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Triple Zero Victoria Bill 2023

                 Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                            No.           of 2023

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                  Page

Part 1--Preliminary                                                         1
 1       Purposes                                                          1
 2       Commencement                                                      2
 3       Definitions                                                       2
 3A      Interpretation                                                    6
 4       Meaning of call taking and dispatch services                      6
 5       Act binds the Crown                                               7
Part 2--Triple Zero Victoria                                                8
 6       Establishment                                                     8
 7       Official seal                                                     8
 8       Triple Zero Victoria represents the Crown                         8
 9       Objective of Triple Zero Victoria                                 9
 10      Functions of Triple Zero Victoria                                 9
 11      Minister may confer additional functions on Triple Zero
         Victoria                                                         10
 12      Powers of Triple Zero Victoria                                   10
 13      Triple Zero Victoria may enter into contracts, agreements or
         arrangements                                                     11
 14      Administrative arrangements                                      11
 15      Collaboration with Emergency Management Victoria                 11
 16      Triple Zero Victoria subject to general direction of the
         Minister                                                         12
 17      Minister may issue directions to Triple Zero Victoria            12
Part 3--The Board and staff                                                13
Division 1--Establishment and functions of the Board                       13
 18      Board                                                            13
 19      Membership of the Board                                          13
 19A     Membership of Interim Board                                      14
 20      Terms and conditions of appointment                              15
 21      Resignation                                                      16
 22      Suspension from office                                           16
 23      Removal from office                                              18
 24      Appointment of acting members of the Board                       19
 25      Functions of the Board                                           20

Clause                                                                   Page

Division 2--Procedure of the Board                                          21
 26      Meetings of the Board                                             21
 27      Quorum and voting                                                 22
 27A     Interim Board quorum and voting                                   23
 28      Resolutions without meetings                                      23
 29      Validity of decisions                                             24
Division 3--General                                                         24
 30      Disclosure of pecuniary interests                                 24
 31      Delegation by the Board                                           25
Division 4--Appointment of delegates to the Board                           26
 32      Appointment of a delegate                                         26
 33      Terms and conditions of appointment                               26
 34      Resignation and revocation of appointment                         27
 35      Functions of a delegate                                           27
 36      Obligations of the Board to delegates                             28
Division 5--Staff                                                           28
 37      Appointment of Chief Executive Officer                            28
 37A     Inaugural Chief Executive Officer                                 29
 38      Appointment of acting Chief Executive Officer                     30
 39      Functions of the Chief Executive Officer                          31
 40      Removal and resignation of the Chief Executive Officer            32
 41      Staff                                                             33
Part 4--Operational Committee                                               34
Division 1--Establishment and terms of reference                            34
 42      Establishment                                                     34
 43      Terms of reference                                                34
 44      Endorsement of terms of reference                                 34
 45      Approval of terms of reference                                    34
 46      Review of terms of reference                                      34
Division 2--Inter-agency strategic priorities                               35
 47      Inter-agency strategic priorities                                 35
 48      Endorsement of inter-agency strategic priorities                  35
 49      Approval of inter-agency strategic priorities                     35
 50      Minister must give approved inter-agency strategic priorities
         to Police Minister and Ambulance Services Minister                35
 51      Review of inter-agency strategic priorities                       36
Division 3--Membership and functions of the Operational
Committee                                                                  36
 52      Membership of the Operational Committee                           36

Clause                                                                    Page

 53      Terms and conditions of appointment                                37
 54      Resignation                                                        38
 55      Functions of the Operational Committee                             38
Division 4--Procedure of the Operational Committee                           40
 56      Meetings of the Operational Committee                              40
 57      Observer of the Operational Committee                              41
 58      Quorum of the Operational Committee                                41
 59      Endorsed advice and minutes of the Operational Committee           41
Part 5--Confidentiality, information sharing and collection                  43
 60      Request for information from Triple Zero Victoria                  43
 61      Triple Zero Victoria must disclose information                     44
 62      Triple Zero Victoria may collect information                       45
 63      Confidentiality                                                    45
Part 6--Plans and operating budgets                                          47
 64      Strategic Action Plan                                              47
 65      Strategic plans of Triple Zero Victoria                            47
 66      Corporate plans                                                    48
 67      Approval of corporate plan                                         49
 68      Performance of functions inconsistent with corporate plan          50
 69      Financial plans and operating budgets of Triple Zero Victoria      50
Part 7--Reports                                                              51
 70      Triple Zero Victoria must report to the Operational Committee      51
 71      Board must report to Minister and Justice Secretary about
         performance of Triple Zero Victoria                                51
 72      Chief Executive Officer must report to the Minister and others     52
 73      Chief Executive Officer must report to the Board                   53
 74      Annual report of Triple Zero Victoria                              53
 75      Annual report of the Operational Committee                         53
Part 8--General                                                              55
Division 1--Role of the Justice Secretary                                    55
 76      Functions of the Justice Secretary                                 55
 77      Delegation by Justice Secretary                                    55
 78      Directions                                                         56
Division 2--Setting agreed performance standards                             57
 79      Emergency Management Commissioner to set agreed
         performance standards                                              57
 80      Review of agreed performance standards                             58
 81      Minister may set additional agreed performance standards           58
 82      Inspector-General for Emergency Management and Safer Care
         Victoria may consult                                               59

Clause                                                               Page

 83      Publication of agreed performance standards                   59
Division 3--Regulations                                                 59
 84      Regulations                                                   59
Part 9--Repeal, savings and transitional provisions                     61
Division 1--Repeal                                                      61
 85      Repeal of Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority
         Act 2004                                                      61
Division 2--Savings and transitional provisions                         61
 86      Definitions                                                   61
 87      Application of Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984         61
 88      Abolition of the Authority and advisory committee             62
 89      Transfer of Authority staff                                   63
 90      Superseded references                                         63
 91      Regulations dealing with transitional matters                 64
Part 10--Consequential amendments                                       66
Division 1--Emergency Management Act 1986                               66
 92      Definitions                                                   66
Division 2--Emergency Management Act 2013                               66
 93      Definitions                                                   66
 94      Constitution of the State Crisis and Resilience Council       66
 95      Strategic Action Plan                                         66
 96      Definition                                                    67
 97      Functions of the Inspector-General for Emergency
         Management                                                    67
 98      Monitoring of Emergency Services Telecommunications
         Authority                                                     67
Division 3--Emergency Services Superannuation Act 1986                  68
 99      Application of Act                                            68
Division 4--Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958                               68
 100     Definitions                                                   68
 101     Action on alarm of fire                                       69
Part 11--Amendment of this Act--repeal of Interim Board
provisions                                                             70
 102     Repeal of definitions                                         70
 103     Section 3A repealed                                           70

Clause                                                 Page

 104      Spent provisions in Parts 3 and 6 repealed     70
 105      Repeal of Part 10 and this Part                70
Endnotes                                                 71
 1       General information                             71

       Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023 
                    No.           of 2023

                           [Assented to                    ]

The Parliament of Victoria enacts:

                Part 1--Preliminary
     1 Purposes
             The main purposes of this Act are--
              (a) to establish Triple Zero Victoria; and
              (b) to repeal the Emergency Services
                  Telecommunications Authority Act 2004;
              (c) to consequentially amend other Acts.

             Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                   No.       of 2023
                 Part 1--Preliminary

2 Commencement
   (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act, other than
       Part 11, comes into operation on a day or days to
       be proclaimed.
   (2) If a provision of this Act, other than Part 11, does
       not come into operation before 28 August 2024, it
       comes into operation on that day.
   (3) Part 11 comes into operation on 28 August 2026.
3 Definitions
       In this Act--
       agreed performance standards means the
            standards referred to in Division 2 of Part 8;
       Ambulance Service--Victoria has the same
          meaning as in section 3(1) of the
          Ambulance Services Act 1986;
       Ambulance Services Minister means the Minister
          administering the Ambulance Services
          Act 1986;
       Board means the Triple Zero Victoria Board
           established by section 18;
       call taking and dispatch services has the meaning
             given by section 4;
       Chair, in relation to the Operational Committee,
           means the Chair appointed under section
       Chairperson, in relation to the Board, means the
           Chairperson appointed under section
       Chief Executive Officer means the Chief
            Executive Officer of Triple Zero Victoria
            appointed under section 37;
       corporate plan means a corporate plan prepared
            under section 66;

     Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
           No.       of 2023
         Part 1--Preliminary

Country Fire Authority has the same meaning as
    Authority has in section 3(1) of the Country
    Fire Authority Act 1958;
delegate means a delegate appointed to the Board
     under section 32;
Department has the same meaning as in
    section 4(1) of the Public Administration
    Act 2004;
Deputy Chairperson, in relation to the Board,
    means the Deputy Chairperson appointed
    under section 19(2)(b);
Emergency Management Commissioner has the
    same meaning as in section 3 of the
    Emergency Management Act 2013;
Emergency Management Victoria has the same
    meaning as in section 3 of the Emergency
    Management Act 2013;
emergency services organisation means--
      (a) Ambulance Service--Victoria; or
      (b) the Country Fire Authority; or
      (c) Fire Rescue Victoria; or
      (d) Victoria Police; or
      (e) the Victoria State Emergency Service;
      (f) a government agency; or
      (g) a prescribed body;
Fire Rescue Victoria has the same meaning as in
     section 3(1) of the Fire Rescue Victoria
     Act 1958;
government agency means any body corporate or
     unincorporate constituted by or under an Act
     for a public purpose;

     Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
           No.       of 2023
          Part 1--Preliminary

