a document as
        a deed in accordance with subsection (1) without
        that execution being witnessed.
    (4) Delivery is not necessary if the Treaty Authority
        executes a document as a deed in accordance with
        subsection (1).
12 Signed documents presumed to be validly executed
   documents of Treaty Authority
        If a document purports to have been signed by
        2 members of the Treaty Authority, it is
        presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that--
          (a) the document was signed by each of those
              persons in their capacity as members of the
              Treaty Authority; and
          (b) the persons were each a member of the
              Treaty Authority when the document was
              signed; and
          (c) the document was duly executed by the
              Treaty Authority.
13 Recording of dealings on Register under Transfer of
   Land Act 1958
    (1) If the Treaty Authority acquires any land, any
        recording in the Register by the Registrar of Titles
        of the acquisition must be made in the name of the
        Treaty Authority as registered proprietor as if the
        Treaty Authority were a body corporate.
    (2) If the Treaty Authority disposes of or otherwise
        deals with any land held in the name of the Treaty
        Authority, any recording in the Register by the
        Registrar of Titles of the disposition or dealing
        must be made in the name of the Treaty Authority
        as if the Treaty Authority were a body corporate.

    Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
               Part 2--The Treaty Authority

     (3) If the Treaty Authority lodges with the Registrar
         of Titles any dealing in relation to any land, the
         Registrar must make any recording in the Register
         in relation to that dealing in the name of the
         Treaty Authority as if the Treaty Authority were a
         body corporate.
     (4) In this section--
         Register means the Register under the Transfer
              of Land Act 1958.

          Division 2--Specific powers
14 Employment of staff and engagement of consultants
         Without limiting section 9(1), the Treaty
         Authority may--
          (a) employ any employees that are necessary to
              enable it to perform its functions or to
              exercise its powers; and
          (b) engage consultants to assist with the
              performance of its functions or the exercise
              of its powers.
15 Delegation
         The Treaty Authority, by instrument, may
         delegate a function or power of the Treaty
         Authority under this Act (other than this power of
         delegation) to a member or employee of, or
         consultant engaged by, the Treaty Authority.

              Division 3--Financial
16 Funding of certain activities and expenditures out of
   the Consolidated Fund
     (1) Subject to subsection (2), in the 2022-2023
         financial year and in every financial year after that
         year, there is to be paid out of the Consolidated
         Fund (which is appropriated to the necessary
         extent) an amount to be applied towards--

Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                  No.      of 2022
             Part 2--The Treaty Authority

         (a) the payment of the remuneration of and
             expenses to members of the Treaty Authority
             in the financial year in which the amount is
             appropriated; and
      (b) fulfilling liabilities incurred by the Treaty
          Authority arising out of the performance of
          its functions or the exercise of its powers, or
          that attach to the Treaty Authority under
          section 18, that become payable in the
          financial year in which the amount is
          appropriated; and
         (c) meeting costs incurred in relation to
             liabilities referred to in paragraph (b).
(2) An amount that is appropriated for the purposes of
    subsection (1) must not exceed the amount
    specified in column 3 of the Table for the
    financial year specified in column 2 of the Table
    opposite that amount.
     Column 1       Column 2                    Column 3
     Item           Financial year              amount
     1              2022-2023                   $6 500 000
     2              2023-2024                   $14 500 000
     3              2024-2025                   $19 200 000
     4              2025-2026 and every         $20 300 000
                    financial year after

(3) Subject to subsection (4), in the financial years
    2022-2023 to 2025-2026 there is to be paid out of
    the Consolidated Fund (which is appropriated to
    the necessary extent) an amount for use as capital
    expenditure by the Treaty Authority in the
    financial year in which the amount is

Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                  No.      of 2022
             Part 2--The Treaty Authority