Health Department means the Department of
health information has the same meaning as in
     section 3(1) of the Health Records
     Act 2001;
Inspector-General for Emergency Management
     has the same meaning as in section 3 of the
     Emergency Management Act 2013;
inter-agency strategic priorities means the
      inter-agency strategic priorities prepared by
      the Operational Committee under section 47;
Interim Board has the same meaning as Board
     has until section 19 applies;
Justice Department means the Department of
     Justice and Community Safety;
Justice Secretary means the Secretary to the
     Justice Department;
Operational Committee means the Operational
    Committee established by the Board under
    section 42;
personal information has the same meaning as in
     section 3 of the Privacy and Data
     Protection Act 2014;
Police Minister means the Minister administering
     the Victoria Police Act 2013;
related services organisation means--
      (a) a prescribed body that uses services
          provided by Triple Zero Victoria; or
      (b) an organisation that provides services
          to or for Triple Zero Victoria that are
          related to services provided by or for
          emergency services organisations;

     Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
           No.       of 2023
         Part 1--Preliminary

relevant day means the day on which Part 3
     comes into operation;
relevant person or organisation means any of the
      (a) an emergency services organisation;
      (b) a related services organisation;
      (c) the Inspector-General for Emergency
      (d) Safer Care Victoria;
      (e) Life Saving Victoria;
specified emergency services organisation
      (a) Ambulance Service--Victoria; or
      (b) the Country Fire Authority; or
      (c) Fire Rescue Victoria; or
      (d) Victoria Police; or
      (e) the Victoria State Emergency Service;
      (f) a prescribed body;
State Crisis and Resilience Council has the same
     meaning as in section 3 of the Emergency
     Management Act 2013;
Strategic Action Plan has the same meaning as in
     section 3 of the Emergency Management
     Act 2013;
strategic plan means a strategic plan prepared and
      approved under section 65;
Triple Zero Victoria means Triple Zero Victoria
     established by section 6;

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
                  Part 1--Preliminary

        unique identifier has the same meaning as in
            section 3(1) of the Victorian Data Sharing
            Act 2017;
        Victoria Police has the same meaning as in
             section 3(1) of the Victoria Police Act 2013;
        Victoria State Emergency Service has the same
             meaning as Service has in section 3 of the
             Victoria State Emergency Service
             Act 2005;
        work program has the same meaning as in
            section 3 of the Emergency Management
            Act 2013.
3A Interpretation
        In this Act, a reference to the Board includes the
        Interim Board unless the context otherwise
        requires until the Minister makes the first
        recommendation under section 19(1).
 4 Meaning of call taking and dispatch services
        In this Act, call taking and dispatch services
          (a) taking, listening to and recording calls in
              which assistance is sought from an
              emergency services organisation or a related
              services organisation by--
               (i) a member of the public; or
               (ii) a member of an emergency services
                    organisation; or
              (iii) a member of a related services
                    organisation; and
         (b) communicating the information received in
             calls referred to in paragraph (a) to the
             relevant emergency services organisation or
             the relevant related services organisation
             designated to respond to the call and

           Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                 No.       of 2023
               Part 1--Preliminary

           recording any such communication of
5 Act binds the Crown
      This Act binds the Crown in right of Victoria and,
      to the extent that the legislative power of the
      Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
              Part 2--Triple Zero Victoria

     Part 2--Triple Zero Victoria
6 Establishment
    (1) Triple Zero Victoria is established.
    (2) Triple Zero Victoria--
         (a) is a body corporate with perpetual
             succession; and
         (b) has an official seal; and
         (c) may sue and be sued; and
         (d) may acquire, hold and dispose of real and
             personal property; and
         (e) may do and suffer all acts and things that a
             body corporate may by law do and suffer.
7 Official seal
    (1) The official seal of Triple Zero Victoria--
         (a) must be kept in custody as directed by Triple
             Zero Victoria; and
         (b) must not be used except as authorised by
             Triple Zero Victoria.
    (2) All courts must take judicial notice of the official
        seal of Triple Zero Victoria affixed to a document
        and, until the contrary is proved, must presume
        that it was duly affixed.
8 Triple Zero Victoria represents the Crown
        In performing its functions and exercising its
        powers, Triple Zero Victoria represents the

             Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                   No.       of 2023
              Part 2--Triple Zero Victoria

 9 Objective of Triple Zero Victoria
        The objective of Triple Zero Victoria is to
        perform its functions and exercise its powers to
        provide high quality and timely services that--
         (a) support emergency services organisations to
             respond to community needs; and
         (b) meet agreed performance standards.
10 Functions of Triple Zero Victoria
    (1) Triple Zero Victoria has the following functions--
         (a) to provide timely and effective call taking
             and dispatch services, including managing
             times of peak demand;
         (b) to provide timely and effective operational
             communications services to emergency
             services organisations and related services
             organisations when the operational
             communications services are not provided
             within or by the organisation itself;
         (c) to recognise the right of emergency services
             organisations and related services
             organisations to--
               (i) assess and vary their own operational
                   standards; and
              (ii) manage their own resources; and
             (iii) assume direct control of
                   communications in the event of
                   incidents and emergencies;
         (d) to perform any other function that is
             conferred on Triple Zero Victoria by or
             under this Act or any other Act.

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
              Part 2--Triple Zero Victoria

    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), operational
        communications services includes facilitating
        communication between emergency services
        organisations and related services organisations
        about the following matters--
         (a) any incident detected by an emergency
             services organisation or related services
             organisation that requires a response;
         (b) any event, activity or other matter that
             requires the attendance of an emergency
             services organisation or related services
         (c) any data or information that is related to an
             incident, event, activity or other matter
             referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b);
         (d) any other operational matters.
11 Minister may confer additional functions on Triple
   Zero Victoria
    (1) By Order published in the Government Gazette,
        the Minister may confer any additional function
        on Triple Zero Victoria that the Minister considers
        is necessary.
    (2) The Minister may confer a function on Triple
        Zero Victoria for the period of time specified in
        the Order.
12 Powers of Triple Zero Victoria
        Triple Zero Victoria has the power to do all things
        that are necessary or convenient to be done for, or
        in connection with, or incidental to, the
        performance of its functions.

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
               Part 2--Triple Zero Victoria

13 Triple Zero Victoria may enter into contracts,
   agreements or arrangements
         Triple Zero Victoria may enter into contracts,
         agreements or arrangements for, or in connection
         with, the performance of its functions.
14 Administrative arrangements
     (1) Triple Zero Victoria must enter into an
         administrative arrangement with an emergency
         services organisation on the request of that
     (2) An administrative arrangement under
         subsection (1) must specify the following--
          (a) the nature and level of the services to be
              provided under the arrangement;
          (b) the agreed performance standards under
              section 79 that apply to the provision of
              services under the arrangement.
     (3) If Triple Zero Victoria and an emergency services
         organisation are unable to agree on the terms of an
         administrative arrangement, Triple Zero Victoria
         or the emergency services organisation may refer
         the matter to the Emergency Management
         Commissioner for final determination of the terms
         of the arrangement.
     (4) An administrative arrangement must be reviewed
         by Triple Zero Victoria and the emergency
         services organisation at least every 5 years.
15 Collaboration with Emergency Management
         In performing its functions and exercising its
         powers, Triple Zero Victoria must collaborate and
         consult with Emergency Management Victoria.

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                     No.       of 2023
               Part 2--Triple Zero Victoria

16 Triple Zero Victoria subject to general direction of
   the Minister
         In performing its functions and exercising its
         powers, Triple Zero Victoria--
          (a) is subject to the general direction and control
              of the Minister; and
          (b) must comply with a direction issued by the
17 Minister may issue directions to Triple Zero
     (1) The Minister may issue written directions to
         Triple Zero Victoria in relation to the performance
         of its functions or the exercise of its powers.
     (2) The Minister must ensure any direction issued
         under subsection (1) is published in the
         Government Gazette.
     (3) Within 14 days after a direction is issued to Triple
         Zero Victoria under subsection (1), the Chief
         Executive Officer must ensure a copy of the
         direction is published on Triple Zero Victoria's

                Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                      No.       of 2023
                 Part 3--The Board and staff

       Part 3--The Board and staff
Division 1--Establishment and functions of the
 18 Board
         Triple Zero Victoria must have a governing body
         called the Board.
 19 Membership of the Board
     (1) On the recommendation of the Minister, the
         Governor in Council, by Order published in the
         Government Gazette, may appoint at least 5, but
         not more than 7, persons to be members of the
     (2) Of the members appointed under subsection (1)--
            (a) one of those members is to be appointed as
                the Chairperson; and
          (b) one of those members is to be appointed as
              the Deputy Chairperson.
     (3) Before making a recommendation to the Governor
         in Council under subsection (1), the Minister must
         consult with--
            (a) the Ambulance Services Minister; and
          (b) the Police Minister.
     (4) In making a recommendation under
         subsection (1), the Minister must ensure that each
         member of the Board has one or more of the
            (a) knowledge of, or experience in, public
                administration or commercial, technical,
                operational, legal or financial matters;
          (b) public health experience, clinical experience
              or ambulance service experience;

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                     No.       of 2023
               Part 3--The Board and staff

          (c) public safety experience or emergency
              service experience;
          (d) any other expertise that is relevant to the
              performance of Triple Zero Victoria's
     (5) In making a recommendation under
         subsection (1), the Minister must ensure that at
         least one member of the Board is a person who
         represents the perspective of community users of
         the call taking and dispatch services provided by
         Triple Zero Victoria.
     (6) A person is not eligible to be appointed as a
         member of the Board if the person is--
          (a) an employee of an emergency services
              organisation; or
          (b) an employee of Triple Zero Victoria; or
          (c) an employee of a related services
              organisation; or
          (d) a member of a board of a specified
              emergency services organisation or a related
              services organisation.
     (7) This section does not apply until the Minister
         makes the first recommendation under
         subsection (1).
19A Membership of Interim Board
     (1) On and from the relevant day, the Minister, by
         instrument, may appoint not more than 3 persons
         to be members of the Interim Board, and of those
         persons, one is to be appointed as the Chairperson.
     (2) Before making an appointment under
         subsection (1), the Minister must consult with--
          (a) the Ambulance Services Minister; and
          (b) the Police Minister.

             Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                   No.       of 2023
              Part 3--The Board and staff

    (3) Of the 3 persons to be appointed under
        subsection (1), the Minister must ensure--
         (a) one has knowledge of, or experience in,
             public administration or commercial,
             technical, operational, legal or financial
             matters; and
         (b) one has public health experience, clinical
             experience or ambulance service experience;
         (c) one has public safety experience or
             emergency service experience.
    (4) A person is not eligible to be appointed as a
        member of the Interim Board if the person is--
         (a) an employee of an emergency services
             organisation; or
         (b) an employee of Triple Zero Victoria; or
         (c) an employee of a related services
             organisation; or
         (d) a member of a board of a specified
             emergency services organisation or a related
             services organisation.
    (5) The appointment of a member of the Interim
        Board does not constitute a term of office.
20 Terms and conditions of appointment
    (1) A member of the Board--
         (a) is to be appointed for the period, not
             exceeding 3 years, specified in the Order;
         (b) is eligible for reappointment; and
         (c) must not hold office for more than
             2 consecutive terms; and

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
               Part 3--The Board and staff

         (d) is entitled to remuneration and any travelling
             and other allowances that are fixed by the
             Governor in Council from time to time.
   (1A) Despite subsection (1), a member of the Interim
          (a) is to be appointed for a period not exceeding
              2 years, specified in the instrument of
              appointment; and
         (b) is not eligible for reappointment; and
          (c) is entitled to remuneration and any travelling
              and other allowances that are fixed by the
              Minister from time to time.
    (2) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
        Part 3 of that Act) applies to a member in respect
        of the office of a member.
21 Resignation
    (1) A member of the Board may resign from office by
        written notice, signed by the member and given to
        the Governor in Council.
    (2) Despite subsection (1), a member of the Interim
        Board may resign by written notice, signed by the
        member and given to the Minister.
22 Suspension from office
    (1) On the recommendation of the Minister, the
        Governor in Council may suspend a member of
        the Board from office.
    (2) The Minister may recommend the suspension of a
        member of the Board from office if the Minister is
        satisfied that the member--
          (a) is under investigation for an indictable
              offence, or an offence which, if committed in
              Victoria, would be an indictable offence; or

         Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
               No.       of 2023
          Part 3--The Board and staff

     (b) is under investigation for engaging in
         conduct which, in the opinion of the
         Minister, makes the person unsuitable to be a
         member of the Board.
(3) On the recommendation of the Minister, the
    Governor in Council may lift the suspension of a
    member of the Board if the investigation has
    concluded and the Minister is satisfied--
     (a) with the outcome of the investigation; or
     (b) the member should be removed from office
         under section 23(1).
(4) A member suspended under this section is not
    entitled to remuneration and any travelling and
    other allowances specified in accordance with
    section 20.
(5) On and from the relevant day until the Minister
    makes the first recommendation under
    section 19(1), this section applies as if--
     (a) in subsection (1), for "On the
         recommendation of the Minister, the
         Governor in Council" there were substituted
         "The Minister"; and
     (b) in subsection (2), for "recommend the
         suspension of" there were substituted
         "suspend"; and
     (c) in subsection (3), for "On the
         recommendation of the Minister, the
         Governor in Council" there were substituted
         "The Minister".

             Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                   No.       of 2023
              Part 3--The Board and staff

23 Removal from office
    (1) On the recommendation of the Minister, the
        Governor in Council may remove a member of the
        Board from office at any time.
    (2) The Minister must recommend the removal of a
        member of the Board from office if the Minister is
        satisfied that the member--
         (a) has been absent, without the approval of the
             Board, from 3 consecutive meetings of the
             Board; or
         (b) has been convicted of an indictable offence,
             or an offence which, if committed in
             Victoria, would be an indictable offence; or
         (c) has engaged in misconduct; or
         (d) becomes an insolvent under administration;
         (e) becomes an employee of an emergency
             services organisation; or
         (f) becomes an employee of a related services
             organisation; or
         (g) becomes an employee of Triple Zero
             Victoria; or
         (h) becomes a member of a board of a specified
             emergency services organisation or a related
             services organisation.
    (3) On and from the relevant day until the Minister
        makes the first recommendation under
        section 19(1), this section applies as if--
         (a) in subsection (1), for "On the
             recommendation of the Minister, the
             Governor in Council" there were substituted
             "The Minister"; and

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
               Part 3--The Board and staff

         (b) in subsection (2)--
               (i) for "recommend the removal of" there
                   were substituted "remove"; and
               (ii) paragraph (a) were omitted.
24 Appointment of acting members of the Board
    (1) If the Board has fewer than 5 members, the
        Minister may appoint as many acting members as
        are necessary to bring the membership of the
        Board to 5 members.
   (1A) On and from the relevant day until the Minister
        makes the first recommendation under
        section 19(1), subsection (1) applies as if--
          (a) for "Board has fewer than 5" there were
              substituted "Interim Board has fewer than 3";
         (b) for "Board to 5 members" there were
             substituted "Interim Board to 3 members".
    (2) An acting member--
          (a) must not hold office for a period of more
              than 6 months; and
         (b) may be appointed for a further period, not
             exceeding 3 months, determined by the
             Minister; and
          (c) must not hold office for more than 9 months
              in any 12 month period.
    (3) For the purposes of this section, the appointment
        of an acting member of the Board does not
        constitute a term of office.
    (4) In making the appointment, the Minister must
        ensure an acting member satisfies the terms and
        conditions of appointment to the Board under
        section 19(4) and (6).

             Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                   No.       of 2023
              Part 3--The Board and staff

    (5) On and from the relevant day until the Minister
        makes the first recommendation under
        section 19(1), subsection (4) applies as if, for
        "section 19(4) and (6)" there were substituted
        "section 19A(3) and (4)".
25 Functions of the Board
    (1) The Board has the following functions--
         (a) to build and develop relationships with
             emergency services organisations and related
             services organisations;
         (b) to build and develop relationships with
             public health agencies or any other
             prescribed agency to enable effective and
             efficient delivery of services provided by
             Triple Zero Victoria;
         (c) to establish and maintain a sustainable
             organisational framework for Triple Zero
             Victoria that meets future demand for
             services provided by Triple Zero Victoria;
         (d) to ensure Triple Zero Victoria implements
             the work program applying to Triple Zero
             Victoria for the Strategic Action Plan;
             See section 64.
         (e) to manage any risks identified by, or
             reported to, the Board that affect Triple Zero
               (i) delivery of services; and
              (ii) ability to meet the agreed performance
         (f) to perform any other function conferred on
             the Board by or under this Act or any other

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              Part 3--The Board and staff

    (2) In performing its functions, the Board must--
         (a) ensure that the objective of Triple Zero
             Victoria under section 9 is met; and
         (b) have regard to any advice that is endorsed by
             the Operational Committee and provided to
             the Board under section 59(1)(a).
             See also section 59.
    (3) In performing its functions, the Board must ensure
        that the services provided by Triple Zero Victoria
        are consistent with prudent financial management
        practices, including by complying with--
         (a) requirements under the Financial
             Management Act 1994; and
         (b) budget projections within Triple Zero

    Division 2--Procedure of the Board
26 Meetings of the Board
    (1) The Chairperson must convene a meeting of the
        Board at least 6 times each year.
    (2) The Chairperson, or in the absence of the
        Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, must
        preside at a meeting of the Board.
    (3) The Deputy Chairperson, in the Chairperson's
        absence, has and may exercise all the powers, and
        has and must perform all the functions, of the
        Chairperson when presiding at a meeting.
    (4) If the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson are
        unable to preside at a meeting, the meeting is
        postponed and reconvened when the Chairperson,
        or in the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy
        Chairperson, is present.

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              Part 3--The Board and staff

    (5) The Board must ensure that minutes are kept of
        each meeting.
    (6) Subject to this Part, the Board may regulate its
        own procedure.
    (7) On and from the relevant day until the Minister
        makes the first recommendation under
        section 19(1), this section applies as if--
         (a) in subsection (1), for "Board at least 6 times
             each year" there were substituted
             "Interim Board at least every 2 months"; and
         (b) in subsection (2), ", or in the absence of the
             Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson," were
             omitted; and
         (c) subsection (3) were omitted; and
         (d) in subsection (4), for "or Deputy Chairperson
             are unable to preside at a meeting, the
             meeting is postponed and reconvened when
             the Chairperson, or in the absence of the
             Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson" there
             were substituted "is unable to preside at a
             meeting, the meeting is postponed and
             reconvened when the Chairperson".
27 Quorum and voting
    (1) A majority of the members of the Board for the
        time being is a quorum for a meeting.
    (2) A question arising at a meeting of the Board is
        determined by a majority of votes of the members
        present and voting on that question.
    (3) The person presiding at a meeting of the Board
         (a) a deliberative vote; and
         (b) in the event of an equality of votes on any
             question, a casting vote.