(4) An amount that is appropriated for the purposes of
    subsection (3) must not exceed the amount
    specified in column 3 of the Table for the
    financial year specified in column 2 of the Table
    opposite that amount.
     Column 1       Column 2                   Column 3
     Item           Financial year             amount
     1              2022-2023                  $800 000
     2              2023-2024                  $1 700 000
     3              2024-2025                  $1 700 000
     4              2025-2026                  $1 700 000

(5) The Minister and Treasurer may agree for
    amounts, in addition to those appropriated under
    subsection (1) or (3), to be paid in a financial year
    to the Treaty Authority for specified purposes.
(6) The Treasurer must publish notice of an
    agreement under subsection (5) in the
    Government Gazette.
(7) A notice under subsection (6) must specify--
         (a) the amount agreed by the Minister and
             Treasurer to be paid to the Treaty Authority;
      (b) the purpose for the payment of the amount;
         (c) the financial year in which the amount is to
             be paid to the Treaty Authority.
(8) On publication of a notice under subsection (6),
    there is to be paid out of the Consolidated Fund
    (which is appropriated to the necessary extent), in
    the financial year specified in the notice, the

      Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                        No.      of 2022
                 Part 2--The Treaty Authority

           amount specified in the notice for payment to the
           Treaty Authority.
  17 Liabilities of Treaty Authority
       (1) A liability incurred as a result of the performance
           of a function or exercise of a power by the Treaty
           Authority is to be fulfilled through the application
           of the property of the Treaty Authority to that
       (2) A member of the Treaty Authority is not
           personally liable for anything done or omitted to
           be done by the Treaty Authority in the
           performance of a function or the exercise of a
           power by the Treaty Authority.

Division 4--Members and employees of the Treaty
  18 Immunity
       (1) A member of the Treaty Authority, or an
           employee of the Treaty Authority, is not
           personally liable for anything done or omitted to
           be done in good faith--
            (a) in the performance of a function or exercise
                of a power under a delegation under
                section 15; or
            (b) in the reasonable belief that the act or
                omission was in the performance of a
                function or the exercise of a power under a
                delegation under section 15.
       (2) Any liability resulting from an act or omission
           that, but for subsection (1), would attach to a
           person to whom this section applies attaches
           instead to the Treaty Authority.

    Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                      No.      of 2022
               Part 2--The Treaty Authority

       Division 5--Financial reporting
19 Financial Management Act 1994 to apply to Treaty
        Section 53A of the Financial Management
        Act 1994 applies to the Treaty Authority as if--
          (a) subsections (1) and (2) of that section were
              omitted; and
          (b) in subsections (3) to (7) of that section, a
              reference to a "body to which this section
              applies", "the body" or "that body" were a
              reference to the Treaty Authority.

       Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                         No.      of 2022
Part 3--Amendment of Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal
                     Victorians Act 2018

 Part 3--Amendment of Advancing the
Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians
                Act 2018
 20 New section 34A inserted
             After section 34 of the Advancing the Treaty
             Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018
          "34A Aboriginal Representative Body may be a
               party to treaty negotiations
                   Nothing in this Act prevents the entity that is
                   the Aboriginal Representative Body from
                   entering into treaty negotiations.".
 21 Aboriginal Representative Body to administer
    self-determination fund
             At the end of section 37 of the Advancing the
             Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians
             Act 2018 insert--
             "(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the
                  Aboriginal Representative Body may, for the
                  purpose of performing its duty under that
                  subsection, appoint a company, wholly
                  owned by the Aboriginal Representative
                  Body, to hold the self-determination fund on
                  trust consistent with the purposes specified
                  in section 36.".
 22 Repeal of amending Part
             This Part is repealed on the first anniversary of its
      The repeal of this Part does not affect the continuing operation of
      the amendments made by the Part (see section 15(1) of the
      Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

              Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022
                                No.      of 2022

1 General information
  See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
  authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
      Minister's second reading speech--
      Legislative Assembly:
      Legislative Council:
      The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to provide
      for various matters in relation to the Treaty Authority, to amend the
      Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018
      and for other purposes."

                 By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria.



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