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               Part 3--The Board and staff

     (4) This section does not apply until the Minister
         makes the first recommendation under
         section 19(1).
27A Interim Board quorum and voting
     (1) All members of the Interim Board for the time
         being is a quorum for a meeting.
     (2) A question at a meeting of the Interim Board is
         determined by a majority of votes of the members
         present and voting on the question.
     (3) The Chairperson of the Interim Board has--
          (a) a deliberative vote; and
          (b) in the event of an equality of votes on any
              question, a casting vote.
     (4) If the Chairperson of the Interim Board has a
         conflict of interest within the meaning of
         section 30, the Minister may appoint an acting
         Chairperson to the Interim Board under
         section 24.
     (5) For the purposes of subsection (4), an acting
         Chairperson may be appointed for up to
         12 months despite section 24(2).
 28 Resolutions without meetings
     (1) If the members of the Board sign a document
         containing a statement that they are in favour of a
         resolution in the terms set out in the document, a
         resolution in those terms is taken to have been
         passed at a meeting of the Board held--
          (a) on the day on which the document is signed;
          (b) if the members do not sign the document on
              the same day, on the day on which the last of
              those members signs the document.

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                Part 3--The Board and staff

     (2) If a resolution is taken by this section to have been
         passed at a meeting of the Board, each member
         must be advised of the resolution and given a copy
         of the terms of the resolution as soon as
     (3) For the purposes of subsection (1), 2 or more
         separate documents containing a statement in
         identical terms, each of which is signed by one or
         more members, is taken to constitute one
29 Validity of decisions
         A decision of the Board is not invalid only
         because of--
          (a) a defect or irregularity in, or in connection
              with, the appointment of a member of the
              Board; or
          (b) a vacancy in the membership of the Board.

               Division 3--General
30 Disclosure of pecuniary interests
     (1) If a member or delegate of the Board has a direct
         or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being
         considered, or about to be considered, by the
         Board, the member or delegate must disclose the
         nature of the interest at a meeting of the Board as
         soon as practicable after the relevant facts have
         come to the knowledge of the member or delegate.
         Penalty: 60 penalty units.
     (2) The person presiding at the meeting of the Board
         must record a disclosure under subsection (1) in
         the minutes of the meeting.

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               Part 3--The Board and staff

    (3) If a member of the Board has a conflict of interest
        in a matter being considered, or about to be
        considered, by the Board, the member--
         (a) must not be present during any deliberation
             of the Board in relation to the matter; and
         (b) is not entitled to vote on the matter.
    (4) If a member of the Board votes on a matter in
        contravention of subsection (3)(b), that vote must
        be disallowed.
    (5) If a delegate of the Board has a conflict of interest
        in a matter being considered, or about to be
        considered, by the Board, the delegate may be
        present during any deliberation of the Board in
        relation to the matter.
    (6) In this section, conflict of interest includes a
        direct or indirect pecuniary interest that is held by
        a member or delegate of the Board in a matter
        being considered, or about to be considered, by
        the Board.
31 Delegation by the Board
        The Board, by instrument, may delegate any of its
        functions or powers under this Act, other than this
        power of delegation, to--
         (a) an employee of Triple Zero Victoria; or
         (b) a person engaged to provide services to
             Triple Zero Victoria; or
         (c) an employee of a specified emergency
             services organisation.

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                  Part 3--The Board and staff

Division 4--Appointment of delegates to the Board
  32 Appointment of a delegate
       (1) The Minister may appoint not more than
           2 delegates to the Board if the Minister considers
           that the appointment will assist the Board to
           improve the performance of Triple Zero Victoria.
       (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Minister
           may have regard to any recommendations made
           by the Ambulance Services Minister or the Police
       (3) A delegate is not a member of the Board.
       (4) A delegate is not entitled to vote in relation to
           matters being considered by the Board.
       (5) In determining whether an appointment of a
           delegate under subsection (1) will assist the Board
           to improve the performance of Triple Zero
           Victoria, the Minister must have regard to--
            (a) the performance of Triple Zero Victoria,
                including its financial performance; and
            (b) the quality and safety of the services
                provided by Triple Zero Victoria; and
            (c) whether the Board has requested the
       (6) The Minister may appoint a delegate to the Board
           irrespective of whether the Board has requested
           the appointment.
  33 Terms and conditions of appointment
       (1) A delegate--
            (a) holds office for the period, not exceeding
                12 months, specified in the instrument of
                appointment; and
            (b) is eligible for reappointment; and

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               Part 3--The Board and staff

         (c) is entitled to be reimbursed reasonable
             expenses incurred in holding office as a
    (2) The instrument of appointment of a delegate--
         (a) must be published in the Government
             Gazette; and
         (b) must specify the terms and conditions of the
             appointment; and
         (c) may specify any remuneration to which the
             delegate is entitled.
    (3) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
        Part 3 of that Act) applies to a delegate in respect
        of the office of a delegate.
34 Resignation and revocation of appointment
    (1) A delegate may resign by written notice, signed
        by the delegate and given to the Minister.
    (2) The Minister may revoke the appointment of a
        delegate at any time.
35 Functions of a delegate
        A delegate has the following functions--
         (a) to attend meetings of the Board to observe its
             decision-making processes;
         (b) to provide advice to the Board to assist the
             Board in understanding its obligations under
             this Act;
         (c) to advise the Minister and the Justice
             Secretary on any matter relating to the Board
             or Triple Zero Victoria.

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               Part 3--The Board and staff

36 Obligations of the Board to delegates
         The Board must--
          (a) permit a delegate to attend any meeting of
              the Board; and
          (b) give a delegate any information, or a copy of
              any notice or other document, at the same
              time as the information, notice or other
              document is given to the members of the

                Division 5--Staff
37 Appointment of Chief Executive Officer
     (1) With the approval of the Minister, the Board must
         appoint a person as the Chief Executive Officer of
         Triple Zero Victoria.
     (2) The Board must ensure that a person appointed
         under subsection (1) has--
          (a) emergency management experience; or
          (b) skills and experience that the Board
              considers to be equivalent to emergency
              management experience; or
          (c) skills and experience managing large,
              complex entities from a related sector,
              including Departments, the health services
              sector, corrections or related emergency
              services organisations.
     (3) The Board must not appoint a person as the Chief
         Executive Officer unless the Minister approves
         the terms and conditions (including remuneration)
         of the contract of employment.
     (4) The Chief Executive Officer--
          (a) holds office for a period, not exceeding
              5 years, specified in the contract of
              employment; and

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                 Part 3--The Board and staff

           (b) may be appointed for a further period, not
               exceeding 5 years, under a new contract of
               employment with the approval of the
          See section 53(4).
      (5) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
          Part 3 of that Act) applies to the Chief Executive
          Officer in respect of the office of the Chief
          Executive Officer.
      (6) This section does not apply until the Governor in
          Council has appointed the Board under section 19.
37A Inaugural Chief Executive Officer
      (1) On and from the relevant day, the Minister may
          appoint a person as the Chief Executive Officer of
          Triple Zero Victoria.
      (2) The Minister must ensure that a person appointed
          under subsection (1) has--
           (a) emergency management experience; or
           (b) skills and experience that the Minister
               considers to be equivalent to emergency
               management experience; or
           (c) skills and experience managing large,
               complex entities from a related sector,
               including Departments, the health services
               sector, corrections or related emergency
               services organisations.
      (3) The Chief Executive Officer--
           (a) holds office for a period, not exceeding
               2 years, specified in the contract of
               employment; and

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               Part 3--The Board and staff

         (b) is eligible to be appointed under section 37
             after the Governor in Council appoints the
             Board under section 19.
        See section 53(4).
    (4) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
        Part 3 of that Act) applies to the Chief Executive
        Officer in respect of the office of the Chief
        Executive Officer.
38 Appointment of acting Chief Executive Officer
    (1) Subject to subsection (2), if the Chief Executive
        Officer is unable to perform the duties of the
        Chief Executive Officer, whether because of
        illness, absence or otherwise, the Board may
        appoint another person to act in the place of the
        Chief Executive Officer during the period of
        inability for a period not exceeding 6 months.
    (2) For any appointment that is more than 2 months,
        the Minister must approve--
         (a) the appointment; and
         (b) the terms and conditions of the appointment.
    (3) The Minister may approve an extension of the
        appointment under subsection (1) for a further
        period not exceeding 6 months.
    (4) While a person is acting as the Chief Executive
        Officer, the person has and may exercise all the
        powers, and has and must perform all the
        functions and duties, of the Chief Executive

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               Part 3--The Board and staff

39 Functions of the Chief Executive Officer
    (1) The Chief Executive Officer has the following
         (a) to manage the day to day operation of Triple
             Zero Victoria in accordance with--
               (i) the financial and business plans,
                   strategies and budgets approved by the
                   Board; and
              (ii) the instructions of the Board;
         (b) to ensure decisions of the Board are
             implemented efficiently and effectively
             throughout Triple Zero Victoria;
         (c) having regard to the needs of the Victorian
             community, to build and maintain
             relationships with emergency services
             organisations, the Justice Department and
             any other Department to support the delivery
             of services provided by Triple Zero Victoria;
         (d) to implement effective and accountable
             systems to monitor the quality, safety and
             effectiveness of services provided by Triple
             Zero Victoria;
         (e) to implement effective and accountable
             systems to identify risks in relation to the
             delivery of services provided by Triple Zero
          (f) to anticipate any future service delivery
              requirements for Triple Zero Victoria;
         (g) to plan for the availability of appropriate
             infrastructure within Triple Zero Victoria to
             enable it to deliver its services;

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               Part 3--The Board and staff

         (h) to ensure effective and accountable processes
             and systems by continuously improving the
             quality and safety of Triple Zero Victoria's
    (2) In performing the functions of the Chief Executive
        Officer, the Chief Executive Officer must have
        regard to any advice provided by the Operational
        Committee under section 59(1)(a).
        See also section 59.
    (3) The Chief Executive Officer is subject to the
        direction of the Board.
    (4) The Chief Executive Officer has the power to do
        all things that are necessary or convenient to be
        done for, or in connection with, the performance
        of the Chief Executive Officer's functions.
40 Removal and resignation of the Chief Executive
    (1) The Minister or the Board may remove the Chief
        Executive Officer from office at any time.
    (2) If the Minister or the Board removes the Chief
        Executive Officer under subsection (1), the Board
         (a) give 12 weeks written notice; or
         (b) give a payment in lieu of written notice.
    (3) The Chief Executive Officer may resign by
        written notice, signed by the Chief Executive
        Officer and given to the Board.
    (4) Until the Governor in Council has appointed the
        Board under section 19, this section applies as
         (a) in subsections (1) and (2), "or the Board"
             were omitted; and

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                Part 3--The Board and staff

           (b) in subsection (3), for "Board" there were
               substituted "Minister".
41 Staff
    (1) Triple Zero Victoria may employ any staff
        necessary for the performance of its functions on
        the terms and conditions determined by Triple
        Zero Victoria.
    (2) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
        Part 3 of that Act) applies to any staff employed
        by Triple Zero Victoria under subsection (1).
    (3) For the purposes of performing its functions,
        Triple Zero Victoria may engage any person as a
        contractor or consultant.

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
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               Part 4--Operational Committee

      Part 4--Operational Committee
Division 1--Establishment and terms of reference
  42 Establishment
          The Board must establish an Operational
  43 Terms of reference
          Subject to this Part, the Operational Committee
          may determine its own terms of reference.
  44 Endorsement of terms of reference
          The Operational Committee must provide a copy
          of any proposed terms of reference to the Board
          for endorsement.
  45 Approval of terms of reference
          Following the Board's endorsement under
          section 44, the Board must provide a copy of the
          endorsed terms of reference to the Minister for
  46 Review of terms of reference
      (1) The Operational Committee must review its terms
          of reference every 2 years.
      (2) If, after conducting a review, the Operational
          Committee proposes to make any changes to its
          terms of reference, the Operational Committee
          must give a copy of the proposed terms of
          reference to the Board for endorsement.
      (3) Following the Board's endorsement under
          subsection (2), the Board must give a copy of the
          endorsed terms of reference to the Minister for

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
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              Part 4--Operational Committee

Division 2--Inter-agency strategic priorities
47 Inter-agency strategic priorities
     (1) The Operational Committee must prepare
         inter-agency strategic priorities for each 2 year
         period that set out the joint strategic focus of
         emergency services organisations and Triple Zero
         Victoria, including priorities of an emergency
         services organisation for implementation by or in
         conjunction with Triple Zero Victoria and one or
         more emergency services organisations in
         accordance with the functions of Triple Zero
     (2) In preparing the inter-agency strategic priorities,
         the Operational Committee must ensure that the
         inter-agency strategic priorities are consistent with
         the strategic direction of the emergency services
48 Endorsement of inter-agency strategic priorities
         The Operational Committee must give a copy of
         the proposed inter-agency strategic priorities to
         the Board for endorsement.
49 Approval of inter-agency strategic priorities
         Following the Board's endorsement under
         section 48, the Board must give a copy of the
         endorsed inter-agency strategic priorities to the
         Minister for approval.
50 Minister must give approved inter-agency strategic
   priorities to Police Minister and Ambulance
   Services Minister
         Following the Minister's approval under
         section 49, the Minister must give a copy of the
         approved inter-agency strategic priorities to the
         Police Minister and the Ambulance Services

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              Part 4--Operational Committee

51 Review of inter-agency strategic priorities
     (1) The Operational Committee must review the
         inter-agency strategic priorities every 2 years.
     (2) If, after conducting a review, the Operational
         Committee proposes to make any changes to the
         inter-agency operational priorities, the Operational
         Committee must give a copy of the proposed
         inter-agency strategic priorities to the Board for
     (3) Following the Board's endorsement under
         subsection (2), the Board must give a copy of the
         endorsed inter-agency strategic priorities to the
         Minister for approval.

Division 3--Membership and functions of the
          Operational Committee
52 Membership of the Operational Committee
     (1) The Operational Committee consists of the
         following persons--
          (a) the Emergency Management Commissioner;
          (b) a Deputy Secretary to the Justice
          (c) a Deputy Secretary to the Health
          (d) a Deputy Secretary to the Department of
              Transport and Planning;
          (e) the chief executive officer of Ambulance
              Service--Victoria appointed under
              section 21 of the Ambulance Services
              Act 1986;
          (f) the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority
              within the meaning of the Country Fire
              Authority Act 1958 or the Chief Officer of
              all brigades within the meaning of that Act;

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             Part 4--Operational Committee

         (g) the Fire Rescue Commissioner within the
             meaning of the Fire Rescue Victoria
             Act 1958;
         (h) the Chief Commissioner of Police within the
             meaning of the Victoria Police Act 2013;
          (i) the Chief Executive Officer within the
              meaning of the Victoria State Emergency
              Service Act 2005 or the Chief Officer,
              Operations within the meaning of that Act;
          (j) no more than 3 persons appointed by the
              Board who the Board considers have the
              skills or experience that are relevant to the
              functions of the Operational Committee;
         (k) a person who is appointed by the Board as
             the Chair.
    (2) A person appointed under subsection (1)(j) must
        not be--
         (a) a member of the Board; or
         (b) an employee of Triple Zero Victoria; or
         (c) an employee of an emergency services
    (3) A person appointed under subsection (1)(k) must
        be a member of the Board.
53 Terms and conditions of appointment
    (1) A member of the Operational Committee
        appointed under section 52(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e),
        (f), (g), (h), (i) or (k)--
         (a) is not entitled to remuneration; and
         (b) is entitled to any travelling allowances that
             are determined by the Board.

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             Part 4--Operational Committee

    (2) A member of the Operational Committee
        appointed under section 52(1)(j)--
         (a) holds office for a period not exceeding
             2 years; and
         (b) is eligible for reappointment; and
         (c) is entitled to renumeration and any travelling
             allowances determined by the Board.
    (3) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than
        Part 3 of that Act) applies to a member in respect
        of the office of a member of the Operational
    (4) If a member of the Operational Committee is
        appointed as the Chief Executive Officer, that
        member immediately ceases to hold office as a
        member of the Operational Committee.
54 Resignation
        A member of the Operational Committee
        appointed under section 52(1)(j) may resign from
        office by written notice, signed by the member
        and given to the Chair.
55 Functions of the Operational Committee
    (1) The functions of the Operational Committee are--
         (a) to advise the Board about any matter
             specified in subsection (2); and
         (b) to perform any other function conferred on it
             by or under this Act.
    (2) The following matters are specified--
         (a) Triple Zero Victoria's engagement with the
             emergency services sector;
         (b) any risk identified by the Operational
             Committee that may impact the performance
             of Triple Zero Victoria's functions and how

    Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
          No.       of 2023
   Part 4--Operational Committee

    the identified risk could be managed and
    mitigated by Triple Zero Victoria;
(c) any risk identified by the Operational
    Committee that may impact Triple Zero
    Victoria's ability to meet the agreed
    performance standards and how the
    identified risk could be managed and
    mitigated by Triple Zero Victoria;
(d) any risk reported to the Operational
    Committee under section 70;
(e) any improvements to the following--
     (i) the performance of services delivered
         by Triple Zero Victoria that support
         emergency services organisations to
         respond to community needs;
     (ii) any relevant policies and procedures of
          an emergency services organisation;
(f) in respect of a financial year, how each
    emergency services organisation has
    supported Triple Zero Victoria in the
    performance of its functions;
(g) in respect of a financial year, how Triple
    Zero Victoria has supported each emergency
    services organisation in the performance of
    the relevant emergency services
    organisation's functions.

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
             Part 4--Operational Committee

 Division 4--Procedure of the Operational
56 Meetings of the Operational Committee
    (1) The Chair must convene a meeting of the
        Operational Committee--
         (a) at least 4 times each year; and
         (b) at any other time on the request of a member
             of the Operational Committee.
    (2) The Chair must preside at a meeting of the
        Operational Committee.
    (3) If the Chair is unable to preside at a meeting of the
        Operational Committee, the Chair or the Board
        must nominate a member of the Board to preside
        at the meeting.
    (4) A member of the Board nominated under
        subsection (3) has and may exercise all the
        powers, and has and must perform all of the
        functions, of the Chair when presiding at the
    (5) An employee of Triple Zero Victoria (other than
        the Chief Executive Officer) may attend a meeting
        of the Operational Committee at the Operational
        Committee's invitation.
    (6) The Chief Executive Officer must perform a
        secretariat function at each meeting of the
        Operational Committee.
    (7) Subject to this Division, the Operational
        Committee may regulate its own procedure.

             Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                   No.       of 2023
             Part 4--Operational Committee

57 Observer of the Operational Committee
    (1) The Operational Committee also consists of the
        following persons as observers--
         (a) the Inspector-General for Emergency
         (b) the Chief Executive Officer of Life Saving
         (c) the Chief Executive Officer of Safer Care
    (2) An observer is not a member of the Operational
        Committee and is not entitled to vote.
    (3) An observer appointed under this section--
         (a) is not entitled to remuneration; and
         (b) is entitled to any travelling allowances
             determined by the Board.
58 Quorum of the Operational Committee
        The quorum for a meeting of the Operational
         (a) is a majority of the number of members of
             the Operational Committee for the time
             being; and
         (b) must be comprised of 4 members appointed
             under section 52(1)(e), (f), (g), (h) or (i).
59 Endorsed advice and minutes of the Operational
    (1) Within 28 days after a meeting of the Operational
        Committee, the Chair must provide the following
        information, in writing, to the Board and the Chief
        Executive Officer--
         (a) any advice endorsed by the Operational
             Committee at the meeting;
         (b) the minutes of the meeting.

           Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                 No.       of 2023
           Part 4--Operational Committee

(2) Within 60 days after receiving any advice under
    subsection (1)(a), the Board must provide a
    written response to the Operational Committee
    that includes any steps the Board has taken to
    implement the Operational Committee's advice.
    See section 25(2)(b).
(3) Within 60 days after receiving any advice under
    subsection (1)(a), the Chief Executive Officer
    must provide a written response to the Operational
    Committee that includes any steps the Chief
    Executive Officer has taken to implement the
    Operational Committee's advice.
    See section 39(2).

                  Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                        No.       of 2023
    Part 5--Confidentiality, information sharing and collection

Part 5--Confidentiality, information sharing
             and collection
  60 Request for information from Triple Zero Victoria
      (1) A relevant person or organisation may make a
          written request to Triple Zero Victoria to provide
          any information--
             (a) relating to Triple Zero Victoria's functions;
            (b) that is relevant to the performance of the
                functions of the relevant person or
      (2) Subject to subsection (3), Triple Zero Victoria
          must disclose any requested information--
             (a) within 45 days after receiving a request
                 under subsection (1); or
            (b) within another period agreed to by Triple
                Zero Victoria and the relevant person or
      (3) If a request is made under subsection (1) and the
          information requested relates to the operations of
          another relevant person or organisation, Triple
          Zero Victoria must seek approval from the other
          relevant person or organisation before disclosing
          the information.
      (4) This section does not affect the operation of--
             (a) the Health Records Act 2001; or
            (b) the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014;
             (c) the Victorian Data Sharing Act 2017.
      (5) In this section--
           information includes--
                   (a) health information; and

                Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                      No.       of 2023
  Part 5--Confidentiality, information sharing and collection

                 (b) personal information; and
                 (c) a unique identifier.
61 Triple Zero Victoria must disclose information
    (1) Without limiting section 60 and subject to
        subsection (2), Triple Zero Victoria must disclose
        to a relevant person or organisation any
        information held by Triple Zero Victoria that
        relates to its functions if the information is
        relevant to the performance of the functions of the
        relevant person or organisation.
    (2) If Triple Zero Victoria is required to disclose to a
        relevant person or organisation any information
        that relates to the operations of another relevant
        person or organisation, Triple Zero Victoria must
        seek approval from the other relevant person or
        organisation before disclosing the information.
    (3) This section does not affect the operation of--
           (a) the Health Records Act 2001; or
          (b) the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014;
           (c) the Victorian Data Sharing Act 2017.
    (4) In this section--
         information includes--
                 (a) health information; and
                 (b) personal information; and
                 (c) a unique identifier.

                Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                      No.       of 2023
  Part 5--Confidentiality, information sharing and collection

62 Triple Zero Victoria may collect information
    (1) For the purposes of Triple Zero Victoria
        performing its functions and exercising its powers,
        Triple Zero Victoria may collect information from
        a relevant person or organisation including the
           (a) health information;
          (b) personal information;
           (c) a unique identifier.
    (2) A relevant person or organisation may disclose
        information to Triple Zero Victoria for the
        purposes of this section.
    (3) This section does not affect the operation of--
           (a) the Health Records Act 2001; or
          (b) the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014;
           (c) the Victorian Data Sharing Act 2017.
63 Confidentiality
    (1) A person must not make a record of, use or
        disclose to any person, any confidential
        information that is acquired in the performance of
        the person's functions or the exercise of the
        person's powers under this Act.
         Penalty: 60 penalty units.
    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if--
           (a) the making of the record, use or disclosure of
               the confidential information is necessary for
               the purposes of, or in connection with, the
               performance of the person's functions or
               exercise of the person's powers under this
               Act; or

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
Part 5--Confidentiality, information sharing and collection

        (b) the making of the record, use or disclosure of
            the confidential information is authorised by
            this Act or any other Act; or
         (c) the disclosure of the confidential information
             is made to an Ombudsman officer within the
             meaning of the Ombudsman Act 1973; or
        (d) the person to whom the confidential
            information relates gives written consent to
            the making of the record, use or disclosure of
            the information; or
         (e) the disclosure of the confidential information
             is made to a court in the course of a criminal
             proceeding or any other proceeding under
             this Act or any other Act; or
         (f) the disclosure of the confidential information
             is made with the written authority of the
  (3) In this section--
       confidential information means any information
            in relation to call taking and dispatch
            services or operational communications
            services provided by Triple Zero Victoria.

                 Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                       No.       of 2023
             Part 6--Plans and operating budgets

 Part 6--Plans and operating budgets
64 Strategic Action Plan
          Triple Zero Victoria must--
           (a) comply with its obligations under the
               Strategic Action Plan developed by the State
               Crisis and Resilience Council; and
           (b) implement the work program for the
               Strategic Action Plan.
   See sections 12 and 13 of the Emergency Management Act 2013.
65 Strategic plans of Triple Zero Victoria
     (1) Triple Zero Victoria must prepare a strategic plan
         for Triple Zero Victoria for each 3 to 5 year
     (2) In preparing a strategic plan, the Board must
         consult with the Operational Committee.
          See also section 55(1)(a).
     (3) The Board must submit the strategic plan to the
         Minister for approval.
     (4) After consulting with the Police Minister and the
         Ambulance Services Minister, the Minister may--
           (a) approve the strategic plan; or
           (b) approve the strategic plan with amendments;
           (c) refuse to approve the strategic plan.
     (5) The Minister must give Triple Zero Victoria
         written notice of a refusal to approve the strategic
         plan under subsection (4)(c) which includes the
         Minister's reasons for refusing to approve the
         strategic plan.

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                     No.       of 2023
            Part 6--Plans and operating budgets

    (6) Triple Zero Victoria must amend and resubmit the
        strategic plan to the Minister within 30 days after
        receiving the Minister's decision to refuse to
        approve the strategic plan.
    (7) After the Minister approves the strategic plan
        under this section, the Minister must notify Triple
        Zero Victoria.
    (8) Triple Zero Victoria must publish the strategic
        plan approved under this section on Triple Zero
        Victoria's website.
66 Corporate plans
    (1) The Board must prepare a corporate plan--
          (a) at least once each financial year; and
          (b) at any other time directed by the Minister.
   (1A) Despite subsection (1), the Interim Board is not
        required to prepare the first corporate plan under
        this section until the first financial year beginning
        after the relevant day.
    (2) In preparing a corporate plan, the Board must--
          (a) be informed by the strategic plan; and
          (b) consult with the Operational Committee.
              See also section 55(1)(a).
    (3) A corporate plan must include--
          (a) how Triple Zero Victoria delivers its
              strategic priorities for the financial year; and
          (b) relevant financial information; and
          (c) information outlining how Triple Zero
              Victoria intends to meet the agreed
              performance standards for the financial year;

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
           Part 6--Plans and operating budgets

         (d) workforce matters, including--
               (i) resourcing capabilities; and
              (ii) deployment of resources; and
              (iii) capability and capacity requirements;
              (iv) occupational health and safety and
                   wellbeing considerations; and
         (e) the following information about how Triple
             Zero Victoria intends to--
               (i) develop and maintain information
              (ii) manage information and the security of
                   that information; and
         (f) any other information specified in writing by
             the Minister.
67 Approval of corporate plan
    (1) The Board must submit a corporate plan each
        financial year to the Minister for approval.
    (2) The Minister may--
         (a) approve the corporate plan; or
         (b) approve the corporate plan with
             amendments; or
         (c) refuse to approve the corporate plan.
    (3) The Minister must give Triple Zero Victoria
        written notice of a refusal to approve the corporate
        plan under subsection (2)(c) which includes the
        Minister's reasons for refusing to approve the
        corporate plan.
    (4) The Board must amend and resubmit the corporate
        plan to the Minister within 30 days after receiving
        the Minister's decision to refuse to approve the
        corporate plan.

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
           Part 6--Plans and operating budgets

    (5) After the Minister approves the corporate plan
        under this section, the Minister must notify Triple
        Zero Victoria.
    (6) Triple Zero Victoria must publish the corporate
        plan approved under this section on Triple Zero
        Victoria's website.
68 Performance of functions inconsistent with
   corporate plan
    (1) If the Board proposes to perform its functions in a
        manner that is inconsistent with the corporate
        plan, the Board must give written notice to the
        Minister within 30 days after the Board's decision.
    (2) If the Board intends to perform a function referred
        to in subsection (1) on an ongoing basis, the
        Board must obtain the approval of the Minister for
        an appropriate variation to the corporate plan.
69 Financial plans and operating budgets of Triple
   Zero Victoria
    (1) The Chief Executive Officer must prepare a
        financial plan and operating budget for Triple
        Zero Victoria.
    (2) In preparing the financial plan and operating
        budget under subsection (1), the Chief Executive
        Officer must include a statement that the Justice
        Secretary has endorsed the financial plan and
        operating budget.
    (3) The Chief Executive Officer must give the
        financial plan and operating budget to the Board
        for approval.

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
                    Part 7--Reports

              Part 7--Reports
70 Triple Zero Victoria must report to the Operational
        Triple Zero Victoria must report to the
        Operational Committee any risk identified by
        Triple Zero Victoria that may impact the
        performance of an emergency services
        organisation's or a related services organisation's
        functions and how the identified risk could be
        managed and mitigated by Triple Zero Victoria as
        soon as practicable after Triple Zero Victoria
        becomes aware of the information.
71 Board must report to Minister and Justice Secretary
   about performance of Triple Zero Victoria
    (1) The Board must give a written report to the
        Minister and the Justice Secretary about a matter
        specified in subsection (2) at intervals requested
        by the Minister or the Justice Secretary.
    (2) The following matters are specified--
         (a) any concerns about the performance of
             Triple Zero Victoria including in relation to
             the following--
               (i) whether Triple Zero Victoria's
                   performance could impact community
                   safety and cause potential harm;
              (ii) the performance of services delivered
                   by Triple Zero Victoria;
              (iii) the impact on the services delivered by
                    emergency services organisations;
         (b) how Triple Zero Victoria has implemented
             any advice provided by the Operational
         (c) how Triple Zero Victoria has met the agreed
             performance standards;

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
                    Part 7--Reports

          (d) any risk identified by the Board that may
              impact on services delivered by Triple Zero
              Victoria and how the identified risk could be
              managed and mitigated by Triple Zero
          (e) the provision of appropriate supports and
              interventions in relation to emerging
              concerns or risks impacting service delivery
              and Triple Zero Victoria's ability to meet
              agreed performance standards.
     (3) A copy of any report given by the Board to the
         Minister or Justice Secretary under subsection (1)
         must also be given to the Inspector-General for
         Emergency Management.
72 Chief Executive Officer must report to the Minister
   and others
     (1) The Chief Executive Officer must report to the
         Minister about any information specified in
         subsection (2) as soon as practicable after the
         Chief Executive Officer becomes aware of the
     (2) The following information is specified--
          (a) a significant issue of public concern
              affecting Triple Zero Victoria, including
              potential or actual risk and harm to the
          (b) a significant risk affecting Triple Zero
          (c) the commencement and status of any inquiry
              into the performance of Triple Zero Victoria.
     (3) The Chief Executive Officer must also give a
         copy of a report under subsection (1) to--
          (a) the Justice Secretary; and

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
                    Part 7--Reports

         (b) the Inspector-General for Emergency
73 Chief Executive Officer must report to the Board
        At each meeting of the Board, the Chief Executive
        Officer must report to the Board about--
         (a) how Triple Zero Victoria is meeting the
             agreed performance standards; and
         (b) any issues of public concern or risks that
             affect or may affect Triple Zero Victoria.
74 Annual report of Triple Zero Victoria
    (1) The Chief Executive Officer must prepare an
        annual report and provide it to the Board for
   (1A) The Chief Executive Officer must ensure the
        annual report includes a summary of any advice
        the Board has received from the Operational
        Committee in relation to a matter specified in
        section 55(2)(f) and (g).
    (2) The annual report must be tabled in Parliament in
        accordance with Part 7 of the Financial
        Management Act 1994.
75 Annual report of the Operational Committee
    (1) The Operational Committee must prepare an
        annual report each financial year that sets out the
        following information, in respect of that financial
         (a) Triple Zero Victoria's engagement with the
             emergency services sector;
         (b) any risk identified by the Operational
             Committee that may impact on Triple Zero
             Victoria performing its functions and how
             the identified risk could be managed and
             mitigated by Triple Zero Victoria;

         Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
               No.       of 2023
               Part 7--Reports

     (c) any risk identified by the Operational
         Committee that may impact Triple Zero
         Victoria's ability to meet the agreed
         performance standards and how the
         identified risk could be managed and
         mitigated by Triple Zero Victoria;
     (d) any risk reported to the Operational
         Committee under section 70;
     (e) any improvements to the following--
           (i) the performance of services delivered
               by Triple Zero Victoria that support
               emergency services organisations to
               respond to community needs;
          (ii) relevant policies and procedures of an
               emergency services organisation;
     (f) how each emergency services organisation
         has supported Triple Zero Victoria in the
         performance of its functions;
     (g) how Triple Zero Victoria has supported each
         emergency services organisation in the
         performance of the relevant emergency
         services organisation's functions.
(2) The Chair must provide a copy of the annual
    report to the Board for approval.
(3) Within 14 days after the Board's approval, the
    Chair must provide a copy of the annual report to
    the Justice Secretary.
(4) Within 14 days after receiving a copy of the
    annual report, the Justice Secretary must provide
    the annual report to--
     (a) the Minister; and
     (b) the Ambulance Services Minister; and
     (c) the Police Minister.

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
                     Part 8--General

               Part 8--General
  Division 1--Role of the Justice Secretary
76 Functions of the Justice Secretary
        The Justice Secretary has the following functions
        under this Act--
          (a) to advise the Minister on the operation of
              this Act;
         (b) to ensure strategic policy planning is
             undertaken by Triple Zero Victoria in a
             manner that considers the needs of the
             emergency services sector;
          (c) to ensure the Chief Executive Officer
              engages with and consults the Secretary on
              the preparation of the financial plan and
              operating budget;
              See section 69.
         (d) to monitor any risks identified by Triple Zero
             Victoria in the performance of its functions
             to ensure it provides a high quality,
             accessible and efficient service.
77 Delegation by Justice Secretary
        The Justice Secretary, by instrument, may
        delegate to any employee of the Justice
        Department any of the Justice Secretary's powers
        or functions under this Act or the regulations other
        than this power of delegation.

                Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                      No.       of 2023
                      Part 8--General

78 Directions
    (1) The Justice Secretary may issue written directions
        to Triple Zero Victoria in relation to any of the
        following matters for the purposes of carrying out
        the Justice Secretary's functions under this Act--
         (a) the provision of specified information by
             Triple Zero Victoria to the Justice Secretary;
         (b) the accounts and records Triple Zero
             Victoria is required to keep including in
             relation to--
                 (i) the manner in which those records are
                     to be kept and for how long; and
                (ii) the provision of evidence to the Justice
                     Secretary demonstrating that the
                     accounts and records are up-to-date;
         (c) the provision of updates in respect of how
             the preparation of financial budgets and
             forecasts of Triple Zero Victoria is
         (d) the preparation of strategic plans and policies
             if it appears that the plans and policies are
             not being prepared, developed or
             implemented as expected;
         (e) the development of workforce management
             plans and policies;
         (f) the action to be taken by Triple Zero Victoria
             to ensure it provides a high quality,
             accessible and efficient service;
         (g) matters that are appropriate for publication
             on Triple Zero Victoria's website, including
             whether specified information should not be
    (2) Triple Zero Victoria must comply with any
        direction issued under subsection (1).

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                     No.       of 2023
                     Part 8--General

Division 2--Setting agreed performance standards
  79 Emergency Management Commissioner to set
     agreed performance standards
      (1) The Emergency Management Commissioner must
          set agreed performance standards to measure the
          performance of call taking and dispatch services
          provided by Triple Zero Victoria in accordance
          with this section.
      (2) The Emergency Management Commissioner must
          set the agreed performance standards under
          subsection (1) in consultation with--
           (a) Triple Zero Victoria; and
           (b) each specified emergency services
               organisation; and
           (c) the Department of Treasury and Finance; and
           (d) the Justice Department; and
           (e) the Health Department; and
           (f) relevant Departments.
      (3) In setting the agreed performance standards under
          subsection (1), the Emergency Management
          Commissioner must--
           (a) set the agreed performance standards in a
               reasonable manner; and
           (b) have regard to the resources available to an
               agency in the performance of any functions
               to which the agreed performance standard
      (4) Before the Emergency Management
          Commissioner sets an agreed performance
          standard under subsection (1), the Minister must
          endorse each new agreed performance standard.

             Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                   No.       of 2023
                   Part 8--General

80 Review of agreed performance standards
    (1) At least every 5 years, the Emergency
        Management Commissioner must review the
        agreed performance standards determined in
        consultation with the bodies specified in
        section 79(2).
    (2) In reviewing the agreed performance standards
        under subsection (1), the Emergency Management
        Commissioner must--
         (a) review the agreed performance standards in a
             reasonable manner; and
         (b) have regard to the resources available to an
             agency in the performance of any functions
             to which the agreed performance standard
    (3) Following the review under subsection (1), the
        Minister must endorse any new or amended
        agreed performance standard.
81 Minister may set additional agreed performance
        The Minister may set additional agreed
        performance standards for Triple Zero Victoria,
        including in relation to its governance, or
        administration or financial matters.

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                     No.       of 2023
                      Part 8--General

82 Inspector-General for Emergency Management and
   Safer Care Victoria may consult
          For the purposes of the Inspector-General for
          Emergency Management performing their
          functions under the Emergency Management
          Act 2013, the Inspector-General for Emergency
          Management and Safer Care Victoria may consult
          each other about the agreed performance
          standards relating to ambulance services or the
          health services sector.
   See sections 64(1)(f) and (g) and 71 of the Emergency
   Management Act 2013.
83 Publication of agreed performance standards
    (1) Subject to any directions issued by the Justice
        Secretary specifying matters appropriate for
        publication, Triple Zero Victoria must publish
        data relating to the performance standards set
        under sections 79 and 81 in accordance with
        subsection (2).
    (2) Data referred to in subsection (1) must be
        published on Triple Zero Victoria's website
        annually or at intervals set by the Emergency
        Management Commissioner.

             Division 3--Regulations
84 Regulations
    (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
        for or with respect to anything required or
        permitted by this Act to be prescribed or
        necessary to be prescribed to give effect to this

        Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
              No.       of 2023
              Part 8--General

(2) The regulations may--
    (a) be of general or limited application;
    (b) differ according to differences in time, place
        or circumstances;
    (c) confer a discretionary authority or impose a
        duty on a specified person or a specified
        class of person.

                 Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                       No.       of 2023
       Part 9--Repeal, savings and transitional provisions

Part 9--Repeal, savings and transitional
                  Division 1--Repeal
 85 Repeal of Emergency Services Telecommunications
    Authority Act 2004
          The Emergency Services Telecommunications
          Authority Act 2004 is repealed.

Division 2--Savings and transitional provisions
 86 Definitions
          In this Part--
          advisory committee means the advisory
               committee appointed under section 21 of the
               old Act as in force immediately before the
               commencement day;
          Authority means the Emergency Services
              Telecommunications Authority established
              under Division 1 of Part 2 of the old Act as
              in force immediately before the
              commencement day;
          commencement day means the day on which
              section 85 comes into operation;
          old Act means the Emergency Services
               Telecommunications Authority Act 2004.
 87 Application of Interpretation of Legislation
    Act 1984
          Except where the contrary intention appears, this
          Part and any regulations made under this Part do
          not affect or take away from the Interpretation of
          Legislation Act 1984.

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                     No.       of 2023
     Part 9--Repeal, savings and transitional provisions

88 Abolition of the Authority and advisory committee
    (1) On the commencement day--
          (a) the Authority is abolished; and
         (b) a person holding office as a member of the
             Authority ceases to hold office; and
          (c) Triple Zero Victoria becomes the successor
              in law of the Authority; and
         (d) all rights, property and assets of the
             Authority that, immediately before the
             commencement day, were vested in the
             Authority, vest in Triple Zero Victoria; and
          (e) all debts, liabilities and obligations of the
              Authority existing immediately before the
              commencement day, become debts,
              liabilities and obligations of Triple Zero
              Victoria; and
          (f) Triple Zero Victoria is substituted as a party
              in any proceedings pending in any court or
              tribunal to which the Authority was party
              immediately before the commencement day;
         (g) Triple Zero Victoria is substituted as a party
             to any contract or arrangement (including
             any administrative arrangement) entered into
             by or on behalf of the Authority and in force
             immediately before the commencement day.
    (2) On the commencement day--
          (a) the advisory committee is abolished; and
         (b) a person holding office as a member of the
             advisory committee ceases to hold office.

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                     No.       of 2023
     Part 9--Repeal, savings and transitional provisions

89 Transfer of Authority staff
    (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who
        immediately before the commencement day was
        employed by the Authority under section 8(2) of
        the old Act--
          (a) is taken on that day to be a person employed
              by Triple Zero Victoria under section 41 on
              the same terms and conditions as those that
              applied to the person as an employee of the
              Authority before that day; and
         (b) is taken on that day to be a person who has
             accrued an entitlement to benefits in
             connection with employment with Triple
             Zero Victoria that is equivalent to the
             entitlement the person had accrued as an
             employee of the Authority immediately
             before that day.
    (2) To avoid doubt, section 41(2) applies to a person
        referred to in subsection (1).
    (3) This section does not apply to a person who
        immediately before the commencement day was
        employed by the Authority under section 8(2) of
        the old Act as the Chief Executive Officer of the
90 Superseded references
        A reference to the Authority in any Act (other
        than this Act) or in any instrument (including a
        subordinate instrument) made under or for the
        purposes of any Act, or any other document (by
        whatever name) prepared or made under or for the
        purposes of any Act, must be construed as a
        reference to Triple Zero Victoria--
          (a) so far as the reference relates to any period
              on or after the commencement day; and
         (b) if not inconsistent with the subject matter.

                Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                      No.       of 2023
      Part 9--Repeal, savings and transitional provisions

91 Regulations dealing with transitional matters
     (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
         containing provisions of a transitional nature,
         including matters of an application or savings
         nature, arising as a result of the enactment of this
         Act, including any repeals and amendments made
         by or as a result of the enactment of this Act.
     (2) Regulations made under this section may--
           (a) have a retrospective effect to a day on or
               after a day that is not earlier than the day on
               which this section comes into operation;
          (b) be of limited or general application;
           (c) differ according to time, place or
          (d) leave any matter or thing to be decided by a
              specified person or class of person.
     (3) To the extent to which regulations made under
         this section take effect from a date that is earlier
         than the date of their making, the regulations do
         not operate so as--
           (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any
               person (other than the State or an authority
               of the State), the rights of that person
               existing before the date of their making; or
          (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other
              than the State or an authority of the State) in
              respect of anything done or omitted to be
              done before the date of their making.
     (4) Regulations made under this section--
           (a) have effect despite anything to the contrary
               in any Act (other than this Act or the
               Charter of Human Rights and
               Responsibilities Act 2006) or in any
               subordinate instrument; and

           Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                 No.       of 2023
 Part 9--Repeal, savings and transitional provisions

     (b) may continue in effect for a period of not
         more than 2 years.
(5) This section is repealed on the second
    anniversary of its commencement.

              Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                    No.       of 2023
           Part 10--Consequential amendments

 Part 10--Consequential amendments
Division 1--Emergency Management Act 1986
92 Definitions
         In section 4(1) of the Emergency Management
         Act 1986, the definition of Emergency Services
         Telecommunications Authority is repealed.

Division 2--Emergency Management Act 2013
93 Definitions
         In section 3 of the Emergency Management
         Act 2013--
          (a) insert the following definition--
              "Triple Zero Victoria has the same meaning
                   as in the Triple Zero Victoria
                   Act 2023;";
          (b) the definition of Emergency Services
              Telecommunications Authority is repealed.
94 Constitution of the State Crisis and Resilience
         In section 8(7)(d) of the Emergency
         Management Act 2013, for "the Emergency
         Services Telecommunications Authority"
         substitute "Triple Zero Victoria".
95 Strategic Action Plan
         In section 12(10) of the Emergency
         Management Act 2013, in the definition of
         agency, for "the Emergency Services
         Telecommunications Authority" substitute
         "Triple Zero Victoria".

                Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                      No.       of 2023
           Part 10--Consequential amendments

96 Definition
        In section 60A of the Emergency Management
        Act 2013, for paragraph (c) of the definition of
        relevant agency substitute--
        "(c) Triple Zero Victoria;".
97 Functions of the Inspector-General for Emergency
        In section 64(1) of the Emergency Management
        Act 2013--
         (a) for paragraph (e)(iii) substitute--
            "(iii) Triple Zero Victoria; and";
         (b) in paragraph (f), for "the Emergency
             Services Telecommunications Authority"
             (where twice occurring) substitute "Triple
             Zero Victoria";
         (c) in paragraph (g), for "the Emergency
             Services Telecommunications Authority"
             substitute "Triple Zero Victoria".
98 Monitoring of Emergency Services
   Telecommunications Authority
    (1) In the heading to section 71 of the Emergency
        Management Act 2013, for "Emergency
        Services Telecommunications Authority"
        substitute "Triple Zero Victoria".
    (2) In section 71(1) of the Emergency Management
        Act 2013--
         (a) for "the Emergency Services
             Telecommunications Authority" substitute
             "Triple Zero Victoria";
         (b) for "the Authority" substitute "Triple Zero

                Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                      No.       of 2023
             Part 10--Consequential amendments

      (3) In section 71(2) of the Emergency Management
          Act 2013--
           (a) for "the Emergency Services
               Telecommunications Authority" substitute
               "Triple Zero Victoria";
           (b) in paragraph (c), for "the Emergency
               Services Telecommunications Authority"
               substitute "Triple Zero Victoria".
      (4) In section 71(3) of the Emergency Management
          Act 2013, for "the Emergency Services
          Telecommunications Authority" substitute
          "Triple Zero Victoria".

Division 3--Emergency Services Superannuation
                 Act 1986
  99 Application of Act
          For section 4(1DA)(b) of the Emergency
          Services Superannuation Act 1986 substitute--
          "(b) transfers to an office of employment with
               Triple Zero Victoria within the meaning of
               the Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023.".

   Division 4--Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958
 100 Definitions
          In section 3(1) of the Fire Rescue Victoria
          Act 1958--
           (a) insert the following definition--
               "Triple Zero Victoria has the same meaning
                    as in the Triple Zero Victoria
                    Act 2023;";
           (b) the definition of Emergency Services
               Telecommunications Authority is repealed.

               Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                     No.       of 2023
            Part 10--Consequential amendments

101 Action on alarm of fire
         In section 32B(5A) of the Fire Rescue Victoria
         Act 1958--
          (a) for "the Emergency Services
              Telecommunications Authority (within the
              meaning of the Emergency Services
              Telecommunications Authority Act 2004)"
              substitute "Triple Zero Victoria";
          (b) for "the Authority" substitute "Triple Zero

                    Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                          No.       of 2023
 Part 11--Amendment of this Act--repeal of Interim Board provisions

Part 11--Amendment of this Act--repeal of
        Interim Board provisions
 102 Repeal of definitions
              In section 3, the definitions of Interim Board and
              relevant day are repealed.
 103 Section 3A repealed
              Section 3A is repealed.
 104 Spent provisions in Parts 3 and 6 repealed
        (1) Sections 19(7) and 19A are repealed.
        (2) Sections 20(1A), 21(2), 22(5), 23(3), 24(1A) and
            (5), 26(7) and 27(4) are repealed.
        (3) Section 27A is repealed.
        (4) Section 37(6) is repealed.
        (5) Section 37A is repealed.
        (6) Sections 40(4) and 66(1A) are repealed.
 105 Repeal of Part 10 and this Part
              Part 10 and this Part are repealed on 28 August
       The repeal of Part 10 and this Part does not affect the continuing
       operation of the amendments made by those Parts (see
       section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).

                            Triple Zero Victoria Act 2023
                                  No.       of 2023

1 General information
  See for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
  authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
      Minister's second reading speech--
      Legislative Assembly:
      Legislative Council:
      The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to establish
      Triple Zero Victoria, to repeal the Emergency Services
      Telecommunications Authority Act 2004 and for other purposes. "

                  By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria.



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